cover of episode The Upside of Being Canceled | Rob Schneider

The Upside of Being Canceled | Rob Schneider

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The Ben Shapiro Show

Ben Shapiro
Rob Schneider
Rob Schneider: 我认为美国拥有言论自由,不应该像加州那样变成一党专政。持续不断的指责(种族主义者、厌恶女性者)让人们感到厌倦。当前的喜剧环境充满讽刺意味:很多事情都很好笑,但却不被允许笑。政治事件本身就具有喜剧性,例如巨额资金投入却仍然失败。民主党试图将拜登的失败归咎于他自己,以及未能按照他们预设的方式进行初选。民主党在选择总统候选人方面面临困境,难以忽视卡玛拉·哈里斯的政治身份。特朗普成为具有世界历史意义的人物本身就是一个笑话。左派不允许人们嘲笑卡玛拉·哈里斯和特朗普,因为他们分别被赋予了神圣和邪恶的形象。如果罗伯特·肯尼迪兑现其关于言论自由和教育部的承诺,他将成为自林肯以来最重要的总统。特朗普的一些行为具有天然的喜剧性,例如在麦当劳打工的形象。左派不允许人们嘲笑特朗普及其行为的喜剧性,而是要求人们感到愤怒和不安。特朗普在竞选中的策略和行动迅速而自信,最终取得了胜利。卡玛拉·哈里斯缺乏具体的政策主张。过去四年民主党提出的政策难以被美国人民接受。如今的保守派实际上是那些不那么极端的自由主义者。选民选择政治家并非选择道德榜样,而是选择能够解决问题的人。人们不应该将总统视为完美的道德领袖。特朗普的领导风格与传统不同,但他能够有效地解决问题。美国人需要克服对总统个人品格的过度关注,而关注其政策。民主党在移民问题上的处理方式失策,导致他们失去了部分选民的支持。人们对移民吃宠物的指控反应过度。特朗普的语气本身就很有趣,这在竞选活动中被广泛传播。美国能够在总统选举中提名两位高龄且存在健康问题的候选人,这本身就体现了美国的强大。美国面临着精英阶层掌控社会,试图控制选举的风险。拜登-哈里斯政府实施了审查制度,压制了美国人的言论自由。民主党试图将美国变成像加州一样的一党制国家。我离开加州的原因是,我感觉左翼政府正在实施暴政。民主党在拥有权力时并没有真正帮助普通工人。奥巴马政府未能履行其对普通民众的承诺。民主党在种族问题上的处理方式加剧了社会矛盾。加州的社会治安状况恶化,对儿童安全构成威胁。加州的犯罪率上升,即使在相对安全的地区也存在公开抢劫事件。普通民众关心的是基本民生问题,而不是政治人物的言辞。被“取消”后,我得以重新专注于喜剧创作,并感到更加勇敢和自由。我认为自己为那些无法批评好莱坞的人发声。我认为加州人会投票给任何标有“D”的候选人。我将与英国广播公司合作制作新的喜剧节目。独立制片人将承担风险,为观众提供高质量的喜剧内容。我的巡回演出让我了解了美国民众的压力和焦虑,以及他们对民主党政府持续攻击的厌倦。 Ben Shapiro: 特朗普现象的根源在于人们对好莱坞强加的道德价值观的反叛。民主党获胜的地区普遍缺乏选民身份证制度。人们对持续不断的种族主义指控感到厌倦。奥普拉等名流对普通民众的批评是不可接受的,因为他们受益于相同的系统。夸大特朗普的威胁,试图吓唬人们,是令人作呕的。好莱坞存在反保守派的歧视。帕蒂·希顿因其政治立场失去了几份工作。有些事情比在好莱坞获得工作更重要,例如维护言论自由。民主党将言论自由等同于特权,这是一种对第一修正案的侵犯。拜登-哈里斯政府与科技公司合作,压制美国人的言论。政府会不断扩张权力,直到受到阻击。好莱坞存在对演员政治立场的限制,这是非法的。好莱坞的罢工和迪士尼的“觉醒”内容损害了该行业的利益。一些企业家已经意识到民主党将会失败,并采取了相应的措施。独立媒体公司能够成功是因为它们提供的是理性、逻辑和符合家庭价值观的观点。好莱坞的保守派人士仍然担心公开表达政治立场会对他们的职业生涯产生负面影响。好莱坞的保守派人士需要摆脱奴隶心态,勇敢地表达自己的观点。左派的报复行为是一种丑陋的行为,社会不应该为了平息他们的愤怒而牺牲自由和言论自由。作者正在创办一家媒体公司,旨在为各种政治观点提供平台。民主党试图建立一个世界政府的计划是错误的,最终将被中国掌控。当前的喜剧环境充满挑战,喜剧演员面临着被攻击和审查的风险。在竞选的最后阶段,使用侮辱性喜剧演员可能会适得其反。人们对侮辱性喜剧演员的过度愤怒是令人费解的。托尼·欣奇克利夫犯了一个错误,那就是他假设观众了解波多黎各的垃圾处理历史。在政治活动中,不应该使用缺乏经验和纪律的顾问。历史上,喜剧曾被审查和压制,例如肯尼迪遇刺案之后。在水门事件和越南战争之后,人们渴望通过喜剧来逃避现实。疫情对教育造成了负面影响,人们渴望恢复喜剧的正常状态。共和党需要找到能够吸引选民的领导人。特朗普的成功难以复制。共和党需要专注于履行其职责,解决民众关心的问题。取消教育部是一个重要的举措,可以防止联邦政府过度干预地方教育。这次选举是美国历史上一个重要的转折点。如果民主党允许大量移民涌入,可能会改变未来的选举结果。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Rob Schneider leave California?

He felt tyranny was coming from the left, especially after Obama allowed governmental agencies to have propaganda against Americans in 2013. He also wanted to protect his young kids from the declining quality of life in California due to public school issues and safety concerns.

What are some of the frustrations Rob Schneider has with the Democratic establishment in Hollywood?

He criticizes their censorship and silencing of Americans' First Amendment rights, their attempt to move towards a one-party system like California, and their elitist attitude towards average Americans struggling with basic issues like safety and inflation.

How does Rob Schneider view the impact of Hollywood on American moral values?

He believes Hollywood has contributed to a rebellion against moral values by insisting that traditional churchgoing and culture are bad, pushing a woke agenda that alienates many Americans, and failing to address real issues like safety and economic struggles.

What does Rob Schneider think about the future of comedy in the current political climate?

He thinks comedy will eventually correct itself as people seek normalcy and want to laugh again, similar to post-Watergate and post-Vietnam eras. He also believes that comedians should focus on the truth and what the audience finds funny, rather than trying to indoctrinate with woke nonsense.

What are Rob Schneider's thoughts on the potential for conservatives to work in Hollywood?

He believes it will take another generation for conservatives to feel comfortable coming out in Hollywood. He also thinks that the traditional studio system is shrinking due to their woke agenda, creating opportunities for independent producers to take risks and provide content that resonates with a broader audience.

How does Rob Schneider describe his experience of being canceled?

He describes it as a freeing experience where he felt a rush of freedom, similar to a Japanese pilot who survived a crash and became a Zen Buddhist monk. This emboldened him to speak his mind without fear and helped him reconnect with his comedic roots.

What are some of the key projects Rob Schneider is working on?

He is starting a media company with partners from England, including Andrew Doyle and Graham Linehan, to produce content that is rational, logical, and aligned with American values. He is also focusing on his stand-up comedy tour, which he finds educational and fun as it allows him to connect with the audience directly.

What does Rob Schneider think about the role of the Department of Education in American life?

He believes getting rid of the Department of Education is a phenomenally important first gesture because it would prevent the federal government from controlling local school boards and allow states and parents to decide on education policies. This would be a critical turning point in American history.

Rob Schneider discusses his concerns about the Democratic establishment's influence and the potential for America to follow California's path. He highlights the importance of preserving freedom and the two-party system.
  • Concerns about the Democratic establishment's influence
  • Comparison between America and China's political systems
  • Importance of preserving freedom and the two-party system
  • Rob Schneider's move from California to Florida

Shownotes Transcript

Rob Schneider is a beloved American entertainer, comedian and actor, best known for his work on “Saturday Night Live” and dozens of comedies including “50 First Dates,” “Grown Ups,” and “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan.” In today’s episode, we discuss his frustrations with the Democratic establishment in Hollywood, why he left California, and the upsides of being canceled. Schneider also forecasts trends in the comedy industry, offers his diagnosis of the liberal establishment, and encourages other entertainers to follow his lead. As a Hollywood veteran and advocate for free speech, Rob is on a mission to shape the future of his industry. Don’t miss Rob Schneider in this latest episode of the Sunday Special.




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