cover of episode Wilderness in the Age of Climate Change

Wilderness in the Age of Climate Change

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ayesha Rascoe
Christy Brigham
Marissa Ortega-Welch
Rene Voss
Ayesha Rascoe:近年来,由于长期压制火灾和气候变化的影响,西部的野火燃烧得更猛烈、更广泛,引发了人们对气候变化时代荒野意义的思考。 Marissa Ortega-Welch:气候变化正在挑战荒野的传统定义,因为这些区域不再完全不受人类影响,并且休闲活动也发生了改变。一场大火烧毁了世界上很大一部分巨型红杉树,引发了关于是否应该干预以拯救这些树木的争论。长期以来,为了保护房屋和木材,加州一直采取灭火策略,但这导致了更多的燃料积累,加剧了野火。尽管城堡大火是由自然原因(闪电)引起的,但其严重程度是人类活动(长期压制火灾和气候变化)造成的。气候变化正在影响地球的每个部分,即使是荒野地区,这使得对荒野的传统定义和人类干预的程度提出了挑战。 Christy Brigham:气候变化导致了前所未有的野火,这促使荒野土地管理者和科学家重新思考他们作为管理者的角色。 Andrew Bishop: 作为一名生态学家,Andrew Bishop 参与了对受损红杉林的实地考察和评估,提供了关于火灾影响和潜在恢复方法的第一手资料。 Steen Christensen:Steen Christensen 作为攀树团队的负责人,分享了收集红杉种子球果的经验,以及在受损地区进行恢复工作的挑战和意义。 Rene Voss:在荒野地区重新种植树木违反了荒野法案,因为这违背了让自然自行其是的原则。干预受气候变化影响的生态系统会开创一个危险的先例,可能会导致全国各地的土地管理者干预荒野地区。 Marissa Ortega-Welch:荒野的概念本身就存在问题,因为它忽略了土著居民长期以来对这些土地的居住和管理。欧洲殖民者到来之前,已经有成千上万的人居住在所谓的原始森林中,并对其进行管理,包括定期焚烧以创造栖息地。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a discussion about the increasing heat and wildfires, and how these events are impacting wilderness areas. It introduces the concept of wilderness and the challenges it faces due to climate change. The hosts raises questions about human intervention in wilderness areas.
  • Record high temperatures were recorded in several US cities.
  • Wildfires in the West are burning hotter and bigger due to fire suppression and climate change.
  • The episode explores the dilemma of human intervention in wilderness areas affected by climate change.

Shownotes Transcript

Wilderness is a designation of an area intended to be free from human intervention unless it's deemed absolutely necessary. But as climate change increases the frequency and severity of wildfires when does it become necessary for land stewards to intervene? In Sequoia National Park this question of whether or not to intervene has land managers and environmentalists at odds with one another. Host Ayesha Rascoe talks with reporter Marissa Ortega-Welch about her new podcast series How Wild. In a segment from the first episode Marissa asks: with increasing wildfires threatening giant sequoias, known as some of the world's oldest trees, should we intervene or leave the wilderness to evolve on its own?Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)