cover of episode 310: Thanksgiving III

310: Thanksgiving III

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The Mess Around with Hannah and Lamorne

Hannah: 本集讲述了Nick因为收到可爱的感恩节邀请而感到自己的男子气概受到挑战,于是要求大家去野外露营过节的故事。过程中,Nick和Schmidt试图狩猎,但都失败了;Jess和其他人买了食物,但没撕掉标签,Nick感到被背叛。最终,Jess吃了那条烂鱼,产生幻觉并掉进熊陷阱,大家在Jess的医院病床边吃自动售货机里的食物。Hannah还谈论了在恋爱关系中,双方个性会融合,行为方式也会趋同;男性和女性在准备感恩节邀请方面存在差异:男性更倾向于简单直接,女性则更注重仪式感和细节。现代社会生活舒适便捷,男性寻求回归原始本能的活动,例如斧头投掷。剧中角色对户外夜间拍摄的不满,与演员们真实感受相符。Coach的行为看似戏弄Schmidt,实则暗含关怀。Nick的行为极端且不合理,但同时也展现了他性格中的荒谬一面。该集展现了Cece和Winston之间互相支持的关系。露营并非人人喜爱,它体现了一种特权。 Lamorne: 本集展现了Nick在与Jess的关系中,虽然变得更好,但他过度补偿,走向另一个极端。Nick的自负和男子气概蒙蔽了他的双眼,让他看不到别人的付出。Jess对Nick的包容和理解,与她以往直接对抗的方式不同。男性在表达意愿时,言辞和情感表达可能存在差异,这可能会导致误解。Nick的行为是情感操纵,Jess也因此受到影响。Coach是个经验丰富的露营者,而Nick则鲁莽行事。Cece在紧急情况下展现了冷静和果断。Winston的做法在紧急情况下是明智的。该集的结尾温馨而具有《新女孩》的特色。Lamorne还分享了他对该集的评价,以及他个人对感恩节和露营的看法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Nick decide to go camping for Thanksgiving?

Nick felt his manhood was being questioned after receiving a cutesy evite to Thanksgiving dinner, so he overcompensated by demanding a camping trip to prove his masculinity.

What injury did Schmidt sustain during the camping trip?

Schmidt injured himself when he set a trap for a squirrel and accidentally triggered it, causing a boulder to crush him.

What did Nick catch for dinner during the camping trip?

Nick caught a rotting fish from the lake, which he claimed as their Thanksgiving dinner despite its poor condition.

How did Jess end up in the hospital after the camping trip?

Jess ate the rotting fish Nick caught, which caused her to hallucinate and run into a bear trap, leading to her hospitalization with giardia and Legionnaire's disease.

What was the main lesson Nick learned from the camping experience?

Nick realized that not all change in his life was bad and that he had become more sensitive since dating Jess, even if it meant losing some of his traditional masculinity.

What unconventional Thanksgiving tradition did Hannah have in Canada?

Hannah hosted a Friendsgiving called the Motley Crue Thanksgiving, where she incorporated silly kid crafts and invited friends to celebrate together.

What was the most important element for Lamorne's Thanksgiving?

Lamorne's essential Thanksgiving element was gravy, which he loved so much that he would scoop it up with turkey like bread.

What unique Thanksgiving experience did Hannah's cousin have?

Hannah's cousin, an astronaut, took the family on a tour of NASA's control room, where they saw the room used for the moon landing, and shared a bottle of whiskey gifted by the king of Nepal.

Why did Lamorne need a Solo cup during the podcast?

Lamorne needed a Solo cup because his pantry was dark, and he randomly grabbed an orange cup for his drink, which he found amusing.

The podcast hosts discuss the New Girl episode "Thanksgiving III", detailing the behind-the-scenes experiences of filming a Thanksgiving episode in a real-world outdoor location, including challenges and humorous moments. They also analyze the storyline and characters' actions.
  • Filming challenges of outdoor night shoots
  • Analysis of Nick's character arc
  • Jess's reaction to Nick's behavior
  • The use of improvisation in the show

Shownotes Transcript

This is the episode where Nick freaks out about his manhood and forces all the loftmates to hunt and forage in the wilderness for Thanksgiving. Hannah and Lamorne talk about the essential elements of Thanksgiving. Lamorne explains why he needs a Solo cup. Hannah tells us how she made her Friendsgivings special. 

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