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Daily Wire Backstage: One More for 2024

logo of podcast The Ben Shapiro Show

The Ben Shapiro Show

Ben Shapiro
Drew Bonham
Jeremy Boring
Jordan Peterson
Matt Walsh
Michael Knowles
Jordan Peterson 的《福音》系列旨在探索西方文明中最深刻和最具变革性文本,并揭示其对现代生活的持续相关性。该系列吸引了不同信仰背景的人们参与讨论,引发了人们对信仰、信念以及核心价值观在美国复兴的思考。 Jeremy Boring 指出,人们对圣经的兴趣日益增长,但教堂的出席率却在下降,这表明人们寻求理解圣经的方式正在改变,不再局限于传统的基督教途径。他认为,Jordan Peterson 以严肃、严谨的态度解读《福音》,但并非从传统的宗教视角出发,这种方法满足了人们对圣经解读的新需求。 Ben Shapiro 认为,人们对真理的认知已经严重缺失,需要重新建立对真理存在的认知。他强调,只有相信圣经是真实的,才能真正理解圣经。他还指出,阅读文学作品应该从获取智慧的角度出发,而非对其进行道德批判。 Matt Walsh 认为,西方文明在某个时间点走错了方向,需要找到一种方法回到现实,而 Jordan Peterson 的解读提供了一种桥梁。他指出,人们抛弃宗教并非因为认为它是假的,而是因为它不再被认为重要。他还批评了现代社会中一些人回避使用“爱”和“上帝”等词汇的现象。 Michael Knowles 认为,《福音》如同新闻报道,从不同视角讲述同一事件,其一致性本身就是一种证据。他还指出,现代人的无神论部分源于自负和科学主义,而 Jordan Peterson 及其团队证明了聪明人也可以信教。 Drew Bonham 认为,反对安乐死不能仅仅停留在“滑坡谬误”的层面,而需要提供一种不同的生活观。他还指出,人生是一个有意义的故事,而非偶然的事件。 Jeremy Boring 指出,Daily Wire 的观众主要是 X 世代和千禧一代,他们更注重个人感受和真实性,而非党派立场。他认为,Jordan Peterson 及其团队对《福音》的解读并非教条式的,而是基于对文本的认真思考和探索,这对于新一代观众尤为重要。 Michael Knowles 认为,在教条式信仰不再是每个人理解圣经的路径的时代,需要重新思考文化基督教以及宗教传统在文化中的作用。他还指出,文化基督教保留了某些形式,但却失去了其精神和历史意义。 Matt Walsh 认为,保守派和原教旨主义者在对待传统的态度上存在差异,原教旨主义者更倾向于回到教义的起源。他还指出,保守派有时倾向于完全抛弃传统,而不是试图恢复其意义。 Drew Bonham 认为,文化基督教是一个注定失败的项目,因为它缺乏真实性和内在生命力。他认为,文化基督教可以作为人们重新与宗教信仰连接的桥梁,但不能作为最终目标。 Ben Shapiro 认为,人们对上帝的信仰并非单纯的理性思考,而是源于生活方式和价值观。他还指出,理性的思考和对信仰的实践是至关重要的。 Jeremy Boring 认为,西方社会经历了从基督教国家到世俗社会的转变,目前正处于回归信仰的阶段。他还指出,精神觉醒是一个漫长的过程,需要几代人的努力。 Ben Shapiro 认为,人们对欧洲大教堂的向往,实际上是对信仰蓬勃发展的时代的向往。他还指出,人们对欧洲大教堂的理解往往过于简化,忽视了其漫长的建造过程以及不同时代风格的融合。 Michael Knowles 认为,欧洲大教堂的美丽反映了宗教信仰曾经的兴盛,而现代教堂的设计则体现了信仰的衰落。 Jeremy Boring 认为,20 世纪 40 年代和 50 年代的圣诞歌曲体现了人们对传统和信仰的怀念,以及对文化变迁的担忧。他还指出,犹太教徒对传统服饰的坚持,也体现了对信仰曾经充满活力的时代的向往。 Matt Walsh 认为,不同犹太教派在服饰和信仰方面存在差异,这反映了宗教的多样性和发展变化。 Drew Bonham 认为,宗教信仰的活力取决于信徒的内在生命,而非教堂的华丽程度。 Jeremy Boring 认为,人们对传统的向往,实际上是对信仰蓬勃发展的时代的向往。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are Bible sales at a 40-year high despite declining church attendance?

People are interested in the text of the Bible but are not engaging with it through traditional Christian sources. They are turning to thinkers like Jordan Peterson for a more rigorous and reverent approach to the text.

What is the significance of Jordan Peterson's new series 'The Gospels'?

The series explores the profound and transformative texts of Western civilization, focusing on the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It aims to uncover and illustrate their continuing relevance to modern lives by engaging with diverse intellectuals and spiritual leaders.

Why do people find Jordan Peterson's approach to biblical texts appealing?

Peterson approaches the text with seriousness, rigor, and reverence, but not from a traditional religious perspective. This appeals to those who are struggling with their faith and looking for a bridge back to reality without the vested interest of traditional religious leaders.

How does Jordan Peterson's work serve as a bridge for those returning to religion?

Peterson's work provides a bridge by giving people permission to believe that smart people can be religious. He offers a way to get back to reality by engaging with the text and extracting wisdom, which can lead to a deeper understanding and belief in the importance of religion.

What role does Dennis Prager play in Jordan Peterson's 'The Gospels' series?

Dennis Prager brings levity and a human touch to the series. As an outsider, he offers valuable insights about Christianity's role in the world and connects the text back to the story of Exodus. His charm helps pull the big thinkers back to the human aspect of the discussion.

Why is there a resurgence of interest in the Bible and religious traditions?

People are longing for something permanent and deep in a culture where nothing lasts for more than two seconds. The Bible's permanence and beauty are appealing, and there is a hunger for wisdom and meaning in a disposable society.

How does the political climate influence presidential pardons like Biden's pardon of Hunter?

The political climate has become more adversarial, with each administration potentially prosecuting the previous one. This has led to a culture where presidents feel the need to pardon their family members to protect themselves from future prosecution.

What is the significance of the lessons and carols tradition in Christianity?

The lessons and carols tradition is a beautiful and solemn way to approach Christmas, focusing on the spiritual aspects of the season. It is a reminder of the importance of putting God at the center of life and experiencing the good that comes from it.

Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's groundbreaking new series, “The Gospels,” takes center stage in the final Daily Wire Backstage of 2024, sparking a meaningful conversation about faith, beliefs, and the resurgence of core values in America. Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing tackle Biden's broken promises, including Hunter’s controversial—yet expected—pardon. They also share an update on longtime friend and colleague Dennis Prager and much more!




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