She failed to provide clear, concise answers to basic questions, often rambling and avoiding direct responses.
They expressed frustration and disappointment, questioning her ability to answer straightforward questions.
She gave a non-answer that implied she had made no mistakes, which was seen as insincere and evasive.
She primarily focused on criticizing Trump rather than outlining her own policy positions.
They aimed to boost base turnout by invoking fear and rallying the core Democratic supporters.
She couldn't name a single legislative priority, highlighting her lack of clear policy direction.
She initially mocked Trump's wall but later supported a compromise bill that included funding for it.
Trump was straightforward and precise, while Harris was evasive and inconsistent.
It solidified concerns that she was unprepared and incapable of leading the party effectively.
Hey, everybody. This is the Charlie Kirk Show. Blake and I go through the disastrous town hall of Kamala Harris, one of the worst interviews in the history of interviews. We're not just saying that. Email us, as always, freedom at and subscribe to our podcast and go vote now. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.
I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.
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I have Blake co-piloting today in the interest of Charlie not losing his voice again right before the election. Blake, good to see you. Blake, you know, we've been keeping you kind of as a relief pitcher. We've intentionally not had Blake travel with us because we knew that this was happening. Mikey's down for the count. Andrew's got something going on for like the last week. I'm losing my voice. We're dropping like flies. But hey, here comes the relief pitcher. Blake, how are you doing? How are things looking from a little bit of the outsider's perspective? Oh, I mean, it's...
You're on a roll, Charlie. I can tell we're really building up to the climax here. Your speech last night was a barn burner and a night with a lot of barn burners. I mean, Tucker Carlson gave an amazing speech yesterday in Georgia, and I thought your speech was right on par with that. So we wouldn't want to lose your voice, although I will admit it will be really funny if we're winning on election night and you're there being like, this is so great, everybody.
So that will be funny, but we do want to keep you intact so that we can have full-throated Charlie when we get to the final days.
If we were to win. So thank you, Blake, for that. Blake, I want to kind of hand it off to you and you can navigate the audience here. But just first, I want to show 102. This was our Georgia event yesterday where we had well over 10,000 people and 12,000 people outside. It was just incredible. But Blake, the noteworthy news is worth examining and diving into is what Kamala Harris did on CNN, which very well should have been just a
It's kind of routine. Here's the questions. Answer them. I'm the vice president. Gained some points of independence. Ended up being one of the more shocking moments
things of this entire campaign that says something we've a lot of tape to play Blake walk us through it yeah so last week feels I had to double check I thought it was two weeks ago no it was just last week she went on Fox News with Brett Baer it was a pretty combative back and forth interview uh Brett asked her some tough questions he interrupted her a few times to really push it home and the Democrats are really unhappy about that they were they were complaining about it but
It's okay. You know, it's a Fox audience. It was making a play for those never Trump conservatives. It doesn't go great. Not the end of the world. So let's just go and do another town hall with CNN. I think this is literally what they scheduled because they couldn't agree to a second debate. So she was just going to go on CNN by herself. You have Anderson Cooper, a nice, good regime liberal. He's going to ask you questions.
All the questions you want to hear. And you just get an hour and 15 with Anderson to pitch to the audience. And, you know, I feel like even before we show Kamala's clips, I think the best thing to do is to just show how CNN's own liberals were reacting to it after this is over. This is David Axelrod, a former staffer in the Obama administration, clearly wants Kamala to win. And his response was clip 98.
She doesn't want to answer a question. Her habit is to kind of go to word salad city, and she did that on a couple of answers. One was on Israel. Anderson asked a direct question, would you be stronger on Israel than Trump? And there was a seven-minute answer, but none of it related to the question he was asking.
A seven-minute answer. And not only that, there was another question also related to that where an audience member asked her how she would handle anti-Semitism on campus. And we don't have that clip, Charlie, because it is too long. Her answer was over five minutes long, according to the New York Times. I actually, I want to read the New York Times summary of this. This is another great one. Again, New York Times, clearly a publication that wants Kamala to win, but they have this take.
Miss Harris got one fairly straightforward question from a Jewish independent voter about how she would deal with anti-Semitism on campus. In an answer that stretched for more than five minutes, she briefly touched on hate crimes, but then jumped into a discursive tangent that addressed Mr. Trump's reported invocations of Hitler, his relationship with Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin, and his actions during the coronavirus pandemic.
It was just all of these rambling answers. Politico is noting this. CNN is noting this. The New York Times is noting this.
All the outlets that she needs to come out and, you know, just robotically say, oh, Kamala presented herself to the American people in a firm way. She stood against Trump's fascism. All of that stuff, all the people who are supposed to be on her side are saying more or less this was a disaster. She can't define herself. She can't give a clear answer to things.
We have some of her clips that don't go for multiple minutes. We have clip 82, which is a question a lot of people would get during a job interview. What's a shortcoming you have that you have overcome? And this is how she responds to it. Let's play number 82. Is there something you can point to in your life, political life or in your life in the last four years, that you think is a mistake that you have learned from?
I mean, I've made many mistakes.
And they range from, you know, if you've ever parented a child, you know, you make lots of mistakes, too. In my role as vice president, I mean, I've probably worked very hard at making sure that I am well versed on issues. And I think that is very important. It's a mistake not to be well versed on an issue and feel compelled to answer a question.
That was one of the worst answers in the history. So just just because she does not think she's made any mistakes. And this is the easiest question to answer because you can answer it in a way where the audience would draw sympathy with you and actually gain in standing. What you should have said is honestly, Anderson, early in my career, I pushed myself too hard and I didn't put my health first. And now I've I really hit a good pace.
And I know my limits and I know that I have to get my sleep and I know that I have to, you know, carve out some time for me and for family. But I made a mistake early on in my career to push myself too hard. Great answer. Right. Everyone can resonate with that. She's obviously super ambitious. Right. She obviously wants to be president. That's all she had to say. That is all she had to say. Instead, that might have been like one of the worst answers in the history of
of interview. I mean, not only was it a non-answer, it was like, I've done nothing wrong. It was a non-answer, and also, like, it was almost passive-aggressive at the end, which she actually, she does give an answer. Her answer is, like, sometimes it's a mistake not to try to answer questions that you're not prepared for, implicitly, like this one, and just stares at him after she says that. It's
Really, like, it's unbelievable. Again, we can't play the whole thing, but another thing the New York Times flagged was she would get asked about a million different issues. She would get asked about, you know, would you expand the Supreme Court? Do you want to raise taxes on people making over 500K? Should America pay for all the benefits for the illegals crossing the border? Are you going to make Roe v. Wade federal law? What are you going to do about Gaza? Her answers boiled down to Donald Trump would be worse.
And that's just her answer to everything. This is really... This was flagged by our friend Mark Halpern last night, that there's been a clear pivot by the Kamala campaign to just say the Hitler word over and over again. Donald Trump is a fascist. She did say that last night. She said, Donald Trump's a fascist. He's a fascist. He's Hitler. Hitler is bad. We are anti-Hitler as the Democrats, and that's our case to the American people. And...
It's a jarring swerve because it's very much just trying to rally the base. And you wonder, you know, they went from appeal to the middle with, you know, some middle class rhetoric. Talk about expanding the child tax credit. And now two weeks to go, it's suddenly just Hitler, Hitler, Hitler.
And I think what you've got to say is I suspect her campaign has seen the numbers on early votes. They may have seen some internal polling. And what they're seeing is their base is feeling defeated. It's feeling not fired up. And they think we are going to get killed unless we boost our base turnout. How do we do that? We have to make them think like the Holocaust is about to happen.
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Who knows how many thousands of new votes there are? Charlie, I just got my daughter, who is 40 years old, to vote for the first time, and my 19-year-old grandson in Arizona, MAGA Strong. So I want to just highlight this email before we go more into Kamala Harris's CNN thing. That's two new voters that were not in 2020 where we had the highest turnout ever. Think about that. And how were we able to reach that? Was it through TV ads? No, no, no, no. Relationships.
Larry has a relationship with his 40-year-old daughter who's never voted before and his 90-year-old grandson. And Larry kind of maybe, I don't know, pulled rank a little bit. Like, I'm the granddad. I'm the dad. Let's go.
And he probably did it very lovingly. And he says, thanks so much. It means a lot. We are Christians too. Larry, you're a great American. Everybody, if you just do that and find the new voters, not the, not the MAGA flag waving neighbor that goes to every rally. They're high, high prop. The new voter. That is what breaks the matrix. It shakes it to its core.
And it makes it too big to rig. Okay, Blake, let's do this as a speed round. Can you just, Blake, go through clip after clip after clip of what happened here? It's so noteworthy. And, Blake, is it a hyperbole to say this is one of the worst interviews you've ever seen?
It was bad, Charlie. It was bad, and you can just tell by how they're having to... Like, the total lack of... I mean, obviously we're excited, but the total lack of excitement on the left... Sometimes you have, you know, two different reactions on different sides of the political spectrum. We'll think something's really embarrassing, but their base is eating it up. But what you really see on the left is you see a lot of frustration. Like...
you know, okay, Kamala has been doing this for three months now. Why can't she get it together? And they're really, it's, it's like depression is setting in and you know, it's like, man, even if she were to win, how would they deal with four years of this? Cause she's never, she's never going to get better. Look,
And, yeah, let's play some of it. In the interest of time, let's play 83. 83 is one of my favorites. It's like, what are your weaknesses? Her weakness is having a team of smart people. I mean, it's just like such a bad... Again, Kamala, all you have to say, my weakness is I work too hard. Done. End of story. Great. My weakness is I push myself too hard. Done. Great. Fine. The...
Everyone's like, wow, your weakness actually could be your strength, but it's a weakness. This is like, this is 101 if you're running for office, okay? By the way, Anderson Cooper asked you like the most basic questions imaginable. Play cut 83. What weaknesses do you bring to the table and how do you plan to overcome them while you're in office? That's a great question, Joe. Well, I am certainly not perfect. So let's start there. And I think that...
My perhaps a weakness, some would say, but I actually think it's a strength is I really do value having a team of very smart people around me who bring to my decision making process different perspectives. I my team will tell you I am constantly saying, let's kick the tire on that. Let's kick the tires on it.
I mean, Blake, this is just to be clear at Turning Point Action, Turning Point USA and the Charlie Kirk show combined, we employ 1,500 full-time people. Now that number will go down after the election because a lot of those are ballot chasers.
in every interview we ask, what would you say is your greatest weakness? Blake, is that not like one Oh one college grad onboarding interview that you would ask? Yeah. It's, it's like, it's kind of an annoying question to be honest. Like it is very much a, you know, you see it a lot and it's always as you know, like you have to give this answer. Like I just, I work so hard and I push myself to it. You end up giving these sort of like fake answers to it. But, uh,
But, you know, at least Kamala could have learned that. You're going to a town hall. You're going to possibly hear a question like that. And that's what's so funny about it is she's been at this for three months. And the questions you know you're going to get, you know you're going to get asked, how are you different from Biden? They've asked her this at every single one of her interviews, at every single debate. And she's been at this for three months.
She still isn't... She doesn't have a good answer for it, which is why they're going to keep asking it. It's so bad that Michael Scott had a better answer to this question in the office. I don't think we have time to play it. It's unreal how botched this was. And I think you're really seeing... She is completely unprepared. They pivoted her to this strategy of going to the media a bunch. She was hiding from the media. We all ridiculed her for it. We said, she's not ready. And
I don't know if they knew they were going downhill, so they were like, we need to change strategies, even if it's unlikely, or if they just cracked, if they finally snapped and said, we'll show you, we'll show that Kamala can do media. And it's been about two weeks of the sudden Kamala media blitz, and it's mostly been really embarrassing for her. And I think, you know, if we're fortunate and we win, we're going to see this remembered as a huge strategic misplay.
So our team's been using this app. And again, I'm careful with these betting markets, but this is the one you guys got to look at. It's called Kalshi. K-A-L-S-H-I. It's the first legal exchange where you can trade and bet on any event. For the first time in 100 years, they got approval to list markets to trade on the outcome of the upcoming election, making it legal to trade on the U.S. presidential election and see who's going to win, Trump or Kamala. They have markets on who will win each election, who will win swing states. They also have markets on inflation, interest rates, who will win.
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So, Blake, let's play Dana Bash, but I just want to take a step back here. This is one of the few things that was on Kamala's schedule and her inability to dialogue with not even critical questions, but just neutral job interview questions. This is this CNN town hall is transparently disqualifying for her to ever assume that
the office of the President of the United States. Yeah, well, she literally went off... She kind of went off the campaign trail for about two days. She had... I think it was maybe not two full days, but there was...
a period of a couple days where she had not many campaign events. She went to Pennsylvania, and it seemed the focus was, and she also, I think, went to D.C. to have meetings with staff. So she basically had two days of private meetings, not doing a lot of out-there campaigning, and it preceded this town hall as well as, I think she did some interviews on, maybe it was Telemundo or one of the Spanish channels,
So she was doing a series of these interviews and she had time to prep for this. She had time for her staff to get her ready for the questions that she would hear. And it appears that instead they were just deciding, okay, we're going to call Trump a fascist. Here's eight different ways to call Trump a fascist. Maybe say Hitler sometimes too. And you're like, how was their plan? They think this is how you close the deal on an election and
It just, it does feel, it genuinely feels to me like they're panicking because really when you're in the final 10 days, it's not good if you're doing the Hitler freak out because that's only, we've been hearing this for a decade, that's only going to motivate your diehard base of
Yeah, and it's just...
Is she trying to win over like more Raytheon lobbyists or something? I mean, this is such a the Trump is Hitler nonsense. She's going to try to make her closing argument from the national mall. Let's play Dana Bash from CNN. Play cut 97. I'll just tell you what I'm hearing from people who I've been talking to. And that is that if her goal was to close the deal, they're not sure she did that.
And, you know, some people have asked, is she being held to a different standard? Maybe.
But that's maybe the world that she's living in. And on the question of who she is, people are understanding that a little bit more. But what she will do, the question about her legislative priorities, name one. There wasn't one. You know, some more of her personality and her character questions about your weaknesses or what mistakes did you make? Not necessarily the answers there. That's just...
Name one. There wasn't one. It's coming from Dana Bash. That is a damning statement. It's one thing if you're hearing that from a Republican analyst who's there to be polite. When Dana Bash is saying, you didn't close the deal and you couldn't answer the basic question of what's your policy identity, that's
That is she's saying it was a dumpster fire. There's a line, a guy on Twitter, a disgraced propagandist. He was saying Dana Bash saying she didn't close the deal was actually Dana speaking directly to Kamala. She was saying, hey, we told you what to do, but you didn't do it. Basically throwing up her hands in anger because really, what else could she do?
And another one, I've never seen a politician less prepared than Kamala for, sorry, jumped here. I've never seen a politician less prepared than Kamala in tonight's friendly CNN town hall. She didn't just evade uncomfortable questions. She evaded all the questions. They teeter up over and over to answer, how are you different? And she failed time and time again.
She didn't do the homework. And that's the craziest thing. She took time off to prep for this interview and then she just wasn't ready. She repeatedly came off as someone who was not ready.
ready for what was being thrown at her. And this is another great one. This clip, this clip has been seen over seven, almost seven and a half million times on X. And it's her trying to talk about securing the border. And Anderson Cooper points out, wait, are you against or in favor of securing the border? We can't figure it out. Let's play 106. Is a border wall stupid? Well, let's talk about Donald Trump and that border wall. So remember, Donald Trump said Mexico would pay for it.
Come on. They didn't. How much of that wall did he build? I think the last number I saw is about 2%. And then when it came time for him to do a photo op, you know where he did it? In the part of the wall that President Obama built. But you're agreeing to a bill that would earmark $650 million to continue building that wall. I pledge that I am going to bring forward that bipartisan bill.
to further strengthen and secure our border. Yes, I am. And I'm going to work across the aisle to pass a comprehensive bill that deals with a broken immigration system. I think Jackson's question, part of it was to acknowledge that America has always had migration, but there needs to be a legal process for it. People have to earn it.
And that's the point that I think is the most important point that can be made, which is we need a president who is grounded in common sense and practical outcomes. Like, let's just fix this thing. Let's just fix it.
Why is there any ideological perspective on it? Let's just fix the problem. To fix the problem, you're doing this compromise bill. It does call for $650 million that was earmarked under Trump to actually still go to build the wall. I'm not afraid of good ideas where they occur. You don't think it's stupid anymore? I think what he did and how he did it did not make much sense because he actually didn't do much of anything.
I just talked about that wall, right? We just talked about it. He didn't actually do much of anything. But you do want to build some wall. I want to strengthen our border. It's so jarring to see that. It's like she's constantly switching modes. So she starts off, I'm going to make fun. Hey, Trump is so stupid. He thought of his dumb wall. Let's make fun of it. And then Anderson butts in, well, don't you support Trump?
a wall now? And she dials back, well, we just want to do what works. Let's just get it done. This is not ideological. Let's just fix it. So you do support a border wall? I support good ideas wherever they come from. But didn't you say it was a dumb idea? It's...
As you said, we had to see the whole thing because it's really bizarre to see the way that she sways around when under attack here. And it's so telling. You remember that town hall Trump did also on CNN a year ago? It was Caitlin Collins. It's such the opposite of Trump, which is totally never had two different. I mean.
Trump could not be more blunt or precise or just straightforward with his answers. And she couldn't be more dodgy or opaque. Yeah, I remember Caitlin Collins. I think that was the first time I remember seeing them. It was really their first pass on really going hard at Trump on.
the Roe v. Wade abortion question, and they're trying to get him off, and he's just saying, like, nope, nope, we did a great thing. We got rid of Roe. It was terrible. Every judge said it was awful. Every legal expert said it was terrible. It's a state thing now. We're leaving it to the states. It's great. And they kept trying to get him off that, and it's a tough issue. We've acknowledged it. It's an issue that is still difficult for him, and...
but he would just, he had his line, he stuck to it. He could state it succinctly. And he's, I think managed to really, uh, uh,
Stay stable on that issue that they've tried to really damage him on. And you just compare this to Kamala, who is like she's a reed blowing in the wind. She can't figure she doesn't know what she believes. Everything she's saying, it's like she needs to just repeat what other people have told her. And she doesn't always remember how it goes. And she can't easily square the contradictions between what she says now and what she said in the past.
And so she just looks like a mess. She is not a prepared person. She doesn't understand the issues, so she can't talk about the issues off the cuff. All she can do is canned statements. And if anything throws off the canned statement, it's a total meltdown. It is well said. All right, let's play more. By the way, there's more tape here of just we have not even played. I don't think unless my memory is is drunk. He asked her, what would you do differently?
Anderson Cooper asked a very simple question. What would you do different? Play cut 86. Considering you've been in the position of vice president for the past four years under the Biden administration, how can we expect you to deviate from the direction of that administration compared to your own? My administration will not be a continuation of the Biden administration. I bring to this role my own ideas and my own experience.
I represent a new generation of leadership on a number of issues and believe that we have to actually take new approaches.
And remember, Charlie, we're leaving out, we can't even play the clips where she gets a question and rambles for five minutes, seven minutes without answering it. That happened. We just, we don't have the time to play a seven minute uninterrupted clip where it's just not answering the question that was asked. It's, it is an all time bad interview. And I think I, one of, obviously I want us to win because I want Trump to be president. I want a Republican presidency, but I,
I also want us to win because that is how we're going to get the tell-all memoirs and recriminations where all these Democrats are going to come out and they're going to say, how did this happen? How did this huge blunder of an interview happen? And we're going to get those oral histories where someone says, oh, I saw that clip and then I buried my face in my hands and I realized it was
all over and then i i went into the the bathroom and took a xanax and puked in the toilet we're gonna we're gonna get fun memoirs like that and i really want to read them which is why everyone needs to get their ballots in so that we win in two weeks yes look i i feel the momentum everyone it is not over we must sustain the surge and out of that victory will emerge and i'm telling you every day we are seeing
new voters. I'm getting thousands of new emails right now of people that are voting early and getting their friends to go vote early. And so it doesn't matter where you live. Doesn't matter the excuse. Find new voters. Christopher just emailed us. Charlie, I'm a full time student. I don't specifically have a lot of time on my hands, but I got five new people to come out and to vote for Trump. It's amazing.
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Omega oils, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and antioxidants. Dr. Black is offering you a free Jumpstart trial bag. So fetch your free Jumpstart trial bag. Just cover shipping. Don't change your dog's food. Just go to slash kirk, slash kirk. I want to celebrate a pretty remarkable story here and just walk through some of the objections because I get them. History was made yesterday in North Carolina. Did you hear this?
For the first time since the inception of early voting, this is worth a tweet, Andrew, Republicans have moved ahead of Democrats in casting ballots early, not just incrementally, but by more than 3,000 ballots. This is unprecedented and does not include more than 600,000 unaffiliated voters who also participate in early voting and tend to go center right. Now, everyone, this is very important. Some people say, but Charlie, I'm worrying that we're decreasing our election day powder. Wait, hold on. So what?
These are people that you don't have to worry about showing up on Election Day because they've already banked their vote. You don't have to worry about if they get COVID, they get sick, there's a hurricane or a terrorist attack. They're in the system. So you should celebrate that. The moment when you vote does not matter. It doesn't. You don't get extra points for voting on Election Day. The order in which you count the ballots does not matter.
just matters whether or not you vote. And here's the other kicker. It's not that we're just reorganizing election day voters for early voters. That's actually not the case. Of course, there's a little bit of that happening. But these are net new voters. When you allow early voting to occur, what you're doing and you're celebrating it is you're increasing the amount of days
that lower likely voters can participate in the election. And it gives it allows your get out the vote to be far more efficient. It allows your get out the vote operation to be far more precise. And Democrats are freaking out about this. And I honestly think we will actually still have an election day surge.
I think we're still going to have a surge. Why? Because now we can narrow our universe and say, oh, these 600,000 people already voted. These 800,000 people already voted. Now we can really focus on text messages, calls, postcards, and get out the vote for that smaller universe. Okay, Blake continues this. Blake, there's even more tape to play, isn't there? There's a bit, but I actually want to quote this first. We've had Mark Halpern on this show. We've followed him a lot this cycle. He's gotten a lot of good reporting. He's been ahead of the curve on a lot of stuff.
And he has his show in the morning and in the evening. And so I only got to check on this now, but he was talking about the Democrat reaction to Harris's town hall in his show this morning. I don't have the clip of it. I'm just reading the quote, though.
And he says, for Democratic pundits who are trying to be poker-faced, they are clearly feeling what a lot of Democrat donors are feeling and Democrat elected officials are feeling, which is there's no time left for her, Kamala, to get better. I think the biggest story of the news cycle is, along with the Trump loves Hitler thing, is her performance last night. And he said, I want to highlight this, it was the last straw for a lot of Democrats.
And that is that's remarkable to hear the last straw. I imagine the people he's referring to are still going to vote for Kamala. So it's not that he's talking. He's not talking about people who are flipping to Trump. I think what he's saying is Democrats. It's really sunk in for them that Kamala is a bad candidate and a bad politician. And for that matter, it's sunk in that.
as a result she'll be a bad president like this is not a person they can look to to lead the party she's going to be this weird empty suit that they're trying to install in the white house and that's pretty jarring when they're already coming off of a guy so old they have to manage everything he does they'll have to go to someone who's so unprepared so let's be honest kind of dumb that she can't handle the burden of the presidency and i just think
That is that's a remarkable thing to hear from a pretty neutral reporter, as we know Mark is. If we want to play some more tape, how about we just play a number 81? This is another basic question that she should be able to answer. Clip 81. So you're saying what you're saying is anyone under 400,000 won't have taxes raised. Are you saying that anyone above 400,000 will have a tax raise? I'm saying that there is going to be.
a parity around what the richest people pay in terms of their taxes. Right now, Anderson, you know, the document, it is well documented that some of the richest people in our country have gotten away with a zero tax rate. But if you're earning $500,000, $600,000, $700,000 under your plan, there's a good chance your taxes will go up. We can't have this conversation without knowing that it's a very complicated situation, right? It's a complicated situation. We can't...
She is not intellectually capable of running for president. I want to just close on this. She got worse since convention. She had her little shtick going for a while. She had her little kind of like, I'm the candidate and we're going to protect Roe. And she has had to face the music and do interviews.
her lack of capacity to answer basic questions. And it would have helped if she would have actually had a job. Hey, Kamala, if you actually would have worked at McDonald's, you would have been able to answer the question, what is your greatest weakness? Because I believe that is a question that everybody gets asked at every job interview. But it's very clear you've never been asked that question before. Blake, thank you so much for helping. Email us, freedom at Subscribe to our podcast. She has failed as vice president. How on earth can we give her a promotion? Vote Trump.
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