cover of episode Media Obsessed with January 6 To Smear Trump Supporters, and Biden's Bizarre Outburst, with Ben Shapiro and Glenn Greenwald | Ep. 976

Media Obsessed with January 6 To Smear Trump Supporters, and Biden's Bizarre Outburst, with Ben Shapiro and Glenn Greenwald | Ep. 976

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Ben Shapiro
Glenn Greenwald
Megyn Kelly
Vivek Ramaswamy
Megyn Kelly:左派将1月6日事件与911事件相提并论是荒谬的。媒体对1月6日的关注程度过高,而对BLM和Antifa的暴乱却视而不见,这是虚伪的。 Ben Shapiro:民主党人无法治理国家,只能不断重复特朗普是独裁者的说法来转移注意力。将所有特朗普支持者等同于参与1月6日犯罪行为的人是过度延伸。拜登政府的行为(例如赦免死刑犯)与他所宣扬的价值观相矛盾。媒体对1月6日事件的关注程度与其对其他事件的关注程度不成比例。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Ben Shapiro criticize the media's focus on January 6th?

Ben Shapiro criticizes the media's focus on January 6th because he believes it is an exaggerated narrative used to smear all Trump supporters. He argues that the media treats January 6th as a catastrophic event akin to 9-11 or Pearl Harbor, while ignoring the violence and riots associated with BLM and Antifa. Shapiro contends that this focus is a distraction from the Democratic Party's inability to govern effectively and connect with the American people.

What does Ben Shapiro say about the Democratic Party's narrative regarding January 6th?

Ben Shapiro argues that the Democratic Party's narrative about January 6th is hollow and disconnected from reality. He claims that the party has no substantive agenda and relies on demonizing Trump and his supporters to maintain relevance. Shapiro points out that Trump won the 2024 election overwhelmingly, which he believes undermines the idea that January 6th was a near-miss for democracy. He also criticizes the media for amplifying this narrative despite its lack of resonance with the American public.

What is Ben Shapiro's view on the media's coverage of the New Orleans terrorist attack?

Ben Shapiro criticizes the media for downplaying the New Orleans terrorist attack, which he describes as an ISIS-inspired act of terrorism. He notes that the FBI initially hesitated to label it as a terrorist attack, despite clear evidence of the attacker's ISIS affiliation. Shapiro contrasts this with the media's eagerness to cover the Las Vegas incident involving a Trump supporter, suggesting a bias in how different ideological motivations are treated in the press.

What does Ben Shapiro say about the UK grooming gang scandal?

Ben Shapiro describes the UK grooming gang scandal as a deeply disturbing example of political correctness gone wrong. He explains that for decades, Muslim men in the UK preyed on underage white girls, and the authorities ignored the issue to avoid accusations of racism or Islamophobia. Shapiro highlights that the media and police were complicit in covering up the scandal, which only came to light after years of systemic failure. He sees this as a broader failure of multiculturalism and assimilation policies.

What is Glenn Greenwald's perspective on Joe Biden's cognitive decline?

Glenn Greenwald argues that Joe Biden's cognitive decline has been evident for years, but the media and Democratic Party conspired to conceal it. He points out that Biden's mental acuity became undeniable during the 2024 presidential debates, yet many Democrats and media figures continued to defend him. Greenwald criticizes the media for lying about Biden's fitness for office, calling it a foundational lie that undermined public trust in both the media and the Democratic Party.

What does Glenn Greenwald say about Kamala Harris's role in the Biden administration?

Glenn Greenwald describes Kamala Harris as a deeply flawed and unprepared politician who was thrust into the vice presidency due to identity politics. He argues that Harris lacked the knowledge and experience to handle key issues like foreign policy and immigration, and her performance was consistently poor. Greenwald criticizes the media for initially portraying Harris as a historic and capable leader, only for her flaws to become glaringly obvious once she was in office.

What is Glenn Greenwald's take on the media's coverage of Trump and Biden?

Glenn Greenwald accuses the media of coordinated lying and bias in their coverage of Trump and Biden. He points out that the media consistently defended Biden's cognitive decline while aggressively fact-checking and attacking Trump. Greenwald argues that this partisan behavior has eroded public trust in the media, leading many to turn to independent sources for news. He also criticizes the media for failing to hold Kamala Harris accountable for her role in perpetuating the lies about Biden's fitness for office.

What does Glenn Greenwald say about the conflict between Elon Musk and Steve Bannon over H-1B visas?

Glenn Greenwald views the conflict between Elon Musk and Steve Bannon over H-1B visas as a healthy debate within the Republican Party. He explains that Musk, as a globalist entrepreneur, supports H-1B visas for bringing skilled workers to the U.S., while Bannon represents a nationalist-populist perspective that prioritizes American workers. Greenwald sees this as a reflection of the broader ideological diversity within the GOP, contrasting it with the lockstep conformity of the Democratic Party.

What is Glenn Greenwald's opinion on Hollywood's portrayal of Catholicism in the movie 'Conclave'?

Glenn Greenwald criticizes Hollywood for its biased and disrespectful portrayal of Catholicism in the movie 'Conclave.' He argues that the film, which features an intersex pope, is part of a broader trend of mocking and belittling Christianity while avoiding similar treatment of other religions like Islam. Greenwald sees this as evidence of Hollywood's politicized agenda and its declining relevance as a cultural institution.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to The Megyn Kelly Show, live on Sirius XM Channel 111 every weekday at noon east. Hey everyone, I'm Megyn Kelly. Welcome to The Megyn Kelly Show and happy 2025. We are back with our first live show of the year. I've missed all of you over the past two weeks. We're

While I spent some quality time with my family, I hope you had some with yours as well. We were in Montana skiing and it was awesome. It was so snowy. And I have to tell you, it reminded me of my childhood in Syracuse where every morning you would wake up and look out the window and you'd say, yep, snow again, still more snow. It's been such a nice change from what we saw last year. And I think the year before too, where it's just, it was nothing.

So it's just such a delightful to be in the snow, to see those fat flakes falling and to have the holidays, especially in that setting. Absolutely loved it. We did our costume nights. You know, that's a big thing for me every year around the Christmas holiday where we do a costume night. I pick the theme.

And I surprised my family with their costumes. And this year, actually, we'll put this up on the YouTube show. The theme was Back to the Future. And it was hilarious. I made Doug George McFly.

You know, the geeky dad. It was amazing. I was Jennifer, Marty McFly's girlfriend from the 80s. And my son Yates was Marty. My son Thatcher was Doc. And my daughter Yardley was Lorraine, the 1950s version. Anyway, it was great. And then my brother-in-law Ken was Biff, which I got him a fake muscle shirt to wear, which I don't think he appreciated.

Anyway, it's so important to get out and do things like that, right? It just, it's so clarifying to spend time with your family away from work. Even though I love my work, it's clarifying to spend time away from it. And I have to say, it makes me feel, it makes me better at my job because when I come back, though, I admit I am currently slightly under the weather with a cold, no big deal. Um, I feel more clear headed because as the news events hit over the past couple of weeks, um,

You just have a better perspective on them when you're grounded, when you're with people you love and who love you, when you are part of nature and better connected to it.

And you can kind of see, oh, this is worth fighting over. Oh, this isn't, this is bullshit. This isn't that kind of thing. Um, okay. So let's get to it. We've got two of the best guests in the industry in America to bring you different perspectives today. We're going to kick it off in a minute with Ben Shapiro and then Glenn Greenwald comes up in our second hour. How about that for a we're back show? Um, we have got,

to cover this tragic terror attack, which killed 14 people in the early morning hours after New Year's in New Orleans. We're still learning more about the man who committed the act. And then a couple hours after that, a Green Beret blew himself up in a Tesla Cybertruck outside of the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas, a bizarre story that does not appear to be related to the terror attack across the country in New Orleans, though at first people thought perhaps

They were related. Today, however, we have to start with the fact that it's January 6th and they are literally treating it on the left like it is 9-11. It is ridiculous.

I mean, it's got an actual function. It's the day that the 2024 election will be officially certified. But it is more importantly to the corporate media, the day that they will celebrate their favorite anniversary to smear all Trump supporters. And again, to treat this day as though it does live in infamy akin to that of 9-11 or Pearl Harbor. We'll show you an example.

Joining me now for our very first show of 2025, we begin with Ben Shapiro, host of The Ben Shapiro Show on The Daily Wire.

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The pursuit to serve others is yours. Let it flourish. Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University. Private, Christian, affordable. Visit Ben, happy new year. Great to see you. Hey, you too. Glad you're back from vacation. Yeah, it's great to be back. All right, so the, I don't know, the panty ringing over January 6th.

And the reminder by President Biden that this needs to stay top of mind in the memory of the American people cannot be forgotten. You know, it's so strange, Ben. I don't remember anybody doing that about the BLM protests, what happened in Portland.

The 2000 cops who were hurt in those riots, David Dorn, who was killed in St. Louis in June of 20. None of that. None of that has to be remembered. Just Jay Sixth, which, you know, the alleged police officer death toll. They continue to make up.

since no police died on January 6th, but they talk about it truly as though it is akin to the 9-11 terror attacks. What do you make of the, as I say, ringing that's going on?

Well, I mean, I think that they have to, because I think that what they've demonstrated over the course of the last several years is their complete inability to govern or to be in any way aligned with the agenda of the American people. And so all they've had for years, and this is true going back to 2021, when Joe Biden gave that awful address in Philadelphia, where he basically labeled everyone who is Republican, his political enemy and an enemy of the Republic. The only thing they can keep saying over and over is that Donald Trump

is in fact an incipient dictator and authoritarian. None of it has the same ring after Trump won. I mean, he won the popular vote and he won the electoral college overwhelmingly. And so the sort of idea that he attempted a coup and that we narrowly averted the rising tyranny in the United States

that particular narrative was always stupid, but it has died a horrible death at the hands of the American people who themselves voted by majority for Donald Trump in the last election. And so it just, it rings super hollow this year. It always was hollow, but it rings particularly hollow this year, given the fact that again, Democrats didn't just lose the presidency. They also lost control of the Senate. They don't have control of

And so what exactly is the thing that we are supposed to be commemorating on January 6th? This is the idea that all Trump voters are akin to the small coterie of Trump supporters, not even the small coterie of Trump supporters generally, the small coterie of the people who were even at the January 6th Stop the Steal rally, who then committed some criminal acts, which again, that's a subset of people who are even at the sort of more,

riotous portion of the day. It really is an incredible stretch for them. The fact they can't let it go is, again, a demonstration. This is a party devoid of ideals. It's a party devoid of ideas. And it's a party devoid of any connection with the American people whatsoever. Like, who really is spending today thinking about January 6th, 2021?

I know. No, it's similar to how they've run out of real examples of racism everywhere, so they have to make them up. They've run out of examples to make Trump supporters look horrible, so they've got to exaggerate what happened on January 6th to make it into one of the riots that they did.

That, you know, I just referenced and after BLM and after George Floyd, they've got to make it sound like the right. Those are the rioters. Those are the insurrectionists. Those are the ones who are truly a problem. I just went back because we've covered the 2000 cops who were hurt during the BLM riots and David Dorn, who was shot.

and killed by looters in St. Louis, retired police officer. And the number was after BLM or after George Floyd with BLM protests, 8,700 protests, 574 at least that turned into riots with violence and criminality. Violence in more than 62% of the Portland, Oregon demonstrations, more than 62% were violent.

Um, and where do those cops go to have somebody remember their traumatic brain injuries, um, injuries to their face, to their femurs, to their bodies as Molotov cocktails were thrown at them as bricks were thrown at them, broken bones. And so where I don't think they're going to get an op-ed by the sitting president in the Washington post, like we got from Joe Biden today, what Americans should remember.

about them, about those riots. But what we hear from Biden today is that we must remember the wisdom of the adage that any nation that forgets his past is doomed to repeat it, lamenting that in time, there will be Americans who didn't witness the January 6th riot firsthand, but we'll learn about it from footage and testimony only. This is ridiculous, Ben. You and I both know that's how we talk about the Holocaust. That is how we talk about 9-11 and things like that.

It's an absurdity. It's a true absurdity. And what makes it even more absurd is you mentioned all the cops who were injured during the BLM riots, the cops that have been demonized since 2014 in this country, since really the Ferguson riots of 2014, the number of cops,

who have been destroyed as human beings, the number of cops who have failed to do their jobs because they were afraid that if they did their jobs, they would then be dragged through the court of public opinion in the ways the Democrats like to do this sort of stuff. That number of cops is incredibly high. And the same week that

that Joe Biden is doing this routine, crying crocodile tears over January 6th. And we must remember and the cost to the cops and all this. He gave a Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros, who's the number one funder of left-wing prosecutors who have spent their entire careers trying to undermine the cops in every city in America and make it easier for criminals to do their business. This same president who just a few weeks ago, I mean, during the break, he had a very busy break, Joe Biden. This is the most alive he's been for years is

It's just before he's leaving the presidency. And now he's doing things like commuting the sentences of 37 out of 40 people on death row because only three of those murderers apparently deserve to die. People who rape and murder little girls, they don't deserve to die. Only the Tree of Life shooter and the-

Black church shooter and the Boston bomber, those people deserve to die. The other 37 who committed atrocities, those people don't deserve to die, according to Joe Biden. I mean, he's letting it all hang out at this point. And again, I think it underscores the reason why Joe Biden was so unpopular with the American people, which was they kept trying to sell us the line

that he was a kind-hearted, decent old man. And he was never a kind-hearted, decent old man. He was just an old man. He was never kind-hearted. He was never decent. He was always corrupt. He was always venal. He was always bloviating. None of his values ever meant anything at all. And this attempt to sort of retcon his own history and retcon what the Democratic Party has done over the course of the last few years into something benevolent

is an utter failure. It's a total failure. And I can't imagine that there are many people who are reading that op-ed or hearing you read it, Megan, who aren't rolling their eyes so hard they fall out of their head.

Mm hmm. No, if you've been paying any attention to what's happened to the J6 protesters slash rioters, and I make no excuse for those who actually committed violence against cops that day, they should and have been punished. But those who just wandered into the Capitol where there's so many who aimlessly wandered into the Capitol thinking that they were allowed there or that at best they were committing a minor trespass.

They have more than paid for that very egregious mistake, as it turns out, because the whole world was watching and Biden wanted to make a political point. His DOJ wanted to make a political point. But to hear the media talk about this, this solemn anniversary, Ben, is to again, it reminds me of 9-11 having lived through 9-11. This is what it brings up for me. Here's an example.

Regaining power and reigniting fears. In just hours, Congress will meet to certify President-elect Donald Trump's 2024 election win. Happy Insurrection Day. Insurrection Day, when Republicans will certify the election of a president who is constitutionally ineligible to serve in the office, according to the 14th Amendment, this final prostitution of democracy.

We shouldn't get comfortable. American democracy still faces, I would argue, an uncertain future. Snow covers the Capitol. There is this birth, this newness to winter, and there is this newness to this Congress. But there is this storm cloud.

over the Capitol that makes you think about what happened four years ago? To remember what happened on January 6th is an act of remembrance in the purest form. We want to avoid ever again having American democracy on the knife's edge. On the knife's edge. On the knife's edge. And then there's, give you one more, Ben. The AP today

Seems very upset that the Capitol was not left a mess so that we could go back today, four years later, and look at the scars and lament how bad MAGA is and its return to power. Saying in the lead line, inside the Capitol-

Reminders of the violence are increasingly hard to find. Scars on the walls have been repaired. Windows and doors broken by the rioters have been replaced. And there is no plaque, display, or remembrance of any kind. In some ways, it's like the insurrection of January 6, 2021 that shook the foundations of American democracy never even happened.

Shook the foundations of American democracy. By the way, I love their respect for the property damage that may have numbered in the tens of dollars at the Capitol building. I mean, like they did two billion dollars in property damage during the BLM riots. The enthusiasm for remembering January 6th is matched only by the enthusiasm of the media and forgetting September 11th. Actually, you're not allowed to show images of September 11th lest we actually remember what happened and who did it.

on September 11th, the media have already moved on. You mentioned earlier on that the New Orleans terror attack, the media are already very steadily moving on from that one. They really are not going to cover that one for very much longer because of course they can't tie that into some sort of narrative about broader American white supremacy and about domestic homegrown white terrorism or any of the rest of that sort of thing. And so they're going to move right past that sort of thing, but they definitely have to focus in on January 6th. And the media, by the way, I'm not sure who took it

on the chin harder this past year, the Democratic Party or the media? I mean, they're appendages of one another. I've called them the human centipede because that's what they are. But, you know, at this point, I'm not sure that has anyone. That's the first time anyone actually heard John Meacham saying that thing, Megan, was you playing it on your show? Because no one is left to watch MSNBC. No one actually has seen Keith Olbermann say that except on your show. So congratulations, Keith Olbermann, for making your show, I suppose.

I'm sure he's thrilled. What they're doing in New Orleans is very interesting to me, and we've seen it done time and time again. They're much more interested in what happened out in Las Vegas because that guy was a Trump supporter. Okay, great. We're onto something. Let's talk about Vegas. This guy, he's a nutcase, and he appears to be a right-winger.

But the guy in New Orleans who's, you know, apparently affiliated with or pledges loyalty to ISIS, it's time to move on. That's really not that interesting, even though 14 people are dead in New Orleans as a result of his behavior. And you had this is while we were on break or I was on break. But on January 1st, you had the FBI agent Althea Duncan, who's in charge of the Bureau's New Orleans field office, come out, stopping short of even calling it a terrorist attack. Here's that.

Patrick said we'll be taking over the investigative lead for this event. This is not a terrorist event. What it is right now is their improvised explosive devices that was found and we are working on confirming if this is a viable device or not.

How is it not a terrorist attack? The guy had an Islamic State flag affixed to his rented Ford pickup truck. Later, the deputy assistant director of the FBI's counterterrorism division would say it was 100% inspired by ISIS. The 42-year-old behind it, Shamsuddin Jabbar, who was a U.S. citizen from Texas and an Army vet, had apparently pledged his allegiance to ISIS via the New York Times,

So you tell me how it's not a terrorist attack. I mean, once again, for the FBI, the immediate response, which is we know the motive and the motive is uncomfortable. So we're going to pretend that that's not really the motive or the motive is, I mean, it was the least mysterious motive of all time. He literally had an ISIS flag attached to the back of

of his Ford F-150. He said, here's my motive on a giant flag that I don't even know where you get an ISIS flag. Can you buy that off Amazon? In any case, this person had put out tapes of himself talking to his family about how he had joined ISIS. And honestly, the reason why this should earn more media attention than the terrible case of what happened in Las Vegas, which seems to be a member of the military who...

who had his life breaking down, seemed to have some mental problems. The reason that this one is more noteworthy is because it is ideological in nature, not only ideological in nature. One of the stories that we reported at Daily Wire actually was that the local mosque

was being contacted by the FBI. Members of that mosque were being contacted by the FBI, the mosque where this person attended, the terrorist and the alleged terrorist. And the mosque apparently put out a public message like on their own Instagram saying, if you are contacted by the FBI, you should contact the Council on American Islamic Relations.

You should contact groups that are not the FBI, right? Not cooperate with the FBI. You should call the Council on American Islamic Relations, which, by the way, was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism trial in the 2000s. The Council on American Islamic Relations original foundation was by people who are closely associated with Hamas. Like there are actual real systemic problems in the United States with radical Islam. And that's something that people really don't want to talk about.

which of course is the same sort of thematic that you're seeing in the UK right now, right? You're seeing this sort of breakout into the open because Elon Musk is going after Keir Starmer quite properly. But I think that so much of what you're seeing in the West right now is revolt against the assault on common sense that we've been seeing for legitimately decades here in the West. The revolt on common sense that says that, for example, mass migration without assimilation is a wonderful idea. The revolt on common sense that says

that everyone should be forced to take a vaccine, even if the vaccine is not totally vetted out yet. The assault on common sense that says men can be women, women can be, like what we're watching right now across the board is this revolt against that thing. And it's happening everywhere. It's happening in the UK. It's happening in France. It's happening in Germany. It's already happened in Argentina. It's happened in the United States already. It's obviously happening up in Canada.

where the conservative party, if the election were held today, would absolutely wipe out the liberal party where Justin Trudeau just resigned as the head of the liberal party, if not prime minister today. Again, something is happening. And that thing is that people across the board in the West are tired of, to use your word, being bullshitted. And I think that now they're starting to fight back in a wide variety of ways, mostly politically.

I love I love everything you just said there. So much has gone down over the past couple of weeks and just today, as you point out, Trudeau, which we'll get to. But I was just sticking for a second on the FBI and its bungling messaging around what happened in New Orleans, which was indeed a terrorist attack, says as follows at National Review.

We are being tormented by the FBI's habitual woke incoherence regarding this atrocity. There should be no hesitancy. This is maddening. But in the FBI, as it has evolved since the Obama era, he says an acknowledgement by the bureau that an attacker may have been radicalized by fundamentalist Islam would implicitly concede that there is something about that ideology that inspires violent attacks against infidels. Can't have that.

They're not willing to go there. And that, of course, explains why they're moving on immediately, the media as well, from New Orleans. But let's talk about the UK because this...

rape scandal of children at the hands of immigrants that's been covered up, was covered up for years and years and years, allegedly in part because they were concerned that the the rapists, the alleged rapists were Pakistani and they didn't want to be seen as picking on immigrants or going against people of color and accusing them of rape and

At the hands, like at the expense of the well-being and safety of children, maybe the most pernicious and disgusting example of this woke ideology and this fear of upsetting or offending any person of color or any Muslim that I've seen in decades. Ben, this, what's happening in the UK is a deep, disgusting scandal.

Well, what's amazing about it is that people are denying what it's about. So if you actually look at the history of the scandal, this started to break out into the open in a place called Rochdale in the UK back in 2003. And that was because a 15 year old girl died when there was an investigation into why she died. It turns out that she had been one of the girls who was groomed by these gangs. For folks who don't know the story, basically over the course of literally decades, and there are allegations of this going all the way back to the 1970s. Basically, over the course of decades, white girls were preyed on by Muslim men

in gangs, they were rape gangs. They're not grooming, they treat them, they call them grooming gangs. They weren't grooming gangs, they were rape gangs because these are all underage girls who are being traded around by these Muslim rape gangs. And that's what they are. And the media knew full well about this back in 2003, 2004. They knew completely about this. The police knew about it. They knew about all these cases. These were already being brought up in Rochdale, in places like Rotherham, in places like Oldham. It was happening in a wide variety of cities. And as it turns out, the police basically decided

that because this would be politically unhelpful, they were gonna bury these cases. And so they started blaming the girls, claiming it was the girl's own fault, that they had quote unquote consented, even though obviously a 13, 14, 15 year old girl can't consent. Some of these girls got pregnant by their rapist, 13, 14, 15 years old, and the system totally ignored them. One of the journalists in this case, Andrew Norfolk, who reported for the Telegraph in 2010, he's the one who wrote this big cover story for the UK Telegraph talking specifically about

about the extent of the scandal in Rochdale. He knew about the case. He's admitted he knew about the cases back in 2003. And the reason that he did not actually report those cases, and again, these are his words, not mine, is he was afraid that it played into quote-unquote right-wing narratives that were going to talk about the difficulties of multiculturalism and the problems with importing vast numbers of

of immigrants from Muslim countries who were not integrating into British national life and not assimilating. They were afraid that the British National Party, the right-wing party, was going to start increasingly winning elections, that the English Defense League, led by Tommy Robinson, was going to increase its popularity. And so they literally just buried the story. They said, for a decade, we are not going to even prosecute these cases.

And it took a full-scale decade and more and more of these cases piling up for there to be any prosecutions at all. The first prosecutions, I believe, happened in 2013. That led to a government study that was finally released in 2014, finding that in Rotherham alone, there were 1,400 girls who'd been preyed on in just that city, in just that city. You're talking about thousands of girls who were raped, white girls who were raped by Muslim men. And the reason it wasn't reported is because it was white girls and because it was Muslim men. Now, again, that would be reported...

and talk about reportorial malpractice. Okay, so Keir Starmer was the head of the Crown Prosecution Service for a large part of this period, from 2008 to 2013. Keir Starmer, of course, is now the Prime Minister of Great Britain, is head of the Labour Party. And there was a call for the Labour Party, as the head of the government, to now lead a national investigation into these cases, and they denied it. They said, we're not going to do it. Now, to be fair, the Conservative Party had said the same thing. They said, this is all regional, the regional investigations

should go on, but Elon went after Keir Starmer for it, and deservedly so, because Keir Starmer has been part of the system the entire time. And I played tape on my show earlier today of Keir Starmer with the mayor of London, Sidi Khan, talking about the real problems of the UK in 2024, which include a radical uptick since October 7th in Islamophobia, and Sidi Khan, the mayor of London, asking Keir Starmer what could be done to prosecute people

who are actually engaged in Islamophobia, right? This sort of conspiracy of silence- - This is the Christopher Hitchens thing, Ben. This is the Christopher Hitchens prediction

come to life, right? Who was out there in, I think, 2009 saying, we have got to call out what's happening in London and elsewhere with the infiltration of this ideology before it's too late. And if we wait too long, all we're going to hear is you're Islamophobic. That's Islamophobia, as opposed to reckoning with the real facts, which is this is not just a religion. This is an ideology that means to conquer

That's exactly correct. And all of Europe is reacting to this, but in ways that the political establishment doesn't particularly like. So in Germany, that means that the AFD, which is a very right-wing party that has always been sort of called Nazi-esque, but the reason people oppose them is not because of their original roots. The reason they're opposed now is because they're anti-immigrant. The AFD is picking up steam. Obviously, Elon is lending some of his

sort of loudspeaker to the AFD and Alice Weidel, who's the head of the AFD. You're seeing the same thing happen in France with Marine Le Pen's National Rally Party, which has been gaining steam in every single election and keeps being blocked by the quote-unquote centrist party of Emmanuel Macron. You're seeing the same thing in Germany, by the way, where the CDU, which is the centrist party, says we won't sit with the AFD. Okay, guys, you keep trying to keep a lid on the biggest issue in Europe in generations.

And it will blow. I mean, this idea that you can just tell the people to sit down and shut up and ignore the fact that their countries are being overrun with people coming from places that hate the country, that really hate the country and hate the civilization. People are only going to take that for so long before it really starts to come out and support for parties that are not within your deemed establishment purview.

That's exactly right. And we could see it happening. I mean, when Angela Merkel was chancellor of Germany, she opened the borders. There was a massive influx of immigrants who culturally were about as different from Germans as you could get.

and shamed anybody who pushed back against it as an Islamophobe, as a xenophobe, as a bigot. And now they're dealing with the real life consequences of that. Eventually the people find their voices and say, well, I don't want this. It's one thing. And by the way, we've had plenty of time since then to figure out whether these people want to assimilate or not, right? They want to pretend that every immigrant, whether it's Germany, Canada, the UK, France,

or the United States is akin to the Irish and Italians who came to America in the early 20th century, that they just want a new life and that they're going to adopt the local culture. And, you know, it's melting pot. It's, it's not so fascinating.

And you're seeing examples like what we saw in the UK, not to mention, look at Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She's obviously one of the greatest thinkers alive. Warning in her book, Pray, P-R-E-Y, about what's happening to women and young girls in these European countries as a result of these immigrants.

And one by one, these leaders are starting to fall, Ben. I mean, you tell me whether it actually leads to a change in thinking on the left akin to what we're seeing the left sort of wrestle with in the wake of the Trump victory.

I mean, either it will or they won't have any power anymore. I mean, in the country that Ayaan came from, Gert Wilders is now leading the largest party, right? And Gert Wilders is a very right-wing anti-immigrant and anti-Islam leader in the Netherlands. So again, these are the natural consequences. She was originally from Somalia and then she went to Amsterdam and...

Was essentially exiled because they wouldn't give her immigration status because of her perspective. I mean, they essentially decided that she was a persona non grata because of her perspective on immigration, being an ex-Muslim from Africa who had immigrated to the Netherlands. I mean, Ayaan's story is sort of ahead of its time, but that is the reality that is now besetting, I think,

an enormous part of the West. And, you know, again, reality is having its way here because reality always has its way. And when it comes to immigration, I mean, so many things have changed about the way the West does immigration. So it used to be that because we didn't have a welfare system and because it actually was a risk to come to places like the United States,

You left everything behind. You came here with nothing. And then you were expected to assimilate and make your own way without a welfare system to back you. Because of that, America acted as a magnet to a bunch of different groups who usually were sort of the most risk-seeking members of the Irish population or the Swedish. Like, we've had many waves of immigration in the United States. Irish, German, Italian, Swedish, Jewish, Russian. A huge number of immigrants in the United States.

But once you change that system to make it so that you are neither expected to assimilate or you're expected to earn, right? You're not expected to do either of those things. We have welfare systems that pick you up and you're not expected to assimilate, which is the sort of immigration that the left apparently loves. Well, yeah, I mean, the consequences are going to be pretty dire for any civilization that attempts that particular two-step. And those civilizational consequences have been quite dire and pretty terrible.

They were foreseeable and they were completely ignored as actual risks, as were all the risks that were being raised by the right as we saw open borders take hold in country after country during the time of Obama. What's happening up in Canada?

may or may not be part of the same wave. I mean, there's so many problems with the way Justin Trudeau has run Canada. It's hard to really pick the one. But as of today, Justin Trudeau says he will resign as prime minister as soon as the Liberal Party elects a new leader. He says his successor will be selected after a nationwide process, which means the Liberal Party will take the lengthier route of choosing a new leader through a grassroots process. It could take several weeks.

means he could be in power for the first several weeks, even potentially months of Trump's presidency and may have to navigate the imposition of tariffs and so on. But Justin Trudeau has turned himself into a punchline. He is, when I picture a feet feckless man, I picture Justin Trudeau. I couldn't think of somebody less attractive to me as a woman than that man. I, I,

I can't stand the sight of him. I'm thrilled our friendly neighbors in our evil top hat, as Michael Knowles calls Canada, have come to their senses and effectively forced him to this decision. So what do you make of it?

I mean, I think that obviously it's great. I think that the person they're attempting to block from the prime ministership with all of this is Pierre Polievre, who is phenomenal. I mean, truly tremendous. He's fantastic. I mean, one of the things that you're seeing is this crop of new leaders all over the world, ranging from Millet to, to,

to Polievre in Canada, to Maloney in Italy, to Wilders in Netherlands. You're seeing like a whole spate of new leaders come to fruition. And that's really wonderful. And Trudeau going again, he's hanging on through basically parliamentary maneuvering. The way that it works in Canada is that in order for there to be a new election called the snap election, you actually have to have a vote of no confidence. Right now, there are 338 seats in the House of Commons in

in Canada. The Liberal Party controls 153 of them, I believe, so they have just short of a majority, so they need some outside help from some of the other smaller parties. The Conservatives only have 120 seats. If the election were to be held today, the Conservatives would be expected to win an overwhelming majority of seats in the House of Commons, something like 230 seats in the House of Commons, and then Poliwre would enter

the government with a huge majority that requires no coalitional help in order to govern. And so that's basically everybody who's in the current coalition does not want the coalition to fall because the minute that happens, then the election takes place. Polly every wins. He walks in with a vast conservative majority. So the idea here is it's sort of like a Biden stepping down in favor of Harris idea here. Basically, Trudeau is planning to step down in favor of a new liberal leader who will be selected. And that way, Polly every has to run against not just your Trudeau, but against Trump's

random McFace over here, who's going to be the new liberal leader. I don't think it makes much of a difference. The mistakes that Trudeau has made ranging from the authoritarian take on COVID, which led to the trucker freedom convoy, to the treatment of immigration. He's been an open borders immigration guy the whole time. The cost of housing in Canada have increased rapidly.

And Polly Everett makes the point, hey, guys, you know, one thing we have in Canada, very few people, you know, we have tons of land. Really, housing should not be all that expensive. He's right about that. The fact that that Trudeau has been bad on energy policy in a country that really could be rich in energy.

It's truly amazing. And then add on top of that all the woke crap from from trans to indigenous peoples, all the stuff that Trudeau has done. It's like watching a laboratory experiment with all the left's worst policies put into Bunsen burger and then boiled until they boil over. And it turns out that people really, really hate this stuff. And it doesn't matter if you're the good looking likely son of Fidel Castro. People still really don't like this policy at all.

It's Trudeau's Canada that produced Melody Wiseheart, the 50-year-old man who's being allowed to swim with 12-year-old girls because he identifies as a 12-year-old girl, which is weird because he drives his car to and from the swim meets, which we all know a 12-year-old girl would not be allowed to do. And by the way, he changes his clothes and gets fully nude in the locker room with the girls and the parents. I don't understand my Canadian friends.

Allow it. I'll give you this. Canadian podcaster and mortgage broker, Ron Butler. I've got all sorts of contacts up there, Ben, because I got staffers up in Canada who says as follows. This is on X. The prime minister decides to go and Canada says, thank God. No witch hunts, no matter how angry people are at the PM. Once he's gone, leave him alone, move on, but never forget.

Never forget the horrible management of the country. Never be fooled again by a candidate offering sunny ways. Never buy into theater. Never again think a totally unqualified person is fine to leave the country. That was a bullet we just dodged here in America, too. Don't listen to a man claiming to be a feminist who betrays and fires every woman who ever disagrees with them. Don't believe that people who act woke all the time won't cost average working people dearly.

Never accept a leader who has a religious belief in climate change and screws average Canadians into the ground with big taxes, lost jobs, and dumb decisions.

As long as China and India are building coal power generators, Canada should be drilling gas wells and shipping overseas. And finally says, never forget incompetence because we have had the stupidest waste of taxpayers' money in the history of Canada. Therefore, once Trudeau is gone, we must punish the Liberal Party with a massive election loss. Lessons must be taught. Now, if that worm turns in Canada and Pierre takes over, it is a new era.

ballgame, Ben Shapiro. Well, I mean, they'll narrowly avoid President Trump's invasion if that happens. I mean, I'm wondering, you know, if we're going to invade, now's the moment, right? We got to do it before they have an election up there and make Canada our 51st state. Right now, we'll be greeted as liberators. But if if Poli Evra is the prime minister, then they might we might actually have to fight them. And last time we fought the Canadians, it went surprisingly poorly. So now's the window of opportunity. Greenland, Canada, the Greater America Project is still on the table, but only for a few more weeks.

Here he is. Our audience may remember this, but this is sort of how we first came to see this guy. Like, who is this wonderful man when he was eating the apple and the antagonistic media reporter was trying to get him and compare him to Trump? And he just wasn't having it. He was just stone cold. He is the opposite in every way as a man, as a politician of Justin Trudeau. Watch. Why should why should Canadians trust you with their vote given the

not just the sort of ideological inclination in terms of taking the page of Donald Trump's book, but also... What are you talking about? What page? What page? Can you give me a page? Give me the page. You keep saying that. In terms of turning things quite dramatically in terms of Trudeau and the left wing and all of this, I mean, you make quite a, you know, it's quite a play that you make on it. So I'm just wondering. I'm not sure. I don't know what your question is. Okay, then forget that. Why should Canadians trust you with their vote? Yeah.

Common sense. Common sense for a change. He's just, the guy's unflappable and just doesn't tolerate fools. It's just a, it's a beauty. I feel like even the Canadians who are allowing Melody Wisehart to swim in the 12-year-old races. See, he's a gopher. He's officially a gopher. That's what they call the league. Even those Canadians have got to see him now that the field is being cleared and say,

Maybe it's worth a try. I mean, that's what the polls show right now. I mean, right now, the polls, according to CBC up there, have Poliev running at something like 44%, while the Liberal Party is now running at 20%.

And that's how much the Liberal Party has fallen off. So and it goes to show you that, you know, actually just being a steadfast conservative in a place, even in a place like Canada, will win you some points. This is what's so amazing about Great Britain is that they can't find anybody to just do that. Right. Well, just do that. It doesn't look that hard. I mean, granted, Pierre Poliev appears to have a resting heart rate of 35. But with that said, he is like the fact is that it actually does not seem that difficult to find somebody who has some basic values.

common sense. That, of course, is the thing that I think is underappreciated about President Trump, that the media kept playing up the fact that he says wild things on Twitter. But the reality is that most of the stuff that Trump says is very commonsensical because he always shoots from the hip. And when people like Trump shoot from the hip, it tends to be kind of like the common sense thing that you would say. And the same thing is true of Polyad. The same thing is true of Mele. The same thing is true of Maloney. The same thing is true of Wilder.

saying common sense thing has become illegal in many countries at this point. People are more likely to be arrested in Britain at this point, it seems, for saying a common sense thing than for raping someone possibly. And I think that the blowback to that is dramatic and international. And so it's shaping up to be a really interesting year. Now, in the United States, obviously, that means that now that you have power, this is all about gaining the power.

Once you have the power, you have to do the thing. This is where the pedal is going to meet the metal and the rubber is going to hit the road when it comes to President Trump and the Republican Congress. What can they actually get done this year? And there I think, you know, there are some outsized expectations that I think that we should temper and we should recognize the reality of a fractious coalition in Congress where you have maybe a one to two vote majority in the House. But I do think things can get done if people keep their heads screwed on straight.

Okay. One of the controversies that I missed while I was out was the intra GOP fight over H1 visas, H1B visas, where we bring over immigrants and we allow them to work at a decent wage over here, largely in tech, data processors and engineers who the tech industry has used

prolifically, who Elon defends, Vivek defends, but people like Steve Bannon and our friend Batya Angersargan, who writes for Newsweek and is much more focused on the working class, has said they don't want, that we've had enough of this, that these are jobs Americans would take with proper training and so on.

And here's the thing that stood out to me. Trump sided with Elon and Vivek basically saying he's always been for these visas. Here's the thing that stood out to me. The Vivek Ramaswamy ex-post on December 26th. I think I can bring this to you as a former geek yourself who's no longer geeky. But I mean, you were like the most brilliant person your whole life who was always crushing everybody in every class.

I would love to get your take on Vivek's way into this controversy. Like you can defend the visas, you can not defend the visas, but my friend Vivek, this is not the way. This is not the way. He drops the following.

Thank you.

or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers. A culture that venerates Corey from Boy Meets World or Zack and Slater over Screech and Saved by the Bell or Stefan or Steve Urkel in Family Matters will not produce the best engineers. More math tutoring, fewer sleepovers, more weekend science competitions, fewer Saturday morning cartoons, more books, less TV, more creating, less chilling. My friend.

This is a great way to produce, I guess, better engineers, but not to produce better men who the women actually want. This is- Well, I mean, by the way, I'm not even sure. We don't create our men in some laboratory where they're all Steve Urkels. We want guys who are out. We like prom kings. We like sleepovers. We like people who develop social skills in addition to math skills.

And this comes down to me as like, I, having been a product, not myself, but like my kids of the New York City private school system, realize there are so many schools there who are looking to create the perfect SAT score. They want to create your child into the perfect SAT score. Well, I don't want that.

And having moved now to Connecticut and found a school that actually cares about the whole child, about creating great young men and young women, it really puts the fine point on it. Yes, they need sleepovers. They need socialization. They need some stupid cartoons. They actually need sports. They need a whole bunch of things other than

Math, math leads. It sounds to say you can take it from here, Ben. Okay, so I love a vague. And the truth is that when it comes to H-1B visas, I think that there are some things you can do with H-1B visas, like increasing the income limit before you let people in. That's an interesting conversation. I think there's a lot more to be said about sort of the variation in terms of what actually went on in this argument. That was very, it was sort of a bizarre argument to be had. But when it comes to the cultural analysis, I have to say, it's just, it's not actually true.

Okay, I promise you that Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, all, I mean, Elon Musk is a very culturally savvy guy and he was not participating in the math Olympics. Okay, so it turns out, by the way, that's also a very bad read, I have to say, on Boy Meets World. Okay, so as a Boy Meets World stan, I will say that if you ever watch an episode of Boy Meets World, the entire moral center of the Boy Meets World universe, not to get too abstruse here, is Mr. Feeney, who is the high school teacher who tells the kids that they need to study harder and take history seriously. Okay.

Right. That's actually that's actually the theme of Boy Meets World. And by the way, the same holds true of like you're picking all of the shows from the 1990s that actually had parental figures who actually pushed education. Right. If you think to any of the shows that he names right there, those are all like

the ones that had sort of the Sunday evening special that would have like a talk with the kids about how you actually need to take your schoolwork seriously. Listen, I understand that for a lot of people, particularly from countries that are not the United States, the way that you rise in those countries is to do really, really well on your exams. So you study super, super hard in South Korea. They have a very programmatic approach

approach to how to train kids. When it comes to American innovation, which is where most of the innovators are coming from, the problem is not that people are watching Boy Meets World. If you want to talk about systemic problems in the United States with regard to education, those exist. There are public schools, right? That's why we need school vouchers. You can talk about broken families that need to be healed. You can talk about lack of social structure. But this is a, the weird take, which is that you have to be a person training for the spelling bee in order to be a top level engineer at Google. That's just not true. I mean, just on any sort of relevant level, that's not true.

It's 100% a function of the vague, not being the prom king, not being the MVP. I wasn't either, but I also watched Boy Meets World. Come on. People need to be more like me, and then their lives will be better. This is my moment.

I was definitely not the prom king, okay? Like I skipped two grades and graduated high school when I was 16 and went to UCLA as the smallest, shrimpiest kid at UCLA, right? I was not like the toast of the town, but even I recognize that like watching Saturday morning cartoons is not the thing that's preventing people from staffing up Silicon Valley engineering jobs. That's not like the chief problem in the United States.

There are trade-offs. And I think about this all the time because just given the circles that I'm in and the way I'm living in these so-called super zips or near these so-called super zips, where it's like a lot of wealth and a lot of advantage and privilege. And I always think like, okay, it's great. You know, I definitely, you could turn any kid into the math lead who never does a sleepover, who's only, you know, doing practice tests and follows the Vivek plan to become the number one engineer. And you know what? You'd wind up with somebody who's probably not a leader. Yeah.

Because actual leaders who people want to be around and want to elect and want to follow have social skills and really interesting deep personalities and a wealth of experience and exposure to other people and develop their EQs in addition to their IQs in a way that's really important to them.

Just ask Donald Trump, who I believe is the opposite of a mathlete. You know, it's just it's so small. Mine is so myopic, but it is very clearly vague being like, this is my moment. Yes, you need more me again. Listen, I I

I really like Vivek. And I even agree with some of his immigration takes this one. I don't think it was the best cultural analysis. I'll put it that way. No, no. I actually think it's kind of cute. It's kind of charming. He's not wrong that like, if you do want great engineers, I suppose they do need to live, uh,

something close to the math, late life, but to push your child to give up socialization and stupid time, stupid time, mindless time is not the way. I mean, having gone to the Google headquarters and been toured around, those guys who sit there entering data all day, Google has set out like

sword fighting for them in their downtime. - Oh yeah, the biggest nerds in the world, right? They're like Dungeons and Dragons. Some of them actually work out. Many of them are the people who are playing video games at night, right? They're not like culturally non-savvy. This idea that nerds are somehow, they've never watched TV. Have you met a nerd? Like spend some time with the nerds. The nerds watch some TV.

Yeah, that's right. Have you met a nerd? Exactly right. So anyway, I look forward to discussing that with him when he comes back on. All right. Let's talk about President Biden because he is still president. And you point out this is the most alive he's been in a long time. And there were a couple of headlines of him. First of all,

he's saying he would have won. He never should have stepped aside. This is according, I think it was the Washington Post. My team will correct me. I think it was WAPO. Anyway, yeah, it was WAPO saying I would have won. I shouldn't have stepped aside. That was mistaken. But in the meantime, in his final days, he is doing everything possible to thwart the Trump agenda, from striking this deal with certain workers that they can work from home interminably, to now making it impossible for us to do drilling for

pretty much off of the entire East Coast. And Trump tried to undo Barack Obama's attempt to do that to him when he took over. Trump took over in 16 and Barack Obama had tried to do this. And Trump tried to undo it by executive order. It was challenged in the course and Trump lost. So there is a better than average chance that Joe Biden's moves will hold.

Meanwhile, Trump ran on drill, baby, drill. The American people voted for this. And Joe Biden with his or maybe it's Joe Biden. Maybe it's not Joe. But who knows who's making these decisions? Ben is doing everything within his power to thwart the wall, to stop the return of the federal workforce to D.C. And this is the latest on drilling offshore.

So I actually don't think it's going to work. And the reason I don't think it's going to work is in the interim, since Trump was in office, there was an overruling of Chevron deference, which means that administrative decisions that are overruled, but you know, they kind of get caught up in this, this internal procedure now will go before the judiciary. So it's, it may be that the doctrine has changed in the meantime. So maybe Trump actually has a shot at reversing this in a way he didn't back in 2019, whatever the case, it is very clear who Joe Biden is right now that all the, everything has been sort of,

All the chains have been unleashed. Right. He is he is free and he's running naked through the streets and all of his horrifying glory. And it's terrible. I mean, in every way, from the drilling to the pardons of the of the murderers to whatever he's going to do on foreign policy, which I think is going to be quite bad in his last couple of weeks. I mean, we are blessed that he is leaving office and we are blessed that his party will have no power. Thank God for the American people, man, because that bleep needs to go.

And will, will. I mean, even Kamala Harris today is out there like, I will certify the results, unlike that loser who refused to do it. It's these two. I can't wait to see them leave Washington. I really can't wait. It's going to be a joy. Ben, I'm sorry, however, to see you go. It's a pleasure to see you, my friend. Great to see you. Happy New Year.

You too. All right. We're going to stay on Joe Biden when Glenn Greenwald, the number one guest, the most frequent guest on The Megyn Kelly Show, joins us next. Did you know that American homeowners nationwide have over $32 trillion in equity and cyber criminals are targeting it? With a growing scam, the FBI calls house stealing.

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Hey, it's Tucker Carlson. We are proud to provide a venue for Oliver Stone's son, Sean, who's a friend of ours and also a filmmaker. His latest documentary series called All the President's Men, it's a multi-part series,

in which he explains in vivid detail how the first Trump administration, 2016 to 2020, was subverted from the very first day by the deep state who picked off one by one members of the then president's inner circle. And some of them are still on the scene. You will see in-depth interviews with, for example, Kash Patel,

who is the incoming president's new FBI director with Mike Flynn and many other people you know whose whole stories you may not have heard before. It's an amazing series, All the President's Men by Sean Stone, playing right now on We're proud to have it. We think you'll like it. Joining me now, the very first guest ever on The Megyn Kelly Show back in September 2020.

Soon we'll be at our fifth year anniversary and one of the most frequent Glenn Greenwald, host of Rumble's System Update. Glenn, happy new year. Great to see you. Oh, and happy January 6th. Happy new year to you. Yes, we call that insurrection day in our household. I forgot that I was your first guest and I called myself the godfather of this program for some time, but you grew a lot and I figured that title was no more inappropriate. But yeah, it's always great to be back.

It's amazing. The January 6th thing. And, and, you know, right on brand as we head into January 6th, who gets honored, uh,

by President Biden, not with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but with one step down, like the commendation, one under. But Liz Cheney, because what did the Democrats love more than the Cheneys? This is, you know, I think it's important to sometimes underscore how amazing it really is for people who may not have been involved in politics 20 years ago, who weren't paying a lot of attention, who were too young to have lived through it.

The policies that Dick Cheney stood for, that Liz Cheney by his side was a vocal advocate of and continues to this very day to justify, not just the invasion of Iraq, but that to Guantanamo, due process free imprisonment, kidnapping people off the streets of Europe, torture, CIA black sites. These things were regarded at the time for years as one of the greatest evils in American history by liberals and Democrats. They were calling these people Nazis and war criminals. And to be honest, I was among them.

So to watch the commendation not just be about Liz Cheney's heroic role on the January 6th committee, but Biden said 20 years of service in defense of dignity, freedom and decency when she's a symbol of these policies that they said at least as bad about as they say of Trump now is just so indicative of how Democratic Party politics has become so craven and empty.

It's really, I mean, it's pretty galling. And of course, it's just they just want to call attention to January 6th and they continue trying to sell it as the new 9-11. And the American public is just not buying it, no matter how many dark Brandon's speeches we have, how many attempts to declare Trump an insurrectionist and keep him off the ballot we have, or how many presidential medals we have given to. I mean, nobody pays attention to these civilian medals.

It's like Anna Wintour was given him like, what, how does she get? And I think she got the one higher than Liz Cheney, by the way, there's somebody, yes, I have this here in my packet. Um, somebody is upset. Some leftists is upset that, uh, Liz Cheney didn't get what Anna Wintour got. It's a CNN medical analyst. Jonathan Reiner says, so Biden awarded Liz Cheney a lesser recognition than Anna Wintour, Denzel Washington, and Bill Nye, the science guy.

indefensible. This is the Presidential Medal of Freedom. No public figure has demonstrated courage in the defense of freedom more than Liz Glenn.

There's so many things to say about that. I honestly don't know where to start. But first of all, just as an aside, because you brought it up, the reason Anna Wintour, the editor in chief of Vogue, got that award is because she refused to put Melania on the cover of Vogue like the first time in years that a first lady hasn't been on there, but put Jill Biden on there twice. So she has made her political affinities very clear. And of course, the Biden administration loves her for that.

Okay. We just went through a campaign where Kamala Harris effectively made Liz Cheney her running mate, dragging her all throughout the Midwest as though disaffected, you know, working class people were yearning for a return of the nobility of the Cheneys as if that's what they were craving. And look, I have Liz Cheney here and look, I'm going to bring, go to Michigan and remind all of you, the Muslim voters that I need that I have Dick Cheney's daughter with me too. Remember them? Yeah.

And it failed. Not only did it fail in terms of Liz Cheney, I think the broader point failed of trying to

can't tell Americans that ideology doesn't matter, economics doesn't matter, culture doesn't matter. All that matters is our conception of democracy. And remember January 6th and it was, nobody cares, nobody cares. This is not what people think. It was a three hour riot that was easily subdued. It had about a thousand Trump supporters at most. Two of them dropped out of a heart attack, one of them from an overdose. These were not trained militias. Nobody wielded a gun.

To continue to try and squeeze the stone after they just got crushed doing it January 6th, Insurrection, Liz Cheney. They're just so out of ideas that it's almost like they don't even internalize the rejection that they just experienced.

So when Joe Biden gave Liz Cheney the award, as there always is when it's Joe Biden and a woman, any woman could be Betsy DeVos, who came on my show a couple of years ago to say that she was in a wheelchair after having hurt her leg. And he basically me to her forehead. I don't I don't understand exactly what had happened to the little girls whose hair he sniffs.

To Liz Cheney, Joe Biden doesn't know when to let go of any female in his presence. In this video here, you'll see he's got her by the hand. She's kind of like, give me my award. Okay, I've got the award. She tries to pull away. He won't let go. He's like, oh my God.

to the hand. At one point, she actually does roll her eyes. She still doesn't have the award. He's still holding onto it. And I don't know exactly what's going on here, Glenn, but it's probably further evidence of the president's decline. I'm just going to give you one more on the back of that one. Last night, he gave an interview. Well, he didn't give an interview. He's caught at the White House

On camera, speaking to reporters, this is from Fox News. We went back to look at the original to see what led to this moment. What was it, a question about Debbie Murphy? Somebody asked him a question about what? Oh, asked him about Trump's plan to end birthright citizenship. OK, that was the question that preceded the outburst. You will hear from Joe Biden right here. Listen.

Wait, what? So what's happening there, Glenn?

I just, I'm almost hesitant to say it because, you know, we all have this experience, I think, where somebody in our family or somebody beloved by someone close to us ends up in like the last stages of their life. They're, you know, experiencing various forms of dementia. They go into nursing homes. You talk to any caregiver in a nursing home and they will tell you that male patients in particular, as they get older, they start doing very inappropriate things. They lose sense of their boundaries.

But also they just don't,

you can't follow a conversation any longer. And they get very grumpy at the same time, like almost aggressive. That was like, I mean, I would have been concerned for my physical safety if I had been in the vicinity of Joe Biden when he was speaking that way, because actually that dementia can make people very physically powerful. True. Megan, I was going to talk about how the lies that the media told about January 6th, like Brian Sicknick being bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher, all that, all those lies that they told. I think it's really worth pausing.

that if Joe Biden had been reelected, as a lot of them wanted him to do, as the Democratic Party was intending for him to be, he would have four more years in this state. Four more years. He's 82. He would go to 86. He already doesn't know where he is. He has no compartmental self-control. He doesn't understand what's being said to him. And the media and Democrats have spent not just years, but even more so over the last 12 months heading into the election,

vehemently insisting that Joe Biden has never been sharper, that he's smarter than everybody in the room, that he's whip smart and detailed focus. And they continue to say it. Simone Sanders said it. Chuck Schumer was saying it just a few months ago. The lie that they told about Joe Biden's mental capacity when they thought they needed him to be reelected is such a foundational lie to our democracy. And so many of them were complicit in it.

And yet we had ready as we went to break a politifact saying the lie of the year was Trump's they're eating the dogs. They're eating the pets. That was the lie of the year, not Joe Biden's fine and can totally do a second term. It was what a joke. You mentioned a couple of media defenses of Joe Biden's mental acuity. We've got some of that. Here's Simone Sanders on meet the press on Sunday.

I was very surprised that when you asked the question about mental acuity, he didn't more forcefully push back. The question on the table is, is the president all the way there? And the answer is unequivocally yes. Democrats in November to try to tell the American people something they could see with their own eyes wasn't true. But it's not true that the president doesn't have the mental acuity. Really? She was referring to Chuck Schumer there.

which I'll just play to before I toss it to you, Glenn. Kristen Welker, the moderator, confronted Chuck Schumer over the many lies he told about Biden being a superhero behind the scenes. You know, if only we could see him the way Schumer sees him. He's you know, he's an Einstein ready to do rhetorical battle with anybody at any point. Here he here she is confronting Schumer on it. I want to play you a little bit of something you said last year. Take a look.

I talked to President Biden regularly, or sometimes several times in a week, or usually several times in a week. His mental acuity is great, it's fine, it's as good as it's been over the years. All this right wing propaganda that his mental acuity has declined is wrong. Leader Schumer, what do you say to Americans who feel as though you and other top Democrats misled them about President Biden's mental acuity?

Look, we didn't and let's look at President Biden. He's had an amazing record. He's a patriot. He's a great guy. And when he stepped down, he did it on his own because he thought it was better not only for the Democratic Party for America. We should all salute him. We should all salute him. Do you feel as we have this conversation today that President Biden could serve another four years had he stayed in the race and potentially won?

Well, I'm not going to speculate. As I said, I think his record is a stellar one and he'll go down in history as a really outstanding president. So he doesn't answer. He's a great guy. He's a patriot. That does not speak to whether he has the mental acuity to do another four years, never mind complete the existing four.

Also, they're still lying. They're still lying. The idea that Joe Biden so patriotically and selflessly decided he was going to step down because it was for the good of the country. He was infuriated that they were forcing him to step down. They threatened him with the 25th Amendment. Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama were calling every day.

and intensifying their threats. Nancy Pelosi said we can do this the easy way or the hard way. He's enraged and bitter to this day that they forced him to leave the race. He didn't selflessly do anything, let alone decide he didn't want to run for re-election. The other part of it though, Megan, is there obviously have been times when the media has lied to the public about the war in Vietnam or Iraq

or Russiagate, all Hunter Biden's laptop. And those were instances where the public had no way of knowing what the truth was. They had no way of knowing that they were being lied to. The amazing thing about this case is that if you look at public polling data, going back to 2020, 2021,

The public knew that Joe Biden was cognitively declining. They knew he was cognitively unfit for the presidency. The media pretended over and over that it was a lie. And until the debate happened when they couldn't hide it anymore and they all had to pretend, oh my God, we can't believe it. It turns out Joe Biden doesn't seem like he's all there. And the amazing part about that is when George Clooney wrote that op-ed that ended up being a significant catalyst to forcing Joe Biden out, which is

the weird into itself. But when George Clooney wrote that, he said when he decided that this has to happen was at that fundraiser they did where Barack Obama led him off the stage. And he said that Joe Biden was a Joe Biden I had never seen before.

At the time, everybody else noticed that. They said, look, Joe Biden doesn't even know where he is. Obama has to walk him off the stage. The Washington Post, the New York Times, in conjunction with the White House, collaborated to say this was disinformation, right-wing cheap fakes. In other words, they were showing the correct video but lying about it. And then George Clooney comes out and says, yeah, at that event, he wasn't there. And none of these media outlets have remotely accounted for what it is that they did.

No. And by the way, Kristen Welker is equally guilty because there's a clip of her post the June debate, post the meltdown, defending Biden's mental acuity when she was interviewing Doug Burgum, who was raising serious questions about it. Here's that.

I mean, the nation, we keep talking about elections. We're at a greater national security risk today than we were on Thursday because the commander in chief showed that he's not capable of serving. Well, there's not proof of that. But Governor, let me just ask you about the debate and a little bit more of what we saw. By one count, Donald Trump made more than 30 false claims during that debate. Look at that, Glenn.

She won't. She interrupts him. She won't let him back up his point. She claims there's no proof that he doesn't have the mental acuity to be president. This is days after that disastrous debate that would wind up causing him to lose massive support and wind up having to go. And then she what is she? Why? What is so pressing that she needs to move on to? Oh, Trump told 30 lies.

First of all, if you watch her interviews, like her series of interviews, and she took over Meet the Press, and it's not like Chuck Todd was any better, maybe just a little smoother, a little more subtle about it because he'd been on for so long. She

She, every time she interviews a Trump supporter, every time, that's what she does. She interrupts to try and imply that what's being said is too false to even allow it to be on the air. She constantly debates the person she's debating after they say something by saying there's no evidence for it. She then wants to pivot to show how aggressive she is on behalf of the Democrats. She has never, ever interviewed

a Democratic Party politician that way ever, where she's constantly interrupting, explicitly saying they're lying, just like those moderators at ABC News did, where they never fact-checked Kamala or anything she said, despite the multiple lies they only gave to Trump. And then in this case, again, I have to say the fact that that was after the debate, every American of any kind of political stripe who is being remotely honest saw with their own eyes, not for the first time, that Joe Biden was not just cognitively declined, but cognitively crippled

And then they're sitting there saying there's no evidence for that. And then they turn around and wonder, why is nobody listening to us? Why is everybody turning us off? Why does everybody distrust us? And they complain about this endlessly. The fact that, oh, there are these other podcasts and independent media that people turn to and they're so angry about it. They think it's so dangerous that no one listens to them anymore. They never look inward. She should just look at that one interview she did, just that one. And the answer lies right in there. Right. So, so flagrantly.

Meanwhile, over at CBS, there is one woman, Jan Crawford Greenberg, who, or maybe she's just Jan Crawford now. I think she may have gotten a divorce. In any event, she stands as a beacon of reason, or at least attempted in this case, when the subject comes up on her network of what the most underreported story of 2024 was. It's interesting because she just had a situation where she took on her network and

in a tape that was leaked when Tony Docapool kind of went after

uh, Ta-Nehisi Coates, right. Who, who had spent 10 days in Israel and declared himself an expert and wrote a book about it, which I feel like you should spend more than 10 days there before you write it. Anyway, um, the, the anchor got a ton of blowback and like disciplined. And she stood up in this meeting to say, what are, what's our process? Because you had one guy coming on with one POV and he challenged him with a different POV. And isn't that called journalism? Anyway, here she is again,

on what actually was the most underreported story. Undercovered, underreported. That would be to me, Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate. At the presidential debate with Trump. Unquestioned. And it's starting to emerge now that his advisors kind of managed his limitations.

It's been reported in the Wall Street Journal for four years, and yet he insisted that he could still run for president. We should have much more forcefully questioned whether he was fit for office for another four years, which could have led to a primary for the Democrats. It could have changed the scope of the entire election.

But still, incredibly, we read in the Washington Post that his advisors are saying that he regrets that he dropped out of the race, that he thinks he could have beaten Trump. And I think that is either delusional or they're gaslighting- President Biden- What do you make of that, Glenn?

Well, just add one thing, like on what you said with that interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates, even going back to Kirsten Walker's interview of Doug Burgum. I actually think that journalists should be adversarial when they're interviewing people that way.

The problem is they have to be adversarial to everybody. That's supposed to be the role. People with influence, people who move them on. And if you're only adversarial when one view is being expressed but not the other, that's when questions arise. That's your agenda. I bring this up every time, not to praise you, but just because it's true. Like, I remember back in 2014, 2015, when I didn't even know you. Yeah.

And I there was a political profile of you. And that's one of the things I said about you is like, just take a look at how she interviews Republican politicians. I know you love DeSantis during the campaign, but interviewed him extremely aggressively because that's your job. And the problem is so often they don't do that job. They do it only for politicized ends, not journalistic ones. As for the whole we should have covered this more. She's, of course, right.

But I think there needed to be a discussion because it's a little bit easy to say now about why wasn't there more coverage of that? There were a couple of reporters who were trying, like Alex Thompson at Axios. He was- Oh, sorry, Axios. Yeah, one of them. I know you might as well just confuse them. They're the same. But yeah, Alex Thompson, I think he's at Axios now. He was at Politico. He was on this for a long time. And the problem was, I was thinking about this when I was listening to Kristen Walker, too.

is if you're one of those journalists who deviates just a little bit, if you're in corporate media and television, in the op-ed page of the New York Times Washington Post, and you deviate just a little bit, you actually do start asking those questions.

you get mobbed, attacked by the people who you think matter, namely liberals. And it's a very aggressive and effective form of discipline to say, if you do do your job, we are going to spend three days on Twitter, demonizing you, attacking you, trying to ruin your reputation. And no one wants that.

And so they get into this mindset of, oh, I better perform the way everybody expects me to perform, which is tell anyone defending Trump that they're lying, interrupt them, say we can't have those lies on the air and then switch to defending Biden. And so much of that dynamic was about that. So I'm glad Jan Crawford said that. But I think they needed some self-reflection. Like, why was that so uncovered?

Mm hmm. Now they're closer to doing it than ever because they lost. So now you can see they're genuinely thinking, OK, some some sincere soul searching might be in order so that we don't lose again. It's not so that they can save their reputations or do good journalism, Glenn. Yeah. I mean, it's so easy to dump on Joe Biden now because Joe Biden is never going to run again. No one needs him anymore for anything.

And ever since he was forced out of the race, they kind of started turning on him. But here's the thing. Kamala Harris as vice president was not only one of the closest people to Joe Biden, at least in theory. I mean, she met with him all the time, that's for sure. But she also has a constitutional duty as vice president. There's the 25th Amendment.

To alert people, if the person who has all this power, who's running the executive branch, who's the commander in chief of the armed forces, isn't capable of doing the job. And not only didn't she do that, she was one of the most overt liars in defending Joe Biden before he dropped out, insisting that he was sharp as a tack and all of that.

Why isn't there, if this is a genuine sort of let's figure out what we did wrong kind of moment, simply attacking Joe Biden is really kind of pointless. And even sort of saying, hey, we have to figure out what to avoid next time getting caught. That's even worse. I mean, Kamala Harris is probably going to run for governor. She's talking about running for president again. She bears a lot of accountability for perpetuating this. And this is not a trivial lie. This is fundamental to our democracy, right?

And you don't see any accountability trying to be brought to her by these journalists because she's still valuable to them. Kamala Harris didn't even know what the 25th Amendment was. I got dollars to donuts. She probably thought it was the rental car policy that requires you to be 25 years old before you can rent a car. This woman was out there, couldn't even lead the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance a couple of days. She doesn't even know anything.

The pledge, or she says it so infrequently she forgot it in the moment. I'm sorry, but it was ridiculous. Here's that moment. Join me in pledging allegiance to our flag. I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the...

To the flag, to the flag. It's what kids used to say every day, at least in elementary school, including yours truly. And my little guy in his elementary school did too. But Kamala Harris, I don't know. I guess they didn't do that out in Canada where she was raised. You know, Megan, I think

And this is like kind of an intangible, but I think one of the biggest problems with Kamala Harris as a politician is that she was constantly petrified of saying something that would bring embarrassment to her. And that insecurity generally comes from a lack of knowledge. You know, if you're supposed to know about something, but you don't, you want to be as vague as possible. She spent her entire life until she got to the Senate, you know, six months ago,

doing, you know, law. She was a lawyer. She was a prosecutor. Totally perfect profession, you know,

Nothing to be embarrassed about with that. All she knew, though, all she really knows is the law. She knows criminal law. She knows how to prosecute, or at least she knows about prosecution. She never thought about, studied, and got involved with foreign policy, economic policy, immigration policy, securing the root causes in Central America of instability and poverty in those countries, the things that she was supposed to be able to speak on. And she knew she was a fraud. That's why for

three years, we never heard from her except in the most scripted ways. And they tried to confine her that way during the debate, during the election too. Remember when she wouldn't even sit down with a reporter for so long and then she finally didn't. It was like the friendliest reporters and her worst moments were often with the friendliest reporters like on Stephen Colbert and The View when she's like, I wouldn't be different than Joe Biden at all. I can't think of anything that I would have done differently. She's a terrible politician. She knows almost nothing.

And the entire attempt to foist her on the country with no votes, no debates, no democracy was at least as bad as what the media did in concealing Joe Biden's mental decline. Well, that's an interesting question. Which is the bigger lie that Joe Biden was competent for the job or that Kamala Harris was? You go back and look at how Kamala Harris was talked about all the way up until the time that she was bequeathed to us by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama.

She was a national joke. There were all these stories in liberal outlets like she was firing her staff constantly. She had no role to play. Everything she did turned to crap. She was not trusted to do anything. She was never considered. She ran for president once before and dropped out before the first vote was counted, was counted despite having every vote.

Structural advantage, massive cash from California where she comes from, a huge campaign structure. She was a historic figure as a black woman, so the media loved her. She had every conceivable advantage, but she was such a terrible politician, she couldn't even make it to Iowa. And then suddenly we were supposed to be told and she was chosen by Joe Biden because he had promised to choose a black woman for his vice presidency. That's the reality, and only had two or three choices, none of which were particularly good.

And that is the truth. And the media on a dime, Megan turned around and tried to convince us that she was like this historic pioneer, this generational political talent who was going to inspire young Americans and come out to droves and crush Donald Trump once and for all. The whole thing was a fraud. It was a complete fraud. It lasted about three weeks. And then the whole house came crashing down because it was built on no foundation. Yeah.

Yeah. Just like her accents were a fraud. We gone win. We gone win. Have you not decency, man? It was just so fake. I don't know. I'm asking myself that same question, which is the bigger lie that he was competent to do the job or that she was? God, they're tied because Joe Biden

was totally incompetent. He did not have the mental acuity. He still doesn't. And he's still president right now. I certainly couldn't do a second term. And she, I mean, in my lifetime, she's the biggest moron to ever run for president or vice president ever. And that became more and more obvious day after day.

And the reality is that Joe Biden knew that, which is one of the reasons why he was so determined not to drop out. And I don't blame him for on some level thinking that he would have been the better candidate because it's hard to imagine how somebody could have been worse.

And on top of, you know, I mean, he's at least proven over 50 years that he is a adept politician. He knows how to win elections. You know, in 2020, he won. He was in the Senate for one for vice president. Yeah. It's like even with his brain melting, there's still like a part of him that you just kind of like you wind him up and he's like, hey, I'm Scranton Joe.

And it's like an instinct that she completely lacks. So I almost understand his his bitterness. But the Democratic Party was in a huge bind because they knew she was not even close to their strongest candidate. The problem was, had they chosen Gavin Newsom or Josh Shapiro or even Gretchen Whitmer, there were a lot of people on the base of the party on whom they rely who would have said, how dare you pass the black woman by?

who was elected, who was at your side, who was next in line and choose a white man or a white candidate instead. And the identity politics framework that they created that they thought would help them has become their Frankenstein. And they were trapped. They could not. They were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. And they hope that the media would be able to create enough of a fraud that it would lift her and hide her flaws. And it just didn't come close to working.

Hmm. It's amazing to thank God that American people saw right through it. Now they saw through most of the media lies. I have to say, that's why Trump won, but it wasn't for lack of trying on the media's part to mislead them. And Grabian who does these great mashups put together some of the lies that we saw from the media leading up to the election. And just in 2024, we've only cut a minute soundbite. This could go on, but here's a sampling. Look at this. It's not nine.

It's a growing and insidious trend in right-wing media, broadcast, print, and social media. It is to take highly misleading and selectively edited videos and then use those videos to spread messages virally to cast doubt on President Biden's fitness for office. Tim Walz beats America. You know, honks like a regular person. Tim Walz is the opposite of weird. A happy warrior, a folksy backstory. A wicked sense of humor. Look how happy the pig looks. Yeah.

It's hard to believe that J.D. Vance could be any more extreme. It's like a freak show of bros. Dark and ugly. Beneath the dignity of most politicians. J.V. Vance. J.D. is at the far extreme. The most extreme. Being one of the most extreme. Angry and mean and dark. This guy is really weird, y'all. Our current president of the United States.

has so much respect for the law that he has said he would not pardon his son. And Joe Biden has very clearly said he would not pardon his son, he would not commute his sentence. How can Republicans keep making this argument now that Joe Biden has really put it out there? This version of Biden is the best Biden ever.

That is amazing. What a great montage of the lying, the lying they did, because every one of those, I believe they knew they were lying. You know,

I want to despite how much I criticize media and journalists, or if you want to call them that journalists, if you're being very generous, I actually believe in journalism a lot. Like a lot of times I'm criticizing it because I want us as a country to have good journalism. It's absolutely crucial. And one of the things that.

sickens me the most when I listen to montages like that. The lying is very apparent. It's the herd behavior. They read from scripts. I don't mean this metaphorically. I believe they get literal scripts. You know, like two weeks ago when Elon Musk spoke out against the spending bill, Elon Musk

And it ended up being sabotage. And you saw this coordinated effort by the Democrats to call Elon Musk the president to try and drive a wedge between him and Trump, which was so obvious. Go look at how many Democratic politicians, how many people in media did that overnight. They all copy one another. They speak to one another first. They pick up on each other's language cues. There's no individuality. It's supposed to be like a profession of iconoclasts, iconoclastic politicians.

you know, adversarial spirit. And there's none of that. So not only are there all lies in that montage that you showed, it's all so redundant. You turn on any one of those channels, you read any of their op eds, they're all saying exactly the same thing. It's coordinated lying on top of just lying. Mm-hmm exactly right. That's why that weird thing about JD Vance caught fire because they all loved it so much. It got for Tim walls, the nomination, which was great as it turns out for the Republican ticket.

And once again, proves that they they just don't have the power anymore. The American public sees through these lies. They knew Tim Walz was the weird one. J.D. Vance is not weird at all. He's actually quite normal, which is one of his best selling points. Now, that's the Democrat Party. The Republican Party does not and has not for a long time marched in lockstep

They are like the big Italian family that airs its grievances very publicly. And that brings me to Elon Musk versus Steve Bannon, which we will cover right after this quick commercial break. More with Glenn coming up after this. Here is a shocking truth about New Year's resolutions. Whether you want to lose weight, improve your energy, or beat that embarrassing post-meal bloat, nothing works if your gut isn't healthy first. The

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I'm Megyn Kelly, host of The Megyn Kelly Show on Sirius XM. It's your home for open, honest, and provocative conversations with the most interesting and important political, legal, and cultural figures today. You can catch The Megyn Kelly Show on Triumph, a Sirius XM channel featuring lots of hosts you may know and probably love. Great people like Dr. Laura, Glenn Beck, Nancy Grace, Dave

We'll be right back.

Go to slash MK show to subscribe and get three months free. That's slash MK show and get three months free. Offer details apply. Glenn, I mentioned this with Ben Shapiro, but there was an intraparty fight that erupted over the past two weeks when it comes to H-1B visas, which allow foreign workers to come over to the United States and work here. And, um,

It was Musk and Vivek versus Steve Bannon and some core MAGA or working class supporters, too, on whether these are a good thing or a bad thing. Trump ultimately sided with Elon, but it kind of emerged after the weird Vivek tweet into more of a fight between Elon and Bannon. Those two, I mean, behemoths doing rhetorical battle. And here's just an example of what Bannon said earlier.

to Elon Musk on Bannon's show, you know, not directly, but into the ether. It's not 21. You need to study modern political history of the fights we've been through for 12 or 14 years to get to this spot. We're not having group hugs. We're not having pats on the head. I've said many times that Elon came and Elon's money helped organize the grassroots of it. In his engineering mind, he saw what the problem was as we saw it and he supported it.

And for that, he gets a place at the table. There's no doubt you should. They're recent converts, but the converts sit in the back and study for years and years and years to make sure you understand the faith. Don't come up and go to the pulpit in your first week here and start lecturing people about the way things are going to be. If you're going to do that, we're going to get and we're going to rip your face off.

Oh boy. Elon had tweeted. I don't know that this was directly to Steve Bannon, but had tweeted the reason I'm in America, along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla, and hundreds of other companies that make that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and fuck yourself in the face.

I will go to war on this issue, the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend. So I mean, two extremely strong messages from two extremely strong messengers, both close to Trump, both within the GOP. Your take on it? I think it's very healthy, despite, obviously, that political rhetoric sometimes gets overheated. That's just the nature of people fighting about things that they strongly believe in.

When I, you know, the reason I got interested in the Trump movement in 2016, I'd never found Republican politics interesting before that, to be perfectly honest. It was the Republican Party of George Bush and John McCain and Mitt Romney. It was very predictable, very kind of stayed very pro-establishment.

was because Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign, which remember was architected by Steve Bannon. Bannon's vision was to cleanse not just Washington or the Democratic Party, but the Republican Party of a lot of its most central sacred orthodoxies. Steve Bannon's plan for Donald Trump, as soon as he got into office, was to raise taxes on the largest corporations and the richest.

use that money for a bipartisan infrastructure deal that would renew America and put people back to work. And then number three, bargain with that to get funding for the wall. That was Steve Bannon's nationalistic populist vision. He ended up losing a power struggle to Jared Kushner, a much more kind of traditional Republican. And the first Bush administration, uh, uh,

The Trump administration ended up doing things like cutting corporate taxes and the like. But that was the ethos out of which the MAGA movement began. It's the reason why they hated Jeb Bush and the Bush family and those Republican lobbyists and why Trump was able to mow one of them down after the next despite all Republican establishment money behind everyone except him.

And this conflict that absolutely still exists, there are a lot of people who are very, very wealthy, who see themselves as citizens of the world, who are part of these gigantic corporations. Elon does business in a lot of places with Tesla, like China and India.

They have a very different worldview than the nationalist populist who got behind Steve Bannon and whose vision is very, very different on things like immigration. And you see this playing out and you're going to absolutely see it playing out. And it's so ironic, Megan, because you ask any liberal and they'll say, oh, the MAGA movement, conservatives, they're a leader worshiping cult. Everybody is told what to do. They get into line behind Trump. That's such projection. That's what the Democratic Party has become. The

But it's not any longer. It's a party of lockstep adherence. All the action of ideological conflict and vibrancy and political debate is on the right.

It's so funny to watch like Bannon, you got to hand it to him, has a way of condensing the issue. Like converts sit in the back and then Elon not wanting to be trifled with, with the fuck your face. I will die on this hill. Like it's, it's on, it's going to be a dramatic and fun and consequential, hugely consequential four years. Um, quick sojourn back to, um, January 6th day.

Uh, they just did certify the electoral court college results without a single objection. Uh, the joint session took roughly 30 minutes and Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. Yay. On January 20th of this month. Um, not everyone's happy about it and many people would like us to be more focused on the insurrection.

that he personally unleashed, if you ask them. As we discussed earlier, they think it's as bad as the Holocaust, and you don't have to take my word for it. Here is Sonny Hostin of The View. January 6th was an atrocity. It was one of the worst moments in American history.

When you think about the worst moments in American history, like World War II, things that happened, like the Holocaust, chattel slavery. Yeah, the January 6th is right up there next to the Holocaust and slavery, Glenn.

Just imagine how demented you have to be to believe that. But I can go back and show you right around January 6th, I'm sure you covered it, for a year or two after at least, most Democrats were comparing it to Pearl Harbor and 9-11, saying this was the worst attack ever.

I mean, this is such insane desperation. This is the sort of thing you do when you don't have anything to offer and you just hope by being as melodramatic as possible that Americans are going to side with you. And I mean, imagine what it's like, Megan, to wake up every day, go into their jobs. Remember all the way up until the election, the main theme was Trump is Hitler. Trump's generals called him fascist.

I, you know, all that he wants to put Liz Cheney in front of a firing squad. Is he going to be a dictator on day one? Imagine saying those things over and over and over and nobody listens. Trump crushes the Democrats and you have to confront your own impotence, your own pointlessness. The fact that nobody trusts you any longer, they're fighting it. They're not, I'm not saying they're engaged in self-reflection, but deep down they know how discredited and pathetic they are. And they brought it all upon themselves with things like this.

So that reminds me that last night Hollywood held the Golden Globes and the comedian who was the host, forgive me, I can't remember her name right now. Nikki Glaser. She started, okay, yeah, she started with a remark that was on point to the effect of there's so many powerful people here, there's absolutely nothing you could do except elect a president, which was good, correct, because everyone in that room probably voted for Kamala Harris.

And the one thing I wanted to raise with you was I didn't tweet a lot while I was on my vacation. I wanted to spend my time with my family. You know, I really, really try. I stay up on the news, but I try not to tweet or get too into it just because, you know, then it blows up in like a Twitter thing that's distracting and you're thinking about it. And I didn't want to be thinking about that. I wanted to be thinking about my kids and the mountain. Okay. So, um, but I did send a tweet out, uh, Sunday night, uh,

Right. Sunday night or Saturday night, because I made the mistake of watching the movie Conclave. And I blame my husband, Doug, who said, let's watch the movie Conclave. That's really all he did. But we thought it was it was billed as a thriller.

involving the Vatican and the process of selecting a new Pope. So that sounded kind of good. I'm into thrillers. I love thrillers actually. And I thought maybe there'd be like a murder and you have to figure out who done it or, you know, I, whatever in no world. And yes, I am about to offer the spoiler of this movie. And I hope you don't care because I hope you don't watch it

In no world did I predict that the big twist was they would elect a new pope. The whole thing is about the process of electing a new pope who is intersex, who is purportedly a man, but has female reproductive organs. That's the big twist at the end. The truth is, there simply was no reason to think I was physically different from the other young men. Then in my late 30s,

I had a surgery to remove my appendix. And that was when the doctors discovered that I had a uterus and ovaries. Some would say my chromosomes would define me as being a woman. And yet I'm also, as you see me,

And along the way, every single cardinal you meet in the Catholic church is disgusting, except for, but not really even except for the one liberal guy from America who's like pushing for more women in the church and a bigger role for women. But he turns out to be pretty craven too. They're all gross. And then the

The only one who has any virtue is the one who's secretly a woman. And then maybe Ray Fines, who plays the cardinal shepherding the process, who then allows said intersex pope to become pope without telling anybody.

And I tweeted out that this was disgusting, that it was anti-Catholic, that I was offended, repulsed by what I saw. And then somebody asked the screenwriter, who was based on a book written a few years ago, the screenwriter, Peter Straughan, about my criticism, apparently, last night at the Globes, saying she called it, me, anti-Catholic. And he, quote, rejected my claim and

I don't think it is. I was brought up Catholic. Some of my best friends are Catholic. He says, I was brought up Catholic. I was an altar boy. Well, Peter Straughan, those days are obviously long gone. And he says, I think the core message of Conclave is about the church always having to re-find its spiritual core because it deals with so much powerlessness.

I don't believe that at all. It's not about having to re-find its spiritual core. It was an attempt to embarrass and humiliate Catholics.

And I get it. I understand that the Catholic Church has had its problems, Glenn, but I'm sick of this bullshit because they always do this, whether it's Catholics or Christians. There is one religion that they love to mock, smear, and belittle. And if you look at all the times that they've mocked, smeared, and belittled religions, Catholicism and Christians would be at the very, very top. And there's not a second close contender there.

And it's reflected in the write-ups of the movie. Like Variety's Peter DeBruge calls this movie one of the most satisfying twists in years. And that's what we're talking about. A Hail Mary that both surprises and restores one's faith.

Maybe not everyone's, but certainly that of the disillusioned. Vulture's film critic calls it sinfully entertaining. They love to see the Catholics humiliated. A film like this would never, never be made about Islam or Muslims. Or Judaism. So let me just, this is the thing. Yeah, so exactly. So this goes back to what we were talking about before about journalists and interviewing people adversarially.

If you see someone doing it to everyone, you can say, okay, that's what they do. That's kind of an important function. I remember when the Charlie Hebdo murder happened in Paris and the idea was, no, we need to make sure that we retain the right to satirize everything, including Islam, including the things most sacred. That's a really important part of society.

The problem is that, especially in Hollywood, just like with these journalists, they don't do it to everybody. They're not satirists. They're not adversarial interviewers. They're highly politicized with an agenda that's constantly concealed, yet very, very apparent.

And Hollywood is one of those institutions in the United States that until very recently had been a very powerful and very popular that has basically collapsed. Nobody goes to these films any longer. Everything is very fragmented. You ask young people who they admire and who they think is most famous. It's not Hollywood star making and star makers anymore. It's people,

on the internet, it's YouTubers, it's podcasters. These are the people who they're following. And one of the reasons why Hollywood has lost so much of its cachet, I think the same is true for the media and so many of other institutions, is because they're constantly engaged in political advocacy, masquerading as culture, masquerading as journalism, masquerading as whatever, and they become increasingly transparent and people just don't trust them anymore. I didn't see the film, so I can't comment on that, but that is definitely an overall trend.

Don't bother. Don't bother. Because it's like Ray fine. They, I think they won for best screen, screen play, I think. And not, they didn't win the other awards, but Ray fines was up. Uh, Stanley Tucci's in it. John Lithgow, of course, you know, he's another one who's a far left guy. We made that clear in his portrayal of Roger Ailes and the bombshell movie and the interviews thereafter, which I paid attention to for obvious reasons. Um,

Um, it's ridiculous. And honestly, like I've said to my audience before, I have a very high threshold for offense. It's really hard to offend me. I guess I'm, I'm not saying I was offended. I didn't feel like deeply offended, but I was unsettled by what I saw. I w I, I was pissed. I just think that I'm sick of the Christian Catholic bashing by Hollywood. And it's one of the other reasons why I can't stand that entire industry. Glenn Greenwald. Thank you, my friend.

Always great to see you, Megan. Happy Insurrection Day.

You too. All right. Before we go, speaking of Hollywood, guess what? Tomorrow we have an exclusive interview with Brian Friedman, my lawyer, my friend, and the lawyer who is now representing Justin Baldoni in a massive lawsuit against the New York times around Blake lively and her allegations against Justin. All right. So she is claiming some things about Justin and

And the New York Times printed it like a stenographer. And now Justin, through Brian Friedman, is suing the New York Times. And Brian is here in an exclusive and explosive interview tomorrow. Don't miss that. Thanks for listening to The Megyn Kelly Show. No BS, no agenda, and no fear.