cover of episode EXCLUSIVE: Four Veterans Speak Out About Tim Walz's "Stolen Valor" and Truth About Retiring Before Iraq Deployment | Ep. 876

EXCLUSIVE: Four Veterans Speak Out About Tim Walz's "Stolen Valor" and Truth About Retiring Before Iraq Deployment | Ep. 876

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The Megyn Kelly Show

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Megyn Kelly
Paul Herr
Rodney Tao
Tom Behrens
Tom Schilling
Megyn Kelly: 本节目讨论了关于明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·沃尔兹的"窃取荣誉"指控,以及他在其国民警卫队部队部署到伊拉克之前选择退役的争议。许多与沃尔兹一起服役的退伍军人指控他夸大其军衔,并在其部队部署到伊拉克时抛弃了他的士兵。 Tom Behrens: 沃尔兹在2005年3月通过竞选活动发表声明,表明他知道部队即将部署到伊拉克,并表示他将竞选国会议员,无论是在明尼苏达州还是伊拉克。这表明沃尔兹在决定退役之前就已经知晓了部署计划。此外,高级领导层通常会提前知晓部署计划,沃尔兹作为领导层成员,不可能不知道。 Paul Herr: 沃尔兹曾向他和其他军士长承诺,他会与他的部队一起部署。沃尔兹的行为在道德上是不可原谅的,因为他作为一名士官长,本应激励士兵们,但他却抛弃了他们。沃尔兹为了自己的利益而撒谎,这让他非常愤怒,因为士兵们牺牲了自己的生命。 Rodney Tao: 沃尔兹抛弃了他的士兵,这是一种不道德的行为,因为他违背了照顾家庭的责任。沃尔兹的行为让他难以置信,他认为沃尔兹缺乏诚信。 Tom Schilling: 沃尔兹的借口是他在用不同的方式为国家服务,但他的行为是错误的,因为他抛弃了他的士兵。沃尔兹的行为给国民警卫队带来了耻辱。 Adam Smith: Adam Smith 对沃尔兹的指控进行了反驳,认为沃尔兹在收到正式部署通知之前就已经决定竞选国会议员,因此他的退役行为并非出于逃避部署。

Deep Dive

Megyn Kelly discusses the controversy surrounding Tim Walz's military service with four veterans who served alongside him in the National Guard. They raise questions about Walz's decision to retire just before his unit deployed to Iraq, his alleged inflation of military rank, and whether his actions constitute “stolen valor.”
  • Tim Walz retired from the National Guard just before his unit deployed to Iraq.
  • Walz is accused of inflating his military rank and claiming he served in combat when he did not.
  • Veterans who served with Walz question his integrity and commitment to his unit.
  • Walz's defenders claim his retirement was unrelated to the deployment and that the criticisms are politically motivated.

Shownotes Transcript

Megyn Kelly is joined by four veterans who served in the National Guard with Gov. Tim Walz and in his unit that deployed to Iraq, Tom Behrends, Paul Herr, Tom Schilling, and Rodney Tow, to talk about all the controversies surrounding the Democratic VP pick and his military service, why it matters when Walz retired just before his National Guard unit deployed to Iraq, why he had to know he was going to deploy before he retired, the relevance of his rank and his leadership role to how he abandoned his troops, what Walz told them at the time, his decision to run for Congress and whether that service counts, and why it matters Tim Walz has called himself a "retired command sergeant major" when he isn't one, the training that goes into retiring as a command sergeant major, the truth about Walz's public comments, the accusations that there's a political motive behind the veterans speaking out now, why Walz's motivations to portray himself as more decorated than he is are actually political, how Walz denigrated the National Guard with his "19-year-old cooks" comment, the truth about the National Guard and how incompetent Walz really is, how Walz' unit lost a 19-year-old in Iraq when Walz retired and left his men behind, what it means for Walz to potentially be one heartbeat away from the presidency, fear vs. bravery and Walz's wrong decision, why the veterans say Walz is a "coward" and "deserter," whether it's relevant that Donald Trump never served in the military, and more.

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