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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Carlos Juico
Gavin Ruta
Carlos Juico 和 Gavin Ruta 讨论了各种圣诞节相关的理论,包括圣诞彩灯的象征意义、拐杖糖的象征意义、弗罗斯蒂雪人的黑暗起源、以及一些圣诞节相关的犯罪故事。他们还讨论了关于迈克尔·杰克逊仍然活着的理论,以及一些与菲律宾文化、家庭、以及个人经历相关的观点。他们分享了各自的童年回忆,以及对社会现象和人际关系的看法。 Gavin Ruta 分享了他对圣诞节的个人回忆,以及他对家庭、独立和未来规划的思考。他还谈到了他对社交媒体、科技发展以及个人成长的看法,并分享了一些与朋友一起经历的有趣和惊险的故事。

Deep Dive

The conversation explores the symbolic meanings behind different colors of Christmas lights, originally derived from candles used during the winter solstice to ward off evil spirits and honor deceased family members in wars.

Shownotes Transcript


Yeah, this is what it's like. It's like fishing. Yeah. Like, just any conversation is literally fishing, bro. It's like you leave some shit out and then see if they're going to take it. And if they take it, you got them. It's like dating. Like, any single girl you put in, like, a conversation, you're really just trying to, like, reel some shit out. Yeah. You know what I mean? Whether it be, like, interests, hobbies, whatever they get excited about.

Boom. Once you got them, you got them. You know what fishing reminds me of? What? Have you watched Hustlers? Hustlers. The one with Constance Wu. Yeah. The girl from Fresh Off the Boat. Yeah. I know. Constance Wu, Cardi B, and Jennifer Lopez. Yeah. So what they're fishing in the movie was, because they're all strippers, right? And then they have to try...

In 2008, there was like a crash in like the financial district and like all the big spenders weren't going to the strip club no more, right? Yeah, yeah. So they had to go fishing. So what they did was they got a guy in the bar, right? And he was just chilling, chilling. One girl would talk to him and be like, oh, here are my sisters, here are my sisters, right? Boom, fishing begins. They order drinks. They drug him. Yeah, they roofie him. Yeah, they roofie him with some like ketamine or some shit. Yeah. And they take him back to the club, swipe the credit card. We're rich. That's f***ing awesome.

But the whole the whole point of that story was like those stock market people were taking advantage of the middle class for sure. So if you think about it, it's almost like a karma thing. So they finesse you that way and then they're finessing them the other way. Yeah, exactly. It's like those Wall Street people are just stealing money. So why the strippers are like, why not just steal the money from them? Yeah, they're coming into the clubs with loose money. Yeah. And it becomes like a thing of once one person does something bad. Yeah, it's just a constant chain. Yeah.

You know what I mean? How does it end? How does it end? Is it always just going to be you just like trying to get your bite of it? Or is it going to be like a point where somebody's like turned the other cheek? What do you think? To be honest, I think it just ends when somebody goes to jail or gets arrested or someone snitches. But even then, like...

Do you think Okay let's say Let's say there's like Some hereditary part of that Where like your Your kids want revenge On whatever You know what I mean Yeah Cause you hear all the time Like whether there's Like a gang beef Or a family feud Yeah And then they carry down The fucking The beef of years And years ago Yeah

Like Romeo and Juliet type of thing. Or... Kanye, Drake. No, not Kanye and Drake. There's... No, there's this famous one. Hatfields and McCoys. You ever heard about that? Oh, yeah, yeah. I've heard about that. Hatfields and McCoys. Yeah. It's pretty much like the Capulets and the Monogues in Romeo and Juliet where they're still holding that beef.

But I remember there's a quote in Naruto. There's a quote in Naruto. And I think... Was it Naruto that said it? He's like, we shouldn't hold on to the problems of our past because that's not our fight. That's not our fight. It's something like that. Something Denzel told me on the last episode. Yeah, yeah. Because to be honest, fam, if the...

i'm not uh associated with them unless it's like really bad like you killed my father then boom we have beef for the rest of your life right yeah yeah that right but if it's just some petty got into an argument in the 1900s and now it's 2020 and there's still beef going on that's so nah just cut it man i know drake and kanye man yeah and the worst is like family yo i i swear like i don't understand how people get into family beef with that family like what do you mean what do you mean

You know what I mean? Because I don't know. I can't see like me fighting with my sister over something dumb. I could never let that happen. Yeah. You get me? Maybe it's just that we come from a Filipino background. It's like you got to... Parents... I swear Filipino parents train you to like... Okay, you guys might fight...

During when you guys are young, obviously. Yeah. But when you guys get older, you have to have each other's backs. Like that's the main moral, right? Like Filipino is all about family, right? Yeah. We have the fam jams. We have, um, we even get back to like the family back home, buying boxes, all that. I swear like the average age for a Filipino guy to get out the house is mad old. Cause they just want to stay with the family.

Is it? Yeah, I should be right. I know bare Filipinos that are still like already graduated college and are still staying with their parents just because the parents still want them to be there. Yeah, no, that's true. Because Filipinos are smart. They're like, don't, why, why spend money on an apartment? You can just stay with us. That's facts. My mom doesn't want me to leave. Same, same. And I won't, I won't. If you guys are still paying the bills and I just have to pay like half, I'm good with that. Word. But I think there's the problem. This is the problem. Independence? Yeah, it's the independence and then when you want to start your own family. That's the problem. Yeah.

How do you make that step though? That's like a step into the unknown. Feel me? It's like all those big risks, we're still scared to take. Because we've only been babied our whole life. You know? You know what though? As much as we do say Filipinos don't like to take risks, a lot of them do, bro. A lot of them do. Now that I'm thinking about it, a lot of us have aspirations, bro. It's just like...

They don't take off sometimes. You know what I mean? Yeah. But we still try it. Yeah, no. But even looking back, like, those fam jams, like...

For example, karaoke parties where they're singing and shit. Yeah. Damn, all the time. We're always bigging them up. Yo, be an actress. Go to film. Be an actress. Be an actor. Whatever. I swear that's bullshit though. That's bullshit though. Like, oh, that's only a compliment to give out because they're probably drunk. They're like, oh, you're a good singer. You should go into acting. Like, go. You think it's just for jokes? It's not serious. It's never serious. Because in the back of their mind, whenever I have a career talk with my parents, it's always like,

Finish school Do that thing Even though Oh I have bare passions I have bare passions Yeah you can do that But remember Yeah yeah yeah Safe Be safe True I don't know I don't know But I guess it's different With every family It's different with every family For sure And Yeah I don't know man But

go into like Christmas Filipino Jabs this is the Christmas yo let's drop this let's drop this on the Saturday can you do that yeah I can probably do that I'm off school now yeah so exams are done we're dropping this on Christmas day congrats on everyone that just finished school man have a chill break you know what's your favorite Christmas memory I think we said it before but like let's rehash okay hold on

My favorite Christmas memory that I said before was getting my first phone. It's hard. It's hard thinking of memories on the spot. I think what I miss the most, because I'm looking back now, what's different from this type of generation to before. One thing I really, really miss, bro, is just like hide and seek in the house, man. Oh, yeah, for sure. That never happens no more. That never happens. Obviously, because we're too big for that.

Yeah, but I don't know because my cousins were still older at the time and they would still play too. Yeah, but they were hanging out with like little kids. So they're like, let's make it fun. No, but I have little cousins. Do you not have little cousins? No, we're all grown up. Oh, okay. I guess I'm the older. I'm the older, right? Your whole family tree is still reproducing? Yeah, yeah, it is. Damn. It is, bro. Yeah, to be honest, ours, there's only like one or two. Like little kids. Yeah, they just stopped reproducing. They're like, fuck the kids, man. So one or two, do they believe in Santa?

Yeah, they do. Oh, okay. Yeah, obviously. Why? This is funny. Because my uncle, right? Every single Christmas, he would make fun of my other cousins that opened their Santa gifts. He's like, I saw your mom packing that.

We were at Costco. Wow. That's so weird. That's so weird. That just ruins the whole mood of it. No, but it's jokes. That's kind of like our family humor. It's kind of dark like that. It's

It's kind of dark, but it's funny. It's funny, right? Bro, if that happened at my fam gym, bro, everyone would be cheese. Because we like giving the kids imaginations. Oh, yeah. It just ruins it, you know? But what's funny, because he has kids now. Oh, okay. Because he has kids now. Before, he didn't have kids. Santa's whatever. Santa's fake. Bro, the kid comes straight out of the room. He sits him down. He's like, okay, tooth fairy, fake. That's just me putting money out of the pillow. Santa Claus, that's just me and your mom. Your relatives said that? Yeah. Yeah.

Damn. Yeah, that's how I found out. Really? Because my mom came in my room. No, my mom came in my room and like, I like opened my eyes and she was putting money under my pillow. Oh, shit. No, I had a similar story too. But my story is like, okay, I wrote a letter fam. You don't write letters to Tooth Fairy, right? Yeah, what the fuck?

I just did it. I just did it because I wanted some extra cash because I wanted to get a... What was it? It was like Pokemon Diamond. Oh, yeah. Pokemon Diamond. I really wanted to get that. Yeah. So I wrote a note like I wanted extra cash so I can get it, right? Yeah.

So I left the note, blah, blah. I'm sleeping, I'm sleeping. And then I guess I woke up a little bit earlier. So you know those ones where you pretend to sleep? Oh, yeah. Where you have to pretend? For sure. So I heard my mom move in and leave the $20. She put $20 on my desk or something. I didn't put it on my pillow. I put it on the desk. Yeah, yeah. And then I remember like, oh, okay, this is it. I'm going to close my eyes. Okay.

just pretend just pretend because i know the moment i open my eyes it's gonna be there it's raps yeah it's raps you open your eyes she sees you ah it's not real it's not real you're not getting the money bro okay but anyways fuck you know how you said christmas are a bit different now yeah on christmas if your family still has little children yeah or you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend christmas is way more exciting well yeah obviously because if you're

and single no if you're if you're single or like you're you still have no kids like all you see around you is people happy and shit like that and it just adds to like oh so if you're single if you're single it's not fun because i i researched and like during christmas is one of the highest rates of suicide really yeah no i see that though because everything is like plastered everywhere it's like everyone's yeah yeah exactly

The marketing is crazy for Christmas. Yeah, yeah. Even in the Philippines, like, I believe they start, they start celebrating Christmas in November. Yeah. Right? A whole month before, bro. I know. They're celebrating. They have Christmas trees and shit up. In the Philippines, right? Yes. Yeah, usually Philippines late to everything, but only Christmas. They're like mad. They're mad early, right? They love that.

They're mad early. Okay, wait. I have a theory, though. I have a theory. It's not so much a theory, but it's like a dark meaning behind the colors of Christmas lights. Oh, shit. Okay. Yeah, so if you think about it, where did Christmas lights come from anyway? Christmas lights. I don't know. They just do it, right? They just do it. So they actually originated from candles. So to grant wishes for the new year and for the winter solstice, they would put candles out, right? Okay. Now, Christmas lights, when they were adopted with the bulbs...

At first, they started putting them with messages. So if you had red lights, the red lights were actually supposed to ward off evil spirits. The dark energy that lurks around, right? Yeah, yeah. Now, blue lights was supposed to represent one of your family members that had passed away in a war. So during, I think, World War I and World War II, that's when these lights were popularized. Yeah. And instead of putting the red, white, or green lights, they would put...

blue lights to represent that they're mourning a loss. - Yeah. - 'Cause they can't celebrate it with them. And then the green, what do you think green is? - I was gonna say money. - Yeah, kinda, kinda like- - What is? - Like good fortune. - Oh, they want good fortune to come to the house. - Yeah, good fortune and it's supposed to represent life. It's supposed to represent like new beginnings, new beginnings, right? - Okay, yeah. - So if you think, looking back, like we never, we just use these type of decorations and we just think like, oh, it's just there because- - It's just there, yeah, yeah.

Remember I did that theory with the mushrooms, right? Okay. And how the reason we put gifts underneath the tree is because of the amine and muscaria. They grow at the bottom of the pine tree, right? You love saying that word, huh? Yeah, yeah. So I did a clip on it, right? On my other TikTok. Yeah. And it's one of the most popular comments was like, where else are we supposed to put the tree? On the top of the tree? Like, no, that's not the point. That's not the point of the theory, right? Yeah.

Do you get me now? - No, I get it. - 'Cause why are you asking if we're supposed to put at the bottom of the tree? No, the real question is why do we even put gifts at a tree anyway? Why do we even celebrate with a tree anyway in the first place? And everybody's like, "No, this is cap, this is cap, blah, blah."

Bro, look at it. It has nothing to do with the birth of Christ. You know what I found out too? You know candy canes, right? It's supposed to symbolize Jesus. How? Did you know that? Because fam, first of all, it's shaped like a J, so that symbolizes Jesus. That's why? No, there's more. So the white on the candy cane is supposed to represent his innocence. And what do you think the red symbolizes? Oh, his blood. His blood. Interesting. Because I heard a similar theory, but it's for...

It was for the shepherds. Shepherds. So the shepherds, the canes. Yeah. That too. Yeah. Because it's tied into the shepherds that came to the nativity. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So check this out. Another one. Okay. Frosty the Snowman. Frosty the Snowman. Where the fuck did Frosty the Snowman come from? I mean, winter, you make snowmans. So they probably, it's a fictional character that they just made up to like for commercialism, huh? So check this out, bro. What? So the original Frosty the Snowman like character has really, really dark origins, fam.

I knew it. Like dark origins. Listen, listen. So if you think about it, uh,

a snowman coming to life, right? Yeah. That's already like some supernatural shit. Yeah. Get me? So the original story where these kids, they decided we want to build a snowman and bring it to life. Okay. Now, what did they use for the eyes? Coal. Now, Santa Claus, when you're naughty or nice, what do you get? Oh, coal. You get coal. So that means the kids were what? They were bad? They're naughty kids, right? They're naughty kids with evil intentions.

So what did they give Frosty the snowman to hold? What did they give him? A broomstick. That's a thing? Yeah, they gave him a broomstick and then he had the pipe and the hat, right? Oh yeah, he did have. So broomstick, a broomstick is very, very common in a lot of pagan rituals, especially for witchcraft, bro. That's why witches fly on broomsticks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So listen, bro, when they brought

Frosty the Snowman to life. Look at the OG cartoons for it. These kids are holding hands in a circle and then chanting, chanting, chanting. Almost like a conjuring, fam.

Yo, I never looked at it like that, bro. But look, look. The coal, right? The coal is obviously like... Why would kids just randomly have coal? Yeah. They don't just randomly have coal. They were given coal for Christmas because it's Christmas time. So that's it. That's some evil intentions. That's different. No, because I thought you were going with a story because there was a crime story. Yeah. Where a guy who was murdered, the murderer put that guy's body in a... In a snowman? In a snowman. Oh, fuck.

So that's what I thought you were going with. It's like it originated from that story in like the 1900s. Yeah. And like that's why he came alive because there's an actual body in Frosty the Snowman. Nah. Wait, when did this happen? When did this? I read it in an article. It was like there's a book on it. Really? Yeah, it was like The Man in the Snow Angel or some shit like that. Real down. Yeah.

That's what bro. Have you ever watched the movie? The frosty snowman movie? Yeah. I hate it. It gives me a weird. It's trash, right? It's trash. And, and if, if you, if you look at it with like a more mature mindset, yeah. Like the things they're doing right when he comes to life. Yes. The first thing he does is like, he sees a police officer and,

And then he just ignores him. Remember? Yes, bro. He's working with the ops. Yeah, yeah. He's like, he's like disregarding police authority. Yeah, yeah. Right. And then what else did he do? He freaking, bro, do you remember? Do you remember when the little girl, he convinced the little girl to come with him to the North Pole by himself? Oh, just him and the little girl. I don't remember that. And the girl, she was like freezing the hypothermia. But Frosty had her in her arm or had her in his arms and was just like trekking through the fucking.

in the north pole bro yeah that's like why that's different saying all christmas things are weird because remember we were before we were talking about um the what's that song oh baby it's cold outside oh cold yeah yeah bro from elf that song is it's rapey yeah it's rapey bro it's rapey not because i what was the lyric it was um this drink tastes funny or something the drink tastes funny or something

But it's saying in such a like a melodic like calm way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I could just imagine baby is cold outside. Yeah. He puts the.

and drugs that that's that's what it's about it's about literally the girl going to this guy's house yeah and then he's convincing her to stay overnight because it's cold out to stay here with me you know i'm on some repeat i better go but then he's like what it's cold oh my god just come inside yeah exactly exactly hell no every

Bro, there's so much shit with Christmas that it's not even related to the birth of Christ, nativity, whatever. And a lot of it has some dark meanings, bro. So look at gingerbread houses. Gingerbread houses. Why the fuck do we make gingerbread houses? Okay, hold on. Let me think. Gingerbread houses? Gingerbread houses from where? I don't know. Okay, the first ever sighting of a gingerbread house was from the story... What was it called?

Hansel and Gretel. You remember that? Oh, when they got killed by the old lady? The witch in the gingerbread house, right? Yeah. So it was kind of like a... It was kind of a lure for kids to come in. Yeah. Because it's made of candy and shit, right? So that's like the first ever sighting of gingerbread. Yeah. But they dated it back...

Gingerbread itself, right? Just the act of making gingerbread. Did you know only certain people could make gingerbread at the time if they had a license to? And they were part of like this union. What? Yeah. Why? So take this in. So in Dutch tradition, they believed that gingerbread has a lot of spiritual power. So gingerbread men, guess where that shit came from? I don't know. Bro, there's a dark origin with gingerbread men that the reason they make them is for witches or

to create a man and give it to a lonely woman. And whatever man that receives this gingerbread and eats it, they will fall in love with that woman.

Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy. Also, the witches would also create their own gingerbread and put a spell on it like a voodoo doll. You know how voodoo doll, if you touch it, you get hurt, right? You get cursed, hurt, whatever. So witches would make gingerbread men of their enemies and eat them and it would kill them. It's voodoo in that way. Kill them or defeat them. Why the f***?

And why are we celebrating this with Christmas? For what? You know what I mean? It's just like...

I don't know. We just got all the, all this shit together and just put it together into a nice package. I know even the gifts, like the gifts you've given, I've searched up. There's like four myths about some stuff about Christmas. So have you ever got like a, a scissor or a knife for Christmas? For Christmas? Yeah. Like, like, you know how people get those cooking supplies for the people? Okay. But nah, I haven't personally. Yeah. But yeah. What does it mean? You're not supposed to get that for someone. Cause that means your friendship is going to get cut in half. Really? Yeah. You're not, you're,

Like the person just leaves after that. Whoa, what the hell? That's like a superstition. I know. Yeah. Like a little myth. Yeah. And then like, you're not supposed to give a person a wallet without, without any money in it. Yo, and you know how many times I got that? I got that a few times. Really? But why though? What does it mean? It means that like, you're wishing bad luck on that person that to get no good fortune in the future, no money. I guess it didn't work. Yeah.

Green bean. That shit didn't work. And what else? Oh, you're not supposed to get someone's shoes. Why? Because then that person is just going to walk away from you. Yo, that's so lame.

That's like some sad boy shit, bro. That's like some sad boy Twitter shit. And the last one is there's a certain time where you're supposed to put down your Christmas tree. Really? Like if you do it too early or too late, the rest of the year, you're going to have bad fortune. If putting up your Christmas tree? No, putting down your Christmas tree when Christmas ends. Well, what time are you supposed to? January 5th.

It's supposed to be the best time. I don't know why, but everyone says that January 5th is the number one day to do it. And for the rest of the year, you'll have good luck. I don't know if I believe in that. No, it's just superstitions. Yeah, it's just superstitions. But those are the things that I learned. I was like, oh shit. I have received shoes and those friends have walked away from me. Really? Yeah. Actually? Damn.

- Got me here, my shoes from Christmas. - Yeah, okay, that's tough. - What do you think happened? - That's tough. - So it might be real. - I don't know, okay, 'cause the thing is with gifts, right? - Yeah. - I think what it is more of is like the intention when you give it to them. - Yeah. - Rather than like- - 'Cause if you don't know these superstitions, they're not gonna believe in it.

But looking back, you're like, oh, that shit makes sense now. Yeah, but then once you read about it, it's like, oh, shit. Yeah, because if you really think about it, the wallet thing didn't work for you. Yeah, the wallet thing, I got a lot of wallets. A lot of wallets, like, growing up. Because even a penny in the wallet will symbolize good luck and good fortune to the person. You can put just one cent and it's good. You're blessed. Yeah, for the New Year's, that's why I put, like,

hella cash in my pockets for New Year's. Oh, maybe that's why on New Year's it counters it because we shake money. Oh. Yeah, so if you don't do that, then... Oh, balance is out then. Yeah.

It bounces out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So just cancel that shit. I know. Okay, what about Flying Reindeer? You know where those come from? Flying Reindeer. Reindeers? Just Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in general. That's already darkened in itself because Rudolph was bullied. Yeah. So that whole song of him being not incorporated with the group is just pure bullying. We didn't realize that as kids. Actually, you're right. Now we did kind of realize that as kids.

That was kind of the whole message of Rudolph though. It was a good message, fam. It was a good message. Cause it was like, it was like the, the deformity or, um, the thing that made him different was actually helpful to Santa Claus and made him the hero of the day. I can see that. Right. So that was actually a good message. But they bullied him for like his, his red nose and shit. Yeah. For his red nose. Where did it come from though? Do you know? So flying, I think, I think we mentioned it before. I don't know for sure. Okay. Well,

Flying reindeer specifically. Yeah. Reindeer are very common in Siberia. And then what do we find in Siberia? The red and white mushroom, right? Yeah. So that she used to grow under pine trees. I think you told me this too, didn't you? I did? Yeah. Or not, or maybe not. Okay. Anyways, anyways. So the reindeer...

They had like a infatuation for these mushrooms and they would eat them all the time. So you can imagine like hella reindeer eating these red Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer, right? Now, one way for the people to go under like a hallucinogenic trip was to take the reindeer's urine because they've been eating the Amanita muscaria like throughout the whole winter. Eventually their urine becomes like...

Hallucinogenic, bro. Yeah, it just poisons the mushrooms. Yeah, so they drink that. They drink that urine. And then they start tripping balls. I did tell you this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was the urine. Yeah, the urine piss. Exactly. Exactly. And they start tripping. So you can imagine all these reindeer around. They're flying. You see that? They're flying. That's where it comes from. That's where it comes from. Yeah, the flying reindeer. And then the red, when they're eating the mushroom near their face, it might look like a

a red nose on the reindeer because you can imagine the reindeer leaning down to eat right at the mushroom. Yummy? Oh, I get that still. That's where it all came from, bro. Have you ever heard a crazy true, like a true crime Christmas story? I heard like some ghost stories actually. No, I haven't.

No, I'll tell you this like true crime one. Yeah. It's supposed to be the massacre of Christmas in Covina, right? That's what it's called. So there's this guy called Bruce Pardo, right? Yeah. And him and his wife were like going through it. One day, the wife filed a divorce. So that means he's going to have to be paying like $1,500 a month

Just to pay for the divorce, right? So he's like, fuck that. So when Christmas came around, he got invited to one of the parties for his in-laws. He dressed up as Santa. And in his bag that he took with him, he had four handguns. Oh, this is real? And a flamethrower. Oh, what the fuck? Yeah. So this is what happens. So...

11.30. Everyone is having a great time, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. 11.30 comes out. He knocks on the door. Boom. Opens the door. His little niece ran to him, right? Because he's dressed up as Santa. He wants to give him a hug. Yeah. He took out the handgun, shot her straight in the face. What the f-

Bro, as soon as that happened, everyone started panicking. Panicking. Boom. At this point, he was just spraying. No way this is real. This is. Bruce Pardo. You can look it up. And the person that filed the divorce was Sylvia Pardo. What the hell? This is all in Covina, California. This guy did like a whole massacre dressed as Santa Claus. Yes, bro. And then once he left, he went to his brother's house. He took his handgun and just killed himself. Damn. That's messed up. But he was definitely not right in the head, though. I don't know, man.

I don't know man. Was it just like a... I think it was just like... Like a revenge thing? Yeah, yeah. It was like an angry, I don't want to pay for this divorce. Damn. Yeah. On Christmas? Yeah. This was on Christmas Day? Yeah. What the f***? They were having a Christmas party.

And he, and like the, the flamethrower that he bought was humongous. Like he was spray, like it could go 50 feet in the air. He was just spraying it. How the hell did he get a flamethrower though? Handmade, handmade. Yeah, it was a handmade flamethrower. That's what I read. That's, that's some like wild shit. That, that, that reminds me of, what do you call this? Cause I finally watched Project X. Yeah. On Netflix. Cause finally on Netflix, the guy at the end of the movie where he had the flamethrower. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That shit was fire, man.

man oh my god nah I think cause Elon Musk got a lot of backlash when he made his flamethrower yeah yeah cause why would you need a flamethrower like if you think about it yeah I know if you think about it out of anything out of any weapon in the world a flamethrower yeah it's lowkey an overrated weapon cause it's only good in like short distance no you can throw that shit far really you can throw that shit kinda far but like if I see you if I see you

walking no you can hit someone like freaking i'm pretty sure like 25 feet compared to an ar that's just not well like splash damage bro like if you're in a if you're in a crib or something yeah splash damage crazy because the amount of damage that the guy at the end of the movie of um project x did was crazy yeah because that shit was shooting far pause why pause shooting far what do you mean that shit was shooting far that's why you can pause it is you're good you're good

Nah. But why would... Because look, look, look. Imagine it in like a zombie pockets or anything, bro. What's it like go-to weapon? Like a gun or like a sword or anything? Yeah, like a AK-47. But why... Who's gonna have a flamethrower? Who in their right mind is gonna have like a flamethrower, bro? Yeah. Fire. I know. It's gotta be heavy to carry too. Do you know those things called... Those people called pyros, pyrotechnics? Yeah, pyros. Yeah, and they just love like burning shit? Yeah, in Call of Duty Modern Warfare, they're like...

pyro there in your area oh yeah I remember that and then like they would be either suicide bombers or the ones that when you die they just blow up damn I think the first flamethrower was in I think Vietnam right yeah that was when they first started using it that's crazy

that's a crazy choice of weapon yeah i'm just waiting for the like the ray gun for someone to actually make a in-life ray gun like laser nuclear like you shoot it out and like you just instantly die yo they're saying there's like a whole conspiracy that that there's just like there's like this invisible gun that will shoot gamma at you and then make you get cancer oh my god that's

but that is the ray gun but if yeah that's like a ray gun that's a ray gun in a sense because we can't see that shit it's not green yeah it's not green oh my goodness but imagine like you have like a assassin instead of shooting you with a bullet bro he just waits for time and then like you're gonna die anyway yeah like imagine the next year you get called like oh you have this and this and this because you got shot with a gamma gun

That's the future, right? That's the future. Yo, I think the more technology we get, the more dangerous and the more evil the world is going to be. I feel like the less, the better we're off, to be honest. But I'm not a hater of technology. Like, I love technology. Yeah, of course, of course. But the fact that it is getting to the point where robots can, like, do certain shit that we can do that they're not supposed to be doing, like emotions. You know what I think it is, bro? I think it's more of like, because it's so new, we

we don't have any responsibility with it. Yeah. You know what I mean? So we indulge. Yeah, we're not even like monitoring it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're like, oh, this is not bad. It's just advancing. No, even just like, for example, just spending too much time on your phone. Oh, yeah. That's one great example. Mm-hmm.

Like spending too much time on your phone. Like before we just do that shit and then we think there's no repercussions. But yeah, there are some real repercussions like mental health. Yeah, for sure. Depression, whatever. Maybe anxiety. I'm pretty sure using your phone over like eight hours, prolonged time, increases anxiety like 50%, something crazy like that. I feel like Gen Z specifically, a very depressed generation, just because their normal average screen time is always 11...

whenever i ask someone what their screen time is like a teen like me 12 hours 11 hours 9 hours damn and like you know why though because it's like um what do you call this we have so much apps that we were just sucked into and then boom once we have more screen time we get more sleepy we get more sleepy we're just depressed all the time we have no energy yeah and and we just don't like to we don't like to dive into things that aren't out aren't on this now yeah yeah because this is like a whole world in itself

And my accountant even told me this too, is like, yo, it's so crazy how nothing can happen around you here, like physically here. But once you go on that phone, it's a whole nother world. Like you're literally talking to people across the country. We're so connected. All at the same time. And then boom, there's so many different like realms in the internet you can go down into. Right. So in a sense, it kind of keeps us more connected where you can find communities. But

it's kind of that thing of like you'll never break out of your your physical here yeah yeah because because it let's say let's say you have your world here you're comfortable here that becomes your bubble right yeah and then if your bubble is here you don't have a reason to go out then there's no point because you're already connected through the phone like oh i'm

i'm too lazy to go out man let me just see what other people doing yeah and i think i think that's the big reason why a lot of men especially like the newer generation this is real remember this fact yeah no the men that don't that are that are still like virgins that don't social media no that don't like go out and date girls because of what because of guess what guess what the cause is everybody knows the cause oh video games no not even bro yeah

It's porn, fam. Oh, porn. It's porn. You know why? Because look, look. It's a sense of like reward, right? So, okay, physically, right? We have an instinct, like almost even like animal instinct to better ourselves so that we can go out and get somebody to mate, right? Like that's kind of our whole animal instinct. That's our purpose as a being, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, so let's say, let's say all you do is fucking jerk off and then bust nuts, bro. Then, then you have no, you have no energy or you have no, um, desire. The post-nut clarity is crazy. Exactly. You have no desire to go out there and do it. Yeah. Cause everyone that, um, I've heard of, you know, that, um, after you do it and then you look in the mirror and they're like, oh,

I'm ashamed of myself Yeah yeah yeah It's tough And like um Even you Relate that to the real world Porn is nothing like sex Even porn stars say this Yeah Like in porn You see the no communication Like fucking You just see the guy Oh here's a pizza I know Open the pizza box

like what if you did that in a real life oh here's a pizza and you you fuck it your dick is in the pizza that's rape bro that's that's bad bro yeah like it doesn't go straight from hey i'm your neighbor to fucking because because it's become such a like this they know what the product is now and they can only vamp it up from there it's just like music bro yeah the more creative the music gets the

even more creative later becomes the more weirder it becomes because it has to appeal. Yeah. And it's hard to go from like regular, bro. You can't go like something crazy and go to regular. Yeah. There's a theory that someone told me that said if you are constantly jerking off or beating your meat in the future, you lose eyesight. Yeah.

No, that's the thing. Have you heard that? Yeah, that's what people say. That's what people say. What the fuck? I think that came out in like the 80s or something. Like when this porn was real. I thought people just said that for like guys and girls to stop beating their meat. Yeah. Yeah, that's why. But is it actually true though? It's not true. Are you dumb? Exactly. How that should be true? Why did you say it was true? You're like, yo, that's true. No, no, but that's what people say. Okay, yeah. I'm just saying that's what people say. Don't believe that's true. Of course. What the heck? What? What?

But my friend, John, John, he told me something. And this is so true, bro. This shit is so true. He's like, yo, my family's investing in hearing aids. Because why? Why? Because our generation right now, we're listening to very loud music. We're going to concerts, going to the club. Yeah. We don't really realize how bad our hearing is going to get when we're older. I know. Because the elders, the elders now, right? Yeah.

A lot of them weren't exposed to loud music like that. But the ones that were, you can see, like, they're dead. They can't hear. Even eyesight. Even eyesight, man. You know, one of the biggest things, my friend in elementary school, he was... Because my mom told me, you know that volume line? She said, never go past the half, okay, while you're a kid. Right? So my friend, he...

Whenever he was in class, I couldn't hear the music that was coming out of his headphones. I could never do that, man. And he would always... But now, especially like right now, I am always getting the notification on your iPhone where it says audio exposure. Really? You get those? Nah. Because my music always blasting out. Oh, you always put it higher? Yeah, because...

Once you put it high, you're used to it. You can't go down anymore. Oh, shit. I never listen to it loud, though. Really? I always listen to it, like, quiet. Because I kind of like to hear my surrounding. No, I'm, like, tuned in to my music. Really? You, like, blast that shit? That's why AirPods are not, they're not, like, loud enough for me anymore. Wow. I go in my car. You put it, like, full blast? Yes. Dang.

Damn. That's not good, bro. Almost full blast. That's why whenever I get the audio exposure, like, oh, for the week, your audio exposure has been exposed. I just... For the week, your audio exposure has been... Yeah, like, exceeded. There's a maximum on your audio...

But as a kid, I'm like, as a teen, I'm like, okay, bro, I'm still young and shit. So I'm not really thinking about the consequences, but everything does come up with the consequence. Yeah, shit. I didn't even know, bro. That's why when I get in my car, I love being in the car because I can just flip full volume. Yeah, I don't like that, though.

- I don't know why. - Really? - 'Cause I feel like for me, for me especially, if I'm listening to music, I do like to have those times where like I'm zenned in. - Yeah, yeah. - But I don't like not being able to hear what's around me. - Yeah. - Just the fact of like, what if somebody pops in right now and tries to fight, you know? Like what if someone- - In your bedroom though? - Yeah, bro, okay, I have a point. Wait, did I tell this story? - No, you didn't. - Bro!

Let me see. So, one night, right? One night. This is already a late night, bro. I was tired. So, I'm sleeping. I go to sleep. And what do I wake up to? What? My house alarm.

Bro, house alarm blasting. Me, I get up right away. I grab that katana fam and I run upstairs like ASAP. I drop that shit. This shit falls on the floor. Everything breaks here. And then I'm like, what's going on? What's going on? I ran upstairs, bro. I'm like, it's go time, right? It's go time. So I look at the door and it's my sister and she like malfunctioned the alarm.

She's like Bro but Yeah she's like What's going on Like oh what the fuck I was so pissed bro When I came back downstairs I look at my room It's like a mess And then And then I'm just sitting there I'm like

Like I was shaking. Yeah. I was shaking. Cause imagine from deep slumber. Yeah. You wake up and it's go time. That's a big fear too. I think what it was though is because I always had like that fear of somebody might come, come and try to get me. Like I gotta be ready. Like even when I was a kid for no reason, maybe it's because I watched a lot of movies growing up, but I always had that fear. Like what if there's like home invasion? What if somebody is like busting in what I'm going to do? Right. And it's kind of dope because, because I got to see like how fast I was.

You're like, yeah, bro. It was like robot. It was literally like robot. Like I was there. Boom. Eyes open. I hear the alarm. I didn't even have time to comprehend what's going on. It was just all automatic. Boom, boom, boom. That was it. Yeah. I've never had one of those stories. Like, thank God. But I remember one time on my like road. Yeah. I was still very small and there was like these drunk guys.

adult teenagers having a party, right? And they were throwing bottles at each other. It was getting bad. My dad had to go outside. I'm like, dad, why are you going outside? They're drunk. They're probably going to fight.

like curse at you for no reason and attack you right yeah and then boom we just all i was ready there with my back like if something happens if they come close to the area man you're getting swung on by like an eight-year-old kid bro i don't care i remember i saw this video i'm gonna send you the video too okay there's this dad and this little kid yeah they're arguing with like this store owner for something yeah and then the the store owner was yelling at the kid like

Yo, if I was your dad, I would have smacked you. And then right when he said that, the kid smacks him. What? You have a video of this? The kid smacks him. You have a video of this? Nah, I saw it somewhere online. It was funny, bro. Yeah, but this kid, like, no hesitation. Like, he was yelling at him. And then smack. Boom. No lie, have you? There's definitely been positions where, like, the kid is really, like, rowdy.

And the parents just letting it go. Sometimes I just want to be like, yo, control your kid. Yeah, I know. But... Like one time in church, bro, this kid cried for the whole mass. Damn. I'm like, yo, have the courtesy to take your kid out of church. Yeah, for me, I just feel embarrassed. Exactly. It's like secondhand cringe. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. But maybe they're just so over it because they're so used to it. And then like they don't even hear it no more. Yeah. Because I think that's what it is more times. Mm-hmm.

Right like if you're so used to something going on that's why it's good to be used to like I guess harsh environments because anything else is gonna be like paradise Have you ever been in your friend's house when they've got paged by their parents nah

Nah. I've had one where my parents paged me in front of my friends. Really? They're like, Gavin, come upstairs right now. What did you do? I don't know. I don't remember what it was, but they just paged me. All my friends were like, oh. I cried and I had to wipe my tears when I came back down. I never got yelled at like crazy. I don't know. I have, but it wasn't nothing serious. Nothing that I would recollect, but...

One of the biggest ones I remember was in elementary school, bro. Just bad kid Carlos in elementary school. Yeah. No, I think that's when I had, like, my bad kid face. Yeah. Like, the peak of, like, negativity and freaking, like, menace-y. Menace-y.

You guys know what I mean? Black Air Force Carlos. Yeah, that energy, bro. So I remember this one time. Damn, looking back, I was a bad kid, man. We just did music class and we're supposed to be quiet. But I was doing shit to make everybody laugh while we're supposed to be quiet. And that's the worst, right? When we're all like...

and we're like holding that laugh we're like holding that laugh those are the best ones so I was I was doing I forgot what I was doing I was like doing some shit with my hands trying to make people laugh and then bro the music teacher came up to me and she was like yelling in my face literally like imagine this is my face she was right here literally right here yelling and that was the craziest I've ever been yelled at in my life I still remember her I still remember her I can see her in my nightmares fam that shit was it's so close and it was almost like

Traumatizing So I can only imagine I can only imagine The kids that grew up With really strict parents That would do that to them Every single day How would they turn out? Would you think They would turn out good Or worse? Worse Yeah? Yeah for sure But I feel like They'd just be timid Like

I don't know, man. It really all depends on the person. Why? Look how you turned out. You turned out all gay. Timid. I'm timid. I'm not. I guess kind of. Yeah. I have times where like I don't really want to... Because I'm a mix. I'm like intro, extra. You know? I'm not really hella extroverted. I'm not really hella introverted. I don't know. But there was a story. There was another story where...

You know how in the last episode, I said, yo, all Kevins are dickheads. And only because I had a bad experience with a Kevin. With a Kevin say, bro. So this is what happened, right? So we were at that age where you call your mom when she picks you up. Just, hi, mom, right? Yeah. But when my mom picked me up, I was like, hi, mommy.

Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So all the kids, especially Kevin, he exaggerated. He's like, you call your mom mommy. Right, right? And I was like, I was furious, right? I was like, yo, mom, these guys are bullying me, bro. Like, that was the first, like, bully thing. They were making fun of me for calling my mom mommy. Word. I was so excited to see her. I'm like, hi, mommy, right? Yeah. Just the normal kid shit, right? So I remember, this was during winter. I took, when we were doing the Harlem Shake Challenge. Ha, ha, ha.

And this is when the music goes off. You're allowed to push. You're allowed to do whatever. So I took a snowball and I was like, okay, this is it. I'm allowed to hit people. So I took a snowball and Kevin had glasses. I chucked a snowball at his thing. Broke his glasses. He didn't know who it came from. We started crying. I was like, huh, that's what Kevin's get. Never figured out. He hates Kevin's to this day. I hate Kevin's to this day. What?

I never had a bad experience with like a name that I would remember. And Kevin was the first... Going back to the porn shit. Kevin was the first one to like... My first...

glimpse of like pornography porn because you know we were all like kids right yeah yeah and then we were we're at a sleepover and then we didn't know what porn was right and kevin was a horny ass kid right boom boom boom he was like yo let's go on the site right and you know we were so paranoid we're like we we ducked out the camera when we went on the site and then and then he was like gavin gavin uh you you were still in the camera they see you i was so pissed

I was actually like scared. I was dead ass scared for my life because I'm like no they see me right? I was so scared bro. It was just Kevin bullying me the whole time. I can see you being like afraid though. I can see you being like oh shit what's going on. You're still kind of like that. You're always worried bro. I remember John told me and I think you told me the same story too. How he saw you like super worried and like the thing why is the security guard coming? Oh yeah.

No, okay, okay. John works security. Yeah, okay. At the mall. Gavin was at the mall. Okay, so here's the story. I'm gonna tell the story. I was at the mall buying like presents for my mom, right? Yeah. So I go into Pandora. Boom, everything's normal. I go into a flower shop, right? So I look and our friend John is a security guard at the mall.

I totally forget, right? I'm looking at these things, right? And there's a security guard like directly looking at me. So I glimpsed and I'm like, I glimpsed and I don't know it's John. I was like, okay, it's just an Asian security guard. He's not gonna, I'm not doing anything wrong. Boom, boom, boom. I cash out. At the register, he's still eyeing me. I'm like, what the fuck?

So I go out the store and then he grabs me. He's like, yo. I know your heart dropped. I was like, what did I do? Right? I'm like, I did. I can show you my receipt. But yeah, yo, what's up? Oh, my God. It's John.

It's just all around like crazy. There's so many times where I see you like get in trouble. Like remember we went on the GoTree now one time? Oh my God. You didn't like pay your ticket or whatever. You bought like a kid's ticket. Bro. This is the exact moment where I knew if Gavin ever gets in trouble and I'm in trouble with him, he's snitching. But I didn't snitch. No, no. I didn't snitch. No, but you folded under pressure. Oh my God. 100, 100. Because that all my... Tell the story. Tell the story.

Oh my God. Oh my gosh, man. So, so, so on the go train, he was trying to finesse it and he bought a kid's ticket rather than an adult ticket because you don't want to pay the full price. No, no, I didn't...

out of my will i wanted to pay the full price i always paid the full price yeah you and the girl we were with i the worst influences are you dumb i i told you not to i told you not to it was like the the nice kid going with the bad kids for the first time i paid i paid full price with my presto bro both of you guys characteristics are like bad person nah you're tripping it was literally you it was literally you i remember i remember the story differently oh

I literally never do that, fam. Then it's gotta be the friend that we were with because I was gonna pay full price. I remember...

You're tripping. It was literally you. You're trying to finesse it. So here's the thing though. Nah, you're looking back now because that was your first time trying to finesse and it didn't finesse. No, it didn't. Because she was like, yo, just get the kid's ticket. I always get the kid's ticket. So I'm like, yeah, I remember that. But I, it wasn't me. You can't say it was me. Okay, okay. You cannot say it was me. But you got it too though. No, I got it. I got it because I forgot to tap.

I was smart. I was smart, bro. I was smart. I just forgot to tap. So you're fine? Your crime wasn't that bad? Now listen, listen. So the security guard comes over. Ticket check. You know what time it is? My heart dropped. Bro, I look at Gavin. The face he always makes in the elevator when he's walking alone or whatever. This guy's wide-eyed, yo. So security guard comes over. He's like, let me see your tickets.

I'm shaking. I was like, here it is. Gavin takes out, Robin takes out, that girl takes out, checks the tickets and boom, child ticket. They're like, you guys don't look like childs. You guys don't look like children, bro. You know how much it is to pay? $200. You gonna pay $200? No, it was, I think $300. It was more. And Gavin was shook. Gavin was shook. He was like,

Bro, I don't even think you said anything. I was the first. Bro, they interviewed me first. Yeah, I don't think you said anything. So I had to make the excuse. I had to come up with an excuse. So my partner that also had a child ticket can go off of that excuse. But I had nothing. He gave up. He gave up on the spot. He's like, oh my God.

And it was raps. It was raps. It was like a teacher trying to page a student for not doing his homework. But he asked me, right? And then this is how I finished. No, you were calmer just because you had an excuse. You were like, oh, I didn't tap. Mine was I actually committed a crime. So I tapped my card on his thing, the checker, and then it's not working. So I'm like...

Oh, I put money on the card to tap. I put money on the card to tap. You had an easy excuse. You can check my receipt. Pull out the receipt. Boom. I was supposed to tap. You can check the time. I put money on there. I was in the clear. Yeah. But that's easy. If we all had Presto cards, it would be easier. But the fact that I didn't have a Presto card yet, I bought a ticket that says Chocobo.

child child thing I don't know why he did that I don't know either it was a bad influence it's so dumb because we even have a friend that tried to do that and he's the most like mature looking friend you can think of this guy has a full beard he's probably the tallest out of us and he buys child tickets

How are you going to buy a child ticket and look like the big show, bro? No, but what I did low-key is a finesse too. Because look, this is what I did. So when the security guard came, right? I looked at my friend and like, yo, what are we going to do? What are we going to do, right? Oh, you're going to run to the washroom? Yeah, I was going to run to the washroom, but it was too late. But

I this what I did Carlos doesn't know this I acted scared So I was like oh my god. Can you forgive me forgive me and what I did he didn't find me anything He was like don't worry That's the biggest cat that nobody's gonna get let off cuz he he saw how scared I was no you those natural scaredness fam That was those like I was acting I was out those literally in your blood Sam I always think two steps ahead come on man

And then he was like, don't worry, fam. It's like, I see how scared you are. Like, just pay for the full thing next time. No, he still cheesed. He didn't say it like that. I remember it differently. I remember it differently. This guy was pressed. He's like, y'all better fix up because you're adults now. Bro, there were so many options going through my mind is either run to the washroom or just...

Fake sleep. Cause fake sleep, they're not allowed to touch you and wake you up. I had this idea, right? I never told you this idea. But I always wanted to pull a prank on you one day. What? If you did, man. Oh my god. And just have like these menacing criminals like break in and just like... You're crazy. You're crazy. Like fake, fake criminals. That's bad. Cause someone could get hurt. I would hurt them. Yes, I would. What? What?

You think if my life was on the line- Bro, no no no, but I'm talking like mobsters, man. Imagine- Oh, mobsters. I would be scared shitless. Yeah. I'd be scared shitless. I think anyone would be scared shitless if- I'd be scared too. I'd be scared too. Exactly. No, I just want to see how you react though. Like, even just putting you into like a police negotiation or like interrogation-

bro putting you in that position i just want to see like put a put a hidden camera or something i'm telling you fam if if there's more benefit in me telling and snitching i'm taking the money bro no anyone would you're for me no of course of course i see you doing that this is funny yeah i know it is all right i want to tell i want to tell one more ghost story before we end it up okay i have some too

Alright. Damn, that was a long story we were talking about though. We could have gotten more because there's way more stories of just us having like funny situations together. Yeah, we'll save those for another episode. But since it's a Christmas episode, we'll talk about a Christmas story. Yes, sir. So,

apparently it's a real story though okay this is this is like one of those reddit threads where they actually share like real paranormal experiences reddit is like probably the scariest shit to go on at like 4 a.m it's it's scary because there's there's this one site yeah and they post like actual pictures literally like phone pictures of real people they're just taking pictures in the room of shit they actually see right yeah so this is one story how this girl she got like a

a candy cane gift right it was like a it was like a picture and a candy cane like taped onto it okay and it was like a little boy holding a candy cane and there's a candy cane on it right almost like one of those mail flyers you can imagine yeah so she brought the letter into her home yeah and she put it on the fridge and it's like oh it's nice whatever okay okay she takes a candy cane eats it puts the picture on her fridge well she walks away yeah now she when she walks back

She looks at the picture, right? Okay. And she's like looking closely and she's like, yo, one of the hands, it looks like it moved like a little bit, like a centimeter or whatever. She's like, she's looking at it like, why is it like moving? It looks off. It looks off. So she walks away. She comes back.

And she sees like the boy's hand like reaching out with the candy cane. To her? Yeah, reaching out. Like it almost looks like the picture was like this. And then now the picture is like this. She looks at it and now it's like... Yeah, now the picture is like this. So...

What happens is she walks away. She comes back and it's full fledged. Like the candy canes coming out. So she takes it. She rips it up, throws it in the garbage, bro. Yeah. She walks away and she's like, what the fuck was that? What the hell is going on? Right. And then her husband comes home. Right. And then he's like,

oh i got this i got this candy cane like like a little kid a little kid sold me a candy cane yeah and she's like what did the little kid look like right so she gets the picture that she ripped up puts it together and asks him is this the kid he's like that's the same kid i saw on the bus

That's too coincidental to not be like, oh my goodness. Imagine, have you ever experienced something like that where you see a picture of a kid maybe at the thrift store in the painting, but then when you're walking, you see him again? Yo, I think I've seen that before in museums, man. Yeah. Sometimes, this is so weird, this is so weird, but I remember seeing a face in a painting at a museum and then later walking around and I saw a person's face look exactly like that guy. Word.

But I think that maybe it's just my mind playing with me just because it reminds me of it. Like it resembles it. But it's so weird. It's almost like a simulation thing where the first time you see it, you're going to see it again. Yeah. Right? That's true. But especially with museums, I think the night in the museum traumatized me like completely because-

I don't like... That's the first thing where inanimate objects can come to life at night. Yeah. So that triggers my fear of that for sure. Did you watch Krampus? Who? Krampus. You watch that? Krampus? Krampus is a Christmas urban legend. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like... It's the...

the goat devil, right? It's like the devil of Christmas. Like the devil is like the evil version of Santa Claus. Yeah. So, so like the, it's like kind of a boogeyman. So if the kids are supposed to be really good or else Krampus is going to come to you and kill you on Christmas. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We watched it. We watched that movie last night. Yeah. Oh,

Yeah, that's a movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, shit. Bro, you know the Naughty and Nice list, right? Yeah. You know there's like a dark origin for like the Naughty and Nice list? No, I didn't know. So the original Naughty and Nice list. Yeah. This is like real history of Santa Claus. Like one of the first original folklore of Santa. Yeah. Saint Nicholas. Mm-hmm.

was Saint Nicholas was actually someone that saves kids from ogres. - Okay. - From this ogre that eats kids. So this naughty and nice list he would write the good kids he would keep and the naughty ones he would feed to the ogre. No, this is like, this is crazy because it's like a real, this is real history. Like this is the first folklore of Santa. Like the stories of Santa, these are one of the original creations of it.

That's where it stems from, fam. There's another, there's a crazy theory, speaking of Christmas movies. So, Home Alone. Yeah. So, this is a very popular one. That Gus is actually the devil. The bully. Yeah. Yeah. So, in one of the scenes, Kate McAllister says that, I would even sell my soul to the devil to go back home to Chicago.

Really? Yeah. There's even a time stamp in the movie, right? So boom, this is what Gus does. So even before she goes to like the plane attendant, Gus goes up to her and says, oh, I'll drive you back to Chicago. So where this happens, this exchange happens, it's all about the location. So an airport, they met up in the crossroads.

So the theory is that the devil, whenever you're supposed to sell your soul to the devil or exchange something with the devil, you meet at the crossroads. So what happened? Gus offered her a ride and she took it. And that was the exchange of the, I want to sell my soul. I want to go back to Chicago. I'll offer you this ride. Damn. And they left that in there. Yeah. And they left it in here. What the fuck?

I mean, it's all about the location, though. It's like the crossroad is crazy to me. Yeah, because the original story of the man that first sold his soul to the devil was this musician. You heard of him? Yeah. So he was like this guitar player. He wasn't good at all. But for whatever reason, he came back from the crossroads. And that's where he said he met the quote-unquote the devil, which granted him the power to play guitar amazingly. Word. I don't know if...

This is true. But Gus in the movie, he plays a wind instrument. I don't know what it is. It might be a clarinet or a flute. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? But there's a saying that certain instruments are created by the devil. No, no, no. Lucifer is the angel of music. Yeah. See? That's why. That's why it goes even further because Gus plays the instrument. Yeah. That's why they say the whole music industry is demonic. Bro, some shit I... Bro.

Nah, nah. Because I noticed this more in Yeet's songs. Remember in the last one I said, he said, devil on my phone told me how to get rich. Yeah, yeah. There was another song where he said, I had a meeting with the devil in the year I was going to be eating. He told me I was going to be eating. What the fuck? And there's more. There's more and more references. Bro, see, because you never know that. That might be real. That might be real where they sell their soul. They make sacrifices. Yeah.

to go ahead and then get successful with music whatever their industry is. And rappers main image is "I'm getting money, I'm getting money." That's their whole image. If a rapper falls off, no chains, no thing. Bro.

I think it's too obvious, man. I feel like it's too obvious at this point. Yo, yo, one of the craziest theories I heard though, like recently. I'm surprised I never heard about this before, but there's a crazy theory like about Michael Jackson still being alive. Huh? Yeah. No, no, like this one's like crazy though. This one's crazy because there's this guy, right? His name is Dave Dave. Dave Dave, okay. Bro, I'm going to show you a picture of him. Okay. I'm going to show you a picture of him. So people are saying, look at him.

People are saying he's Michael Jackson with facial reconstruction.

So as we know, Michael Jackson, he had like a vitiligo. And what happened was he was even part of a fire before where his face got burnt. Yeah. And then he had to get like plastic surgery. Now, after Michael Jackson died, this guy came out. His name was Dave Dave. And he said that he was friends with Michael Jackson. He was close to him. Nobody knows where he came from. Right. And it just so happens he was part of a fire before.

that made his face look like this around the same time when michael jackson died nah now listen to dave dave's voice nah listen to dave dave's voice listen to his voice and tell me that's not michael jackson's voice okay let me hear this if i hear the hee hee hee i'm out of here listen listen criminality he caused the fire yeah he is you're telling him that's not his voice man okay keep playing it keep playing it

Doc, this is boys, man. That sounds like a Michael Jackson impression. What do you call this? The high pitch? Yeah. Yeah, that's weird. Bro, the cadence. The cadence, the way the...

You know, it just sounds like him. Okay. But how about his like physical structures? Like, is he as tall as Michael Jackson? Like perfect, like five or whatever. I don't know. I got to look into that too. Cause if that is, that's what it has to be for real. Yeah. It has to be for real. That's scary, man. But if you were, if you were that famous and you wanted to escape something. Oh, how would I do it? That's exactly how I would do it. What the hell? What?

Now, also, I have my personal theory on this. Yeah. Is the reason that he came out as someone that wants to be connected to Michael Jackson is because when you're that famous, especially as a kid, and you're so used to the attention, the attention, the attention. Yeah. When you don't have that, you're going to miss it. That's true. So it would make sense for somebody that hide their identity to come back out to try and seek that attention again in some way. Yeah.

You get me? I don't know, man. Because that's weird. Because why? If you want to disappear, why do you want to get the fame back? No, that's exactly what I said. Because he was so used to it at a young... Michael Jackson was famous at a young age. Yeah, I know. As a boy. For sure. So imagine your life is... That's all you know. Yeah. And then now, you just don't have any of it. You're going to miss it. You're telling me you're not going to miss that? Yeah.

100% you will bro at some point you will is he blowing up recently like super big people like conspiracy theorists are blowing him up yeah that's weird it all depends on like the height low key cause if the height what if he's wearing like the risers bro he's wearing adidas creepers there's a youtube there's a youtube series where a guy he's like he gets those people that catch people like investigators and he goes around he's like

I'm going to try and for the whole week, try to avoid the predator. I mean, the prey that's trying to catch me. And he shaves his head. He goes to make up. You've probably seen this. So he tries to hide. He tries to hide. It's like a series. Yeah, he's on the run. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. Like the man hunters. Yeah. They get professional man hunters and he's like, you're shit at your job because you can't even catch me. Really? So he goes and like he does the makeup and everything and shit like that.

I would want to try that just for fun, bro. But you're going to need... What would you do first? To disappear? Yeah. I don't know that. Because what he did first was... Even though you got your face done, you also have to get your body done. So he was putting a fat suit on. Oh, that's smart. And the height. You got to increase your height. Because Manhunters, they have... They know everything about you. That's smart, bro. Because I was thinking...

One way to deceive someone is to just put layers upon layers of like disguises. So I'd have like a disguise on a disguise on a disguise. So let's say I have a mask, right? Yeah. And then I have another mask and then I have like different skin tone. Right.

And then that skin tone isn't my real skin tone. And then I have like layers on layers of like, let's say I have a fat suit. I have like muscle suit under or have something else under. Who's who at that point? So it's like a guy disguised as another guy that's disguised as another guy. Yeah. Has any criminals you know done that? I don't know, but I think that's the way to do it to be honest. That is true. That should be the way to do it. Like imagine you make fake driver's license to hide another identity that's hiding another identity.

I remember this guy that he actually done. He tried to reconstruct his face, I think. Yeah. But it was...

He's known as the shopping cart murderer. What the fuck? So I think his last name is Robinson. I don't know what his first name is, but his last name is Robinson. And he goes on Tinder and all these dating apps, right? He tells girls to meet him in a public place. When he murders the body, he puts them in Target shopping carts and rolls them to his destination of choice. So he'll put a shopping cart in the forest where no one can see. On the street?

what the hell and when police come and find them they're all in shopping carts damn this is this like real this is real yeah did you get caught i think no i think this is i don't know man this might still be like going on what the yeah i don't know that's that's tough that's tough because i think the the craziest one i think i told you this right there's like a there's like a hotel just made for a murder so he got he got this whole hotel that he made up and

rooms would have like secret entrances so that he can hop in, murder the person, walk out and nobody would ever find him. And you know the story of Jack the Ripper? - Yeah, Jack the Ripper, yeah. - So he's from Europe, right? He's from Europe. Sherlock Holmes was trying to find him and shit. - Yeah, facts. - This happened in America. Yeah, this happened in America. But the theory is, 'cause they never found Jack the Ripper.

The theory is this guy retired, but he retired at that hotel, bro. He retired at the easy work. So he was done with like breaking and entering. He just had them all come to him. Don't just be aware, man. Cause that's what prostitutes do too. In Vegas, where do you usually link a prostitute in a hotel? They're like, okay, let me come. Let's have some drinks. What's in the drink. Boom. You get murdered. You take all the money. Yeah. Or you're losing like limbs or, or like a freaking organs. Yeah. And then they sell that. Yeah. That's real. Yeah. That's real. That's real.

Yeah. Like that's one of the biggest fears of a lot of people going out is like if they get roofied, they wake up in the bathtub full of ice. I, the fog, that's crazy. Do you have any more theories? Um, there was a, there was another theory on, um, home alone, you know, where, um, uncle Frank set up,

the kid nah i never heard that one you don't know nah because like uncle frank is um if you really look at it in the beginning of the movie he was already very sus yeah like um when he was in his brother's house and they were like ordering pizza he's like nah don't even worry i'm not paying it's on my brother it's not my brother he doesn't care about no one right yeah so when when they were going on a trip they were like the the parents were asking oh what time are you gonna wake up he's like early 8 a.m we have to get here really quick and he set up things in the house that

that made sure that Macaulay Culkin would stay in the house and they would leave him. So when he left them, he would hire those killers to go murder him. Oh, to murder. Oh, shit. So he really didn't like that kid. He hated that kid. Oh, because he would always pull pranks on him, too. Yeah, I know. That's why he's like, here's the prank. Here's my revenge. Yo, I heard this another theory about Home Alone. Okay. You know the...

You know that graveyard guy? Okay, yeah, yeah. The old guy. Yeah, oh yeah. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. So there's a theory that I think was already in the movie too where people thought he was a murderer. Or they thought he was like a serial killer or whatever, right? Yeah. So he turns out in the movie, if you guys haven't watched the movie, he turns out to be like the person that helps Kevin. Yeah. Or he sees Kevin in a different light. So there's a theory that the reason he, the old guy, was so...

inclined to help kevin was because he saw tendencies in him yeah as a serial killer or the same type of thinking that he would that he had when he was a kid because he's outsmarting these robbers already yeah so he's like i need that guy on my team yeah so every time he saw him it was almost like he's seeing a younger version of himself so that's why he really wanted to help him that's like bringing an alliance on have you ever done that in real life just seen like someone like a little kid that

It's like, oh, yeah, that reminds me of me, man. Like a little... The hustler. The little hustler. Honestly, I never. Really? Never, nah. I never seen, like, a kid that reminds me of myself. Really? Never. You? I see those kids that are, like, flipping chocolate bars in school and shit. I'm like, yo, that was me. Or, like...

Making these like clothes when they were broke. That reminds me of me too. You ever do that 16 personalities test? Oh, with the EPH and the ETH? No, I haven't. You never done it? No. Damn. What are you though? Campaigner. Campaigner. Assertive. What does that mean? So it's just like...

You want me to read it? Nah, I can't. Because I don't remember it. Because shout out Emson. Because Emson posts on his story. I'm like, oh shit, I remember doing this test before. Let me see what I'm like. Because I feel like, I felt like, oh, me and Emson probably have similar personality, right? Are you guys the same? And it turns out, we have the same, but he's type, he's turbulent and I'm assertive. Okay. So we're still the same personality, but like different, um...

different like tier yeah whatever so does it describe like how you move on a daily basis like kind of yeah yeah yeah read me here all right so a campaigner is someone who is extroverted intuitive feeling and prospecting personalities they tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill towards others their vibrant energy can flow in many directions and

campaigners are independent and creative and always on the lookout for the magic and meaning in everyday life oh shit that's like that's like spot on that's definitely you so some of the famous people that are this type of person that are this type of personality are Will Smith

Robert Downey Jr. That's fire. Spider-Man. So they did like... Yeah, yeah. I know you're gassed. Yeah, yeah. No, but he's... But Spider-Man was turbulent. So he's more like Emerson. Okay, okay. But what's it called? So Quentin Tarantino. Really? Yeah, yeah. That's crazy. So I think looking back now...

I wanted to look up to Will Smith and Fresh Prince. Yeah. I wanted to look up to Quentin Tarantino. Spider-Man. Yeah. I wanted to look up to all these people. And it just turns out that's how I grew up. So I think that's really how we become our personality traits is by who we really look up to. Yeah, that's true. I think that's literally all it is. I know. Yeah, because what I looked up to when I was a kid, Ian Conner, Joy, they're all materialistic. That's why I'm so materialistic, right? Like I could be spending money on like...

um what do you call this smart investments but now i'm spending it on like clothes because that's what they did when they got money so that's the only thing i know you think you're gonna change out of that when you're older yeah for sure i'm already changing out of it i'm already like okay now i gotta make some passive income blah blah blah so i i don't have to work a day in my life no more yeah but there's no there's no um there's no magic number for me no more because what i what i seen was like

With money, you can never win, right? If you keep chasing money, you're always going to want more. No, you're always going to chase it. Yeah, you're always going to chase it. If all you're doing is chasing it, you're not going to find...

a set point you know what I mean because money always comes and goes yeah in my opinion instead of that's how I changed my mindset because before I was very like money minded especially at high school for sure I was hella money minded you're the hustler you're the hustler yeah yeah but then I started to realize like look money comes and goes what's here to stay is just like what we experience yeah the experiences we share I know

know the things we do with it rather than how much we're spending on a certain thing exactly like and then it becomes kind of like an illusion because a lot of people i forgot who said it was like this monk he said no dead ass he's like money is literally the biggest illusion yeah it's literally the biggest illusion i know because it makes you want to be happy through other things when you can just be happy exactly right here so as they force down like

commercials, new products, whatever.

you become more insecure and then you become more like, I got to get this to show off to this so they look at me like this. Instead of, this is who I am, y'all should just like who I am because that's who I am and if you don't, then fuck off. And social media makes it even worse now because now it's like, oh, I got to show people that I have money so let me buy certain clothes and certain watches, certain cars to impress somebody else on social media. I'm so over that, bro. I'm so over like, why are you going to

That's so whack. Why are you going to spend money to try and like...

be somebody to like impress somebody who cares yeah exactly in my opinion if they don't like me for who i am then i don't want them part of my life you know i mean i don't want them looking at me in the first place that's one of the biggest things i had to learn like not everyone is gonna like you and you have to be okay with that yeah no that's that's so real that's so real i wanted everyone to like me no no but then when that certain person came where he's like oh no this guy doesn't match my vibe i'm like okay that's that's my vibe that i gave off to you i tried yeah exactly exactly bro honestly

A lot of my content, fam, that shit's cringe. That shit's cringe, but it's stuff that I like to do. It's fun to make. Yeah, exactly. And it's working. Yeah, yeah. So, I'm going to do me. Yeah, you don't let people tell you shit. See, I'm different. Yours is, even though my content's cringe, it's me, right? Yeah. The person I am is, even though my content's cringe, I'm making more money than you. That's my first go-to. Oh. You feel me? No, but look.

because because but money money doesn't last or ever i know but but at the same time like obviously like the theory guys i'm not the theory guy yeah right so that's my it's not technically me yeah yeah but but at the same time it's like the money you feel me

You can't say shit to me now. I don't think you should look at... I don't think you should ever look at it like that. Because if you're not having fun with it, then yeah, the money is the bigger part of it. But it's more for me, like the experience, like shit. I get to talk about this. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's true. Rather than I get to make money. Everybody can make money. Everybody can make money. You can do harder jobs and make money. You can do easier jobs and make money. But I like doing this, right? For sure. That's how it is. Yeah, man.

Yeah, man. Okay. But yeah, to end it off, hold on. I think I'm a diplomat. E-N-F-P. What's that? What's that? Enthusiastic, creative, and sociable free spirit who can always find a reason to smile. Let me see. Let me see.

No, that's that's um, that's the campaigner. That's the same one. Yeah, it's campaigner But but do the test use that so I'm curious I'm curious if you're like a assertive or a turbulent. Yeah, okay bet cuz it's funny how like do you think I'm a sir? I Make sure blah blah. Oh, yeah, how's your percent? I know now look at it like shit I never thought of myself you've been to me many times like I started a damn. That's like something you'd call your teacher But at the same time yeah you how you are

But that's good. In a leader, you need that. You can't, like, get... None of your students can be slacking. Yeah. Who's, like, the biggest... I never asked you this question. Okay. Who's, like, the biggest leader you ever met? Leader that I ever met? Holy shit. Whether it been, like, in school or, like, sports, whatever. Oh, damn. The first person that came to my mind is my older cousin. Like, whenever we were little, he would always be the leader of the group. Like, come in. Oh, this is what we're gonna do next. Oh, yo, Gavin, come on my side, right? That's why, like...

Whenever I go into a social event, I always remember I said I always picture me as my cousin. Because I want to act like him. He's that big extrovert leader that I can always rely on. So I would say my cousin. I don't want to give out no names though. Yeah, of course. For me...

This is weird to say, but I don't think I had a leader to look up to. And I think I said that before, and I don't have a mentor I ever look to. And I think that's why the way I am. Yeah, yeah. Because you have to figure it out all on yourself now. Yeah. Because you weren't dependent on no one, so your independency came from that. Looking back...

It would have been nice, but I don't think I ever had somebody that was like, okay, I got you. I'm going to, I'm going to show you the way it was. It was just always like Carlos. That's you. Like you do this shit or no one's going to do it. Yeah. I'm telling you fam. Like if, if I ran this podcast with anyone else and my friends, I would have been in some 360 deal. I would, I would, I would be.

Right now people jumpers jump would probably be under someone else's name. Just because I'm like, oh my God, money. Let me sign that contract. Yeah. But but with you, it's like, nah, this is the plan, right? Yeah. And that's how you got to proceed with it, too, is like you always have to make sure you know who's who. Yeah, exactly. You always make sure that and always know like you got yourself.

Because even in anything, bro, at the end of the day, if you don't got yourself, you can't really rely on nobody. You can't. That's the number one thing. Because at the end of the day, fam, when you die, it's all you. Yeah. That's tough, bro. That's so tough. As crazy as it sounds, sometimes I feel...

if I'm gonna like miss out on anything, if I'm missing out on like those experiences of looking up to somebody that was there for me and then I'm looking back like, no, it's just all me. Now, do I look at it as like a selfish way or am I looking at it as like something else? Because now everything I see, because a lot of people say, maybe you're a little bit selfish. Maybe you're a little bit too like in your head and like, maybe that's one of my flaws is I'm too self-centered. Self-centered. Or am I too self-centered? Self-centered.

There's like there's glimpses of it, but I can't blame you. That's just how you were. You weren't given people there to like paid you for that. It's a weird it's a weird thing. Yeah, that's weird. That's really weird. That's like some deep. But I know I know you're self-aware, though. So that's a good thing because sometimes you can catch yourself doing it. Yeah, for sure. For sure.

In anything, like whatever I see, I'm going to say exactly how it is. I'm not afraid to show like my weakness. Exactly, yeah. You don't brag and stuff like that. Yeah, exactly. Like it is, if something's cool, it's cool. If it's like weak, it's weak. Oh, man.

You want to end it there? Yeah, we should end it there. All right. Thank you everyone for watching this episode of Jumpers Jump, the special Christmas episode. Merry Christmas to all of you guys. Yes, sir. Hope you guys get all the presents you want. If you don't, sucks. If you guys haven't already, join the Discord. Follow us on Instagram. All that good stuff. We also have the YouTube Shorts channel. So Jumpers Jump clips. Go subscribe to that. We're going to be posting more on there. And yeah, Jumpers Jump out. Deuces.

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