Steve Inskeep和Leila Fathel:报道了联邦上诉法院关于堕胎药米非司酮获取的裁决,该裁决部分阻止了一项终止米非司酮获取的裁决。法院维持了FDA对米非司酮的批准,但收回了部分扩大药物获取的规则变更,例如将使用期限从10周缩短至7周,并禁止邮寄该药物。
Sarah McCammon:详细解释了法院的裁决,指出该裁决源于德克萨斯州一位保守派法官的裁决,该裁决试图将米非司酮下架。她解释了该裁决对米非司酮获取的实际影响,并提到了反堕胎团体对FDA批准米非司酮的挑战。她还讨论了该裁决对寻求获得米非司酮的患者的潜在影响,以及康斯托克法案的讨论。
Claudia Grisales:报道了关于加利福尼亚州参议员黛安·范斯坦的新闻,她因长期缺席国会而面临越来越大的辞职压力。她解释了范斯坦因带状疱疹病发而缺席的情况,以及她请求暂时免除参议院司法委员会职务的决定。她还讨论了其他民主党人对范斯坦辞职的呼吁。
Carrie Kahn:报道了巴西总统卢拉访问中国的新闻,并讨论了此次访问对中巴两国贸易关系和中国在南美洲影响力的意义。她解释了卢拉希望与习近平会面,并讨论用本国货币进行贸易交易以及在乌克兰战争中进行调解的计划。她还讨论了分析人士对卢拉在国际事务中影响力的看法。
Shane Harris:报道了五角大楼机密文件泄密事件,并采访了泄密者朋友。该朋友描述了泄密者的一些情况,包括他在军事基地工作,并且能够接触到高度机密文件。
Steve Inskeep: This segment covers the federal appeals court's decision regarding access to the abortion pill mifepristone, which partially blocked a ruling that would end access to the drug. The court upheld FDA approval but rolled back some rule changes that expanded access, such as shortening the usage timeframe to seven weeks and prohibiting mailing the drug.
Leila Fathel: Further details on the court's decision, its origins in a Texas judge's ruling, and the impact on mifepristone access were provided. The challenges by anti-abortion groups to the FDA's approval and the potential impact on patients were also discussed.
Sarah McCammon: Explained the practical implications of the ruling, including the potential impact on patients seeking mifepristone and the discussion surrounding the Comstock Act.
Claudia Grisales: Covered the news about California Senator Dianne Feinstein, who is facing increasing pressure to resign due to her prolonged absence from Congress. She explained Feinstein's absence due to shingles and her decision to temporarily step down from the Senate Judiciary Committee. Calls for her resignation from other Democrats were also discussed.
Carrie Kahn: Reported on Brazilian President Lula's visit to China, discussing its significance for trade relations and China's influence in South America. Lula's planned meeting with Xi Jinping, discussions on using local currencies for trade, and mediation efforts in the Ukraine war were highlighted. Analyst opinions on Lula's international influence were also included.
Shane Harris: Covered the Pentagon document leak and an interview with a friend of the leaker. The friend described the leaker's background, including his work at a military base and access to highly classified documents.
A federal appeals court partially blocked a Texas ruling that banned the abortion pill mifepristone. The decision keeps the FDA approval in place but rolls back some rule changes that expanded access to the drug, such as the allowance of mailing the pills and expanding the time frame for its use.
Partial block of Texas ruling banning abortion pill mifepristone
FDA approval remains, but some access restrictions reinstated
Restrictions on mail delivery and timeframe for use
A federal appeals court has put a partial hold on the controversial ruling from a Texas Court that bans the widely used abortion pill mifepristone. Calls for California, Senator Dianne Feinstein to resign are growing louder after months of absence from Congress. And, Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is in China this week and is expected to meet with president Xi Jingping to discuss economic ties.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)