Hannah Simone
Lamorne Morris
Zooey Deschanel
播客主持人: 本集围绕Jess的过度善良导致的住房危机,Schmidt尴尬的求吻经历以及与古怪房东之间的故事展开,展现了人物性格和人际关系的复杂性。 Jess的善良和Nick的悲观形成了鲜明对比,他们的世界观差异导致了冲突。房东Remy的出现则进一步加剧了这种冲突,他古怪的行为和对Jess善意的误读引发了一系列令人啼笑皆非的事件。 Schmidt与老板的求吻桥段则展现了他在人际交往中的笨拙和不自信。 最终,室友们与房东达成了妥协,但同时也暴露出他们之间沟通和理解的不足。 Zooey Deschanel: 本集探讨了人们是天生善良还是天生邪恶的问题,以及人们在人际交往中如何误读彼此的信号。Jess的乐观和善良,以及Nick的悲观和不信任,构成了故事的核心矛盾。 她认为自己和剧中角色Jess在乐观方面很相似,但在其他方面有所不同。她从希腊男人身上学到了很多关于追求异性的技巧,并认为只要技巧足够高超,就可以避免在亲密关系中寻求许可的尴尬。 Lamorne Morris: 他认为人们可能是天生善良的,但某些行为可能是后天习得的。他讲述了一个希腊调酒师巧妙追求女顾客的故事,并透露故事中的女顾客是Hannah Simone。他认为自己和剧中角色Winston最大的相似之处是古怪,但他不喜欢猫,这与剧中角色Winston不同。 他认为Nick和Jess才是最终的归宿,并认为在人际交往中,人们常常会误读彼此的信号,导致一系列的误会和冲突。 Hannah Simone: 她相信人们天生善良,但会以怀疑的眼光看待他人。她不轻易接吻,只有当她准备好进行更亲密的举动时才会接吻。她证实自己就是故事中被希腊调酒师追求的女顾客,并补充说明了调酒师的策略。 她认为在亲密关系中,寻求许可的问题很复杂,需要在尊重和表达之间找到平衡。

Deep Dive

Jess's kindness and optimism lead her to confront the landlord, Remy, about repairs, inadvertently revealing that there are more roommates than officially allowed.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to the CINO Show. I'm your host, Cino McFarlane. I'm an addiction specialist. I'm a coach. I'm a translator. And I'm God's middleman. My job is to crack hearts and let the light in and help everyone shift the narrative. I want to help you wake up and I want to help you get free. Most importantly, I don't want you to feel alone. Listen to the CINO Show every Wednesday on iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color, the comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. Sonoro y Our Hearts, my cultural podcast network present, Nace una leyenda. Chespirito. No contaban con mi hasta.

How did a Mexican writer become a symbol of global television? Listen to Nacional Leyenda, Chespirito, en la aplicación iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts. Hi, I am Lacey Lamar. And I'm also Lacey Lamar. Just kidding, I'm Amber Refe.

Okay, everybody, we have exciting news to share. We're back with season two of the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network. This season, we make new friends, deep dive into my steamy DMs,

Answer your listener questions and more. The more is punch each other. Listen to the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Just listen, okay? Or Lacey gets it. Do it. I'm Andrea Gunning, host of the all-new podcast There and Gone. It's a real-life story of two people who left a crowded Philadelphia bar, walked to their truck, and vanished.

A truck and two people just don't disappear. The FBI called it murder for hire. But which victim was the intended target and why? Listen to There and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Hey y'all, Dr. Joy here. I invite you to join me every Wednesday on the Therapy for Black Girls podcast, a weekly chat about mental health and personal development, where my expert guests and I discuss the unique challenges and triumphs faced by Black women through the lens of self-care, pop culture, and building the best version of you. So if you're looking for more ways to incorporate wellness into your life, listen to the Therapy for Black Girls podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Ring, ring, ring, ring. May I please speak with Zoe? Oh, hello, Lamorne. Let's patch in Hannah. God, I forgot what it was like working with you guys. Welcome to our show. Welcome to our show.

All right. Hello, everybody. How you doing? What are you having now? You have a protein shake? Folks, if you're just tuning in, my chef... We're one second in. Your chef made you a smoothie. My chef made me a smoothie. It's your chef, your mom, by the way.

No, no, my mom refuses to take on that role. So I don't respect her. Yeah. But no, my chef made me this smoothie. I'm my chef, by the way, guys. When I say I have a chef is me. Thanks to home chef.

Thanks to Home Chef. Oh, is that the chef you're talking about? Yeah, Home Chef is my actual chef. That was a long play for one of our sponsors. I know. I know. And I do apologize to Home Chef for not giving them the credit they deserve. Well, I think everybody's been on the edge of their seats since last episode. That's right. Wondering about your personal chef. Are they also your chauffeur and

Home Chef has yet to come out with that tab on their app. Home Butler, Home Chauffeur? That's right. I have everything, guys. So your Rolls Royce drives itself. Yes, yes. But my Rolls Royce doors don't actually open the way traditional Rolls Royce doors open because it's just the old school Bronco.

It's just like not a Rolls Royce. Not a Rolls Royce at all. It's just not a Rolls Royce. Okay. Cool. Well, here we are. Guys, we're talking about episode 112, Landlord. Okay, folks, this week we're reviewing the episode 112.

The episode is 112. Landlord. Landlord. Now Schmidt. Schmidt wants to do it with his boss in a nasty way. You guys, a very disgusting way. But the signals are very blurry and he's not sure how to initiate. Luckily, Cece tells him to just do it already. She puts that battery in his backpack and sends him on his way.

So Schmidt slides across a car hood in a dramatic fashion and kisses the hell out of his boss. Hmm. Was it creepy and aggressive? You're damn right it was. It was borderline offensive. Unfortunately, security thinks the same thing that I'm thinking. And they think she's being attacked.

Meanwhile, the stress of living together reveals the differences between how Jess and Nick view the world. You see, Jess treats everyone with kindness and expects their inner kindness to be revealed in turn. Nick, y'all know Nick, y'all. Y'all know how Nick gets down. He distrusts everyone and he a mean something something. And he matches whatever aggression he is met with. That's how he sees the world.

You see, Jess is so kind. She literally disarms an angry driver fighting Nick for a parking spot. Now she is feeling herself, y'all. She is feeling high off her own supply. Jess decides it's time to ask the landlord to make repairs around the apartment, despite the boy's insistence to just leave it alone. You see, the boys know the land, and they know exactly what's in store.

Let's meet Remy, yo. I love this dude. Remy is the landlord who lives in the basement and handcrafts shiv. If you don't know what a shiv is, Google it. And that about sums up the landlord. You see, his scary demeanor can't deter Jess's eternal optimism. Unfortunately, she reveals way too much. And now Remy knows there are one too many roommates living in 4D.

The guys have a plan, but despite Schmidt's incredible accent, I mean it was, it fell spectacularly. Just as kind, this theory might be correct because Remy agrees to let them stay if they paint over the erotica in Winston's room. He even agrees to make some repairs. Fun fact, that erotica that was in Winston's room is now in Lamorne's garage. I stare at it every day.

But Nick is on to Remy. You see, he sees the way he makes excuses to ditch her and stay in the apartment and to guide her. It's a little suspicious. Nick is kind of a detective, y'all. He don't just write about it. He be about it. And he don't like it one bit. But Remy turns out to be a good listener. And the two commiserate over their recent heartbreak. Perhaps it was the hug Nick gave him. So warm. Such a gentle embrace.

But after dinner, Remy strips down to his boxers and initiates a... I can't even say it. It's so freaky. Remy tries to initiate a threesome. Now both Nick and Jess feel they were right about Remy and enter a game of sex chicken. Show of hands, how many of y'all have ever played sex chicken? I know I have.

Curiously, it's only when Remy suggests Nick and Jess kiss that Jess backs out of the agreement. I didn't see that coming. In the end, Jess requests that she know when a shenanigans is going down so she can be a part of it. They'll just have to rely on Nick's fixes from now on. Now let's jump into the show.

this episode directed by amazing director peyton reed written by josh and friend of mine killer malmuth i love this episode it's so weird when i knew we were doing this episode my body instantly just started to cringe and i haven't watched it since it aired but it's like that great uncomfortable weird comedy where you're like it locks it right up

to the line of where I feel comfortable. Yeah. I mean, I think this episode is, I like, it states immediately the cold open is very different from most cold opens on the show. It doesn't start with everybody running into the living room. It starts with Jess and Nick are fighting with someone for a parking spot. And then the guy pulls out a gun and Nick's freaking out. And Jess kind of does, you know, some...

gesturing and gesturing gesticulating and the guy calms down puts away his gun and gives them the parking spot and so it starts this kind of

argument it it's kind of the first point for jess in the argument are people inherently good or are people inherently bad and so jess believes people are inherently good nick believes people are inherently bad and they're both really hell-bent on proving to each other that each one of them is the right one okay you know we've got to go around the circle right now and which do you believe

Oh, I believe people are inherently good. Lamorne? I think people are born demons. No, I think people are inherently good. I think they're good. You know, I think sometimes certain things could be a learned behavior, you know? Yeah, and people make bad... Sometimes... Bad decisions, yeah. My kids actually say it. They say there are no bad guys. There are just good guys making bad choices, right? That's right. Because a lot of bad guys...

They don't think they're doing... They're justified in their actions. They don't... Right. You know. They get every superhero villain. They have circumstances. Yeah. Yeah. Every superhero villain believes they're doing the right thing. I feel like I believe everyone is inherently good, but I operate...

with the suspicious eye on people like they are inherently bad. We call it the evil eye. I'm just like, well, maybe you in the 1%. Maybe I'll yell in the 1%. All right. That's a good temperature check as we dive into this episode. And also that cold open is one of my favorite lines because when the guy puts his gun away and gives up the parking spot,

Nick Miller says, you just out crazy the crazy. That's how his read on the situation is. It's not like, wow, you disarmed him by being like, obviously nice in some way. He could see that. He's just like, you're crazier than a man with a gun trying to get a parking spot. That's his point of view. That's what you do. You act crazy. When somebody, if somebody's trying to rob you, if somebody's attacking you, you act stupid.

sick. That is some legit advice that people give you. It's an old Steve Martin bit, actually. Is it really? Yeah, it's an old Steve Martin stand-up bit that

that if you're walking through a bad neighborhood, just like act totally crazy, like walk crazy, like act crazy. And then no one will mess with you because they'll be like, that guy's crazy. Don't mess with him. That's a Nick Miller's read on the situation is justice goes bonkers. And she's like, no, I'm just being nice and just apologizing for you being rude. Yeah. So in this, in this, in this episode, um,

Schmidt believes, I mean, everyone, he thinks everyone is out to get him. The delivery guy, the person working at the- That's the funniest one. I have to decline. Nick, no, sorry. Schmidt, I have a package for Schmidt. I'm going to have to decline. Slams the door. Okay, guys, I'm sorry, but I have to do it. Please duck and watch your foreheads.

Because here comes another useless gem. Oh, I'm about to drop. Oh, okay. Fold your bangs over because this could scar you. Okay. So in the, in this particular storyline, um, you know, again, there's a montage of different people that he's trying to, that he's trying to, that he thinks is floating with him. There's a woman getting on the elevator, uh,

She goes, three, please. That's the door closes. You know, it was that whole moment between those two on the elevator. He's yet another person he thinks is trying to flirt with him. Funny story. That actress, her name is Alex Lynn Ward. Alex, phenomenal actor, would was coaching me for all of my auditions for New Girl. Oh, my God. Coach me. In fact, when I got the call that I got the part, her and I were both driving away from the lot.

Leaving the audition when I got the phone call. Get out of town. It's so dope. So dope. And I forgot about it until I watched the episode and I was like, oh damn, that's Alex.

So shout out to Alex Lynn Ward. Is she working as an acting coach still? No, actually she's an actor, but she was just helping me. She was just coaching me. In fact, she was right out of college. And I think that's why. She was right out of theater school. And that's why she would coach people because she kind of had all the basics and old school stuff that you forget.

- Yeah, right, right, right. - And she just moved to LA and I'm talking every, it was like a job almost. We would, during pilot season, we'd read everything. - That's awesome. - Yeah. - That's nice. - Alex Lynn Ward, y'all. Anyway, that was my useless gem. You can fold your bangs back up. - I love it. - I have a very useful gem. - Tell me. - So I sent a little textaroo.

to Josh Malmuth, who wrote this incredibly funny episode and said, you have any info that we can share with our listeners? And this is what he wrote. And maybe you guys are familiar with this, but I was not. Did you send it to Daniel? Daniel can play it on the... Oh, no, no. It's a text. I think I know what you're going to say. Oh, it's a text. Okay. I bet you guys might know about it, but I did not know about it. I knew about this. So he says...

Well, I don't know if you guys can talk about it, but here we go. We're going to talk about it. Oh, what is it? Controversy. The whole Bruce Willis ordeal.

Yeah. Where his people said he, quote, wanted to do the show and the quote. And we waited and waited and never heard anything. And he says, I'm sure no one ever told him about it. And I said, wait a second. So he could have been the landlord. And he said, yeah. And I go right next to Nakatomi Tower. That's where we we go.

filmed, the Fox Law was right next to the building that was in the Die Hard movies. That's right. And he said, you didn't know about this? It was a whole thing. I remember this now you're telling, now that you're saying it, I remember they were saying that Bruce Willis was going to maybe play the landlord. That's right. So he was in apparently and then nothing happened. And so then they just waited and waited and walked it up as close to the line as they could. And then Brucey didn't show.

That's right. Because they, yes. We moved our days around. We had to shift the schedule. I remember that. That's right. And so you're saying Prince showed up, but Bruce didn't. You girl, that's exactly what I said back. I was like, so Prince showed up. Prince showed up. We had the same thought. This is why we're friends, girl. I said, Prince could show up. Taylor. Yeah. Taylor Swift and Prince could show up for our show, but Bruce Willis couldn't. Do you know?

But you know what? I worked. I actually love Bruce Willis. He's so he was lovely to me. I worked with him on a movie called Rock the Casbah. And he was so nice. I loved him. He was really fun to work with. So he probably just like was it was it was probably a scheduling conflict or something. And then that never got back to us.

Or maybe he never knew and never agreed in this whole thing. I think there's sometimes so many people... I think there's sometimes so many representatives when you have a person that's really famous that something could get lost in translation and you could just...

something, you know, couldn't, might not get communicated. And then, you know, Bruce, if you're out there, you got to clean it up. We got to know the real story. We want to know the real story. Also, I will say this though, Jeff Cobra, we did get for landlord. He was fantastic. It was so great. It was meant for him. Yeah. And he, he really, he,

He really captured it because when I... When you... Jess first goes down to his office, you're like, ooh, he's kind of scary. And then the way he warms up feels so genuine. Like, when he starts, like, warming up and, like, kind of, you know, letting...

you know, opening up to Jess, it does feel like the creepy guy who all of a sudden feels comfortable and is... So let's talk about that. So let's talk about that. He opens up to you, right? What's going on in this moment? In this moment, he... I think he's misreading Jess's kindness. Is he really the creepy guy or is he just misreading the whole situation? I think...

He's a loner, so he comes off as creepy. And that Jess... I mean, in a way, like, just being devil's advocate, Jess is being kind of manipulative because she wants him to fix stuff in the apartment. And she's like...

In a way, it's what we talked about in the Jess and Julia episode, that Julia is perceiving that Jess is doing certain things to be manipulative, which I think Jess is genuinely nice. But in this episode, she's kind of like, well, I'm going to be nice to him. But she is kind of trying to get something from him. She's, you know, and he takes that as, you know, he misreads that as nice.

Oh, she's interested in me. Anytime a woman asks me to come over and fix her pipes. Anytime a woman says, can you come, you know, fix my water cooler, which happens all the time. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. I get ideas. You get ideas because you can't fix a water cooler. Right. So I'm like, why is she calling me? You know what I'm saying? I don't even know what a water cooler is. I mean, that's on the Schmidt storyline and the Remy storyline are kind of intertwined. Right.

Just misreading the signs of what's going on and hoping it is the way you wanted to be, which is that these cute women are into you. Yes. Yeah. And Nick Miller, he thinks that they're going to have a threesome with them. That's right. So that's where, that's where this is. So his,

This idea that he wants, he's misreading your signs. He misreads your signs so much. And you guys are being so catty to each other to such a degree. And there's such a miscommunication happening that the three of you end up in some sort of weird situation.

A game of threesome chicken is what I kept thinking. That's exactly what it is. Threesome chicken. That's a great, great way to describe it. Threesome chicken. Remy says, I've never had a threesome before. Let's do this. And that Jess and Nick are so resolute in proving the other one wrong that they both

Start playing this game of threesome chicken where they both start committing. Oh, yeah. Super committed. And do a weird dance. So, you know, and I did find this interesting. You know, Nick, and I'm not sure if this is an episode out of order type of situation, but Nick, he kissed you.

No. Oh, that's right. He tries to. He tries to. And I that's where I'm out. Yeah. Yeah. It becomes really close to being the first Jess and Nick kiss. But yes, but technically, because Julia was right before him, right before the episode before, was he cheating? That's true. The fact that he'll be down for like a threesome when we just agreed to be exclusive to another woman.

He has a girlfriend, technically. Well, no, again, they're both so committed to proving each other wrong, they can't see any other...

Again, I think this is where New Girl delightfully uses the character's flaws to make the stories work. That's going to be my excuse. I was about to say, you see her play on me like, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. I was about to have a threesome, but it was a bit, baby. It was a character flaw bit. There's a difference.

I'm not cheating on you, babe. No, obviously he's wrong. He's wrong, obviously. But I think in this case that they both...

Are not thinking about anything other than proving the other one wrong. Otherwise they wouldn't be. Yeah. I feel like he's not is to play devil's advocate, but Nick Miller for a second, I feel like he was never going to cheat because he thought for sure she's going to back down. Yeah. I'm not actually going to do this, but yeah. And she does. She does back down. Yeah. Right at the last second. Yeah. Yeah. And now,

It's interesting. He does lean in, though, I'm going to say. No, he leans in and it looks for real. It really does. If Julia saw that, I think she'd be like, doesn't matter if you consummated the kiss or not. She'd be out. It was not okay. Can we talk about a couple of things about his aesthetic and dynamic when trying to set up this threesome? Remy, the landlord.

When you guys are sitting down at the table drinking his moonshine or basement hooch or whatever you would call it. Basement hooch. Basement hooch. It's a good band. His shirt. You guys notice his shirt? Mm-hmm. Debra put him in a Versace silk. I don't know what that thing was. But when I saw it, I said, my God, this man looks like a straight up Miami drug dealer. Yeah.

It was a very interesting choice for a man who lives in his basement. I said, where did he get this shirt from? And then when he goes in the room, he puts out the music. I mean, oh, my God. What? I don't I don't know about you guys. I looked up that song.

And it was called Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root. Yeah, I was going to say it's Rusted Root, which is like a, it's kind of like got a little hippie vibe kind of. And when I played it at first, I was like, that's an interesting choice for a song. But I just kept listening to it. I was like, I was legit going, I can see this. I can see this. I can see the song playing in the background of every threesome around America. I can see it.

It's kind of a playful, non-sexual sounding song to start a threesome. It's funny that you have to, when you put a show together, go, what does he wear for a threesome? What song choice do you want for this threesome? What was on his shirt, by the way? I couldn't really see.

It was a multicolored long sleeve dress shirt. Like a very dressy, again, very brave, very gaudy. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I said Versace. I just thought it was like it had some kind of pattern on it. And I was like, what was that pattern? Because I either don't remember it because I watched it late last night or

And by late, I mean 9 o'clock. Because I'm a mom and I get tired early. I watched it last week in preparation. Oh, good for you. Good memory. I'm kidding. What do you guys think? Is Nick the most negative person you know? Character you know? I feel like I...

I'm much more Nick leaning than just leaning in this episode. Like when I watched Remy, like tin cup, Jess. Yeah. I would be very much out with the door. Yeah. I'm like, I think of myself as an optimist who sees the best in people. And that point I'd be like, yeah, I'd be very much not committing to that anymore. I'd be like, we need the COVID rules. I need my six feet back it up.

You can shout your instruction. Don't come up and put your body behind me. I like my physical space. That's right. I think both of you were misreading the situation. Remy wasn't just hitting on...

He was hitting on Nick as well. Nick. And you're right. You're right. I said, what he says, I mean, he, I think it was very, very clear. It was very, very clear. Yeah. I mean, but that's what I love so much is the whole time. Nick is openly saying, I'm going to fight you. I'm going to fight this man. I'm going to come for you. I know what you're trying to do to my girl here. I got it. And not realizing that Remy's just finding him more and more attractive. Yeah. He's coming for him too. Yeah.

He's like, please come for me. Or Remy is picking up that Nick and Jess have some kind of a connection. And he's like, all right, if that's what we got to do, that's what we got to do. The weirdest part of the whole thing, and this is where my skin starts to crawl because I get really uncomfortable with things like this on TV, where he was like, well, I'm going to let you guys kick it off. I was like, no! Wait, no, the thing that sends chills up my spine is when he says...

Yeah, Nick, dip your toe. That was such a good read. I love it so much. Yeah, Nick, dip your toe. I like it. It's like a serial killer. Oh, I do believe serial killers are inherently bad. There you go. That's where you draw the line. I draw the line at you, serial killers. That's right. Unless they're Dexter.

Because if you're Dexter, you're killing bad people. You're Batman. Dexter is Batman of serial killers. By the way, do you think that movie, The Batman, stole it from our show? Because I was like, the whole joke in that Batman, you know, like later years from now, we'll probably be doing that Batman episode. I can't remember what season it was. Batman Mobile. Yeah, Batman Mobile. Yeah.

It's like I'm the Batman and we kept making jokes that he kept seeing the Batman. And now there's a movie called The Batman Out. I think that's a direct linear thing. We say we started it. Yeah. For all the fans out there, do your research. Potatoes. Do your research because we do believe that they stole it from us. If you guys have a problem with it.

Like and subscribe. Yeah. Send us cold hard cash. Speaking of cold hard cash, let's go to some commercials and we come back. Let's talk about Schmidt and Askin. This is Mooch. In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color. The comedy of a genio mexicano across borders y conquistó the heart of America. Da, da, da!

And his catchphrases are part of our culture, but...

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Welcome to Cheaters and Backstabbers. I'm Shadi Diaz. And I'm Kate Robards. And we are New York City stand-up comedians and best friends. And we love a good cheating and backstabbing story. Welcome to Cheaters and Backstabbers.

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I'm Angie Martinez. Check out my podcast where I talk to some of the biggest athletes, musicians, actors in the world. We go beyond the headlines and the soundbites to have real conversations about real life, death, love, and everything in between. This life right here, just finding myself, just relaxation, just not feeling stressed, just not feeling pressed. This is what I'm most proud of. I'm proud of Mary because I've been through hell and some horrible things.

That feeling that I had of inadequacy is gone. You're going to die being you. So you got to constantly work on who you are to make sure that the stars align correctly.

life ain't easy and it's getting harder and harder so if you have a story to tell if you come through some trials you need to share it because you're going to inspire someone you're going to you're going to give somebody the motivation to not give up to not quit listen to angie martinez irl on the iheart radio app apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts we are black

If you're just tuning in. By the way, I found a present you gave me that I hadn't... I never drank the bottle of white girl rosé that you gave me. Lorne. I found it in...

but I'm, I'm going to have to do that. So thanks for that. How long ago was that? That was my wrap gift. Oh my God. I'm sure it's aged beautifully. For the final season. Thank you for that. Yeah.

I do like rosé. You're like, I found this. It was perfect for you. It's got your race. It's got your great. It's perfect. It's got everything. It defines me. Thank you. Oh, my God. Okay, Schmidt. We're going to talk about Schmidt because I think this is something that people struggle with and have talked about through time. They're asking to kiss, right? Or, you know,

Asking permission. Right. This was a long time ago that we made this show. Yeah. Sexy, unsexy, the murky. Asking for permission. I think it's murky because obviously consent is incredibly important. But then, you know, as evidenced in this episode, that's what his, you know,

Hook up wanted. Yeah, the clear nonverbal cues is what this all rides on. Yes. And are there can there be a clear nonverbal cue other than like, you know, actual sign language? That's like, you know, American sign language or something. Can I get out of it? I'm a master.

at conquering that scenario. Okay. You want to know what I do? You send your chef in to ask? Pretty much. It's called a chef's kiss. And then if she says, ooh, I wish I was that little hand making that gesture. Just in the rear end, like, I can see your fingertips. And then she goes, I wish I was your hand right now. Ooh.

I just do it and blame it on my Italian upbringing. No, this is what we do. No. Are you from Italy? Now I am to get out of jail. No, I, um, no. Um, explain it. What do you do? I just don't kiss. Oh, what? What do you do? There is no, like, you know, people have like first date kisses. I just don't do it. I just don't do it because the only time that I know I am ready to

to make out with someone, it's to the point where we want to do other things already. So the kiss is just, let's get this out of the way. So you like sitting in the stands and all of a sudden you're running all the bases. Exactly. You play, it's a long game. It's a long game. Would you like to go in my bedroom? Would you like to sit on my bed? You know, the things you need permission to do. The kiss is like at that point, you're like, okay, let's just get that part out of the way.

I will say this, growing up in Cyprus, I watched these Greek guys have the most incredible game of all time. And the way they did it was they were such gentlemen, so romantic and such gentlemen.

all the time and so sweet. Like the last thing they wanted to do was physical. They were there because they loved you, your heart. They wanted to get to know you. And they're all like leaned in and like the soft whisper of how they spoke when you're telling the story of your childhood, that these women, I would watch them because they were just like, at what point is this man going to finally kiss me? Like they were just like dying for it. They were

That they were the ones that would initiate physically because these guys were playing this incredible game of emotional investment. And that kind of took out this question of the guy then kind of pushing the physicalness within the girl would be like, no, thank you. Or I'm not ready or I don't want that. And it was the woman that would lead it. Yeah. That's why I stay away from Greek men.

John Stamos. The game's too good because you would just want to kiss him. I mean, the way she's describing it, I'm like, whoa. Can I tell you the greatest piece of game I ever saw a guy run on a girl? It was amazing. It was at a bar and she was talking. He's the bartender, Greek bartender. She was some tourist from somewhere and she was sitting there and

Talking, she's nervous. He's very handsome bartender. And she was talking whatever and knocked her drink over. Okay. And he without breaking eye contact or conversation, right? Didn't even acknowledge the drink over, keeps talking, reaches down. There's like a bucket of ice, like under the bar, reaches down, keeps talking, grabs a couple of cubes of ice, reaches over,

Puts them on her hand to kind of, you know, why? Because it's sticky from the cocktail knocking over, you know, to kind of like clean her hand. And then there's a towel, dries it, keeps talking, doesn't break, just keeps going. And she's sitting there as this man like helps clean her like sticky hands and wipes down the bar, puts her drink up, refills it. Boom. All in like 45 seconds. This woman was literally running to the bedroom.

Fun fact, guys. There's a lot you can learn from Greek men. I'm about to drop this gem on you guys. That woman, her name was Hannah Simone.

No, it was not. It was not. I thought you were going to say it was Lamorne Morris. Hannah, you watched their whole interaction. Yeah, I worked at the bar. I worked at the bar. But here was the thing that was amazing. I remember the first time I watched it because that woman changed because she, you know, how she was looking at him because she could have been embarrassed or whatever, but she was fully seduced. But here's the thing that was crazy. So the tourists would come and they're on a three day holiday, four day holiday. They go back.

And they're like, oh my God, he was amazing. Stavros, I love him so much. Leave. Next day, another batch of Swedish tourists show up. Gorgeous women show up at the bar. Run the same game. Run the same game every single time. And then I was like, oh, the ice cube and the towel again. Well, you know those Swedish tourists were showing up to Cyprus looking for a Greek bartender. That's also right. That's also exactly right. Woo!

Yeah, everybody had their fling. Anyway, I'm just saying it was really interesting that it took out the situation that Schmidt is in, which is like, I want to kiss her. Should I ask? I want to be respectful. If your game is tight enough, you can dodge this whole thing. Yeah, you just have to be a gentleman. You just got to be a gentleman. Bottom line, be a gentleman. That's right.

So a little tidbit about there's a moment where Remy comes in. We're rewinding a little bit. Remy comes in the loft and he sees, you know, another person lives there. An extra person is in the loft, which is against the rules, against the contract. Ingram, but Tursky, yeah.

he realizes uh so he goes into the closet and he sees this big mural this big weird oh that was a lol moment my god it looked like it was like a space sex orgy with like a it's a intergalactic sexual tea party yes that's what that's what she describes it fun fact that was i laughed i have that in my house

What? Oh, do you? I have that painting in my garage. It wasn't painted on the wall? In the closet originally, it was a big board that looked like it was a part of the wall. But then they redid it to make it my entire wall. Yeah. When you turn the light off, it says Winston sucks. But the original, the OG piece that was in the closet, I stole that.

You stole it or it was given to you? You just legit stole it. I took it. It was the last day of set. It was a bunch of stuff laying around. And I asked one of the transport guys if he could drive it over to my house. Because my butler wasn't working. My chauffeur wasn't working at the time. So one of the transport guys And where is it in your house now? It's in my garage.

Yeah, that's a good place for it. As soon as you pull up, space butt right there. Space ass everywhere. That's what your daughter's going to grow up with. She's not allowed in the garage. Being the thing she sees as you drive up into the garage after school. I guess she gets older. You should auction that off. I am. I'm going to. I'm going to. On this podcast, maybe that's something we'll do. We'll pick a charity and then I'll auction it off. Yeah.

Yeah, for sure. But going back, going back to Schmidt. I will just say something super funny quickly about what Schmidt does. It's one of my favorite things in real life when people do. Because Cece says, you know, there's nothing less sexy than a guy asking to kiss you.

When people say statements like that, when you're like, really? Nothing less sexy. And you can go through a list of like, he says the funniest. I feel like he went through so many alts. I remember sitting there and he had to say some of the craziest things

unsexy, disgusting things in that list. And I think like four made the show. But that was like a real taste for me of the level of alts and how weird and funny and dark our writers could go. But I also love that in real life when people kind of go like,

You're making this huge statement. Sounds a little dramatic. Let's unpack that. Let's walk that road. I love that moment in this episode. Someone posed the question, how fortunate are we that this wasn't Nick and Jess's first kiss? Oh, yeah, we are fortunate. That wouldn't have been very romantic. And Jess and Nick's first kiss, I think, that was a pretty epic moment.

Yeah. But you felt their tension, like the sexual tension in this episode perfectly where you kind of were like, ooh, are they really actually going to do it? All of us became Remy. We all got creepy with it. We exposed our Remy's. Well, I guess we're going to all sit back and watch them get started. I guess that's what we're all doing. Maybe Remy just wanted them to get together and he felt like that was the only way he could. What if he's just Cupid?

What if he's just trying to play Cupid? What if we do a rewind, right? And then every time there's a situation between Nick and Jess, we go down to the basement and we see Remy going, yes, my plan worked. That was Remy's plan all along. That would have been a hell of a finale.

In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color. The comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. ¡Tatá!

And his catchphrases are part of our culture, but...

Sonoro y iHeart's My Cultura Podcast Network present Nace una leyenda. Chesperito. I'm Felipe Esparza y te llevaré de viaje por la obra del super comediante Chesperito. From his television debut hasta la cima del éxito. ¡Síganme los buenos! Listen to Nace una leyenda. Chesperito as part of My Cultura Podcast Network en la aplicación iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts.

BPM 110, 120. She's terrified. Should we wake her up? Absolutely not.

What was that? You didn't figure it out? I think I need to hear you say it. That was live audio of a woman's nightmare. This machine is approved and everything? You're allowed to be doing this? We passed the review board a year ago. We're not hurting people. There's nothing dangerous about what you're doing. They're just dreams. Dream Sequence is a new horror thriller from Blumhouse Television, iHeartRadio, and Realm. Listen to Dream Sequence on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Meet the real woman behind the tabloid headlines in a personal podcast that delves into the life of the notorious Tori Spelling, as she takes us through the ups and downs of her sometimes glamorous, sometimes chaotic life and marriage. I don't think he knew how big it would be, how big the life I was given and live is.

I think he was like, oh, yeah, things come and go. But with me, it never came and went. Is she Donna Martin or a down-and-out divorcee? Is she living in Beverly Hills or a trailer park? In a town where the lines are blurred, Tori is finally going to clear the air in the podcast Misspelling. When a woman has nothing to lose, she has everything to gain. I just filed for divorce. Whoa, I said the words. Yeah.

That I've said like in my head for like 16 years. Wild. Listen to Misspelling on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to Cheaters and Backstabbers. I'm Shadi Diaz. And I'm Kate Robards. And we are New York City stand-up comedians and best friends. And we love a good cheating and backstabbing story. Welcome.

So this is a series where our guests reveal their most shocking cheating stories. Join us as we learn how to avoid getting our hearts broken or our backs slashed. Listen to Cheaters and Backstabbers on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

I'm Angie Martinez. Check out my podcast where I talk to some of the biggest athletes, musicians, actors in the world. We go beyond the headlines and the soundbites to have real conversations about real life, death, love, and everything in between. This life right here, just finding myself, just relaxation, just not feeling stressed, just not feeling pressed. This is what I'm most proud of. I'm proud of Mary because I've been through hell and some horrible things.

That feeling that I had of inadequacy is gone. You're going to die being you. So you got to constantly work on who you are to make sure that the stars align correctly.

Life ain't easy and it's getting harder and harder. So if you have a story to tell, if you've come through some trials, you need to share it because you're going to inspire someone. You're going to give somebody the motivation to not give up, to not quit. Listen to Angie Martinez IRL on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to our show.

All right, guys, welcome to True American, where the rules change weekly, or actually they didn't really change from last week, but you leave more confused than when you showed up.

This week, we are answering listener letters again because there were so many great questions last week. That is right. It's time to open Ben Franklin's letter bag. Birthday, buddy. Okay. This one, this first one is from Jellybean Jess. Birth name? I think that's her birth name. That's someone's name. Don't make fun of it. Definitely don't laugh. Jellybean Jess says,

wants to know, what are the biggest differences and similarities between your characters and yourselves in real life? That's a big question, Jellybean Jess. Okay, we can do one and one. I would say my biggest similarity is that I am a true ride or die friend. Like, I got you. That's true. I want to be your first call, doesn't matter, three in the morning. If you hate him, I hate him. You like him, I like him. I got you. Biggest difference...

This episode kind of made me look and see is that Cece walks in and I think he calls her out on it. He's like, shouldn't you be like at a, you know, some sort of like baccarat table, like with James Bond or something. Dressed to the nines with the world's tiniest purse, like it could hold like a piece of gum.

And nothing could be further from the truth as I sit here in my sweatpants and my unicorn T-shirt with my hair tied up in a top knot. Hannah Simone is a real bag lady. You know, she's a bag lady. You definitely don't dress like Cece. No. You're more like you're not going to wear like high heels and...

bodycon dresses like every day. No, thank you. No, no, no. I got like a hippie heart. That's not my style. Yeah, you wear more like flowing florals, I would say. All right, that's my biggest similarity, biggest difference. For me, biggest similarity...

It would probably be how weird he can be. Yeah, I can be weird at times. You know what I mean? Not in a creepy way. Just weird. That's so surprising to us. You know, just very left of center. Not, you know, I don't walk the beaten path. I take the road less traveled by.

that has made all the difference. And so, um, the, the thing that is different, that was a similarity thing that I probably say is, um, that I vary from Winston. Um,

I'm not gonna lie to you. I don't know. I don't know I was That's that's a big that's on the nose nothing everybody knows that about me I definitely hate cats. I definitely hate that I Don't but I but I will say it's interesting when you when you're on the show for so long Part of your real life you start blending in with the character a little bit. I definitely have Winston isms

in my life sometimes that I'll find myself doing and I go, oh, I got that from the show. Like I'll say certain things and I go, Zoe, you said something, I forget which episode and I watched an episode of Woke where I'm saying a line but I vary it and it's the exact same way you delivered it.

I think that's not even a little bit true. I don't remember where you said that in, but I know that came from... Oh, yeah. That's not even a little bit true. Yeah, I remember that... It's in one of these first episodes. Yeah. And I remember saying that when somebody said, oh, Keith Knight, my character plays his name is Keith Knight. Oh, Keith Knight, hey, he doesn't support local artists. And I go, that's not even a little bit true. I just said it. Right. Very normally. But I know I didn't make that up. It came from somewhere. It came from one other show. You know, again, we...

you know, there, there are things that blend in and when you, it's like spending time with friends that you all have like inside jokes where you all say like the same thing, you know, and then it ends up kind of, everybody ends up saying the same, using the same kind of language that's funny to each other. I think we all had bits that would repeat and end up, you know, different people would say them and then lines that were funny and made us laugh. I mean, definitely end up in your, in the back of your head somewhere sometimes. Yeah.

But for me, I think I'm optimistic like Jess. And we are similar like that. We do have some interests that are shared. I would say like a lot of Jess's clothes, like especially at the time, it's like my style is always somewhat the same. But then it's like you have different things that you kind of go through phases of liking certain types of clothes.

silhouettes and things like that. And definitely my own style kind of got filtered into Jess a lot, but where we're different, I think I'm a little bit, not quite as guileless as Jess, maybe, but there's a lot of me in, in her for sure. And yeah, I mean, again, you play a character for seven years, there's going to be parts of you in the character. Okay. So this one is from Hayden and,

who's wondering, what do the members of the loft use the money from the douchebag jar for? That's an interesting question. I don't know if we ever covered that. Because there was real money in that jar. Like, as in, it wasn't like there was 20 bucks kind of alluded to to be in that jar. Because, I mean, we have a story of the 50. Over years, yeah. There would have been a lot of money. $7.2 million. LAUGHTER

Schmidt was on a roll. Yeah. They used it to buy a Rolls Royce. Out of Fort Bronco. That actually would have been a fun episode for them to be like,

We're going to use the cash for something. Yeah, that would have been. I want to say we did. I just don't remember. Missed opportunity. Or it happened and we don't remember. That's true. We might find out ourselves. We're not really sure. So let's get, we'll get back to you, Hayden. This one's from Caitlin R. This is an interesting question. Are you team Nick or Sam for Jess? Come on. Come on now. Come on. Okay. I'm team Nick because that's.

What the show, you know, part of what the show was, was like getting certain characters together. And it was, you know, and Nick and Jess had to end up together. That said, and I love that, you know, I love the couple. I loved every minute of, you know, working with Jake and creating, you know, that dynamic. That said...

I love David Walton, and I would totally watch that show, Sam and Jess. I would 100% watch that show. I love Dr. Sam. I thought he was a great character.

um and he was he was also like you know to make that you know to make it all work he had to be a formidable opponent for nick you know there had to be a case for sam right and so that's why i do think that you know it worked that he was such a good he was good for just two in a way you know yeah what do you guys think

I mean, team Nick, right? You gotta be, you gotta be Nick Miller, Nick Miller. You gotta be team Nick. I mean, Dr. Sam was cool though. I mean, I gave him a bird shirt and Winston gave him a bird shirt. And I think that was, that was fun. Nick would never wear one of his bird shirts. That was one of those like on paper things, right? Like on paper, Dr. Sam is like such a perfect fit.

for Jess on paper for most people. It was like a perfect fit and this great guy. And I think that's what was so great about this show is that so much of who we're drawn to and who we choose in our life, it's just heart led. You know, it doesn't always make the most sense, but you can't deny it. And that's the Nick Jess thing. They just couldn't deny it.

Meant to be. Wow. Look at that. Lovely. Lovely, lovely. Thank you guys so much for joining us. Like and subscribe. Please do.

We love you. Also, thanks to Josh Melmoth for illuminating the Bruce Willis situation. Bruce, if you're out there, let us know what happened. It's a great tidbit. It's a great tidbit. I wonder if we could get Bruce Willis to actually send a little voice note of why he didn't want to show up. Or even just via a representative make a comment. Justin Long is good friends with Bruce Willis. We'll get him to do it.

Is he? Yeah, they did Die Hard together. Oh, I forgot about that one. That's right. Is that Live Free or Die Hard? Yeah. Because I did an indie called Live Free or Die. So I remember, I always remember the name of that one because I'm like, oh, I did a movie that was just one word off from this. Thank you guys for tuning in. We miss you already. We love you. See you next week. We love you. Come over and kick it. Hear us next week.

Bye. Bye. You've been listening to Welcome to Our Show, a New Girl recap podcast. Welcome to Our Show is a production of iHeartRadio, hosted by Zooey Deschanel, Lamorne Morris, and Hannah Simone. Our executive producer is Joelle Monique.

Our engineer and editor is Daniel Goodman. The Welcome to Our Show theme song was written by Zooey Deschanel, performed and produced by Zooey Deschanel and Pierre Derrida. Follow us on Instagram at Welcome to Our Show Pod. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at Welcome to Our Show Podcast at Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and share far and wide. Thanks for listening. We'll hear you next week. Welcome to Our Show.

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Welcome to the CINO Show. I'm your host, Cino McFarlane. I'm an addiction specialist. I'm a coach, I'm a translator, and I'm God's middleman. My job is to crack hearts and let the light in and help everyone shift the narrative. I want to help you wake up, and I want to help you get free. Most importantly, I don't want you to feel alone. Listen to the CINO Show every Wednesday on iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

In a world where TikTok didn't exist yet, las películas no tenían color, the comedy of a genio mexicano crossed borders y conquistó the heart of America. Sonoro y Our Hearts, my cultural podcast network present Nace una leyenda. Chespirito. No faltaban con mi hasta.

How did a Mexican writer become a symbol of global television? Listen to Nacional Leyenda, Chespirito, en la aplicación iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts. Hi, I am Lacey Lamar. And I'm also Lacey Lamar. Just kidding, I'm Amber Refe.

Okay, everybody, we have exciting news to share. We're back with season two of the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network. This season, we make new friends, deep dive into my steamy DMs,

Answer your listener questions and more. The more is punch each other. Listen to the Amber and Lacey, Lacey and Amber show on Will Ferrell's Big Money Players Network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Just listen, okay? Or Lacey gets it. Do it. I'm Andrea Gunning, host of the all-new podcast There and Gone. It's a real-life story of two people who left a crowded Philadelphia bar, walked to their truck, and vanished.

A truck and two people just don't disappear. The FBI called it murder for hire. But which victim was the intended target and why? Listen to There and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.