cover of episode To Anyone Going Through a Breakup: How to Heal a Broken Heart & Move On

To Anyone Going Through a Breakup: How to Heal a Broken Heart & Move On

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The Mel Robbins Podcast

Mel分享了她和女儿Sawyer在经历了痛苦的分手后,总结出的治愈情伤和继续前进的方法。她们强调分手是一个神经、生理和化学过程,需要时间去处理。建议分手后30天内不要与前任联系,并移除所有会触发回忆的物品。同时,建议重新装修卧室,开启新篇章;主动寻求朋友和家人的帮助;安排一些活动来填充日程,避免沉溺于悲伤;挑战自己,做一些之前没有时间做的事情;经常问自己一个问题:如果我知道真爱就在眼前,我会如何度过单身时光? Sawyer分享了她个人的分手经历,以及她如何运用这些方法来走出情伤。她强调了“放手”的重要性,以及如何区分处理分手情绪和支持自己/他人走出分手这两个不同的阶段。她还谈到了“报复性节食”等行为的无效性,以及如何避免沉溺于对过去生活的幻想。她建议人们应该允许自己去感受分手带来的情绪,并寻求他人的支持。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to understand the neurological and physiological aspects of a breakup?

Understanding the neurological and physiological aspects helps recognize that processing a breakup involves unlearning patterns and untangling nervous systems, making it a normal and necessary part of moving on.

What is the 30-day no contact rule and why is it recommended?

The 30-day no contact rule involves zero communication with the ex for 30 days to allow for proper processing and unlearning of neural pathways. It prevents reactivation of old patterns and supports the grieving process.

How long does it typically take for people to start feeling better after a breakup?

Research indicates that by the 11-week mark, 71% of people start to feel better, providing a benchmark for recovery.

What are some practical steps to support oneself during the breakup processing period?

Steps include removing triggers, giving the bedroom a makeover, reaching out proactively to friends, filling the calendar with enjoyable activities, picking a personal challenge, and asking oneself how to spend time if the love of one's life was around the corner.

Why is it harmful to engage in a 'revenge diet' after a breakup?

A revenge diet is harmful because it ties personal improvement to getting back at the ex, keeping the relationship alive in one's mind and not allowing for true emotional detachment and healing.

How can one overcome the fear of being single and never finding love again?

Overcoming this fear involves focusing on personal growth and self-discovery through dating, understanding that true love often grows over time, and recognizing that self-love and personal fulfillment are foundational to attracting meaningful relationships.

What role does fantasy play in prolonging heartbreak?

Fantasy prolongs heartbreak by keeping the idea of a future with the ex alive, preventing true acceptance and processing of the breakup, and anchoring one in sadness as a way to hold onto the past.

How can friends and family best support someone going through a breakup?

Friends and family can best support by showing up physically, offering practical help, and allowing the person to grieve without pressure to move on quickly, respecting their need to process the breakup at their own pace.

What is the significance of the 80-20 rule in dating after a breakup?

The 80-20 rule suggests focusing on the 80% of qualities that matter in a relationship (kindness, compatibility, mutual support) and not getting distracted by the 20% (superficial sparks, past comparisons), helping to build healthier, more sustainable relationships.

Why is it crucial to let go of the fantasy of a past relationship to move forward?

Letting go of the fantasy is crucial because it allows for true acceptance of the breakup, enabling one to grieve and process the loss properly, which is essential for building a life without the ex and opening up to new possibilities.

Shownotes Transcript

If you’re going through a breakup, or someone you love is, this episode is dedicated to you.

Mel is sharing the #1 cure for your broken heart, and is here to help you navigate the incredibly difficult process of moving forward after a breakup.

This is also a resource to share with anyone in your life who is going through heartbreak.

In this episode, Mel is joined by her daughter Sawyer, who recently went through the biggest breakup of her life. 

They reveal research-backed strategies and the real, raw emotions of going through loss and grief, and together, they walk you through the painful task of learning how to live without someone you loved.

If you're ready for guidance on healing and moving forward, this episode is for you. 

Get a copy of Mel’s new book, The Let Them Theory), which she mentions in this episode.

For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here) for the podcast episode page.

If you liked this episode, listen to this one next: Let Go of Negative Thoughts & Reprogram Your Mind for More Positive Thinking)

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