cover of episode 'The Interview': Peter Singer Wants to Shatter Your Moral Complacency

'The Interview': Peter Singer Wants to Shatter Your Moral Complacency

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Peter Singer
Peter Singer: 辛格在访谈中主要探讨了动物福利、有效利他主义以及个人在道德层面的反思。他以感恩节火鸡为例,批判性地分析了工业化农业中动物所遭受的巨大痛苦,呼吁人们关注并改变这种现状。他认为,减少不必要的痛苦是他毕生追求的目标,撰写《思考火鸡》一书是这一目标的体现。他还深入探讨了有效利他主义的理念,强调其核心在于以全球视角思考如何有效地改善世界,并通过研究寻找最有效的慈善途径。他认为功利主义者应该成为有效利他主义者,因为功利主义的目标是最大限度地减少痛苦和增加幸福,而有效利他主义则提供了一种高效实现这一目标的方法。他还谈到了有效利他主义中存在的自利性自我合理化的问题,以及如何避免类似萨姆·班福德这样的极端案例。此外,辛格还讨论了长期主义的局限性,他认为虽然时间不影响痛苦的发生,但我们对未来的不确定性限制了将未来置于现在之上的可能性。在伦理困境方面,辛格坦诚地承认,在某些情况下,他的情感与理性思考存在冲突,例如在死刑问题上,他既感受到报复性的情感,又坚持他的功利主义立场。他还谈到了在照顾母亲患病期间,他可能没有做出最符合功利主义的选择,但他认为这与个人情感和家庭关系有关,并非完全不理性。最后,辛格总结了他对道德反思的看法,他认为我们不应盲目信任直觉,因为我们的直觉是基于过去的环境进化而来的,可能不适用于当前的情况。他认为,在道德行为方面,应该区分理想状态下的行为和对他人行为的合理期望,后者需要考虑人类并非完全理性且自利的事实。 David: David作为访谈者,主要负责引导话题,并提出一些质疑和反驳,例如对有效利他主义中的一些极端案例、长期主义的局限性以及辛格某些有争议观点的批评。他试图从不同角度挑战辛格的观点,并探讨其观点的局限性以及与现实的冲突。

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Key Insights

Why did Peter Singer write 'Consider the Turkey'?

Singer wrote the book to raise awareness about the suffering of over 200 million turkeys raised in conditions close to torture, including mutilation and extreme confinement that causes pain. He believes Americans should know about these practices to potentially change them.

How does Peter Singer feel about the effectiveness of his work in changing animal welfare practices?

Singer acknowledges that while progress is slow and challenging, there have been advancements, such as better animal welfare legislation in the European Union and some U.S. states like California. He remains hopeful that continued public awareness can lead to improvements.

What is effective altruism, and how does it relate to utilitarianism?

Effective altruism is the idea that one should strive to make the world a better place by focusing on the most effective ways to reduce suffering and increase happiness, considering global and even non-human impacts. It aligns with utilitarianism by prioritizing actions that maximize overall well-being with limited resources.

How does Peter Singer respond to criticisms that his views on severe disabilities are insensitive?

Singer argues that his views are formed after extensive discussions with medical professionals and parents of severely disabled children, who often face significant suffering. He believes that personal experiences, including his own family's history, inform his perspective on reducing unnecessary suffering.

What does Peter Singer think about the potential ethical conflicts between saying what is true versus what will have the most impact?

Singer acknowledges the potential trade-off but emphasizes the importance of maintaining intellectual integrity as a philosopher. He believes that rigorously following arguments to their logical conclusions is crucial, even if it means addressing controversial topics that might alienate some audiences.

How does Peter Singer balance personal costs with utilitarian principles in his own life?

Singer admits that while he strives to follow utilitarian principles, there are limits to what he is willing to sacrifice, such as causing family disruption. He believes in doing much more good than most people without making extreme personal sacrifices that could lead to significant personal costs.

What is Peter Singer's view on the controversial ideas published in 'The Journal of Controversial Ideas'?

Singer defends the journal's mission to rigorously examine ideas that might be considered beyond the pale, arguing that even issues like blackface and zoophilia have nuances that deserve academic exploration. He believes that challenging societal norms through thoughtful debate is valuable.

How does Peter Singer reconcile his utilitarian principles with the emotional pull of retributive justice?

Singer admits to feeling the emotional pull of retributive justice, such as supporting the death penalty for heinous crimes, despite his general opposition to it based on utilitarian principles. He acknowledges the conflict between his head and heart in such cases.

Introduction to Peter Singer's philosophy and his influence on ethical movements.
  • Peter Singer is considered one of the world's most influential living philosophers.
  • His work is rooted in utilitarianism, focusing on maximizing well-being for the greatest number of lives.
  • Singer's books 'Animal Liberation' and 'Consider the Turkey' have influenced ethical eating habits and challenged societal norms.

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The controversial philosopher discusses societal taboos, Thanksgiving turkeys and whether anyone is doing enough to make the world a better place.Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.