cover of episode CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE YOURSELF - Powerful Motivational Speech | Eric Thomas

CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE YOURSELF - Powerful Motivational Speech | Eric Thomas

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Eric Thomas
Eric Thomas: 本演讲的核心围绕着自我提升和成功,强调改变自身认知的重要性。演讲者指出,想要改变现状,就必须将批判他人的精力用于自我提升,并付诸行动。想要得到自己没有的东西,就必须有所改变,因为如果能够轻易得到,你早就拥有了。他还强调明确目标的重要性,并为之付出努力,即使现状不如意,也要坚持不懈。想要改变现状,就必须做出必要的改变,并不断学习新知识。演讲中反复强调坚定信念的重要性,指出只有坚定信念才能在逆境中坚持不懈,并以Michael Jordan和Kobe Bryant为例说明了这一点。他还强调要时刻保持高水平的训练和准备,才能在关键时刻取得胜利,要专注于目标,并以超越竞争对手的方式努力,才能取得成功。成功不能依赖个人喜好,而要以胜负为导向,不断调整策略。要进行自我评估,战胜自己消极的一面,才能取得最终的胜利。要克服惰性和拖延症,保持高水平的执行力,才能取得成功。成功需要清晰的目标和方法,并坚持不懈地努力。改变生活需要改变思维方式,并保持竞争力。每天都要保持竞争状态,才能在竞争中脱颖而出。

Deep Dive

To achieve your goals, shift your focus from criticizing others to self-improvement. Identify your desires, embrace change, and acquire new knowledge.
  • Change requires intentional effort and self-assessment.
  • Clarity about your desires is crucial for achieving goals.
  • Acquiring new information is essential for personal growth.

Shownotes Transcript


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You don't have to be wired. You're already wired to be critical. You're already wired to peep out flaws. You're already wired to do it. What you need to do is take that same energy and apply it to yourself. You have to go intentional and deliberate. How many times do I criticize others versus how many times I criticize myself? How many times do I try to correct others? How many times do I correct myself? If it don't drive you, don't want that,

So whatever it is you see that you don't have, if it drives you, go, I want that. And then you got to change. But you can't say you want that and you don't want change. Anytime you want anything you don't have, you have to do something to get that. Because if you were the person that could have it, you would already have it. You'd have it already. You don't have it. And so you want it. So you have to become something different. You didn't have that, but you went after it.

Be clear. What do you want? What do you want specifically? Like, you need to be clear on what you want. And I was willing to go through whatever I had to go through to get what I wanted. I knew what I had. That's not what I wanted. It doesn't matter how I'm living right now because I'm gonna live. And so it's difficult for you because you don't have no clarity. You're gonna figure out who you are, why you tick, what you do, and then you're gonna be able to take who you are and what you do and make money.

I want you to be brave enough when something's not working, do it right. You can't keep doing what you were doing before because you're losing. But if you can't implement the necessary changes in your life, you won't be able to improve yourself or your situation. If you want to change your situation, you got to get in new information. I just knew what I wanted. I knew what I wanted. I was clear on it.

I'm committed, but I don't know that I'm convicted. Here's what I want y'all to know. We have to be careful because some of us get an attitude because we're looking for things that people who are convicted get when we just committed. But I just want you to stop expecting what people with convictions have when you just committed.

Stop doing that. Because now you mad. Like, oh, okay, so coach ain't going to start me. You just committed. You ain't got no conviction to the game. You just play when it's time to play. That person is up all day, every day, running, lifting weight. Michael Jordan was convicted about basketball. Kobe was convicted about basketball. That's why Mike is who he is. Not because he was the greatest ever, but the conviction that, like, there's nobody wanting as bad as he wants.

It was convicted. Some of us, we let our feelings like I ain't feeling it. I'm not with it. That's why I know I'm not convicted to run it because I always run when I feel like it. I never missed a day when I felt like it. I've never run though when I've not felt it. One of the things you have to do is operate in conviction and not commit.

If you're going to win, if they're going to put your name and the number up there, you just can't play this game because there are other teams that want to do exactly what you got to do. So what you got to do in practice is one, two, three. In practice. If you can't dominate in practice, you can't dominate when the lights come on. I get up every morning at three o'clock. I dominate at three o'clock in the morning. I dominate when everybody's asleep. I dominate at four in the morning, six in the morning. At eight, I go back to bed. Why? Because y'all just getting up.

But I'm committed to it. Your everyday routine is clear. Come on, we have a vision. We have a mission. We have a visionary. We have a mission. Our goal is to move the needle, not surround ourselves with loyal people who ain't competent. I see your true colors, a trial or a tribulation here. And now you're wondering if I'm going to do what I said I'm going to do. So now you're going to switch the game up. Okay. I want you to see where you are so you can make the adjustments.

I need you to eat, sleep, breathe, dominate. We're not playing to the level of our competition no more. Everything you do is going to be in a way that nobody else does. Paying attention, being locked in and focused. Paying attention, being locked in and focused. Listen to me very closely, I take it personal when I do what I do. I don't care who we going up against, one, two, three. Wake up every single day, I was here before I was here.

I was up this morning here. I've been here before. I was in this spot right here. I was talking up right here. I envision it. I saw it already. You can't win it if you can't see it. You cannot be a prisoner to your preference. You cannot be a prisoner to your own preference. Meaning that just because it's what you prefer, if you lose it, you lose it. Period. And so you don't make your preference the God. You make winning or losing the God.

So if you're losing, you have to do something different so that you can win. You have to self-assess and you can't let you off the hook because it's you. It's two of y'all. It's a winning you and a losing you. And you do deserve to be a winner.

When you trying to score a touchdown, there are individuals designed to stop you from scoring a touchdown. That's their job. They're supposed to stop you. Your job is to not care about them trying to tackle you and you keep moving forward. You dominate when you feel like it and you dominate when you don't feel like it. I've dominated my sleep pattern. I've dominated my laziness. I've dominated procrastination. Where I go, stuff happens. I dominate.

There are no shortcuts. Discipline is you do it so long and so hard and you're so passionate about it that even when you don't feel like it, you still operate at the highest level. I dominate. And I realize that most of you in the room, the reason why you're not going to get to where you're supposed to get to is because you don't know how to get there. Now, the other thing I've noticed is that people who have more clarity have more conviction.

And you start like, "Oh man, I want that. I want that experience." But you don't change as a human, so you can't get that experience. Like, it's not possible for you to have it. You can't change your life without changing your mind, bro. You have to play to win. You have to be competitive. Wherever you are, whatever your space is, this is my space right here. You have to be competitive.

Whether you like it or not, whether you feel comfortable or not, and you have to get into a space where you got that dog. It's not for the weak at heart. You can't always be the most talented in the room. You can't always be like naturally gifted, naturally talented. But watch this. You can be the most competitive. I'm saying y'all don't get it. You got to wake up every day and compete. You got to go after it.

I'm saying people don't get it, bro. It's crazy. People want change more than they want change. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the craziest thing, bro. Let's talk about something that's not always top of mind, but still really important. Life insurance. Why? Because it offers financial protection for your loved ones and can help them pay for things like a mortgage, credit card debt. It can even help fund an education.

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