cover of episode Trump-RFK Alliance Terrifies Elites, and Brilliant "Make America Healthy Again" Message, with Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 870

Trump-RFK Alliance Terrifies Elites, and Brilliant "Make America Healthy Again" Message, with Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 870

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The Megyn Kelly Show

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Bradley Whitford
Carrie Kennedy
Catherine Rampell
Donald Trump
批评CHIPS Act,倡导使用关税而非补贴来促进美国国内芯片制造。
Elizabeth Warren
J.D. Vance
Megyn Kelly
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Victor Davis Hanson
Megyn Kelly:RFK Jr. 退出总统竞选并支持特朗普是2024年大选的一个关键时刻,左翼和企业媒体对此感到恐慌。RFK Jr. 曾被主流媒体封杀,他的回归具有重要意义。RFK Jr. 的"让美国再次健康"理念与批评医疗产业和农业体系的观点相呼应。越来越多的美国人关注公共健康问题。 Victor Davis Hanson:RFK Jr. 支持特朗普对民主党的影响深远,它揭示了民主党的腐败和操纵行为,并鼓励了其他对民主党不满的人士公开表达不满。RFK Jr. 最适合担任国家广播公司负责人。哈里斯很少接受媒体采访,是因为她害怕在即兴发言中犯错。与特朗普相比,哈里斯的政策信息不透明,她在政策上摇摆不定。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:民主党为了所谓的"拯救民主",实际上却在破坏民主,他们对特朗普和自己采取了法律诉讼,并压制了媒体的报道。 Megyn Kelly:哈里斯试图改变总统辩论的规则,这反映了她的不自信和对特朗普的恐惧。媒体为了保护哈里斯,不会对她进行严格的质询。哈里斯在边境问题上的表现糟糕,但她现在却试图将自己塑造成一个强硬派。 Victor Davis Hanson:哈里斯缺乏临场应变能力,无法对自己的政策立场做出合理的解释。民主党提名哈里斯的过程反映了他们内部的权力斗争和对哈里斯能力的担忧。民主党多次改变策略,这反映了他们缺乏一致性和方向性。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: 他承诺成立一个专家小组,调查环境毒素和食品农药对健康的影响,并提出"让美国再次健康"的口号。 Megyn Kelly:肯尼迪家族成员批评RFK Jr. 支持特朗普,这反映了他们对自身利益和家族声誉的考虑。左翼控制了媒体和文化机构,对支持特朗普的人施加压力。 Victor Davis Hanson:左翼对特朗普的仇恨是他们攻击他的主要原因。肯尼迪家族成员攻击RFK Jr. 是因为他们担心RFK Jr. 的行为会损害肯尼迪家族的声誉。汉森讲述了自己因为政治立场与家人疏远的故事,并表达了对肯尼迪家族成员行为的理解和批评。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: 他回应了家人对他的批评,他认为家人应该尊重彼此的政治观点。

Deep Dive

Megyn Kelly y Victor Davis Hanson analizan el impactante respaldo de Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a Donald Trump, un acontecimiento potencialmente crucial para las elecciones de 2024. Discuten la trayectoria de RFK desde ser censurado hasta su resurgimiento, su capacidad para exponer a los demócratas y su posible papel en una administración Trump.
  • RFK Jr. respaldó a Trump.
  • RFK Jr. fue previamente censurado y excluido de las conversaciones públicas.
  • La alianza Trump-RFK Jr. se considera un posible punto de inflexión en las elecciones de 2024.

Shownotes Transcript


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Kelly, welcome to the Megyn Kelly show and happy Monday. Gosh, is it Monday? Where did the other days go? The summer's ending. Oh, it's that time of year where you feel kind of like, oh, what happened to the summer? But you know what? The fall is great. The election season is going to be exciting, amazing, tense, an incredible news event as it always is. And, you know, putting on those sweatshirts and getting the fall nights with the fireplaces, that's always something to look forward to. So I'm

Whenever God closes a door, he opens a window back to the election. This race has been completely upended in the last 48 to 72 hours as independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. RFKJ. Don't you feel like we go way back with him? This audience and he were together back in March of 2021. Steve Krakauer, where we put him on.

nobody would have him on. He was totally banned. It was March of 2021. He was banned. He was on the persona non grata list that the White House was putting out, the disinformation dozen.

And we put him on for four hours. And can you believe he did come back or was it 22? Okay. Um, he did come back to life. He was banned on Instagram, on all social media. And he's been very kind in crediting this show with helping that door reopened to him. It was absurd. They were banning this man from public conversation. You can love him. You can hate him. That's your business. But banning a serious person like this with a

a lifetime of environmental legal activism behind him, not to mention his Kennedy name, because his ideas are too controversial is just crazy. So it's thrilling to see him back in the national conversation.

And boy, is he ever. It's not thrilling if you're a Democrat. The Kamala Harris supporters are very angry that he's back in the national conversation. He dropped out of the race while suspended his campaign. That's the way they all say it these days. Though his seems to be a little bit more of a real suspension than an end. And he threw his support behind former President Donald Trump on Friday night in a barn burner of a speech. My gosh, one hour he railed and ripped and

And if you've been paying attention to the news cycle and the censorship and the just the disgusting elite cabal that runs the country and doesn't give two craps about most of us, it was wonderful to listen to him.

And I don't know whether, you know, Tucker was on the show last Thursday. He talked about his interview with Callie and Casey means, which was amazing. You should go listen to this in full. Um, and RFKJ referenced it on just because RFKJ is running now on not MAGA, but,

Is it Maha, Maha, M-A-H-A, Make America Healthy Again? And it's playing right into some of the messages from that podcast, from Callie and Casey Means, two brilliant brothers and sisters who have been trying to sound the alarm on how the medical industrial complex has sort of merged with big ag to get us sick and then charge us to make us well. But they never make us well enough to actually get out of the cycle.

So anyway, all of this fired up RFKJ, who's been railing about this for quite some time and has injected a whole new, not just endorsement for Trump, but line of argument for Republicans in this whole race. Joe Biden took the cancer moonshot. It didn't work. People are still getting cancer, even though they told us he cured it. And this is a new thing altogether. People care about public health. You remember Peter Atiyah when he came on this show?

He wrote the book Outlived. It was on the New York Times bestseller list, I think, for 14 months. This is a strain in the American culture right now that is growing with rapid and rabid fervor.

Americans are catching on to what's being done to them with processed foods and seed oils and a medical complex that doesn't care at all about wellness. They just care about their bottom line. Sure, they'll cut off your child's breasts at age 15 because it pays well. They will perform open heart surgery on you without talking to you about nutrition because it pays really well.

So anyway, all of this is very fascinating what happened in the past 72 hours. And it really could be a genuine game changer in the entire election. It's a massive moment. And how do you know for sure that it's a massive moment? Well, the left and the corporate media are in full freak out mode right now. They, they didn't want RFKJ running and they definitely tried to take him out because they realized he could hurt Kamala. But now they're

you would think he was at the top of the ticket. The amount of attacks that are coming out about him now, now that he dropped out, but his endorsement clearly matters to them or they wouldn't be treating it the way they are. Joining me now to discuss that much more, Victor Davis Hanson, VDH is back, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and author of the book, The Case for Trump, which has been updated and re-released very timely this month.

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Thank you for having me, Megan. So what a seismic event at a time when we weren't exactly expecting seismic news. It kind of leaked a couple of days earlier that he might be dropping out, endorsing Trump. And then sure enough, on Friday, he did it. And then they appeared together at a Trump rally. And I want to start with that moment when he walked out with Trump

Debbie Murphy, who's been my editorial producer since 2007. We've been together a long time. She's she's I, I liken her to Holly Hunter from broadcast news. She just doesn't live, eat, sleep, or breathe unless there's news related to it. She saw this walkout with RFKJ and she said, this was so amazing. It was a great TV moments, perfectly produced.

She then contrasted it to the sad Ron DeSantis audio announcement of his campaign, where he has the beautiful family and he missed the chance to show off. Anyway, but look at this moment between Trump and RFKJ. Fire all over the stage. Man, whoa.

Wow. Trump later said he had never seen applause like that for someone other than himself. And it was produced, not surprisingly, by our friends at Turning Point. That's the Charlie Kirk group, which does know how to do pageantry and pageantry is helpful in presidential politics. Victor, what do you think of it?

It's pretty amazing. I know that conventional wisdom says that in a close election that 30 or 40,000 votes in 2020 made a difference. He can make a difference. That's all true. But I think it's more insidious for the Democrats for a variety of other reasons.

I think when he comes out like this, he's a very articulate spokesman and he frames a question in a way that Trump doesn't, maybe even that J.D. Vance doesn't. When he recites the litany of what the DNC is doing, sabotage, trying to get him off the ballot with suits, but putting spies into his campaign, that gets people very angry. And the more that he repeats that and expands on it, the more it looks...

feeds into the Kamala Harris narrative that she won't meet with the press and that the press and the media and the DNC refused. The other thing is it's going to encourage other people. Jill Stein came out, not that these people have a lot of

constituents, but she said they were doing the same thing to her. And even Cornel West, who despises Trump, he has been criticizing as much the DNC. So it's kind of a, he broke the ice and all of a sudden people are coming out and citing all the things the DNC is doing. And we remember the Beyonce con, all of that stuff kind of

Force multiplies into a narrative that these people will do anything. And that helps. The other thing is it makes it for some independents that are left wing and don't like what Harris is doing or Biden, the idea of voting for Trump, if you talk to him, it's just beyond the pale. But when he comes out and says that he will do it, that will add some that I don't think are picked up in the polls.

The other thing is that everybody says, well, you know, Trump can't ever put him in an administration because he's too volatile or way out there. But there are certain areas in which they are in absolute agreement with not only Trump. He's in absolute agreement with the MAGA movement. So the perfect job for him, Megan, would be the head of the national broadcasting company, PBS and NPR. If they put him in that, that would be wonderful because he's a free speech advocate and he

He knows what they have done to him and he knows how to correct it and he would have the full support of all the mega people. So there's a lot of lines to this argument that I think they're going to increase. Even Phillips, the congressman that ran, he said the other day that he might have an announcement that he would be willing to serve in either administration.

That would be amazing. And RFKJ is saying, you just wait until you see the team that Trump is putting together right now. Had many people speculating who will be on it. Could it be Tulsi Gabbard? I mean, she's definitely, I think, going to vote for Trump. So it'd be all these sort of favorites who are almost politically homeless right now, but open-minded to Trump's messaging. Of course, because as you know, he is not some far right guy. Trump's actually more moderate in a lot of his politics than, you know, let's say Ted Cruz is.

And this would be very attractive to said people. Um, if they could just check their Trump derangement syndrome, the media would see that and would see it coming. Um, I want to play a little bit more and talk a little bit more about this cause it's, I do think this has the potential to be a true game changer in this. When RFKJ stood up on Friday and announced, you know why he was leaving. Um, one of the things, um,

he did was eviscerate the media, the Democrats and the media, which as you point out now, all of the Democrats trying to run from Dean Phillips. I mean, he's already been complaining, but to Jill Stein and Cornel West, all of them are putting the lie to the Democrats talking point about them being the, the party of democracy. They are the ones who will protect and hold in violet your vote. Uh, here's a little bit of that on, uh, Friday shot too.

In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it. Lacking confidence in its candidate, the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself. It deployed DNC-aligned judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and to throw President Trump in jail.

They installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate. My uncle and my father both relish debate. They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic Party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview.

or an unscripted encounter with voters. This is profoundly undemocratic. Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon nothing. Based upon nothing. He's got it, Victor. Yeah, I mean, right there he outlined in just a few minutes or seconds even that

the entire indictment of the Democratic Party in a way that other people haven't. And so he's kind of serving the role of J.D. Vance. Everybody attacked J.D. Vance. And the more you see him go on the media and battle with him, or even a Tom Cotton, he's in that category. And they really, they don't just repeat talking points. They try to analyze. And when they do that,

It really shows the poverty of the entire Democratic Party. You know, we haven't even emphasized one of the cruelest things they did with I was watching MSNBC and CNN and Fox when they were interviewing a lot of people, the DNC, and they were trying to trace down these traffic, these traffic rumors and beyond. And all of these people were really sincere. They really believed it. And they said, we're going to stay here and she's going to be the finale after Harris.

And either they deliberately planted that or somebody planted it and they found it useful. But that was just representative or illustrative of that entire DNC attitude that from the trivial to the existential, they'll do anything to win. And that's all predicated on the idea that Donald Trump supposedly represents this existential threat. And therefore, that end of getting rid of him justifies any means possible.

necessary. And I think that's what Kennedy and, and bands are trying to explain to the American people. I think they're going to be pretty effective, especially it feeds into this, as I said earlier, this illusion that she's, that she's ever going to go out and talk to people. She's not because they know that in one minute she could destroy the entire campaign. It reminds me of a famous anecdote, Megan, about world war one and the battle of

Of Jutland, they said that Admiral Jellicoe was the only man in the British Navy who could lose the war in a minute if he got the home fleet destroyed. And that's kind of what she is. She's got the ability to go out there and do a word salad that would confirm every stereotype of her. And they know that. And so they're going to keep her. And the longer they keep her hidden, the more...

anxious she's going to be and the more worried and it's just going to be a doom move. So they should get it over with early in the campaign and get her out there, but they're not going to do that.

It's actually really interesting now, Victor, because Trump is blanketing the field with alternative media. You know, he sat down with Theo Vaughn last week. We're going to play some of that. It's interesting. Very different kind of exchange for Trump. And it was good. And then this week he sat down with Sean Ryan, who we love. He was on our Memorial Day podcast, former Navy SEAL. Very interesting, thoughtful, great, great guy.

And J.D. Vance is all over the mainstream media doing battle with NBC and CBS and CNN and you name it. So it's actually a very clever strategy. And what seems to be happening lately is her absence is no longer really helping her. Like, yes, I realize she's not articulate, but they are.

they've got the whole field available to them. They're dominating the media again. Now that the DNC is over, you know, the headline everywhere on Friday was RFKJ and it's been that way all over the entire weekend. And there's, I think they're soon going to realize silence may not be the best option for them. They're going to go only with friendly interviewers, but they can't have two months with Trump and JD Vance owning every single headline while she just stays behind closed doors or does her teleprompter speeches.

Yeah. And that same logic applies to her policy or the lack of it, because if you go to Trump's various websites, you can find out what he's for. If you go to hers, you can't.

And the reason you can't is that in that DNC speech, she renounced everything that she's been, not just an advocate, but an emphatic advocate. Of course, I'm a radical. I'm not. Yes, I'm woke. I want everybody to be woke. She always doubled down because she was in front of a receptive left-wing audience. So now she's in another doom loop because if she lays out this kind of pseudo-MAGA agenda that she outlined at the convention, she's going to inflame the entire base of

who are very radical, just like she is on the New Green Deal, on crime, critical race theory, all that stuff. So she's just waiting and waiting and waiting and just sort of vaguely talking about what she could, might want to do. But it's not really contradicting, but it sort of is. And that's not going to work. She's outsourced all the explanations.

to her aides that sort of correct, well, she's not really interested in buying back guns anymore. She's not really interested in single-payer health care. She's not really interested in banning fracking. But they don't really say, no, our policy is to encourage fracking and allow people to enjoy their Second Amendment rights. She won't say that. And I think that is going to hurt her just as much, the more that she hedges and flips and

Because it just feeds into that narrative. She doesn't know who she is. And she knows that if she outlines what she stood for her whole life, people don't want it. They don't want that agenda. They've seen what it's done. This idea that Donald Trump is the incumbent the last four years, that's getting very tired. People are not going to buy that. They keep asking. That narrative is going to get stronger and stronger. You people are, we're in power now.

Why didn't you do what you're talking about now? And you have six months left on your term and you can do it in six months. Just go at it right now. And they don't have an answer. Especially if you're going to use the FTC to institute some sort of price regulation. Go ahead. Do that. That's federal agency. Let's see you do it. Yeah. But they have no real plan and no desire to do it. On the subject of Beyonce, I said this last week.

that I did believe that Beyonce was a big head fake to boost her ratings. And it worked because the numbers are in, and it looks like 2.89 million watched Harris's acceptance speech.

25 million watch Trump's. I actually don't have the details on these. I'd be interested to see how many watched the first half an hour of Trump's because he went on for 90 minutes and she went on for 40 minutes, which would be helpful, right? To your rating. So it'd be kind of interesting to see 40, 40 to 40. How did that go? I'm sure Trump's numbers do

dwindled as he kept going and as it got late. But the point is her little ruse worked because I do think that there was a fair amount of people out there thinking Beyonce was about to come on or possibly Taylor Swift. This was one of the other things that was out there. And I'll get to that because I actually do think the media's role in complying with that and pushing it is important. But I want to stay with our FKJ for right now and we'll move on to media in a second. Um,

I mentioned at the top, I think you, you, you say, yes, he could be, uh, very important in a number of roles for the administration. I mean, Don jr was saying possibly, you know, excoriating and investigating the CIA and deep Intel. I mean, he actually would be fascinating in that role. Um,

In public health, that's where he's been most active for, you know, the most the bulk of his campaign censorship, as you point out, huge. He would definitely get to the bottom of that. And Trump seems to be considering him for some sort of a panel, which is good because it wouldn't have to be Senate confirmed some sort of panel or commission that is, among other things, interested in public health and what's being done to us. Here is RFKJ.

on that topic on Make America Healthy Again, South By. Millions and millions of Americans who want clean air, clean water, and a healthy nation have concerns about toxins in our environment and pesticides in our food.

That's why today I'm repeating my pledge to establish a panel of top experts working with Bobby to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases. Don't you want to know that the food that you're feeding them is not filled with chemicals that are going to give them cancer and chronic disease? And don't you want a president that's going to make America healthy again?

Victor, this is so uplifting to me because I have to say as somebody who's covered this for a while on this show.

No one's talking about this. RFKJ was one of the only ones to even bring it up. Trump never brought it up. Kamala never brought it up. This is not something they talk about over on the Dem side. These are all their friends who run these industries that are poisoning us and then getting rich off of the poisoning. So it was wonderful to hear this not only being said at a presidential rally, but elevated as like a critical piece of the Trump messaging at this point. And it's dangerous.

Well, you know, I'm speaking from my farm, Megan, and it's been in my family since 1870. And the early generations that lived here lived into their 80s. But with the advent of organophosphate, organochloride pesticides, and I'm talking about someone who put them on for 30 years myself because I was told they were absolutely safe.

My sister-in-law died of leukemia at 51, living on the farm here. My daughter died at 26 of leukemia, working side by side since she was four years old with me. My mother died of 65 of a brain tumor. Her sister, who grew up here, died at 49 of breast cancer. And I've had an immune problem for about 15 years. Every time I get COVID, I get long COVID. And so...

I don't know what the cause is. I'm not a conspiracy advocate. And I know that we've really cut back. The industry has cut back on some of the things like Paraquat that are deadly or, you know,

you know, parathion, which can kill you. And all of these, the thing, point I'm making is when people use those chemicals, it wasn't like I'm breaking the law or this is too risky. It was this chemical is so safe, you could probably drink it. That's the kind of message we got. And then you use it and then you find out that DBC is in your well and it causes male sterility. And

So then you don't drink your water. And that's just the story of agribusiness. And the problem is if you live on your farm and you're a family farmer and you're, say, 150 acres, 20 acres, then you live there. So you are very careful about the types of chemicals you use. If you own 20,000 acres or 10,000 acres and you're not living there, then it becomes more of an abstract experiment, if you see what I mean.

And so when he says that and everybody says, well, he's a kook and all these chemicals are safe, they're getting safer all the time. But they're only getting safer because people like him are bringing it to people's attention. And, you know, when I look at my family that was working all during the 80s and 90s together and we had a collection of 10 children among us.

And, uh, we were bathed in chemicals and we had organic of, we have organic acreage as well, but some of it was just traditional ag. The ag guy came out and he said, you've got to use this Victor. You've got to use this. You've got to get a thousand boxes an acre. The only way you can do it and break even is do this. We've tested it. It's absolutely safe. And then you put it on and you get sick. And, uh,

And the family farmer doesn't hire employees who take the risk. He does it himself. So then you really, you're much more sensitive to a message by RFK. So I really appreciate what he's doing. And I look back at my family and I think, wow, my grandfather in the age before this lived to be 86. My grandmother died.

lived to be 93. Her mother lived to be 93, my great-grandmother, and no one has gotten past really 70 years old. And most of the people died in their 40s or 50s. And that's kind of scary. Victor, that's terrible. I'm sorry. I didn't know any of that. It's certainly not about your daughter. I'm so sorry to hear it. We had tomatoes and she would be covered with tomatoes and then

And we went out in the plums and peaches. She worked since five, six, seven, eight, nine years old. And it was very sudden. She got a very lethal form of leukemia that came within two weeks and killed her. And my mother was an appellate court judge in that time of her life, and she got a brain tumor. And my sister-in-law was only 51 years.

And she got leukemia. And of course, lymphomas and leukemias, and those are the types of blood cancers that people associate with this toxicity. And there are certain chemicals that every farmer who farms knows, you know,

that they'll kill you if you get, because you see, Megan, the farmer is putting them at 100 times more than the spray or maybe even 1,000 times. If you have 500 gallons of water in your spray tank, you put a gallon in there.

Well, then it's diluted 500 times. And RFK is talking about that diluted material that vaporizes onto the crop. And then it doesn't break down in time for people when they consume it. But if you're the farmer, you're putting 500 times that amount in the pure form into the tank. So that means your hands, your face, it splashes. It's very dangerous to do.

And of course, now it's much safer and we have more knowledge, but we're still living with the effects of that. Well, I mean, it's not, of course, the problem is not solved in any way for the American consumer, never mind for farmers like you who actually have to deal with it at the source. And this is one of the things like.

Casey and Kelly Kelly means has been out there for a while sounding the alarm on this very smart guy. And his sister Casey is a Stanford educated surgeon. She went to Stanford medical school, top of her class was actually working as a surgeon for many years and then realized this system is corrupt. What we're doing is we're in the business of keeping patients sick and then charging them her body part to take them out, to fix them up and then just keep them on the revolving wheel of sickness and

And they were making the point to Tucker that one of the best things that the American health system wants to see is a sick child, because then you get them on some sort of a medication. They're sick for life. You've got them paying into the system. And she's not some kook. She's not saying, oh, it's a government like they really want sick children. They just look at them as financial cogs in their wheel and they don't behave in a way that would reflect a desire for

to make that child well, never mind an adult, but that the children are the most lucrative ones because that's a lifetime of being hooked on medication. And they were talking about, among other things, the merger of Monsanto and Bayer. So you've got one of the biggest chemical companies in the United States with one of these, you know,

medicine companies that's supposed to get us well. So it's like this never ending loop of illness. We'll fix it. Illness. We, you know, we'll create the illness and then we'll, we'll quote, fix the illness, which never gets fixed. This is what they're trying to talk about this. And RFKG is also talking about, and so are the means about, um,

the ultra processed foods that were shoving down our children's throats and our own throats and how good luck avoiding it. If you're a regular American shopping at any American grocery store, no one's calling attention to this. No one. But there's a reason Peter Atiyah did so well in his book. There's a reason guys like Mark Sisson, who's been calling attention to this. He's been on the show too.

I've been jumping up and down about this stuff because Americans know everybody's got a story about young people, their friends, their family getting cancer at an alarmingly young age and dying quickly from it. No one's taking it seriously because all the financial incentives are for the system to perpetuate. So it's wonderful to see a ball buster like RFKJ, who clearly does not care what anybody thinks of him inside this system, come out and say,

I am defeated in this contest, but I am not defeated in my fight against all this nonsense. And to see somebody as powerful as Trump elevate him and say, I'm into it and I'm platforming you and I'm going to continue. Like, I really think that even like the California Tucker and I were talking about this, you know, like Birkenstock crowd is going to be giving Trump a second look

If this is his plan. And that message about the health care and ag business industry, it's analogous to what he's saying about the big media, too, that they're corrupt, that they tell us lies, that they go on there with a straight face and feed us this propaganda night after night after night. And people know that it's wrong. They increasingly know that it's wrong, that it's inaccurate. They never apologize. They never backtrack.

You know, and it's when I saw Leon Panetta on the stage at the DNC and I thought to myself, you were you use your prestige over a lifetime and you were director of CIA and you put your name or you were one of the primary signet.

of that 51 intelligence authorities that said that that laptop of Hunter's was Russian disinformation. And you knew that that was cooked up by Anthony Blinken and you knew it was right before the debate. So it would fuel Joe Biden's lies and you knew it would affect the election.

And you knew the FBI had that laptop in its possession and knew that it was authentic. And you knew that what you were doing was a lie. And you knew on national TV you would never apologize when you were asked to.

And yet we're supposed to believe that he's a grandee with a sterling reputation because the media and that's just typical of John Brennan and James Clapper and Andrew McCabe. So I think a lot of people are just saying Michael Hayden. He was comparing Trump to Auschwitz with cages on the border. And when you when you at least twice, he's compared Trump to Hitler.

He has. And then I could go and I won't get into the names of four-star retired generals, but I think people, and look at Fauci, people look at those people and they say they either lie under oath or they do things that if we did, we would be put in jail. And I think RFK is a voice that is not afraid to articulate. And he articulates so well. And

And he's bulletproof. I don't want to use that metaphor given his family. But my gosh, he's pretty courageous. He doesn't really care what people say about him. Trump doesn't either. Trump's sensitive, but he doesn't really care. And J.D. Vance has taken the heat. And the more that they persevere, the more persuasive they become. The very strange things about Trump is the last four or five days, Megan,

The longer he doesn't retaliate or go to the ad hominem and the more they do against him, it turns out that when he's magnanimous, he rises in the popularity and they look smaller. And when he talks about the issues, he's really good at it. He's better than he is about the insults.

So I think this is going to help, too, that when he outsources this, if he can come into what he's really good at is this is what she is. This is what I am. This is what I did. And then it really and then they get angrier and angrier and call him all sorts of names. He's a coward. He's a criminal. He's a felon. And they look smaller and smaller. They don't do that very well. I think he's got sort of a I don't.

I don't know. He's got a formula now. And I think these appointments like... I don't know if they're appointments, but the more that he...

embraces Tulsi Gabbard or RFK. These are eccentrics, they think, and they're highly individualistic and they're very talented. And the more he can get them in his campaign and talk about the issues and unity, unity, getting Brian Kemp with him was a brilliant move. If he gets Haley and DeSantis on the stage, brilliantly.

And he becomes the unity candidate and they are more and more angry and polarizing when they get, because the only way she's going to come out and speak is

and give an unscripted interview is if she starts to fall behind in the polls by two or three or four points, then she'll beg to come out, even though that won't be good for her. The RFK hashtag is Unite America. And that's what they're trying to jumpstart here, that it's on, that reasonable people of all stripes and political persuasions are coming together to stop the madness. And meanwhile, you have over on Team Kamala, as you pointed out earlier, just like these broad policy, you know,

opportunity economy pronouncements, which allows people to just fill in the blanks. But it's worse than that because there was, I had my team just pull this,

Um, it's worse than that because here is a DNC delegate, uh, cave and Shroff on ABC last week, talking about how she really hasn't gotten specific. And in this time of record inflation and now revising the job creation number down by nearly a million jobs, we'd really like to hear some specifics from the person who's number two in the current administration, nevermind the democratic nominee for a sec for another administration. Listen to what he says.

Vice president Harris has been incredibly brave to roll out an ambitious economic agenda because we all know how this works. The more details you share, the more your policies are going to get picked apart. That was, she was brave to do the thing on price gouging. Listen to this, but she's saying, I trust the American people. I trust the journalists to explain these policies and our values to folks. And I think when that happens, it will be successful for Democrats. If

You see, it's the American people and the journalists who are going to fill in the blanks, Victor, on opportunity economy and turn it into it is whatever you wish it to be, Democrat voters.

Well, it's exactly what Biden did in 2020. He was in seclusion and then he counted on this fused fusion media to fill in the blanks. He ran, remember, he ran as a uniter. He said, let's stop the madness, the chaos. I'm going to, I'm good old Joel from Scranton. And to a lesser extent, well, the same extent Barack Obama did. He had hope and change. He has joy and vibes, but it was predicated on

On the same thing, the only thing I think she's going to be different is that if you remember, Barack Obama at least had in his arsenal the unpopular Iraq war and the 2008 meltdown. And when Joe Biden ran, he was playing –

When he ran, it was the COVID lockdown and all of this turmoil in the economy because of COVID. But she doesn't have that. She's not running after an oppositional administration. She's not only running after an administration of her own party. She was instrumental in it. She said to the American people that she was the last person in the room when Joe Biden made that decision on Afghanistan and by extension on other decisions.

So the idea that she's got a program is another doom loop because if she outlines her program and it's different from what she was supporting the last three and a half years, and it better be because all of those initiatives pull less than 40 or 50, 45%, then what does she do? She's trying to outsource the idea that she differs from Joe Biden and that means she differs from herself.

until, I guess, somewhere in late July, July 21st, when Biden stepped down. And then she's counting on the media. I saw that really good exchange with Tom Cotton and John Carl, when John Carl basically said, but she's changed. And he said, she hasn't changed. She has not refuted specifically one of her left-wing issues. She has the aides do it. And he says, yeah, but everybody knows she's moving to the center. And he said, how do you know that?

Hold on, Victor. We have a bit of that. Let me play it and then you take it on the back. It was really brilliant, Tom Cotton. What do you mean taking away health insurance? What are you talking about? She said when she ran for president that she wants to eliminate private health insurance on the job. 170 million Americans, John. Yeah, I mean, I mean, that is not her position now. How do you know that's not her position? I mean, she said she supports Medicare for all. She has not said that.

Maybe anonymous aides on a Friday night have said that. But the last thing that she said on most of these talks... But this was not a radical convention. I mean, she... As you heard me go through with Bernie Sanders, she is not taking positions on the far left of her party. When she campaigned for president...

In her own right, she did, in fact, promise things like decriminalizing illegal immigration and taking away health insurance. But that's a position she's clearly changed on and she has said she has changed. Yes, yes, yes, she has. No, she has not. John, she has not said that.

Oh, Victor, Tom Cotton had him. He had him. She she's never disavowed that position only through an aid in a written paper statement. And he switched once Cotton brought the goods to. Well, but this wasn't a radical convention. He got out of bounds.

What she's done, and Cotton is trying to point that out pretty successfully, it's kind of like what we call in classics a palimpsest. She's taken one position or paper and she's superimposed another one on top of it, but she hasn't rejected the other one. The other one's just like a piece of, I don't know, plastic that she'll peel back off. So she has never said, I'm against the New Green Deal or I'm against Keystone or I'm against, I mean, I'm against Keystone.

She's never said, I'm not for that anymore. She's just sort of wink and nod. I'm flexible now. And then she's going to peel that off and go back to her original left wing. I shouldn't say original. It's what she always has been. But she's very careful. That's what was so good about Tom Cotton. She's not coming out and saying, I am no longer for the New Green Deal. I am no longer...

I no longer think that Afghanistan was a successful operation. She's not saying that. And the reason she's not saying that is because she understands she could lose a lot of votes if she flips overtly. So what she's doing is she's just sort of adding new positions to her old ones, but the new ones that she adds are antithetical to them.

And so she's kind of like a one-eyed jack. We have one side we don't see, and now we see this new side, but it doesn't mean the old side's not there. Here's what I want to say. Okay, so now she's claiming she's no longer for pulling all of our private insurance away from us and putting us all on the government Medicare program, which is what she is on record as having said very, very clearly and forcefully. A smart, honest interviewer

would sit her down and do to her what they do to Republican candidates who were pro-choice when they were younger and become pro-life. And they always do this. And they start testing the Republican candidate to see if it's a real change of heart. Like,

what made you change? How did you go from being pro-choice to pro-life? And most Republicans will give you the same answer, which is as soon as I saw my wife's ultrasound or my ultrasound, if it's a woman, and saw the beating heart, it changed me, right? And that's a plausible answer, whatever. But I've seen this done to Republicans a million times. So let's see that done to her. What changed, you know, your campaign aide said in a statement that you've changed your position on taking away people's private health insurance. What changed your mind?

Walk us through the reasoning. You once said you were in favor of not deporting any illegals and giving them all health insurance. What changed your mind on that? You once said you wanted to ban all fracking. Now, through a paper statement, you say you're not. Walk us through your logic and your reasoning. See if her mind is even fast enough to come up with the lie that will cover for, gee, my team told me I had to reverse myself if I wanted to win.

It's not going to happen. You know why? Because she can't. She can't intellectually. I mean, logically, she can't. But she's not—I don't want to be condescending, but she is not equipped to think on her feet and come up with a plausible explanation or even a plausible excuse. And they know that. She's been—they've caught her twice, Megan, in, I would call it, ambush, impromptu,

And the first was when the hostages came back from Russia. And for a moment on the tarmac, if somebody stuck a camera, what do you think about this? And she started talking about the art of diplomacy. The art of diplomacy was very important. And Joe Biden, no one is better than the art of diplomacy than Joe Biden. And she just...

She just went in that same wash, rinse, spin cycle. And then they caught her again when she was giving a riff on democracy. Democracy is very important. We all... It's a duality. Yeah, duality. And it's the same thing. And then each time, if you look at those clips, you look at Joe Biden's face and it's like...

What is she talking about? And then it's Tim Waltz is looking at her when she's talking about democracy. And it's like, stop, please stop. Stop. And you can lose it in one minute if she'd gone on for two minutes. And people know that. And so it's.

They know it's that's what is so important about having these other voices and Trump trying to point these out and people like Cotton and J.D. Vance, because there is no solution to it. They know that you cannot be a hard left radical and then suddenly try to stage a pseudo mega convention and reverse everything you've said, but not specifically renounce what you are really for because of your base.

And then you can't say that you're the party that fights for democracy or democracy dies in darkness by Republicans and then deliberately take a candidate who never won a single delegate, never entered a single primary, was anointed by a bunch of donors and backroom politicos, and then suddenly turn her into Barack Obama. But with the qualifier, you know, Barack Obama couldn't stop talking. He wanted it because he was good at it. He was out everywhere.

And they can't pull that off. And so they're going to run out the clock if they can get away with it. And it's the most anti-democratic thing I've ever seen in my life.

She's saying now NBC reporting that the pair of them, Kamala and Tim Walls, have committed to doing a joint sit down interview with someone this week. We don't know exactly who they're talking about or when or what the format will be. But it's also interesting that it's both of them. Right. She's got her emotional support governor with her for her first interview. So she can't answer. She's got the good talker right next to her.

Um, but the media will allow this and they won't pressure her to save their own dignity, uh, because, because their politics are more important to them than their dignity. They want her to win more than they want anything. And he'll just give you one example of the latest. We have so many, but here is CNN. Watch what CNN does when RFKJ is out there starting

to knock on Kamala Harris and the media for allowing her to stay completely dark and silent when it comes to dealing with the press. Over ideas. They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic Party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview.

or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 minutes. Listening to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from Phoenix outlining what led him to his quixotic quest for the White House to now dropping out. And how amazing is that flagged by Western lens been on X. You know, we got to wrap.

Yes. And you made a good point that she will not appear by herself and he will do most of the talking and she will smile and giggle a little bit. Not too much because they've told her not to, but it won't be a one on one interview, even personally.

The left-wing people, though, they're very narcissistic and they're getting angry because they all want to have a one-on-one primetime interview where they throw her softballs and say, look, look, I interviewed her. I got her up in the polls by two or three points. I really did what she couldn't do on her own. And they're not even getting that opportunity. Remember, and every once that Lester Holt famous interview he did with her,

on the border. He was very throwing her softballs and he finally just said, have you been to the border? I have been to the border. No, you haven't. Well, I haven't been to Europe either. And it was just deadly. And that was designed to help her. And they all want that attention that I'm the one that interviewed Kamala and made her look really good, but why don't you give me that chance? So inadvertently, they're starting to say we need to have an interview with her.

And I don't know how she's this is not going to help her. Megan, you made a good point when she has him on there. Everybody's going to say we don't see J.D. Vance and Trump together giving interviews much. Why? We never see anybody do that. Why are you doing this?

It doesn't work. Trump can do it all by his lonesome. It's one thing to do it together once you've made your pick, and then the two of you give one or two together. That's normal. But we haven't heard from her at all since she became the Democratic nominee, the heir to the throne, when Joe Biden passed this baton five weeks ago. So to make the first appearance

A joint one, again, with her emotional support governor says everything. Stand by more on that and all the news. We're going to take a quick break. VDH stays with us for the show. We'll be right back. Do you owe back taxes or have unfiled tax returns? Along with hiring tens of thousands of new agents and field officers this year, the IRS has been sending over five million pay up letters to those who have unfiled tax returns or balances owed. They're on the hunt.

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So, Victor, on the subject of the dishonest media trying to help her, there are reports everywhere today about this presidential debate scheduled for September 10th on ABC. Now, this was scheduled between Trump and Biden.

And the terms were agreed to between Trump and Biden. And they had apparently all the same rules as the CNN debate between Trump and Biden, where the mics were supposed to be cut. There wasn't supposed to be a studio audience, no notes allowed, no opening or closing statements. And

When Harris subbed in as the nominee, there was some back and forth about whether they should renegotiate, you know, and maybe go to Fox, maybe not go to ABC. No, they want team Harris wanted it as is. Leave it in place. You already agreed. You already agreed. They kept telling him. And Trump was like, OK, I'll do it. And then you should also do one at Fox. And she on the night, I think it was of her debate. It was on a late on a newsy night. She's put out a paper statement saying, oh, we won't be doing the Fox debate.

It might have been Monday night when Biden spoke. Anyway, so she won't do anything on territory she considers even neutral. She will only go to places like ABC where her best friend is the person in charge. So now she's gone back on the ABC debate to say, and I want to change the rules. Now, now I want open mics while the other person is speaking.

Um, and according to team Trump, she's also saying, and I want it to be a sit down at a desk situation. And I want notes and I want to be able to do opening statements. Her team saying that's not true, but that's what team Trump is saying through a representative. Uh, and her team is admitting that they are trying to open up the mics.

Meaning while one candidate is speaking, the mics would be back open and the press is running out saying that's the norm. That's the norm, which it is. They're right until the Democrats changed the norm. And Trump said, fine, I'll do it your way.

And Trump did very well with that situation and realized, I'm sure, hey, this works pretty well for me. I kind of like this. Helps me stay more disciplined. I can just make my point when they come to me. I can control my worst instincts, you know, which is to like jump all over the candidate. And that makes me look better. And so he's like, no, let's stick with the original rules. And her team is out there. And so is the media saying, OK.

He's chicken, he's chickening out. And Trump did send out a Truth Social post over the weekend saying, should I do this debate? Are they gonna be fair to me? Trying to change all the rules. ABC hates my guts. Look at the recent coverage. She's best friends with the person who runs it. Look at Jonathan Karl. This network can't stand me. Look at the woman who asked me that question at the National Association of Black Journalists event. She's an ABCer. Look at ABC News' coverage of Trump

And the Trump messaging last week versus how they covered the Kamala Harris message at the DNC. I watched almost all of it. Anyway, the media running cover now saying Trump is the one who's trying to change the rules and Trump has to answer for this whole Mike's open thing or not.

Yeah, I don't think that's going to work because even somebody on CNN, I watched it and he said the problem with dealing with the Harris team about interviews is they have all these conditions and the conditions is, is somebody going to edit it? And who is going to interview us? And how long is it going to be? And in other words, they haven't experienced that before and they're now talking about it.

And that feeds into this old narrative that whatever it is, it's always a qualification. It's always yes, but maybe, sort of, should have, kind of. And, you know, it all shows you. And he said, the CNN person, and maybe I can find it,

or your team can, but he said the problem is that they know her, and I think his direct quote, as I remember, was the worst moments of her vice presidency were when she did unscripted interviews, the worst moment, and they know that. And so they're fixated on that, and that can't be hidden.

And everybody knows that if everybody starts with the premise, which they do now, is that she does not want to give an interview under any conditions, then everything makes sense. The more qualifications, the more backtracking, all of that, the more projecting her reluctance onto Trump. And everybody knows Trump will speak to anybody about anything, anytime, anywhere. He does. He likes that. That's how he made his celebrity career on television.

And so that's not going to fly that suddenly Trump is getting reluctant to debate her. And so she's going to put up all of these pseudo Trump is hesitant because she's just going to make all these demands. Why would anybody debate somebody when they were sitting down with a notebook? You know what I mean? That's just crazy. If you're going to have notes, then you might as well not debate.

I think I've done maybe 100 debates in my life and not one, not one was I allowed or my opponent allowed to have notes. Just wasn't done. Nobody does that. Not only that, it would be a horrible debate. Can you imagine when he's like, you are a terrible border czar. And she's like, stand by.

Hold on. I've got I was never the border czar. I was addressing root causes. I mean, by the way, on that front, it's so absurd, Victor, because, OK, let's go with that. You had the limited role of addressing root causes of immigration. How'd that go?

How'd that work out? Because we have record illegal immigration. So clearly you did not solve the desire from these countries for their people to migrate to America, which was by your own admission, your job. To the contrary, she's now reinventing herself as a border hawk. Can you deal with the hubris of

And that's exactly why Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer had that initial hesitation for three or four days, because they really did think when they removed Joe on that sort of palace coup that they were going to have an open convention or at least an open something for

Because they had grown up with her. They knew her. And they did not want to just anoint her. And then they found out that within 24 hours, that momentum was there. And they were not going to deny a black woman who was a person in waiting as vice president that opportunity. And so they caved. But they were very wary. And that narrative didn't come from you. It didn't come from me. It didn't come from Republicans or conservatives.

That narrative for three and a half years was you cannot get rid of Joe Biden. He will not step down because he has a spiro agnu insurance policy called Kamala Harris. And even people were speculating on his side. Maybe he picked her. It wasn't so stupid to announce in advance the gender and race of his running mate. Maybe it was smart because she was so inept.

And she was so unable to speak publicly or in an impromptu fashion that nobody would ever impeach him no matter what.

impeach him or 25th Amendment or ask him to step down because the alternative was just like Agnew and Nixon until Agnew got in legal trouble and stepped down. And so that was the reputation that she had among the kingpins of the Democratic Party. And they know that. And the media knows that too. Everybody knows it. And that's what's getting kind of embarrassing when everybody knows it and they know it and the public knows it, then they expect every time the issue comes up,

What they're doing. Everybody said, of course, when they mention an interview or debate or a town hall, they will have qualifications. Oh, they will back out the last. They will switch the rules. And that's just going to feed on itself. There's still 70 days. And, you know, that's not a lot. Long time. But it's long enough to cement that image in people's mind that she won't be able to speak directly.

And, you know, while we're talking right now, we've had a serious exchange of fire, you know, in Hezbollah, 100 Israeli jets and preempting and Hezbollah sending rockets. Joe's on vacation and she's...

Who are we going to hear from? Does anybody talk about what's going on in the Middle East? There's a huge offensive into Kursk. It's into Mother Russia. Russia's said some ominous things about it. We don't hear anything from Joe. He went from vacation in California to vacation in Delaware. She's the vice president. You'd think that she would stop for a minute and act presidential and say, you know, I'm running for president, Joe, and it's the Biden-Harris thing.

position that we want to caution or whatever she says, but she can't even do that. There's nobody in control right now.

Mm hmm. Oh, no, there's really no one in control. And we talk about Biden's schedule because he's going on another nine day vacation. But on the subject of the flip floppers on the Democratic side, how they, you know, a couple of weeks ago were admitting she can't do this and now see her as the second coming. I give you Kathleen Parker, who for a time was considered the more conservative opinion columnist. Right now she's at The Washington Post. And

Here she was on March 15th, 2024. Kamala Harris could help her party and the country by stepping aside. She goes on to say she was a colossal failure as borders are. Her role was to be quiet in this administration, lest she embarrass her boss with her sometimes inane rambling remarks and a laugh that erupts from nowhere about nothing obvious to others.

She was picked by Joe Biden because she was black and female, a combo tantamount to job tantamount to job security. Now that she's become a burden to the Democratic ticket, Biden can't fire her. The seriousness of this situation situation can't be overstated. His diminishing faculties are concerning. Her performance as second in command has been disappointing.

And there's no reason to think her ranking would spike where she suddenly to be promoted to the Oval Office. Most signs point to disaster. I propose with all due respect that Harris step away from the ticket. Please, Madam Vice President, do it for your country. OK, same woman. Same woman. Now, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Same woman, Kathleen Parker, looking at the Democratic Convention, nominating her talks about how, you know,

If only Kamala Harris and Tim Walz can do this, muster the votes they need to defeat the arch enemy of America's promise. As Oprah said, now is a time for grownup conversation and say it with me for joy. Enter Kamala and Tim, surely the happiest presidential ticket in recent American history. This isn't sarcasm. I actually, it was like, oh, is this sarcasm? No, no, this is serious.

The president from Hope, Arkansas said it was time to make Harris the president of joy. If a thousand watt smile can be equated to joy, then Harris has no rival. Again, she's not about to drop the hammer on Harris. The whole thing is Kathleen Parker on her knee.

The glaring omission of fathers in the Democratic narrative, including Harris's very much alive father, was filled by Tim Walz. So she's got love for him, too. She goes on to suggest that Oprah Winfrey was amazing and should win the Nobel Peace Prize. She talks about Michelle Obama saying she.

She's no Lady Macbeth. Her conscience and hands are clean for her spectacular soliloquy. She takes home the Oscar for best supporting actress, though I suspect many in the audience were wondering why she was not leading the ticket and then goes on to talk about how what a devil Trump is and how he must be stopped. And Harris is the one to do it. That's the press. What? What did I say? Nothing. I've always been team Harris. She's amazing.

Yeah, well, I mean, it's I don't want to be hyperbole, but it's right out of the old Soviet Union, the Pravda, the official narrative just switches. You know, you have one day you have Brezhnev on the dais watching the May Day and he's obviously incompetent and unhealthy. And then the next day he's gone.

and it's Andropov or somebody, and it's like he never existed. And then all of a sudden, this guy is healthy and he's wonderful, and then he disappears, and they just do it. This is actually, if you think about it, kind of the fourth coup they've had. They had the first one in 2020 when Joe Biden had not won Iowa or New Hampshire or Nevada, and he was headed nowhere. And he was losing to Warren and Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders in the poll, and then all of a sudden,

they decided that he was going to be the candidate. And after South Carolina, they just all like dominoes dropped out. They anointed him. And then suddenly it was, he was going to be a useful megaphone and he was going to, his real policy was going to be outsourced to the Obama wing of the party. And then the third time was, well, we're going to get rid of him. Suddenly after we said that we would never do that. And then the fourth was,

All of a sudden, we're going to reinvent her and she's going to be Cicero, but she's never going to talk to anybody. And it's always the same pattern in those four different iterations. It's always we're going to change the narrative. Everybody's going to get in line. And if anybody objects, we're going to call you a racist or crazy or nut.

And after a while, you know, when you add all of that together, I think the people are starting to see it. I really do. Well, these people are very scary. I don't think we understand how scary they are. They're very scary. Here's the other example. So J.D. Vance married a working woman. He married his wife, Usha, who was who he met at Yale Law School. Obviously, she's a professional woman.

and who clerked for two justices of the U.S. Supreme Court and has a job at a great law firm. And she had three kids with him and she's raising the kids with him. I mean, this is this woman's firing on all cylinders by anybody's measure. And he is 100 percent on board for all of it.

I realize he got a lot of people upset with his childless cat lady comments. They were looking to be upset that I don't, I don't believe that that was sincere. They wanted to tear him down. They would have found a way to do it no matter what, whether he'd given that interview on Tucker or not. But in any event, let's put that to the side because even before those remarks, they were ripping on JD Vance and couldn't stand the guy. I didn't see a single piece about, you know what, to his credit,

The guy supports a working wife. He supports having a wife who's like not only working, but frankly, her legal career crushed his. She achieved heights that 99.99% of lawyers will never achieve.

And he was okay with that. He was definitely the B team player in the legal field. He went to work for Peter Thiel. He didn't like it. He did it for five years. He came back to Ohio and started a foundation to try to help people get jobs and help improve Ohio. She was the big money earner for that period. And honestly, her legal resume would be second to none. I didn't see the pieces praising him for being a man who can handle that, whose ego is strong enough that he can let the wife be in the starring role. And yet today,

This is very interesting. Okay. This is, well, I mean, you remember on the view, it's by Catherine Rampell of the Washington post. The piece is Doug Emhoff, modern day sex symbol. And I'm going to read you some of what she writes, but you know who Catherine Rampell is that that name may ring a bell.

because she's the one who wrote the piece ripping Kamala's economic plan to shreds on the price gouging, saying this is ridiculous when they're accusing you of being a communist. Maybe don't propose communism as your economic plan. And she got killed by her readers on the left. So a week later,

She writes this drivel trying to rehabilitate herself with the left about the current second gentleman. A man who may I remind you cheated on his first wife with the nanny whom he impregnated. They either aborted the child or he abandoned the child. Either way, no bueno. This is her writing about him.

his most appropriate title, progressive sex symbol. Move over, Ryan Gosling. The modern female fantasy is embodied by the man who might soon become our first gentleman. Emhoff is secure enough with his own masculinity to sometimes prioritize his wife's ambitions over his own in italics. What a hunk. What a hunk.

Whatever his previous marital drama, that makes him the working woman's ideal partner today. He's a high achieving alpha, but isn't threatened if his wife is too. He loves his job, but he loves his wife more. He knows that supporting one's family is about more than financial support and that temporarily setting aside his own professional ego makes him no less of a man.

The media is absolutely disgusting, Victor. Yeah, and I remember in The View also, and also I think Joy Reid said that when J.D. Vance said that, he was trying to advocate for more white reproduction when he has biracial children. So all of that's disconnected. Right.

from reality. And, you know, when they went after him on that child-ness, it was, and then the theme, or it wasn't even the subtext, the theme was abortion, abortion, abortion at that DNC. And Trump took a big hit, remember, Megan, from a lot of conservatives like Mike Pence,

that he was willing to follow the Roe versus Wade overturn and have the states decide, and he wasn't going to have a national ban on abortion. And he said equally that

for rape and incest, women should have access to abortion, but partial births abortion or late term when the fetus was viable outside of the womb was going to be stopped in his opinion, but he wouldn't go intervene. That was about as liberal as you could take in the Republican Party, and yet they attacked him on abortion. And the weird thing about it was, you know, that issue

is so dominant now. And you saw all of the imagery they had at the DNC about IUDs and all these weird contraptions outside. And then they kept talking about, they don't even use the word abortion. They just keep using this word reproductive rights, reproductive rights, reproductive rights. Well, it's really not about reproduction. It's about deproduction or unproduction. You're terminating the chance of reproduction. And yet they keep saying reproduction. And then you would think that

The United States has a 3.5 fertility rate, but we have 1.6. And the last year was almost a record year of abortions, over a million abortions. So here you have a situation where Donald Trump is basically as liberal as you've ever seen a Republican nominee on the issue of abortion. It's now up to the states.

We've had over a million abortions. We've got one of the lowest fertility rates in our history. We're going to shrink. And yet they're saying that there's no abortions. It doesn't make any sense. And they hit that issue again and again and again. And I think after a while, people are going to get tired of that too, because that was the theme. And they call it freedom to reproduce. It's not. It's freedom to deproduce.

And which is OK if that's what you believe in. But they can't they're never explicit about what they want. They never use language that reflects reality on the border, on abortion, on crime, on energy. And it's it all represents this insecurity that they're way out of touch with the American people. And the American people have views that are diametrically opposed and they have to be fooled. They have to be tricked. They have to be suppressed.

to get elected and retain power. And they've been very good at it.

But maybe their only solution is to do that and then paint Trump as the extremist by making up his positions. They just refuse to accept. He has said it repeatedly that he does not want to legislate abortion at the federal level, but he is happy. It is now a state's rights issue. Here is well, here's Trump. Well, no, we've already played this one. He believes in exception abortions. We've said that and that it's a state's rights issue. Here was J.D. Vance just on Sunday trying to reiterate this point.

Can you commit, Senator, sitting right here with me today... This woman's obsessed with abortion. ...that if you and Donald Trump are elected, that you will not impose a federal ban on abortion? I can absolutely commit that, Kristen. Donald Trump has been as clear about that as possible. I think it's important to step back and say, what has Donald Trump actually said on the abortion question, and how is it different from what Kamala Harris and the Democrats have said? Donald Trump wants to end this culture war over this particular topic.

California wants to have a different abortion policy from Ohio, then Ohio has to respect California and California has to respect Ohio. Donald Trump's view is that we want the individual states and their individual cultures and their unique political sensibilities to make these decisions because we don't want to have a nonstop federal conflict over this issue.

Kristen Welker is obsessed with abortion. She can't stop asking about abortion. She devotes some two thirds of interviews sometimes to abortion. I don't know what is in her past, but this woman's got a serious thing with abortion. She loves abortion. She really wants to make sure we can have as much of it as possible. Here is Elizabeth Warren then responding to J.D. Vance with more lies.

American women are not stupid and we are not going to trust the futures of our daughters and granddaughters to two men who have openly bragged about blocking access to abortion for women all across this country. No, they haven't. Look, right now where we are is if Donald Trump and JD Vance take the White House, they have current law, the Comstock Act.

which with the right person that they put into the Department of Justice and one of their extremist judges out in the world, they can actually ban all access to abortion all across this country. And understand, when I say ban access to abortion, I don't mean with, oh, exceptions for rape or incest or a 16-week ban. I mean ban it for every woman anytime she needs it.

They just will pretend the truth is other than it is, Victor. They just keep pretending. Yeah, they do. And that's not unique on this issue. They keep doing the same thing with the Project 2025. He's sincere. He didn't know much about it. There's things in there that I've read about 400 pages of the 900 and something pages. Some of it is very sensible. Some of it gets into some areas that I think are kind of

or they don't need to be said or they're wrong, but he's never endorsed it. And yet they keep hammering on that and they keep hammering and hammering and hammering. And they did, Joe Biden did that. He said that Donald Trump or Kamala Harris said that Donald Trump ordered or encouraged an armed mob to occupy the Capitol. Of all the people that was arrested in the Capitol, they never found one person with a firearm.

And they just keep doing this big lie again and again and again. And again, there's a reason for it. And that is they do not want to talk about the issues because they don't poll well. And they don't know what to do about that. They don't know whether to renounce them and flip and offend their base and sound insincere or really go to the center for a while or just a month. And it's the same thing about they can't be transparent about her inability to speak.

And this is not new. What's sad about it is they did the same thing with Joe Biden. They reinvented him into a fake moderate during the campaign, and then he just –

on spec reverted to one of the most left-wing administrations we've ever had. And he was old Joe Biden that was going to talk to people. And the only reason he was in the basement was because of COVID. And then that just extended. They had to hide that debility. She has a linguistic debility that's every much as serious as his cognitive ability. And they just can't be transparent. And when you superimpose that, Megan, on this

that, you know, this election's about democracy and they're the people who are transparent. It's... Finally, the lies and the contradictions are so overt and shameless, it seems like I don't think they're going to be able to sustain it. And the more that they keep going, I think it's going to turn off people. It really is. But so far, they have one strategy and they have so demonized Trump that anybody who publicly or...

Anna Bashley says they would vote or support Trump. It's got all of this social baggage or cultural disdain for you if you do that. And that's why RFK is very valuable. And other people like that, that will stand. Tulsi Gabbard's another person. And the more that they can get people like that.

who didn't really agree originally with Trump, but came to see that compared to the alternative, he was far superior. That's going to allow a lot of independent people and some Democrats to say, you know what, I don't really care. And you're starting to see that in certain groups, young males, the African-American male community, some of the Latino males, they're starting to say, I don't really care what you say. And that's new. And that can snowball if they do it effectively in the next decade.

you know, two and a half months. I want to talk about both those things, young males, and then some of the reaction to RFKJ, including from his family. I promised this, so I want to tell you, President Biden's on vacation again, again. He just finished a vacation. Then he came out for one day to give a speech at the DNC. Then he went right to California on another vacation. And now he's coming back and they released his schedule saying that he's returning to

not to the White House, but to his Rehoboth Delaware Beach House. Not until Miranda Devine posted this saying, I thought it was Tuesday. They said Tuesday. She thought they meant tomorrow. They mean Tuesday of next week. He's back from his vacation to do another nine days of vacation. We don't have a sitting vice or sitting president. We don't we kind of don't have a sitting vice president either because she's out there campaigning. So we don't have anybody in charge right now

in Washington. I don't know what to do about that, but that's just a fact, just to just a little news update for you on the subject of the young male vote. Okay. I, I love to get your thoughts on all this, but I do want to get this in. That's why Trump's doing all this independent media, uh, Theo Vaughn and Sean Ryan, who I love, love, love. Sean Ryan's amazing. I don't know Theo. Um, but he's very popular. He sat down with Theo Vaughn. And what's great about these interviews is you

Honestly, with all due respect to us news folks, it's great to hear him talk with somebody who's not in news, who will ask him totally different questions and get different stuff out of him. And that's what Theo Vaughn did. And they got into, in some detail, the death of Trump's brother, Fred, from alcoholism. Take a listen to this. Did you see, like, with your brother, could you see it or anything? Oh, yeah. Man. I was amazed because...

He had so much going, he had everything going. I think he probably, it happened in college at a fraternity maybe, or I don't know, somewhere along the line it happened. And all of a sudden, you know, this is not unique. This is a very common story, unfortunately. And then the family would see it and start to notice it and laugh.

it didn't get better. It didn't get better. I was amazed, you know, he lived for so long in bad conditions, you know, in terms of, I was amazed that his body could hold out. It held out and it had bad moments. And, but his body was unbelievably strong that it could, that it could withstand this. Yeah. It's a body. Why are you so resilient? Yeah. Do you remember the last time that you saw him or spent with him? I do. And I'm sorry to ask you about it. Yeah, no, it's well, you know,

The reason it's good talking about it is it might help other people. If it helps one other person, it's worth the conversation. He was wise in a sense. I mean, think of it. He's got this problem and it was very important for him to convey to me not to have this problem. And I couldn't have been successful if I had that problem. Yeah. If I had that problem. And I think maybe I'm a personality type where I could have had the problem if I drank. But if you don't drink, you're never going to have it. Victor, just a quick thought on that.

This is classic. Anybody he likes, loves, or has, you know, any positive thoughts towards,

he will find a way to say something nice about them. You know, he, look at this. This is his brother who died of alcoholism. And he points out, I'm amazed at how strong his body was that it could hold out. That's Trump. That's classic Trump trying to find like a way to compliment his brother who was riddled with this disease. He talks about how he was wise because he, he conveyed to me, don't do it. And he's the reason I never took a drink. I haven't had a drink or a cigarette in my whole life. And it's easy to avoid it when you don't do it at all.

He goes on in that interview to talk about what an amazing pilot his brother was and how other pilots would come and learn from him. It's just classic Trump where as long as you're not out there attacking him, his general instinct is to build you up, not tear you down. But what do you make of his media strategy right now?

It's very good. And the key takeaway line was when he's, I mentioned that earlier, when he's self-deprecating, he said, you know, I might've been prone to that. And he said that before when a press conference, when his brother died, someone asked him, as I remember, and did you ever drink? And he said, can you imagine me drinking? In other words, I have that same excessive personality that would lend itself vulnerable to alcohol. And that's what he was saying again. And when he does that, he comes across as very human.

And the more that he can do that, the better. And the funny thing about it is when they keep saying he's going to destroy democracy and he's going to do this. And when you look at all the people that he hired and he fired, he didn't even get vindictive about it.

Steve Bannon, he fired him. Steve Bannon gave a terrible interview about him. Steve Bannon is, I guess, still friends with him. He fired H.R. McMaster, and H.R.'s got a memoir, but he hasn't been critical of H.R. And he didn't weaponize the FBI. He didn't weaponize the DOJ. He didn't weaponize the CIA. He didn't weaponize the director of national intelligence. They did all that.

And that's what's so strange about it is that if you look at how Biden and Obama have – I mean, the whole Steele dossier did not start with Donald Trump. It started with Barack Obama when he weaponized the DOJ, and he knew about it. And yet –

My gosh, it's just a complete reversal of reality. And that's the thing about Trump is that he talks a great game about being angry and mean, but when it comes down to it and you actually calibrate, was he vindictive? Did he go out and try to destroy somebody's career? Did he try to use that?

And, you know, they impeached him over that he said that the Bidens were corrupt and he wanted to suspend for a while until they got the corruption cleared up. And that might have been...

unconventional, but it wasn't quite like Joe Biden telling Israel, we have 3,500 bombs that have been congressionally approved and you're in an existential war at this moment and we're not going to give it to you unless you are more conducive to our point of view because we have to win this election and we have to appease 250,000 voters in Michigan. Therefore, that's going to affect my election and therefore my election is going to affect congressionally approved offensive weapons that you need.

And nobody thought about impeaching Joe Biden. So he didn't that. That's what he suffers from, this reputation of the media and also that he's very vocal sometimes. But when you actually look at him, that's more Donald Trump than the other Donald Trump. I think it's very smart. And he's reaching out to these young men who have just been the butt of so much vitriol, nastiness, violence.

condemnation based on nothing other than gender and race by the left. And good for him for going out there and saying, you matter to me. I am here asking for your vote. Your vote's important. I mean, the Democrats better watch it because this RFKJ thing, this new line of argument and this media strategy is

Looks very smart. This is this is somebody over there is thinking. All right. Stand by. Yeah. Break. Yeah. We'll come back with the Kennedy family meltdown over RFKJ and then a little bit more on the media and what they did with the Beyonce thing. Wait until you hear what they're doing.

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And my whole family will be fighting so hard to reelect Kamala Harris and Coach Walz. And I think if my dad were alive today, the real Robert Kennedy would have detested almost everything Donald Trump represents. I'm outraged and disgusted by my brother's gaudy and obscene embrace of Donald Trump.

And I completely dig it out and separate and dissociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr. and this flagrant and inexplicable effort to desecrate and trample and set fire to my father's memory. That was RFKJ's sister, Carrie Kennedy, ripping on her brother with Jen Psaki. Welcome back to The Megyn Kelly Show. My guest is the brilliant Victor Davis Hanson.

By the way, it's interesting. She said she seems to have the same voice issue that he has. You could you could hear that. I'd never heard her speak before. This is disgusting. The the the brothers and sisters, there were, I think, 11 originally and two died. So there are nine, including him. So he's got eight brothers and sisters and five of them have come out to attack him. Six, six of them. OK, I'm trying to get my numbers. Douglas Kennedy, I don't think, is one of them. He used to be my colleague at Fox News. He's a good guy.

Anyway, they're disgusting. They're not only are they attacking him, Victor, they all are saying my father would be disgusted. So it's not enough for them to say, I totally disagree with my brother who I love. You know, obviously we have different politics, but they've got to say our dad would have hated him and Trump. Right. So it's like such a low blow and they can't stand that.

that the rest of us have our own independent opinions of people like RFK Sr. And you know what, Kerry Kennedy? I reject your assessment. I think RFK Sr. would have loved what RFK Jr. is doing and would have actually found a lot in common with Donald Trump in the messaging and the politics. So take that. We don't accept you as the final arbiter of what RFK Sr. would have thought. He's all of ours. He's not just yours. And as if she knows him better than RFK Jr., who's the guy's namesake.

Yeah, I think there's two things going on. One is the asymmetry between people who are for Trump

And people who aren't. In other words, the people for Trump are not proactively demonizing everybody. They're just concerned about the MAGA agenda. But the other people, they see Trump in 360 degrees as culturally, socially, economically, politically unpalatable. The Prince of Darkness. And they're just obsessed with him. And that's part of it.

And by that, I mean, if he had endorsed earlier McCain or Romney, they would have been angry, but not to this degree. This is something that they just can't fathom because they hate Trump so much. The other thing is they're invested in the name Kennedy, and that's part of who they are, and that's part of their livelihood.

And so when a Kennedy comes out in their worst nightmare and supports Trump, a lot of people don't distinguish, you know, Robert Kennedy from any of these Kennedy names. They just say Kennedy and they feel, wow, he's tarnished my brand and that's going to hurt me and my persona, my sense of self, my career, my remuneration. And he's really done damage to our family label that we count on.

You know, it's I grew up in a Democratic family and my mother was, I think, the second appellate court judge in California. And she went to Stanford Law School and she was, I think, the third person as a woman, 1946, very strong Harry Truman Democrat.

And I'm the only one in my family that was conservative. She was conservative, but in the old democratic sense. And I have members of my family that comparing great things like the Kennedys to my small family, it's the same idea that

I really love my family and my siblings and everybody, and I don't talk about them. And when people ask me about them or my family, I always say positive things about them because I feel that way. But they feel that I have been an apostate or I have ruined the family name, and they don't speak to me. They really literally don't speak to me.

And it's the same idea that Trump, it's something about Trump that they get obsessed at. We see it with the never Trump people who, if they ask themselves, do I want to destroy my career? Do I want to renounce everything that I've advocated for 40 years? Yes, if it's Trump. And it's a derangement syndrome, as people remarked upon. Did you just say your family does not speak to you because they think you're an apostate?

Yes, they don't speak to me. They don't speak to me. Oh my gosh, this is crazy. And I have a twin brother. I mean, I have a twin brother that I love very much. He's a wonderful person, but he and his wife don't speak to me.

And I've reached out, but they feel that I've misrepresented the family in the way that, you know, that they know people and then they say, what happened to you? And they associate, you know, in liberal circles or so. And so it's the same thing. When you have a twin brother that you were very close to, it's, and I don't want to go on because I don't want to draw undue attention to him, but

in the sense that might hurt him or anything, but they feel that I, for the last 20 years, did not represent the democratic. And rather than saying that's good, we have, that's the way we were brought up. And my parents were wonderful parents. I idolize them. I still do. And, but it's, it's the same idea that you were bad enough when you were conservative, but my God, you lent the family name to this person. How dare you do that?

And they they I don't think they realize what they're doing and their their ostracism of a family member or that or how they they react. And I can see he hasn't done anything wrong. He's just exercising his freedom of speech. He doesn't speak to the other Kennedys. And if they want to clarify it, all they had to say was.

We're a happy, loving family. We tolerate dissent. Most of us are traditional Democrats and liberals, but Bobby is not. And we respect his right. We're going to oppose him politically, and he's going to oppose us. And that's fine, but they can't do that. They have to get into personal insult and act as if he's some kind of crazy apostate. And I've experienced the same thing, and it's

It gets depressing, especially as you get older and you think, wow, we're all getting into late 60s, 70s. And it's about you can see the end down the tunnel and it's time to reconcile. But and I think why would they do this when he's getting into a 70s, late 60s, 70? Why would they want to cut off somebody who had been a sibling?

And I don't understand. On some level, they should say we're proud of what he's accomplished. We disagree with him and we're going to work to defeat him and his ideas. But we love our brother. That that was kind of what he said.

He and I talked a little bit about this and how he was raised. It actually sounded wonderful. They were raised by two parents who used to make them read, I think he said, at least three newspaper articles every night, every morning. And then at the dinner table, they would have to stand up and do a little presentation and take a position and defend the position. So they were raised to debate and understand the news and have, if you're debating, you have different opinions by necessity. But the family's fallen away from that, at least the majority of them

have. Here he was on Fox News Sunday responding to the very nasty attacks. It was not just Kerry. His was it his his brother Max came out and said our father would have despised Donald Trump. Trump was exactly the kind of arrogant, entitled bully my father used to prosecute. My father would have so admired another former prosecutor, Kamala Harris. My father was an anti-racist. Donald Trump is a lifelong racist.

I love Bobby, but I hate what he's doing to our country. It's worth it worse than disappointment. We're in mourning. Here's RFKJ responding. Well, I love my family. I feel like we were raised in a milieu where we were encouraged to debate each other and debate ferociously and passionately about things, but just still love each other. So, you know, they can, they're free to take their positions on these issues. There are many, many members of my family who

who are working in my campaign, who are supporting me. I have a very big family. There's a few of them that are troubled. But, you know, I think we all need to be able to disagree with each other and still love each other. Meanwhile, the same people are saying that this is a betrayal of the values our father and family hold most dear. It's a sad ending to a sad story. That's their messaging about him. Yeah, you know,

Robert Kennedy was a maverick. I mean, people, they think he was just a doctrinaire. He started out working for Joe McCarthy as a Senate aide, you know, when McCarthy was trying to find a communist under every bed.

he was pretty tough. He was attorney general, but, you know, he didn't really come around to Martin Luther King until they felt that it was politically viable. That was a different, he had all sorts of positions is what I'm trying to say. He wasn't just predictably left wing. He challenged his own party. And a lot of people were blaming him for injuring Hubert Humphrey, you know? And so the point I'm making is that

Robert Kennedy did things that were off the grid, or he said things, or he switched positions. And so I don't understand how they can say that their father would be ashamed. He was a pretty...

And Mercurial, you know, he's a great politician and he had all sorts of different ideas at different times. And, you know, he he was very embarrassed that he worked for he had been associated with Joe McCarthy as a young person. And he was very embarrassed that he was pretty tough on the FBI was, you know, surveilling King in the 60s under the Kennedy administration. And he regretted that. But he I don't know. I don't I don't get this idea that.

Our father would have had this concrete, predictable career, and therefore he would say that his son is a disgrace. That's not true. I know. It's just so petty. I don't know why. We see it at every turn with these people. And it represents a fear, too. Here is...

So his RFKG is married to Cheryl Hines, the star of one of the stars of Curb Your Enthusiasm. She played Larry David's wife, now his ex-wife in the series. She's brilliant. She's very funny. And she put out a very middle of the road, ambiguous statement. It was loving toward him, but she didn't take a political position once he withdrew and endorsed Trump. And

basically says, I want to thank everybody who worked for his campaign. Um, they've achieved ballot access across the country, despite roadblocks and lawsuits brought against them for the sole purpose of keeping Bobby off the ballots. So no one would even have the opportunity to vote for him. I deeply respect the decision he made to run on the principle of unity. I've met some extraordinary people, Democrats, Republicans, and independents in this process. It's been my experience. The vast majority of all parties are truly good people who want what's best for our country and for each other. That is perfect.

Not according to Bradley Whitford, this Hollywood tool who starred in the West Wing and thinks he actually is a politician as a result, who attacks her saying, hey, Cheryl, way to stay silent while your lunatic husband throws his support behind the adjudicated rapist who brags about stripping women of their fundamental rights. Gutsy, great example for the kids, profile and courage.

that the wife must be brought down, too. And you and I both know if Cheryl Hines said anything stronger than what she did, her career would be over. It might be over already. Well, I mean, that's what the left does, BC, because they control the institutions. And even where I work, and I won't get into that, if you are overtly for Trump,

And you're not shy about it. And you try to defend positions that have been misinterpreted. You're socially ostracized and culturally ostracized. And I have lost maybe 50 or 60 close friends. I've lost friends that were co-authors of books.

I've lost family, I've lost, and I'm not unique. And that's one of the powers that the left exercises when they control Silicon Valley, social media, traditional media, K through 12, academia, foundations, entertainment, Hollywood, professional sports. They have this whole iron dome over them and they can exercise all sorts of direct and covert pressures and that affects people. And that was one of the reasons why

that they've been successful neutering Donald Trump because they create an atmosphere among friends and families, and they think it's socially unacceptable. It's a cultural black mark against your name that you would stoop to support this ignoramus. That's how they feel, and they've been able to

to exercise a lot of pressure in the media and professionally in Hollywood. I really admire Hollywood actors that have been pretty much overt that they're still gonna vote for Trump. A few of them say that. Our professors are people in the media.

Because it's a career-ending experience. And then culturally, in our bi-coastal elite, if you come out and you're a professional and you say you're for Trump, you're going to be attacked and attacked and attacked and attacked.

I have a column on my website called The Angry Reader, and you should see I try to answer every once in a while. These are not lunatic people. These are people highly educated, and they think they're important, and they will write these letters, and they're just full of hatred and vitriol. And I don't see it the other way. I really don't. I really don't see people on the Trump side saying – I mean, everybody says we've got to cool the tempo and we're a divided country.

I don't see that, you know, I don't really see that. I see it that the left is

is acting and reacting to trump in a way they did they did a little bit with george bush they call him a nazi they've done that with romney push the you know med um ryan was going to push his grandma the grandmother over they do that stuff but they didn't just completely get obsessed and lose it and we never saw these the never trumpers too it's something that it's really scary category of one when it comes to yeah it is and they try and other people they've

They try to destroy families. They destroy friendships. They do that. Well, I'm so sorry to hear that you personally have been the victim of that, Victor. I did not know that, and it's deeply wrong, but I will say. I'm not trying to be a victim. I'm just saying. No, I know you're not. That's not your character. We had a really good, you know. Well, I just finished. I have a wonderful colleague, Scott Atlas. You know Scott. He was very outspoken about this.

And I wrote a number of op-eds saying that he had a right to speak. He was a wonderful person. And boy, you better shut up. You're out of your lane. How dare you do that? We're going to get these people against you. You're going to...

You know, even the Stanford practice, you know, being being heterodox on COVID was another sin. That's another reason why they don't like KJ. I got to run. I am going to get to the whole the full Beyonce story tomorrow because we ran out of time and much, much more with Stu Bergier and Red Steeze, Stephen L. Miller. But Victor, what a what a great conversation. Thank you so much. You're always so thank you professionally and personally. Great to see you. I will see you all again tomorrow. Got a lot in store for you. You're going to enjoy it. See that.

Thanks for listening to The Megyn Kelly Show. No BS, no agenda, and no fear.

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