cover of episode Examining the U.S. Constitution and the Future of Reproductive Rights

Examining the U.S. Constitution and the Future of Reproductive Rights

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The Daily Show: Ears Edition

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A.J. Jacobs
A.J. Jacobs:通过对美国宪法的研究,发现其存在缺陷,建国者们并未预料到现代党派政治的极端化,以及对个人权利的过度关注。他们更强调公民责任与社区贡献,提倡理性思考而非情绪化观点。宪法需要与时俱进,但现代政治僵局阻碍了这一进程。 Elizabeth Dias & Lisa Lerer:推翻罗诉韦德案是反堕胎运动长期努力的结果,背后既有深刻的道德和宗教因素,也有政治动机。反堕胎运动通过巧妙的策略和对政治权力的掌控,成功地改变了美国的文化和法律,左翼阵营对这一变化存在误判。这场斗争的焦点已超越堕胎本身,涉及辅助生殖技术和避孕措施等多个方面。民主党需要制定长期战略,才能应对反堕胎运动的挑战,提高公众意识和参与度是应对堕胎权受限的关键。

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Shownotes Transcript

Journalist and author, A.J. Jacobs, discusses his latest book “The Year of Living Constitutionally,” with Jon Stewart and breaks down what the U.S. Constitution actually says. Plus, Desi Lydic and Jordan Klepper welcome New York Times reporters Elizabeth Dias and Lisa Lerer to chat about their new book “The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America,” and the impact abortion bans have on other components of reproductive rights. 

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