cover of episode The Power of a Pause: Do This When Life Disappoints You

The Power of a Pause: Do This When Life Disappoints You

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The Mel Robbins Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Mel Robbins
一位专注于领导力和个人成长的著名_motivational speaker_和播客主持人。
Mel Robbins: 在生活中遭遇不如意时,与其被负面情绪所控制,不如尝试'暂停'。'暂停'指的是在遇到挫折或失望时,先停下来,深呼吸,平静情绪,然后思考此刻的经历能给自己带来什么教训。这是一种积极的应对方法,可以帮助我们更好地掌控情绪,从困境中学习成长。例如,作者本人因生病而不得不取消工作和个人计划,感到非常失望。但她并没有被负面情绪淹没,而是选择'暂停',反思这次经历的意义,并意识到自己需要学习'放下',接受计划的改变。她鼓励听众在遇到类似情况时,也能运用'暂停'的方法,先让自己平静下来,然后再思考如何应对。'暂停'本身并不能改变现状,但它能让人更好地应对困境,并从中吸取经验教训。 Mel Robbins: '暂停'不只是简单的停顿,而是一种有意识的、专注于当下的行为。它需要我们放下焦虑和担忧,专注于呼吸和身体感受,从而帮助我们从情绪的漩涡中抽离出来。通过'暂停',我们可以获得片刻的平静,重新审视自己的处境,并找到应对挑战的能量。作者在播客中引导听众一起进行'暂停'练习,体验'暂停'带来的平静和力量。她强调,'暂停'是一种可以随时随地运用的工具,它能帮助我们更好地应对生活中的压力和挑战,并保持内心的平静与平衡。'暂停'不仅适用于个人,也适用于人际关系。当我们发现朋友或家人处于压力过大的状态时,可以鼓励他们尝试'暂停',帮助他们找到内心的平静。

Deep Dive

Mel discusses how she had to cancel important work and personal commitments due to sickness and reflects on the lessons this situation might hold.

Shownotes Transcript

This is the inspiration and wisdom you need to hear today.


It’s been quite a week and it’s only Monday.


I woke up yesterday and was so sick, I had to cancel some really important work and personal commitments.


Cue: the disappointment, the anxiety of upsetting others, and my own sadness that life was not going as I had planned.


This is one of those episodes that I recorded for myself and for you. Even when things are really upsetting, you still have the power to face them and take control.


Join me in learning one simple, powerful tool. I’ll not only explain it – I’ll also have you practice it with me.


I already feel better, and so will you.


Xo Mel