cover of episode Is Joe Biden Leaving a Hyperinflation Land Mine for Trump?

Is Joe Biden Leaving a Hyperinflation Land Mine for Trump?

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The Charlie Kirk Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Mary Margaret Olohan
Scott Bessent
Scott Bessent: 拜登政府的经济政策,特别是其巨额财政赤字支出和繁重的监管措施,导致美国通货膨胀飙升至40年来最高水平。这与政府官员的声明相矛盾,他们声称通货膨胀并未对他们个人产生影响。通货膨胀的实际影响远超官方数据显示,已经对普通民众的生活造成严重冲击,例如食品价格上涨和食品银行使用率的增加。此外,拜登政府的现代货币理论(MMT)政策以及美联储的配合,也加剧了通货膨胀。与之形成对比的是,特朗普政府时期的经济增长并未伴随高通胀,这表明特朗普的经济政策更有效地控制了通货膨胀。如果特朗普再次当选,他将采取减税和放松管制等措施,从而控制通货膨胀。 Charlie Kirk: 通过播放TikTok视频和采访经济学家等方式,强调了拜登政府的经济政策导致的通货膨胀对普通民众的实际影响。同时,节目也质疑了所谓的专家共识,指出这些专家在预测经济形势方面存在偏差,并对政府官员的言论进行反驳。

Deep Dive

The episode discusses the potential economic challenges Trump might inherit from Biden, focusing on inflation and deficit issues. It features an interview with Scott Bessent, a billionaire fund manager, who critiques Biden's economic policies and predicts what Trump might do to address them.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey everybody, is Donald Trump gonna have hyperinflation if he wins? We talk with Scott Bussin and also we talk with Mary Margaret Olihan about her new book, Detrans. How many people have actually detransitioned in this country? We talk about that and more. Email us as always, freedom at Subscribe to our podcast, open up your podcast app and type in Charlie Kirk Show. Get involved with Turning Point USA today at That is

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16 Nobel Prize winning economists come out of nowhere and claim Trump will wreck our economy. It feels like when 51 Intel agents came out and they said that the Hunter Biden laptop had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. What is it with these groups of experts that come into election seasons and try to change the narrative? Very orchestrated, obviously. Well, there is a phenomenal counter op-ed to this. 16 winning, Nobel Prize winning economists claim Trump will wreck our economy. This is the reason I don't trust them.

One of the first signatures comes from George Akerlof, 2001 Nobel laureate, who's married to President Biden's Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. This is published in Joining us now to discuss his op-ed as counter-net is Scott Bussin. Scott, welcome to the program. Thank you so much for taking the time. Tell us about your op-ed.

Hi, Charlie. Thanks for having me. And look, I was outraged by this op-ed. As you mentioned, it's dropped just like the 51 intelligence, whatever they were, expert signatures talking about alleged Russian intelligence.

Interference with a laptop. And now this is dropped yesterday. So clearly it could be a talking point for the debate tomorrow night. And look, here's what's happening, Shirley, is, you know, I'm in the investment business. I'm also an academic.

But I've been following the new cycle closely around the Biden economy. And we started out with the Biden economy. One, they were going to campaign on Bidenomics. And Bidenomics has been a failure. So then they can't campaign on that. So then they revert to two, the American people

They don't understand how good they have it. Even today, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial by Alan Blinder, former vice chairman of the Fed, out of touch Princeton professor, telling Americans the economy is really great. You know, why don't you surf? They appreciate us.

And none of that's worked. So now we are at three. And number three is to make up a canard that Trump 2.0 is somehow going to be inflationary and bad for the economy, which is in complete opposition to what happened during Trump 1.0. Trump 1.0, the first three

Three years before COVID was some of the strongest growth that we've seen in the past 100 years. So, you know, they're creating this false narrative. And I will add that the three quarters of this group are the same geniuses, the same geniuses who said that Joe Biden's policies would not cause inflation. And then we got the worst inflation that we've had in the past 40 years.

And as you rightly mentioned, the signature at the top of both of those is Professor Aklow and he is Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's husband. And Secretary Yellen had the audacity and the tin ear to say in the past 48 hours that inflation had not affected her personally.

Well, yeah, I mean, I would imagine, except that all of her asset prices, the asset prices of her home has gone up. So I want to play this piece of tape for you. It's very powerful. And this is a great example to what we're talking about here. This is just a random guy on TikTok.

And it's an extraordinary idea. So on your Walmart app or your Amazon app or your Whole Foods app, it allows you to go back into your history and reorder groceries exactly as you ordered them previously. So two years, this guy goes back into his Walmart app and he says, okay, I'm gonna go reorder my groceries from two years ago, piece for piece, pound for pound. And watch this, the difference in price in just two years.

In just two years, this guy records his Walmart order from two years ago and shows how a month of groceries from then, look at the price increase, play cut 85. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I just like looked through my Walmart history and I found this like Walmart order from two years ago for the whole month worth of groceries. 45 items cost $126. A whole month of groceries just for me, basically.

But I did notice this reorder all button and I wanted to see how much it would cost now. Now, this order of 45 items for one month would have cost $414. That is four times more. How the f- how? Scott, I don't think they understand. Just another op-ed is going to convince that young man to vote for Joe Biden.

Yeah, look, you know, Americans lived experience is very different. And the inflation number that we've gotten, you know, the government statistics, you know, underweight food, they underweight fuel, they don't include the increase in interest costs. You know, we're back to we would be exceeding if we used the same index that was used during Jimmy Carter's time, we would be above the Jimmy Carter misery index. So

So, you know, I've been saying this is like the Joe 70 show. And, you know, it's probably going to close on November 5th. But this is bad. And just as part of my research.

I'm an ordinary guy. I decided to go into two different food banks because I read a couple of months ago that food bank usage in the United States is at a record level. And we're at a record level with 3.9% unemployment. This is recessionary. This is depressionary stuff for

For these food bank usage. So, you know, I go in, I did my own research. I was talking with the people who run the food banks and they're saying, well, what's happening is exactly what that young man just said, that the basket of groceries that people had been buying, that they're coming into the food banks to top off.

That, you know, if they had $100 a week to spend on groceries, it doesn't go as far as it used to. They would buy the fresh things, milk, vegetables. And then, you know, working class families are having to resort to food bank.

And you have crossed a Rubicon when you do that. People want dignity and dignity is not going into a food bank. Dignity is not the secretary of the treasury telling you that inflation hasn't affected her when there is a record amount of food bank usage.

Scott, such powerful commentary. How specifically do you suggest we explain the increase in food and grocery prices from Joe Biden's policies to the increase in prices? The way we do it is this deficit spending spree has flooded the zone with money that is not, that we have more dollar bills than valuable products. And so therefore prices go up. How do you recommend, Scott? So Charlie, that's a great baseline.

And the way I explain it is the Biden administration made a choice. The great inflation was a choice and they chose to blow out the deficit, you know, spin, spin, spin. You know, I tell people, you know, young people like you who believe they're never going to own a home. Joe Biden's Green New Deal ate your home.

But Charlie, as you said, it's these deficits. So the deficits, the way to think about it is the deficits cause a demand shock. What's happened is this regulatory morass that the Biden administration has added on top has caused a supply shock. So, you know, with all these regulations, supplies being withheld from the market, you know, oil prices are higher, oil prices are higher.

So, you know, you get a demand shock and then you constrict supply. And that's why you got this turbocharged inflation. The genius of President Trump's tax cuts was, you know, there was private sector, a demand shock, but it was met with deregulation. And that's why from 2017 to 2019, 2020, it was non-inflationary growth. Think of it this way. In one month,

One month, Joe Biden had 9% inflation. That's three times more than three years of Donald Trump. So, you know, again, to finish where we started, for these professors to come out and say that Donald Trump will be inflationary, it just defies all logic. He's going to deregulate.

He's going to assert America's energy dominance, and he's going to get these huge deficits under control. So, you know, I just think like that's a complete meretricious argument, you know, and these folks ought to be ashamed. And, you know, we'll see whether it gets quoted on CNN this evening, but I'm sure President Trump will have a very good answer.

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Call 972-PATRIOT. That is 972-PATRIOT. Go to slash charlie and join me and make the switch today. That is slash charlie, slash charlie. I want to play this piece of tape here. So, because when I hear experts, experts, experts, when I hear that the economists are

the Nobel Prize winning economist, they know so much. I am reminded of this Jared Bernstein clip. Have you seen this by any chance? This Jared Bernstein clip. Oh, you have to see this. You're going to love it. And you have to share it with all your friends who have trust in experts. He is the chair of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisors.

And he is a very important person. He is a senior fellow, was a senior fellow at the Senior on Budget and Policy Priorities. He was Chief Economic Advisor to Joe Biden. So he has a lot of titles and he's in charge of a lot. So this is Jared Bernstein.

who was asked a very simple question. Can you explain inflation? Can you explain how money is created? Let's play Cut 89. The U.S. government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. Like you said, they print the dollar. So why does the government even borrow? Well, the, so the, I mean, again, some of this stuff gets,

Some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money, which is why... The government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? They...

They, yeah, they sell bonds. Yeah, they sell bonds, right? Since they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and lend them the money. Yeah. Oh, it gets better. Play cut 90 and then we'll have your reaction. A lot of times, a lot of times, at least to my ear with MMT, the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing, but there is no question that the government prints money and then it uses that money to, uh, uh, uh,

So, yeah, I guess I'm just I don't I can't really talk. I don't I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about. Like, because it's like the government clearly prints money, does it all the time and it clearly borrows. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation. So I don't think there's anything confusing there.

He is the 31st chair of the Council of Economic Advisors. Your reaction, Scott? Look, I thought the interview was shocking and even more that, you know, someone with his experience couldn't at least slow down the conversation. And, you know, I actually don't think that the Biden administration really wants to talk about M&T because they've done it and the Federal Reserve helped them do it.

That's why we got this great inflation. You know, I talked about the two pieces, the demand shock from government spending, the constriction of supply with all the Biden regulation. Well, the other party in this was the Federal Reserve, who was buying all the debt that was being issued. And, you know, Charlie, I want to bring up

And another report that got dropped coincidentally in time for the debate yesterday was from a group called the Committee for a Balanced Budget. And I don't believe that they are nonpartisan because they actually came out and said that President Trump had created bigger, added more to the national debt issue.

than Joe Biden had. And that's just a fiction. And I would say Biden's created 10 trillion in debt and President Trump, including COVID, created less than a third of that. But this MMT, I always say that it is neither modern nor monetary nor a theory. It's been around for a long time. The French tried it. They ended up...

Things went pear-shaped there. They had to sell us Louisiana. It is not monetary. It is a fiscal policy, and it is not theory because it was put into practice during the Biden administration. The Fed bought the debt of the U.S. government to hold rates down.

And the general premise of modern monetary theory is imagine the most absurd structure that you could that the government will spend. And the binding constraint on the government is for Congress to stop spending when inflation picks up.

Congress to stop spending when inflation picks up. When would that ever happen? So, you know, we have lived through the experience of modern monetary theory and it failed in practice. And it's a shame that CEA head Bernstein couldn't explain it. Excellent commentary. Scott, thank you so much. And I encourage the audience to check out all of your work. Thank you. Good. Thanks for having me, Charlie.

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Okay, this is a very important topic. Joining us now is Mary Margaret Olihan, author of the book, True Stories and Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult. Mary, welcome to the program. Mary, I want to start our conversation here by playing a piece of tape of something that is still, we're still making sure this is 100% correct, but at least it was a

piece of clip that went viral yesterday on Twitter, which is a mother who is not allowed to board a United Airlines plane because she allegedly mispronounced one of the flight attendants. And by the way, this is totally believable because of the power that the purple-haired jihadists have over our society. Let's play cut 86. Okay, so we were denied boarding. Myself, my 16-month-old son, my mother, they took our luggage on the plane, which has...

my thyroid medication which I'll be very sick without my mother's medication they basically said tough luck and they won't tell me exactly what I said but what happened and I will tell you what happened right now I was speaking to one of the flight attendants got their pronouns wrong the other flight attendant didn't like it I said I'm really sorry they I I'm not very versed with pronouns I was holding my son he was having a temper tantrum I had the car seat on my back I

I wasn't really focusing on anything except getting my son's car seat on the flight and getting him comfortable and safe and him because now it's his nap time. You can see he's kind of fallen asleep. They're saying that it's a hate crime that I did, that I might not even be able to ever fly United. We don't even know how we're going to get back today. I don't know what to do. This is totally believable. Mary, your reaction and tell us about your book.

Yeah, I mean, it's totally believable. This is the kind of thing that is happening more and more. And I would argue we're going to see happen more and more given the way that these types of issues are handled. Mispronouncing someone, as you so eloquently put it, is becoming a bigger deal than, let's say, you know, praying outside an abortion clinic or, you know, going to the, you know, it's becoming a huge deal. And I think

When we're talking about this, this is because this gender ideology has become so prominent. What I heard from all these detransitioners that I spoke to for my book, people who try to transition then realize that's impossible and went back to living as their normal selves, is that media, activists, lawmakers, doctors, nurses, therapists, all of them,

all of these people are going with the same ideological line that the most important thing is gender ideology that if you believe you're trans everyone else better affirm you or else they hate you and want you dead and that lie is very much becoming uh i would argue kind of like a religious sentiment across the us if you mispronounce someone um that's more outrageous than if you punch them in the face and it's not acceptable it's not true uh you

You know, as Americans, we should be able to go about our daily lives. We shouldn't be forced to say things we don't agree with. And in this case, I don't think this woman even had a strong opinion on the topic. She seems like she was just trying to take care of her baby and accidentally called this person the wrong pronouns or, you know, the ones they didn't want to be called. But it's part of a larger issue here where.

We're coming up against people who would like to make gender ideology the religion of the state. God forbid you teach your children about traditional marriage and Christianity. But if you mispronounce someone, then potentially you could face criminal punishment. And we see this with kids riding scooters across pride crosswalks.

facing criminal punishments for that. I know in Alexandria Old Town, very close to where I live, they have these massive rainbow crosswalks with a little trans flag at the end of it as well. And that's pretty bizarre to see. And every time I walk by it, I think, gosh, if someone rode a scooter on here, if someone left skid marks on here, they could very well face criminal punishments. And that's insane. You know, we live in the United States of America. You would never think that we would get to this point

And as part of the reason that I wrote this book is because I wanted people to understand the real gravity of what we're talking about here. We're not just talking about pronouns, what we're talking about. And by the way, a lot of Americans disagree with the pronoun conversation anyways. But with this gender ideology conversation, we're also talking about doctors and therapists talking.

forcing kids down this path, pushing them to believe that they can do the impossible to change their gender. The parents are also being manipulated and confused. And so I thought, look, we're going to tell the real stories of these people.

We're going to put them out there. We're going to be graphic. We're going to be honest. We're going to be truthful. And we can let people decide for themselves how they feel about this. So if you read my book and you still support pushing child gender transitions, there's probably something very wrong with you because this is brutal. It's really brutal and it's very sad, but it's really important.

And these detransitioners have been so brave and their voices deserve to be heard. So that's what this is all about. So I have two questions as far as numbers. How many children in the last decade under the age of 18 have undergone irreversible damage? Do we have an approximation? And how many detransitioners do we know of?

So this is a huge problem. We don't have good numbers on these things because for starters, most kids who, well, most young people who detransition don't go back to their doctors and tell them. Why? Because it's almost like if you were abused, you know, as a young person,

and you were repeatedly abused by an adult, and you went back to the adult and said, hey, I don't like that you abused me. I don't want you to abuse me anymore. That's kind of a similar situation in that these doctors and therapists convinced these kids to go this route. They said, this will make you happier. This is going to cure your gender dysphoria. This is going to solve all your issues.

So these kids trusted them. They relied on them. They went through, let's say, puberty blockers. They went through hormones. So testosterone for girls, estrogen for guys, maybe even went through surgeries. So that would be, let's say, a double mastectomy for a girl where she gets her breasts removed. For a boy, maybe he gets breasts added. They're not actually being added because they're not real. And then potentially genital surgeries, hysterectomies. It goes on and on.

And so at this point, once they've gone down this path and they've really trusted these doctors for them to be recorded as the transitioners, they would have to go to the doctor and say, I regret this. I'm no longer living as a transgender individual. And the doctors would have to accurately record this. Now, there's a bunch of problems here.

Most of these young people are afraid to do this. They don't want to go back to their doctors and tell them. They want to kind of just fade away, not interact with that abuser type of relationship anymore.

B, the doctors are not honest about it. And I asked the detransitioners about this. They said that the doctors, they view a detransitioner coming back and saying that they're detransitioning as a sign that they failed. You know, they believe this gender ideology. They're promoting this gender ideology. So they don't want to hear about someone that's saying,

Oh, actually, everything you're doing is a lie and you're hurting kids and I am living witness of it. So what they they don't want to hear this. What they'll probably say is, oh, this is just part of your gender journey, which is what they told a couple of the people that I spoke with.

And then the final point is when you read a mainstream media article on this, or I like to say establishment media article on this, on detransitioning, what they will always say is that less than 1% of transgender youth or transgender people regret their gender transition.

That is a lie. It's a misleading statistic. They know it is. They don't care. And what they're talking about there is a large group of people who currently identify as transgender. So they're living transgender lifestyles. That group got polled and asked questions.

Do you regret your gender transition? And of course, since they're all living as transgender individuals and they like their lifestyle, they all said, no, we don't regret our gender transitions. And that's the statistic that's trotted out when we talk about detransitioners, which is dishonest. And it's, you know, exactly the way the media usually works. What would be more honest is if you polled real detransitioners and said, no.

Do you regret what you went through? I would guarantee you the numbers would be much higher. But unfortunately, we don't have that kind of statistics because people aren't willing to do the kind of research that will contradict the going narrative. Lisa Littman is a researcher who's really amazing. She did a study on detransitioners several years ago. She's one of the only ones that has done this. And she found that it was less than 30 percent

Under 30% of detransitioners went back and told their doctors that they actually detransitioned. So that's a long ramble, but that's the gist of why we have such bad numbers on this topic. And, you know, there's a huge portion of detransitioners based on what I've heard from the people I've talked to and my own research on this. There's a huge population out there that's just not saying anything. They want to resume their lives. They've been traumatized.

by this awful experience, but they want to go back to living their lives. They want to go under the radar. They don't want attention. They don't want to draw the hate of the transgender community, which, you know, if you speak out, you will incur. And so they're hoping to just go back to normal lives. And so it's a very challenging situation. And I respect the bravery of people like Chloe Cole, Prisha Mosley, Helena Kirshner,

Luca Hein, Abel Garcia. Those are the five main people whose storylines I follow in my book. And, you know, I think we can all applaud their bravery and speaking out given what they've been through, how intimate and vulnerable their stories are and the hate and vitriol that they get from the transgender community, from pro-trans lawmakers, just for daring to say, I didn't want this to happen.

And, or I regret that this happened and I'm sharing my story.

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Very important new book here, D-Trans. And the author is Mary Margaret Olihan, senior reporter for Daily Signal. The true stories of escaping the gender ideology cult. You call it a cult. Tell us why, Mary.

Well, I actually double checked this word with the detransitioners in my book because I wanted to make sure that they were going to be comfortable with this really strong language. They told me they were completely on board with it. And I'll tell you why. It's because the way in which they are drawn into this craziness, you know, as young kids, they're online, they're feeling lonely at school. They're not really fitting in. Maybe they're on the autism spectrum, which is very common with kids who identify as transgender online.

And so they're looking for an identity, a way to fit in. And these gender activists find them online and unfortunately, very much love bomb them, tell them that they're so special. They're so amazing because they are allegedly trans and they draw them into this conversation.

like atmosphere where they're told if anyone doesn't affirm you, including your parents, they hate you and they want you dead. And it's a very insular community where they tell each other, you're amazing. You know, you're so brave. You're so persecuted.

And they all become kind of part of this victim class, which is not something we talk about enough. But, you know, a lot of these straight white kids are very interested in being part of a victim class where they can finally feel good about themselves instead of feeling like an aggressor. And, you know, so once they ultimately go through these horrible procedures and come out the other side and realize, wait, I'm not happy, I am still in a terrible place, they

Then they might say, hey, I wish I didn't do this. This hurt me. It might hurt other people. And at that point, they're completely cut off. They're thrown out of the transgender community. They're told they were never trans, that they're hateful, that they don't care about people, that they're bigoted, all these terrible things.

And, you know, it's very cult-like to me. And I think the way in which these doctors and therapists treat the whole topic is almost like an, well, it is an ideology, but it's almost like a religion, you know, where we're talking about an issue that is very much up for debate. In fact, very anti-science when we boil it down. But it's treated as if it must be true without very little scientific evidence, research, research.

or able to corroborate most things.

And so it's, you know, that might be what we might say about certain things like our belief in God or our understanding of certain tenets of our faith. Some of it you do have to just believe. But when it comes to gender ideology, that's not the case. And yet it's kind of still what we're told. And so there's a lot of different aspects here that made me feel like this was the word to use here to help people understand the real gravity of what we're talking about. Yeah.

In closing here, Mary, how do we defeat it? How do we stop this child cruelty and butchering? What is the path forward? Well, I think that telling the stories of detransitioners is an amazing way to get this out there. You know, the New York Times just did this massive story yesterday where they revealed that the Biden administration had worked with top transgender experts to remove age limits to get transgender surgeries.

And I think that shows you, I mean, among many other things, we could talk about that all day. It shows you the extent of this absolute malpractice where these activists are working with lawmakers and other officials to silence dissent, to push this ideology and to make it more accessible to kids. So sharing the stories of kids that have gone through this and that deeply regret it, I think is the best way to really help people understand the reality of what's going on.

And, you know, sharing them in a truthful way. You know, I found that especially with this issue, you know, there's absolutely something to be said for coming at it in a partisan angle. But with these stories, you don't even need to do that. You can just be very blunt and say this 15 year old girl had her breasts removed before she had ever kissed anyone or held hands with a boy.

She was not able to fully give informed consent. This other girl who had her breasts removed was so anorexic that she was excited to lose eight pounds through her surgery. And none of the mental health professionals she talked to had even thought to bring this up. These kinds of details just horrify people, you know, like this little boy went on puberty blockers and his genitals were never able to grow. So now he will always have shrunken genitals. It's just it's horrific and it's sad and I feel unladylike.

talking about it, but we kind of have to, you know, we need to shock people out of their apathy and help them understand this is real. It's not just some clickbait story and it could happen to your own kids. So let's, let's talk about it. Let's be really honest and let's share the stories of detransitioners and the truth. Mary, excellent work. Check out the book Detrans. Thank you so much. Thank you.

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