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Marketing team, did you get those social media posts scheduled for the SEAL migration? Aye, aye, Captain. We even have an automated notification for all pod managers when they go live. They use to keep their teamwork sharp, their communication clear, and their goals in sight. For whatever you run, even orcas. Go to to dive deeper.
- David Goggins, often referred to as the hardest mother on planet Earth. The only member of the US Armed Forces to have completed Navy SEAL training, US Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training. - Anything that makes me feel that fear feeling is gonna get overcome. Fear is my ultimate guide. The worst thing in life that happens to a man is they get civilized, or a woman, anybody. - Yeah, yeah. - 'Cause you lose the hunger for life. That's my biggest fear, is I get to a point where life has come to me and I have that feeling of I've arrived.
Most of life you're alone up here. You're alone. Yeah, we could be our worst enemy during the morning time I build the armor I face the world because now I know there's gonna be some disappointments along the way every day That's life But if you face disappointments already in victory the things I can control is I can control my run I can control how my house looks how my how my world is I can control that so I've won open my door of life and
Life starts to beat me down. I'm facing it with the body armor that I created. We all look for toughness. We all want it, but we look for it in a comfortable environment. You will not find toughness in a comfortable environment. The only way you find it is to drown yourself in a position where you're just out of sorts.
where you can't swim and you're drowning. Trying hard is something in your mind just doesn't stop. Where you know two hours isn't enough. It's all about reality in which you're basing things off of. You have to have the truth to have a starting point. If I'm lying to you about who I am, there's no starting point. There's a false reality. You have to create the real reality. Where the fuck am I gonna start from? Once you come face to face with who you are,
You have a starting point. I'm not real smart. I have no courage. I have no self-esteem. I have no nothing. Nothing. That's my starting point. Now we can move from there. We like to surround ourselves. It makes us feel so good. Those people who say it's okay. It's okay. It's not okay. It isn't okay, man. And I get it. Society's changing. We love to feel wanted and loved. Trust me. That's all important. It is. But
You have to have the truth from people. Hey, you're not working your butt off hard enough. You're not trying hard enough. We all think we're trying hard, but what are you gauging that off of? I'm going to tell you a difference in trying hard and trying hard. Trying hard is something in your mind just doesn't stop. We know two hours isn't enough.
So it's all about reality in which you're basing things off of. And most people quit at 40%. Yes. That's one of your most famous lines. Yes. I was hearing that years ago coming from you. And so when we're saying I'm trying hard, when you look in that accountability mirror, you need to look right in your eyes and say, who am I fucking bullshitting? Right. Because most likely you're at 40% or less. Right. Much less. Much less. Because even though the 40% rule came up years later...
When I was 297 pounds and I was fat as hell trying to be a Navy SEAL, the scariest thing in the world to me, even to this day, was that that could have been the rest of my life. I thought then I was trying hard. That's the scariest thing in the world. I thought then 297 pounds, working for Ecolab, spraying for cockroaches, making $1,000 a month. I thought that was me at my 100% potential. Come to find out,
A few years later, I wasn't even near that. 106 pounds less, graduated Navy, still training, went on to do all these other things. Looking back on that, that was me trying hard. That's why people got to understand what is in us, we have no idea until we start trying hard. The younger generation, most of this generation quits the second they get talked to.
You did this wrong, you did this wrong or they get yelled at. It's so easy to be great nowadays because everybody else is, most people are weak. This is a softened generation. So if you have any mental toughness, any ability, if you have any fraction,
of self-discipline, the ability to not want to do it but still do it. I hate to run. And what makes me so crazy, people go, "Well, why do you run if you hate it? What are you talking about?" It wasn't until I changed that mentality that I became somebody. But if you can get through to doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.
That's what people don't understand. By me running, I am callousing my mind. I'm not training for a race. I'm training for life. I'm training my mind and my body and my spirit so it's all one, so I can handle what life is gonna throw at me. Because the life I've lived, it throws a whole bunch at you. But what motivated me through that whole process was the fact that this kid came from that. I'm in the hardest training in the world, in the worst shape of my entire life.
What if I can graduate amongst these studs? Wow. All these guys around me are studs. They're stallions. They're gladiators in my class. They're all healthy. Most of them. They're not broken like this. They may have some, you know, everybody's sick going through that training. But if I can graduate, it would change everything for me. If I can start the hardest training in the world broken and graduate. So my mind fed off of that.
You are now from the weakest man, you are now the hardest man to ever live. If you can do this. If you can do this. Life is one big mind game and you're playing it with yourself. Is it true? I don't care. It got me through the hardest training starting out broken. Where most people quit, I had just started. And when you take that mindset and you learn to flip that around, that's what made me powerful and my body followed. And three months later,
My stretch fractures were healed by running on them. I never had them since. I'm 43 years old. I ran 7,000 miles in 2007. Haven't had a stretch fracture since. And I'm not saying to do that. I'm just saying that when the mind and the body connect and you don't give yourself a way out. The only way out for me at that time was death. I'm going to be a Navy SEAL. Or I'm going to die. Or I'm going to die trying. Period.
And my body said, "Roger that." How will you learn from me? People take so much offense to me. You will never learn from people if we always tap dance around the truth. Oh God, I love that. We tap dance around the truth by finding the right words so I don't hurt you because you have thin skin. No.
Tighten up people. It's okay. Trust me. What are you going to do now? They don't own your life. How are you going to control that now? How are you going to flip it upside down and say Roger that now I'm going to harness this shit and you'll read about me years from now. How? That's the question. How are you going to do that? Thicken your skin. Become more of a human being. Don't be afraid of the reflection in the mirror because that's all you can be afraid of. Once you overcome the reflection in the mirror
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Is the chicken Big Mac still a Big Mac? It's got two chicken patties, the pickles, the lettuce, ooh, the cheese, the sesame seed bun, and it's got the sauce. It's not not a Big Mac. Get it while you can. And participate in McDonald's for a limited time.