cover of episode How to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays

How to Have More Fun: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays

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The Mel Robbins Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Mel Robbins
一位专注于领导力和个人成长的著名_motivational speaker_和播客主持人。
Sawyer Robbins
Mel Robbins:许多人将节假日与家人相处视为一种负担,而不是享受。文章探讨了人们缺乏乐趣的原因,并提出了相应的解决方案。首先,要积极主动地计划和安排有趣的活动,而不是被动等待乐趣的发生。其次,要克服内疚感和害怕被评判的心理障碍,勇敢地尝试新的、有趣的活动。最后,要将快乐融入到节假日活动的计划中,并鼓励家人积极参与。 Mel Robbins还分享了一些具体的例子,例如举办主题派对、参与有趣的活动、制作手工姓名牌和装饰餐桌等。她还强调了‘首位追随者理论’,即一个人带头做一些不同寻常的事情,可以鼓励其他人参与其中,从而营造出快乐的氛围。 Sawyer Robbins:同意Mel Robbins的观点,并补充了一些具体的建议,例如举办大型夺旗游戏、鸡尾酒制作比赛、制作手工皇冠等。她还强调了在策划活动时,要全情投入,并确保每个人都感到舒适和参与其中。此外,她还建议将手机收起来,鼓励家人之间面对面的交流,以提高家庭成员之间的互动和快乐。

Deep Dive

Mel Robbins discusses the importance of planning and prioritizing fun during the holidays to break old dynamics and strengthen relationships.

Shownotes Transcript

I want you to get serious about inserting fun back into the holidays this year.


It might seem odd to have an entire conversation about fun. But here’s why we have to: most of us aren’t having any.


In fact, it’s gotten so bad that researchers have a term for it: “a fun drought.” You’re not alone – 97% of people want to have more fun.


And wouldn’t it be fabulous if you had an absolute blast with your family this holiday season?


It is possible. And you’re just the person to make it happen.


On the topic of family, I find it interesting that most of the advice out there is focused on toxic family dynamics and boundaries. If your family is that toxic, the only thing you need to do is make other plans. You’re not required to spend time with them.


But… if you are planning to spend time with family during the holidays, make this the year you bring the fun.


Fun breaks up old dynamics, fun draws people out of their shells, and fun gives you something to talk about other than the weather and how the school year is going.


And laughter is not only great medicine, but it also makes you happier and strengthens your relationships with those you’re having fun with!


Today you and I are getting serious about fun.


In this episode, you’re going to learn the 3 things that get in the way of you having fun – the biggest one being that you don’t plan for it.


So, we are going to discuss how to plan for and have more fun, and I’ll give you all kinds of ideas to consider.


This is the perfect episode to listen to with your family if you’re traveling. It’s appropriate for all ages.


So shake off the dread and pull out the party hats. I’m on a mission to inspire you to have more fun.


Xo Mel


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