cover of episode Why Every Courthouse Should Have the Ten Commandments

Why Every Courthouse Should Have the Ten Commandments

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The Charlie Kirk Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Charlie Kirk
Darren Beattie
J.D. Vance
Matt Boyle
Matt Boyle: 认为特朗普有更多途径赢得270张选举人票,并详细阐述了其胜选策略,包括赢得关键战场州以及应对第三方候选人带来的挑战。他认为,即使一些民调显示特朗普落后,但其支持率实际上可能被低估了。他还分析了第三方候选人对选情的影响,认为对拜登的影响大于对特朗普的影响,并强调下届总统只会是特朗普或拜登。最后,他高度评价J.D. Vance,认为其将是特朗普理想的副总统人选,并能帮助特朗普赢得更多中西部白人工薪阶层选民的支持。 J.D. Vance: J.D. Vance强调美国战争中牺牲的士兵主要来自中产阶级,他们希望战争是为了美国的利益,而不是为了其他国家的利益。他认为特朗普比其他任何美国政治家都更能主张和平,只在必要时才发动战争,并且在战争中会全力以赴取得胜利。他认为特朗普不会发动不必要的全球民主战争,这与拜登政府的做法形成对比。 Charlie Kirk: Charlie Kirk在节目中与嘉宾讨论了特朗普的胜选策略,并表达了对特朗普的支持。他还就十诫在路易斯安那州公立学校的展示发表了评论,认为这符合美国价值观,并对民主党的一些政策提出了批评。

Deep Dive

Charlie Kirk and Matt Boyle analyze recent polls and discuss Trump's potential pathways to victory, highlighting the importance of key battleground states and the impact of third-party candidates.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, everybody. Time to Charlie Kirk show. Darren Beattie joins the program. We also talk about the Ten Commandments and Matt Boyle also joins us. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com and become a member to support this program. Members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. That is members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. So check it out right now. Members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. If you want to get special benefits, ask me questions every Friday. That is members dot Charlie Kirk dot com.

Email me as always freedom at and subscribe to our podcast. Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to We have our new book out, Right Wing Revolution.

Check it out right now. How to Beat the Woke and Save the West. It's That is The book is going really well. And Chapter 7, Reject the Cult of Defeat. And that is partially what we're going to be talking about this hour, is how do we reject that cult of defeat? Now, the new Fox News poll, again, came out, and it was really interesting. First of all, I find part of it to be inaccurate.

But if they use the same methodology that they did in 2020, we're in a much better spot, a much better spot. The same poll in 2020 showed Trump down 12 points. This one showed Trump down two points. Now, this said Trump losing rural voters. That's not going to happen. But joining us now is Matt Boyle from Breitbart dot com. Matt, you sat down with Senator J.D. Vance, who I hope becomes Trump's vice presidential selection. Your impressions.

Uh, yeah, look, uh, I had a blast this weekend in Detroit, uh, at the people's convention. I thought you guys are, uh, did a great job putting on that event. And I think it's really important. Look, the, the, not just what happens on that main stage with those big programs, uh, and the big speakers and, you know, the famous people coming and going, but also the real work that you guys are doing in those training sessions, teaching people how to do the, um,

the ballot chasing operations, because as you're mentioning there at the outset, the polls look good, right? Like across the board, even the ones that like that Fox poll, which is dumb for a number of reasons. But the you know, we just saw it just now on the lead up to the last hour or so. Emerson College has released new battleground state polls recently.

done over the last several days that show Donald Trump leading every single battleground state and he's tied with Biden in Minnesota.

Again, I did a number of interviews there when I was there at the Turning Point Action People's Convention. And frankly, I was laying out the pathway to victory for the 270 electoral votes for President Trump. And I am firmly of the belief at this point that Donald Trump has more pathways to 270 electoral votes than Joe Biden. If Donald Trump holds together everything he had in 2020, the

and then flips back Georgia and Arizona, both of which are looking pretty good right now. I'm not, you know, don't take anything to the bank until it's done. And all the work has to go out there and be done over the course of the next several months. Then he's one state away from the presidency. That state could be Michigan where we were this weekend or,

Wisconsin or Pennsylvania or Minnesota or Virginia. There's a number of other ones out there, too. But the point is, I want to I want to expand on that really quick, Matt. So the Emerson poll is a typically liberal leaning poll. Do you know if it was likely voters or registered voters? Do you know? I actually I'm pulling it up. I'm trying to see.

They usually would. But I'm not sure they were one of the. Yeah, they're a liberal pollster, but they also tend to get it a little bit more right than some of the other ones out there. I remember back in 2016, they were like it was their polls and we were doing polls with Gravis at the time. They were like the only ones that saw it coming.

Yeah. So the Emerson, I'm going to see if it's likely or registered, because if it's likely, the polls are probably underestimating Trump's support because the unlikely voter is where Trump is doing better. Now, Matt, I want to isolate one part of this, which is important. And then I want to get to your clip with J.D. Vance. So fascinating element here in Wisconsin, more candidates on the ballot hurts Trump. In Minnesota, it helps Trump. In Michigan, it helps Trump.

Pennsylvania, it helps Trump. In Georgia, Trump is up four if it's just Trump-Biden. Trump is up eight points with five options in Georgia. In Arizona, no net increase. Four points, four points. In Nevada, three points, three points. Your reaction, Matt Boyle? Yeah, look, I think it's a little bit more complicated than like RFK pulls votes from Trump or RFK pulls votes from Biden. I do think there's a lot of disdain out there. I

among a lot of different people on both sides with the two-party system. And let's be frank, people don't want to see the rematch, right? But that's the choice that we're given. And the next president of the United States will be Donald Trump or it will be Joe Biden. It will not be one

one of these other third party options. I do think though, that when you add in the other options, like the people like Jill Stein or Cornell West, they pull exclusively from Democrats, right? Like, and you see the radical left protests on college campuses over the last several months. Those are the people that are likely to go to a Cornell West or a Jill Stein. And we saw Jill Stein really play a,

a spoiler in many respects against Hillary Clinton in 2016, right? Like, you know, some of the battleground states that were really close, like a Michigan, like a Minnesota, that was a big part of why the election played out the way it did. And I think that seeing strong third party candidates out there does hurt Biden on both

on the whole more than it hurts Trump, though. I do think RFK pulls a little bit from Trump and that's not a good thing. So the right needs to continue to expose the fact that he is a lifelong Democrat. He did say some cool stuff about COVID and he said some cool stuff about some different other things, but like,

This is not a time to play games, right? Like, again, the president of the United States will be Donald Trump or it will be Joe Biden. It's that simple. Let's play Cut 132, your viral clip with J.D. Vance, 132.

If you look at who serves, who fights and dies in American wars, it is disproportionately middle-class people from the industrial Midwest. Like you go to a Marine Corps base when I served and you will see a ton of Texas and a ton of Ohio license plates, right? It was sort of, it became like a joke. Everybody in the Marine Corps is either from Texas or

or from Ohio, right? That means that those people, those sort of patriotic Americans, they're sending their kids to the United States Marine Corps, to the United States Army. They don't want to send those kids to fight for Volodymyr Zelensky. If we send American boys and girls to war, they want it to be for America's interests. And I think Trump, better than anybody in American politics today, can go and make the argument that we are for peace when we need to, and we're only going to fight a war when we have to. But when we do, we're going to punch hard and we're going to win.

We're not doing these sort of global wars of democracy, which again is something the Biden administration has really doubled down on. I think Trump would take us in a different direction. But we got to make that pitch to people that if you want your kid to go and fight in some stupid globalist war, vote for Joe Biden. If you want to send American Marines and soldiers to fight only when we have to, vote for Donald Trump.

Tell us a little bit more about that clip and your impression with being with J.D. Vance. Do you think he'd be a solid vice presidential pick? Yeah, no doubt, Charlie. He would definitely be a very solid pick, probably the best of the crop. And look, we have an abundance of riches on the right. Like I have nothing against the other people that are in the mix for this either. But the fact of the matter is that the.

J.D. Vance would, I think, really help Donald Trump seal the deal with white working class voters in the upper Rust Belt states, right? Like, so Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, that's where Trump needs to really push the envelope to win the election. And that's the conversation that I was having with the senator there at the People's Convention was about that. The question I was asking him, which you don't see in the clip there, but the

The question I was asking him is how do you win those Rust Belt voters? Right. How do you get them to make sure that they vote for Donald Trump? And that's what he's talking about. And I think he really connects with those people because he is those people. Right. Like and so I think that J.D. Vance's background, his story are extremely powerful and he has an understanding of those issues. Again, like I said.

I have no dog in the fight. And I like a lot of the other people being talked about. Bergman is fine and Rubio is fine and Tim Scott's fine. I like all of them. I have great personal relationships with them. But I do think that J.D. Vance has the edge with President Trump in helping him connect back with those people even more so and would help steer the campaign in a way that is designed to actually win that fight. Matt Boyle, great work. Thank you so much. Yep, you bet.

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If you can, I'll send you the first person to do so. Sign book. It's the honor system. You could obviously do it, but I'll be able to tell if you Google it or not, because if you ask a Orthodox Jew or just a Jew, what are the Ten Commandments? If you ask a Catholic, what are the Ten Commandments? And you ask a Protestant, you get three different answers. It's the same list, but they actually have different breakdowns of what actually is a commandment.

So, for example, in Judaism, they believe the first statement, first of all, in Hebrew, it's really the 10 statements, not the 10 commandments. And the first statement is in Exodus 20, when Moses goes up to Sinai, the first statement is, I am the Lord, your God, who delivered you out of Egypt, the house of bondage. That is actually the first statement in Judaism.

In Catholicism and Protestantism, that is not considered the first commandment. The first commandment is you shall have no other gods before me. Now, interestingly, there's a debate between Protestants and Catholics. And I noticed this. No one taught me this, but we had in our home the Ten Commandments.

And I know them. I've studied them. I love the Ten Commandments. I've dedicated a fair amount of scholarship to. I don't know the whole Bible as well as I would like to. I know it pretty well. But the Ten Commandments, I know very, very well. And all of a sudden, I was looking at the Ten Commandments in our home, and Erica got it passed down on her family, and her family was Catholic. And I said, those aren't the Ten Commandments.

You see, in Catholicism, the second commandment is not the same as the second commandment in Judaism and in Protestantism, which is the second commandment is you shall have no idols or you shall make no like forms. You shall have no craven images. Catholicism put one and two together for whatever reason you can speculate. And then at the end in Catholicism, they turn thou shall not covet into two separate things.

It's commandments. Thou shall not cover your neighbor's wife and thou shall not cover covet your neighbor's ox. So covet gets two commandments in Catholicism and they blend one and two into one. That that's the way that Catholics want to do it. OK, so the Ten Commandments is the basis of Western civilization. So it goes very simply and very clearly. And again, I how many people can actually name them? It's a very important thing, which, of course, is the first commandment.

You shall have no other gods before me. I am the Lord your God, and you shall have no other gods before me. You shall make no craven images. You shall not take your Lord's name. Then it goes, you shall not take the Lord's name in vain. But that's actually not the commandment, is that you shall not carry the Lord's name in vain. I don't have time in this segment to tell you what exactly that means, but it means do not do evil in the name of God.

You should for six days, you shall work. And for one day, you shall rest to keep the Sabbath day. Holy. Also, your slave, your ox also get a Sabbath day. The fifth commandment, which is the bridge between the divine and humanity, is honor your mother and father so that you shall live long in the land of which you are in. The only one of the Ten Commandments has a promise and involves your nation. So I got to move faster as I'm running out of time. Of course, shall not murder, shall not commit adultery, shall not steal.

shall not bear fault witness against her neighbor and shall not covet. Okay. Who could disagree with that list? The 10 commandments. Well, Louisiana has just done an amazing thing and they are now requiring the 10 commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom. And I think this is awesome. Now, some people will say separation of church and state, and I will say, well, where in the constitution to say separation of church and state, it doesn't say that

That is from the Warren Court and the Burger Court that went back to Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Convention in 1807 when he guaranteed that the state would not go after the church. But do you really believe in separation of morality and state? Nobody does. The Ten Commandments, whether you like it or not, is the basis of Western society.

Do you know that the Ten Commandments is in the Supreme Court? Do you know Moses, the greatest lawgiver of all time, is in the House of Representatives? His face is right at the Speaker's rotunda. If everybody would know and follow the Ten Commandments, who could argue the country would be worse off? I applaud Governor Landry for passing this piece of legislation. I applaud Louisiana.

to put this forward. The Ten Commandments are a threat to globalists. God is a threat. And more importantly, the belief that there is a God and you are not him, that there is a God that instructs you a certain way to live. Honor your parents. The trans zealots don't believe that.

Do not give false testimony to your neighbor. Dr. Fauci doesn't believe that. Shall not murder. Planned Parenthood doesn't believe that. Shall not steal. The case for looting. And BLM does not believe that. I could go through every one of the Ten Commandments and almost every single one of them violates the core tenets of the Democrat Party. Maybe that's why the ACLU is suing. Maybe that's why the Democrats are outraged that the divine commandments from God himself that built the West are now reemerging.

In public school classrooms in Louisiana. I think it's awesome. Praise God. Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here. I want to share with you an upcoming film that has core values like bravery, courage, individuality, hope and firm faith of the best is yet to come. It's called Horizon and American Saga. Dive into the heart of the nation with Horizon and American Saga, where faith, family and freedom intertwine to ignite the patriotic flame.

This film delves into courage, resilience, and unyielding determination of America's pioneer spirit. Horizon, an American saga, highlights timeless values and cherished principles serving as an inspiration and stirring tribute to the quintessential American ethos. Horizon is the story of how America became the country we love.

It's the story of courageous men and women who sacrifice everything for their chance at the American dream. Hollywood legend, Kevin Costner stars in and directs the epic tale of how the West was won this July 4th. Make horizon part of your celebration of this great nation. Don't miss horizon and American saga chapter one in theaters, June 28th and chapter two in theaters, August 16th. Again, it is an American saga. Check it out right now.

Joining us now is Darren Beattie from Revolver.News. That is Revolver.News. Check it out right now. Darren, welcome to the program. Talk about this new story on Revolver News. Predictive programming. Shocking claim. The deep state is plotting a false flag terrorist attack. Tell us about this.

Well, you know, you're hearing this chatter increasingly on news shows and in commentary, this specter of a prospective terror attack. And this was, I believe, an Axios report that cited one of the same journalists

dirtbag liars from the so-called intelligence community that lied about the Hunter laptop. So you can get a sense both as to this person's credibility and this person's political agenda. And when you attach those two items to this prediction of

a likely terror attack, it's deeply concerning, especially in light of the fact that, as I've been saying and a lot of people have been saying, the Biden regime and Biden in particular is in panic mode because the ace up their sleeve this time

was the lawfare. The ace up their sleeve this time was the Stormy Daniels trial that everyone understands is a joke and has backfired. That is the COVID of 2024, and it hasn't worked well like COVID did. And so they need something else. And people are starting to say, are they really going to pull out the ultimate ace, which is the World War III card, and hope that that can help to

assure Biden of the presidency. That's sort of the broader context in which this becomes. So let's just be clear. I mean, we've been talking about a black swan event for quite some time. So is the FBI and CIA, are they planning to kill a bunch of people and then lie about it so they can steal another election? Well, I wouldn't put it past them at all. Again, people do very desperate and very stupid and very dangerous things when they're in panic mode.

And this is certainly the condition that the regime is in. If there's anyone from the FBI or CIA or any of these agencies listening, and there's always a few full time people who are just paid to listen to our programs and read our sites to find naughty things that they can complain about. But if there's anyone from these agencies listening, I'm going to urge you, don't do it. It won't actually help.

Yes, there's a traditional advantage to the incumbency when there's a major attack, but I would submit that Biden is in a state of such obvious senescence, such conspicuous mental decline that any event of that type of magnitude would only worsen his position because nobody wants somebody like Biden on the helm, doddering, diapering Biden

In a World War III situation. So I think that's going to be the exception. If the regime thinks that that's going to help Biden, they need to think again, because it will only highlight the deficiencies of Biden as a leader in time of crisis.

So what can we do as citizens to prevent? I think, honestly, us having this discussion and talking about a potential black swan event might mute and might slow down their willingness or zeal to do something. Do you agree with that, Darren, that that sunlight is the best disinfectant? One hundred percent, Charlie. Look, predictive programming works both ways. You know, we can we can tell people, look, false flags are a thing. The government is corrupt.

The government has done this before. Don't buy it. And people are prepared. And you know what? It's not just about this single kind of conversation or even the concept of a false flag. Over the past seven, eight years or so, the regime has

has destroyed its own credibility and legitimacy to the point that people don't believe anything anymore. Even stuff that's real, people don't believe. That's the state of distrust that we're in. And so the whole concept of a false flag, I think, is predicated on the type of legitimacy that existed in a different era. I don't think the government can get away with false flags anymore at all, period, let alone in this era.

highly suspicious type of circumstance. So I hate to say this. I get angry emails when I go after this. But are they going to try and assassinate Donald Trump? And do you have confidence that he is protected and safe? You know, I that's always a danger. And again, that, you know, this assassinations have happened before. So we we never want to dismiss this entirely.

I suspect that sort of thing would be highly unlikely, but it's certainly something we want to watch out for. And again, as uncomfortable as it is even to articulate it out loud, there's some kind of inoculation effect to articulating it again, to put in people's minds, watch out for this. So the regime knows that if they were to do something like this, it wouldn't work the way that they thought it would work. They should take pause and look how spectacularly

their lawfare efforts have failed. They were really counting on the two lame, impotent words, convicted felon to do the heavy lifting

that this fake pandemic did in 2024, this thing where they shut down the entire global economy over basically nothing. They're counting on a stormy Daniels trial to do that kind of heavy lifting because of the scary words convicted felon. The word felon only has the kind of purchase that they were expecting

in a situation in which the legal system is perceived as legitimate, which is not the situation today. So again, a lot of these old tricks that they have are predicated upon, have as a presupposition, the underlying legitimacy or perception of legitimacy that simply doesn't exist anymore due to years and years and years of lies and proven lies. Yeah, I think you're right. And again, I

I think us actually mentioning publicly that there might be an assassination attempt against Donald Trump. I'll tell the audience this. This last weekend, we had an amazing event in Detroit, Michigan. We had Secret Service there, and everyone knows we've had our disputes with Secret Service, overly bureaucratic and Biden-centric. However, I want to give them a compliment.

There was a there was a system that they had put up where you must enter through certain doors and all this sort of stuff. Detroit Police Department, which is not exactly a group of rocket scientists, they allowed four people in through a separate entrance that were used that had backpacks and that were not screened by Secret Service. Secret Service found out about it and they shut down the entire convention center, found out that it was benign. It wasn't bombs or anything, but they made everyone leave, rescreened them out of an abundance of caution.

Now, again, that actually screwed up our day. It delayed our programming by nearly an hour and a half. It was a total pain in the neck. A ton of people were angry. A ton of people were complaining. 90 minutes later, we finally reopened stuff. However, I saw a Secret Service organization that was taking the protection of Donald Trump so seriously. I have to wonder, Darren, is that because we're openly talking about this and they now take this as a sense of a challenge and obligation to keep him safe?

Their defenses aren't down, is what I'm saying. No, that could be, but there's the political element and the political rubric of the Secret Service. That's a problem. They're under the DHS, and there was a lot of political...

problems with the Secret Service. But the agents themselves, I mean, they are the best in the world. This is the best protective detail in the world. Very well funded. The people are very well trained and very serious. And you've dealt with them extensively. I've dealt with them. And in every such dealing, they've exhibited the highest level of professionalism. So it doesn't surprise me

what you say, they have a very serious job and they take it very seriously. I want to get to this story here, Revolver.News. Major tentacle sliced off censorship beast with disgraced Stanford think tank shut down. The internet was supposed to be at first a force of liberation. And then remember how much they loved the internet and social media when Obama was running for office? Look at the internet, look at social media. We can get all these progressive people elected, but then Donald Trump used

the internet in 2016 to defeat Hillary Clinton. And then all of a sudden became a disinformation problem. But then they used the internet and social media in 2020 to launch a color revolution against own people to get Joe Biden in through Floyd, a Palouse and COVID and social media was amazing again. But now social media is a problem again because TikTok is challenging the mainstream opinion. What is going on here with this story? Stanford think tank shuts down.

Well, you know, the censorship archipelago, the censorship apparatus, or something called the censorship industrial complex is very complicated and different components.

I would tell the story as follows, that originally people thought that the censorship problem was the result of enthusiastic left-wing fanatics embedded within the various big tech companies. And to be sure, that is a very real part of the problem. Just look at people like Yul Roth, the former head of Twitter public safety, to take but one of many examples.

But as time went on, I think people paying attention caught on to a different and even darker dimension, which is that the censorship in many ways is being driven by

the government, by the regime, by the national security state. And just as we were reporting on the color revolution being a sort of specific regime change methodology favored by a subset of the national security state and that group reorienting these tools to go after Trump, so many of the social media tools and the censorship and even terms of art like disinformation and misinformation, these come from an intelligence and even

foreign policy type context, usually used in the context of information wars between national nation states. Those terms, that vocabulary and the approach

was similarly repurposed domestically in order to silence conversations and narratives thought to be damaging to Biden or thought to be favorable to Trump. And the mechanism of this was driven by the government, specifically the DHS, but also other agencies. Yes.

Darren, you were closing your thought there. I cut you off. Your thoughts? No problem. So the first dimension, censors within the big tech companies themselves. Second dimension was this is also a government problem. The government, particularly the national security state, and more particularly the Department of Homeland Security, has been a driving force of censoring all these narratives.

The third dimension are these sort of private public NGO cutouts that exist to outsource the censorship capabilities that the government wants to implement in a way that circumvents First Amendment issues and

In that context, a variety of think tanks popped up all over the country and universities. One of them is the Stanford Internet Observatory that invokes the imagery of a kind of, you know, telescope, you know, looking at the cosmos or something. But what it is, is

a bunch of hall monitor librarian types with a chip on their shoulder monitoring what you say and trying to shut you up and censor you. This was one of the most notorious outfits. Some of the people running it included Alex Stamos,

who resigned in disgrace, and Rene DiResta, who's resigned in disgrace. And now a rare and important victory. The entire observatory looks like it's in shambles, has funding problems, and looks to be shutting down. So major credit there and also credit to Mike Benz and his organization, Foundation for Freedom Online, that did a lot of work in exposing this group.

I'd like to say one thing about this one, because the question is, okay, that's great that this organization is failed and looks to be disbanded. It's great these people lost their jobs. But the real question is, are they just going to turn up somewhere else? Because that typically seems to be what happens. And ultimately, you know, we need to cut this thing at its root. And just to give a story, this woman, Renee DiResta,

She's one of these censorship professionals. She's just as ridiculous and just as dangerous as the famous singer, the moaning myrtle, Nina Yankovic, that was the ridiculous woman they put in charge of the ill-fated DHS group. Renee DiResta got this job at Stanford from having worked with a group called New Knowledge.

New Knowledge was an organization that did the public service of alerting us to the dangers of Russian disinformation and Russian meddling. The only problem with that, they were caught red-handed creating bots and pretending to be Russian and having these fake Russian bots

support candidates like Roy Moore in the Alabama election. And then after that, complaining that people like Roy Moore were supported by meddling Russians.

You can't make this up. It's that crazy. And they were caught red-handed doing this. And you think in any sane world, an organization that exists to amplify the alleged threat of Russian influence that's caught red-handed creating fake Russians doing fake influence...

you'd think that there would be no future for that. You'd think anyone remotely affiliated with that would never work in this town again, so to speak. But sure enough, these people do nothing but fail upward when you're swimming with the current of the Biden regime. You fail upwards. And sure enough, Rene DiResta landed at this position in Stanford, where

where in turn, there are new nefarious practices were exposed. And again, she leaves in disgrace. And so the big question is, where is she going to end up? We're going to have to do a follow-up piece to trace all of these sort of censorship all-stars and see where they actually land, because it seems like it's game of whack-a-mole that the left-wing

infrastructure just takes care of their own and they find some other cynic here, some other censorship position at some new organization because they have unlimited funding and the media is on their side. So nonetheless, I would consider this a major victory, not only because the Stanford Internet Observatory looks to be defunct, but I think in general, the whole disinformation scam peaked in 2020.

I think it peaked in 2020. It looks to be weakened. Now, part of the reason for this, I hate to always add bad news to the good news, but part of the reason for this is that the regime has decided that instead of deplatforming and censoring the people they don't like, for the real problem cases, they can just indict them and throw them in prison.

That's the new deep platforming. That's the highlight of 2024. So again, hate to add the bad news to good news, but we want to accurately understand the situation we're in. How can people support you, Darren? Go to, Read this piece on the Stanford Internet Observatory and read our classic piece extensive on Renee DiResta. You won't believe this woman. You won't believe people like this exist. So go to, read the piece and share it.

Okay, very good. Darren, thanks so much. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to