cover of episode How to Create a New Version of Yourself: Let Go of Past Mistakes & Overcome Regret

How to Create a New Version of Yourself: Let Go of Past Mistakes & Overcome Regret

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The Mel Robbins Podcast

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Mel Robbins
一位专注于领导力和个人成长的著名_motivational speaker_和播客主持人。
Sarah Jakes Roberts
Mel Robbins:在人生的低谷中,人们会经历失败、后悔和痛苦,但这些不会阻止你成为你真正想要成为的人。Sarah Jakes Roberts 的故事就是一个很好的例子,她经历过多次打击,但她知道如何重新站起来,找到自己的力量。过去的经历不会阻碍你成为想要成为的人。 Sarah Jakes Roberts:人们可以学会接纳自己目前的状态,同时努力成为自己想要成为的人。接纳自己比从他人那里寻求归属感和认可更重要。自我疗愈的关键在于用爱和接纳的态度与自己相处,而不是惩罚自己。自我接纳和爱是治愈的关键,它能填补内心的空虚。不要只关注过去的错误,要接纳所有经历,并将其转化为积极的力量。不要试图创造一个全新的自己,而应该利用过去的经验和教训,创造一个更真实的自己。接纳真实的自己,并利用过去的经验和教训,才能创造出更美好的未来。自我疗愈是一个循序渐进的过程,从接纳自己开始。从整体的角度看待自己的人生经历,你会发现自己已经尽力了。以爱而非批判的眼光看待人生,才能获得真正的同情心。休息对于保持身心健康和做出最佳选择至关重要。即使不信仰上帝,也可以相信人生是有目标和意义的,并努力成为最好的自己。人们需要重新评估自己的行为模式,并根据自身需求做出调整。相信自己是一个需要努力的过程,需要循序渐进地进行。用语言表达自己想要成为的样子,有助于创造空间和机会。人们应该认识到自己会不断变化和成长,并接纳不同阶段的自己。力量是真实、韧性和谦逊的结合。力量是一种存在状态,而不是一种行为。自信是接纳自己全部,不被成功或失败所左右。不要害怕尝试新的事物,过去的经验和力量会帮助你应对新的挑战。力量是流动的,它会随着时间的推移而变化,但始终存在。接纳自己所有的经历,并相信它们都会在人生故事中发挥作用。 Mel Robbins: 人们应该以开放的心态和同情心看待自己的人生经历,并理解父母也是在尽力而为。大多数人低估了自己在世界上的重要性,因此没有认真对待自己的疗愈和想法。人们应该重视自己对世界的积极影响,并认真对待自己的疗愈和想法。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Today’s episode is a dare: a dare to get back up and believe in yourself. 

This is one of the most emotional and inspiring episodes that have ever been on The Mel Robbins Podcast. 

If you’ve ever failed or felt like you’re not being the version of yourself you know you’re meant to be, this is the episode for you. 

Today, world-renowned speaker, pastor, and New York Times best-selling author Sarah Jakes Roberts joins Mel to share her incredible story and powerful wisdom with you.

Pregnant at 13, married by 19, divorced by 22, and all while under the intense scrutiny as the daughter of a famous mega-church pastor, Sarah knows what it’s like to be knocked down. But more importantly, she shares what it takes to get back up. 

In this episode, you’ll learn how to accept yourself for where you’re at while still pushing yourself to become who you want to be. 

Sarah teaches you what it truly means to be powerful, how to reclaim your confidence, and how to create a new version of yourself. 

This is a masterclass in turning your pain and past failures into straight-up rocket fuel. Stop discounting yourself and the impact you have in this world.

It’s time to reclaim who you are meant to be and take back control of your life.

For more resources, including links to connect with Sarah Jakes Roberts, click here) for the podcast episode page. 

If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Do This To Become More Confident: 5 Truths You Need To Hear)

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