cover of episode 'The Interview': Tilda Swinton Would Like a Word With Trump About His Mother

'The Interview': Tilda Swinton Would Like a Word With Trump About His Mother

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Tilda Swinton
蒂尔达·斯文顿在访谈中分享了她对死亡、艺术和人性的深刻思考。她认为电影《隔壁房间》探讨了友谊、共存以及直面现实的重要性,并将其视为一部政治电影,因为它提出了如何在不同观点下共存的问题。她谈到自己与母亲的相处以及与一位安乐死医生的访谈经历,并认为电影以一种情感真实的方式处理了死亡议题,让她从中获得某种程度的宣泄。她批判了将死亡视为“战斗”的观点,认为生命的意义在于我们知道它的有限性,并强调了直面死亡和痛苦的重要性。她还谈到了自己童年时期对艺术家身份的误解,以及她如何通过与他人合作来进行表演创作,而非独自写作。她认为艺术的作用更多在于激发人们的热情,而非改变人们的政治观点,并强调了艺术提供的距离感,让人们能够平静地反思和建立联系。她认为艺术可以唤醒人们内在的善良,并促进人们之间的联系,即使是像列尼·里芬施塔尔这样的作品,也能促使人们反思自身,并提升自身责任感。她还谈到了自己对人与人之间联系的追求,以及她对人们内在善良的信念。她认为不应该将政治行动主义、艺术实践和生活割裂开来,并强调了生活是艺术的根本。最后,她建议人们应该找到自己最初的设定,并尊重和坚持它。 David Marchese在访谈中引导蒂尔达·斯文顿探讨了电影《隔壁房间》中关于安乐死的主题,以及她个人在母亲去世后对死亡的感受。他与蒂尔达·斯文顿探讨了艺术在政治抗议中的作用,以及艺术是否能够改变人们的政治观点。他还与蒂尔达·斯文顿探讨了艺术与人性的关系,以及艺术是否能够唤醒人们内在的善良。他提出了对艺术内在积极性的质疑,并与蒂尔达·斯文顿就艺术的积极和消极方面进行了深入的探讨。他最后还与蒂尔达·斯文顿探讨了如何才能获得自己想要的生活,以及如何才能在当今世界保持对人与人之间联系的追求。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Tilda Swinton feel like a foundling as a child?

Swinton felt displaced as a child because she was raised in an aristocratic Scottish military family that did not fully embrace her artistic inclinations. She later discovered that her family had a lineage of artists, which she felt was underplayed.

How did Tilda Swinton's experience with Derek Jarman influence her perspective on life and death?

Derek Jarman, who was terminally ill, modeled a refusal to look away from the reality of his mortality, which Swinton found deeply influential. Jarman's acceptance and even exhilaration in facing his limits profoundly affected Swinton's view on life and death.

What role does Tilda Swinton believe art plays in political activism?

Swinton believes art offers a space for stillness and reflection, allowing for the formation of connections and resonances that can lead to new thinking. She suggests that art, particularly cinema, serves as an empathy machine, inviting viewers to step into others' shoes and potentially reconnect with innate human goodness.

Why does Tilda Swinton downplay her role as an actor?

Swinton downplays her acting role because she never set out to be an actor and feels a fraud claiming to be one. She sees acting as a collective activity rather than a solitary pursuit, working in concert with her colleagues rather than as a solo endeavor.

What does Tilda Swinton suggest as a way to increase the possibility of getting the life one wants?

Swinton advises identifying one's original setting or core drive, such as her own quest for connection, and honoring it without betraying it. She believes enjoying the quest and staying true to one's intrinsic motivations can help shape a fulfilling life.

Shownotes Transcript

The Academy Award-winning actress discusses her lifelong quest for connection, humanity’s innate goodness and the point of being alive.Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.