Hey everybody, happy Sunday. Dr. Larry Arnn joins us, president of Hillsdale College, our conversation from the People's Convention. Just one thing you have to know about, support Hillsdale College by going to charlie4hillsdale.com. That is the website, charlie4hillsdale.com. They are wonderful supporters of our program. They are America's greatest college. So go to charlie4hillsdale.com. You can take their online courses and learning character, faith, and freedom. They are inseparable purposes of Hillsdale College.
They develop minds and improve hearts. Hillsdale College is a small Christian classical liberal arts college in Southern Michigan that operates independently of government funding. Their students come from nearly all of the United States and a dozen foreign countries. It is charlieforhillsdale.com. Hillsdale offers free online courses. They're America's public education. You could check it out right now. Their latest online courses are remarkable. Go to charlieforhillsdale.com. That is charlieforhillsdale.com.
You will learn something. You will love it. Charlie4Hillsdale.com. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.
I want to thank John. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.
Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at noblegoldinvestments.com. That is noblegoldinvestments.com. It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. Hello, everybody. Great to see you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
First, I wanted to say, Turning Point Academy is doing such amazing work. We're going to talk about that throughout our dialogue. But Hots, you and the entire team, if you are interested in alternative choices for education, please go by the Turning Point Academy booth. Go up to the Turning Point Academy team and ask and inquire. I have to tell you, you know my opinions on college, everybody.
I'm kind of well known for that, Dr. Arnn. I use a scam word, right? Not so good. But if you read the college scam, which I know many of you have, there is one college that I say is not a scam. Right there. There's a copy of it.
And it's Hillsdale College. That's right. It's the only one I list by name. And it has been such a blessing the last couple of years to get to know Dr. Arnn, to get to know Kyle, to visit Hillsdale because I'm a critic of most colleges. And the reason I'm a critic of most colleges is because they're not doing what Hillsdale is doing.
And what Hillsdale does is they have the right understanding of what education actually is. And that's what we're going to talk about with Dr. Arnn today mostly. Because even some conservatives have the wrong idea of what education is. I'm going to tell you one of the things I hear a lot. Sometimes parents will say, I just want my teacher to be viewpoint neutral and let the kids learn as they want and they dictate the terms.
I hear that all the time from conservatives. Or sometimes conservatives would say, I don't want the teacher to say what is right or wrong. I just want them to do what is math and science. You've heard that a lot, right? Well, the purpose of education is actually to lead a student closer to what is good, true, and beautiful, not just to allow them to meander into the abyss. Hillsdale College is America's greatest college, period. It is America's greatest college. And...
I am uniquely positioned to say that because I think I have spoken at the most colleges of any living person in the last decade. And if you haven't visited, you'll see it for yourself. Where other statues are spray painting and taking down statues, other colleges are, they have statues of Frederick Douglass and Winston Churchill. They have statues of Abraham Lincoln. It's just remarkable. When you meet a Hillsdale graduate, you just get it. It's just a totally different thing. And so we're super blessed and honored to welcome...
a mentor of mine and a teacher and someone who has just changed higher education from Hillsdale was not where it was when Dr. Arndt took over. It was well known, but it was not the behemoth or the machine. And by the way, all of you can benefit from what Hillsdale does. I take their online courses and I have over half of them completed, right, Kyle? I had a second kid, so I'm a little behind the curve here.
But they're free of charge. You guys can write it down right now. It's charlieforhillsdale.com. Charlieforhillsdale.com. And you can listen to them as podcasts. You can listen to them when you're in the car. They are tough. They're challenging, but they're worthwhile. And they're about everything from the citizenship class, American history, Aristotle, Winston Churchill. They're so worthwhile, especially for your kids and grandkids to take. It's charlieforhillsdale.com. So I want you to join me in welcoming Charlie.
the best leader in higher education that I, if we had a thousand Larry Arns in colleges across the country, our country would be in a much better place. Join me in welcoming Dr. Larry Arn. Welcome Dr. Arn. Hey Charlie. So, uh, so Dr. Arn, I think there's so much to cover and I did my best here to brag on Hillsdale. And I of course mean every single word and you deserve such credit and praise. I'm going to ask you a simple but deep question.
What is the purpose of education? What does education mean? I have to begin by correcting you, Charlie. I met Charlie when he was 19 years old. See, I don't talk about this part of the story. I made a big mistake. I think he's now 21. But I was skeptical of that boy. And I thought he was too young and ignorant to be famous. And I told him he ought to get serious about his education. And I now certify him.
He's a man of serious worth. He studies, he thinks, he grows. So I'm proud to be here with you Charlie. This thing that he's built is an expression of his ambition and his goodness. So there. Thank you. So what is education? It comes from a Latin word that means to lead forth and it raises the question which way is forth? There's some kids sitting right over there. I noticed a bunch of girls come in, right?
And they're either going to go forth or they're not going to be very good human beings. How do you grow forth? Just think of a human being like a plant, right? My wife is English. She's a gardener. She can make anything grow, except she doesn't think she does that. She thinks the growth is in the plant, and a good plant grows to be what it's supposed to be.
Well, we're different from plants because plants don't know what they're supposed to be. In fact, they only grow in one way, whereas we make choices. And so education in leading forth begins by telling the students what it is that they ought to become. It doesn't matter, by the way, what you tell them. What matters is what they hear, and that means they have to have the right disposition for education.
And if you tell them things that are not true, they won't believe them for very long. And they're very interested in their growth. I can tell you our college is very difficult. It's gotten to be terribly hard to get into. We don't know what to do about that. But we pick them by willing and able. Every human achievement comes from a combination of willingness and ability. And so you can't get in if you're not able, and that's not very hard to tell.
But so the ones that get in, they're willing. There's a young woman from South Carolina, I think she said. She came up. She's a sophomore. She wants to come to our college, and she's got the first step. She really wants to come, and I believe that now, you see, because when she gets in, she will have to do the work, and it's work, hard work.
You know, he mentioned, I teach Aristotle and other things at the college. Aristotle is the man. I just love Aristotle. And I've been reading Aristotle for 45 years. I'm still learning about it, right? It's hard. You have to give yourself to it. And Aristotle is one thing. There are many others. You commit yourself to a life.
I'm going to, you know, you've got these schools going. We have a bunch of charter schools, more than 100 I think now. And they advertise themselves as difficult. And the wait list is half the length of the student body over the nation. And why? Parents want that if they love them. They want them to struggle so they can grow. And growth is not realizing yourself.
It's becoming an excellent thing of the kind that you are. But it must point towards something, and that is something modern education either refuses or they're pointing them in a different direction. So let me give two examples. The mantra of the Detroit public schools or Chicago public schools will be to create students to become social justice citizens.
So they're pointing them and they're trying to grow them in a direction. Or they'll have other areas in conservative America that will say, we are neutral, we're not trying to point them in any direction. What are the faults in both of those approaches? Well, first of all, education is not something you do to anyone. And remember, the whole thing with the government of the United States today is it's been converted into an engineering project. Its job is to work upon us.
to create the society, they think they make the economy grow. They do, they think that. - That's a great way, a bunch of engineer minded central planners. - There's stupid and there's dog stupid and that's dog stupid. Education is not something you do to them.
He says a purpose, right? Well, because humans have this unique thing, right? They can understand, they make choices. Roses and boxers, we have boxer dogs in my family, they're not really stupid. And they don't make choices, right? But we do. And so we have to do the work of becoming, and you know what are the virtues, right? They are two groups, intellectual and moral, right?
That is to say, you've got to become a good person and you've got to become a knowing person, which means you need the traditional three R's. I see that Charlie has invented new R's. But reading, writing, arithmetic, those are the human skills. Only human beings do those things, right? So education is to get good at that.
They do it. You don't do it for them. You can't. At any moment, every act of learning that everybody, everybody in this room, in every class at Hillsdale College or any of these schools, that is accomplished by the person doing the learning. And they have to want to. They do, by nature, want to, by the way. So you set out by saying, there are some things to know.
And they're wonderful things. They don't know that they're wonderful. They don't know what wonderful means at the beginning. But they always react wonderfully to that, right? Oh, yeah. You know, like the best teacher I know is a, and I know a lot of them, is a kindergarten teacher outside Austin, Texas at one of our schools.
And I turned her into, her name is Janie Reardon, and if you go to the Leander Classical Academy, go to the kindergarten class. I've turned her into a tourist attraction. When you go in the room, some midget will walk over and look you in the eye and shake your hand and whisper to you, please sit here, we're doing this, welcome to the class. And then...
She was going to teach them, this is my favorite lesson I've ever learned in my life. She says, today, and you know, there's an adventure in her voice, she says, we're going to learn. And she starts writing on the board, C-A-P, and you know, everybody in the class going, ooh, you know. And then she spells it out, capacity. What does that mean? The second grade, those mighty titans to the kindergartners, right? Yeah.
They're coming over. We're going to give them cookies and punch. What is the capacity we need for the plates and the pitchers? You see? And now, and see, the first line of Aristotle's metaphysics is the human being stretches himself out to know. The Greek verb is very active. We work to know. We long to know. You see? And so the purpose is to know.
And then once you settle that... Now, I'm going to contrast. You rightly characterized what they do in colleges these days, in schools, right? The first thing they do at Harvard, for example, in the orientation, is they basically tell you there isn't anything to know. There's only your opinions, right? And these are... You have a right to your opinions. That's the worst thing in the world you can say to an 18-year-old. Because, you know, because...
I had a boy say to me once in front of 600 people in Scottsdale. He was 18 years old, and he said, if I come to Hillsdale, will you respect my opinions? And I said, we don't give a crap about that. And 600 people laughed at him. And I said, by the way, are you 18? He said, yeah. I said, what could you possibly know? And wouldn't you want to learn better?
Here's Aristotle again. The source of knowledge of anything to be known is in the thing and not in the opinion of the one who learns it. And if you have a difference of opinion, you have to recur to the source of knowledge. What is it about, right? Like this very controversial situation in this country today, right? And
Both sides are calling each other unconstitutional. The only way you can settle that would be to read the Constitution of the United States. And see, if you don't do that, you have deprived them of their purpose. And if you tell them it's all opinions, then the next step is inevitable. Because the only truth is in us, that's the claim, then we have to make truth.
We have to join these great causes and remake the world, see? And that's why they're calling each other hateful names and assaulting each other when in fact they're supposed to be colleagues, a word that comes from the same place the word college comes from, which is a form of friendship, right? And that has entirely broken down now. They can't hold class anymore.
Those colleges are run by people who are in 100% agreement with each other. By the way, I think I am accurately describing the ground of their opinions, right? They've run them for a long time. It's unanimity. And I thought this spring when they're all collapsing, I thought, well, finally they're getting a bad name now. They're going to say to the troops, straighten up. Let's have college here for a month and whatever.
dress ourselves up. They are unable to control because these principles, by the way, which are the same principles as are governing many inner city American, many American inner cities today, and they break down. You can't go to them. They can't function, you see? Whereas if you have a purpose, which is, by the way, just the purpose written in your nature,
You know, try to teach a dog to read. They never learn, right? I mean, we can't even teach our dogs to sit. But every human child learns to talk on its own, and that's the same thing as reading. You see? So we are made to know, and we want to know. And once we start knowing, then we see there's a hierarchy of knowledge that exists.
One thing is done for another thing. All you gotta do is read the first page of Aristotle's Ethics and think about it, you know, read it 30 times. But, but, but it's every, the whole hierarchy of ends is described in the opening paragraph, right?
It's very beautiful. Charlie likes that word, beautiful. What that word means in the word in Greek is kalos. The word for good is agathos. Beauty is the most perfect good. It is the ultimate thing for the sake of which other things are done. And there are many examples of beauty, right? Like anybody been to Yosemite? And when you go there,
You stop and look in awe because, wow, how did this come to be? Look at this thing. And you don't even, you don't want to use it for anything. You want to behold it. In Christianity, the word for meeting God is beatitude. You see, the ultimate, the perfect thing, the thing that cannot be improved.
In the end, that book, the metaphysics that begins with our wishing to know, it ends with Aristotle's description of God, which is a rational description. It's not the same as the Christian description, which adds many features, but it's a being that is so perfect that he's only thought, he doesn't move, he only thinks about himself because to think about something else would be a diminishment. If you just reason through, you know, like...
I'm picking out the young over there because they're my forte. These girls over here are young. They're going to have to struggle to learn. And they're not just infinitely better than a dog at that. They can do it at all. And a dog cannot. That means we're above the dogs, right? But then we struggle to learn. We don't learn everything at once. We go from this to this to this to this.
Imagine a being that doesn't do that. That means the evidence of God is in your own struggles, you see. And today, we repudiate, we actually manage effectively to exclude any reflection upon that in the schools of America. And that's what the crisis is.
I love that. I'm going to read the five points of Hillsdale. This is very important. I'm sure some of you have kids or grandkids going to college. And if it's not Hillsdale, I caution that endeavor, but that's a separate issue. But let's say that you're a parent or you're a grandparent and you're about to drop your kid off to school in August. Ask them at University of Michigan or Indiana, what are the five priorities of life at University of Michigan? Ask them that question.
Hillsdale College, you know I say this on my radio show every day. The five priorities of life at Hillsdale College. Glorify God, build a strong family, work diligently, serve church and charity, defend liberty and freedom. How great is that? And where the five priorities of Michigan State University would be get angry, tear stuff up, DEI, diversity, equity. Yeah, DEI. So Dr. Arnn.
Talk about those five priorities of life. Specifically, defend liberty and freedom because that's one that most colleges are deathly afraid of adding as a priority. And walk us through that. Where did those come from? Please. Well, any time you – by the way, all lists of the five most important things, if they're the least bit intelligent, they're all true.
And that's because they are descriptions of the being. The human being is one kind of being. There are many kinds. Aristotle says if you can tell what a good horse is, you should be able to tell what a good person is. And you can tell what a good horse is. Have you ever watched the movie Secretariat? That is actually the best horse ever. It's a wonderful movie, too.
Horse racing movies, by the way, it's an element of the natural law. They're always good, and they're always the same. They always have the same plot. Well, you know, they do things in the movie to make you hope the horse will win, and then the horse does win, which is how it should be, right? And that's a good horse. That's not just a good horse. That's the best horse, I think. Fastest ever, right? Well, what are the qualities that make it so?
Who's the best person you know? Is the person brave? Is the person fair? Is the person wise? Is the person self-restrained? Those are the four cardinal virtues, right? The description of the human person operating well. You know, the very greatest on the scale of secretariat for horses. Now, why the family? That's how we come to be.
It's our process of begetting and growth. That's what the word nature, which comes from the Latin word for birth, means. It means how do we come to be? Now, how many of you have children? Isn't that a pain in the butt? And I've got grandchildren now, too. And, you know, they're better than my children. And also a pain in the butt, right? They take so long to raise.
Right? They do. I mean, a four-year-old dog doesn't have a six, a four-month-old dog doesn't have any sense of who its parents are. And vice versa, you see. So we spend 18 years raising these kids. And we have data that shows. But, I mean, God, if you would need the data, it's better if the parents do that. The family is an essential part
the primary element, Charlie's gotten old and wise now, he's prompting me for words. No, that's good. You go ahead. I, you know, I learned it the hard way, but I respect Charlie Kirk. But, you see, the family is unusually important to us. And it's, you know, a sort of trick of the Lord that
Our families are more demanding, and we need them more, and yet we're the people who make choices about it. We don't have to do it. And when we don't, and so often we don't these days, the results are terrible. So that's one of those things, right? In other words, if you want to help a human being, you don't produce human beings. What you do is help them to grow. And the problem of helping them to grow is exactly the same as their problems.
Like these children, I urge you to divorce from your mind that anybody is going to do anything decisive for your child. Your child has to do it. The question is, will they help? Will people help? And part of the help, the earlier you are, the better. This is true. The help depends so much on telling them the purpose, right?
And they have to hear it over and over. And it's not that it sinks in and they've got no choice. They have to choose it or it won't be their purpose. But you help them. You can give them a head start by telling them, we're going to do this stuff and here's why. Right? And the next thing you know, they take off. And so what are the others? The family. Work diligently. Well, one of our imperfections is we have to move. If we don't work, we will die.
The highest intellectual virtues in the classics are knowing things that are eternal, that never change. Those are the only things you can have certain knowledge of. When they say in the Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal, that's a tautology. It is an element of the natural law because all it really says is all men are men. They're not horses, they're not dogs, they're not angels, they're men.
And it's the characteristic of human beings that they have to sustain themselves. And that's where our choices arise. See, if you read the curse of God upon Adam and Eve when he expelled them from the garden, that's a change in our nature. We're going to be necessitous people now.
And so we are made the kind of person to confront that necessity. And our virtues and vices are displayed and cultivated in how we do that. So work, what's next? Yeah, and so the last one I want to emphasize, but also remind the audience. Dr. Arnn is probably the foremost living historian on Winston Churchill. Would you receive that?
Well, there's others, yeah. I'm pretty good. He's the best. And definitely the best that also knows Lincoln very, very well and Washington. Would that be fair? Yeah. And you know American history unbelievably well. I'd love your take as to where we are as a country, the choices now the country has in front of us, because you've talked about choices as a historian and as a citizen. Well...
It's the third great death throw of America. The first one came in the Revolutionary War, and the second came in the Civil War, and this is like that. And the reason it's like that is that we're debating the most fundamental things. Put them in the Aristotelian category. The most important thing about a thing is its purpose or final cause. And the next most important thing about a thing... These are all essential, by the way. You can't take any out.
It's its form, and its form is how it looks and how it operates. So just stick to those two about America. The final cause of the United States of America is stated in the most beautiful political document ever written, the Declaration of Independence. And today that final cause, there's a 180-degree difference about what that document means.
And yet it's very simple, you know. It's a problem of word definition. What is equality? What is human, right? And today we think human being is something to, we love the word transform. I'm trying to dismiss the word from my vocabulary. Because to give a thing a new form is to make it into something else. So the second cause of America is the formal cause and that's the Constitution of the United States.
And that is how the government operates. It's divided, you know, the structure of the Constitution is provided by separation of powers. Separation of powers is made possible by representative government, which locates sovereignty outside the government and delegates it in different measures to different parts of the government from the real sovereign, and none of those parts is sovereign. Well, that's transformed now. It is.
The great majority, I think it's over 80% of our laws, are not made by the Congress anymore. Now they're made by permanent agencies, 150 or so. It's actually controversial how many. And the laws, you know, they fall from the sky like snowflakes, and they empower those who enforce the law because the law doesn't really mean anything definite anymore, and that means they can do what they want.
So this change, and remember, in America, the structure of America, imagine a big circle, right? And all the sovereignty is out there in the circle, and inside the circle, there's a smaller circle that's about 15% at the maximum for the first 60% of American history, and that's the government. And the authority is delegated from outside into the government.
Right. Now, if the government gets its mitts on something over half the money in the country, which it has today, and it has millions of people working for it, and in the private sector it's the biggest government customer of anybody who will do business with it, which is basically everybody, not me, not Charlie. They don't take any government money, by the way. We don't. That is so important. Thank you.
Nor do we, obviously. So, you see, that, and what I want to, and the thing to understand is that that is an enormous structural change in the country. And before you decide whether or not you like that, and there are many people who do, by the way, although they are not particularly candid in admitting that that's what happened, right? But the first thing is to just see that.
In other words, this thing operates for an explicitly different purpose and under an explicitly different form. That's what's dangerous. Because if the government is very large, and you know, the latest thing is the constitutional system, which in the 63rd Federalist by Madison is explained. He says that it's unique, this one feature of it, that the sovereignty is outside the government, and yet the sovereign, us...
don't get to do the governing things. We don't meet as a legislature or execute the laws. It's a delegation into the government from the sovereign, which is a check on us. We need it too, by the way. But now that means that the fulcrum of American government is elections, right? And if elections are distorted, if they're being adjusted differently,
for obviously but never stated partisan purposes, then the chances that the people will lose control of the government to a thing that is much bigger and more powerful than it used to be, although not much more competent than it used to be. And more sinister. Yeah, it's a day. It's, you know, and if you, you know, the argument between the people who love this kind of government because they love it because,
It's a modern world and now we have artificial intelligence and machines and all that. And the Constitution is a really old thing, right? And so that, you know, blah, blah, blah, we don't need that thing anymore. Well, you can figure that out simply by just saying in the 51st Federalist, the most beautiful part of the Federalist Papers, Madison writes that government is the profoundest of all commentaries on human nature. If men were angels, no government would be needed.
If angels were to govern men, neither internal nor external controls on the government would be necessary. That's why the Constitution has its form or structure. Now, these people who... And there's a lot of them, by the way. I think our particular form of government today has become something like an oligarchy, which is the rule of a few according to their own interest. Are these people angels, right? Because if not...
They cannot be trusted with unchecked power any more than any one of us can or any more than the whole of us can. If they're human, then this is dangerous. And that's what settles the argument for me. So Dr. Arnn,
Looking at this, do you think with the administrative state and the Leviathan against the people, it really is an oligarchy and a regime against you, the citizen. That is what is really on the ballot in 2024. And the deeper understanding, which you just beautifully put, is what is the form of government we're going to accept? Are we going to accept the idea that the administrative state gets to choose our candidates and choose our president? Because that really is what is happening here.
is that you have a council of experts, a managerial class, desk workers is what bureaucrats literally means in French, will be able to tell you who your president is by throwing the opposition leader 700 years in prison. Dr. Arnn, I want to get two more questions. One of them, how should we think about this historically? We've never lived through this in American history where an opposition political leader faces 700 years in prison and is now convicted on complete nonsense. How should we think about this? Well, obviously...
It can only be properly interpreted, in my opinion, as an insult to the sovereign people. In other words, they have... And I don't even think they understand it that way. I think that they have forgotten it.
about the dignity of the majority. And the majority, by the way, does not have the dignity of the divine. The majority must operate under a constitutional form that checks them too from the violations of rights, which is part and parcel. I mean, if you just read the middle of the Declaration of Independence,
and think backwards. They describe the bad stuff the king does. All of the big ones are things that are explicitly forbidden in the Constitution of the United States, right? So they're doing a lot of those things now, and that's very bad, and they do it because I think they think that everything has to be, everything will be, everything is transformed. That's an ideology, right? That means that
I've watched the birth of three children. We have an adopted one, a fourth. I've met my grandchildren when they were a few hours old. That process is the same as Socrates' children. And that hasn't changed. And those children, they're smarter than everybody else's grandchildren. But they're two and three years old, and they're years from mature understanding.
That hasn't changed, right? They need their parents. My younger daughter got married, and we had a thing for her the other day, and she's already putting up with me explaining about the need for her to get some babies. But I said both Hillary Clinton and George Bush were wrong about the takes a village, takes a family argument. I look around at this reception and see that it actually requires an army.
to raise a kid. And, you know, all the friends that are going to be friends of this young married couple are there. That's, in other words, this family thing. It's the same. And we know today that when it suffers as it suffers, everyone suffers. It isn't good to
right? So the point is, everything is changing except the things that don't, right? And the things that don't are obvious. They slap you in your face. You know, I deal with students the ages of 18 to 21. I love them. They're so easy to torture. And the 18-year-olds, you know, in August,
400 of them are going to show up at Hillsdale College, right? And they're going to be nervous as deer in the headlights. It's hilarious, right? And we all make fun of them, right? But then the 21-year-olds, they're seniors now. They think they own the place, right? On the other hand, argue with a grown-up with whom you have a real dispute. We don't have very many real disputes at Hillsdale College, but once in a while...
a 21 year old is not really ready to do that yet, right? That hasn't changed, right? Those things are just obvious. What they need to grow has not changed. And yet, you know, Republican and Democrat have been guilty of portraying the schools as an engineering project to engineer the future. And I don't make partisan statements much, well,
I'm, again, the whole thing. But Trump was better about that stuff. He has a better idea. I sat in the White House one day and said, I've been in 10 or 12 meetings like this about higher education and education in the White House. This is the first good one I ever came to. And it's why, because it wasn't a collection of people sitting in the room thinking, we're going to make human beings into something different than what they are.
So, Dr. Arnn, this is a difficult question, but historically, is there any guide of what should happen in November? Well, what should happen, it's not a partisan statement. We should have a fair vote. That is to say, every citizen votes. Much better if they vote in person, by the way. But...
The reason is we meet as the super-legislative body on election day, and it's better if we all have the same facts in front of us when we do. And Churchill says that beautiful thing. He says, the strength of Britain that the dictators will never understand is the little man alone in the voting booth deciding the fate of the nation. That's what must happen in November, and I fear it will not.
Give it up for Dr. Arnn, everybody. Thank you so much. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. And check out charlieforhillsdale.com. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to charliekirk.com.