cover of episode The Only Dating Advice You'll Ever Need

The Only Dating Advice You'll Ever Need

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The Mel Robbins Podcast

Logan Ury
Mel Robbins
Mel Robbins认为现代约会很困难,人们感到沮丧和失望。她介绍了约会专家Logan Ury,并讨论了如何改进约会策略,尤其是在线约会。她强调了不要失去希望,每个人都能找到属于自己的爱。 Logan Ury认为约会是一项技能,需要学习和练习。她分享了基于数据的见解,帮助人们改进在线约会策略,例如调整筛选条件,避免过于挑剔或过于随意。她指出,人们常常将约会应用的负面体验等同于约会本身的困难,而约会本身就存在挑战。她建议人们在约会中关注感受,而不是简单的清单式筛选。她还强调了主动追求自己感兴趣的人可以减少约会倦怠。 Logan Ury认为瞬间的火花是一种误解,它并非建立良好关系的必要条件。她建议人们关注长期的稳定关系,而不是瞬间的火花。她介绍了三种约会倾向:浪漫主义者、最大化者和犹豫者,并分别给出了建议。她建议人们像科学家一样约会,不断尝试和学习。她还建议人们在约会应用上制作一个吸引人的个人资料,包括清晰的头像、展示兴趣爱好的照片和全身照。她建议人们区分真正的“不可接受”和个人偏好,并建议人们练习与陌生人互动,提升社交技能。她还建议人们改进第一次约会的技巧,避免无聊的谈话,尝试更深入的交流。她建议人们在约会中展现独特的个性和观点,变得令人难忘。她还建议人们在约会中表达自己的观点,即使是与众不同的观点。她建议人们主动掌控自己的约会生活,找到并建立理想中的关系。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why might someone feel discouraged about dating despite the prevalence of dating apps?

People often feel discouraged because they equate the difficulties of dating with the technology itself, rather than recognizing that challenges like rejection and unmet expectations have always been part of dating. The paradox of choice and the concentration of interest on a few profiles can also lead to dissatisfaction.

What are the three dating tendencies that Logan Ury identifies as common barriers to successful dating?

The three dating tendencies are the romanticizer, who looks for a soulmate and believes everything will be easy once found; the maximizer, who has unrealistic expectations of their partner and is always looking for something better; and the hesitator, who has unrealistic expectations of themselves and is not putting themselves out there.

How can someone improve their dating profile according to Logan Ury's research?

A great profile should start with a clear headshot, followed by photos of you doing activities you love, a full body shot, and photos with friends and family. The profile should paint a picture of your life and be free of filters and sunglasses.

Why is the concept of 'the spark' potentially misleading in dating?

The spark is often seen as an instant, all-encompassing feeling of chemistry and connection, but it can be misleading. Research shows that only 11% of couples feel love at first sight, and the spark can grow over time. Additionally, some people are naturally 'sparky' and can give that feeling to many, making it less about a unique connection.

What advice does Logan Ury give to someone who feels they are bad at first dates?

Logan suggests moving away from shallow small talk and focusing on more interesting, in-depth conversations. She recommends using the concept of 'in media res' to start conversations with something engaging, like a recent podcast episode, to avoid boring, repetitive exchanges.

How can dating apps be misused, according to Logan Ury?

Dating apps can be misused by creating overly strict filters that exclude potential matches, leading to a limited pool of people to choose from. Users often set filters based on superficial qualities like height or age, which can result in missing out on compatible partners.

What is the 'events decision matrix' and how can it help in meeting new people?

The events decision matrix is a tool to help prioritize which events to attend based on the likelihood of meeting someone and the likelihood of enjoying the event. By plotting events on a quadrant, you can focus on those that are both high in interaction potential and personal enjoyment, reducing burnout and increasing the chances of meeting new people.

What role does vulnerability play in dating, according to Logan Ury?

Vulnerability is crucial in dating as it makes you human and relatable. People often think vulnerability makes them undateable, but it's essential for creating connections. By owning your story and sharing it in a narrative form, you can attract partners who appreciate your authenticity.

How does Logan Ury suggest handling the baggage that comes with dating someone older?

Logan advises choosing the set of problems you can handle in a partner rather than seeking someone with no problems. Everyone comes with baggage, and it's about selecting the type of baggage that you can manage and that aligns with your lifestyle and values.

What is Logan Ury's parting advice for taking control of your dating life?

Logan's advice is to stop thinking of life as happening to you and start taking control. Identify your dating tendencies, whether romanticizer, maximizer, or hesitator, and make a plan to move past them. Take active steps to put yourself in the driver's seat of your dating life.

Mel and Logan discuss the challenges of modern dating, particularly online dating, and how data reveals common pitfalls. They explore the reasons why many feel frustrated and hopeless in their search for love.
  • Dating apps are the primary way couples meet, but they also contribute to dissatisfaction.
  • People often misuse dating apps, creating unrealistic expectations and using ineffective strategies.
  • Many common dating problems are not new, but the technology has magnified them.

Shownotes Transcript

Today, you are getting the best dating advice out there for both you and your loved ones.

Mel sits down with Logan Ury – a behavior scientist, dating expert, host of Netflix’s new dating series “The Later Daters,” and Director of Relationship Science at Hinge – to get her science-backed insights on finding success in dating.

If dating apps make you feel hopeless, if you feel like dating is broken, or can’t seem to find “the one,” Logan’s insights will change your approach to finding love forever.

Whether you're single, in a relationship, or supporting a loved one navigating the dating scene, this episode is packed with science-backed insights and actionable tools to help anyone find the love they deserve.

For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here) for the podcast episode page.

If you’re in your relationship and want tools and tips on how to make it better, listen to this episode next: 5 Signs of an Incompatible Relationship & 3 Signs You’ve Found “The One”)

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