cover of episode Mnemonology (MEMORY) Part 2 with Michael Yassa

Mnemonology (MEMORY) Part 2 with Michael Yassa

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Ologies with Alie Ward

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Allie Ward
Michael Yassa
Michael Yassa: 本研究探讨了记忆的各个方面,包括面部识别、情感对记忆的影响、以及不同类型的记忆(短期记忆和长期记忆)的机制。研究指出,面部识别能力存在个体差异,有些人患有发育性面容失认症,难以区分面孔。这是一种谱系疾病,比之前认为的更常见。人类进化出识别面部表情的能力,以便判断威胁或友好,但将面孔与姓名联系起来的能力是后来才发展出来的,因此人们常常难以记住姓名和面孔的对应关系。记住姓名和面孔的技巧在于建立强烈的个人联系,使记忆更生动、更有情感意义。记忆大师们使用的记忆技巧,例如记忆宫殿法,都是基于建立强烈的个人联系。情感联系会增强记忆的储存方式,但情感并不总是提高储存能力,它会突出某些细节,而忽略其他细节。 Allie Ward: 作为一名播客主持人,Allie Ward 在节目中与 Michael Yassa 讨论了听众关于记忆的各种问题,包括如何记住姓名和面孔,什么是阿尔茨海默病,照相式记忆,短期记忆与长期记忆,如何预防痴呆,大麻和记忆,金鱼的大脑,以及为什么闻到防晒霜会让你想哭。她还分享了一些个人的经验和观点,例如她对观看自己视频的抗拒,以及她对记忆的理解。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

WHY is it so hard to remember names and faces?

Faces convey crucial survival information like threat assessment, but associating names with faces is a relatively recent evolutionary development. Our brains are still adapting to this task. Forming strong, personal, and emotionally significant associations can improve name-face recall.

WHY do some people experience face blindness?

Prosopagnosia, or face blindness, exists on a spectrum of severity. Developmental prosopagnosia (lifelong, not injury-caused) affects an estimated 1 in 33 people. Those with it describe it as difficulty distinguishing a specific tree in a forest or two cows in a field.

How do emotions influence memory retention?

Emotional connections strengthen memories, making emotionally charged experiences more likely to be stored and influence future actions. However, emotions can also create a focus on central details at the expense of peripheral information, leading to a skewed memory.

Is our constant use of phones and the internet affecting our memory?

Distraction from phones and internet usage can create "Swiss cheese" memory by hindering full, three-dimensional experiences. Replacing real-time experience with 2D recordings diminishes the richness of stored memories and their emotional context.

Does photographic memory exist?

Photographic, or eidetic, memory, as commonly understood (perfect recall after a single exposure), is largely a myth. Outside of rare savant cases, true photographic memory lacks scientific evidence. What often gets perceived as photographic memory is actually highly developed, but not perfect, recall.

Are there people who learn better through hearing than seeing?

While the concept of fixed learning styles is a myth, individuals do have varying strengths in auditory and visual learning. However, combining multiple senses, such as reading aloud to engage both visual and auditory processing, results in the most effective learning.

WHY do smells evoke such strong memories?

Smells, unlike other senses, have direct access to the hippocampus, the brain's memory center. This unique neural pathway may contribute to the vividness and emotional intensity of smell-triggered memories. Our limited vocabulary for describing smells also necessitates associating them with past experiences.

How do concussions affect memory?

Concussions' impact on memory varies greatly depending on the injury's severity and location. The hippocampus, crucial for memory, is highly vulnerable to various forms of trauma, including concussions. Memory problems are a common consequence of concussive injuries.

What is "mom brain," and what causes it?

"Mom brain" refers to memory changes experienced by new parents, often attributed to sleep deprivation, stress, and hormonal shifts. The hippocampus, vital for memory, is susceptible to these factors, making it more vulnerable to temporary disruptions.

Do goldfish really have a 2-minute memory?

The claim that goldfish have a 2-minute memory is false. Studies have shown goldfish can estimate distance, distinguish between images, and learn through training, demonstrating a longer memory capacity than commonly believed.

What's the difference between dementia and Alzheimer's?

Dementia is an umbrella term for a set of symptoms related to cognitive decline, including memory loss. Alzheimer's disease is a specific disease and the most common cause of dementia. Other conditions, like Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, can also cause dementia.

What can we do to maintain sharp memories and prevent dementia?

Regular physical activity, maintaining social engagement, and a heart-healthy diet (similar to the Mediterranean diet) are linked to better cognitive health and reduced dementia risk. While cognitive engagement is beneficial, the social context of activities like playing chess in a park seems to amplify its positive effects.

Does marijuana negatively affect memory?

Marijuana's effect on memory is complex. While THC is often associated with cognitive deficits, the brain contains endocannabinoid receptors involved in memory and plasticity, suggesting potential for both positive and negative effects depending on dosage, individual factors, and the specific type of memory being assessed. Further research is needed to fully understand these effects.

What is the difference between short-term and long-term memory?

Short-term memory, or working memory, lasts only seconds and holds a limited number of items (around 3-4). Anything beyond this timeframe falls under long-term memory, which can be further categorized into recent and remote memories. Complaints about “short-term” memory often refer to difficulty with recent long-term memories, while preserved “long-term” memory usually refers to remote memories.

This chapter explores the challenges of remembering names and faces, a common struggle for many. It discusses prosopagnosia (face blindness), evolutionary perspectives on facial recognition, and memory techniques to improve name-face association.
  • Prosopagnosia is more common than previously thought and exists on a spectrum.
  • Remembering faces is evolutionarily significant for survival, but associating names with faces is a more recent development.
  • Memory techniques involve forming strong personal associations to improve recall.

Shownotes Transcript

Remembering names! Preventing dementia! Photographic memories! Weed! Goldfish! It’s the thrilling conclusion of Mnemonology with Dr. Michael Yassa, the Director of UC Irvine’s Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. We talk long vs. short term memories, how smells can pack a wallop of emotions, prosopagnosia (“facial blindness”), the fog of new parenthood, Alzheimer's and other causes of dementia, and tips to keep your brain in tip-top shape. Let’s make some mems. 

Listen to Part 1 here)

Follow Dr. Yassa on Google Scholar) and X)

Visit the Yassa Translational Neuroscience Laboratory at UCI website)

A donation went to UC Irvine Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory’s graduate student and postdoctoral Junior Scholar Fund)

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Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions) and Jake Chaffee)

Managing Director: Susan Hale

Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

Website by Kelly R. Dwyer)

Theme song by Nick Thorburn