cover of episode "Political War" Coming For Trump in 2025, and Christmas Traditions, with Steve Bannon and Doug Brunt | Ep. 971

"Political War" Coming For Trump in 2025, and Christmas Traditions, with Steve Bannon and Doug Brunt | Ep. 971

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The Megyn Kelly Show

Doug Brunt
Megyn Kelly
Steve Bannon
Megyn Kelly:在2024年大选惨败之后,民主党似乎陷入了迷茫,他们不明白该如何应对特朗普以及他与世界首富埃隆·马斯克之间日益紧密的政治联盟。他们之前的策略,例如将特朗普贴上希特勒或墨索里尼的标签,都失败了。现在,他们试图通过散布特朗普是马斯克傀儡的谣言来离间两人,破坏他们的合作关系。 Steve Bannon:民主党对特朗普的攻击是徒劳的,特朗普的胜利代表着强大的民粹主义运动的成功。现在,民主党应该专注于特朗普政府的执政计划,而不是寻求虚假的团结。他主张采取强硬的、党派立场,在未来六个月到一年内迅速执行特朗普的政治议程,而不是追求虚假的两党合作。他认为,两党合作是阻碍特朗普政府前进的‘恶性肿瘤’。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Steve Bannon advocating for an ultra-partisan approach in the first six months to a year of Trump's administration?

Bannon believes that after winning a sweeping mandate, the Trump administration should focus on executing their agenda quickly and decisively rather than seeking unity. He argues that the political class and media will not support a bipartisan approach and that the administration should use their momentum to achieve policy goals.

What is the projected national debt in 400 days from the inauguration of Trump's second term?

The projected national debt is $40 trillion in 400 days from the inauguration of Trump's second term.

Why did the proposed continuing resolution (CR) fail to gain support from ultra-fiscal conservatives in the House?

The CR failed to gain support because it included a massive $300 billion in new spending, a pay raise for Congress, and was highly negotiated with Democratic priorities, making it seem like a giveaway to the political class.

What is one of the key economic issues that Trump and his team need to address according to Steve Bannon?

One of the key economic issues is the addiction to federal spending, which is contributing to inflation and the national debt crisis.

Why is Steve Bannon skeptical about Speaker Mike Johnson's ability to lead?

Bannon is skeptical because Johnson lied about the CR, presented a 1,500-page bill with a $350 billion giveaway to Democrats without consulting Trump or key allies, and failed to deliver on a more straightforward and clean CR.

What is Steve Bannon's strategy for Trump's cabinet confirmations in the Senate?

Bannon suggests flooding the zone by holding confirmation hearings immediately after the new Congress is sworn in, and using political pressure, including the threat of primaries, to ensure Republican senators vote for Trump's nominees. He also believes some Democrats may support Trump's more populist nominees.

Why does Steve Bannon think Trump needs to get things done quickly within the first six months of his administration?

Bannon believes that Trump needs to act quickly because the opposition is already planning to flip the House in 2026 and will use every tool, including impeachment, to obstruct his agenda. The first 100 days to six months are critical for making significant changes.

How does Doug Brunt describe his best Christmas gift from Megyn Kelly?

Doug Brunt's best Christmas gift from Megyn Kelly was a complete wardrobe overhaul when they first met, which included box after box of new clothing.

Why did Megyn Kelly and Doug Brunt's attempt to give Christmas gifts to their kids' teachers go wrong?

They ordered test tubes with labels like 'get naked' and 'intoxify' for the teachers, realizing too late the inappropriate nature of the messages.

What is one of the family's favorite Christmas traditions according to Doug Brunt?

One of the family's favorite Christmas traditions is watching 'It's a Wonderful Life' and participating in movie-related activities such as ringing bells for angels, throwing salt, and throwing bread at Mr. Martini's house.

The Democratic Party is in disarray after Trump's victory. They are already looking towards 2028 and resorting to name-calling and attempts to divide Trump from Elon Musk, referring to Musk as the true power behind the presidency.
  • Democratic Party in crisis after 2024 election loss
  • Attempts to undermine Trump-Musk alliance
  • Media portrays Musk as the real power behind Trump's presidency

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by Steve Bannon, host of "Bannon's War Room," to discuss how the media is having a meltdown over “President Musk,” why Speaker Johnson has to go after working with Democrats on failed CR, how this country is “addicted” to spending federal funds, how the media is trying to divide Trump and Elon Musk, how helpful Musk has been to the MAGA movement, the “political war” that's coming for Trump in 2025, why it's important that Trump needs to get things done quickly within six months, what Trump's priorities should be, whether he should push for investigations against those who wronged him, and more. Then Doug Brunt, host of "Dedicated," joins to discuss their favorite old Christmas movies, childhood holiday traditions, how her gifts for her kids’ teachers went horribly wrong, Doug gives book recommendations, and they play a Christmas-themed quiz where she sees how well she knows Doug’s favorite holiday memories.

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