cover of episode Ep. 2035 - Kamala Lied, Americans Died

Ep. 2035 - Kamala Lied, Americans Died

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The Ben Shapiro Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ben Shapiro
Matt Walsh
Ben Shapiro: 本集主要讨论了卡马拉·哈里斯竞选策略的几个方面,包括她自成为候选人以来38天没有接受任何采访,以及她的竞选团队试图隐藏她的立场,避免她对政府糟糕表现的提问。Shapiro 批评了哈里斯在阿富汗撤军问题上的责任,以及她对13名美国士兵死亡事件的回应。他还讨论了哈里斯在经济政策、边境政策和最高法院改革问题上的立场反复。Shapiro 认为,哈里斯的竞选团队试图通过幕僚来改变她的立场,避免她直接回应,并批评了媒体对哈里斯的过度正面评价。Shapiro 还讨论了特朗普团队的竞选策略,以及他们对哈里斯的攻击。最后,Shapiro 讨论了以色列在加沙地带解救人质的情况,以及哈马斯对人质的虐待行为。 Kamala Harris: 根据报道,哈里斯在阿富汗撤军问题上扮演了关键角色,并对这一决定表示赞同。她还对在阿富汗撤军中丧生的美国士兵表示哀悼,但同时坚持认为拜登总统做出了“勇敢和正确的决定”。在经济政策方面,哈里斯的立场前后矛盾,在通货膨胀问题上,她曾建议实施价格管制,但这一建议被批评为愚蠢。在边境政策方面,哈里斯的立场也发生了转变,她曾反对修建边境墙,但现在却表示支持。 Joe Biden: 拜登政府在阿富汗撤军问题上受到了广泛批评,拜登本人也因其关于阿富汗战争中没有美国士兵死亡的言论而受到指责。拜登政府还被指控向脸书施压,要求其审查与拜登家族有关的信息。 Donald Trump: 特朗普批评了哈里斯的竞选策略,并指责她能力不足。他还前往阿灵顿公墓悼念在阿富汗遇难的美国士兵,并指出拜登-哈里斯政府对此负有责任。特朗普还积极参与了总统大选辩论,并对辩论规则提出了自己的要求。 Matt Walsh: Walsh 在节目中表达了对美国种族主义的看法,认为美国是一个种族主义国家。 Mark Zuckerberg: 扎克伯格承认拜登政府向脸书施压,要求其审查与拜登家族有关的信息,并压制不利于拜登的信息。 John Kirby: 柯比试图为拜登关于阿富汗战争中没有美国士兵死亡的言论辩护。 其他民主党人: 一些民主党人认为卡马拉·哈里斯不需要接受采访,只需要“氛围”就足够了。他们还试图将阿富汗撤军中美国士兵的死亡归咎于拜登的“勇气”。他们还表示,如果民主党赢得白宫和参议院,他们将废除阻挠议事规则,并对最高法院进行改革。

Deep Dive

Despite being the vice president and presidential nominee, Kamala Harris has not given any interviews in 38 days. Her team is strategizing on how to control the narrative and avoid tough questions regarding her policy positions and the administration's performance.
  • Kamala Harris has not given an interview in 38 days.
  • Her team is concerned about her ability to handle difficult questions.
  • They are strategizing on how to control the narrative and avoid tough questions.

Shownotes Transcript


Well, folks, you know that it's time for us to update our calendar. It has now been, get ready for it, here we go, right up the top, 38 days since Kamala Harris has done any sort of interview at all since becoming the nominee, which is like the entire time, right? She became the nominee on one day, and 38 days later, she has not done a single interview. We'll get to that in a moment. First,

We have updates coming all the time here, like literally all the time. And if you're not getting those updates, it's because you're not subscribing, which is why you should go and get 35% off new Daily Wire Plus memberships with code FIGHT at slash subscribe. You'll get uncensored, unfiltered ad-free shows, real-time breaking news alerts, and more. Most importantly, you'll get the truth. The legacy media does not want you to hear, and you will get it all in real time. So head on over to slash subscribe. Use code FIGHT and get 35% off that brand new Daily Wire Plus membership.

All righty. So again, Kamala Harris, 38 days, no interviews, none whatsoever. And you would think that this might become an issue at some point. Apparently, according to Politico, they're now trying to figure out exactly who she will sit with because you remember late last week, she was on the tarmac and she said by the end of next week,

We'll have scheduled an interview. That does not mean that she would actually do the interview by the end of this week. It means she would have scheduled the interview. And the whole game for the Harris campaign is to hide the ball. That is the entire game. Never let her positions be known. Make it so that she never has to answer a question about the horrible performance of her own administration where she is the vice president.

The insane gaslighting attempt to teach Americans that Kamala Harris is both the most important vice president who has ever lived and also completely irrelevant with no connection to any piece of Joe Biden's policy is totally crazy making. It's absolutely insane making. The reality is that something like 90% of Americans, according to a brand new poll from National Line Insights, think that it's important that presidential candidates answer questions, but not apparently Kamala Harris. Her entire team is freaking out about the possibility that

Of her actually having to do an interview, according to Politico, nearly three weeks ago on an airport tarmac in Detroit, VP Harris was asked about plans for a sit down interview. She said, I've talked to my team. I want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month, scheduled before the end of the month. Not that she's going to actually do it before the end of the month schedule before the end of the month. And remember, we are now 10 days out from the mail in ballots going out in places like North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

The whole game here is to delay this beyond actual votes being turned in. This is why early voting is so stupid. It's really stupid. You should do it. Don't get me wrong. I mean, it's stupid as in you shouldn't do it. You should absolutely do it because them's the rules and you got to abide by those rules if you wish to win. However,

In the future, states need to move toward radically shortening the window for early voting because this is insipid. It's insipid that you should be voting for the president of the United States without her having done a single sit-down interview or answered a single adversarial question. That's crazy towns. And there are two reasons for that. One is that she's lying in hiding. And two is that no one should be voting at the beginning of September for an election that's happening in November. Every week in American politics at this point is several years long.

It's absolutely bizarre. Anyway, a lot of consternation inside the Harris campaign about who she should sit with because they're very much afraid that she is going to crap the bed because she has in literally every interview she has ever done. Every sit down interview she has ever done involves somebody asking her a tough question, her not knowing the answer, and then her just going into her word salad mode where she starts babbling nonsensically or laughing awkwardly. And they're very afraid of this. Right now, they've got her package. Right now, they've got her gussied up and glossed up

All you see of Kamala Harris is upshots backlit with the glowing music in the background with the rising James Horner score. That's all you get when you see Kamala Harris. Now, they've even toned down the guffawing laugh instead of just a big smile, but no audible cackle. They've gotten rid of all of that because it's all on script. It's all on script. The minute she gets off script, she's in trouble and they know it. According to Politico, some of the questions rattling around the decision, who exactly is going to do the interview?

One source of intrigue concerns who in Harris' world will actually make the decision. Brian Fallon, the campaign's senior advisor for communications, is generally considered the key person. But the interview also has to be coordinated with Harris' official office, where the communications director is Kirsten Allen. We hear there are some tensions.

Another source with knowledge said Stephanie Cutter, senior advisor for message and strategy, will have an outsized role as well. Campaign chair Jen O'Malley Dillon and senior advisor David Poof represent another camp. And then there's Maya Harris and Tony West, Harris's sister and brother-in-law, who will also weigh in with their own views.

Then the big question is, what is the goal? So the main narrative in the political press is that Harris needs to do a lengthy, serious interview with a brand name news anchor who will push around the issues. But Harris disagrees. Shockingly, she doesn't want to be pushed on the issues. Why? Because she will collapse like a house of cards if met with any pressure at all.

According to Politico, Harris herself has expressed disagreement with that view. We are told by two people telling some Democrats she doesn't need a big showing interview. In October, Harris did a sit down with Bill Whitaker on 60 Minutes and talked foreign policy. Some of the exchanges were testy. Some Harris aides came away unhappy with the experience. Yeah, that's because she's crappy at this. The constant story with Kamala Harris is that when put in positions to succeed, she fails and then she gets mad at everyone around her and angry at the world for having failed her.

Former Harris comms advisor Ashley Etienne told Playbook she thought Harris should have three goals for the interview. The first goal would be to peel back some layers on the vice president and show some new dimensions to her. So that means nothing. That's like show the happy face, talk about her personal life, talk about how she's mamala and how she likes to cook and makes brisket for Passover and all this kind of crap. The second goal would be policy. To be honest, said Etienne, a big audience for this is the inside the Beltway crowd that really cares about this.

So she should substantively draw some distinctions with Biden on policy issues. But realistically, what they're saying is she shouldn't talk policy. And third, show her visually as commander in chief. I would want her to do some in her office at the White House. Show her on the road. Take you inside her home at the Naval Observatory. Who does she want? She wants Gayle King on CBS, which I believe is illegal since you're not allowed to show actual pornography on network television. Even now, the FCC bans reporters from performing actual sexual acts on the candidates. So I don't think that

that Gayle King will do it because it'll probably be illegal. They're talking about maybe ABC's David Muir, who has the highest ratings, but he's co-moderating that September 10th debate. So that takes him off the board. They've mentioned Nora O'Donnell, unlikely. Lester Holt, for sure not, because Lester Holt has a habit of asking the occasional uncomfortable questions. That's not going to happen. They mentioned Savannah Guthrie at NBC, which again would be a massage. But if they do it on MSNBC, it's cable. So, you know, you can get away with whatever you can get away with on cable.

You know, very, very unlikely again that she is going to do anything that remotely looks like a hard interview. So the first interview presumably will be some sort of sop to her, which is a pity because it turns out that Kamala is in fact a liar. She has become a liar.

She is a liar. She has lied about every position she's ever held. And she is simultaneously asking us to believe that she is deeply in the room, really, really important at every level. Kamala is a major liar, which is why the American people should not hire her for the job of president. But if you are looking for the best people to hire, there's only one place to look. Zip Recruiter. Here at The Daily Wire, we've hired a lot of highly skilled people to be part of this growing creative powerhouse. Editors, accountants,

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Murder of 13 American soldiers at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan. You'll remember these soldiers from being completely ignored by Joe Biden during his administration. You'll remember this. During the first debate, he actually said no American soldiers had died on his watch, which of course is untrue. 13 American soldiers had been murdered at Abbey Gate by ISIS-K, which was in fact an outgrowth of the Taliban working in coordination with the Taliban because of the disastrous Afghanistan pullout, the single worst foreign policy move ever.

In the modern history of America, the Afghanistan pullout was a disaster, full scale, full stop. It was humiliating for the United States. We left hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military equipment in the hands of the Taliban. We left tens of thousands of people who had worked with us to the tender mercies of the Taliban. There are people falling off wheel wells of passenger airliners, as you'll recall.

You'll recall the suicide bombing that killed nearly 200 people, including those 13 American soldiers. Right now, women have been stuffed back into the burqas, like the full scale burqas. They're not allowed to show their eyes now on the streets. None of them are going to school. So well done to the Biden administration. And remember that Joe Biden lied every single step of the way. Every single step of the way, Joe Biden lied. He suggested that an American pullout from Afghanistan would not result in the collapse of the Afghanistan government, which, of course, is not true.

And then he suggested it would be an orderly withdrawal. It totally was not. And then he suggested it had been absolutely smooth and wonderful, which also was not true. Well, Kamala Harris was, in fact, deeply involved in every aspect of this decision making, according to Kamala Harris. Here is Kamala Harris in 2021 explaining she was the last person in the room with Joe Biden making these decisions. He just made a really big decision. Afghanistan. Yes. Were you the last person in the room? Yes. And you feel comfortable? I do.

So comfortable. So comfortable. You might also recall Kamala Harris on the tarmac being asked about the 13 dead service people. And here was her reaction. What's your response to reports of Americans? Hold on, hold on. I want to talk about two things. First, Afghanistan. The bizarre laughter. There you needed it. The bizarre laughter. Her walking up with the giant Joker grin and the bizarre laughter talking about 13 dead Americans.

Well, yesterday, Donald Trump went to Arlington to lay wreaths on the graves of the 13 dead Americans. Here's what that looked like. There's President Trump laying a wreath. And again, you can call this politics and call it whatever you want. It also happens to be a reality that those 13 dead service people are on the Biden administration. They are on Kamala Harris.

This did not happen on Donald Trump's watch. As Donald Trump pointed out, Kamala Harris was involved, trying to pretend that Kamala Harris was not involved in the administration that she is co-named on. It's the Biden-Harris administration is a lie. There was Donald Trump pointing that out yesterday. Kamala bragged that she was the last person in the room. She was the tough one. She was the last person in the room during that disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan decision.

She repeatedly praised the decisions and she said it led to a catastrophe, but it was worth it. He's right about all of that. By the way, that catastrophe in Afghanistan was directly linked to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, was directly linked to Iran's aggressive moves in the Middle East against both America and her allies, particularly Israel.

The Afghanistan pullout was a signal horrifying failure in American foreign policy history. And Kamala Harris was part of the team. She was, in fact, one of the two people who was part of the team making that decision. And it had real world consequences. Here's Gold Star Dad Mark Schmitz. His son was Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, who was killed at Abbey Gate. He said they just wanted to end the war no matter what the cost.

They've left thousands of people behind and obviously millions of billions in our military assets. They they wanted to end the war to be able to get that photo opportunity. And it didn't matter what the cost was. And what was Kamala Harris's response to all this? Quote, Today and every day I mourn and honor them. However, she said, as I have said, President Biden made the courageous and right decision to end America's longest war. So in other words, just magically happened and nothing to their policies.

Nothing whatsoever. It must be wonderful if you are Kamala Harris because whatever your problems, the media have got the cure. They'll simply cover it over. They'll provide a palliative and magically all is well. But here's the thing. If you have a medical emergency, you need a medical emergency kit from the wellness company. I have one. It's awesome. First of all, it's not a simple first aid kit. It contains essential life-saving medications,

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the doctor. She is super grateful that we have one of these kits at home available at all times. You should have one as well. slash Ben. Enter promo code Ben to get started today. John Kirby is the national security spokesperson for the Biden administration. He was on Fox News yesterday with Neil Cavuto and Cavuto asked him, remember that time that Joe Biden said that no troops had been killed abroad? That was a lie, wasn't it? And here was John Kirby's response.

But the president himself, if you make an incorrect statement and you keep making that incorrect statement, is he compelled himself, wherever he is, vacationing or not, to say I was wrong to miss this obvious point about no soldiers dying under my watch?

The president was making a larger point about ending our longest war. Yeah, but they're a large point, right, John? They're a large point. He also, of course, he also recognizes, Neil, that nothing he can say, particularly on a day like today when we should be remembering the 13 who were killed at Abbey Gate. Nothing he can say is going to assuage their grief, their sorrow. Nothing he's going to be able to say or do is going to make them feel better about losing their loved ones. Except...

be the best commander in chief that he can be, which is, of course, what he has been trying to do for the last three and a half years. OK, that is not an excuse for, you know, ignoring the dead service people, of course. Really pathetic stuff. But this is what Democrats are forced to do when actually forced to defend their policy, which is, of course, why Kamala Harris does not want to be in public defending her actual policy. Here yesterday was Democratic Representative Jake Oshinklaus from Massachusetts saying that the real important thing is that Biden had the courage to pull out. Doesn't matter how many American troops died in the process.

It was also the right decision to make to leave Afghanistan. Joe Biden had the moral courage to make a decision that previous presidents had refused to make because of some cost bias and groupthink. That war had no political endgame. And the first thing a Marine officer learns is that all war is an extension of politics by other means. The national government in Kabul had no agenda and no capacity to build a nation. And so Americans were left holding the bag.

Again, that isn't the question. The question is why you pulled out the way that you pulled out. Kamala owns it. She was there. Why doesn't she have to answer questions on that? The answer is she's going to keep running from that. She's also going to keep running from her own positions over and over and over again. So yesterday, Team Trump dropped a very effective ad called Kamala versus Kamala in which she debates herself with regard to Bidenomics. Here we go.

Food, rent, gas, back to school clothes. That is called Bidenomics. A loaf of bread costs 50% more today. Ground beef is up almost 50%. There's not much left at the end of the month. Bidenomics is working. The price of housing has gone up. It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead. And we are very proud of Bidenomics.

Again, that's a very effective ad because it shows what her position has been in favor of all the things she now says are bad. And that's true for pretty much all of her policies. When she was asked about inflation, she famously suggested that there needed to be some form of price controls. The price gouging was the real problem. But the problem is everybody knows that's idiotic, including Democrats. Here, for example, is former Obama economic advisor Jason Furman saying price gouging. That's not the problem. What the hell are you talking about?

But look, the problem with the tariffs is you can do this unilaterally. The president has the authority to raise tariffs to 10%.

I haven't heard him say it's reciprocal. I've heard him say 10 percent, possibly 20 percent on every single country in the world. It's in the platform, Jason. That's something you don't actually need. And there's a big difference. I mean, the price gouging you're talking about before, you need 60 votes in the Senate. So it's a might be a fun thing to talk about on the campaign. It's just not going to happen.

It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. So who cares what she has to say? That is the new line. They're happy it's not going to happen, by the way, because it's idiotic. But this is true of all of her positions.

She's not answering about her border positions. She's putting out ads about how she's tough on the border. Today, she dropped the news via Axios that she has now flipped completely on the border wall. Remember, Donald Trump ran in 2016 on a border wall. He then built some of the border wall, but not nearly all of the border wall. And then in 2020, Democrats ran against the border wall. The border wall was a sign of racism. It was a sign of xenophobia. Well, now Kamala Harris has flipped unilaterally.

180 degrees on this thing. According to Axios, if elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the border wall, a project she once deposed and called un-American during the Trump administration. You know what would be awesome is if somebody could ask her a question about that. But nope, they've got her behind that bulletproof glass to make sure that nobody can ask her a single question. Trump's literally behind bulletproof glass because people are trying to shoot him. Kamala Harris is behind the bulletproof glass erected by her campaign so no one can ask her a question. She's in the cone of silence.

According to Axios, it's the latest example of Harris flip-flopping on her past liberal positions, like supporting Medicare for All and banning fracking. Proposals aides now say she is against. She herself, by the way, has not said she is against them. She's not had to answer a single question. Why is that important? Because when you have footage of her saying, I'm for Medicaid for All, and then footage of her saying, I'm now against it,

That's bad for her campaign. So instead, what they've been doing is simply allowing her aides to go out and reverse her on every one of these positions. She herself has not reversed a single one of these positions, not on fracking, not on Medicare for all, not on the border wall. So they just keep sending aides out to do the dirty work so that the media, again, the tail end of that human centipede, so the media will ingest that and then crap out the story that she's actually reversed her positions. But she has not reversed anything. She has not articulated any change in her

in her positions. That's the whole point. Everything is designed for media consumption and for your consumption via the media that's making the sausage in the back room. In her speech to the DNC last week, Harris said she would sign the recent bipartisan border security bill. But of course, that bill includes border wall funding. Now Harris's campaign is suggesting that that's really, really important, the border wall funding. Again, the embrace of the border bill is a new one.

Harris's campaign is portraying her as a hardline immigration restrictionist in ads. As Axios points out, like the wall itself, Harris's changes on border policy reflect how Trump has shifted the political debate on immigration during the past decade. Now, the reality is, it's not Trump that shifted the political debate on immigration. He was reflecting a strongly felt sentiment among Americans that dates all the way back to mid 2000s. I'm old enough to remember when the Bush administration proposed immigration reform in 2006, and it was Republicans who shut it down. So that's nothing new.

And what actually changed is that the Biden administration blew open the border so horribly by letting in 10 million illegal immigrants that even Kamala Harris is now forced to separate off from those positions. But she is not forced, apparently, to answer any questions about it.

Well, folks, Kamala, she's never forced to answer any questions, but there are great questions in life. One place you can go to get answers, Grand Canyon University, Private Christian University in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. GCU believes we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. GCU believes in equal opportunity.

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The pursuit to serve others is yours. Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University. Private Christian affordable. Visit That's Democrats, for their part, continue to try to claim that Kamala Harris should not have to answer any of those questions at all. So, for example, yesterday, Representative Debbie Dingell of Michigan, she said, you know, you guys are exaggerating the idea of an interview. You don't really need to interview her. Do we really need to know what she thinks or do we just need vibes? You know, vibes are good.

How important do you think it is for actual voters in your state, for example, to hear her answer tough questions from journalists about key policy issues? Well, I think sometimes you all over exaggerate what the importance of it. She knows what she's going to have to do. She's going to have to spell out her vision and talk about policies more. You're going to start to see that.

I mean, that's amazing. She doesn't have to do any interviews. I mean, you can see that she's reversed. No, you do need, because here's the thing. When you reverse a position, that suggests you're wrong. So now you have to explain why you were wrong and why you shifted.

When my kids are arguing with each other and one of them does something bad and then they apologize, it's not just enough to say sorry. You have to say sorry for what? Why is she shifting? Why is she changing? What was wrong with her prior position? She should have to explain that. The whole goal of her campaign is to flip all of these positions and never explain it. Because if she flips them, she gets all of the moderates to vote for her. And if she never explains it, all the left-wingers think she's winking at them. Which, by the way, she probably is. According to the dispatch,

Sheldon Whitehouse, who is a senator from Rhode Island and representative of Jamie Raskin of Maryland, appeared on a panel at the DNC. According to Whitehouse, Senate Democrats would be virtually certain to pass a Supreme Court reform bill by a simple majority, blowing up the filibuster if they capture the White House Senate and House. They will kill the filibuster. They will stack the Supreme Court. They'll add two new states in D.C. and Puerto Rico. They'll completely change the operating rules of the road for the United States government. That is their goal. And Kamala Harris will do it.

According to White House, quote, to get around the filibuster, we're going to have to have a process that allows very substantial debate from the Senate minority. We're not going to want to give Republicans multiple stalls, multiple filibusters on this. So the bill that gets around the filibuster will be virtually certain to include permanent reproductive rights, permanent restored voting rights, getting rid of corrupting billionaire dark money and Supreme Court reform.

If you've got a bill like that moving, that's going to have spectacular tailwinds behind it. And he says he expects that Kamala Harris will endorse that move, the killing of the filibuster in order to stack the Supreme Court. Don't worry, though. She's a moderate. Don't worry, she's a moderate. Maybe she should answer a question about it, perhaps.

Or maybe, maybe we are 38 days in and she has not answered a single question. And I'm sorry, her going on national TV with some sycophantic reporter who proceeds to ask her how she's feeling that day or whether Doug is really the dad in chief and she's mom. Well, that ain't going to do it.

If she never has her feet held to the fire, the American people are being disserved, not just by her, by the media that's supposed to be bringing them some semblance of the truth as opposed to just being the press office for the Democratic Party. Well, meanwhile, the Democrats are trying to back out of the debate with Donald Trump on September 10th. They are deeply afraid that Donald Trump is going to ask a hard question of Kamala Harris or that one of the debate moderators will and that she will be caught wrong footed.

President Trump is pushing forward with the debates. President Trump points out the reason she's not doing press conferences is because she is a dummy. He is correct. He is right. I've yet to see the evidence that Kamala Harris is as brilliant as her proponents make her out to be. Can I see like one shred of evidence that she is some sort of preternatural genius?

Truly, every time she gets off teleprompter, she's a disaster area. Everyone knows it. It's why she's running away from every press conference. Here was Trump pointing this out. You know, the deal was we keep the same rules. Now, all of a sudden, they want to make a change in the rules because she can't answer questions. Why doesn't she do a couple of question and why doesn't she do something like I'm doing right now? She can't talk. We can't have another dummy as a president. OK, we cannot have a dummy.

He is right about that. He is totally right. Joe Biden is senile and Kamala Harris is empty headed. She is. She does not have much going on between the ears. That's the dirty secret of her entire political career. She says things off a teleprompter. And the minute she's off the teleprompter, she's a full scale disaster. Everyone knew this until eight weeks ago, until it became unnatural to speak the truth. It's amazing how fast everything shifted.

Thirty nine days ago, the going wisdom is that Kamala Harris was a very weak candidate who could not perform in the spotlight. Now the going wisdom is that she is brat, man. She is genius. She is great at this. Super intelligent, super likable.

If you're getting a bit of a headache, a little dizzy from all the media machinations here, you're not alone. I think many Americans are as well. So the new trick Democrats are trying to play is that they're trying to get out of the debate while blaming Trump for it. Well, the media are magically pretending that Kamala Harris is great at her job. But I'll tell you who actually is quite great at their job, the IRS. I mean, like making you miserable. If you're still struggling with back taxes or unfiled returns, handling it alone, that can be a huge mistake and cost you thousands of dollars. In these challenging times, your best offense is Tax Network USA.

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For a complimentary consultation, call today 1-800-958-1000 or visit their website at slash Shapiro. That's 1-800-958-1000 or visit slash Shapiro today. Do not let the IRS take advantage of you. Get the help you need with Tax Network USA. So Brian Harris, who is the unbelievably dishonest spokesperson for the campaign,

He came forward and he suggested that they needed to change the rules of the debate, September 10th. So the rules had already been set with Biden. The rules were the microphones are muted. Those are the rules. And Trump had agreed to those. And you'll recall that then Trump said, well, you know, it's a different it's a different candidate now. Maybe we should check the rules. And they're like, no, there'll be no change to the rules. You will show up at the debate. And Trump said, fine, I'll show up at the debate and two more. We'll do three. And then she was like, no, no, no, no. We'll do one. And maybe if I'm nice, we'll do two.

And he agreed to that. So everything they demanded, he agreed. Then they demanded to change the rules. After he tried to change the rules and they said no, that was him trying to run away. Then they tried to change the rules. And then when he bucks, they say that he's trying to get out of the debate. It's the most transparent, stupid crap I've ever seen. It's so transparent. So Trump himself was asked about this. Trump himself was asked about the hot mic issue. Would he like the mics to be on? Would he like them to be off? And because Trump doesn't really care all that much, but his campaign does,

He was like, well, I don't really care what the mics are on, which, again, not amazing tactics here. But here we go. Would you want the microphones muted in the debate whenever you're not speaking? We agree to the same rules. I don't know. It doesn't matter to me. I'd rather have it probably on. But the agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time. In that case, it was muted. I didn't like it the last time, but it worked out fine. They're trying to change it. The truth is they're trying to get out of it.

And he's right. They are trying to get out of it. So the the Harris campaign immediately comes forward and says, OK, fine. So he wants the mics on. So the mics will be on now. OK, but here's the thing. If Trump accepts the mics being on, I promise you within 24 hours, there will be new conditions because this is what Harris's campaign is trying to do. They don't want her doing interviews and they don't want her doing a debate. They believe that she shuts the hell up. She's going to be president. That's what they believe.

Here, for example, is Michael Tyler. He is a spokesperson for the Harris comms department suggesting that, well, now I guess it's settled. I guess we'll have open mics now. No, it's not settled. You already agreed to the rules. Trump agreed to the rules. You reopen all the terms of the debate, then all the terms of the debate ought to be reopened. Shouldn't be just up to you guys.

The single-handed arrogance of the Democratic Party trying to dictate terms of debate because they believe that they are winning, because they are afraid to put her in front of Trump for debate. And they should be. Because what the polling shows right now is that this thing is really, really close. The polling data right now is a little bit all over the place.

Right now you have polls from, for example, Echelon Insights that show Trump up actually by one, 49-48, so basically a dead heat, despite the DNC, despite the weeks of glowing media coverage around this sheer nothing of a candidate. Then you have the Morning Consult poll that shows Harris up four,

The bottom line is that this is a very close race by pretty much every available metric, particularly in the swing states. And so they are hoping to get out of the debate somehow, some way. But here they are trying to claim that now the debate is settled. The mics will be on. Whereas before the debate was settled, the mics will be off. I mean, remember, the mics being off was a Joe Biden demand originally. It's all crazy.

And does it matter to the Harris debate? Do the Harris campaign matter if it's open or not? I mean, is that enough? That is absolutely. Stop. That is absolutely our preference. That is absolutely our preference in this campaign to have live microphones so that the American people can see both candidates for who they are and hear everything that comes out of their mouths. Again, I think that the, you know, idea here from the Democrats that if he accepts the open mic, the whole idea here, we know what this is. Why do they want an open mic?

The reason they want an open mic is because the first time Donald Trump says something in the middle of one of her answers, she wants to do the I'm speaking, I'm speaking routine. Remember, she did this against Mike Pence. It's the most obnoxious, trite idiocy. Apparently, a bunch of single women particularly are very into this sort of messaging that men are stepping all over us. Men are trying to get their mansplaining and man interrupting and all this crap.

And let's be clear about this. If Kamala Harris were a man, she wouldn't be anywhere near the vice presidency anywhere. It is her femaleness that has brought her this far in every respect. And yet magically we're supposed, but that's the game. The game is the minute Trump says something, they're going to have t-shirts printed up. I'm speaking. Oh, that's the whole stupid game. Everyone can see it coming. And this is a campaign for dummies. It's a campaign for stupid people.

If we fall for it, we deserve it as a country. Meanwhile, the Democrats are projecting Jamie Harrison, head of the DNC. He says Trump is scared of the debate. That's weird because Trump proposed three and she rejected the one on Fox News. She's rejected every interview so far and she keeps changing the terms of the debates. That's weird. It's scared to see that this former president is so scared to get on the debate stage. But I guess if I if I had his positions, I'd be scared to let the American people know what they worry as well.

ridiculous there he's scared to let the american people know what what he's thinking and what he says donald trump is the most valuable president in american history it ain't particularly close he's also a valuable presidential candidate he's talking all the time he's tweeting all the time to the consternation of half of his campaign staff so again what are you talking about the whole goal again the entire goal of the kamala campaign is hide what you actually believe until she's in power and they say it out loud they do

The top Kamala surrogates are out there every so often. They admit the thing and it's really ugly. So for example, there was top Kamala surrogate yesterday, Kelly Robinson, talking about the Bill of Rights at the Human Rights. She's the Human Rights Campaign president, which is to say a radical LGBTQ plus minus divided by sign activist. This was last week at the Democratic National Convention talking about the Bill of Rights. This is a surrogate for Kamala's campaign. What do they think of the Bill of Rights? Why don't we let Kelly Robinson explain?

We can't just worry about protecting democracy. In this moment, we've got to reimagine it with people that look and love like us at the center. And I think for us right now, it's about reimagining freedom and this American story in a way that is more revolutionary than what our founders actually put down on that little piece of paper, but instead is the type of democracy that is by and for all of the people of this country. That's the opportunity that we have.

The Constitution would be that little piece of paper. Now, I've had personal experiences with this. Go view my interview with Piers Morgan circa 2013, in which I was informing him about the Second Amendment. And he suggested that this little book, which was the Constitution, should be treated as irrelevant. This is a frequent talking point on behalf of people of the radical left on any issue. Piers is not radical left, but on that issue, he's to the left.

Here, you have people who are to the radical left on social policy, and they believe that their priorities ought to override the Constitution. They do, in fact, believe that they ought to be the kings. Without a Bill of Rights, without protections against the government, without any sort of restrictions on the power of the government and what it can do, what you end up with is tyranny. This is why I am personally very much afraid of a Kamala Harris administration. It's why I've been afraid of a Biden administration. The willingness to completely overrun all restrictions on government on behalf of

of whatever the king thinks is good is a very bad thing. By the way, I should mention right here that if you want to know about the actual traditional prescription for how politics was supposed to work in the West, you have to look all the way back to the Bible. I just did a series with Jordan Peterson, at least one episode of the series, a couple episodes actually, called Foundations of the West. Jordan and I went to Jerusalem and we were talking about the biblical prescription that suggests that the king is in the Bible. The king has to carry around

His own copy of the Torah, his own copy of the Bible, because it's supposed to remind him that there are actual checks and balances on his power, that the king is not above the law. Here's a little bit of what Jordan and I talked about.

Here you start to see the beginnings of the idea of a constitutional monarchy. So there are even hints of this in Deuteronomy. One of the laws in Deuteronomy is that the king is supposed to carry around his own Sefer Torah. He's subject to the law. The king is not above the law. So Judaism is very clear about that, and so is Christianity, and henceforth the idea of limitations on absolute government are part and parcel of the whole system.

One of the things that to me lends historical credence to those sorts of stories is that it doesn't exactly show David in a positive light. So what kind of propaganda is that? Exactly. That's definitely one of the things in favor of biblical narrative is that when you show all the warts, it suggests that you're not propagandizing. Yeah, definitely, definitely. And that happens a lot.

That's the entire Exodus story, right? The idea is that you have an absolute monarch in Pharaoh, and he is a god, and so everything he says goes. And then people are brought forth from slavery to freedom, but the freedom requires subjugation to God, right? You're still a servant, but you're not a servant of a person anymore. Now you're servants of an ideal. You're servants of a higher power. And that means inherently limiting the power of human beings.

The series, by the way, is beautiful. You should go check it out. It's called Foundations of the West. You can see if you can actually watch the footage is why you should subscribe. You can see that we are walking through the ruins of the palace of King David, which actually is available at the city of David in Jerusalem. It's very, very cool. The cisterns in which Jeremiah was probably held as he was railing against the king.

At the time, all this stuff is deeply embedded in Western civilization. It's also what is being uprooted by a full-scale secular leftism that believes there ought to be no boundaries on government. And this is one reason, by the way, why they think it's okay for Kamala to lie about her positions. Her positions don't matter. The king has absolute, or the queen, has absolute power. Whatever her positions are in the moment, that's the important thing. You, the people, do not deserve to know the positions.

She is the expert. She is so brilliant, wise, and brat that she should make all the rules. Go check out, by the way, Foundations of the West Daily Wire Plus available right now. It's a multi-part series with Jordan Peterson. I go to Jerusalem with him. Jonathan Pazza goes to Jerusalem with him. He goes to Athens with Spencer Clavin. He goes to Rome with...

Bishop Robert Barron. We all sit together and discuss Western civilization. It's really, really cool. I highly recommend Foundations of the West over at Daily Wire Plus. This is why you should head on over to slash subscribe and use code FIGHT for 35% off your subscription today. It's a brand new, amazing piece of content. Go check it out right now. Also, folks, I have something amazing for you. Behold, let me present to you the all-new Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings candle collection available now from The Candle Club.

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Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, Donald Trump is beginning to regain some momentum. Not only has he found his footing in attacking Kamala Harris for her lack of positions and her flip-flops on positions, obviously he gained the endorsement of RFK Jr. on Friday. Yesterday, he picked up the endorsement of former representative from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard. That's not a huge shock. Tulsi, of course, has been moving steadily toward the Republican Party since she was basically ousted from the Democratic Party. She also happens to be the single most effective debate

bait weapon against Kamala Harris. You'll remember she basically ended Kamala Harris's presidential run on the stage by calling out all of Kamala Harris's lies about law enforcement and all of the rest. Here was Tulsi Gabbard endorsing President Trump yesterday. I am proud to stand here before you today, whether you're a Democrat, a Republican or an independent.

If you love our country, as I do, if you cherish peace and freedom, as we do, I invite you to join me in doing all that we can to save our country and elect President Donald J. Trump and send him back to the White House to do the tough work of saving our country and serving the people. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Mr. President. Thank you.

Now, again, the entrenched obstacles that are going to be faced by President Trump are insane. Jack Smith is now attempting to revive the classified documents case against President Trump. It was thrown out, as you recall, by a federal judge in Florida, suggesting that effectively speaking, under the way that the law had been the way that the filing had been done, it was illegal to go after Trump on that basis.

She said that she was not persuaded by decisions spanning back to Watergate era, upholding the legality of the appointment of outside prosecutors in general. And therefore, Smith's appointment as a special prosecutor to go after Trump was illegal. Smith is now appealing. He's urging the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reinstate the 40-count indictment against the former president. That is likely to carry out again beyond the election. So it's probably not going to affect the election in the classified documents case whatsoever.

At this point, what will indeed affect the election is the sentencing of President Trump in the absurd and ridiculous New York case trial.

The supposed hush money payment case, which again, hush money actually isn't a crime. So no crime was really even alleged at that trial. It was a made up phony crime that has never been attempted in the state of New York. They convicted of them anyway. And now the question is, will they home arrest him, give him jail time, whatever it is to try and stop him. That is still very much on the table. Plus, we are now finding out the extent of interference between

by the federal government in the election of 2020. It is truly astonishing. According to Mark Zuckerberg, so Mark Zuckerberg has written a letter to Jim Jordan of the Judiciary Committee

Of course, I know Representative Jordan very well. We just testified in front of his committee. And here is what Mark Zuckerberg is now claiming about 2020. Remember, the Supreme Court said Facebook, they could establish no evidence that Facebook was pressured by the federal government to do things. Maybe they did it on their own. Well, now Zuckerberg's like, no, no, we did not. Quote,

There's a lot of talk right now about how the U.S. government interacts with companies like Meta. I want to be clear about our position. Our platforms are for everyone. We're about promoting speech and helping people connect in a safe and secure way. As part of this, we regularly hear from governments around the world and others with various concerns around public discourse and public safety. In 2021, senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months.

Thank you.

Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any administration in either direction. In a separate situation, the FBI warned us about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election. That fall...

When we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then presidential nominee Joe Biden's family, we sent that story to fact checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply. It's since been made clear the reporting was not Russian disinformation. In retrospect, we shouldn't have demoted the story. We've changed our policies and processes to make sure this doesn't happen again. For instance, we no longer temporarily demote things in the U.S. while waiting for the fact checkers.

And then he pledges that he is not actually going to make any political donations in this election cycle. But again, what he is what he is admitting here is that the Biden-Harris administration pressured Facebook to censor Americans. He is he is admitting full scale that the FBI pressured them to shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story. These are the sorts of entrenched obstacles that any Republican candidate is going to have to face in this election cycle.

It's why I keep saying that the Trump campaign is going to have to be absolutely meticulous, absolutely targeted. We're starting to see them find their footing. It's taken a few weeks. They're starting to find their footing. Meticulous attacks on Kamala Harris's lack of principle, lack of record, unwillingness to speak to principle or record, cutting through the miasma of brat. That is the only thing that matters here.

And there's one question that should accomplish all of it. So why didn't you do it? I'm going to keep saying this over and over. So why didn't you do it? Kamala Harris now says she wants to build a border wall. So why didn't you do it? She says she wants to bring down inflation. So why didn't you do it?

You say you don't like what happened to those troops in Afghanistan. So why didn't you stop it? You are part of this administration. You are the incumbent. Trump is not. You can see what Trump did when he was president. Your entire reelect effort hinges on us ignoring that you're currently the vice president of the United States.

Well, meanwhile, in amazing news in the Middle East, I mean, this is truly amazing news in the Middle East. Israel has now rescued yet another hostage. Remember, we were told by the Biden administration, Israel should stop operating in Southern Gaza completely. It was too dangerous. It was too bad. No hostages would get out. Israel has now rescued multiple hostages. The latest hostage rescue was from a tunnel. This is the first hostage rescue actually from a tunnel directly. It's unbelievably complex to do an operation like that. These tunnels are booby trapped everywhere. There are terrorists down there who are holding live hostages.

We still don't know all the details because the Israeli government does not actually want to give away the details. They might have to repeat a similar operation. According to the Times of Israel, the rescued hostage is a Bedouin named Qaid Farhan Al-Qadi, 52. And now he was working as a guard at a packing factory in Kibbutz Magain on October 7th. Remember, Muslims in the Middle East, they don't just hate Jews. They hate fellow Muslims so long as those fellow Muslims have the wrong principles or live in the wrong area. So there's a Bedouin Muslim who was taken hostage by Hamas

a Muslim terror group, and held in terror tunnels for almost a year and was rescued, again, by the IDF. So remember, the Israelis are supposed to be the apartheid state. They just risked their own soldiers to go and rescue an Israeli citizen who's a Bedouin Muslim. Meanwhile, Hamas, which is completely Judenrein, wants to murder every Jew. They're the voice of diversity. Free Palestine and such. Okay, so...

Here's some footage of this hostage, Qaid Farhan al-Qaidi, being reunited with his family at an Israeli hospital. You can see the family running through the hospital. And obviously they're in traditional Muslim garb. One is wearing the Muslim skull cap, sprinting through the hospital to go see their family member.

Al-Qadi was apparently found inside a tunnel by commandos of the Navy's elite Shaiyate 13 unit. The operation was led by the IDF Southern Command Shin Bet and the IDF's 162nd Division. He's apparently believed to be in good health. It's an amazing thing. And I think it's even more amazing when you consider exactly what has been done to these hostages. We now have actual hostages who are coming out and explaining what happened to them. I've met some of these hostages, what actually happened while they were in captivity. Agam Goldstein Almag,

wrote a piece in the Washington Post describing what it was like to be a hostage of Hamas. Here's what she writes. She says, on October 7th, Hamas terrorists charged into our home, shooting my father in Adav and my sister Yam in a furious ecstasy of hate. I was dragged out of the house together with my mother and two younger brothers and forced into a car to Gaza. I see my father's fading eyes when I close mine at night. Arriving in Gaza, the car was surrounded by a mob, mostly people who appeared to be about my own age, 17 or younger. They smiled and laughed as I wept.

My Hamas guards hated me for being Jewish, so I was coerced into reciting Islamic prayers and made to wear a hijab. I was forbidden from mourning my father and sister and often ordered to look down at the ground. Six female hostages I met in a tunnel told me about men with guns who came into their shower rooms and touched their bodies.

Hearing about these young women's fear of sexual abuse was agonizing when one of the guards told me that he would find me a husband in Gaza and that I would live the rest of my life as a chained slave wife. My mother interrupted deflecting his advances. I was fortunate to be released along with my family members in a prisoner exchange after 51 days. Those six young women are still in captivity held for more than 300 days without their mothers. This is just insane.

And then she talks about how one morning my family was moved from our safe house to a school hall filled largely with Gazan women and children. Strangers asked if I wanted anything to sit on or if I was thirsty, a rare moment of human connection. But then in an instant, the low buzz of conversation was drowned out by Hamas launching rockets just meters away from us from inside the school compound. The hall erupted in joy. And as Gazan celebrated, I realized Hamas had moved us there to serve as human shields.

Shortly before my family and I were released at the end of November, a guard made a point of telling us in the next war Hamas would return to kill us. There'd be no hostage taking, no more deal making. Hey, that is one story of a hostage.

Here is a horrifying story also from Israel. Again, it's important to remember the wages of these moral conflicts because this is in fact a moral conflict. And if the West cannot stand on the right side of this particular moral conflict, it has lost effectively all right to claim moral superiority in any way, shape or form. If you find yourself in sympathy with Hamas and its mission, if you find yourself in the belief system that the Palestinians require a state where they will elect Hamas as they did in 2005, 2006, and as they would do today by every available poll, you might want to check your priors.

Here is a letter, a suicide letter from a young man. He committed to, he was a Nova survivor. He survived October 7th. And here is what he left his family. This note, quote, hey, you, please forgive me. It all started on Thursday. We were dancing and having fun. Come Friday, so much fun all around, seeing friends we haven't seen in years. We all met to dance and celebrate life. Come Saturday morning, the sun begins to rise. It's so beautiful as it starts to shine all over everyone. We're dancing and happy, hugging. Some of my friends start to leave. Suddenly rockets start flying over us.

I know this. This is my life. I'm from the South. But then there are paragliders. I hope nothing happens to them. Then starts the gunfire. What's going on? We see the truck coming. Paratroopers dressed in foreign uniforms. They're killing everyone. They killed Shy. They killed Adi. They're kidnapping that girl who's sitting there hugging her murdered boyfriend. Suddenly you run to the bushes where I sit and hide, not uttering a sound from my lips.

You're in the bush next to me, so close, the cries gush out from within you. A terrorist is right above the bush I'm hiding in. I pray he won't see me. I pray so hard, something I haven't done my entire life. God can hear my prayer. But you won't stop crying out loud because with every second, someone gets shot and murdered. They see you. They're dragging you out of the bushes. They're four and you're one. You scream for help. One of them punches you to silence you. You try to fight them while looking toward my direction for me to save you. But if I step out, we'll both get murdered. I want to live. I sit there silently. They start undressing you.

I'm crying. I feel like I need to scream, but a hand silences me. Maybe it's the hand of God or I don't know who. They turn you on your stomach and they start raping you one by one. They turn you around again. They yell at you in English. They want you to see for yourself how they have defeated you. You try to crawl in my direction. I pray for something to happen, for someone to kill them so you can get out alive. But as you crawl toward me, they're on top of you. The shot comes. They murdered you, but before they murdered your body, they murdered your soul.

I sat there in the bushes for hours. I did not come out. I saw a bottle of water next to you. I was so incredibly thirsty, but I couldn't bear the thought that I should have saved you. So how can I be so disrespectful and drink your water? I've reached rock bottom. I can't live anymore. Your look follows me every single day in the shower, in my sleep, in my room. I couldn't go back to work. I wasn't able to. I've been to your house. I didn't tell your parents what you've been through, but they've been told your body was abused. I was a witness. I ask your forgiveness.

I'm coming to you to the next great world to promise, I promise to save you there and protect you. Please forgive me. Don't worry. I left a note for my family telling them how much I love them and thanking them for the life they gave me. My sister is having a baby. I thought about sticking around to get to know my nephew. I don't think you should know the uncle that couldn't save you. It's okay. I'll watch him from above. Absolutely horrifying, but...

Again, all of these atrocities are being denied by a huge swath of the Western population. And we're supposed to pretend there's a moral equivalence in this particular battle. There is not. There never was. Anyone who suggests one is lying to you, lying to themselves and standing in favor of the deepest sort of evil. All righty. In just a moment, we'll get to some shocking DEI updates. Not so shocking. If you're not a member, become a member. Use code Shapiro. Check out for two months free on all annual plans. Click that link in the description and join us.


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