cover of episode Tulsi Endorses Trump in Political Realignment, and Kamala's Substance-Free Campaign, with Stu Burguiere and Stephen L. Miller | Ep. 871

Tulsi Endorses Trump in Political Realignment, and Kamala's Substance-Free Campaign, with Stu Burguiere and Stephen L. Miller | Ep. 871

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The Megyn Kelly Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Megyn Kelly
Stephen L. Miller
Stu Burguiere
Tulsi Gabbard
Megyn Kelly:本期节目讨论了拜登总统持续休假引发的谁在领导国家的疑问,以及哈里斯竞选团队在安排首个采访时表现出的混乱和无能。哈里斯在多个重要议题上反复横跳,缺乏原则和立场。 Stu Burguiere:拜登总统实际上已经无法履行总统职责,政府低效反而让人安心。对乌克兰冲突中关键决策的担忧,因为拜登总统的缺席和不明确的决策过程。拜登总统的身体状况令人担忧,不清楚谁在实际做出重大决策。 Stephen L. Miller:媒体的目标是通过揭露拜登总统的衰退来迫使他退出竞选。媒体掩盖了拜登总统的健康状况,并试图将哈里斯塑造成一个充满活力和希望的候选人。拜登总统的露面只是为了提醒人们他曾经存在过,而哈里斯才是真正的候选人。哈里斯的竞选策略依赖于制造病毒式传播的瞬间和标语,而不是实质性的政策讨论。哈里斯的竞选活动实际上是由民主党操作者操控的机器,而不是一个有血有肉的候选人。哈里斯的言论往往是无意义的“词语沙拉”,这让她难以应对突发问题。 Tulsi Gabbard:本届政府让美国面临多线作战,比以往任何时候都更接近核战争的边缘。她支持特朗普,相信他能带领美国远离战争,并反对政府对政治对手的报复和侵犯公民自由的行为。 Megyn Kelly: 对哈里斯竞选团队的运作方式、哈里斯的政策立场以及她对特朗普的回应进行了深入分析,并指出哈里斯的回答往往缺乏内容,只是重复一些空洞的套话。对哈里斯的父亲是公开的马克思主义者这一背景进行了讨论。 Stu Burguiere: 对哈里斯的沟通技巧和应对突发问题的能力提出了质疑,认为她在预先设定好的环境中表现良好,但在面对突发问题时则显得笨拙。指出媒体对拜登总统健康状况的报道前后矛盾,这表明他们缺乏客观性和专业性,甚至可能故意操纵信息。认为媒体故意为哈里斯竞选活动进行干扰,以确保她能够胜选。 Stephen L. Miller: 哈里斯的竞选策略依赖于制造病毒式传播的瞬间和标语,而不是实质性的政策讨论。哈里斯的竞选活动实际上是由民主党操作者操控的机器,而不是一个有血有肉的候选人。哈里斯的言论往往是无意义的“词语沙拉”,这让她难以应对突发问题。认为哈里斯在辩论中可能会处于劣势,因为她擅长预先准备好的陈述,但在面对特朗普等善于即兴发挥的对手时,她可能会处于劣势。

Deep Dive

President Biden's health and extended vacations raise concerns about his fitness for office. Reports of visible shaking and a light schedule fuel speculation about who is actually running the country. Vice President Kamala Harris' focus on scheduling her first interview adds to the uncertainty.
  • Reports suggest President Biden was seen visibly shaking upon disembarking Air Force One.
  • Biden's schedule shows extended periods of vacation and limited official engagements.
  • Vice President Harris is reportedly preoccupied with scheduling her first interview amidst growing concerns.
  • Media narratives surrounding Biden's health have shifted dramatically over recent months.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV's "Stu Does America," and Stephen L. Miller, host of the "Versus Media" podcast, to discuss the very real question about who is actually running the country, President Biden seen visibly shaking last week, his non-stop vacation, the media focused on Kamala Harris’ “joy,” how Harris' comments are all filler and no substance, how she never seems to know how to answer direct unscripted questions, the media spinning her in a different light, new reporting that Harris' campaign is asking reporters who they think she should sit down with, the infighting within her campaign about how to handle the first interview, the truth about why she may be putting it off, former President Trump's appearance with Shawn Ryan, his revelation about one of the CNN debate rules, what Trump will do with the ABC debate, Tulsi Gabbard's endorsement of Trump, what it means for liberals to endorse Trump while neocons endorse Harris, the massive political realignment happening in America, why independent media is currently crushing corporate media, why viewers flock to the truth and where they feel represented, the success of the Megyn Kelly Show and how it surpassed huge legacy media channels on YouTube, and more.

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