cover of episode Protests In Israel, Unions In 2024 Election, Candidates Housing Plans

Protests In Israel, Unions In 2024 Election, Candidates Housing Plans

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Don Gagne
Jennifer Ludden
Kat Lonsdorf
Leila Fadl
Michelle Martin 和 Leila Fadl: 以色列大规模抗议活动,抗议者指责内塔尼亚胡总理未能及时营救在加沙遇害的人质。抗议活动可能迫使停火和人质交换协议达成。 Kat Lonsdorf: 以色列全国范围内举行大罢工,抗议活动遍及多个城市,规模空前。罢工导致许多学校、政府大楼和企业关闭,但并非所有地区都遵守罢工。特拉维夫的抗议活动规模巨大,抗议者表达了对内塔尼亚胡的愤怒以及对释放剩余人质的强烈要求。许多以色列人认为内塔尼亚胡阻碍了停火协议,导致人质死亡。内塔尼亚胡拒绝放弃对费拉德尔菲亚走廊的军事控制,成为停火协议的主要障碍。 Don Gagne: 工会在这个选举周期中扮演着比以往任何时候都更活跃的角色,因为它们在战场州的影响力巨大,并且工会内部出现了新的领导层。由于选举竞争激烈,工会在关键摇摆州的影响力至关重要。工会正在通过传统的地面宣传和新兴的社交媒体渠道来动员选民。共和党也在争取工会选民,他们强调经济、就业安全和通货膨胀等问题。 Jennifer Ludden: 哈里斯的住房计划的核心是增加住房供应,目标是在四年内建造300万套新住房,但这面临着资金和规划方面的挑战。哈里斯的住房计划面临着获得国会批准和克服严格分区规定的挑战。哈里斯计划向首次购房者提供补贴和限制大型投资者购买单户住宅,但这些措施的效果存在争议。特朗普反对低收入住房,并曾削减联邦住房项目,他计划通过驱逐移民和在联邦土地上建造更多住房来解决住房问题。特朗普的住房政策可能导致联邦住房项目的进一步削减。特朗普的住房计划包括驱逐移民、在联邦土地上建设住房和降低利率,但这些措施的可行性和有效性存在疑问。

Deep Dive

Following the discovery of six deceased hostages, mass protests and a nationwide strike are gripping Israel, escalating pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu. Protesters blame him for obstructing a ceasefire deal, while Netanyahu remains firm on his demands regarding the Philadelphia Corridor. Amidst these tensions, a limited pause in fighting allowed for a polio vaccination campaign in Gaza, though it fell short of its target.
  • Largest mass protests since the war began
  • General strike cripples Israel
  • Six hostages found dead, autopsies show recent gunshot wounds
  • Protesters blame Netanyahu for obstructing ceasefire
  • Netanyahu refuses to relinquish control of Philadelphia Corridor
  • Limited ceasefire for polio vaccinations in Gaza

Shownotes Transcript

A nationwide strike is underway in Israel Massive protests in several Israeli cities are putting pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu's government following the military's recovery of six hostages killed in Gaza. Unions are getting extra attention this election cycle as candidate hope to win over swing states with strong union support. And both presidential candidates have put America's housing issues on their agenda, but they have very different and vague plans to fix it.*Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe) to the Up First newsletter.*Today's episode of Up First was edited by Carrie Kahn, Megan Pratz, Catherine Laidlaw, Mohamad ElBardicy, and Jan Johnson.It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Chris Thomas and Lindsay Totty.We get engineering support from Arthur Laurent. And our technical director is Stacy Abbott.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)