cover of episode The 5 Debate Traps Trump Must Avoid

The 5 Debate Traps Trump Must Avoid

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The Charlie Kirk Show

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Charlie Kirk
Sean Parnell
Charlie Kirk: 本期节目讨论了即将到来的总统辩论,分析了民主党可能用来攻击特朗普的策略,并建议特朗普如何应对。他认为这场辩论至关重要,因为它是现代历史上最早的总统电视辩论,特朗普应该积极参与,而不是规避。他还分析了拜登的辩论策略,认为拜登会试图激怒特朗普,并建议特朗普专注于拜登总统任期内的失败,并通过反问将拜登置于被动防御状态。他还建议特朗普避免纠缠于纽约案件的细节,而是强调该案的政治动机和不公平性,并利用安德鲁·科莫的言论作为论据。最后,他还建议特朗普应该像对待希拉里一样,将拜登置于被动防御状态,迫使他回答尖锐的问题,并就“1月6日事件”和新冠疫情等问题做出简洁明了的回应,反驳拜登关于其“独裁”言论的指控。 Sean Parnell: Sean Parnell讨论了宾夕法尼亚州民主党超级政治行动委员会利用虚假广告,歪曲特朗普的言论,试图阻止共和党人使用邮寄投票的情况。他认为这是典型的民主党操纵选举的行为,并呼吁对选举舞弊行为追究责任,重建公众对制度的信任。他还分析了宾夕法尼亚州的政治局势,认为特朗普在选票上具有强大的号召力,共和党选民登记人数正在增加,宾夕法尼亚州正在变得越来越倾向于共和党。最后,他还建议为了确保选举的公平性,公民应该积极参与投票,并担任监票员。

Deep Dive

Charlie discusses the importance of the upcoming presidential debate and provides strategies for Trump to avoid potential traps set by the Democrats.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey everybody, it's the Charlie Kirk Show. A couple thoughts for debate prep this Thursday and a fraudulent campaign that is being launched in Pennsylvania where they don't want Republicans to vote by mail any longer. An extraordinary story. Email us as always, freedom at Subscribe to our podcast, open up your podcast application and type in charliekirk

show. Get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Start a high school or college chapter today at Become a member. It's, Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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This is not going to be a slow couple of news weeks, everybody. We have this week one of the most important presidential debates in American history. Nixon-Kennedy was the first in the television era, and that's the one that most people remember. Most debates actually don't move the dial much. It's more of a television-type spectacle, and both sides hear what they want to hear, and they move on.

I think back to the biggest presidential debates. The Obama-McCain first debate was a big one because there was a lot of worry or concern, can Obama perform? And Obama did perform against McCain, who of course I'm not a big fan of either.

The Romney-Obama debates were somewhat well-watched. Romney actually won the first debate against Obama. The Trump-Hillary debates were significant, but nothing comes even close to what we are going to see this week on Thursday. Now, first, let's make sure we understand the ground rules. This is going to be happening on CNN. How CNN ended up getting this debate

is a little bit frustrating to me. They say, well, it's one of the networks that hosted primary debates in the past. Well, CNN never should have been hosting primary debates in the past. And Jake Tapper is going to be one of the moderators. Now, we know that Jake Tapper hates Donald Trump. We know that Jake Tapper has pushed some of the biggest lies and falsehoods and peddled them over the last couple of years.

Now, this debate is consequential for many reasons. The first of which is, what are we to make of this race? This is the earliest presidential televised debate in modern history. Usually debates are in September or October. Joe Biden wanted the earlier debate. Joe Biden wanted the summer debate and Trump was happy to agree. Now, whether that was wise or not remains to be seen. However, I do love it for one reason.

I love that Donald Trump is playing to win. He is not playing it safe. Donald Trump is up in the polls. Donald Trump has an amazing movement. Donald Trump is raising lots of money. Wouldn't it have been wise for Donald Trump to say, no, I'm not going to debate you, similar to what he did in the primary campaign? No, Donald Trump is playing to win. That is the best argument, the best way to view a summer debate for Donald Trump v. Joe Biden. But Joe Biden sees in his internal polling that

that he is significantly behind Donald Trump. So he said, you know what? I'll call your bluff, Donald. Let's go do a summertime debate. We've never seen anything like this. And it's really going to be a two-on-one debate. It will be Jake Tapper and Joe Biden against Donald Trump. Now, there are several traps that Donald Trump must be aware of going into this debate. The first trap is Joe Biden is going to be calling him a felon relentlessly.

Joe Biden's entire debate strategy is going to be to try to get Donald Trump off his game and try to get Donald Trump upset, try to get him off balance and try to make him lash out. Donald Trump has to know this going into it. And I believe the president does know this.

Joe Biden is going to do several backwards looking attacks. Both Biden and CNN will hit Trump over January 6th, over COVID, over vaccine stuff, over the New York case, because debating over the events of Joe Biden's presidency will be very tough. In my opinion, Trump should avoid taking the bait. He can respond, but the responses should be quick.

If I were to give President Trump debate prep, it is focused, of course, on the core elements of the failure of Joe Biden's presidency. But end every single statement with a question back to Joe Biden that puts the pressure on him to defend it. For example.

Talk about how the border is open. We have migrant crime, the murder of Lake and Riley, the murder of Rachel Morin, the abduction of the girls in Indiana, the abduction of the girl and the raping and the murdering in Houston. Go through all that. And then finally conclude and say, now, Joe Biden, why have you decided not to secure the border? And just so I'm curious, how many people have come across the border under your watch? Give us an answer. The floor is yours. Do you think Joe Biden would even be able to answer that question?

When it comes to the economy, say Joe Biden, how much has the average price of home gone up? Just approximately. I know this is not a pop quiz.

under your leadership? How much more expensive are homes under your leadership? Do you know the answer to this? And Joe Biden, of course, doesn't know. He's incapable of knowing this. And so instead of making fun of Joe Biden's inability to speak or talk, you should put him on defense and allow him to answer very simple and stated questions. Joe Biden, how many Ukrainians have died in the Russian-Ukrainian war? How many people have died in the Russian-Ukrainian war?

Joe Biden, have you done anything to try and broker peace to stop the killing? Anything?

You see, the issue when it comes to this looming debate is that it's not about litigating the details of the New York trial. Most people didn't watch it and they found it very confusing. Instead, Trump should stick to a simple line when it comes to the debate, when it comes to the, in the debate, when it comes to the trials. Number one, most people, this is what he should say. The case against me was political. It was unprecedented.

It was brought in New York because that's the only place a jury would convict me. And they know this because Joe Biden would lose otherwise. Bam, that's it. Move on. Then get back to attacking Joe Biden. In fact, here's a talking point that now has been surfaced. I think we sent this tape. What tape is Andrew Cuomo? I know I sent this earlier. Andrew Cuomo on Bill Maher. This is a great talking point.

And say, Joe Biden, do you know that the former attorney general and former darling of the Democrat Party who used to be pals with and the former governor of New York said that this case should not have been brought? Play cut 16. The trial in New York, the one he got convicted for.

was the greatest fundraising bonanza ever. He is now he was lagging behind Biden and now he's pulled quite a bit ahead. That trial was the greatest reason people had to send their checks for five, 10, 25, whatever dollars to Donald Trump. So I was always with you on the one in New York, the hush money trial. I don't think they should have brought that one. It was just always going to look like a sex case. And people were always just going to look at it that way.

So in that case, the attorney general's case in New York, frankly, should have never been brought. And if his name was not Donald Trump and he wasn't running for president from the former AG in New York, I'm telling you, that case would have never been brought. And that's what is offensive to people. And it should be, because if there's anything left, it's belief in the justice system. That right there.

The president, President Trump should just say, Joe Biden, what is your reaction? So you put it on, put all of it on Joe Biden at the end of your question. Take a strong statement, take a strong statement, ask him a question. When you ask him a question, Joe Biden, he, the guy has dementia, he doesn't know where he is. He'll answer the question. He can't, you want to know who can't control himself? Joe Biden can't control himself. So say, Joe Biden, what is your reaction to Andrew Cuomo saying the case against me should never have been brought? What is your reaction, Joe Biden?

And Joe Biden would just like smile and be like, corn pop told me that you're a criminal. I respect the justice system. And that's fine. If that is his answer, that's fine. But just I think the Andrew Cuomo piece of evidence is massive for Donald Trump to say. All these other legal scholars that Donald Trump cites, it's fine. Jonathan Turley, all that's fine.

But Andrew Cuomo was the most popular American politician during COVID. And it wasn't even close. They were giving Andrew Cuomo nonstop cable news time during COVID. People still like him. They don't even know why he resigned, even though the nursing home thing was totally evil. Let's be clear.

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Second, the Ph.D. program starts nutrition, but it's so much more. Go to my Ph.D. weight loss dot com, my Ph.D. weight loss dot com. Glide six four six four four one nine zero zero. I lost over 30 pounds. Dr. Asher Lucas, great American. Check it out. My Ph.D. weight loss dot com. I want to be very clear. I'm not saying that CNN will ask these questions. I'm saying that the best debate tactic that is not always used and Trump did it with Hillary.

When Trump put Hillary on defense and said, okay, Hillary, tell us, tell us when you think that abortion should be illegal. Do you believe abortion up to the life, the moment of birth?

It was very telling. Oh, guys, I want you to throw up this. And this is a really good sign here. And we're going to be weaving throughout this all hour. Last evening, I did three and a half hours on a very popular podcast. By the way, the podcast goes nine hours. I was only here for three and a half hours called Whatever. You've probably seen clips of this. And so typically, this is where they say, okay, you go on the show and it's gonna be a bunch of liberal women. So there are a couple foreigners there. Literally, they're from Australia. So I will exclude them from this.

Do you know that I asked, I went around the table and I asked the young ladies, I said, Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Do you know Donald Trump won the whatever straw poll?

Donald Trump, and not only that, the two young ladies that were substitutes that came in later, they were both pro-Trump. And one of them was Canadian, so she doesn't count. So I can go around the table and show you from the young lady in the white shirt, she was Trump. Next one was Biden. Next one doesn't vote. Next is undecided. Next one doesn't vote. Next one was a foreigner. Next one, Trump. Next one, Trump. That would have been unheard of on the whatever podcast. And then the other two young ladies who came in were Trump substitutes.

This was, by the way, we asked Brian ahead of time, can we try to not have conservative young ladies? And they weren't even that conservative. Some of these people were self-described as progressive. Some of these are self-described as liberal and they're voting, they're going towards Trump. Some of these young ladies participate in OnlyFans, which...

I am not a fan of, if you know anything about right-wing revolution, which you can find, by the way, we're still talking book, That is Donald Trump, the winner of the whatever straw poll. You're going to be seeing lots of clips of our time on whatever straw

in the coming days, weeks, and months, I am sure. So Donald Trump will be in this debate. And so let's just, let's go through the great threats to him. Number one is January 6th, slash felon. When January 6th comes up, President Trump should explain very simply, no one supported what anybody touching police officers. I instructed a crowd to peacefully and patriotically march, period.

Now, Joe Biden, I am curious. Your emphasis on January 6th seems to be politically motivated. The amount of destruction done during the summer of 2020 is far more than anything that happened on January 6th. Not to mention, I requested 10,000 National Guards troops and Nancy Pelosi took responsibility for anything that happened on January 6th.

You want to focus on the past. You want to focus about an unruly mob way back into a couple of years ago. I am more worried about what's happening today. People can't afford homes. People cannot afford groceries. Our border is being completely overrun. And then you have to ask the kicker question, Joe Biden, what do you think has had more damage to this country

7 million illegal people coming across the southern border or a couple hundred people that broke windows and assaulted police officer on January 6th? Which one has been more damaging to our country? Joe Biden, please answer. That is a very serious question. The entire campaign of Joe Biden is focused on January 6th and you have to be prepared for it. You have to be ready for it. Then next on the COVID stuff, he has to be prepared just to say the facts that more people died from COVID under Joe Biden.

that Donald Trump was willing to open up the economy early. And then Joe Biden will also say this, and this is the one that Donald Trump has to be, President Trump has to be ready for, is Joe Biden says, well, you want to be a dictator on day one. Say, Joe, you're lying again. I went on Sean Hannity's program and I said, tongue in cheek, I'll be a quote dictator for one day when it comes to two things. I will close the border and drill baby drill.

You're the dictator for the entire presidency. You're using your Department of Justice to come after me, to come after moms and dads at school boards, to come after Catholics that go into Latin mass. You're the one that is decreeing from on high the creation of law via fiat.

And I was being fun, Joe Biden. You're the one that wants to create amnesty. You're the one that if you had the power would grab the guns of this country. You're the one through executive order has expanded the reach of the federal government when it goes after putting Steve Bannon in federal prison, Peter Navarro in federal prison.

You're upset because I jokingly said that I want to be a dictator for one day because I want to drill baby drill and secure the border. You've been a dictator for three and a half years and America is suffering because of

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Joining us now is Sean Parnell, combat vet, bestselling author and host of Battleground Live and also proud Pennsylvanian. Sean, welcome to the program. Sean, this is an amazing story here. I want to play the video first, which is this is a video that has been playing in Pennsylvania. It's now been taken down of a Democrat super PAC.

And this is a very hard video to find. This is from a Democrat super PAC paid for by Pennsylvania Values trying to say to Republican voters that Donald Trump doesn't want you to vote by mail. This is fraudulent what they are doing. Let's play Cut20. Cut20.

All right, Sean, what's going on here?

Democrat 101, they are the experts in cheating in elections or the experts in voter suppression. They've been doing this stuff since 1864. Listen, like here's the bottom line. Donald Trump is the most electrifying political figure in my lifetime, Democrat or Republican, and it's not even close. He's the most electrifying

He's got Dave McCormick on the ticket. That's a great candidate who has the financial wherewithal and is raising money like gangbusters, is the only real Republican to take on Casey in a serious way in a very long time. Those two people on the ticket together present synergies that haven't been on the ticket in Pennsylvania statewide since 2016, since Trump won. Add to that now, Charlie, that we've got about a 10-figure investment where we are in Pennsylvania registering Republican voters at an historic pace.

and chasing down absentee ballots in a way in which we haven't before. So Bob Casey has been completely MIA for 18 years, doesn't have a record to stand on. Most people who are watching and listening probably never even heard of the guy. There's a reason for that. He's the invisible senator.

And they're afraid. So this is essentially why Bob Casey and his brother are running an ad like this to suppress the Republican vote. It's absolutely a huge story because if a Republican were doing something like this, Charlie, they'd be in jail. And in fact, one is Douglas Mackey's been in prison. And I just, I just Googled Pennsylvania values pack. Not a single story has been written. I hope everyone understands this. This is a Democrat super PAC.

that is running advertisements, that is misquoting Donald Trump to try to get Pennsylvania Republicans to not embrace mail-in voting.

And this is, again, just look right here. It's $100,000 from Ross Feller Casey LLP, which is from Bob Casey's entire family. Senator Casey's brother is funding these advertisements. They have pulled these advertisements down. In fact, there are many cases like this across the country in addition to Douglas Mackey's. The fraud statute is very widely written. So help me understand, Bob,

Sean, this is against federal election law. If we win the White House back in the new year, we need to indict Senator Casey's brother, maybe Senator Casey as well. This is outright election fraud, is it not?

Oh, there's no question about it. It's voter suppression. It's election interference. It's what the Democrats do every single cycle. Believe me, I was running for Congress in 2020. I saw what they did with my own two eyes, and I will never be gaslit believing anything else.

I know what they're capable of. And the media likes to run with this fake narrative about revenge. It's not about revenge, Charlie. It's about accountability for those who have lied to and have wronged the American people. Without accountability, there can be no way forward in this country.

It's the only way for Americans to gain trust in our institutions again. It's the only way for Americans to gain trust in our body politic again. Without accountability, there's no way forward. So it's absolutely essential for Donald Trump and his team when they win in November. And I know that they're tracking this.

To have some form of accountability and the answer to your question directly is yes, Bob Casey's brother should be indicted. Yes, Bob Casey himself perhaps should be indicted. Here's how dishonest this would be. Let's just play this out. We have turning point pack.

I want you to imagine if I found a piece of tape of Barack Obama saying, today is election day, make sure you show up at the polls, okay? So let's pretend I cut an advertisement towards black America saying Barack Obama wants you only to vote on election day. Could you imagine, Sean, I would be in federal prison for a decade if I would cut that advertisement. Probably Guantanamo Bay. Yes, that's right. And

And so this is a, if Donald Trump were to win, we need the new attorney general to go after the entire Casey crime family. But let's also talk about why they're doing this. And you mentioned it briefly, Sean. Pennsylvania is becoming the key swing state, which is if we win Pennsylvania, we're going

the entire country will likely be saved if we just win Arizona or Georgia, and we're working our tail off in Arizona, and Georgia's looking better and better. What are you seeing on the ground? You've run for office. You understand Pennsylvania. That has the Democrats so worried and so desperate that they have to run fraudulent advertisements like this, trying to suppress MAGA from embracing mail-in voting.

I'll tell you exactly what it is. They know how formidable Donald Trump is. It's just that simple. The media would not have you believe that, but Donald Trump brings out the craziest cross-section of voters that I have, I've never seen anything like it in my life. I've spoken on the stage with that man four times. I've run for office twice in the state of Pennsylvania. I was at the Butler County rally four days before election day in 2020 when 65,000 people walked for miles to get there. I know it. I saw it. I witnessed it.

And when Donald Trump is on the ballot, he is a turnout machine. And not only does that benefit Donald Trump at the top of the ticket, it benefits everybody down ballot. So with the governor and Josh Shapiro, our poindexter governor here in Pennsylvania, with him as governor, if he loses the Pennsylvania House and the Pennsylvania Senate, his first four years, perhaps even his next four years, two terms in office maybe, completely shot if Republicans control the House and the Senate. So the Democrats know that everything is on the line here with their state legislative agenda, but

But they also know that if we win Pennsylvania, we likely save this country because if we win Pennsylvania, it's a hell of a lot more likely that we win Arizona. We win Georgia. We win Wisconsin. We win Michigan. So they know how important Pennsylvania is, and they're going all in to stop Donald Trump and Republicans, whatever it takes, Charlie, whatever it takes.

So the voter registration numbers are trending in the right direction. By the way, this is such a dumb move by them. We have to publicize this because this will actually make more MAGA people embrace mail-in voting because it's like, oh, wait, the liberals don't want us to do this. And so maybe that there's some kind of movement towards it. Talk about, again, the voter registration numbers. Is Pennsylvania becoming a redder state in the last four years? Yes.

Yes. I mean, and I here's here's the bargain. I think the balance that Josh Shapiro struck when he unilaterally said, hey, we're going to do a motor voter automatic voter registration. Republicans are outpacing Democrats in automatic voter registration. With the add to that, our effort, we're outpacing them. Republican voter registration in this cycle, Charlie, in Pennsylvania. Wrap your mind around this in the swing state of Pennsylvania is R plus eight.

In historic cycles, it's D plus five, D plus six, D plus eight. In 2024, it's R plus eight. So if you look at when Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016, Democrats had something like a 700,000 plus person voter registration advantage.

That number has dwindled to about 400,000. So just in under 10 years, we've almost halved that number and we're making it up bit by bit every day. A lot of those Dems, Sean, are actually Trump people. And so that is correct. I mean, they're registered Dems and they just haven't gotten around to changing their registration, but they are resolutely MAGA.

Oh, there's no doubt about it. Like in my home county of Beaver County, like in 2020, Beaver County had 10,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans. Today, it has 1,200 more registered Republicans than it has Democrats. Trump won Beaver County in 2020 by 17 points.

Beaver County is a microcosm of blue collar union Democrats that are pro-life, pro-gun, that the Democrat Party has just trended so far left that it's left them. And Trump is uniquely appealing to those people. And Bob Casey and the Democrat Party writ large, Charlie, they know that. So they resorted to desperate attempts to lie and mislead voters in a way that's going to come back to bite them. I mean-

In 2020, just to wrap your mind around this, Charlie, because the Democrat narrative about the vote by mail stuff is like, oh, you're just going to cannibalize your election day vote. The margin in Pennsylvania in 2020, and I use the term loosely, the margin, was 80,000 votes. So if you look at four or four voters in Pennsylvania in 2020 and three or four voters, Republican voters in 2020, those are our highest propensity voters, people who voted in four elections out of four, three elections out of four. Over 100,000 Republicans

Republican high propensity voters did not show up to vote in 2020. So even if we're just registering high propensity Republican voters, that exceeds the margin in 2020, but we're not. We're registering high propensity voters right now. We're getting them to bank their vote at And we're registering low propensity Trump voters. And that means people who only show up for Trump. So the well for Republicans on this initiative, Charlie, is largely untapped and we are

It's been resoundingly successful. And we're trying to get 200,000 people on the automatic opt-in for mail-in ballots in the 2024 cycle. And we are on our way to doing just that. And let me just tell you in as clear terms as humanly possible, Charlie, if we hit that 200,000 person number,

We will win Pennsylvania. It's just a matter of simple math. And by the way, this is how Democrats have been fighting. We are on our way to win Pennsylvania. It's going to require a ton of work. It's going to require grassroots muscle. And according to Scott Pressler, we are 537 voters away from flipping Bucks County from Democrat to Republican. In mid-April, it was 1,589. In June of 2020, it was 15,552.

And we are 537 voters away from making Bucks County a red county. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Debt, it keeps you tossing and turning at night. You can't get away from it. But the truth is the system is designed to trap you in debt. Insanely high interest credit cards and loans make it nearly impossible to pay off your debt. There's a way out of the debt trap. It's Zero Debt USA. You've heard me talk about pivotal debt solutions. Well, now they're Zero Debt USA and they have a

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So, Sean, just really quick before we get into the fraud issue, can you just comment that Bucks County might end up being a Republican majority county? How significant is that? It's significant. Not only is it significant from a symbolic perspective, but it's also significant by the numbers, because I had mentioned fighting like the Democrats.

Look, I know people don't like mail-in ballots. I get it. But the rules of the political battlefield are set and we have to be better than our political enemies and play that game better than them. And so what it means is, is that we are playing that game in Bucks County and in other counties like Beaver County in Western Pennsylvania better than the Democrats. And at the end of the day, when the votes are counted in 2020, that is going to be what matters. And so...

You know, we've got Scott Pressler on the ground here in Pennsylvania. He's a good friend of mine. I love that guy in conjunction with all the stuff that we're doing. It's skip the line PA. It's all good stuff, Charlie. And it matters by the numbers and that, you know, that's how you win. So tell us what can we do? What can everyday citizen do to secure our elections? Because downtown Philadelphia is known for clumsy and fraudulently administered elections.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you don't believe Charlie or you don't believe me, walk down the street in Philadelphia like I have many times and, hey, is there voter fraud in Philadelphia? They'll look at you, laugh, and say, this is Philadelphia, man. Come on. Of course, of course, everybody knows this. And so everywhere I go, Charlie, I get asked this question, and I'll say this. There is something too, too big to rig.

where Democrats are hemorrhaging numbers with Black Americans. They're hemorrhaging number with Latino Americans. These are traditional Democrat voting blocks. So first of all, show up to vote because the way the Democrats would cheat back in the day, and of course, they're going to say I'm a conspiracy theorist, but it's true when people were just voting in person, they would look at the poll book and they'd say, oh, you know what?

You know, Joe Blow didn't vote today. So I'm going to vote for him and I'm going to sign on the poll book for him. But now with mail-in ballots, they can do that on a wide scale. We don't want them to do that. So show up to vote. Otherwise, the Democrats will find a way to vote for you. And if you don't believe me, all it takes...

You've got electronic voter registration database in Pennsylvania. There are Democrat third party groups that have access to that. They look at people who didn't show up. They submit a mail-in ballot for them. If there's no signature verification requirement, no ID requirement, they drop it in a drop box. It's just that simple. So show up to vote.

The second thing is don't think for a second that you can't make a difference. So volunteer to be a poll watcher. Take accountability for 10 people in your life to make sure that they get to the poll and then encourage those 10 people to take the same approach.

pledged show up to actually vote like i'm tired of this whole silent majority thing yes we are the vast majority of saint americans by and large are silent because we don't want the government in our lives we want them out of our lives we're going to be able to life liberty pursuit of happiness

But silence doesn't change a darn thing. Stop being silent. Get out there. Advocate for your pictures. Everywhere I go, people are like, I supported you and I supported President Trump. And I'm like, well, that's amazing. Thank you. But why are you whispering? Scream it. Be loud and proud about it and get involved in your community because one person can change the direction of a country. So get involved. Stay involved. Too big to rig. Show up to vote. Be poll watchers. I mean,

Things are trending in the right direction

Sean Parnell, excellent. Thank you so much. And if we win Pennsylvania, the chances of us winning the White House go up dramatically. Thanks so much, Sean. Thanks, Charlie. Just to understand the significance of winning Pennsylvania, that means you just have to win one of Arizona or Georgia. It's that simple. Arizona or Georgia, if you win Pennsylvania. The Keystone State is the key if you open it up. It opens up the entire ballgame, more so than Michigan, more so than Wisconsin, more

It opens up the entire roadmap and playbook. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to