cover of episode Biden Out, Harris In: A Media Disasterpiece | The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart

Biden Out, Harris In: A Media Disasterpiece | The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart

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The Daily Show: Ears Edition

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Doris Kearns Goodwin
Eugene Daniels
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart:本期节目讨论了拜登退出2024年总统竞选的历史意义和媒体的反应。他认为媒体报道夸大其词,缺乏冷静分析,并对新闻机构阻止记者参加播客节目表示批评。 Doris Kearns Goodwin:她将拜登的退出与1968年林登·约翰逊的退出进行了比较,认为两者都面临巨大压力,最终选择退出以专注于总统职责。她还回顾了历史上的总统竞选,指出媒体对总统的报道在不同时期存在差异,并对现代媒体报道的快速和情绪化表达了担忧。 Eugene Daniels:他从白宫记者的视角,详细描述了拜登在辩论中的表现引发了人们对其健康状况和竞选能力的担忧,这出乎许多人的意料,也加速了其退出竞选的进程。他还分析了民主党内部对拜登退出的反应,以及媒体报道中前后矛盾之处。他认为媒体报道速度过快,缺乏深度分析,导致公众对政治形势的理解存在偏差。 Jon Stewart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Eugene Daniels:他们共同探讨了美国选举制度的诸多问题,包括资金问题、规则问题以及竞选活动持续时间过长等。他们认为,缩短选举周期可以解决许多问题,例如减少资金投入、降低政治对抗程度等。他们呼吁改革选举制度,以改善美国的政治环境。

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Jon Stewart returns with another episode of The Weekly Show, his podcast featuring in-depth conversations with special guests that explore the biggest threats to our democracy. In this episode, Jon is joined by Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, whose most recent book is “An Unfinished Love Story: A Personal History of the 1960s", as well as Eugene Daniels, POLITICO White House correspondent and Playbook co-author. Together, they examine the flaws in our electoral process and media coverage, offer some possible fixes, and provide facts —not speculation — about what to expect in the weeks ahead. Catch new episodes of The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart every Thursday, wherever you get your podcasts.

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