We're back 2022. This is the first episode of 2022. Okay, that one I did on purpose. This is the post-COVID episode. What? You're the one that didn't have COVID and you're coughing, bro. No, I don't have COVID. My body's different still. Welcome back. I hope you guys are staying safe. So how was it, man?
How was COVID? You know, that's kind of funny because I asked my uncle because my uncle got COVID, right? And I didn't know what to say because I wanted to be like, oh man, like how was it? Like ask him how was it? Is that what you're supposed to ask somebody when they have COVID? Are you supposed to ask them that? What, how was it? Yeah. You're supposed to ask them that? I feel like that's like, what else are you going to be like? No, but if they almost died? Yeah, that's true.
You gotta hit him with the, are you okay? First, and then be like, yeah, okay. No, yeah, they're okay. Okay, let's put yourself in my position. So he was almost like on a ventilator. Yeah. And then he was like, he had COVID. Yeah, you don't ask. You don't ask that. I asked that. You asked that? Okay.
I asked that. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. I'm like, glad. I said, like, glad you're better and all that. But are you supposed to ask, like, how was it? I guess, right? I guess not that bad. Not gonna lie, when you first texted the group chat, you're like, I got COVID, guys. Like, Gavin, I'm out of commission. The first thing I wanted to text you before I sent the original text was, f*** the podcast. But then I said, f***.
Bro get better. Yeah. Yeah. Luckily, luckily I had episodes ready with, with John and Josh, but those are the reasons I caught COVID low key. Cause I didn't really go out like that. Yeah. I haven't gotten out in a month, bro. Really? Yeah. Damn. So this is the only re like if I ever do catch something, this would be the only reason right now, like on camera. Okay. Relax. Like knock on wood.
Okay, but honest, I didn't think it was that, for me at least, it wasn't that bad. Yeah. It was just out one day in the morning, I had a really bad fever, I had chills. And then the rest of the day, like it was just headache. Okay. Next morning, felt amazing. Yeah. Do you know those ones? Like when you have a fever, you're super sick and then you wake up like amazing. Oh. I swear you feel better. Those are the best ones. Those are the best feelings though. Cause like the day before you're chugging down water, chugging down water. Yeah. Trying to piss it out.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then in the morning, you're like... No, I think that's what it was. I think that's what it is. Because I was hopped up on, like, every single supplement. Like, vitamin C, vitamin D3, all that shit. And then I felt like Thanos, bro. I woke up like, oh, this power. No, the worst ones, though, is before getting actual sickness. So, the days where there's a bit of, like, stuff in your throat. And you're swallowing it. Oh, no, that's the worst. And you're like, fuck.
It's about to come. I didn't I didn't get pause I didn't get I didn't get on thing though. I didn't get a sore throat. Would you get like at all chills? Yeah, I just got a fever and like I was freezing like I was actually freezing I had five layers on three blankets, but I still felt cold I don't like those ones when your temperatures are switching I feel like those are the worst ones and your body was probably like tingling. Was it a tingling feeling kinda? Yeah, cuz when I was sick, I
I had that tingling feeling and I couldn't sleep. Right? The main thing I do when I have those feelings is I go into like this straight thing and just try to sleep as best I can. You know what though? I feel like it could have been way worse for me, but I forced myself like not to get like sicker. Word. I forced myself not to get sicker at all. You and Sasha do that, right? You're like, no, I'm not sick. Yeah, I didn't know. Like, dead ass. So there's this point, right? When I had, this is the peak of my fever. Yeah. I was eating cereal or whatever. No, I was eating breakfast and then
all of a sudden yo yo okay side note yeah when i get super sick when i was younger whenever i had like really bad fevers when i was younger i used to hallucinate about what bro okay i have stories for you i have stories for you so my mom told me this i don't i don't personally remember what i was doing but i remember it differently because i had hallucinations right but my hallucinations it felt like it was real life so when i was younger i had a really bad fever
And then I was hallucinating that there were like intruders coming to the house. Right. So I was like pointing at the door. Mom, bad guy, bad guy, whatever. Right. And my mom was freaking out. And she's like, what's wrong? She's like crying. She's like, man, what's wrong with my kid? My dad was laughing at my face. He did not care, bro. Your mom's like, yo, what the f***? Just chilling.
This guy's laughing in my face. Yeah. Because I'm tweaking. It was literally like if I was on psychedelics. You're like high, right? Yeah. Recently when I had COVID, I had this moment where I'm like...
I'm slipping away. Like it felt like I was going to go into like a dream state. Yeah. And I think right at that moment, I could have like started hallucinating, but I stopped myself. Like, no, I'm not, I'm not going to do it. Yeah. No, like, I don't know. I'm like, nah, stay, stay here. Stay here. It was that weird. It was that serious. It was that serious. Maybe if you did have the hallucinations, it would turn out a better story. But hey, man, I don't want to do that.
Cause it's dangerous bro Imagine Imagine if Cause I was running around the house Like screaming bad guys Imagine me as an adult now What am I gonna do? Imagine Oh my god Gnomes Gnomes everywhere Animals Mystical creatures Have you ever hallucinated before? Hallucinated?
No. Oh, you never had like wisdom teeth surgery yet? I have. Oh, you have? Remember I told this story? But then, because they put me on the sleep medicine. Yeah. I fell asleep, but I woke up during the treatment. Oh.
So I could feel it Okay yeah They didn't put me on the gas You didn't get the gas mask I know But one of my titos Yeah Was telling me He loved when he went to the hospital I swear it's like Always the titos though Like the crazy ass titos They're like I loved when I go to the hospital Yeah He's like Whenever they put the gas mask Raise it raise it I don't feel nothing Raise it
And he was like, I was at my best high. Like weed couldn't get me that high. You feel me? That's how you feel though. Like it's crazy. Yeah. Like you literally feel, it's straight euphoria. Like you're in the clouds, bro. Did you have one when you were like- Yeah, I had the gas mask. I had the gas mask on. But did you see like, or did you just feel weird? I saw a tie dye. Yeah.
Oh, yo, I remember when you posted on your story. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what you fucking put on your story, but Carlos, after he listened to you, he was like, hi, it's the clouds or some shit. It was so funny. Do you still have that story? I don't have it. I deleted it. It might be archived, but. Yeah, but I wore the Travis Scott's that day. The force. Oh my God.
I was literally like highest in the room. Yeah, but not hallucinating. No, you never you never felt like you never had like a fever dream. A fever dream. Not that I remember. What was crazy is that I've been waking up to random this bruise. You see it?
Not really. You see the green? Oh, kind of. Yeah. So every, every like few months, a random bruise would pop up right here after I sleep. Oh, you know why? Why? Why? There's theories on that. There's theories on that. I've been trying to research it, but I couldn't find it. Bro. Okay. So I knew this girl, right? And she used to get, she used to wake up with scratches and bruises on her body. Yeah. So she looked into it. She did all her research on Google, everything, all these spiritual forums. Yeah. And it said that demons that are trying to attack you,
Literally hit you in your sleep scratch you and try to like make love with you just like the incubus succubus It's the same shit, but they're trying to possess you also My t-shirt being off yeah, so I've had the succubus and whatever the the bad demon is cuz bro I've woken up to random bruises on my leg and my arms damn cause what I'm getting attacked. No, no
Because what I found out is like that shit, when I searched it up, like why am I clotting? Yeah. It's just blood clots, they're saying. But like low key, I don't know. From lying down too much? No, it's like probably like just health, general health reasons. Okay. You should probably get that checked out, but f*** it, man. Right now we're going with the sucky posterior. No, that's what they say. It's like demons, bro. Demons in your sleep. That's why whenever you wake up with a scratch. Oh man, remember Sasha's story? No. Sasha's story with her friend. She woke up with scratches on her back and nobody touched her.
It was the demon. Okay, no, that's next level. That's next level. Okay, I have a question for you. Okay. Do you think ghosts and like freaking, I guess entities get bored? Get bored? Get bored. Because you have to, okay, imagine you're a ghost or a spirit, right? And you're trapped on earth. Yeah. Would you get bored at some point? Probably. Because you're living forever, no? That's technically eternity. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So do you think, this is my theory, do you think spirits just...
With people because they're bored. And that might be. Right? Because you know what? I've thought about it. And being immortal would suck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know? That's why, like, low-key, I've been thinking about, like, the fact that death is a thing makes me, like, comfortable that all my, like, real-life decisions will not matter in a few years or, like, whenever I pass. It makes it more important because you know you're not here forever. Yeah, exactly. Right? But that's why. That's why, like, being...
whenever that question comes up now, it's like, would you rather have more years added? No, I wouldn't fam. - You know what, Denzel changed my mind though. - What? - Denzel, 'cause we had this debate, right? And he told me like, yo, if you're immortal, the world is constantly changing. So you get to see the world grow older and see what else happens in the world. Like imagine you passed away like 20 years ago, you would have no idea what the fuck VR is.
Right? You would've never been able to play Battle Royale. You know what I mean? You never played Fortnite and shit. But are you staying the same age? Because if you're just immortal but still growing...
then that's no that's different that's different that's not immortal because you're still growing no like immortal like up to an age and then like what age are you immortal at you know oh so you're saying okay okay yeah let's lay down the let's lay down the okay immortal at 20 bless i'll live it out i'll see what yeah yeah that's sick but immortal at like 80 fam okay that that's okay i wouldn't want to do that i wouldn't want to do that either but i think if you're immortal that means you're still young right or like at least
at a good age you know yeah that's in my eyes that's what it is yeah like if you're if you're a vampire like edward cullen type shit oh yeah that's like a sick age because you can do everything and you get to see the world change yeah i would take it bro i would take it yeah but then there goes the questions like your your family's not immortal with you so you see so many people dying
So there's another factor. Yeah, see, that's what it is because that family, that specific family won't be as special anymore. Exactly, exactly. It won't be as special. You get to see the world, but there's consequences to it. But what if you get to like, what if you knew some other shit and you get to see them reincarnated and find them again? Like a Fortnite reboot? Yeah.
No, like, you know how people say they reincarnate into other people? Oh, yeah. And you get to see them and then see them, like, grow into their own lives. That's crazy. That's impossible. Out of the millions of people in this world and you're going to say, you're going to find your loved one in another person? It's crazy to say. You ever watch iOrigins? No, what's that? Bro, okay, there's this movie called iOrigins, right? And the whole concept of the movie, I think this is Billie Eilish's favorite movie. She said it on, like, GQ or something. Pretty much...
Every single eye is unique. Like our iris. It's our iris, right? Yeah. Our iris. Every single one is unique. And they're saying that the eye is like the entrance to the spirit world. Or at least there's a very spiritual meaning with eyes. Okay. That's why when you look at somebody. Yeah. You have like a connection right away. Yeah, yeah. Right? No matter who you look at. Especially if you looked at a loved one. You have a weird connection that you don't get with a stranger. Mm.
So there's, they had like a whole theory in the movie that people, when they reincarnate, they'd have the same iris. Oh shit. So they tested this kid, right? This super young kid and see if he would react with pictures of a past life that he might be connected to. And he knew every single location. He knew all the family members that were, that was attached to this other person. Yeah. It was crazy. Holy shit. So do you think that could be real in real life? Of the iris? I don't know. Maybe, maybe. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. I don't know.
But I think it's a dope concept. It's a dope concept to think about. There's another thing about the iris. When you like someone and you stare completely at their eyes, your iris grows. Oh, the pupil grows. Oh, no, the pupil. The pupil grows, right? And it was so funny because it was so random. She's like, look me in my eye. I'm like, what? And then she's like, oh, you like me. I'm like, what?
I'm like, what do you mean? Like, how do you know? What the fuck? She caught you. She caught you. And she's like, no, your iris is getting bigger. Your pupil is getting bigger when you look at me. I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah, that's what happens. What kind of sorcery is this? So if you look at anybody you love, if you look at like something you're really intrigued by, your pupil will get super dilated. Yeah.
Just like if you're on That's why cops If they want to check if you're high They look at your pupils Because if your pupils are dilated It could mean you're like on weed, whatever Psychedelics, all that You can probably tell because the eyes get low, you know Yeah, the eyes get low like this Yeah, yeah
no but with the the people gets like black like super word yeah like mickey mouse yeah have you seen that have you seen the buzzfeed where's like they get one teacher right and they get a bunch of people and they try to see which one is high oh yeah that shit is so funny to me i feel like that's easy though that's so easy but the guy had trouble with it really yeah he was like
man maybe now he's him but he might not be you know what i think it's more of like judging a book by its cover too yeah because i think those buzzfeed videos they purposely take people that look like they would be high but like they put a hippie guy just for just those he's gonna be high yeah yeah exactly exactly like i remember i used to walk down the street at ryerson right and people would ask me like yo we're gonna get weed we're gonna get weed and like bro i don't smoke like i don't know but but they would just like think you're a
yeah they would they would think just because the way i look i guess i don't know there's a there's a lot of um weird characters at ryerson man like if you want to go for a weird unique school go to ryerson still i feel like i feel like it's a very pretentious school in their own way oh my god right yes it's like almost as if everybody has a chip on their shoulder to where they think they're so different yeah and no not even that ryerson is like below ocad if
if you yeah i don't want to shut up okay people but you guys are pretentious as fuck man i went into okat for at least 10 minutes yeah right because i just wanted to see a friend so i go in and there's like smokers in the hallway like the typical art student right they're eyeing me they're eyeing me they're like are they really like that yes 10 minutes really me and my friend were like yo let's get out of here it's not it wow the vibe is off i know okay there's this whole what
This thing my cousin told me, she's like, you know, there's a saying that OCAD students don't shower. Oh yeah, bro. Oh my God. No lie, when I went there, it stank, fam. It kind of makes sense though, like if they're too busy on their craft. You know what's so funny too? Somebody told me, it was like, you know how culinary students, when they have an assignment, they're like, oh shit, I got a spaghetti duet. What? Say that again?
What did you say? You know how business students are like, yo, I have an essay due at 10 p.m.? Culinary students be like, yo, I got a spaghetti. This souffle is due at midnight, bro.
Yo, that's what it is though. It is like that. Is it actually like that though? Yo, for every culinary student, do you guys actually have to like prepare meals? Yeah, for sure. I have a cousin that actually goes to like, there's a huge, there's like a huge culinary school in Illinois. She goes, oh no, it's in New York. My bad, it's in New York. Anthony Redain went there, but that's what it is, bro. They just cook. They literally cook and then you test it. Like you taste it. Yeah. How do you, is culinary school online now? So like, do you have to send in like pictures of your weight?
That's a good question. That's actually a good question. I don't know, man. That's weird though. You got a Miller sample? Yeah, you got a...
You have to prepare it in advance so it gets to the teacher on the due date. That's a great question, bro. Nah, I think it's in person, though. Because I know she... Her school is super prestigious where... It's like Hogwarts, bro. Oh, yeah? So everybody's at the school. And then I think there's classes and shit there. So you have to be there, be in person, taste it. You have to. That's the only way to learn. But going back to the coronavirus shit and taste, whenever I thought I had Rona, I would always be like...
Oh, to taste the distal taste? That's why I'm like, yo...
i'm like i smell my pajamas when i wake up like okay i'm blessed i'm blessed but there was one time where it was fading i was like oh shit fuck i got it huh yeah and then i was like no it was just a stuff you know when your nose gets stuffy and you can't taste and you just can't taste no more but then i did one of those those big like exhales and then boom it came back i was like i didn't lose my taste like thankfully yeah but i feel like that's the worst bro imagine okay imagine losing any one of your senses which one would you lose oh that's
You can only... You can only... No, you have to lose one. You have to lose one. You have to lose one sense. What would it be? Taste would be fucking trash, man. Taste would suck. Taste would suck. Oh my god. How do you eat? But if you lose taste, does that mean you have no feeling in your tongue too? Yo, you know there's a theory? What? There's a theory that people that love spicy food, they're actually just kinky as f***. Listen, listen, listen. So...
spiciness isn't actually a flavor. It's literally just pain felt on your tongue. Yeah, yeah, you're right. So they're like super accustomed to feeling pain. Okay. And they like the feeling of pain, like little bits of pain. So they're actually just lovers of pain, bro. Oh, the kinky motherfucker. Yeah. That's weird. So if you like spicy food, you might be a kink. Like that might be your thing. But it's one of those things where you get adjusted to though. I mean, yeah, I guess you can get adjusted. No, but you get adjusted. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah.
Exactly. Yeah, that's true. But if you could lose one, which one would you... Or would you have to lose one? Looking back at it, Sight is the worst one you can lose, I think. Yeah, Sight. Sight is the worst one. Okay, yeah, let's rank it. Let's rank it. Sight is definitely the worst. But Sense of Touch, oh...
- Oh man. - Touch? That might be the worst actually. Sense of touch might be the worst. - But with your eyes you can see shit though. Like I want to experience the world, do you feel me? - Nah, nah. - At least with your eyes you can kind of see what's going on, right? - Yeah, okay, okay. I'll put eyes first. - But when you're eating something, doesn't like most of the taste come from the nose though? - Nah. - It doesn't? I swear that's like a big part. - It does play into it though. - Okay then, the lowest might be the nose. I might lose the nose. - The nose?
Yeah, I don't want to smell anything. Just give me taste. Actually, yeah, you know what? That's not that big of a deal. Yeah. Losing smell? That's not that bad, actually. Yeah. It's only like hygiene-wise. Exactly. You won't know about yourself. No, but better. It's like if someone stinks, you can't even smell it. That's true. Yeah. You ever hear, what's his name? Sadhguru? Oh, the preacher? Yeah, you know what he said? Yeah, what did he say? This shit was some real shit. He said, we all have our noses right above our mouths, right? Yeah, I've seen this quote.
But we don't smell ourselves. We can smell everybody else in the room. Yeah. But you can't smell yourself even though it's right above your mouth. I know. Like,
- I know, that guy blows my mind every single time. - That's some real shit. He knows a lot. And you know what? I think Mike Tyson's you, 'cause I've been watching a lot of Mike Tyson recently. He's actually woke, bro. - Because he's been on mushrooms, so he's- - And DMT. - And DMT, so that gives him all the feelings to express out, you know? - Yeah, do you think that's what changed him? - Yeah, for sure. - I think so too. - It's the ego death, man. If I took mushrooms, I would be totally different. - Yeah, you know what? Yeah.
the materialistic i would come here like playing yt wouldn't care about my appearance maybe it depends how you take it because i feel like certain people will take a different step from me right i think it really just depends on like your true character yeah and your true character just comes out yeah i think that's maybe what it is but but you have to bag mike tyson he's literally the incredible hulk like in real life because you know when he talks on interviews he's like i don't want to be that guy anymore
I don't want to be that guy. That guy was brutal. That guy was like, he had too much ego. He had a bad past though. So he might just be like, this is his redemption arc. Yeah. This is my realization arc. Yo, but the fact like, there's a video of him crying. Yeah. Oh, I didn't see that. Yeah, there's a video of him crying like, I don't want to be that guy. I don't want to be that guy anymore. Imagine bro. Okay. Imagine you were like super powerful. Mm-hmm.
Like you had Superman abilities, the Hulk abilities. Do you think you would take your life a different route? Like, would you take yourself differently?
Your personality. Hell yeah. I would act like a big dickhead. You'd act like a dickhead? Fam, when... You can even see it in the most... In smaller ways. Guys who start lifting, who become bigger from becoming the scrawny kid that gets bullied, they carry themselves. They're the biggest dickheads. You know, the tank tops. Oh, okay, okay. So if I become the Hulk out of nowhere, yeah, I'm gonna be like, what the fuck? I might say, yo, sit over here, man. I might have the confidence to be like, yo, Carlos, you sit on this side. What the fuck?
And you're gonna have to take it. I'm gonna beat you up. That's true. Okay, okay. Would you think, okay, you know short man syndrome? Oh, yeah. Uzi has it and I low-key have it too. You're not even that short. You're not even that short though. No, but I used to have it because I was like always the shortest. Okay, okay. So it resonated with me. Okay, I feel that. So like short man syndrome is that you're just mad at everything just because you have a chip on it. Yeah, you just want to prove everyone wrong.
Do you think it's a superpower though? I think it's a good thing. It's a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. If you can control it. Because if you're always, oh, yo, remember that short ass guy? Who? From New York who's like, fuck you, fuck you. Remember that guy who went viral? I don't remember. He's like this small ass guy from New York and he would always go to the convenience store. He'd be like, fuck you. You think I'm small? Look, fuck you.
- And he would always just say, just say that. - I don't remember. - Is it the guy that was boxing in the street? - Oh, yeah, no, no, no, no. - Was that him? - For women to say, "Oh, you're five feet on dating sites? You should be dead." That's okay! Shut your mouth! You're not God or my father or my boss!
He got the short man voice too. Yeah, exactly. He's like, oh, people think they're better than me. Fuck. So I'm just going to be mad at everything. No, that's class A like freaking short man syndrome. And he looks like a guy who would have short man syndrome. Damn. I think it's a good thing because now
Man's like that. They don't have a lot of self-confidence. So that gives them a lot of confidence. Yeah. So it's like a good balance, I think. It is, but it didn't work out for that guy because he just got humiliated his whole life. True. You know? True. Like if I was in elementary school and I still had that, that like motive, I would just keep getting bullied low-key. Okay. My question to you, if you were getting bullied, how do you combat bullying? A lot of people want to hear this. Low-key? I hate saying this. What? But...
But bullying, I feel like bullying is like good. I think so too. Okay, I'm going to be real. I'm going to be real. This is like super real. I think if you can come back from being bullied, it's a good thing. Exactly. It's a good thing. But obviously like the harmful effects of it is a negative in itself. Like I really don't. For sure, for sure. That's never cool. That's never cool. I'm not saying bullying is cool. That's never cool. But the fact of being like, let's say put down,
and rising back up yeah that's a huge achievement that whole scenario obviously but the other like yeah like you said there's really bad consequences to it yeah the harmful effects that's
Like, I don't, I don't. But it teaches you, like, in your life, just the hardships of life. How are you going to respond to it? Right? Yeah. Some person calling your name. I remember Jack Carlos said, his teacher told him that sticks and stones will break my bones. And he said that to a person and he just got bullied more. Right? But look where it got him. That's true. I think, okay, let's say you're getting made fun of of something that made you, like, unique. Right? Or something that made you different from the rest. Because that's usually why people get bullied. Because they're...
They're different. Right? I think if you can take that and find a way to flip it and find yourself through it, bro, that's a huge achievement because that just shows to them they're more insecure because they have to make fun of them about it. You know what I mean? I think the people that make fun of people that are cringe are the people that are afraid, afraid of being cringe. They're the people that are like,
man, that guy's brave enough to do it. I have to make fun of him for it because I can't do that myself. That's what I think it is. I never got that because why... You're seeing a guy pursuing his dreams and the person commenting is a guy behind a keyboard not doing it. Yeah, exactly. In my eyes, bro, whenever I see, let's say, a hater or somebody that's just like... They're just unhappy. I just see it as...
Look, there's going to be people that don't understand you. 100%. There's going to be people that just don't like you at all. 100%. That's fine. You can't do anything about that. But you have to realize the people that do understand you, that do see the cool out of you, that you see, those are the people that you want to see anyway. You know what I mean? The other people, they don't matter in your life. That shit doesn't matter. And like my closest friends that I've... Like we've grown to embrace our insecurities. Like so when I was...
I was small. I would always be bullied for my height. Yeah. But now it's like... Now it's like whenever they make a short joke, I would laugh at it. That's how you know I've developed and matured into it. I think that's the best part of it. When you can make fun of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They'll be like, oh, Gavin, you got a fat-ass nose. And I'll be like, yeah, you got a fat-ass nose too. And we'll both laugh at it, you know? See, when that's where it gets good is because when you can laugh... Yeah. If you can laugh together, that's different. Yeah. That's different. If you can laugh together. That's why a lot of comedians, I think...
There's a lot of comedians that came from bullying like that, right? Yeah, I think most of them. Yeah, I swear. I swear. And they're the funniest guys because they embrace it. Like, um, Burt Kreischer, he's fat. He'll take off his shirt and just laugh about it. And that would be funny to people. Yeah, like, um, Fluffy, you know,
Iglesias? Oh, yeah. That guy, fam, 100% he was bullied for being fat, but he just made it funny. Like, that's how he's funny. And that's why I'm like, yo, if you really think about it, there's not like fit, there's not a lot of fit, good looking, like model, model type comedian. Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds is an exception. Ryan Reynolds is an exception. But like,
Fam, there's rare. You know it's a rarity. Yeah, it is pretty rare. It is pretty rare. I don't think I can name another person besides Ryan Reynolds. Yeah, exactly. Maybe Chris Evans. Yeah. Maybe Chris Evans. But yo, Ryan Reynolds? Let's talk about Ryan Reynolds. Okay. Fam, any movie he's in, this guy doesn't really act. He's just there for himself. This guy plays himself. Yeah, yeah. No, he's funny though. He's funny as f**k. But he literally doesn't act.
Like he's just him. I know. That's why I'm Lucas Sabat too. Yeah. On Black-ish. Or Grown-ish. Oh yeah. I said Black-ish. Yeah. Grown-ish. On Grown-ish. He's just himself. Yeah. That's low key what I want to get to it. I want to build a podcast so big that they're just like, yo Gavin, just come on the podcast.
the movie just to be you oh that's dope that's like ultimate made it yeah that's dope you sold your personality so perfect that you're just getting roles off that they don't even have to audition you that's kind of sick you know what I'm saying that's why that's why McGregor gets gets casted a lot yeah he got casted in like video games and I think he was in in um
Game of Thrones. He was in Game of Thrones because he's just that character. He's really just that vibe. And it's dope when you see people write things around you because I know Quentin Tarantino, he'll look at somebody that's super famous and be like, hmm, how can I make a story about
them about them yeah that's when it gets crazy i know that's when you really want i know that's why um people in the ufc they're they're actually really nice people but like i remember nick diaz there was a little kid that went up to nick diaz yeah he was like giving um the kid all this like good information good advice right yeah and he's like yo you're actually a nice guy in in real person like why why don't you like this on camera nick diaz was like it doesn't sell oh no it wasn't it wasn't years it was um
It was Kobe. Kobe. What's his name? Fisher? No, no, no, no, no. I'm thinking of a life. What's his name, bro? Yeah, I know. But he's, he wore like the Trump hat. You know what I'm talking about, right? He fought Usman. Usman, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he fought Usman. And he played that dickhead. He played like the bad guy part. But in real life, he's not like that. Yeah, exactly. Like at all. But-
on any piece of media you see on him like he looks like a real douche he's just that guy though yeah but that's what sells man and if you have to build your career off it man
Fuck it. I know, but that's... I don't want to do that. Who really wants to do that shit? Yeah. I mean, if you're making millions by knocking someone out, then fuck it, man. Yeah. Okay. Would you rather be a professional fighter or would you rather be an actor? Fighter or actor? Oh, shit. Would you want to be famous for being a fighter or famous for being an actor? Long term? Long term, maybe actor then. Obviously, but I think I'm going to go with fighter just because I've looked up to so many athletes all my life. Mm-hmm.
And I always wanted that lifestyle. Cause low key actors, they don't post like their lifestyle, lifestyle. Like they just show up to interviews. They just do that. Right. They walk the red carpet. Yeah. Athletes. I've always grown up. Oh, they'll buy a new car, new house, new mansion. Like,
Like athletes, they get all the girls. But maybe that's what you consume though. Maybe that's just what you consume. That's true. Why would you be? I don't know. That's difficult for me. That's difficult for me. Because I think if you can make... Look, look. Let's say you're an actor, right? This is what I think because I'm not in the industry, obviously. But I think if you're an actor, you're always going to be faced with like, damn, I might not get that role.
man that person gets that role but i didn't because that's gonna happen a lot like there's nothing i can stop that shit so i feel like you get disappointed a lot nah but fam to get in the nba is like 0.0000 chance you know that might that's way i said fighter i said fighter though fighter oh yeah it's a fighter
NBA is different. If you go to NBA, like, yo, that's, that's like basketball, man. Fighting is still hard though. Yeah. No, I'm saying fighting, fighting is different, right? Cause, cause you're getting hurt. Yeah. So it's, it's more like emotional pain or physical pain. Yeah, that's true. And for longterm, I'm taking physical. Physical? For sure. Shit. Are you stupid? Physical becomes emotional, no?
Does physical become emotional? Comment right now. And hit that like button. Or emotional. But emotional can turn into physical though. Because you're beating yourself up. You might want to fucking take it out on your body. Ah.
Okay. That's like only certain people though. That's not like. That's if you're not built for it. More times, more times physical will become emotional. Yeah, that's true. Okay. So what are you taking? I think I'll take, I think I'll take a fighter. Just, just because, just because I want to be able to, to just train. Yeah. Just have one goal. I can train, I can train, I can train. Put in all the work and it leads up to one thing. Instead of like, you become an actor and you gotta, you gotta be connected. No, you gotta, yeah.
you gotta be it's all that it's all that it's all you gotta be that the right connections you gotta be like right place right time right era i know you know me yeah because i know there's a lot of actors that would have like killed it but they were born in a different era man i know but then you get the leo de carpo who can just shine in any era dicaprio wait leonardo what dicaprio yeah i said that you said dicarpio i said leonardo dicaprio okay yeah
No, but yeah, that's true. That's true. Did you know, did you know, um, Leo was going to play Spider-Man before Tobey Maguire? That would have been crazy. That would have changed. But I don't know. Tobey was my favorite though. Yeah. He was my favorite too. Cause he's the OG. Yeah. He's the OG. I don't think I could see Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider-Man, bro. I don't think I could see that. But you know, the new role with Miles Morales, how they're trying to get a new, a new, um, Spider-Man. Yeah. And then everybody on TikTok. Everybody.
No, but watch how TikTok will get someone that role. Oh, probably. I will believe that TikTok is the greatest app in the history of the world. If someone gets that role. It kind of is. Right now, it's booming. Did you know that Michael Jackson...
He bought he was gonna buy the rights to Marvel just so he can play spider-man. No. Yeah, I swear we told this theory Did we yeah because Michael Jackson's favorite movie was spider-man Yeah, and and this was when Marvel was having like bank. It was going to Marvel was bankrupt, bro They were trying to sell everything they're trying to sell everything. That's why it's all it's all separated. Yeah, that's why Sony has spider-man Disney has um has like Avengers and shit. It's all separated because Marvel was actually going bankrupt Yeah, imagine he did that
Oh my god. The amount of dancing movies. Oh my god, man. There would be like a killer or like a superhero that would just like dance his way out of it. I don't want to see Michael Jackson as Spider-Man, bro. This is not it. You can't. I think they offered him like a billion for it. Like you can buy it for a billion. And Michael Jackson's like, I don't know.
A billion is low for Michael Jackson too. No, it's not. A billion? A billion is still a billion. A billion, fam? I feel like a billion is still a billion though. It doesn't really change. I think because I was watching the old Michael Jackson highlights when he would just like move his head and then all the girls would just cry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how he had it, bro. Like who in this generation could do that? Justin Bieber? No.
I think so in this generation I think still Justin Bieber yeah with the teens you can say One Direction then I don't think okay I don't think it's even it's even just regular celebrities anymore I think it's just more influencers bro like TikTok stars yeah that's true there's so many man there's literally so many TikTok stars yeah that I have never heard of and they're fucking popping and they have a Netflix show now yeah
That's so crazy to me, bro. There's literally TikTok stars that are more famous than like franchises. I know. That's the power of this generation right now. And nobody's heard of them. I have a theory. Okay. I think in the future, every single big brand is going to be
an influencer brand. What do you mean by that? So, let's say... Let's say I'm promoting a clothing brand. Let's say I'm promoting, like, water. Okay. Right? Anything that I promote will end up becoming Carlos Rico. Water, Carlos Rico shirts, whatever. Or at least have a stake in it. You know what I mean? Because if you think about it, bro, these kids... Because...
It's still kind of a new thing. The influencer realm is kind of new. For sure. But how would big corporations take advantage of that? Yep. Is by doing exactly that. Like, literally making a monopoly of the products you sell to all be under you. Yeah. And that's kind of what Logan Paul and KSI are doing. Well, what are they branding? Do you know? They just made the drink, man. Oh, they did. Remember? Yeah. Logan Paul has all his other shit, like the...
the NFTs, his clothing brand, obviously. All that shit. And I'm working on... Oxfords, bro! Let's go! I've seen that. That looks fire. You know what it is? It's like a party thing in the car. Yeah, so what it is, it's pretty much... It's gonna be like a party game. Okay. It's pretty much a party game. So I wrote all of these themes. And you know how creative I get with the themes, right? It's like... What do you call this? Something where you listen in your room when you're feeling sad. Yeah, exactly! Exactly, exactly! Nah.
So I, okay, I'm going to read you one of them. So one of them was like, you have three minutes to get to your job interview that you work so hard to get to and you have to run across the city. What song is playing as you make your journey? Oh, shit. Like shit like that. Like I literally just went into the zone and I wrote down the most like
the most like specific moments that would work with music. No, that's fire. And I put them all into like these theme cards and I made that game. There's a guy that does it on Discord. Yeah, yeah. I've seen that too. But on the app, we haven't done that yet. Not an app or like an actual card. Yeah, yeah. Right? I know. That's fine. Oh, it's a card game? It's a card game. It's a card game. Okay, okay. If you were going to pick the song that went with that card, what are you choosing? Go. You have 10 seconds. Oh.
Damn. Song that goes with that card. Me? I'm choosing the, I'm choosing a dubstep. The cinema. Oh, that's dope. That's dope. And I have 10 minutes? Yeah, like Skrillex or something. Nah, that's a good one. That's like Bangerang. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, how about you now? Fuck. Damn, that's so hard, bro. I win this. You won that round. You won that round.
Damn, it'd probably be like, ah, that's so hard, man. I can't think. I can't think on the spot. What's another cool one? We'll do one more. Another cool one. Okay. What's your fight walkout song? Oh, okay. You go first this time. Fight walkout song? Yeah.
Damn. I already know mine. What's yours? Pop Smoke Hockum. Oh, that's hard. That's hard. Anything Pop Smoke would get me turned. It might be L.A. Choppa's though. Oh, yeah. Oh, any of the Choppa's? Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. It has to be one of those tracks. Okay. Or like Amigo's track or some shit. Yeah. Okay. Comment down who wins that round.
that route damn you got me at the right time bro because people people oh my go ahead no no go go go yeah because people think that i don't listen to only one genre of rap but when it really comes to ox battles i don't think i've ever lost you'll be sick of the game then you'll be sick of the game so that's that's kind of like the the way i'm moving with with my brand is like i want to be able to have things that are mine and just promote like shit that's actually mine
Word. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, I think that's where it's going to go with too because NBA is with jerseys now. Yeah. They all, they have one, it could be Dyson. Yeah, like one sponsor. There's always sponsors now. It's big sponsors. I feel like soon they're not even going to have the Lakers. It's just going to be like the actual thing they're sponsoring. Oh, that's true. Because they're going to go bankrupt from this COVID shit. Then they're going to need money. It's going to be like soccer. Exactly. Yeah.
Damn. Because in soccer, it's literally like we see the logo more than the actual team logo. That's crazy, man. Because you see like before... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like Sprite or before Manchester was like Chevrolet or whatever. And you see the big Chevrolet logo. I'm like... Bro, whenever I think of Manchester, why do I have to think of Chevrolet first? Exactly. Because it's red.
Bro, they're smart as fuck for that. Yo, did you know they do that same type of marketing in movies too? Like any single time like a character is down on their luck and they have to like pick themselves back up, they always put Apple products in it. So anytime like let's say a coder or like an author or whatever is down on their luck trying to make it big, what do they pull out? A MacBook, a fucking Apple computer, whatever they have.
So Apple specifically pays millions of dollars to put their products in that part of the movie. Yeah. That makes sense, bro. Because as a broke student who's trying to rise to the top, I need an Apple now. I need an Apple MacBook. Exactly. That's why we're so brainwashed. We're so like, it's drilled into our head that if you want to be part of that group that makes it big like that, use those type of products. And did you know in any like crime movie, Mm-hmm.
Any movie that involves bad guys and good guys, the bad guys will always have an Android phone. Word? Yeah. Sangwoo? Every single... Yo, yeah, exactly. Exactly. Sangwoo had an Android. Yo, wait. He was the only one to pull out a phone, no? No, and Gi-hyun had a...
He had an Apple, right? Oh, I think so. Yo. Oh, that's sweet. See, that's how it works. Because one of the big ones was in Knives Out. Spoiler. But in Knives Out, it was a mystery who was the killer, right? The killers actually had androids throughout the whole movie. And the good girl that they thought was the killer had an Apple phone, man. No, that's...
yeah so they specifically put it in that so it kind of ruins movies so you gotta forget about that when you're watching the movie because you're gonna be like wait a minute that's only if you know it though yeah it's only you know it's fine the more you know it's it's fucked because now you know the plot yeah bro green goblin's rocking a fucking android bro but yeah back then um uh i remember in the nicki minaj yeah all the nicki minaj tracks there's always be a random beats a
A random beats. Just in the jungle. Beats. You know? But do you know why games... Like console games take up so much storage? Console games? Yeah. So whenever you're downloading a game file... Yeah. Do you know why it takes up so much storage? Why? And this is the marketing to it. Why? So games and consoles like...
Call of Duty, Fortnite. They have such big files. So it takes up half the storage. So you have to delete other games. And it's a marketing strategy. So you only play their game. You have to delete other games. Yo!
That's so smart, bro. That's actually smart as fuck. Yeah, like, fam, the recent Call of Duty was 200 gigs. How much is a regular Xbox and PS5? 500 gigs. Almost half. Nah, my mind's blown, bro. That makes so much sense, though. Yeah, I know. That's smart as fuck because it's like you're literally removing the competition. Exactly, yeah. Damn. They don't need to make it that big, but they add extra shit in it just so you delete that Fortnite so you can play Call of Duty. Damn.
That makes so much sense, man. That one blew my mind. That's a power move right there. No, for sure. That's a real power move. But one of the biggest finesses is the Starbucks marketing. You know, you definitely know this one. Oh, writing the name? They're writing the names. Yeah. How they would get more people to post on their social media about the names wrong. Yo, that's smart as f*** too. And it just goes, oh, let me go see if they got my name wrong. Yeah. Another customer. Another customer. What the f***? Do you think they did that on purpose, like from the jump? Or do you think it became a theory? Oh, yeah.
I think it low-key became a theory. I think it became a theory, right? Because one guy messed up. Yeah, one guy just f***ed it up. No, but that one guy, they should pay millions of dollars for because that's what they got them their Starbucks up. No, because I think what it was in the beginning, it was just they just messed up. And then it became like a...
yo, I'm gonna just fuck with people. Because I think you can really take advantage of that aspect of people that just want to fuck with you. That's a whole niche in and of itself, bro. Yeah, that's true. Like if you look at society, there's always that person that's just like, let me just do this just cause. Let me just make it out of their way. Yeah, I know. Just fuck
around and let's see what happens no matter what you're gonna find that person okay so do you think okay that the mcdonald's ice cream machine was also a marketing tactic or was it that's a theory that's a theory i don't know i damn
that's a good maybe maybe it's just because they don't want to serve you i always thought they just didn't want to serve with you ice cream yeah that's why it's always broken that's what i thought too because i think they just don't want to clean up oh yeah yeah it's so hard it's either they don't want to clean up or they just don't want to make the ice cream for me there's only two ways yeah probably or is it like is it like oh uh to test all the people to come to mcdonald's and then the ice cream's not working so i have to order something else
So it's just, that is just like Starbucks. They're just getting you there. Yo, you know what? Okay, here's the theory now. Okay. Right? Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right where they force you to buy other things because the ice cream's not there. So that's how they upsell you on the meals and shit. Because if you think about it, if you're ordering ice cream, you're not ordering a meal with your ice cream. Mm-hmm.
You're just ordering the food, right? Because if you're there for ice cream, you're there for ice cream, period. Yeah, for period. Straight ice cream. Right? So what if that's what it is? That's what I was thinking too. No, I'm saying, yeah, you're right. I think you're right. Because anytime they upsell you on anything, right? Yeah. They're always going to upsell you on that shit. I think that's what it is, bro. Yeah. Just like the AirPods. Just like, you know when you have your charger and you need the other cable to plug in? Oh, okay. That's bullshit. That's so bullshit. That's the most bullshit thing. Oh my God. You have to buy it.
A $20 charger? Yeah. It doesn't come with a phone no more? That's some bullshit. Exactly. Nah. Taken, I had to buy a charger after I bought my, I was pissed. Yeah. I was pissed. Bro, the box is so skinny now. I'm like, wait, where's the charger at? It didn't come with the thing, the outlet plug. What am I supposed to plug it in, bro?
That shit pissed me off so much. Apple smart. Apple smart. The most, I think, what is it? Apple just surpassed Tesla? No, they didn't. Yeah, I think they did. Because Tesla went down. It's at the lowest. It's really low stock right now. Is it really? Yeah. My dad woke me up and he's like, yo, buy Tesla stock. Oh, really? Shit. I don't know. I don't know. Because I don't know if I want to invest in Elon Musk right now, man. Oh, there's another theory where the richest people in the world have the worst handwriting. Oh.
I heard about this. Yeah, so I think Kanye, whenever he releases his album, his track list, it's so shit. Drake too. Elon Musk. They all have shit handwriting. Damn, take it a step further. Every single doctor has bad handwriting. Bro. It's literally chicken scratch. Bro, tell me why my doctor hands me my symptoms and I can't know what the fuck are the symptoms.
I can't believe what the fuck I did. No, that's exactly. Yeah. Because maybe those really, really powerful people, those people with a special genius in their brain. Yeah, you know why though? Yeah, it's because their brain is moving too fast for their hand to write. Damn. I think that's why I have bad handwriting too. You have bad handwriting. I have shit handwriting. I was going to say, you have shit handwriting. I know. It looks like a kid. Yeah, yeah. It's actually bad.
So fortunes are coming your way, my brother. No, but what's funny, because sometimes I try to write really neat, but it ends up looking like grade two writing too. Because I'm writing like super like big and bubbly. Bro, I think the more you focus, the more shit it comes out. I think so too. I think so too. It's more like when you flow it. Yeah. It looks like cursive. Yo, okay. I have a theory. I have a theory. I have a theory that
any time somebody's super good at anything yeah it's they're doing it in a flow state there's no way they're they're thinking too hard about what they're doing and doing amazing yeah you got me for sure that's my theory like no matter what whether it be a tennis player whether it be a basketball player whether it be a boxer whether it be someone artist like painting yeah they're always doing it in a flow state that's when they get the magnificent pieces those like
A1 tier one talent is when they're doing it in a flow state. They never get it when they're thinking hard. When I come up, when I sit down for two hours trying to come up with a design, I can't do that shit, man. Yeah, it has to come natural. It has to come natural. But once I have it, flow.
Me and Photoshop is like... Feels like the flow. Yeah. The flow. The flow is definitely there. Right? And I think even looking at like... Because I do archery, right? Yeah. When I think too hard about, okay, I got to really focus in. I got to dial in. I never hit it right. But it's the moments where I just like use instinct with it. Because I...
i really want to take you shooting i really want to take you shooting because when you do it it's almost like you have to feel it in your soul i don't know it's weird it's a weird like intuitive stink like instinct you know i don't know how to explain it no no because that i can relate that to basketball okay yeah when you're shooting when you're shooting one of the best shooters lethal shooter he says when you're shooting just shoot that's literally his best advice yeah because if you think too much
you're going to miss. Bro, if you're thinking about shooting your shot at a girl, if you think too much, you're going to miss. Exactly. Just do you. And then look back at Fortnite players. Like, oh man, anybody in like Valor, like clutching the game. Those guys are in flow states. Most relaxed. They're the most relaxed in those pressurized positions, bro. And when you do go, uh, uh, uh,
And then you freeze up like, oh no, I'm the last one left. Oh no, it's a 4v1. That's when you choke up because you have all those emotions coming up and then you're like, ah, I don't know what to do. And you freeze. It's weird, man. That was one of the biggest reasons why I quit basketball because I couldn't handle the pressure of being in those in-game situations. Especially with people watching you. That's why I'm surprised like...
That's why I always wanted to be like, yo, live podcast in front of people to see how now I would react. You know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We kind of did that before with Stereo. Remember? Yeah, it was... Oh, bro. I think that this was... Yo, on the second episode, I almost broke down, fam. Really? Why? Yes, bro. Because this was when... This was so live. Like...
this, we were still new to it, right? - Yeah, yeah. - And we weren't asked, we weren't getting questions from the thing 'cause we didn't know how to work it. - Okay. - So we had to, Monday, Tuesday, we had to run back-to-back podcasts. So we're doing a podcast, right? - Yeah. - And my dad, I get a text from my dad, 'cause we're doing it on our phone. - Yeah. - He's like, "Fam, like try to conversate with him."
in my mind i'm like oh when you heard that i froze i dead ass froze because you were talking about i remember perfectly egyptians i didn't know anything about that he's like gavin try to conversate it's getting boring bro in my mind i wanted to turn my phone off really yeah damn i didn't want to continue stereo after that wow that's crazy i did not know this you never told me that i know why would i tell you fam i had to keep going yeah yeah
Cause fam People don't realize Like yeah you can People always say Yo get me on Get me on the podcast Get me on the podcast Yes you can have A sick first episode But now it's The pressure of Boom Going to the next one Always improving Right so you can Yeah you can come on the podcast For one episode Have a great one Yeah But now Get into the 30th episodes 60th episodes You
You feel me? No, that's true. You have a good point. It's way harder than people think. But I never... You have to never let yourself think to where like, oh, am I going to have trouble here? Yeah. I think that's what really makes people break. Yeah. Is when you think about...
what if I f*** up? Exactly. That's when people f*** up is when they think about it. When you just have your head forward, like doing your thing, nice and relaxed, no care in the world, bro. Exactly. It's going to come out smooth, fam. And I think that's why it's so important to just build your self-confidence first and you can literally take on anything in the world. That's why, okay, I wrote this in my journal recently. I'm like, is it because I'm so ambitious that I'm able to do everything? And I think to myself,
anything i ever did right anything i ever did i always tried to do it the best or always try to like see another step further where can i take it i'm good at this maybe i'm good at this now right i always see like where's the opportunity and how can i how can i pursue it yeah but i think if i didn't have that ambition if i didn't have that little like piece of me yeah would i even be here in the first place or would i just be just doing something else something something
To a much lower scale. I would say it's... It's not even your ambitious. It's your mindset. That gets you there. Because there was a... There was a story of a... A really bad kid who was failing high school. Right? Yeah. And he took... He promised his mom. He was dropping all his classes. But he promised his mom. He was going to take the SAT. Yeah. Right? So he took the SAT. He got a 1480 out of 1600. The dumbest kid in class. But he got that score. Right? So he...
He carried his life, whole life. He become an entrepreneur. He started to go to class just because he got the mindset, oh, I may be smart. He started kicking all the guys that were a bad influence on him. And like, that might be the root of it. But it was crazy because out of that batch of the people that got their SAT scores, it was wrong. They gave him the wrong score. He actually failed. Oh, shit. But he carried his whole life. Like, he was a 1480 out of 1600 student. Yeah. And that's all he really needed. Damn.
It was just all his mindset. It was all his mindset. So if you feel like even... I know university gets fucking hard. If you just act like you're smart, it'll get you through it, bro. Yeah. Just act like an accountant, bro. Yeah. That's what I told you, right? If you just...
act like and put on the persona of what you think that person is. Let's say I want to become a podcast host. Okay, boom. I'm acting like a podcast host. You know what I mean? Then I become it. Then I become it. You go into like another setting. Let's say you want to pretend you're like a car dealer or whatever. If you want to be sick car dealer, you act like what you think a car dealer would be like and you're going to be that. Exactly.
Right? It's all about the confidence of how you step in the room, fam. I have a big question for you. I wrote this in my journal last night, I think. And I think it's pretty deep, but it's like, okay, listen. Do you think every successful person is a narcissist? Oh, that's a good question, right? Yeah.
Right off the bat, I think yeah. I think yes too. Because you have to have that sort of ego to get you through the people with the same ego. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Because you can't let a boss boss a boss. Exactly. You know? Exactly, bro. That doesn't make any sense. I think every successful person or at least those people in very high positions...
They're all narcissists. Look at any celebrity. Look at any influencer. Look at any model. They're all narcissists. Gary Vee, one of the biggest narcissists in the world. Big, big one. Oh my God. Big one. And look at any industry. It doesn't matter what industry you're in. If you're successful, they're narcissists, bro. I think you have to have some type of like,
In your body. Like it doesn't have to be apparent in the public, but if you have to turn it on, like, no, you can't. Cause what do you consider? Actually? Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. But you don't, you don't show it. I don't show it too much. Right. I don't show it too much, but I think it's a trade that people take and then they turn that switch whenever they need it. Yeah. It's like, okay, boom, it's go time. Cause it takes, it takes a certain person. Cause I think narcissism and ambition is,
like hand in hand when you're yeah because you got to be a narcissist to be like okay I'm the best yeah you know I mean yeah or even be like bring
For example, Joe Rogan. To be a Joe Rogan and have the Joe Rogan show, you got to be a certain type of person to have the Joe Rogan show. Yeah, I know. That's true. Right? Yeah. And sometimes other people won't get it. Yeah. Right? But I remember when you started coming up off the TikTok stuff, I started seeing the narcissism little hints of it. It's like, oh, look, look, look at my TikTok, look at my TikTok. But I learned to understand, like, yo, that's really good. That's really good. Because if you have someone telling you that your designs are shit...
I promise you, you would have blown up. Yeah, that's facts. You know? Yeah, yeah, that's facts. That's facts. But yo, that's why you got to take, you got to take it to like, okay, I don't care about anybody else. You got to see like what you're good at and fucking like head down. Boom. Nothing's, nothing's stopping the train. That's what it is. It's literally like you got to take your life, your career, freight train that shit. Nothing can stop it but you. Yeah, no opinions. Cause like, uh,
What was the the guy that you said earlier that was a motivational speaker Oh Sadhguru. Yes, Sadhguru He he once said um, I think this was him but he said uh, you're really letting other opinion other people's opinions change your reality You're letting these regular ass people But he's like no I'm rephrasing yeah, but like you're really letting these people that don't go about you. Mm-hmm change your reality Yeah, like it's
When you really think about it, no one cares about you. And it's not important enough to change your daily routine for those people watching you. No, for real, bro. For real. Nobody's going to care about you as much as you care about yourself. Exactly. And that's just the reality of it. But...
Now I'm gonna play devil's advocate. There are certain people there. Okay. Now there's this whole side of it. Cause you can say that you can say that, but there's also people that are like, yo, when I see that guy, I'm going to kill him. When I see that guy in the street, it's on site. So do you think that type that still exists? No. Yeah, that does. That shit still exists. So how do you combat stuff like that? When it becomes a real life, taking something online, right? Yeah.
It feels safe. It feels safe. You're playing with social media. It's just all online. It's digital. It's digital. Yeah. But reality, it's all still physical. You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't do the internet beefs. Like, I've never run into one. Never, never. But I would never want to, like, actually, like, oh, he's actually coming? Shit. Yeah.
Like, cause I troll a lot. I'm like, boy, I'm, I'm naturally a troll. Yeah. And that hasn't got me in trouble yet. But once I meet that person who's like, yo, I've seen in one of your pictures, your address, I'm coming right now. Oh my. Imagine how shook I would be. Yeah. Yeah. Oh no. There was one guy. Yo, this was when I was a little ass kid. Right. And I was on con. Right. So, so I was, I was like trolling the shit out of this person. I was like, haha, I'm killing you. I'm killing you. And this guy was like, I got your IP address. Oh,
I was like, wait, what's that? I'm coming to your place right now. What? I left the game. That was my first time when trolling actually backfired. Damn. But he trolled me like in reverse. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's funny. It's funny.
that's a thing though like people actually do that now like that's not even uncommon anymore people even do that like omegle and shit yeah that's why it's scary i know that's why it's scary because i think we all have this like um idea that if we're behind the screen if we're just saying all this shit behind the screen you know i mean nobody's gonna touch it nobody's gonna touch us you're still playing with a real person that's still a real person and i know you've seen the the african warrior ones which one where uh they're on cod and he he gets the ip address of the
the people playing and he's like, "Oh, I know where you live." - Oh yeah. - And they're like, "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." - Yo, I think that's why so many people are getting hacked right now. You see that? - Oh, the Instagram? - There, people are getting hacked. - Okay bro, but like how stupid are you to click on a link of Bitcoin?
Nah, but they play it like super smart. Because before, when the internet was still brand new, that shit was so stupid. Their scams were stupid. But now, like it's getting like legit. This shit looks legit. You know what? I didn't get a link one. I got one of those sneaky ones. Really? I was almost gonna, I'll read it to you. And I was almost. Like on email? No, I was, no, like on. Instagram? Yeah, on Instagram. Oh, like a login? Oh.
She said... So this is one of my friends. Yeah, yeah. So I didn't know she got hacked though. She was like, Hey, Gav. I need... I got locked out of my Instagram and I need you to help me with it. Yeah, yeah. I need your number. I'm like...
Oh, you don't lie. And me being nice, me being nice, I'm like, oh, okay, I might do it. But then I'm like, I really sat down and thought about it. Why do you need my number? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, if it involves my number, I don't want it. She blocked me right after. I was like, this is, and she got scammed. Damn.
Wait, wait. What happens if they give you your number, though? I think you can... Then they log on to mine because they're going to get the ID now. They're going to get that sent to my number or something like that. Oh, they're going to stop it from getting to your number? Mm-hmm. Oh, shit. Damn, is that a thing? They can do that? It was f***ed, fam. When I tell you, I was almost going to give her my number. Damn. Because that's why I always put two-step verification. Yeah. I didn't have that on yet. Damn.
No, because that's scary, bro. Because imagine like we low-key put our whole lives on that shit. Yeah. And there was another story where a girl was coming out of school. Yeah. And it was like, this is the dumbest like human trafficking thing that they could do. What'd they do? The person goes, he opens his door and the girl's walking out. He's like, hey, can you close my door?
What? When he can't, he can't, he can just reach in and think. And the girl, the girl was like, oh yeah, I'll do it. But the mom who's recording, she was like, don't go, don't go, don't go. Fuck. It was like an Uber or something. No, that's scary though. Cause that shit happens in real life, man. That shit happens all the time. People just get pushed in and you don't even know what's going on. I know.
there's many many like scary uber and taxi story stories like that's why um whenever i'm in one or my mom's in one i always put on the location i'm like okay mom just tell me when you get there and stuff like that yeah especially for girls that's the scariest one damn okay do you think do you think hackers gonna become so advanced where like they can just hack you without anything because look kind of look look it's almost as if all of our information that you need to hack us is already out there
It just takes a person to like look into it. You got me? Because a lot of people's passwords are what? Like shit they like. You know what I mean? What's like your first cat's name? Yeah. Like shit like that. Like, oh, the street address, whatever. You got me? Yeah, I kind of get you. But like by not doing anything though, you're just going to answer this question? No, I mean like people can look into you and hack you just by looking at your information. Just by searching you up.
Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, you can do that right now. You can do that right now. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying, right? And the dumbest thing is that most people's passwords, if you get one, like on Instagram, you might get their bank account because they low-key reuse passwords. Oh, shit. Which is stupid. Okay, do you...
I think I'm going to change my passwords now. Yeah, I have always different ones. I'm going to keep changing them. Yeah. Because I heard, I heard like they could be super close. I think it was, it was my com, no, no, no. It was the computer engineering teacher we had. Yeah, yeah. So remember he showed us like this, the generator. Oh. And it said how long it would take to crack your password. Yeah, and then it was like, Carlos is banking out five minutes. How long it would take to crack the password, right? Yeah. Damn. You know my password now is f***ing
long as shit. Yeah, my mind is too. I thought you, I was like, what are you going to say your password? No, no, no. It's like, it's long as shit though. Yeah. I make sure now because like, it's getting too advanced. You got to put like a whole fucking, like a storybook, right? Like a whole. Oh my God.
Read a whole paragraph for your password. And I think, did you hear that? Like, we're running out of numbers. What do you mean? We're running out of like phone numbers we can use in the world. Yeah. We're getting that much people. That's how much people are in the world. We're running out of phone numbers. What the fuck? Where do you see that on? This is a real thing. Like you can, you can search this up on news. Holy shit. Just now. Like recently, I think last year or some shit.
Like we're running out. We're running out. They have to make new freaking combinations. They might add another digit. Or they're just going to release more variants. Kill people off. What the fuck? What? That's what's happening right now, don't worry.
That's just getting overpopulated. Release the Omarion. Omarion? Omarion one, bro. You know, he made a video. He made a video. Oh, bro. He was like, I'm not a variant. That shit killed me. That shit killed me. Omarion. That sucks. Did you watch that movie, Don't Look Up? No. Oh, you didn't watch that with the meteor? With Jennifer Lawrence and Leo? No, why? Is there a theory for that? No, there's not a theory, but there's something funny with it. Yeah. So...
The meteor that was going to crash into Earth, right? It was named by the girl that founded it. So, or the girl that found it. And I forgot what her name was. But anytime they said her name, it's attached to like destruction and like bad shit that happens, right? So that would suck if your name was attached to like a natural disaster. I know, I know. It's like, oh my God, Hillary's coming. Hillary, whatever that Hillary is.
Cause everybody's like Let's say Let's say the The meteor's named Gavin Yeah I know That's why That's why Omarion Had to do that You feel me He's getting No but I feel like That would boost his songs Like everyone's going Oh yeah I think it is I think it is It has to be It has to be Just that Just that Just that him Resurfacing alone It definitely Definitely did
No, but there was weird stuff like, because I think there was a movie called Omicron in 1963. Really? Yeah, that it was about a human that went into an alien's body and he disguised as a human just to find out stuff about people. And that's when the, so his people can come on earth. So that's why I'm like, yeah. So I'm like, what the fuck is happening?
Is that what's gonna happen now? That's crazy. You know Omicron? It was the name of like a... It was an alien in... Futurama! It was in Futurama. Yeah, it was like Omicron Phileas 8. Yeah. Or something like that.
and that was about aliens too so all right i'm gonna blow your mind right now i'm gonna blow your mind right now listen in antarctica yeah there's islands named after every single variant there's a delta island there's an omicron island and there's a corona virus one there's a corona one no shot yeah there's islands in antarctica named after that so they're just melting it and then boom next one no there's islands like named after as in like they have it it's connected what the why is that connected
Why is that connected, bro? Okay, I'm going to blow your mind right now. Squid game. Yeah? Delta variant. Triangle. Delta. Circle. Omicron. Yo. And I think Omicron is like... Oh, f***. I forgot what it was, but it's like a Greek letter where it's a triangle. Is it? Yeah. People are saying it's the Illuminati or something. Damn.
man it's scary man what's the next one what's the next one i don't know coming soon i know let's just look at the cities uh in antarctica yo wait a minute yeah we can definitely do that no we're gonna predict it yo okay i don't wanna i don't want to okay do it we might go viral dude just see the things that okay let's see let's see let's see let's just see if this shit is real oh my goodness look omicron islands what's another island southeast of the omega island
Omega's next? Omega. Okay. Omega or Meliquar? Meliquar? Or Melquar? Melquar? Omega? Omega sounds like it's the next one. Yeah, I know. Or Palmer. No, Palmer sounds too whitewashed. He's not Palmer. No, Omega sounds like, yeah, it's the next one.
bro. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh no, it wasn't Corona. It was Rothschild Island. You know what that is, right? What? You don't know who the Rothschilds are? No, what's that? The Rothschilds are the richest family in the world. They own like
I think 30% of the world's money, bro. What the f***? The richest people in the world. I think they owned all of the steel companies back in the 80s. I mean, not the 80s. 1800s, all that s***. Yeah. They owned all of it, bro. They're literally some of the richest people still today. F***.
And it's a whole family. And like, this is getting into like the rabbit hole. Yeah. But people say they're like the spawn of Satan. What the hell? Yeah. Spawn of Satan? Damn. Okay. Did you look into the Jeffrey Epstein like flight list? Yeah. Did you read it? Yeah. Bro. Because when I was looking in the...
Omicron, one of the biggest ones. What's the girl's name? Ghislaine Maxwell. Yeah, Ghislaine Maxwell. They're saying, obviously, it's a rabbit hole, but her trial was coming up next. So they were like, release another virus for people to get distracted and so that trial can never, like, commence. Mm-hmm.
Fuck, man. And it's weird, man. It's like all a coincidence, but it's so like... It's too like in our face. Yeah. It's too obvious. But yeah, but it's only the people that will know that really read into it. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's for real. That's for real. And not a lot of people are reading, obviously, because they're reading on coronavirus. Yeah. Damn.
See, it gets too rabbit-holey. It's too much. You sound too crazy when you talk about that shit. And I don't like talking about it, too. Yeah, because people get political. It doesn't have to be like that, but it's still weird, man. That shit is still weird. So I would look at the flight list, bro. Okay, who else is on there? I looked because I want to read it. I couldn't find it regularly. Yeah.
I can only find it on like a Reddit PDF. Yeah, and there's like a mini picture of it. Yeah, and then it's literally like photocopied sheets, like scanned documents of the flight list. Bro, there's people on there. Some Rothschilds are on there. Rothschilds, like super powerful people, bro. Oh, yo. Let me pull up some of the people. We're going to get Red Room. Okay, fuck. Maybe you shouldn't say the names. I'm not going to say the names. I'm just going to say
Chris Tucker was on there. What the fuck? Random people, bro. Oh my God. Random people. I'm like, why would he be there? Yeah, that's weird. You can definitely get the whole list. Donald Trump was there. Yeah. Donald Trump. But that's an obvious one. That was an obvious one. I mean, that's obvious. But Chris Tucker, bro. There's people like, why? Why would they be there, right? Who's the magician? David Blaine. Nah, bro. What'd he do, man? So, okay. Do you think all these people on the list are part of the Illuminati? I don't know.
bro we're gonna get blacklisted like all right no no for that that's crazy like i'm saying bro you can finally find the whole list on red room for like 40 dollars oh no not red room on the uh what do you call this dark dark web the dark web we see do you want to do you want to try going on the dark web one day i read i read more into it there's um you know the um in japan there's actually a red room curse oh shit so so what happens is um you'll get a pop-up saying do you like the red room and
and like you can't click off it and when you try to click off it it'll give you another room yeah it'll give you another pop-up it's like too like the red room right and all those people who've gotten a pop-up have been killed and their blood has been made that's why it's hence red room nah their blood has been smeared on the walls that's the japanese urban legend that's why it's called red room red room yeah obviously because the blood is smeared on the wall
Bro, that's messed up. Yo, you want to hear something crazy? So Black Widow, right? The recent Black Widow movie about human trafficking, right? About human trafficking. So what was the name of the organization? Red Room. Yeah, it was called the Red Room. That's fucked. Hold on, I got another one.
Because remember on the other episode with Josh, he said an urban legend of the girl smiling at you. Oh no, that was Denzel. Oh, that was Denzel? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he said, if you don't tell her she's pretty or something, she kills you, right? Yeah. So there's another one. There's another guy. I think it's called the Akumatu. So he catches you on the toilet, right? Yeah. And he comes up to you with red toilet paper and blue toilet paper. Oh, totally.
And this is what happens. Remember how the lady, she says, you have to tell me I'm pretty. This one, she says, you have to choose the toilet paper. If you choose red, he kills you and gets blood. If you choose blue, he chokes you out until you're blue. But unlike the red lady, he just kills you. If you see him, automatically dead. Damn.
Yo, okay, okay. Do you know why, like in the Matrix, there's always a blue and red? No, why? So there's like even subconscious, like natural instinct we have as human beings with red and blue. So if you think about it, anything that's blue is part of what? It's part of the world. Yeah, ocean. We're like water. We're 80% water, right? Now, if you think about anything that's red, anything that's red is usually man-made. You don't see it. To see blood in the wilderness, you would have to cut somebody off.
Yummy. Shit. So there's like a subconscious trait like thinking red and blue. So if you want to escape and see something else is red. If you want to stay here in the world, the world is usually blue. Oh, I didn't know that. I just made that shit up. That ass? I knew you were going to die. Low key, I was like, where is this going?
No, but it makes sense though. It makes sense. You deadass made that on the spot. I literally made that on the spot. Yeah, I knew it. I could tell because it's like, how does this relate to the Matrix? I thought you were going to be like, oh, but there's a conspiracy, but they never came.
But good shit, good shit, good shit. No, but it does make sense though. Yeah. I think a lot of the colors that we see, it's not by accident. People put colors for certain things to try and trigger that emotion. Yeah, that's true. Because anytime you see yellow, it's supposed to be happy. That's why McDonald's, freaking sunlight, those bottles with the soap and shit, it's all yellow. Like Family Channel, I don't know. Any kids show, heavy influence on yellow color. Any baby shows,
heavy influence on yellow color right anytime you think about like um
um insurance blue blue i was gonna say blue because it has that kind of like effect on it like it seems like it's very corporate type shit word that's weird and then green is obvious like freaking money no no no um look at green like outside like freaking nature nature yeah all that shit like egocentric you know it's obvious man it's obvious they they play with us like that like they all these all these big corporations all these people in power all these like
masterminds it's crazy marketing they're just taking advantage of like okay this will trigger this let me put that in position you ever watch that movie focus no bro okay this is the one of the craziest movies i've seen just because it made me think about myself in regular regular life right so this movie focused with will smith and um what's uh harley quinn
margot robbie margot robbie so they're pretty much like con artists and they're scam people of money right yeah so what they did they ended up making this guy bet on the game right by picking a number but what they did throughout the whole day prior to them meeting this guy for the bet they were leaving hints and hints and hints throughout his day
for him to choose that number so the the elevator number 55 on his receipt 55 the girl had a tattoo on her on her back the prostitute that he bought had a tattoo on her back that looked like a 55 no that's crazy all this shit all this like subconscious shit they placed it there yeah so that he would pick that number when it came to the bet and you know how much they want they made how much they made like 30 million dollars
from that one bet from that one bet nah this is crazy cause I actually had an experiment done on me with that really so this is this is how for people watching this is how you always win a game of rock paper scissors yeah okay so this is what happens so I was going through my day going through my day my question my friends were questioning me with the most random shit yo how do you prop some man how do you prop some man
So they were always making a fist to me. I'm like, I don't know, just like this, just like this. I was like, okay, what's going on, right? And he's like, always saying these words like pebble. Yo, you see that pebble on there? It's so weird. Whole day I was thinking, and he's like, okay, let's play rock, paper, scissors for $30. I'm like, okay, what the fuck? Rock, paper, scissors. Guess what I chose? Rock. And he starts celebrating like he's a big star. I'm like, what do you mean? He's like, bro, I've been planting this for an hour now.
I'm like, what do you mean, bro? He's like, he programmed you. Yeah.
He programmed you, man. Dog, it's crazy. Like, if you really want to win big money and be like, yo, let's play Rock, Paper, Scissors for $100. But you do it at that end of it. See, so that's pretty much the same thing that they did, but just to a bigger scale. Yeah, to a bigger scale. Yeah, and he just had access to those super big high rollers. No, that is crazy. The fact that they did the 55 tattoo. Yeah. Oh, my God. No, it was literally, like, in the movie, it's funny because he's, like, smashing the Jordi and it's on her back. It's on her... And he's looking at...
But it's not blatantly obvious. It just looks like it. It looks like it. Oh my God. That's crazy. Imagine. And that stuff happens to us right now. To us right now. Whether it be like a subtle Nike check. It looks like the shape of something. That's why I think maybe some certain things we see in nature, people take advantage of it. So anytime we're out, it's like free marketing. Loki.
- Right, you know what I mean? - It's like whenever we step outside and see green, it's like, oh, that reminds me of that. - I'm blowing your mind right now. I'm blowing your mind right now. So you know how when you like zoom in on a microscope and you really, really dive deep into like a picture and you see like shapes, but super microscopic shapes. So what if those super microscopic shapes, whether they be like triangles, circles, squares, whatever shape, right? What if those are the same shapes they use in logos?
and then it makes you think. So anywhere you look, let's say I'm looking at this table. Subconsciously, like if I really, really zoom into the table, it's made up of those particles that make that shape, bro. That was such a high moment, fam. Imagine. And I know you came up with like that. Literally just right now. Literally right now. That's fine.
Nah, don't buy from Carlos' brand because he's throwing shots. Like, that shit probably got some subliminal messages on it, bro. Nah, bro. If you think, like, it can all just be like that, man. It can all be like that. And take it a step further. We hop into the multiverse. The whole world is going to be that, man. Oh, my God.
The whole world is going to be that. There's so much shit about how they're getting glasses and how they're making glasses so you can see the multiverse or some shit like that. Whoa, so we can just put it on? Yeah, or like gloves and you can touch the multiverse. Nah, nah, nah. It's getting weird. That's weird, that's weird, that's weird. It's getting weird, man. You hear what Jim Carrey said? What'd he say? Jim Carrey, he went on like a really weird rant for the opening of Sonic because they interviewed him, right? And he was like,
You know, it's getting really weird with the technology. Eventually... Okay, let me just play the video for you. This shit is weird. No, I don't have the video. So anyways, what he was saying, he was pretty much saying like, eventually, because our cars are self-driving, they're going to be able to pick us up. But instead of taking you to where you want, they're going to take you to the... They're going to take you to the police... Wait.
Wait, no, they're going to take you. They're going to take you to jail because you have outstanding fees or you have outstanding loans that you didn't pay. They're going to take you places where you didn't want to go, but they're going to send you. So because everything's automated, right? Self-driving car, it's going to take you wherever they want you to go. Yeah.
And then he's like, eventually, shit's going to happen in your eyes where anything you look at, it's programmed. So people... You can have a conversation with somebody, but they're actually watching something in your retina. What? So I'm talking to you, but I could just be enjoying a television show right now while I watch, while I look at you. What's the purpose of that though? Yo, it's just like...
Deception. Actually, no, that's crazy. You can just be fully in a convo and just zone out. So imagine I'm talking to you. Let's say we're in like a hostage negotiation or some shit. And I can see the live feed of the hostages while I'm talking to you. In my eye. That's...
No, we're giving this podcast, this one, this the one. Right? No, like, imagine, or I'm getting fed, I'm getting fed all of your, like, childhood things. While you're talking to me? While I'm talking to you. Like, I'm getting a feed of, like, all your information. It's getting sent to my brain. Investigators? Yeah, while I'm trying to, like, interrogate you. Yeah.
interrogators would have a field day every single thing that you did today and then i'm like looking through the information i hope it never gets there though it could be i think i think instead you ever watch blade runner oh yeah they had they had like robots that were um they're cops right yeah but one yeah one is like the the guy he's like yeah he's the blade runner he's the one that goes and finds the the robots that kills them that ran off whatever right i think
the police or whoever it is like the the people that come to get criminals or investigate people yeah i think they're all going to be cyborgs man if you think about it if you think about it right yeah what's the best way to get information from somebody information from computers shit like that from a computer yeah right now what if i was a computer and trying to get information from you yes i literally have the algorithms in my head to pull out certain phrases to get to what you were going at and without you even realizing you gave me an information
that's crazy bro because when you were just talking about that all i could think about was the interrogator who was um interrogating that guy um who who did the school shooting yeah and and he he already has like shit played out but now imagine with the technology in your head easiest easiest day you would even need an interrogator just put a side put a robot yeah that's exactly exactly that's scary bro
Alright we'll end it there Thank you everyone for watching this episode of Jumpers Jump Podcast Check out the links in the bio Go listen to the Spotify if you haven't yet And yeah follow us on Instagram All that good stuff Yes sir stay safe Jumpers Jump out Deuces