It highlights the war for control over people's thoughts and free will, especially through AI and algorithms.
The collusion between big government, corporations, media, and other elites to create a one-world government.
Trump stands against both the U.S. government and a one-world government, advocating for 'America First' policies.
It could lead to severe restrictions on free speech and the First Amendment rights.
Musk is currently the only powerful figure standing against the silencing efforts of global elites.
He predicts another attempt on Trump's life due to the heightened threats and propaganda labeling him as 'Hitler'.
He sees encouraging trends for Republicans, with significant gains in states like Florida, Georgia, and Nevada.
Republicans are outperforming Democrats among low propensity voters, which could be decisive in tight states.
He sees positive trends that could swing key states in Trump's favor, especially in the Midwest and upper South.
Trump is making substantial gains with the multiracial working class, including African-American and Hispanic voters.
Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.
I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.
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Joining us now is an American legend and American hero, Glenn Beck, author of 23 New York Times bestsellers. That is a remarkable statistic. Twenty three. He's the author of another new book here, Propaganda Wars by Glenn Beck. Glenn, please welcome to the program. You are you are you. I thank you for that. Far too kind opening, Charlie. Thank you for that.
I have to tell you real quick. Yesterday I was talking to my daughter and she said, now she's, you know, she's my daughter. So she's, you know, been around meeting people for her whole life. She said, dad, you know who I really want to meet? And I said, no, who? And she said, like, I really want to meet him. And I said, who? And she said, Charlie Kirk.
And I said, Charlie Kirk, you've got me all the time. And he said, I really think, I just think he is so smart and so good. And I like the way he talks to people where he just has these really tough conversations, but it never gets ugly. I just, I wanted to tell you that because I think that's remarkable.
She's not political at all. And you've reached in without me even knowing it and influencing my daughter. So thank you very much, Charlie.
Well, that's very sweet, Glenn. And I would love to meet her sometime. She's welcome at any of our events. And so, Glenn, let's dive into your recent book here. I think it's so important. Propaganda Wars, How the Global Elite Control What You See, Think and Feel. Tell us about your latest book, Glenn, please.
Okay, so there's a couple of things. The real war that is being fought right now is the war for your brain, the war for your thoughts, the war for you just accepting. And even to the point we get into this with AI, even to the point of
taking away your free will. You'll think you have free will. You think you've made that choice, but you have been slowly manipulated through algorithms to come to that choice. And that is going to become a huge, huge problem. What we're really fighting in this war is not Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris.
This is a war between big government, big corporations, big media, big pharma, big food, all of these things that are really starting to fall apart and they need each other.
And they are going to, it's all of the elites, big Ed as well, all of the elites that have decided this doesn't work for us. We can design a better world. And we don't need to talk to the little people anymore. They don't understand it. They never will. And so all throughout the world, they have developed this new idea
world government and this new path. And they've been denying it for a very long time, but it's starting to come become unraveled. That's why you're hearing in England. I just talked to Liz Truss today, the former prime minister of England today.
And she said, I didn't really get it until I was prime minister. She said, but it's absolutely there and it is real. And the reason why I talked to her today is the collusion between governments and
And you're seeing it today in two ways. One, the Labour Party going out and stumping for Kamala Harris in the United States. I've never seen that before. I mean, the British should come to Texas and try to tell us how to vote. I don't think it'd be accepted.
But that is election interference. Absolutely. Who are you to come in here? They're also advising the Harris administration, the Labor Party is. So two socialists are going back and forth in two different countries. But we also found that the guy who's the chief advisor of the current prime minister runs here in America and works.
overseas that it is a propaganda and a silencing organization that goes in in england here in america uh and they're using it in brazil to silence anyone who disagrees and they're also as we found out yesterday in a new release um they are also um uh
colluding with our government to kill their words kill musk's twitter
That isn't a topic and a goal of theirs for the last year. And it's the collusion between our governments. And if you don't understand that, you won't be able to understand the world and you won't be able to understand the world that is coming that will manipulate you unless you shake yourself out of the system, unless you shake yourself awake and understand the game that's being played
against you. So, Glenn, I want to try to bring this to our immediate moment because we are 13 days out from, obviously, a civilizational defining election. What would the election of Donald Trump versus the election of Kamala Harris mean for this propaganda war? If Kamala Harris were to win, what would the state of free speech, disinformation, misinformation look like? So I think, honestly, if Kamala Harris wins,
because it is a global specter. The days are numbered for people like you and me who can speak our minds and speak out. I think that the only one standing at the gate right now that has any real power is Elon Musk. And as, you know, Der Spiegel said last weekend, he's enemy number two.
Of all of the big Western states, he needs to be silenced. If that goes down, we lose the freedom to be able to exercise the five rights in our First Amendment. We are better off than anyone else because we have the First Amendment, but it's being undermined.
And we lose the America that we we understand, even if we don't have that America today, we still have the documents and it's still possible to bring it back. But we're we're at a point of no return at this at this point. And I'm really thrilled to see the way Donald Trump is is handling this whole campaign. I mean, I think he's doing a great job.
They've gone now nasty, dirty, full of lies. You're seeing it today. The propaganda war on, you know, on Donald Trump continues yet today. Um, I, I think we have to be really concerned about, uh, theft. Uh,
of the election because they will do anything and everything they can to win. And, you know, that's why I'm encouraging people go get one other person who's like, ah, my vote doesn't count or I like Trump or, you know, I like Trump's policies, but I can't vote for him because fill in the blank and
get them to the polls. We need this to be a landslide. Yes. If it is, we can change the world. Donald Trump is enemy number one in the world with all of the other countries in the world, in the Western world, because he stands in the way, not just of our government against us, but one world government.
That's why they hate America first so much. Glenn, that was so perfectly put. The book is Propaganda Wars. I have several questions, and I think the way you framed it is so important. The only way that Kamala Harris can win is the power of propaganda. We know that President Trump was a better president. We know that his value system is more in alignment with America.
Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here.
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Go to slash charlie or call 972-PATRIOT for your free month of service today. That is slash charlie, slash charlie. So yesterday we learned that Donald Trump's former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had.
Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution. He wants a military that is loyal to him, one that will obey his orders, even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States. Glenn Beck is with us. Glenn, your thoughts on that clip? I mean, I I.
I've never heard anything like that. That is so irresponsible. It is going to get the president killed. Think about what's happening here, Charlie. We have always said, if you could go in a time machine and you could kill baby Hitler, would you? Okay, we're talking about going in a time machine. This has always been a conversation starter. You go back in time and you kill baby Hitler. Is it right or wrong? You're going to kill a baby because he turns into Hitler, okay? Okay.
um, this guy they're saying is Hitler. He is Hitler with no regard for the U S constitution. The president said it yesterday. And now Kamala Harris makes this, I mean, looking very official with the flag of the vice president of the United States behind her, um, makes this very official declaration, uh, that, that he is Hitler. Um,
Now, you've got that threat because you're winding people up. If you actually think that he is Hitler, what wouldn't you do to stop Hitler? I mean, you'd go back in time to kill baby Hitler, wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you kill this guy? Okay, so you have that threat. Then you have the threat of Iran. Iran.
This is a real threat. We also have open borders, which also you have people from Venezuela that would love to kill Donald Trump. You have people in Iran that would love to kill Donald Trump that are now here in our own country. God only knows if there is a rocket launcher that came across our border, a shoulder fired missile.
I was just with the president last weekend, I think, maybe the weekend before. And I saw his security and they have greatly beefed it up. But when I left, my security, I think, is some of the best in the world. I have my two head guys are were the domestic protection of the domestic protection. And then the other was the foreign protection organization.
of let's just say a name you know and one of the top five richest people in the world. They both work for me. And when they left that event and seeing Secret Service and then seeing the airport and everything else, the head of my security said,
I don't, I have a very bad feeling, Glenn. And I said, what, what do you mean? And he's never said anything like this before. I have a very bad feeling. I'm not sure he's going to make it to January 20th. He was specifically worried about Donald Trump's airplane being shot out of the sky. But he, as he has said, it could happen a million ways. You have, you have the leaders of this country juicing people up.
You have AI and algorithms that can so easily find if I could I could say to Google today, find people in this state that are disturbed, don't like Trump already, maybe a little schizophrenic and likes guns.
I could have that within a minute, the name. Now, take these five names and coax them into, without anybody knowing, ephemeral coaxing, so there's no record of it, and coax them into thinking they have to shoot the president of the United States. That's all real.
What is Kamala Harris doing? What aren't they willing to do for power? When you see people hungry for power, that they will do that?
God help us. God help us. Don't give them more power. Glenn, we are out of time. I agree with you. I think they're going to try to kill Trump again before Election Day. The surge is out of control right now, as with early voting. The vibes are gone and the joy is gone. And you are right. This is a point that our mutual friend Dennis Prager has made for as long as I've been following him. If you believe somebody is Hitler, what wouldn't you do?
What it is, is a dog whistle to every single sleeper cell and every crazy person out there, every schizophrenic person that might have a firearm. It's okay now to go after Donald Trump. These are desperate people. These are the worst of society. Yeah, you have, this is what propaganda wars is really about. They have, they've pushed mental illness onto this country. So many people are still wearing masks.
They have taken maybe even a third of the country and just locked them into crazy town. We must pray that Donald Trump survives what's coming next.
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Welcome back, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at We are entering the final phase, everybody. The surge must continue, but I can feel it. I know the left very well. I've been fighting these people for 12 years. I know them intimately. I can predict their next move. It is about to reach a fever pitch, the likes of which you've never seen before. The desperation, the panic, you're going to see the emptying of the chamber.
You're going to see everything that they have. This is their battle to bulge. I'm telling you right now, it is the last stand of this regime. They can feel it. They can see it. Now, I'm not saying we're going to win, but they see what we see. And Jeremy Carr will walk through the numbers that their early indicators are not good for them. But you got to finish it. You got to continue the surge. You have to keep it going. But from Glenn Beck saying that Donald Trump is not safe,
to what Mark Halperin has been saying about all these stories here, we have to take a step back and realize what exactly we're living through. And this is a desperate, maniacally driven force. It's not unlike anything you've lived through before. So what you say, Charlie, I'm worried. Go chase ballots. Charlie, I'm worried. Go get people to vote. You translate that worry into action. Translate that concern into chasing. Translate that worry into action.
getting first-time voters out. There's going to be fake news operation, and I would not be surprised if there's another attempt on Donald Trump's life. I would not be surprised. The early voting numbers are what they are. This is no spin. It's no BS. Let me walk you through the latest out of Arizona, and this is actually breaking news. Traditionally, here's how it works in Arizona. This is traditionally, before ballot chasing and all the stuff we're doing. Traditionally, we lose early voting, lose, lose, lose, and then we try to close the gap. What happened this time is we've had a double-digit lead, and we anticipated that
Tightening, tightening, tightening. We've seen that. But yesterday, something remarkable happened. We increased the point of our margin against Democrats of early voting in Arizona. Republicans, let's put this up on screen, 79. Republicans, 376,000 early votes cast. Democrats, 321,000 early votes cast. Independents, 199,000 early votes cast.
Joining us now is a great friend and super smart guy who has been studying this intimately. He sent me a very, very thoughtful series of text messages yesterday. And I told the team, you got to have Jeremy on the show. Jeremy is just looking at numbers. So Jeremy, I want you to walk through what you're seeing. No emotionality, no predictions, as straight shooting as you can tell us. What are we seeing from the early voting numbers right now?
Yeah, thanks, Charlie. It's a pleasure to be on. And I think what we're seeing is things that we should feel good about. And I want to echo your statement that we should act like we're 10 points behind. We need to be out there chasing every ballot. This is certainly not one. But we are seeing the sorts of movements in states where we can track them that should be very encouraging.
First of all, in the overall voting in Florida, we're about, just to use kind of one state as an example, we're about two and a half days into early voting in person. When the Democrats, when we went to early voting in person, the Democrats had a 7%
overall advantage due to mail balloting. Mail ballots are continuing to come in, but now the Republicans have flipped that to about a 6% advantage and growing every day. And right now the trends that we're seeing are looking a lot more like a Florida 2022 type situation where DeSantis famously won that by about 18 points than they are between a 2020 type situation where Trump won it by three. So that's encouraging. But I'd say even more importantly, because I don't think anybody's smart enough
Who's looking at the numbers thinks Florida is a swing state at this point. But we're seeing things like in Georgia, we're seeing the African-American percentage go down probably a couple percent from where it was in the last selection. And those are, of course, primarily Democratic voters, although Trump has made important inroads into the African-American vote this cycle. And we're seeing white percentage go up a couple points.
Well, what's the significance of that? And we're seeing sort of similar things in North Carolina with the partisan split being a little more obviously pushed, um,
toward the Republicans than Democrats than what we had in the last cycle. Well, the significance of that is we don't need to win by 1,100 points to move these states. These were all very tight states. So Georgia was a state that we lost by just, you know, a fraction of a percent last time. I should probably say lost in quotes. 10,000 votes.
Yeah, it was nothing, right? And so if you're even getting a 1% or 2% move in the electorate, in North Carolina, we won by like 1.2%, 1.3%. It's game over. We're going to win those states. Now, of course, we have to hold that. But those trends are very encouraging that we're seeing that. In Nevada, where ever since the Harry Reid machine kind of came on the scene in the late 1990s, the Democrats have always pulled up
huge margins early on in the absentee balloting, particularly in Clark County, which is where Las Vegas is. So just in the last election cycle, we've gone from a dramatic registration deficit among Republicans versus Democrats to being almost even. And what we're seeing right now is an unprecedented lead of about two or three percentage points
by the Republicans over the Democrats in the state of Nevada, which is often pretty correlated with Arizona, a state you obviously know a lot about. And again, I can go through more states, but I'll just kind of leave it there as a starting point. We're seeing, again, not that it's going to be some 70,000 point blowout, but we're seeing even conservatively right now
The couple points of movement, at the very least, that we're going to need to pull in these states and put Donald Trump in the White House. So the objection that some people have, Jeremy, is like, oh, this is just day of voters that are translating. Even if that was the case, that's not a big deal.
because they're still voting and it clears up the traffic jam. But actually we're seeing Republicans crush in early voting. Explain more. Yeah, so I mean you have a couple- Low propensity voting. Yeah, low propensity voting. So what we're seeing, and again, there's a couple of good-
accounts that have looked at this. There's an account called Data Republican that has done some good work in North Carolina and Florida, where you can look at these low propensity voters, what we call zero of one or zero of four or one of four, two of four voters. These are people who voted in zero, one or two of the last four elections. So not people we can count on at every time. And what you see, for example, in North Carolina,
is the Democrats are really the ones cannibalizing their votes. So they lead by several percent in the early voting process.
among so-called four out of four voters. That is voters who are going to vote every time, whether they vote early or whether they vote on election day. But what we're seeing among very low propensity voters is we're seeing the Republicans with an edge there. And the delta between those, depending on how frequent the voter is, is five or 6%. Now that may not sound huge,
But in terms of the overall election, I mean, that's the ballgame. If we're bringing out our voters who don't always vote and we continue to do that through Election Day, we're going to win. So, again, I want to stress I'm not saying, oh, it's over, it's done with. Nothing is done until the last ballot is counted on Election Day or in some of these states, unfortunately, unfortunately.
Far after that, but we should be encouraged, not just in a kind of, oh, I want to say things are wonderful type way. I think the trends look really good for us right now. So I want to reinforce a point you said briefly, Jeremy. In 2020, we fell 41,000 ballots short in three states. How are we doing in such low propensity, independent voting and early voting? How are we doing at this time in 2020, four years ago?
Yeah, I mean, what we were doing, we were doing worse. And then in other states where, again, it's a little trickier. I mean, I think part of the trick right now is that the three states that I think this probably most hinges on, because I think we are going to take Arizona. I think we are going to take North Carolina and Georgia. And I think we're going to take Nevada, too. So it kind of will come down to some of these upper Midwest states, Michigan, Pennsylvania, California.
Wisconsin, we don't have as much. Every state gives you different types of voting data that you can query. Some give you partisan, some don't. Some tell you whether they voted before and others don't have as easy records to query on that. But what we are seeing, for example, is in 2020,
and I don't know if these numbers exactly correct, but just sort of ballpark, you know, it was like 65 to 22, the early ballots in Pennsylvania were for the Democrats. And then in 2022, which was a really good year for the Democrats in Pennsylvania, it got even worse. It was like 68 to 18 for the Democrats and the rest of those were independents. Well, what we're seeing right now is those early votes are something like
The current requests, I think, are about 59 to 29 or 58 to 29. And the Republicans are gaining on that rapidly. And we're going to wind up, as opposed to starting on Election Day with a 40 plus point deficit in terms of partisan split that we're going to have to make up, that's going to be more on the order of
20, 25%. So huge, huge difference, even though the Democrats are still doing better. And if you're a Pennsylvania voter, please go out. You can actually vote in person, even with your absentee ballot today. But things look a lot better. In Wisconsin, we're seeing some similar things. Again, it's a less transparent state than a state like Florida, where I can really tell you every 15 minutes what's going on. But if we look at the early vote right now coming from
The strong Republican counties versus the strong Democratic counties, the strong Republican counties are turning out much more of their electorate in ways that they haven't always done in the past. And again, when you're looking at a thing where we don't need to move the needle a million votes, right? We need to move it a couple percent. And I think we are seeing that and we are seeing the turnout of low propensity voters. And Charlie, I know that's got to be gratifying to you because it's something I know you and Turning Point have put a
huge amount of emphasis on both in Arizona and nationally. And I think now we're seeing the fruits of that work. And so it's really gratifying, I'm sure. That was so comprehensive and so important. And just again, everybody, we are winning with first-time voters and lower likelihood voters. So if our high prop show up and our mid prop show up and we keep on voting early, I'd rather be us than them.
Everyone, I want to tell you to vote no on Amendment 3. On November 5th, Florida residents will vote on Prop 3, which is to legalize marijuana. Look, Amendment 3 does not have time, place, or manner restrictions. It goes too far. This means if it passes, recreational marijuana would be allowed everywhere. 11 million registered voters in Florida, and an estimated...
36% intend to vote no on Prop 3. So why are we against this? What does marijuana have to do with the minds of young people? Do you know it could reduce IQ points in young adults by an average of 8 to 10 points? This is about corporate greed. It's not about the voters. It's about making them wealthier. Now, here's the call to action, everybody. Vote no on
On three, you should learn more about it. It goes too far. Let me say it again. It goes too far. For more information, go to no dash on three dot com. Vote against the legalization of marijuana. Jeremy, I think we're starting to see a little bit of desperation out of the Kamala Harris campaign and a little bit of panic. If you were a Democrat looking at these numbers objectively, Jeremy, how would you spin them?
Yeah, I mean, I think I've been looking at the kind of top quantitative guys on the Democrat side just because, you know, you always want to check. Again, I'm not in the cheerleading business. I'm in the analysis business. So, you know, you always want to check your own enthusiasm and make sure you're reading things correctly.
I'm really not seeing a lot. I mean, I literally was talking with a reporter from the New York Times yesterday, and I said, of all these data trends, can you share me? And I wasn't saying this in a hostile way. Can you show me anything from the Democrat pollsters that they're excited about? And I didn't get back. He didn't send me anything. And I think he kind of generally agreed with my take on it. I think where they can be more optimistic is to say,
In some cases, we're having to compare to 2020. And 2020 was like a really, really unusual election for a million reasons that we don't need to recapitulate here. I think your listeners and viewers all know them. But so it's not the cleanest comparison. That's why we start to look at 2022, which is kind of the post-COVID world, as a little bit better of a comparison. But that's an off year. And there have been a lot of folks now like you and like President Trump and other people who've been making comparisons
a bigger push for our voters to vote early. And you should, again, I encourage our voters to vote early. So, but that all kind of makes things messy. So again, you know, the fact that we are going to be 23 points of a less deficit in Pennsylvania going into election day doesn't mean that you should add 23 points to the final, you know, Republican total from 2020 there. And that'll be how it'll turn out. I mean, we are cannibalizing
our election day vote to be, you know, by some to be sure. And so I think that's what they can point to. They can point to the fact that there's just a lot of uncertainty out there that the really key tipping point states are the ones we don't have, um,
And then to be fair, you know, also Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, with the exception of 2016, these states have fallen into the Democratic column in almost every recent election. I think Pennsylvania all but won going back to the 1980s.
So, these traits are all in a way that Ohio has kind of done more decisively or Iowa, they're all kind of trending. I feel like permanently, you know, not permanently but but over the long term they're trending very positively for the GOP, but whether we get over the hump, it's just not
Not, you know, 100% clear. And that's why you need to go out and your listeners and viewers need to vote. And of course, I assume they're all going to do that. But as you said, you know, take a kid, take a grandkid, take a friend, take your parents, you know, whoever you can get out to vote. Look in up and down the ticket. That's what you need to do.
Yeah. And so, Jeremy, I mean, look, the Democrats are banking on college educated voters, the abortion vote and the female vote. Final question, Jeremy, what can you tell us about how Donald Trump is making gains with working class voters of all backgrounds? Yeah, well, he has. And I mean, that's sort of been the encouraging thing. And I have a piece on my sub stack today talking about how it's a little frustrating to me, given how anti-white the Democratic Party is, that we're still lagging in some of these elections.
college-educated and graduate school-educated Republican voters or just voters in general. But in terms of the multiracial working class, we're doing extraordinarily. Not only is the white working class vote turning out what looks to be like record numbers, but we're seeing
What I think will be potentially modern records going back to you probably have to go back to Eisenhower before you'll find a GOP presidential candidate who will take what I predict would be a higher percentage of the Hispanic vote, a higher percentage of the African-American vote. And a lot of that is coming from the working classes of those communities. So that's really encouraging. It doesn't solve some of our problems with the elites that I think are real governance problems that I explore regularly.
in this article on my Substack, which is at But...
It's votes. That's how you win elections. If you don't have votes, you're not going to win elections. And the fact that we're building this multiracial, you know, kind of coalition is, I think, encouraging beyond just winning elections, but just for the unity of the country going down the line. Excellent analysis. Jeremy, thank you so much. Thanks so much, Charlie. It's a pleasure to be on. Let's just read a couple more here. This one listener says, Charlie, I just brought my two granddaughters to vote for the first time in Gwinnett County.
There were not any lines. We went around 9 a.m. on Tuesday, all three of us. So that is two new voters right there. To think to yourself, who are the new voters in your life? Grandkids, nieces, nephews, neighbors, friends, mechanics, plumbers, landscapers, whoever those might be. Go find them and get them out to vote. Thanks so much for listening. Everyone emails is always freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to