cover of episode Jaliek Rainwalker is Still Missing: Are Foster Parents Involved?

Jaliek Rainwalker is Still Missing: Are Foster Parents Involved?

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True Crime with Kendall Rae

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kendall Ray
Kendall Ray: 本期节目讲述了2007年Jaliek Rainwalker失踪的案件。Jaliek从小生活在寄养系统中,遭受虐待和忽视,养父母Stephen Kerr和Jocelyn McDonald因其行为问题而感到困难,并最终试图取消领养。在临时照护期间,Jaliek向照护者透露了家庭的糟糕状况和遭受的虐待。失踪当晚,Stephen带Jaliek去了父母的空置房屋,第二天早上发现Jaliek失踪。Stephen报警后,警方展开调查,但多年来未取得重大进展。Stephen拒绝接受测谎测试,并对警方调查不合作。警方调查发现Stephen对失踪当晚行踪的说法与手机数据不符,养父母随后搬离了住所。Jaliek的祖母Barbara非法进入养父母住所,找到了Jaliek的衣物,为警方提供了重要线索。最终,警方将此案定性为可能的凶杀案,但Jaliek至今仍未找到。 Stephen Kerr: Stephen Kerr坚称自己与儿子的失踪无关,并表示警方对他进行不公平的对待。他拒绝接受测谎测试,并声称儿子可能离家出走或自杀。他曾公开表示相信儿子还活着,并在守夜活动前拆除了社区里的寻人启事。 Jocelyn McDonald: Jocelyn McDonald与Stephen Kerr一起抚养Jaliek,也对警方调查表示不满。她曾表示担心Jaliek离家出走自杀。 Barbara: Jaliek的祖母Barbara认为Jaliek是一个充满活力、善良的孩子,偶尔的暴力行为与他的过去有关。她曾讲述Stephen曾对Jaliek施暴的事件,并试图获得Jaliek的监护权。她非法进入养父母住所,找到了Jaliek的衣物,为警方提供了重要线索。 Elaine Ackerman: Elaine Ackerman是Jaliek的临时照护者,Jaliek在她的照护期间向她透露了家庭的糟糕状况和遭受的虐待。她表示Jaliek在她家期间表现良好,并澄清了Jaliek留下的告别信并非逃跑信。 Tom Ackerman: Tom Ackerman与Elaine Ackerman一起照护Jaliek,并与Elaine一起向警方提供了关于Jaliek在他们家期间的情况。

Deep Dive

Jaliek Rainwalker's life was marked by significant challenges from birth, including being born to a drug-addicted mother and entering the foster care system. Despite his troubled past, he showed a deep and emotional side, especially with his maternal grandmother, Barbara.

Shownotes Transcript

This episode covers the 2007 disappearance of Jaliek Rainwalker, a child who bounced around in the foster care system and suffered the abuse and neglect that tends to go along with that life. No one knew how to handle his temper, and it seemed that no one was willing to try.

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