Hey, everybody, a fun and important hour. Are they going to pull Joe Biden? We play the tape, including some new revelations from Nancy Pelosi. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. Subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast app and type in Charlie Kirk Show. Become a member today, members.charliekirk.com. When you are a member, you get to listen to all of our episodes advertiser-free.
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and get involved with the most important organization in the country, TPUSA at TPUSA.com. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.
I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.
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This Independence Day week, just a reminder, we have Project 42, where we together are trying to register 42,000 new voters this week, which is the deficit of how many ballots that we were short of in 2020. Wear your hat, engage in conversation, register people to vote. This morning, I went for a walk and I registered a young man who moved from New Jersey to vote here in Arizona. A patriot, a conservative, loves his country, and he has now registered to vote. Okay.
When I watched the debate, we had our whole war room, our whole team set up, but I wanted to go watch it by myself. It's like watching Oregon football. I don't want any distractions. And so I went and watched the debate just in the next room over, and we had the whole war room team there. Andrew was there, Blake was there, and we were ready to kind of go live. And by the way, our live stream was easily seen by at least 15 million people. When I watched the debate,
And Biden glitched. I said, oh, that's bad. But it's not anything new. I said, that's bad. But it's not anything that we haven't seen before. And the reaction after Biden glitched and he forgot where he was and he didn't know what he was saying and we have to beat Medicare and was muttering in raspy voice by people that are not in conservative media, they said, I can't believe it. What's going on here?
You see, you in this audience, we together, we've seen hundreds of these clips, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them. Can't walk upstairs. He malfunctions on a nearly daily basis. We've been covering his dementia now since his first day in office. We've been wondering if he's going to make it. Joe Rogan even a year ago on his podcast said Joe Biden is like the guy on a highway where you have a gas station 45 miles away and you got 30 miles left in the tank. You're not sure you're going to make it.
So when I watched the debate, it didn't seem like that big of a deal to me. Not that because it was anything that was good, but I'm so used to it. And so are you. But the rest of the country isn't. And Democrat operatives and Democrat donors are not. They have been lied to and propagandized. And that is the reason why you are seeing this as a sustained story.
The poll Joe Biden story is just as hot today as it was on Friday. And they're trying to slow it down. They're trying to cool it off. But you got Carl Bernstein on CNN. You got Tim Ryan, who formerly was a congressman and senator from Ohio. The rancor is increasing, not decreasing. This is accelerating, not slowing down.
Now, I want to play a couple pieces of tape here to frame this conversation because there's some unbelievable clips that we want to get into and some remarkable and quite, dare I say, delicious quotes here. For example, the New York Times headline, in staring contrast with Democrat voters, Joe Biden hasn't blinked.
Around Mr. Biden, a siege mentality is set in post-debate, one at odds with the persistent concern of voters who view him as too old to be effective.
So let's first start with this. I want to play cut 46 in a second. The reason why when Joe Biden malfunctioned, we weren't that surprised is because we're truth seekers here. If you are a major Democrat donor, if you are a Democrat insider, you don't love the truth. Truth, as Dennis Prager would say, is not a left wing value. You are so blinded by believing that Donald Trump is new Hitler. You are so blinded
by the idea that he is leading a fascist movement in this country, that you are unable to see the obvious happening right in front of you until other people see it. And it's in front of 50 million people. I asked Ryan and our team, who does a great job. I said, can you just give me a little bit of a taste, a flavor? This is a one minute clip. This clip could have been 15 minutes long. It could have been 30 minutes long of Joe Biden
mispronouncing words of him malfunctioning and glitching all throughout the presidency. And this was just with like, hey, Ryan, can you do this in 10 minutes? Boom. This is Joe Biden blustering on a daily basis. And yet these Democrat donors didn't know this, that these Democrat insiders didn't know this. This is old news. And some people say, oh, no, they knew it. They just weren't acknowledging it. No, some knew it.
remarkably, and this is a unique window into the high society liberal mind. This is a unique window into the psychology of a rich white liberal. They obviously don't watch the Charlie Kirk show. They obviously don't watch War Room. This is just one minute of a little bit of a taste, a little bit of a, just a fraction. By the way, this clip is not a minute long. It's really four years long. We knew this even before he was elected.
But Democrats didn't. Play cut 46. I said I'm going to be a president for everybody whether they live in a red state or a green state. I, uh, um... Anyway, I don't want to... I don't want to... Making Roe v. Word! The best way to get something done, if you... If it holds near and dear to you that you, uh, um, like to be able to... Anyway. Putin's kleptocracy... Yeah. Yeah.
$159,000 billion dollars let. America is a nation that can be defined in a single word. What am I doing here? One, two. A well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. That's a taste. That's not even all of them. This clip could have been 30 minutes long.
And so we knew this, yet Democrat donors and Democrat insiders didn't know this. So some knew it and they were lying. Others were not in on the gig. They don't watch the Charlie Kirk show. They don't watch Bannon. They're not following our conservative social media accounts. This shows that this entire Democrat party
should never get the reins on power again based on this fact alone. Because I'm about to show you what they were saying in the days leading up to the debate. Play cut 47.
He is sharp, intensely probing and detail oriented and focused. This is a man who is sharp, who is on top of his game, who knows what's going on. This guy's tough. He's smart. He's on his game. His mental acuity is great. This is a very sharp president. This is a man that's on his.
Did they know? Some did.
But based on all reports and people that I'm tangentially connected to, what if I told you that this sustained get rid of Joe Biden campaign is largely being led by rich, secluded, cloistered, white, liberal donors that were told that everything was fine? Oh, that's just right wing propaganda. What did they call it? They called it cheap fakes two days before.
They called it cheap fakes. These are the same people that trusted the vaccine. They wear masks while they were swimming in the pool. And they were said that Joe Biden is perfectly fine. They are so blindly trusting of the power center. I cannot tell you how profound I think this debate was, not just about Joe Biden, but to red pill tens of millions of people saying, what else are they lying about? There was no hiding.
What do they say? Democracy dies in darkness. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. And that prideful traitor named Joe Biden. I'm Scranton Joe. I can debate Trump and Trump's like, all right, like you want to do a summer debate? Sure. And pride go with before the fall. And Joe Biden on full display did not just jeopardize his presidency and his campaign, but the integrity of the entire Democratic administrative state apparatus.
Did they know or did they not know? Oh, we're just going to enjoy and eat from the buffet line of the delicious misery of these Democrat scumbags. Okay, I've never seen a discount this huge from Balance of Nature, and this discount is for a limited time. So today is the day to order it. Look, if you've listened to me for any length of time, you've heard me rave about Balance of Nature's amazing fruits and vegetables and their supplements. You've heard their customers rave about how much they love Balance of Nature and how good it is and makes them feel.
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This is an extraordinary offer. Get 50% off your first set today. Even given the high standards of politeness offered to foreigners in foreign lands, everywhere I've traveled around the world for the past four years, and there's been a lot of countries, people are like, so Joe Biden, how is he? Well, I think he has dementia. He certainly does. Like everybody knows, everybody knows because they have, I can't remember, the internet.
And it has video on it. And it takes about 15 seconds to determine the leader of the most powerful country in the world with this mass nuclear arsenal involved in two simultaneous wars doesn't know what day it is. And that's really scary. Democrats right now are not worried that Joe Biden has dementia. They're worried that you now know he has dementia. And those are two different things. They are not concerned that he is not running the country and that he's incapable.
They're worried that they got caught. They got caught on live television. And they're also incredibly upset. Why did Joe Biden agree to this debate? Why did he decide to do this? It was an unforced error. Now, mind you, we went into this debate. We said Joe Biden has a lot more to lose than Donald Trump. By the way, I have to give this program and our team phenomenal credit.
We, to a T, we predicted potential fallout and attack verticals. We said if Donald Trump remains self-restrained and self-control, Joe Biden is likely not to do very well. Don't interrupt your enemy while they're destroying themselves. And that if Joe Biden does not do well, free fall and collapse. Hey, for all the Democrat operatives out there at the DNC, maybe you guys should flip on the Charlie Kirk show as much as Media Matters does. You guys might learn something.
Democrats are now fake rallying behind Joe Biden, but this is all performative. Do you know that Joe Biden has still not picked up the phone and talked to lawmakers or leaders? He has still not picked up the phone to talk to Chuck Schumer or Hakeem Jeffries. This is a defiant Joe Biden who is digging in and doubling and tripling down. And what's amazing is usually the media will have pivoted off this story.
Of the two candidates on Thursday's debate stage, Joe Biden has the most to lose. We tweeted this. I want to read this word for word. We tweeted this out two days before the event. And as Rush Limbaugh taught us, the shows that you should trust the most are the ones that are correct in both predicting and diagnosing.
not just reacting. We said this, the entire world will be watching for the following. Number one, will Joe Biden have a senior moment or slur his words, mumble or lose his train of thought? Oh yes, let me just pause. Democrats did not think this was possible because they didn't think that was a thing. They thought it was right-wing propaganda. It was cheap fakes. Karine Jean-Pierre said it was cheap fakes and she wouldn't lie to us. She's important. She's the White House press secretary.
Number two, can Joe Biden pass the eye test? Will voters really trust a very aged 81-year-old POTUS with four more years? I have to give our show credit on this. From our live stream we did with Jack Posobiec and Tyler and Blake, we correctly pointed out that the fact that CNN went dual screen, that CNN went split screen, was detrimental to the Biden campaign. And they're blaming CNN. That's right. You know things are not going well, right?
When the Democrat party is blaming CNN, our first two points were apparently entirely novel to many Democrats. Let me repeat this. Will Joe Biden have a senior moment? Can Joe Biden pass the eye test? This is a fascinating and it's worthy of multiple hours of examination. This is a fascinating window into the liberal mind of exactly how
They view the world. And honestly, I have to tell you, this is incredibly encouraging what I'm seeing right now. Why is it encouraging? Yes, I know that they might get us in a nuclear war and they are running the country and they don't know. It's encouraging because there is this motif that exists on the right where we think that the left are a group of Bond villains at all times master planning the downfall of Western civilization.
There is this belief that they are sitting around with really high IQs, putting things into artificial intelligence machines and trying to always micromanage the downfall of the West. I think there is some truth to that at times. We call it the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab. But in this sense, these people are just dumb and yet confident. They are stupid yet prideful. They are lacking of wisdom yet arrogant.
And this is either one of the most extraordinary cases of willful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, or Washington CYA you'll ever see. But even if Democrats are telling the truth and they thought everything was fine with Biden until 9.02 p.m. last Thursday, what does that say about them? We all saw what was happening. We were talking about 25th Amendment for quite some time.
We're going to continue. Are they going to pull Biden? What if I told you Democrat governors convened a special emergency call yesterday? The knives are out for Biden. All right. I need to tell you guys about strong cell. It's amazing. With nearly a million units bought by you, it is more clear than ever that strong cell works. It works to combat fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, skin issues and constant sickness. I've been taking it personally for over a year now, and it's changed my life.
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StrongSell.com forward slash Charlie. And don't forget to use special discount code Charlie at checkout to get a special 20% off just for Kirk listeners. StrongSell.com forward slash Charlie. Check it out right now. So this is breaking news here. Nancy Pelosi, who's 84 years old, by the way. Wonder how she stays so young. 84 years old. She looks definitely more chipper than Joe Biden. She was in Joe Biden's camp, Joe Biden's camp, Joe Biden's camp.
And then she just went on MSNBC. This is remarkable. This is breaking news. Again, she's the deputy minister of the Democrat Party. Barack Obama is the papacy. Nancy Pelosi is number two. She asked the question, is Joe Biden, is it an episode or is this a condition? Play cut 56. Now, again, I think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition? That is not.
the narrative that they've been pushing. They've been saying, no, Joe Biden is as good as ever. He's just fine. In fact, here is a little bit of a montage of them defending. There's nothing wrong. By the way, John Fetterman, you should sit this one out. You're not exactly someone who is trusted on mental acuity and sentience.
Play cut 35. That whole abandoned Biden thing, that's the dumbest I've ever heard. It was a bad night. It was a great presidency. It's very clear that he should stay in this race. Joe Biden is not going to take himself out of this race, nor should he. I told you it was a bad night, but it's not the end of the campaign. So they're all doubling down. Now Nancy Pelosi says, we have to know, is this an episode or is this a condition?
In the movie Godfather, there is a very famous scene, and we've talked about it before in this program. By the way, Godfather can be applied to about 80% of all political circumstance. Godfather is a beautiful film, especially the first one. The first and the second are the best. The third is not so good. It's all right. Where a man wakes up, he has this beautiful horse. He loves the horse. He goes to bed. And he wakes up with the head of a horse in his bed as a direct sign from the crime family
You're next. Nancy Pelosi saying, was this an episode or a condition? That is her cable news equivalent of the horse in Joe Biden's bed. That right there is a shot across the bow. That is not a mistake. That is an intentional seven second clip. I'm going to replay it. Then I want to play Bernstein where Pelosi saying, hey, pal, I'm not going to hand over the keys to the White House. Is this a condition?
Is this a condition? Wink. Is it a condition or is it an episode? Because if it's a condition, Joe Biden, you're done. You're not in charge. Barry Sotero and I are going to come down from our throne and speak ex officio and take you out. Part of the Democrat power structure is wavering against Biden. And Biden is white knuckling. Apparently, Joe Biden has an eight-step program
of how he's going to revitalize his campaign. What is this, AA? You got Alcoholics Anonymous and you got Biden restart campaign. Carl Bernstein is one of the respected philosopher kings of the Democrat Party. Carl Bernstein was part of the whole Nixon Watergate thing. Again, he has been lending, he has been borrowing on that for 40 years. Okay, but Bernstein is a good little soldier.
Bernstein does what he's told. He defends Democrats, calls Donald Trump Hitler, does a book every couple of years, and goes on vacations on Martha's Vineyard. Whatever. There's a lot of guys like that. However, this loyal little soldier is not exactly marching to the beat of the Democrat drum right now. Play cut 44.
Carl, according to people you've been talking to, what are you hearing? Well, these are people, several of them, who are very close to President Biden, who love him, have supported him, have been among them, or some people who have raised a lot of money for him.
And they are adamant that what we saw the other night, the Joe Biden we saw, is not a one-off. That there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show that we witnessed. 15 or 20, that sounds as 15 or 20 a day. He didn't qualify the frequency.
Is it 15 or 20 over the last year or 15 to 20 a day? This is a remarkable thing to witness. The Joe Biden campaign, they are showing no signs of weakening. But this Pelosi clip of all the things I've seen, that one is the most, understand Pelosi controls Newsom.
They're basically family. There's some sort of alleged marriage connection, but she controls the whole Democrat coalition. Do you know who else Nancy Pelosi effectively controls? Kamala Harris. What was Kamala Harris's come to power? She came through to power in the Bay Area and then to the California Attorney General's office and then to the U.S. Senate. Breaking a CNN poll released today.
shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden 49 to 43%. This poll also indicates that Kamala Harris is much closer to Donald Trump, 47% to 45%. Nancy Pelosi very well might be calling in the relief pitcher. She might be doing the signs. Nancy Pelosi there on MSNBC, she just picked up the bullpen. Yep, start warming up. He's fading. Yep, thanks.
By the way, I just have to say in baseball, I don't watch baseball anymore. It's just, it's a husk of its former self. I do love in baseball that in this modern technology where you can text, you can do everything, they still go to the old phone booth aesthetic to call in a relief pitcher. I think it's awesome. I still think that's great. They should never lose that. No cell phone, none of that. They still go to the old bullpen phone.
New CNN poll shows that Trump is leading Biden 49 to 43. And by the way, here's Jake Tapper cut 45. He is not relenting. He does like, you know, I guess intermediary coverage. And then at the end of this clip, watch this. There has not been a stand down order when it comes to Joe Biden. In fact, there is somebody and I think I know who who is keeping this alive.
This, again, is not dying. It is not waning. It is increasing. Play cut 45. In just hours, President Biden will return to Washington, D.C., undoubtedly a weaker candidate than he was at this point last week. President Biden huddled at Camp David over the weekend with his family, which sources say encouraged him to stay in the race. His family reportedly blaming Biden's stunningly flawed debate performance on his top aides and advisers.
Today, Biden advisers tell CNN's Jeff Zeleny that the president is considering sitting down for a high profile interview in the coming days in an attempt to reassure voters about his fitness for office. Biden campaign chair General Malley Dillon holding a car with call with party leaders earlier today, telling them this, too, shall pass.
There is a pattern, discernible pattern of Democratic officials seemingly trying to convince you, the public, to not believe what you saw and what you heard with your eyes and with your ears on Thursday night. That's awfully subtle, Jake. Basically saying the entire Biden campaign is lying and telling you didn't see that. Here's the even more telling part of the Pelosi clip.
She says that both candidates owe doing whatever mental test people demand of them. So she's turning up the heat here. Pelosi says, is this an episode? Is this a condition? You see, if I was Pelosi and I was trying to cover for Biden, she would just do what she always does. This is just a bunch of right wing propaganda. No, no, no, no. She is working in harmony with the subterranean Obamas, the Obama gang. They want Biden out.
You see that with David Plouffe, Rhodes, Axelrod. And now the deputy minister of the Democrat Party says, how about a mental test? What is this, a MAGA rally? How many times has Donald Trump said we need to take a cognition test? Play cut 57. We should be tearing up what he said the other day because it was a pack of lies. And it's very hard to debate somebody when you have to
undo or debunk everything they're saying. So both candidates, both candidates, whatever test you want to put them to in terms of their mental acuity and their health. First of all, there is not that much plastic in the Pacific Ocean. But yes, sure. Mental test. Yeah, fine, Nancy. That's that's weird. The game is on. The poll is on.
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The Democrat Party is not sure of exactly where to go. The recent polling shows, and this is a breaking news poll, Donald Trump up 49, 43% on Biden, 47, 45 on Kamala Harris, 48, 43 on Newsom, 47, 43 on Buttigieg, 47, 42 Whitmer. So do they just hand it over to Kamala Harris? Joe Biden will have to willingly release. He'll have to willingly say, I'm done.
Jamie Raskin, who's another little good, obedient soldier of the Democrat regime, had this to say on MSNBC Playcut 6.
Obviously, there was a big problem with Joe Biden's debate performance. And there's also just a tremendous reservoir of affection and love for Joe Biden in our party. And so this makes it a difficult situation for everybody. But there are very honest and serious and rigorous conversations taking place at every level of our party because it is a political party and we have differences of point of view. I mean, if you compare that
to the non-existent dialogue and conversation that took place in the Republican Party after Donald Trump's criminal conviction on 34 counts. It's remarkable. This is something we're seeing. We saw this in the Reid Hoffman email, and it's very interesting. They are envious of how we consolidated around Donald Trump in a time of crisis. And they say, because our candidate can't speak in sentences, we should do the same.
It's a fascinating thing. And I think they're not totally wrong in the sense that we passed the test. They thought they could divide our ranks through applying pressure on us and we consolidated. Now, this is very important.
If Joe Biden remains on the ticket, which we'll see and understand, the poll that I mentioned also find Kamala Harris 47-45 within the margin of error. Harris is slightly stronger showing against Trump, rests at least in part on broader support from women, 50% of female voters back Harris over Trump versus 44% for Biden against Trump and independents. Now, mind you, this is before we run any sort of negative campaign on Biden, but Biden is definitely a little bit weaker than Kamala Harris after this debate.
And again, they'll call up Buttigieg from the transportation. I'm telling you, it's Buttigieg is easy. He's within the cabinet. You put up there, he'll raise a bunch of money. He'll do everything the big tech guys do. They'll get excited. Younger voters. Look at my husband. Disgusting, the whole thing. And so the CNN also says three quarters of U.S. voters say the Democrat Party would have a better shot at holding the presidency in 2024 with someone other than Joe Biden. But they have a much bigger problem. They covered for Biden.
And what is the process of how this works? So the party of democracy is just going to hand it off to Kamala Harris and the Chicago convention that if they go to the convention in August, they're just going to hand it off to Joe Biden without any of their their primary voters selected Joe Biden. I thought it's all about elections. It's about it's about a primary type race. Are they just going to bypass the delegate process?
And we must remind people, it's not just that Joe Biden is a bad debater and has lost his mind. His entire administration has been waging war against the country. We now need to slightly pivot our messaging, slightly, and make this less about Joe Biden the person and remind people the destructive, anti-American, poisonous set of policies and decisions that this cabal has done against the country.
That it's Kamala Harris who is in charge of the border and allowed us to be invaded. It was Pete Buttigieg as to why we can't have planes taking off on time. And we have one of the worst, most embarrassing infrastructure grids. It's about a trillion dollars in infrastructure. You can't get a road built in a decade in this country. And Pete Buttigieg is going on about racist roads and transgender bridges or whatever. We must remind people.
And relentlessly stay on offense. Right now, Democrats are on defense. We must expect their next move. Joe Biden may or may not relinquish power. It doesn't look like he will. It'll be an embarrassment if he does. And if they hand it to Kamala Harris, be ready. Be ready for a major pivot, for a coronation.
They will go into an Obama style madness behind Kamala Harris. And she alongside Joe Biden are responsible for the invasion and inflation, the invasion and inflation. So what are we to do? Answer this weekend, go register new voters.
Because if they go to Kamala Harris, they're going to have a new spark. This race will narrow. It'll come down, like as we've said, for 20,000, 30,000 votes in Arizona, 10,000, 20,000 votes in Michigan, 20,000 votes in Pennsylvania. And Kamala Harris will do much worse with higher propensity voters. It might actually change the game a little bit.
So what are we to do? Get out the vote. Find new voters, register in the vote at tpaction.com slash vote. That is tpaction.com slash vote. It matters less who we are running against and more about what we end up doing in preparation. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to charliekirk.com.