cover of episode Post Mortem | The Bathtub Murder of Kendy Howard

Post Mortem | The Bathtub Murder of Kendy Howard

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48 Hours

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chuck Stevenson
Peter Van Sant
Peter Van Sant 和 Chuck Stevenson:本集探讨了肯迪·霍华德的浴缸谋杀案,重点关注其丈夫丹·霍华德如何伪造自杀现场,以及他作为前警官的背景如何帮助他掩盖罪行。他们分析了案发现场的可疑细节,例如破碎的玻璃和运行的烘干机,以及丹·霍华德在911报警电话中表现出的异常行为。此外,他们还调查了丹·霍华德在担任州警期间的过往行为,包括一起导致一人死亡的交通事故和对情敌的威胁行为,这些都表明了他具有暴力倾向和逃避责任的倾向。他们还讨论了丹·霍华德在审判期间试图逃离的行为,以及他最终被判犯有二级谋杀罪。 Anne-Marie Green:作为主持人,Anne-Marie Green 引导了对案件的讨论,并提出了关键问题,例如为什么起诉丹·霍华德需要两年时间,以及法医报告的不确定性如何影响了案件的进程。她还强调了肯迪·霍华德的女儿 Brooke 和孙女 Kenley 的证词,这些证词揭示了丹·霍华德的控制行为以及肯迪·霍华德在婚姻中的不幸遭遇。 Brooke:作为肯迪·霍华德的女儿,Brooke 提供了关于她母亲与丹·霍华德之间关系的第一手资料,以及她对丹·霍华德参与谋杀的强烈怀疑。她的证词为检方提供了重要的证人证言。 Kenley:作为肯迪·霍华德的孙女,Kenley 分享了她与祖母之间充满爱和回忆的关系,以及丹·霍华德为了筹集辩护资金而出售祖母珍藏的瓷鸡的行为给她带来的痛苦。她的证词突显了此类案件中受害者不仅仅是死者一人。 Chuck Stevenson:Chuck Stevenson 提供了对案件细节的补充信息,包括丹·霍华德在犯罪现场清理工作上的努力,以及他与警方的互动方式。他还详细描述了丹·霍华德在担任州警期间的负面行为记录,以及这些行为如何与他在肯迪·霍华德谋杀案中的行为相呼应。

Deep Dive

Kendy Howard was found dead in her bathtub with a gunshot wound, and her husband, Dan Howard, a former state trooper, claimed it was suicide. However, first responders noticed suspicious details at the scene, such as broken glass and a running dryer, suggesting a possible cover-up despite Dan's attempt to clean the crime scene.
  • Dan Howard, a former state trooper, claimed his wife Kendy committed suicide.
  • First responders found inconsistencies at the scene, raising suspicions of a cover-up.
  • Despite some cleanup efforts, clues like broken glass and a running dryer hinted at foul play.

Shownotes Transcript

Join 48 Hours correspondent Peter Van Sant and producer Chuck Stevenson for a behind-the-scenes discussion about the murder of Kendy Howard. They discuss the cover-up by Kendy’s husband, Dan, to make her death look like a suicide, Dan’s troubling past as a state trooper, and his shocking drive to the airport during his trial. They also discuss an unaired clip of Dan’s 9-1-1 call that was used as evidence against him in court.

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