cover of episode Harris Hunts for a VP | Adam Kinzinger | Hong Chau

Harris Hunts for a VP | Adam Kinzinger | Hong Chau

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The Daily Show: Ears Edition

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Adam Kinzinger
Desi Lydic
Hong Chau
Ronny Chieng
Ronny Chieng:本期节目主要讨论了2024年美国大选,特别是围绕副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯的种族身份和竞选搭档选择的政治议题。特朗普对哈里斯种族身份的质疑引发了广泛争议,节目主持人对特朗普的言论进行了批判性分析,并探讨了哈里斯选择竞选搭档的策略和挑战。此外,节目还讨论了JD Vance对白人至上主义者攻击其妻子的回应,以及哈里斯潜在的竞选搭档人选,例如皮特·布蒂吉格、安迪·贝希尔、马克·凯利和乔什·夏皮罗等。节目主持人对这些候选人进行了分析和评价,并探讨了媒体对哈里斯选择白人男性搭档的预期。 Desi Lydic:就哈里斯选择竞选搭档的问题,Desi Lydic表达了对媒体偏向白人男性候选人的担忧,并质疑了这种选择背后的政治考量。她认为,虽然选择一位女性搭档可能会面临风险,但男性搭档也并非没有其局限性。她幽默地指出,男性搭档有时需要重复女性候选人的观点,才能被重视。 Adam Kinzinger:前共和党众议员亚当·金辛格讨论了Power the Polls项目,这是一个旨在招募下一代投票工作人员的非党派努力,以确保所有选民都能进行安全和公平的选举。他还谈到了国会内部和美国社会日益加剧的政治分歧,以及社交媒体在加剧这种分歧中的作用。他认为,解决政治分歧的关键在于选民们要做出改变,选择更成熟的政治领导人。他呼吁选民们要对政治家负责,不要被那些只追求名利而非国家利益的政客所愚弄。

Deep Dive

The episode starts with Ronnie discussing Trump's comments about Kamala Harris's racial identity and J.D. Vance's response to white supremacists attacking his wife. Ronnie questions Trump's understanding of race and criticizes Vance's defense of his wife.

Shownotes Transcript

Ronny Chieng tackles Donald Trump's continued attacks on Kamala Harris's racial identity, this time citing... Mindy Kaling's Instagram? JD Vance handles his own race problems with a lukewarm defense of his wife against white supremacists, and Ronny runs down Harris's options for a running mate, who, as Desi Lydic explains, absolutely cannot be a woman. Ronny is joined by former GOP Congressman Adam Kinzinger who discusses Power the Polls, a national non-partisan effort to recruit the next generation of poll workers to ensure safe and fair elections for all voters. And Oscar-nominated actor Hong Chau speaks about her latest film, “The Instigators,” and her incredible career in Hollywood. They talk about her luck in being discovered by directors for roles, being in the spotlight as an introvert, her incredible journey from Vietnam to America, and trying Ronny’s wife’s famous Banh Bo cake.

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