cover of episode 5 Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist & How to Protect Yourself

5 Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist & How to Protect Yourself

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The Mel Robbins Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dr. Ramani Durvasula: 本期节目深入探讨了自恋型人格的特征、成因及应对方法。自恋的核心是深层的不安全感,所有行为都是为了掩盖这种不安全感和对抗羞耻感。自恋者的动机是权力、支配、控制和安全感。节目中,Dr. Ramani Durvasula 详细解释了自恋型人格的五个主要特征:对反馈或批评反应过度;对抗性;表面化的同理心;以自我为中心;贬低他人以抬高自己。此外,她还强调了自恋并非天生的,而是后天环境因素(例如缺乏关注、依恋需求未得到满足、创伤、混乱和忽视等)与生物学易感性共同作用的结果。节目还讨论了过度溺爱的孩子也可能发展出自恋人格。为了预防自恋人格,培养孩子的安全依恋、自我抚慰能力和同理心至关重要。 在应对自恋型人格方面,Dr. Ramani Durvasula 建议不要试图改变他们,而应专注于保护自己,设定边界,并找到自己生活中值得为之奋斗的事情(“真北”)。她还强调了永远不要指责自恋者,因为这只会招致负面后果。与其指责,不如通过减少互动、不理会挑衅等方式来保护自己。节目中还讨论了在自恋型家庭中,孩子会扮演不同的角色,例如金牌孩子、替罪羊、帮手、调解人、说真话者和被洗脑者,并分析了这些角色对孩子成年后生活的影响。 Mel Robbins: 作为节目的主持人,Mel Robbins 分享了她个人与自恋型人格相处的心得体会,并表达了她对 Dr. Ramani Durvasula 专业知识的赞赏。她强调了理解自恋型人格的重要性,以及如何通过学习和运用Dr. Ramani Durvasula 提供的工具来保护自己免受伤害。她还分享了自身经历,说明了即使是专家,也需要不断学习和反思,才能更好地应对自恋型人格带来的挑战。

Deep Dive

Dr. Romany defines narcissism as a personality style characterized by lack of empathy, entitlement, arrogance, and a need for admiration and control.

Shownotes Transcript

Narcissism is on the rise and you need to learn how to spot it in other people and have tools to protect yourself.


We all know those people who constantly turn a conversation toward themselves, who only call you when they want something, and who have a way of making everything someone else’s fault.


Well, guess what? Turns out narcissism goes far beyond that.


I’m telling you right now, even if you THINK you know what a narcissist is, you need to listen.


I thought I knew, yet I’m still reeling from all my breakthrough moments.


Do you have a narcissist in your life?


Maybe you grew up with one.


Maybe you work with one.


Maybe you married one.


Maybe you don’t know what the hell a narcissist is!


Pull up a seat at the table with me because class is IN session.


Narcissism is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days, so how do you know if you’re really dealing with a narcissist?


You have been blowing up my email and DMs about this topic, so Dr. Ramani Durvasula is here to answer your questions.


She’s the world’s leading expert on narcissism and someone I’ve followed and admired for years. I love how she breaks down the topic of narcissism in a way that’s understandable, simple, and packed with tools you can apply the second you learn them.


Listen in as she shines a light on the REAL definition of a narcissist and the 5 warning signs you need to know if you’re dealing with one.


This topic is so juicy – and so surprising – that you’re going to be shocked by what you learn. One part in particular will change how you approach narcissists in your life from this day forward.


That’s exactly what happened to me. I have somebody in my life, a very prominent somebody, who absolutely displays narcissistic tendencies, and I have spent years in therapy dealing with it. So I actually got out of my chair and hugged Dr. Ramani after everything she taught me and you in this amazing episode!


If you get something out of this episode, or if you have a friend that has struggled with a narcissist in their life, please share this with them.


And if you think a person is a narcissist, don't even bother sharing, because if there's one thing you're going to learn: you don't want to EVER call one out…


That's just one of the many rules you're going to learn to follow in order to protect yourself from narcissistic behavior.


This episode is jam-packed with teachable moments that will leave you seeing the narcissists in your life with 20-20 insight.


You’ll learn how to not only deal with them but also end this episode with the tools to heal.


And that, my friend, could be the takeaway that changes your life forever.


Xo Mel


For full show notes, visit