Hey, everybody.
right-wing revolution that is members.charliekirk.com members.charliekirk.com as always you can email us freedom at charliekirk.com buckle up everybody here we go charlie what you've done is incredible here maybe charlie kirk is on the college campus i want you to know we are lucky to have charlie kirk charlie kirk's running the white house folks
I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.
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Everything is changing in real time. Yesterday was a profound day. Yesterday, we woke up thinking that Biden was going to hold on to things. He was defiant. The defiant Joe Biden was holding on and something changed. Something profound moved between afternoon and evening. In fact, we were live on air as it was happening. We saw this suspicious clip of Nancy Pelosi, who is the deputy prime minister, if you will, of the Democrat Party.
She comes out and she says, well, we think that you need to take a cognition test. We think that Joe Biden, is it an episode or is it a condition? And then Clyburn said something, well, I'm all about supporting Joe Biden as long as it's also with Kamala Harris and whoever's at the top of the ticket, we'll see. And then Obama leaks to the Washington Post a couple hours later and says he's not so happy with Joe Biden. And then this morning,
A Joe Biden aide or advisor leaks to The New York Times and says that Joe Biden is contemplating dropping out of the race entirely. Now, first of all, have we seen this sort of coverage of inner Democrat politics in the last decade? All of a sudden, reporters are actually doing reporting. They haven't reported on the border. They haven't reported on Joe Biden's state of mind. In fact, they attacked the right wing and Republicans relentlessly.
But the tell it all began with a puck news story yesterday. One of the laws, one of the iron laws of new era Democrat politics is that they do not leak. Can you show me a single consequential leak from the Democrat Party in the last couple of years? I'll wait. With Donald Trump, there were leaks every hour on the hour. What Trump is eating for lunch.
What Trump said in this meeting, what the assistant intern to the communications director says behind closed doors, everything was cataloged. It was leaked. It was monitored with the Democrats. It has been nothing. It has been locked down. And yesterday, Puck News, which is a D.C. insider news company, leaked an internal polling results.
Remember, internal polling is far more accurate than public polling. And the internal polling shows a near extinction event for the modern Democrat Party.
It showed Donald Trump up nearly 10 points in Arizona, up nearly 10 points in Georgia. It showed Donald Trump winning the single electoral vote in Nebraska. It showed Donald Trump within a point in Colorado. It showed Donald Trump, as you see, winning New Mexico. It showed Donald Trump winning Virginia, winning Minnesota. This right here was why the attitude changed yesterday. There's an important truth here.
That must be repeated. It's not that they are worried that Joe Biden is comatose and not up to the job. They're terrified that you now know that Joe Biden is comatose and not up to the job. Those are two separate things. They have no problem with a figurehead. They have no problem with a placeholder.
This is the polling data. According to the leaked poll numbers from Democrat firm Open Labs, this map falls within the margin of error. Show this. Now, I don't think this is going to be a likely result. This shows a red sweep across the country. Now, I don't want to get too excited about the reality of this, but it was enough that Pelosi, Clyburn, Raskin, Obama, they all started to position themselves in reaction to that.
A new CBS poll shows that Donald Trump is up two points nationally against Joe Biden amongst likely voters and three points in the battleground states. Down ballot, these candidates are starting to save themselves, try to save themselves and run for the hills. And as of right now, on Wednesday, July 3rd, there is a new presumptive nominee. They are starting to position candidate Kamala Harris.
I don't want to hear from any of you when Kamala Harris becomes the nominee. If that is correct, I'm so surprised. Oh, my goodness. You must brace for impact. We must be ready for this race to narrow and tighten. Understand, Joe may still refuse to buckle. He might be defiant. He might hold on to power. But it is a lot of pressure that he will have to withstand. We must be ready for a totally new propaganda line.
You think that this is going to last? You think the media reporting on Democrats is sustainable? Enjoy it while it lasts. And by the way, here's a leaked footage of Kamala Harris joining Biden for all of his official duties this morning. Play cut 91. It's exclusive here on The Charlie Kirk Show. No one else has reported on that. We're seeing it for the first time. They're going to try a whole new Operation Mockingbird propaganda campaign. Media and the Democrat establishment will protest.
instantaneously rally around her. We are seeing right now the one week of the Democrat media actually doing their job. And understand, we get investigated all the time here. Andrew, producer Andrew, he's constantly getting calls from the New York Times, Washington Post. We're constantly getting attacked by Mother Jones in the Atlantic. Understand, the Biden team, they're not used to the media actually criticizing them. They're not used to the media actually calling them.
And remember, if Kamala Harris becomes the nominee, it's the easiest switch. She's a black woman, which is the high priestess of the Democrat Party. She gets all the $240 million cash on hand that Joe Biden has raised. She gets the war trust. And then she goes and puts a white man like Pete Buttigieg or Andy Beshear from Kentucky as vice president, makes themselves seem more moderate. And they're going to try to tighten the polls and reset the entire race.
I called Andrew last night. I said, Andrew, I feel the exact same way I felt when I was at Mar-a-Lago four years ago when my other book, MAGA Doctrine, came out. And it was the day before COVID broke. Andrew was there with me. He knew exactly what I was talking about. We had this eerie feeling as we saw kind of the great Gatsby atmosphere before COVID really hit.
that something profound was about to happen, that something was going to change that would change the race dramatically. That is how I feel right now. We think that, oh, we're up by 10 points in the polls, eight points in the polls. We got to snap out of it. There's only one action. There's only one reaction to that, and that is to get to work and do action. Register voters. Keep your head down. But understand that this Democrat chatter is intensifying. It is not dying.
Joe Biden is supposed to sit down with George Stephanopoulos on Friday. George Stephanopoulos, who is a Clinton assassin in the media. You will see the entire program within five minutes. Is George Stephanopoulos there to save Joe Biden from himself? Give him an opportunity to really make himself seem presentable? Or is George Stephanopoulos the undertaker? Is George Stephanopoulos going to deliver the final hit?
George Stephanopoulos will take orders directly from Hilldog and Bill Clinton, in addition to Obama and the entire regime. And Joe Biden thinks he's up to the task. He's going to sit down with Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos is probably going to go pretty hard against Joe Biden. You'll see the entire operation there. And remember on debate night, Kamala Harris was not traveling with Joe Biden. Kamala Harris was not alongside Joe Biden. Kamala Harris did a remote interview with Rachel Maddow looking awfully presidential.
That evening, very scripted, rehearsed, theatrical flags waving behind dark Navy blazer straight to camera. While Joe Biden couldn't remember where he was. There is a soft, slow motion coup and there is a new presumptive nominee. And her name is Cammy.
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Kamala Harris is now the presumptive nominee in the betting markets. Front page of the Drudge Report. Smart Democrats are saying it is happening. In fact, Kamala Harris is now receiving the presidential daily briefing alongside Joe Biden. Now, Joe Biden can still white knuckle this thing. Joe Biden can still hold on. But we have to be prepared. We have to be prepared that they are now going to try to run a radical Marxist woman all on the abortion vote. Remember, she was in charge of the southern border.
She went to the Munich Security Conference and was the one that said Ukraine should join NATO. She's not smart, but she is very, very cunning. She's ambitious. As Steve Bannon would say, she is as ambitious as Lucifer. She's also not very likable. But the Democrats are left with no options right now. And every single day is gold in a presidential election cycle. We are August, September,
What if I told you that ballots go out on September 20th in Pennsylvania? We're talking about like 75-ish days. You can fact check me on that. Till ballots go out. Every single day will define the race and the future of this republic. Every single day. Here is MSNBC.
Saying that, he's got to go. This is Donnie Deutsch, who is one of their resident court jesters on MSNBC, Playcut 75. I said this last week, I'm going to say it again. What separates our side from the other side is we tell the truth.
And Mika brought up a great point. Let's not get hysterical. Let's reflect over the next week or so. But in that reflection, we have to be truthful with ourselves. And the truthful question is, who can win Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin? That's what this is about. It's not a Herculean. It is a Herculean test, but let's break that down. And I think the truth will come out. And I think we just have to be honest with ourselves. And I think Joe Biden will be honest with us. I believe in the end he will. I really do, because I think he's a great man.
But I think the truth is he's not not the answer right now. This is why they did the early debate. We called this thing to a T. Remember, the debate had two possible Democrat outcomes could resurrect Joe Biden and recover his terrible poll numbers or gives them time to make a switch. We saw it so clearly. In fact, remember, we said that Donald Trump has to be careful not to win by too much.
And amazingly, I think Donald Trump was just so self-restrained and so careful that it was out of his hands at that point. And now the Democrats are seizing on that opportunity. But it wasn't like this a couple days ago. Something changed. Somebody ordered the hit. And you could see it when Nancy Pelosi, a couple days ago, she was mocking the media. Oh, we're behind Joe. He's great. Everybody has one bad night. All of a sudden, here is Dr. Pelosi telling you that he needs to take a cognition test.
cognitive test and that was this an episode or a condition? Play cut 98. Now, again, I think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition? We should be tearing up what he said the other day because it was a pack of lies. And it's very hard to debate somebody when you have to
undo or debunk everything they're saying. So both candidates owe whatever test you want to put them to in terms of their mental acuity and their health. She wants Joe Biden to take a mental acuity test. This morning, I got into the office rather early. I listened to Haydn, who's one of my favorite composers. Thank you, Dennis Prager. And I do it on YouTube just because it's a computer I don't use a lot. And all of a sudden now I'm being pushed
Ads that show this watch or just look at this on screen. A 100, a straight to camera solicitation for a donation. Kamala Harris, by the way, look in the bottom left hand corner. It's not it's not Kamala and Joe's picture. It's just Kamala. The Democrat Party and the Biden Harris campaign switched their ad set where now it's just Kamala Harris asking for money. That's as of this morning. There are the pivot is happening in real time.
And they're going to try to reset this entire race behind a cackling communist. Let me say that again. A cackling communist who is in charge of the border. She's deeply unpopular. She's not talented. She loves Venn diagrams and telling you her pronouns. This entire audience, we must be prepared that they're going to try to reset the race. But we reset it on our terms, not theirs. The soft coup is being televised.
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I want to play this other piece of tape here. This is just so great. It's Donald Trump. It's great segue. Remember, Will Scharf is on the Trump legal team, former federal prosecutor, candidate for the Missouri attorney general. This is a just perfect Trump clip that no one was talking about, obviously, because no one thought Kamala Harris was going to be the nominee up until recently. And she is the presumptive nominee. Get ready. Fortify your defenses. Focus, everybody. What would Steve Bannon want us to do? Signal, not noise.
And that means we have to get to work. Know your enemy. Know your opposition. Try to anticipate and counter their next move. And by the way, before I play cut 99, we must not allow them the escape from embarrassment here. We need to now have every voice harmonized to ridicule and humiliate them for this fake presidency that we've had to live through the last three and a half years. There's no escape hatch. There's no forgetting it.
And by the way, what we have to then ask, if Joe Biden doesn't resign as president, if Joe Biden is not good enough to run for reelection, why is he good enough to keep on running the country? Play offense. Ask the question. There's a reason they hid Harris in a broom closet for three and a half years. She's not exactly Oprah. Let's play Cut 99. She has some bad moments. Her moments are almost as bad as his. I think his are worse, actually. Yeah. She seems pretty senile, too. She speaks in rhyme.
You know, it's weird. It's weird. But she has bad moments. In rhyme? Well, the way she talks, the bus will go here and then the bus will go there because that's what buses do. And it's weird. The whole thing is weird. This is not a president of the United States future. And I think they probably have some kind of a primary. Are you are you ready to have the most fun in the history of American politics?
But when Donald Trump is unleashed against a candidate, in some ways with Biden, he's been a little bit gentle. Now with Kamala Harris joining us now is Will Scharf. He's on Trump's legal team, former federal prosecutor. Will, I just want to get your comments generally on the Hindenburg, otherwise known as the Democrat Party. And then let's get into the Clarence Thomas concurrence.
Look, Joe Biden is manifestly unfit to hold the office that he has. He was manifestly unfit in 2020. The problems have only got worse and worse and worse. And now they're talking about replacing him with Kamala Harris, probably the only politician in the country less popular than Joe Biden, and Pete Buttigieg, who may be the least successful cabinet secretary ever.
in the history of the United States. He's the Secretary of Transportation. We have supply chain and transportation problems like we've never had before in this country. This is a joke. They are trying to gaslight the American people. They are trying to undermine our republic with these terrible candidates. The only solution is turning out in droves next November, making this election too big to rig, and returning President Donald J. Trump to where he belongs, which is behind the Resolute Desk in the White House. Amen. This is the prime directive.
The prime directive. And we cannot lose focus on that. It doesn't matter if we have to beat the cackling communist or the senile traitor. Tell us the significance of what happened with the Supreme Court this week, including the Thomas concurrence.
Look, first of all, the Supreme Court vindicated our constitutional system by recognizing a broad doctrine of presidential immunity. The Supreme Court ensured that the presidency as an institution will live to fight another day. What the what the left was trying to do here was fundamentally undermine the separation of powers, fundamentally undermine the office of the presidency in their haste to get Trump at all costs.
They risked doing serious irreversible damage to our constitutional order. And thank God the Supreme Court did what they did and upheld the Constitution, upheld core constitutional principles, and gave us the broad doctrine of presidential immunity that we believe that we need to protect the office of the presidency, not just now, but in years to come.
Clarence Thomas's concurrence has not gotten nearly enough attention. This is one of the most important Supreme Court opinions in modern history. In it, Clarence Thomas says that the separation of powers, core constitutional principles, indicate that Jack Smith, the special counsel, is exercising powers that he has no constitutional right to exercise.
Thomas's concurrence in some respects echoes Justice Scalia's famous concurrence in the case Morrison v. Olson, which many people consider to be Scalia's absolute best opinion. What Thomas is saying is that Jack Smith, who has never been appointed by a president, never confirmed by the Senate, is exercising powers that he simply cannot exercise.
The ramifications of that are immediate and clear. In the Florida case, the documents case, we have already moved to dismiss that case, essentially on the basis that Clarence Thomas believes all of these cases should be dismissed. It also has clear ramifications in D.C., where we will look at taking further action
to dismiss these prosecutions on the simple ground that the person bringing them has absolutely no right to bring them. This is just another instance where this insane campaign of lawfare against President Trump has run absolutely roughshod over our constitutional norms and our constitutional system of government. That's a phenomenal summary. So, Will, let's just pause with one part of this.
Judge Bershon delayed sentencing till mid-September. Is it correct that the Bragg prosecution used part of Donald Trump's official acts as president as evidence in the New York case? Therefore, based on the Supreme Court decision, could that trigger a mistrial? Absolutely. That's the issue here. And look, Judge Bershon has not given us a favorable ruling essentially since the start of this case.
And yet suddenly, you know, we run into court as soon as the Supreme Court came down and we said, look, there is all of this evidence that was introduced in this case, mountains of evidence that was introduced in this case that the Supreme Court just said is constitutionally off limits. You cannot use it.
The prosecution conceded that point almost immediately, or at least conceded that they had a very serious issue. They agreed to a continuance of sentencing, and Judge Bichon then issued an order continuing sentencing. And there's an interesting sentence at the bottom of that order that indicates that he believes that sentencing may not happen at all.
It's amazing. So even Judge Mershon and Alvin Bragg's office understand that they have a massive problem here. And it just goes to show that they're rushed to get this New York case to trial on a fundamentally political timeline, as opposed to a timeline dictated by legal process, by due process, by all of the things that normally dictate the pattern and pacing of the case. It just goes to show that this was all political from the start. They wanted to get their conviction.
Well, now what they have is an absolute mess on their hands. And I, for one, I'm glad to see that happen. Well, I completely agree. I mean, all this lawfare seems to be not just backfiring, but it's not even getting its full effect. It's not even getting its full intended effect to try to slow down Trump. And it's not even getting played out. The Justice Department came out yesterday, Will, and they said, oh, no, inauguration day.
is now the new deadline. Did you see this story where they are going to pursue Department of Justice cases against Trump all the way up until he gets sworn in? What do you make of this? Look, the campaign of lawfare against President Trump is collapsing under its own weight. In every filing, in every public statement, we see an increased air of absolute desperation. They thought this was their Trump card. And the only thing that they've actually achieved
here is strengthening President Trump's political position, because the American people see through what's going on. The American people reject what's going on. And the American people are going to end up rewarding President Trump at the ballot box in November. I will tell you right now, they are not going to get away with this. This will not stand. These prosecutions will not proceed. And however many times we have to go up to the U.S. Supreme Court, we've won three times there now.
However many times we have to go up to the U.S. Supreme Court to stop this campaign of lawfare, we will and we will continue winning. Is it now fair to say that we can push back on this idea that Trump's a convicted felon? It's like it's kind of TBD. Is that fair? Well, based on the Supreme Court decision that they got to that conclusion, maybe using unconstitutional means.
Trump is not a convicted felon. Let's say that again. Trump is not a convicted felon. A jury verdict is not a final judgment until the moment of sentencing, which now may never occur. Trump is not a convicted felon. That's a huge narrative wrinkle. I think that's important, Will, because they're saying this every day. Is it is it cause for the Trump campaign to be able to sue when they say convicted felon, convicted felon? Or is that?
Because it's technically not correct. I'm going to watch my words here, but I'll say that we sued George Stephanopoulos for defamation or President Trump sued George Stephanopoulos for defamation. If I were folks on the left, I would choose their words very carefully in the months ahead.
When Will Sharf makes a statement like that, you better take notes and listen very carefully. I interrupted you. Just repeat it one more time. Trump is not a convicted felon. Why? A jury decision is not a final conviction. Is that correct? Yeah.
When we say convicted felon, we're talking about a final judgment. Final judgment is not entered until the point of sentencing. So the fact that the jury returned a guilty verdict does not make President Trump a convicted felon. Until the day he is sentenced, he is not a convicted felon. And now it looks like he may not be sentenced at all. We've pushed back sentencing over two months. And Judge Mershon acknowledges in his order that's
Excuse me, that sentencing may not even be required in this case, which indicates that he believes, as the prosecution clearly believes, as we certainly believe, that there are deep evidentiary issues in the way that this case was presented at trial, certainly deep issues relating to the Supreme Court's opinion on Monday. And as a result, again, President Trump is not a convicted felon, and I do not believe he will be a convicted felon.
That is huge. Will, tell 20 seconds people about your race, how they can support you. My name is Will Scharf. I'm running to be Missouri's next attorney general in my infinite free time when I'm not defending President Trump in court.
Conservative Missourians are fired up. They're sick and tired of the political establishment in this state. They want a conservative change. That's the dynamic we're seeing on the ground here. That's the dynamic I think you're seeing all across the country, Charlie. People are sick and tired of career politicians and deep state bureaucrats running this country into the ground. That's what we're fighting against. That's what we need to change. Will is an all-star, everybody. Will, come back anytime. Excellent work. Thank you. Thanks, Charlie.
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historic stuff. And the media is complaining. Do you know that the Biden campaign is me is complaining that the New York Times is too tough on them? They expect the media to be friendly to them at all times. Now, understand this is the equivalent. Imagine if all of a sudden Breitbart dot com or Gateway Pundit like turned on Donald Trump. That's how they view the New York Times. They view the New York Times as friendly home team media.
They view the New York Times, the Washington Post as you're supposed to defend me. You're supposed to support us. The work we do this weekend on Independence Day weekend will determine a win or a loss in November. Now, let me also just reiterate one thing. Some of you in the audience have said you refuse to vote.
And you refuse to work to vote and you refuse to register voters because you say, quote, it's rigged and they can put whoever they want in no matter what. But let me ask you, if the elections were totally rigged now, I'm not saying they're not tampered with, but if they were rigged, therefore meaning that anything you do does not matter. Why would they be pulling Joe Biden if elections were all fake and zero percent real? Why would Joe Biden step aside?
Why wouldn't they just rig it again? Why wouldn't they just configure the machines or why all the lawfare, by the way? Why all the screaming about presidential immunity? Because the answer lies somewhere in the middle is that our elections are broken.
But they're not completely dead. And there still is some semblance of representative government and our voice that can be heard in these elections. You can cheat. You can steal. You can manipulate stuff. But it's on the 2%, 3%. It's on the margins, if you will. But wholesale cheating in some of these states, given our movement, our poll watchers, and our eyes on the ball, is actually harder than some realize.
I hope all of you use this as the ultimate buried lead of this Biden drama that Joe Biden being pulled or removing himself shows that our movement is so massive, so strong, so numerous that they cannot even manipulate Joe Biden to another term. Secondly, that there's not enough manipulation to be able to get there.
Not enough manipulation to be able to get him across the finish line. New York Times wrote this morning, quote, Biden told ally that he is weighing whether to continue in the race. Andrew Bates, who works in the Biden White House, what his title is, I'm not sure, says, quote, that claim is absolutely false. The New York Times had provided us with more than seven minutes to comment. We would have told them so. There is a lot of fighting happening right now. So Joe Biden is not.
as well-liked in D.C. as the Pope, Barack Obama. Joe Biden has about 10 or 12 loyal lieutenants. Ron Klain, Jake Sullivan, I guess this Andrew Bates guy, Jill Biden. And they are digging in. The New York Times is not doing the bidding of the Biden regime anymore. The New York Times is...
Launching salvos on behalf of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Biden is white knuckling. Understand this. The longer Biden holds on, the better it is for us. If they're going to pull every day, they are losing credibility and they are losing opportunity.
So every day, you can increase our chances towards victory the longer he holds on. Or if he remains in the race, fine. Game on. Let's have it. Let's have at it. I'm not guaranteeing victory, but Biden, Harris, if Biden were to pull out today, and if Biden were to pull out this weekend, they have time to recover and do a whole new propaganda campaign. So do not be cocky at all. But the longer that Joe Biden white knuckles,
The longer that Joe Biden says, I'm not going, I'm not leaving, I refuse. The longer that remains, the harder it will be for them to recover. Because what if Joe Biden has a senior moment in September? Remember, months can be years when it comes to dementia.
So the answer is to get to work. It is Project 42. This weekend, we are seeking our audience together to register 42,000 new voters, which was the deficit of ballots that we fell short in 2020. If everybody in this audience, and I'm looking at you, if you register one new voter, we can make a significant difference. tpaction.com slash vote. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to charliekirk.com.