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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Carlos Juico
Carlos Juico:分享了在菲律宾卡拉OK酒吧演唱"My Way"与暴力事件相关的趣闻,并探讨了菲律宾文化中对超自然现象的看法。他认为,成功需要专注和努力,并相信心想事成。 Jbalwaysfresh:讲述了自己从14岁开始理发,并通过TikTok平台获得成功的经历。他分享了在理发过程中遇到的挑战和经验,以及如何通过人脉关系和积极的思维方式获得成功。他还谈到了自己对心想事成、灵界和模拟理论的看法,以及对未来的规划。 Carlos Juico:对菲律宾的卡拉OK文化和超自然现象进行了探讨,并分享了与“My Way”这首歌相关的趣闻。他认为,成功需要专注和努力,并相信心想事成。 Jbalwaysfresh:分享了自己从14岁开始理发,并通过TikTok平台获得成功的经历。他详细讲述了在理发过程中遇到的挑战和经验,以及如何通过人脉关系和积极的思维方式获得成功。他还谈到了自己对心想事成、灵界和模拟理论的看法,以及对未来的规划,包括制作以高中理发师为主题的电视剧。

Deep Dive

The conversation explores the trend of many Filipino individuals becoming barbers, attributing it to the cultural emphasis on hustle and the influence of immigration.

Shownotes Transcript


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Yeah, bro, how you been? I'm good, bro. How are you, man? Yo, are you Filipino? Yeah, man, I'm Filipino. I'm actually Filipino, too. Oh, for real? Yeah, I'm Filipino, too. Okay, tell me this, bro. Why are there so many Filipino barbers? Yo, I don't know, man. Everyone wants to become a barber nowadays. Deadass, like, whoa. All of a sudden, all of a sudden, there's this wave of everybody. Almost all the Filipino people our age, they want to be barbers. That's actually true. Where'd that come from? I have no idea, man. I feel like it's just the hustle. You think it's the hustle? Yeah, I think it's the hustle. Yeah, because we all come from, like, I guess, immigration.

immigrant families. Yeah. It's just like the grind. Exactly. Yeah. But yo, I don't know. Like it's either you're in that and you're in that FBA type of, you know what I mean? Like, like that, it's so stereotypical now. Yeah. Like all Filipinos play in the FBA and then become barbers or, or there's like a second side to that. Or there's a second side, like your ukulele Filipino. Ukulele Filipino. You know those ones? No, what is that? You don't know ukulele Filipinos? The, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,

That's a whole other side of it too. So it's like, you got the jock Filipinos. Okay. Which play ball. Yeah. And they end up with a barber. Yeah. Or you got the singer ones. Oh yeah, the singer Filipinos. You feel me? Every Filipino can sing, bro. Yeah. I can't sing though. You can sing? No, I can't. Can you? No, bro. I can't sing. But for a long time, I thought I could. You know when you have those Filipino jams and then like your titas and lolas, they're like... My mom can sing though. Oh, word. Yeah. Wait, what's her favorite song? Yo.

Yo, I don't know. It's a Filipino song, man. You know that song, My Way? My Way. All the Tito's sing it. It's like, My Way. I think it's Frank Sinatra or some shit. You know what I'm talking about? Anytime you go to a Filipino jam and they're doing karaoke, 100%, one of the lolos or Tito's, they're singing that song. So take this in. So in the Philippines, they actually call it like a curse song. So anytime it's sung, the chance of a murder increases by 60%.

What? Yeah. So in the Philippines, right? Because you know how they have all those like karaoke bars and shit? Yeah. So they did a study, like deadass, they did a study. Anytime somebody sings that song, for some reason, they always beef or there always ends up being like a fight or a murder because of that song. Someone sang that song. What?

It's bro. No way. What the heck? Yeah. I don't, I don't know why though. Cause it might, it might be because that's everybody's favorite song to sing. And they're like, nah, you can't sing it. Cause I want to go. That might be what it is. But for whatever reason, that song is supposedly like the curse song.

Bro, that's creepy. Right? It's weird. I've never heard of that song, bro. It's some next Frank Sinatra song. I'm pretty sure. But yeah. So you were born here though, right? I was born in Manila, bro. Oh, you were born in Manila, yeah? I was born in Manila and I came here when I was four. You were born here? I was born here.

well you don't have an accent though no i can understand tagalog but i cannot speak it yeah yeah that's me too that's me too because um my dad is basaya and my mom's side is tagalog so i always gets mixed up so i don't i never learn yeah but that's a problem i think i think all the other people here they call us bacons yo you heard that you heard that term bacons yeah yeah i don't i don't know like all the filipinos call us bacons because we're born here or i'm born here at least you're not yeah yeah but that's what they call us oh it's

So tell me your story fam. Like tell me how you found your TikTok success. Well, I'm a 17 year old barber, right? So I started cutting hair in grade nine and then I've been cutting hair for about three and a half years. I just graduated high school. Always. Yeah. So I graduated high school and I'm turning 18 this year. So I've been cutting hair for about like four years since I was like 14. Yeah. Bro, like,

It's a hustle, right? So grade nine, I was cutting hair out of my apartment. Yeah. And yo, like I was cutting hair for like five bucks. Where? Five bucks. Five bucks. But the only thing is that no one would trust me with their hair when I first started. Yeah. So I bought my first pair of clippers. It was the Walt Magic Clips. Mm-hmm. And then after that, I would go around my school asking my friends like, yo, come get a haircut from me. Yeah. And then everyone would be like, nah, nah, nah. Like, what are you doing, man? You're going to actually start cutting hair? I'm like, yeah, bro. I'm serious. Mm-hmm.

Because it takes that first person to be like, yeah, I trust him. Because nobody wants to be the taxidermy. Exactly. So what I had to do is I had to cut my own hair, bro. Word. Yeah, so I cut my own hair. And then after that, I messed my hair up so many times. Did you? Bro, I'd pull up to school and my hairline would be crooked. People would be like, yo, what are you doing? And I'd buzz my head like, bro, I love my hair, the curls and everything. But, bro, I buzzed my head. I tried giving myself a fade. And everyone would just keep dissing me. And I was like, bro.

Like bro So how'd you How'd you end up learning Like to cut hair though Was it just YouTube videos Was it like an apprentice Whatever Yeah so I looked up to the Barbershop I work at right now So I work at Platinum Hair Design Yeah It's by Kipling and Lake Shore And those guys Been teaching me the ways So I would get my haircut Before once a week So I'd show him my progress I'd be like yo Like this is my haircut This is my haircut Like I was showing him pictures Of like my own hair Mmhmm

Trying to get like tips and tricks. Yeah, exactly. They can give me some tips. I'd watch him how he would cut my hair. Right. So my first barber that was there, his name was Mo. He's an Arab guy. Shout out Mo. Yeah, he did my hair really nice. So then I would go home after the cut and I liked the way he did it. Just like learn from it. Yeah, I learned from it. And then I finally ended up getting one of my friends to come through after my hair started looking better. Yeah. After cutting it for so long. So after I got one of my friends to come, I merked him.

his head, man. - Yeah. - The lineup, bro. It was cut, like little, it was like bleeding. - Oh shit. - Like the whole lineup. - Yeah. - Yeah, so I was like- - That was your first time cutting? - That was my first time cutting. - Oh fuck. - Right? And then, you know the straight razor? - Yeah, yeah. - Bro, as soon as I put the blade in, like I cut my thumb right away. - Oh shit. - Yeah, so bro, like it was bad. - Yeah. - You had to go to school the next day and everyone was like, "Oh my God, bro, look at what he did to your head." I'm like, bro, like- - But that's what you gotta learn from, right? - Exactly. - 'Cause everybody starts somewhere.

Yeah so I learned from those mistakes And I knew what I did wrong Right so then I fixed those And then After I cut him More people started coming So some of his boys Started coming They gave me a shot Yeah And I still cut those guys Till this day Oh that's good Yeah yeah So they really stuck with me So those guys are the OGs That's some real shit Yeah for real And then after that I started progressing more And then

Where was the point you're like, okay, this is something I want to do as a career? Because that's a big step, right? Yes. Because when you're in high school, you were still young. What age were you when you first started? Like your first cut? Yeah. So my first haircut was like when I was like 14. You're like 14, huh? Yeah. Yeah, bro. So when you're at that age, you're like, you're trying everything, right? You're looking even at your courses. Where am I going to go? What's my future going to be? Yeah.

So what was the big kind of kicker for you to be like, okay, I want to cut hair. Yeah. So initially I actually wanted to be like a dental hygienist. Where? Teeth and stuff. I love going to the dentist. Yeah. Yeah. Bro, I'd fall asleep when the dentist cleaned my teeth. Where? But then when I wanted to start actually taking barbering seriously was actually last year, bro. Oh yeah. Last year when I started TikTok, man. So that's, that's when you graduated too, right? Well,

or you graduated this year? this year oh last year covid yeah when it was locked down so you're telling me the tiktok success is what pushed you exactly bro i didn't wasn't taking barbering seriously it was just like a side thing yeah and then once i started blowing up on tiktok everything changed for me damn

After that, like you've seen my series, Cutting Millionaires. Yeah, yeah, that's going crazy. I'm going to extravagant homeless businesses and cutting their owners. How did that start? Like, how did you get the first millionaire cut? Yeah, so how I got the first millionaire was just a network. Yeah. So, you know, like I was cutting Aaron Van Kamen, you know, the guy who knocks on doors and asks you, what do you do for a living? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been cutting his hair since before he started TikTok.

Oh, even before that. So we built a relationship and then he started doing like TikTok and stuff. And then once he started doing those videos, he got me in touch with this guy. His name is David DeFeld, bro. He's like a real estate lawyer. Yeah. He has money, man. And then after that, like I cut his hair. We made a video, bro. That video hit 10 million views on TikTok. 10 million views. That was the first one. That was the first one. That's crazy.

Yeah. And then after that, like I started reaching out to more people. I'm like, yo, look at this. I got 10 million views. Let's make a video too. So I started reaching out to more and more guys. You know, North Face Rally? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So North Face Rally is like a supercar club. The GTA. Those guys are sick. They have like a lot of- They're balling. Yeah. They have some really nice cars, bro. So I started reaching out to a bunch of those guys. And then after that, I just kept going on from there. Right. So now they're reaching out to me and everyone wants to make a video with me. Yeah. So, so those first few, um, barber TikToks, those weren't the first like TikToks you were doing at the time though.

right? You're doing like other TikToks. So the first TikToks, um, um, um, was just, I was kind of screwing around doing some of the trends when it was like lockdown back when I was like 5,000 followers. But then once the barbershop opened up after the first lockdown, boom, I started making haircut videos. And then once I noticed that people started coming in more, then I was like, yo, like I gotta keep making these videos, man. It was working. Cause honestly, TikTok is a secret weapon. It is. Cause people don't know that though.

It changes lives. It changed my life. Changed your life. Changed fucking Charlie D'Amelio's life. You know what I mean? For real. Bro, like I was clowning TikTok. Yeah, me too. Me too. I told my sister that that's what I told my sister. You'll never see me on the app. I told her that. I told her that like years ago. I'm like, yo, I'm never doing this TikTok stuff. Yeah. Like dancing. It's not for me. But it's not just dancing. You show off your creativity. You show off who you are on there. Exactly. It's a great community, man.

Because when it first came out, we saw it is all like fucking the jokes and shit. Yeah. No, it was cringe. Honestly, it was cringe. It was. It was cringe. And it still kind of has that aesthetic. You know what I mean? It still has that aesthetic, but it's, it works because everybody's on there. And I think what it was, it was kind of like when Instagram first came out, everybody's Instagram feed was what? It was like pictures of landscapes. Yeah.

Pictures of what they're eating. Right. Now what has it became like streetwear? It became like fashion. Everybody's showing off their Fitbits. It's like a portfolio. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Instagram became Facebook in a sense. So that's why TikTok is so crazy because everybody's on there, but we don't know where it's going. Right.

Like it can change. And we don't, we don't really understand everybody's on there and there's so much success that can come out of it as long as you post and you never, you never know when one tick tock, this might change your life. Exactly. Just like, just like that. Even Instagram reels too, bro. Oh yeah. Instagram reels. You posted on there too? Yeah, I'm starting to pop off. But the thing is, I don't know why, like whenever I post my, my, my clips on, on Instagram is different, different engagement. I don't know why. But you get, you get a lot of followers from that. Yeah, you do. Is it working for you? Um,

So far, I'm just getting like 10, 20,000 views on it. But like, I'm aiming for the millions. I got nannies that are going to blow up like crazy. So what's the next creative aspirations you're going to do with your videos now? Because you got to keep stepping up the game, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So bro, like I was talking to one of my clients, bro. And we want to make a video where I cut his hair. And then we fly out to Dubai and do a scene there.

Oh, shit. Yeah. We want to do something crazy. We really want to step up the level for this whole millionaire cut series. Yeah. You should, yeah, literally fly all across the world. And I only have 24 parts in the series. And I still have more lined up up my sleeve, man. Do that. I still got a lot more videos to go.

Do that. And honestly, vlog it too. I will. Just show your day in the life. That's what I'm going to do. YouTube. I'm going to start YouTube and then I'm going to show the day in life. It's going to be like 10 minute videos of me driving to these cribs, showing like who these guys are, showing the cool stuff that they have and just chilling. Yeah. Cause well,

What sells is personal brand, really. Because people tune into you not just because of the content itself, but because of you, your personality, what you project. So what I see, who's the greatest influencer you think of today? The greatest influencer? Who do you think? Because I have an answer for it, but I want to know who you think. Like in what category?

and i guess like social media social media not not not like music not celebrities with just being an influencer yeah who do you think in social media game how about you answer that okay i think this is what i personally think the goat of social media is either ksi or logan paul but listen i was gonna say logan paul bro listen a lot of people hate on logan paul and shit i'm like that was me too i i didn't like him before either but it was a moment where i realized it was a moment where i

I was put in the position of doing his job, right?

where I'm running my own podcast. I'm running my own content and trying to branch off into other things. This guy, he has everything down. He made sure every person that watches the videos translates into a true fan. Because look, there's two types of fans. There's a casual and then there's a ride or die, right? Okay. So the big thing is whenever someone watches your content, you want to transform them into a ride or die fan. Like a real supporter. Yeah. No matter what you do, they're going to watch it. Yeah. You can post a video about Pokemon cards. And then

They'll watch it, right? Yeah, exactly. So when you have those type of fans, it doesn't even matter whether you have like 5 million. If you have 5 million followers, right? But only 5,000 of them are real fans. You only really have 5,000. You get me? Because what is a view compared to a supporter? Yeah. Right? Someone who can buy the products. Exactly. Instead of just watching you. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And that's why Logan Paul's so smart because I know you're doing this too. Mm-hmm.

with your your own hair products right you want to talk a little bit about that yeah sure so what came up to you like i want to make my own hair products too because that's really smart yeah i love i love putting products on my hair i like defining the curls and just just like applying them yeah and then i was sponsored before by a hair product i don't want to say no names but i was sponsored before by a hair product and um

They signed me on to like a good deal. Yeah. Right. And then I started promoting their brand. And I made their company like 5G's in the term of three months. Back when I only had like 500,000 followers. Yeah. I posted only like two videos. And then I made the company five grand in three months. Yeah. Two videos only when I had 500,000. But now I have 3 million. It's crazy. Like what if I make a video again? Yeah. You know what I mean? They're profiting so much. Exactly. And they tried signing me on a three year deal.

That's where they get you bro Exactly They try to sign me on a three year deal They seen Like this kid has potential So they tried to sign me on a three year deal And I was like Can't do it Yeah I was like I'm gonna make my own product Who gave you that idea? Was it you? Or was it someone To make my own? Yeah to make your own Yeah so Um

a man named sherard so charred mcqueen he he's a real estate developer yeah and he's a ceo of m5v developments and he's the one he's like yo jb gotta start your own product bro yeah i was like yeah i gotta do it because bro if you're building this huge brand right and you have those like i said before those ride or die fans they're gonna buy the product because they're true fans of you rather than just you promoting something you know i mean because look let's say let's say i have a i have an ad on here yeah and i and i promote something random right like let's say a water bottle right they're

They're not going to vibe with it unless like I promote it well. And unless I show my true heart in it. Right. But what is easier is to show your true heart in a product you own yourself. Yeah. You'll work harder if it's yours. Exactly. It's natural too. It's natural too. And it always, it goes back to where you're building this brand. And at the same time you're building this brand, you're building your other brands. Yeah. Right. So let's say you have, you have your content, you have your hair products, you have your vlogs. Each one holds a step in a bigger pyramid. Right.

It all comes together. It's an empire. It's an empire. So what's your goal in the end? What do you want to see? I just want to see some success, man. What's success to you, though? What's success to you? Because you can't just say success. You got to be specific. I want to just take care of my family. I want to be happy too, bro. I don't come from money. So at home, it's just me and my mom. It's me and my mom, and she works night shift. So she's sleeping during the day, and I'm hustling during the day. So I really want to...

I really want to get her out of that. And you know, like it's our parents are immigrants. Yeah. My dad and my mom are divorced. My dad's in Brampton and he's just paying the mortgage. So I just want to be able to take care of my parents and my family. And then the rest just want to create a legacy. That's good shit, bro. That's good shit.

Yeah. Because that's really important, right? Yeah. Because you really want to make something not just for yourself, but for something that will last generations. I want to inspire a lot of people. I get messages all the time, like, because of you, I started cutting hair. Because of you, I picked up my first clippers. And that means a lot to me. Yeah, bro. Because before, I was looking up to so many barbers. And now, to be an inspiration, it changes, you know? Yeah. There's a lot of things. Mm-hmm.

Who is that person for you? So there's... I say like the Michael Jordan of barbering right now is Vic Blunt. So he's really trending right now and he's doing really well giving out the... Is he an Asian barber? No, he's a white guy that gives out the haircuts in public. Oh, that guy. Yeah. Yeah, so I always watch his videos. Is he from LA or... I think he's from Atlanta. Atlanta, yeah. So he's a really sick barber, bro. And I've always looked up to the owners that...

that I work at. The shop I work at. So Paul and Kyle, those are the owners that taught me how to cut hair. Yeah. If you weren't cutting hair, what do you think you'd be doing right now? I'd probably... I'd probably be in school right now, man. In school for what though? What though? Like, did you have a plan even before this? I wanted to do dental...

Oh yeah yeah my bad my bad I wanted to be a dental hygienist So I'd probably be in school for that Right Cause for me bro It was weird Before I started this I had a clothing brand right Oh really Uh huh Weko Studios And that kind of popped off on TikTok too That's where I got my first initial following I got like 17k I was selling out like hoodies And socks Within like minutes Like 5 minutes Sold out the whole site I didn't stop The thing is I didn't stop doing it It's just I lost time bro Cause when I started the podcast Yeah

Yeah. I can't take everything with me. So I have to put like a backseat in one. I see. And then raise the other, right? Because that's what's hard is when you want to succeed in one aspect, one side got to take a backseat. Yeah. You can't do everything at once. You can't do everything at once. Exactly. And there's a famous quote, if you want to be really, really good at something, you have to put

It has to be like 100% in one thing. Yeah. And that's what's tough, right? Because I'm the type of guy that wants to do everything. Me too, bro. Yeah. Like I'm trying to have a TV show. I'm trying to have products. I'm trying to start YouTube. Yo, do it, bro. Do it. Yeah, everything, bro. But it's tough because when you're by yourself. Yeah.

Because you have a team with you. It's just you. It's just you, right? Yeah, it's just me. Right now, it's just me. Yeah, see, it's tough, bro. Because when you're by yourself, even just like advice, you got to seek it out. Because when you don't have that team with you to like, okay, what else can we work on? Okay, I'm going to give you this stuff, right? You have everything on your own. And then that's when you got to like, that's when you really have to make those decisions. Okay, what can I take on right without dropping, you know? So have you ever had to make a big decision like that before in your career or just even just in your life? Yeah, so...

There was a big decision where should I work with this very established product brand or should I make my own? You know what I'm saying? So working with this brand could have opened up a lot of opportunities for me. So I could have been the face of this product. Yeah. I could have been the face of it. And it's already established. The product's already there. And they're great products, bro. Yeah. And I had to make the decision whether I should go with them, be the face of it, or make my own and start from scratch. Yeah. So I made that decision to make my own. That's smart. That's smart. You know, you got to take that risk. Risk is to reward, bro.

That's so important, bro. Because not a lot of people take risks and that's when they miss out on that big opportunity. And I think everything happens for a reason. Would you agree? I believe in that. I believe in timing. Everything does happen for a reason. I believe in timing. You ever had a moment in your life like some shit happened? We're like, yes, yes, bro. Yo, so I live right across the street from Araba. Yeah. And my boss, he's like, yo, JB, grab me some lunch real quick. I was like, ah, I don't want to go.

To walk Yeah yeah yeah But then I was like Okay I'm gonna grab him some lunch Across the street Rabah I see a McLaren Where? Supercar outside The odds of a McLaren Being outside of Rabah For me It's crazy When I grab his lunch You know what I mean Yeah So I saw I saw the guy in the McLaren I'm like hey bro This is who I am This is what I do And boom I just connected like that What?

And he was one of the millionaires in your series. No, not yet. No, not yet? Not yet. But see, that's what it is too. Just connections. If you see something, you should approach them. If you want to talk to somebody, just approach them and be like, hey, this is who I am. This is what I do. Is there any advice you could give me? Mm-hmm.

And that's it, man. Yeah. A lot of people are scared. They're nervous. Every time I see a nice car outside, yo, I go up to the car. I go up to the owner. Yeah, that takes guts though. That takes guts. But my confidence built up over time as I built my portfolio. So like now being on TV, I was featured on Breakfast Television, Global News, BlogTO. After that, you know, I have something to carry around me. Yeah. You know, I show them. Yeah.

That's who I am. That's good shit. So just build your way up there, man. So were you always like that in school or did you, did you find your confidence out of something? Yeah. So were you a shy kid or were you like, no, no, I was outgoing. You're outgoing. Oh, you know how I got my name out there, bro. Oh, yo, I, I cut hair in the Tim Hortons. Wait, you did? In the Tim Hortons bathroom.

word I didn't know that bro how I got the name JB always fresh oh shit you know like the Tim Hortons yeah yeah always fresh bro I cut hair in the Tim Hortons oh shit before my name was just oh wait you said that on the on the CP24 interview yeah yeah

I just took that in. Yeah, bro. So I used to cut hair in Tim Hortons' bathroom. Yeah. And then after that, like... How was that? Did they kick you out? Yes. Did it? Yo, someone snitched on me. Oh, shit. This kid's cutting hair in Tim Hortons. The manager comes in. He says, I'm giving the man a line-up. The game's starting. He's sitting on the toilet, bro. Bro. And they're like... He's like, hey, what are you doing? I was like, giving a man a line-up.

lineup and then after after that like lunch was over and then i sit in class and then next thing you know the pa comes on jamila busos oh you got it i'm like yeah and then i knew what i was in for you know did you get like suspended anything i did oh you did he sent me home he sent me home and then uh suspended me for like two days oh yeah and then um he called my mom yeah you know my mom works night shift right so she was asleep oh she's pissed mom if you see this mom like you know like

It's okay. It's okay. Look where we're at now. We're on the podcast. It was worth it. It was worth it. So, yeah, after that, he called my mom. My mom was asleep. She didn't pick up. So, bro, as soon as he sent me home, I dashed home, bro. I got home as soon as possible. And I went on her phone. I deleted the post. Oh, you deleted it? I deleted the post. She still doesn't know till this day. That's crazy. You might see this, Sohan.

So, you know, like, how she knows. See, you gotta, that's where it all starts is just freaking the dirt. You know what I mean? You gotta start somewhere. And if you're, if you're quote unquote, your only shop you can cut hair is the Tim Hortons, then shit, you gotta take that chance. You gotta do it. Cause no way you're gonna realize, no way you're gonna find out the potential unless you take that first step of what you have already. You know what I mean? Like,

Let's say you want to start a podcast. A lot of people ask me all the time, like, yo, Carlos, how do I start a podcast, right? My best advice to them is always just, yo, you have a phone, right? Test it out yourself. Try talking to yourself. Try making a podcast just with your phone. Whatever you have, whatever you can afford. Because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter where you start, right? And I think you will agree with this. You're going to get better no matter what. Always. Right? There's always room for improvement, bro.

And the more you do it, the more you get better. Exactly. Like, for example, when you're talking about cutting people's heads off, they're bleeding and then now they're fresh. Exactly. Right? Crispy lineups only. Always fresh. But that's where it all starts. And a lot of people, they're scared of that. They're scared of, damn, I don't want to take that risk. I don't know if I'm ready for that leap. Yeah.

So what's your advice for them to get out of that, to get out of that kind of mindset of where, oh, I can't do it. I don't know if I can do it. My advice would be just stay focused. And if you really want to do it, you have to do it. Right. So don't care what other people think. Yeah. Because again, like when I first started, people always say, what are you doing? You can't go here. Like, just stop. Just quit.

I didn't quit. I see you have to stay motivated. You gotta, you gotta remember why you want to start and why you want to do it. So it was just tunnel vision brothers. Straight focus. Yeah. Well, was this your first like job? Yeah. I've never had a job. I've never put in a resume. Yeah, bro. I always wanted to try working at McDonald's to see what's up. Well,

i never worked a nine-to-five ever yeah me neither but you know like i wanted i wanted to see what it's like but you know i think i'm good i think i'm good still yeah just some just some people it's just not for them yeah like i think a lot of successful people especially you can see right away like it's not meant for their their bones and their body isn't built for a nine-to-five yeah you know what i realized too bro most of these guys i've met they don't really they didn't really pursue school and if they did go to school they didn't

They didn't use that knowledge. Yeah. School doesn't teach you how to make money, bro. I preach it all the time, bro. And it's a very controversial topic too because people are like, nah, you need it for like the backup. Yo. Backup. Everyone tells me that. Everybody says that bullshit. I hate it. Yeah. Everyone says that. Yo, you should just go to school for backup.

Bro, you know what I always tell them? If you set up a backup for yourself, that means you already failed because you think you're going to fail. Yeah, right? You shouldn't have a backup if you're going to something full-fledged. Yeah, exactly. Full-force with it. And you got to be confident. Full-force and confident. Just believe you can do it.

how's your mom when you told her like yo i want to do this at first like my parents was pretty furious man yeah yeah she she she was like like go to school what are you doing but then after i started blowing up on tiktok yeah yeah because um it's it's kind of that old mindset especially with immigrant families where i think especially filipinos they hate traditional bro

They hate taking risks. Yeah, yeah. They're very comfortable with that. As long as they're happy, they're good. As long as there's food on the table and there's a roof over their head, they're good. Yeah. You know, but that's why my mom brought me here for a better life, right? So I'm trying to make that life even more better for her. Exactly, bro. Because I always preach this. Like, if they took all those sacrifices to bring us here and have these opportunities, we would be doing them a disservice by not taking the opportunities to do this. You got to maximize on it.

man. Exactly. Because we have a chance to take that risk. They didn't have a chance to take that risk before. Yeah. I mean, they didn't have TikTok. They didn't have these platforms where we can blow up off. The internet wasn't the same. It wasn't. It wasn't the same. But now we have these opportunities. You have to take them while you can. Yeah. There was no phones, man. Exactly. Exactly. No such thing as fucking social media before. So,

everybody that wants to go out and try you gotta go try because this is the time in your life you tried there's no there's no better time than today but again like you know social media is not for everyone it is a lot of people don't like being in front of the camera you know yeah yeah that's so true but um were you shy in front of the camera at first or was it was it natural to you um i was kind of just doing my own thing you know i always had fun always having fun it just i just happened to just be on camera bro just like shooting videos

And I was just having fun. That's it. Yo, take this in. It's passion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I never even did like a demo run of this. I just like hopped on and like, okay, let me try it. Yeah, I just did it. And it worked out, bro. Literally our first episode, boom. That's it. Yeah, it was crazy. You just have to do it. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

but a big part of it too is seeing the market like where do i fit in the market and how can i change it and where can i where can i blow up off right what's that viral moment to you so how did you come up with the doing the millionaire cuts how did you come up with that viral idea so at first the name for the first video that ever made that hit 10 million views was actually called cutting a rich client that's what it was called cutting a rich client and then after that um

I made that video. It just kind of went with the flow. You know what I mean? Like it was a nice house, nice cars. It was my first ever like very wealthy, wealthy high-end clientele. You haven't seen a house like that? Yeah, exactly. Because I usually cut like... What was the house like? What was the house like? Yo, it's a custom home, bro. Where? It's a custom home. It's something that you don't see. Like architecture wise? Yeah. Like if you go driving around like the neighborhood, like you can tell that his house stands out. Where? Where?

That's the kind of home I would want. Yeah. Right? So he loves his home. I'm sure he does. And that's how I got the name was just Millionaire Cuts. Millionaire Cuts. It's something to it, you know? Yeah. Sounds right. Cutting a millionaire. You know, where have you seen that before? Yeah. Bro, eventually I'm going to be cutting a billionaire. Yeah, you're going to be a billionaire.

Yeah you will bro You will manifest that shit Eventually I'll be cutting a billionaire Are you big into manifestation? Always bro I always told myself This is gonna happen This is what's gonna happen See I'm telling y'all Every single person I have I have on the podcast That has success Is all manifestation Do you write down Your goals bro? I always write down

my goals yeah all the time accomplish them yeah so you work towards that goal so I actually have this ritual every time every every year before New Year's I write a prediction and I say how many followers I'm gonna get I say what's gonna happen to everybody in the group and

Every single thing I said in that group chat and that text message happened. Every single time I did it. This happened for three years straight now. Because you worked towards it, bro. You worked towards it. You worked towards it. It's all in the mindset though, right? Because did you always have the mindset or how did you learn, I guess, manifestation? How did you learn about it? At first, bro, honestly, before I blew up on TikTok and started meeting these guys, these millionaires, I just wanted to open up a shop. I was just like, yeah, I'm going to come here Monday to Saturday and just open up a shop.

maybe open up a shop. And once I started meeting these guys, surrounding myself with positive people, my mindset changed. Like I started, now I'm going to open up several shops. Now I'm going to have my own, my own brands. I'm going to drive super nice cars, have a nice mansion. So how important is it for you to be around those type of people? Because a lot of people your age, right? Because you're young. They wouldn't know how to get out there or meet these people. What is your advice to them?

My advice would be Don't be afraid So reach out to anyone Because having a mentor Is very important Yeah Knowledge is something You can't put a price on That's what I learned too But if you're not Actually doing it You're not actually Taking the risk Then you're not going anywhere You take that knowledge And you put it to work I haven't even made it yet But I

I have a game plan and I'm going to execute. That's what's important. Yeah. As long as you have that and keep striving towards that, you'll make it. Exactly, bro. Like, I want to come back to this podcast like four or five years from now and I want to be celebrating with you, bro. Yeah, bro. You know what I mean? I want to celebrate. We'll be in a proper studio too. Exactly, bro. You know what I'm saying? Let's go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's so dope because I love to see local creators come up. Yeah. You know what I mean? And I feel like right now, a lot of local creators, it's kind of their...

it's kind of their moment. Like we, I haven't, I haven't heard of Toronto creators like that coming up like this before.

right you just hear like a one two youtuber yeah but now i think it's just tiktok honestly i think it's just tiktok tiktok is like super hot right now bro yeah everybody's blowing up off that shit like anybody can go viral yeah that's the thing but what are you gonna go viral for you can have probably like a one two viral video but is it gonna stay like that yeah you know what i mean like some people just make some people just post something stupid and then it'll go viral yeah but they can't do it again

but they can't capitalize on it you gotta capitalize on success and bring it somewhere right yeah so yo um because you funnel all of your attention from tiktok to what to your instagram i tried to bro no one wants to follow me on instagram i know i don't know why because we have five mil on on tiktok and then my instagram account's like 26k i'm like what no way 26k yeah bro mine is like like 3.1 mil 22k

You know what I mean? Yeah, I don't know why. Why is it like that? What do you think? Honestly, I don't know. And then I see all, I see these other TikTokers like these lip syncers, you know? Yeah. And then I look at their account and they have 200,000, but they have like, they have like 800,000 on TikTok, but then 200,000 followers on IG. It's weird how it translates. It's weird how it translates. Yeah. I don't know, man.

So you always got to like test and trial what works best or what you can funnel the attention towards, right? Yeah. Because I noticed a lot of the attention funnels straight to the YouTube rather than Instagram, which is good though. I feel like you just have to post content. You just have to post videos that people want to watch. Like, why am I going to follow this guy on Instagram? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.

um so what are your plans with content in the future you want to do like youtube yeah i'm gonna start doing youtube man i gotta get i gotta hop on it so it's gonna be more long form videos it's more like chill talk there's a vlog showing the cool houses yeah going on a ride in the in the lambo do you know i'm jeff woodick jeff woodick yeah yeah so he has his own like the barber the barber guy you should do something like that bro yeah so for him his like his is like sort of like a

It's kind of like a podcast. Kind of like a podcast. They talk to each other. But me, yo, I'm keeping it low key, man. I might have a TV show, bro. Word. Yeah, man. A TV show. I had a vision the other day. Yeah. Right? So I've been manifesting this. You know, have you ever watched iCarly, Victorious? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What if there's a show where they make like a day in the life of a high school barber?

Oh shit. You know what I'm saying? Like my life. A Filipino one too. Exactly. So it shows the romance, the drama outside of the barbershop. And then he comes into the barbershop and deals with like different kinds of people and customers. You know what I mean? Imagine that being a sitcom show, bro. Yo, put me on that. That's cool.

That'd be crazy. We can like feature like, like artists feature like, yeah. And based in Toronto. Exactly. Exactly. Cause no one's ever done that. Nobody's ever done that. And especially cause look, look, look, you agree with me. Like anytime there's, um, there's a Filipino in mainstream media goes bananas, goes crazy. Yeah.

And I think it's because the Filipinos is so ride or die. Like look at a Pacquiao fight. Everyone, everyone, like all Filipinos, they just look up to Pacquiao. If there's a Pacquiao fight, all the fam jams happen. Everybody's, everybody's there. Everybody's there. It doesn't matter if like any news you hear about him, all the Filipinos are there. Yeah.

and i feel like that's how it is just look at um olivia rodrigo even though she's only half filipino yeah we're claiming her yeah exactly because you know filipino there's so much pride and passion in the philippines right if someone's representing that flag yeah you know everyone's gonna support it yeah where do you think that stems from though because i mean you grew up there so you kind of know where it's like i never been i wonder if we're ever gonna be on a filipino tv show bro yeah what if we get invited to like gma

I don't know. I don't know. Cause I don't even speak Tagalog. Yeah, me neither. Cause I always think about that too. I'm like, yo, do you think, do you think they scout us? Cause right. Well, what's your, what's your following? Like on TikTok, like your percentage, like countries. Yeah. So it's like America, Philippines, like probably 25% Philippines. What? 25%? Yeah, somewhere.

like that yeah mine mine's mine's uh 10% Philippines and then it goes it goes US Philippines Canada same for you same for me it's crazy see that's what I'm saying like anything anybody Filipino everybody just hops on just just because it's one of us yeah we stay together yeah we stay together which is dope because you know I

I don't know. Do you see that a lot with other cultures too? Kind of. Kind of. But Filipinos is just like next level. Yeah. Who's your favorite Filipino creator? Filipino creator? I remember I used to watch this guy. He has the same last name as me. His name is Mikey Bustos. Oh, yeah. I know him. I know him. He used to make those parodies. Yeah. Songs. And he was, I think he was American Idol. I'm not too sure. But yeah, he's, everyone always asks me if I'm related to him. Right. Yeah, but I'm not. But yeah, so.

Would you ever want to go to the Philippines and be on those shows though? I would. Why not? Yeah. You know what I mean? So you can become Philippine. Yeah. How do we hit them up then? I honestly don't know. I have no idea. Because I mean, you could be an actor in there still. I can't speak Tagalog, bro. But, oh true. That's the only problem. Yeah. That's the only problem, man. You can't really get out of those teleserial TV shows, man. Yeah. They don't even do English out there like that, right? Yeah. Like English TV shows. I don't think so. Damn. I guess.

i guess you gotta learn bro well it might be worth learning it's like i i speak like taglish if you guys don't know what taglish is it's like like broken english and broken tagalog yeah yeah like mixed what's your favorite filipino food bro filipino food hmm you know that like you know what cut it is yeah that peanut like bro it's fire fire fire you ever had the oxtail one oxtail no i haven't so it's caricar but it's oxtail

I usually have the beef. So good, bro. Oh, the beef one, yeah. Or one of my favorites all time is adobo, bro. Adobo. Of course. Yeah, of course, bro. It's the OG. That's like the spaghetti of Filipinos, bro. It's the OG. So, with you being from the Philippines, have you ever heard any crazy ghost stories or paranormal experiences, bro? Yeah. Yeah? When I went to the Philippines, I was with my dad.

He took me to Davao. What is that? So, this is a place in the Philippines. You know, I don't really know the geography with it. Yeah, yeah. But he took me to a place called Davao. Yeah. So, and then we were walking around his hometown. And he's like, he passed me a piece of garlic. A piece of garlic? Yeah. Why? Or I don't know if it's garlic or ginger, but he passed me something. He's like, put it in your pocket. I'm like, what the hell you mean put it in my pocket? I'm like, what? And then, and then I'm like, okay, I was like, okay, whatever. Put it in my pocket. And then he's like, black magic. Oh.

How did he get home?

The way he got home, I think, like, they were looking for him. Yeah. And one of the people in the community, they found him. So he was put in, like, a trance. Yeah, something like that. That's crazy. Yeah. You never know. He's like, don't look at anyone. Don't make eye contact with anyone. That's what he told me. Do you believe in that, black magic? Bro, honestly, I do. Yeah. Honestly, I do. I think it's real, bro. Because even just, I'm heavy into spirituality, too, right? Just spirits in general, like ghosts. Bro.

Bro, honestly, I think there's a certain realm that we can see but can't access. Because I look at it like this. Look at my dog, right? We know what Wi-Fi is. It's connections for our phone, right? Imagine trying to explain Wi-Fi to your dog. They're not going to get it, right? But Wi-Fi is a real thing. So what if there's another realm that's like Wi-Fi to us that we wouldn't get because we're not on that consciousness? Yeah.

And then that's like, let's say the spiritual realm where we see all of those ghosts and spirits come out. And maybe there's some truth to it, right? Because you hear stories all the time. Like, do you have any other stories like that? Other stories? Have you ever been to a psychic, bro? A psychic? No, I've never been. I've never been to a psychic either, bro. But I heard stories where it's like they can really see the future. Yeah. Yeah.

Like the real, there's fake ones and then there's real ones. If you go to the legit ones, bro, like I can't, I personally can't go see a psychic. I don't know. Cause, um, are you Catholic or Christian? Yeah. Catholic. I'm Catholic too. So you know how they say we're not allowed to, we're not allowed to do any of those, um, psychic readings. Oh, you didn't know that, huh? Even astrology. It said, it said, I think it's in the 10 commandments actually. Like we're not supposed to follow into any, uh,

Yeah. Like satanic. Like. Yeah. It's quote unquote witchcraft. It is. It is. It is. You know what I mean? It's quote unquote witchcraft. So that's the problem. Cause I do want to see what it's about. Yeah. But at the same time, I don't know if I'm allowed to. You know what I mean? I'm not going to do it. I can't. But I hear stories which makes me want to do it. Mm.

Because I'm scared, bro. At the same time. Because I don't want to mess up my mojo. Yeah. You don't want to think like, oh, this is going to happen. I have to avoid it. Yeah, exactly. Because if your life is going so well, why would you want to... Right? But there's the positive rituals. You can tell them, hey, I don't want to hear any of this stuff. Don't tell me. They could just tell you like, oh, yeah, just...

tell you the positive but what if they're like yo but you might want to hear this they're like yo there might be something you gotta worry about you know then you're like caught up I'm like ah shit

You ever seen a ghost though? You ever seen like. No. Never huh? No not planning to though. Cause yo. Cause I'm doing more. I did vlogs right? Yeah. And I did vlogs exploring like haunted places. Oh exploring haunted places. Where did you go? So we went to this. I don't know if you know about Old Finch Road. Old Finch Road. It's in Scarborough. It's a. No it's a bridge. Bridge. So there's this bridge. I did a whole vlog on it. Y'all know. So. I already see where this is coming. Yeah.

This is a bridge where a girl was taken, like a teenage girl in high school. And what happened was she was kidnapped, taken under the bridge, and they raped her and killed her, right? On her birthday. So the... Yo, I just got goosebumps. No, I'm not. Bro, as soon as you said that, goosebumps shivered right down my body. Oh, shit. Bro. Because apparently this is a true story. Yeah.

Like it's been said for so many years already. So the rumor goes that if you go down the bridge really late at night and especially on her birthday, you're going to hear her screaming. Bro.

I'm getting goosebumps every time I hear these kind of stories it's like like oh my god and listen listen like this stuff is real too you know yeah like I wouldn't not expect it if I if I did on her birthday and so what you're supposed to do you're supposed to sing happy birthday to her and this is what I did in the vlog you're supposed to sing happy birthday to her and you might see an appearance of her or you might hear her talk to you and did you you guys gotta find out link in bio

But here's the thing bro Cause I really wanna do All these explorations But I don't know If I'm gonna like Bring something home man You gotta be careful man Yeah I'm getting goosebumps right now Maybe I gotta bring the garlic In my pocket or something The garlic

I feel like just bring lots of... I feel like you should just bring people with you. Yeah. Energy. Like, you know, when you're with people, it's like... You feel more power. Yeah. Not alone. You know what I mean? So... Because I kind of had a theory with that too is where all of these like paranormal experiences, they always happen in the middle of nowhere or when you're by yourself. Exactly. Right? So I feel... You ever heard like the simulation theory? What's that theory? That we're all living in a simulation like the Matrix? Never heard about that. No.

So Elon Musk, he thinks there's a 50-50% chance that we're living in a simulation. And when we die, it was just all like a video game type of thing.

So this might not be true reality and the outside world outside of this simulation might just be something like devastating. And we're trying to escape that through a simulation. So if you think about it like this, right? Video games. Yeah. In a sense, they're a simulation trying to escape this world, right? The way life is moving, eventually we're going to get to a point where we can simulate life with VR, with whatever, bringing our brain consciousness into a machine. It's going to be possible. Right.

Have you seen that movie? There's a movie about that where they put their conscious into a robot. Oh, what movie is that? Chappie. Oh, it's Chappie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I never watched it, but I heard of it. So no matter what, because our technology is advancing. And whether we like it or not, we're going to be able to do that. And Elon Musk said, if it ever comes to a point where we can, that means we're already in one. Deadass. Like we're already in one. Oh.

So going back to like paranormal shit, right? So what if anytime you see like a paranormal experience or like a ghost quote unquote, um,

operation is because of like the matrix glitching or some shit. Cause if you think about it, look, any, anytime, anytime something glitches in a game is where you're in like the, the ends, nobody really cares about. And you're by yourself where the simulation doesn't have to work as hard. I mean, it doesn't have to load everything up as fast, but when a lot of people are in one area, you're not going to see that type of thing because the machine is working to keep it running to, to kind of account for all those people there. Right. Wow.

Wow. If you think about it. That's insane. That could be insane. Right? Yeah. So, I don't know. Maybe that's what it's all about. But you do believe in ghosts though. Yeah, I do. I do. Spirits. Souls. Yeah. Well, what do you think happens after we die, bro? We all can't really answer that question. We can't. We don't know. Yeah. I feel like the truth is whatever our truth is.

do you think that what do you mean by whatever our truth is like whatever let's say what what if when we die is whatever our heaven is becomes it because everybody's different right there's so many other religions and nobody's wrong but there's so many other religions but they connect in a way i feel like they're told in a different way yeah i think so because we all have very similar no we all have the afterlife yeah so it's very similar it's just told differently different like prophets and stuff yeah

Growing up Were you Were you very Religious I used to go to church Every Sunday You know So it stopped Because you know The whole lockdown Pandemic But yeah In the Philippines There's these things I don't know if you know They're called Uh

There's like these charms. Do you know what they're called? They're like these gold charms that supposedly give you like powers. You heard about it? No, I haven't. You wear it on like a necklace or you just hold on to it? No, it's like trinkets. I think if you just hold it in your pocket or you can make it into a necklace. It kind of looks like your chain right now. Like kind of like a little pendant like that. And then what kind of powers does it give you? Supposedly strength or it can make you see ghosts. It can do all these different things, bro. It's crazy. I don't know, bro.

like a blessed material yeah something like that something like that i wouldn't want to hold that though no no i wouldn't why not why not because i just live the life how it is how how it is right now just the present go with the flow okay if you're given a chance to like okay you want to fast forward five years or go back five years what would you do go back five years with the same knowledge i have now that would go back five years with the same knowledge i have now yeah i feel that i feel that

But what if, what if you don't take the same steps and your life changes for the worse? Dude, that's the thing. I always look at life, right? Like, like you said before, everything happens for a reason. And I always had this feeling in my career. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew I was going to be successful. Like, I didn't even know what it was, but I already knew I was safe. I wasn't stressing about the future. Same as well. Yeah. Me too, bro. I never stressed. I was never good in school either. Yeah, me too, bro. I was never good in school. I was all asleep in class all the time.

Yeah. I was asleep in class and I just told myself, like, I think I'm going to be good. Yeah, I don't know why. I'm going to be good. Yeah. It's just that feeling. And I think those moments where you doubt yourself and where you think things are going to go wrong is when it happens. Yeah. If you doubt yourself, it will happen. You tell yourself, well, yeah, I'm just going to do this. It's going to happen.

Yeah. It's so crazy how that works. It's like, you know, frequencies and vibrations. Yeah. Do you believe in that? Yeah. I saw like a video where like sounds would play and then it would show like a certain formation. Where? Like there would be like, like salt. Oh yeah. I've seen that. And then certain vibrations and stuff would play and then it would set up a formation. It would create like a triangle or like a square, a circle. It's crazy. It's crazy. And you think about it, that's what happens with music, right? And,

And when we listen to music, we get a reaction, we get an emotion and it's almost as if like it's a drug. Right?

right like you can feel a sense of euphoria you can feel a sense of adrenaline out of a song like what's your favorite like gym track you know i mean a gym track yeah like something hype yeah something hype you listen to something hype and all of a sudden it boosts you up yeah it boosts you up so there's definitely something that we don't understand with frequencies but these music industries do right maybe there's something behind it it's the way it sounds yeah it clicks emotions

Because it's so weird. Even just like language in general, we're just making sounds with our mouth, but we put meaning to it. Yeah, expression. It's so weird, right? Because like, look at a dog talking to another dog. They're just barking. It sounds like barks. But maybe they put meaning to their barks, but we wouldn't understand it. No.

It's crazy to think about stuff like that, right? Because I always had this theory that certain people in your life, they give off a frequency that makes you better. And that's why it's so important to have good people on your team. Yeah. Would you agree? I agree 100%. Surround yourself with positive people and then everything will be great.

Do you think the moment right when you met those, I guess, those people that could guide you and kind of be better is where your life took off? Yeah. So I just took their blueprint. I learned from their mistakes. They tell me the mistakes they've made and I apply it to my life. So I don't make the same mistakes they make. Yeah. You know what I mean? Who's your biggest mentor? So my biggest mentor would...

There's so many mentors. You know, there's a mentor for each thing, you know? Yeah. It could be a mentor about life, mentor about making money, mentor about social media. So I can't really say who's my biggest mentor. You have one for different things. Yeah, exactly. That's important. Yeah, it is very important. I learn from their mistakes and I apply it to myself. So then I get there faster. Yeah. But again, it doesn't matter when you make it. As long as you're still breathing, it's not, as long as you're still breathing, it's not too late. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. I believe in that, bro.

Do you play sports and shit? Yeah, bro. I play basketball, man. I played basketball from grade 9 to 11. And the pandemic locked down, so I couldn't play for grade 12. Oh, wow. All Filipinos play basketball. Because I've seen you in the K Showtime video. Yeah. I didn't play, though. Yeah, you should have played with them still. Bro, I told them, like, yo, let's make a video. Let's do, like, beat me in a 1v1. I'll give you a haircut. Word. Oh, that's sick. Yeah, that'd be sick. Y'all should do that. But you'd probably sauce me up. I haven't played ball in a minute, bro.

bro you you played like fba i played like um are you playing like rap yeah i played uh fiba basketball like filipino leagues and then um i played um oba or yeah i never played ball i never played basketball i played in in uh elementary school but like just for just for the school i was on the basketball team i feel like you're like a music guy do you do any music i play guitar it's hard i had a feeling you'd play guitar yeah yeah i kind of got the like the vibe i don't know why

I don't know why. No, but I was a swimmer. I was a swimmer, actually. Swimmer? Like a professional swimmer? Like a lifeguard? Like a... I was a competitive swimmer. Competitor? Yeah, and then... And then that's when I became a life... Yeah, I became a lifeguard swim instructor. And then I went into kickboxing. But that's like... That's my bread and butter now is like boxing, kickboxing. Boxing, yeah. I used to take kickboxing. I took kickboxing for six months. Yo, I took kickboxing because I got jumped, bro. Word. I got jumped by like 15 man.

Nah, are you serious? I was coming out of Wonderland, bro. And then, yo, I wasn't even wearing a real chain. By yourself? Yeah, no, I was with like, I was with my cousin. Yeah. I was with my cousin, two of my cousins. And bro, like, I was, you know, Wonderland, you know, outside the plaza? Yeah. Like where the plazas are where everyone gets food and stuff. So I went there and then like 15 guys. Oh shit. Yo, I knew there were trouble, bro. So I kept walking. Yeah.

And then after that They ran up to me They're like Yo fam wait Yeah And then I'm like Yo what do you want They're like yo Nice chain Snatches it right off my neck Oh fuck I'm like Yo that chain It wasn't real But it was from my uncle Yeah It had meaning to it You know so I was in that I was put in that situation What should I do Should I get the chain back Or should I Just walk away Yeah

What'd you do? They said run your bag Run everything that you have Your shoes Everything I was like damn Like this never happened to me before I was I think I was 15 And then Yo I was furious I was so mad I was like I'm like I didn't care I don't care that there was 15 guys So I just I had to fend for myself bro You fought them? Yeah I fought them I just I went I just went straight to that guy And I gave him a good Like punch in the face

Word. Yeah. But my advice, honestly, is to, no matter what the situation is, if someone goes up to you and tries to take your stuff and threatens you, bro, just give it. You don't know if they're carrying a knife. You don't know if they're carrying a gun. I could have died that day, bro. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's so true. So it's not worth it. Your life is not worth anything that's materialistic. Just give everything that you have. You know what I mean? And you got to be smart with it because... Yeah.

If you're outnumbered, you got to know that, right? So that also humbled myself too. It taught me to be more aware of my surroundings, be more aware of where I'm going, you know, because I was walking, I was walking tall thinking I'm the shit. Word. Before. Yeah. So it was kind of like a lesson learned. Yeah. So it was a lesson learned. Yeah. You know what I mean? So, yeah. Damn.

Damn, that's crazy. Where'd you end up doing kickboxing though? I ended up doing it at this place in Mississauga. Yeah, and then I was just kickboxing and it was more for like fitness and like learning self-defense. Oh, you never like went in competition? No, I never really like fought anyone but I was just like the fundamentals of boxing. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's, I think it's, it's really good. Like everybody in their life should learn a little bit. Yeah. At one point. Yeah. You know, cause you never know when you need to bust that shit up. I avoid violence at all times. You know, I'm very cool. I'm a cool guy. I'm usually the guy who would, who would calm people down. Yeah. Communication.

And what I think it is, those people that do know how to fight, everybody I know that I trained with, whenever they're in a situation like that, they try not to fight because they know they can hurt them. Exactly. And it's kind of like a mutual respect, especially in the gym, where you know there's somebody that could be better than you, right? And I think those people that do go looking for fights are the people that don't know how to fight.

know how to fight. Cause if you knew how to fight and you trained with fighters and you spar with them, you know what I mean? You seen what it's like, shit, you know, there's people that can fuck you up. Yeah, bro. Like, you know, there's some people out there that can fuck you up. Of course. So that's why it's so important. Like you got to, you got to prepare yourself no matter what situation comes to hand. Yeah. Right. So I think I did, um, I did, I did boxing, kickboxing for like almost eight years now. Yeah. So, yeah.

And I did competitions and shit though So That's kind of like What drove me to do That was my drive for it Right What do you think your drive is For just cutting hair My drive for cutting hair It's just the passion Yeah Passion Anything you do with passion Like you love kickboxing You love doing it So you keep doing it You know Like it's It's like it's not a job for you It's just

Get down to the details though Like what's that feeling Of like Is it giving them A sense of confidence Is it like Yes so that's the thing bro It's like After that haircut That I give them That smile That piece of confidence That I'm able to give them Is what gets me going It's the drive You know it's That's one of the big reasons Why I started barbering Because I wanted to make People feel confident Yeah

That's important Like the way I felt When I first got my haircut I felt super confident I don't want to make other people Feel that way too Yeah That's real shit You ever get like a really Shitty haircut going on Yeah I told him I love my long hair I love the curls And I remember I told this guy Just give me a little trim And just buzz it right down the middle Yeah And I was like devastated I was like bro

bro. Wait, he did that on purpose or like, yeah, I don't even know. It was back when I was in eighth grade, but he just, it's those moments that you will never forget. That's great. Bad haircut. Yeah. Is a moment that no one will forget. Yo, give them some tips and tricks. Like, well, what would you do if you had a bad haircut? Yo, if you have a haircut,

just don't pay for it let the barber know be like yo like you're doing me dirty you're not you're not cutting my hair right because then you're gonna do it again to somebody else word you know i mean so that's that's true exactly so you gotta a lot of barbers nowadays like like they're losing the passion they're losing the passion they're they don't care you know you're dealing with a customer you're dealing with another human being yeah so you know i mean so it's it's their look it's their head you know barbers are supposed to take care of people yeah so that's what we

Did you ever have to deal with like somebody that didn't like their cut or not? Um, when I first started cutting hair. Oh yeah. Yes. When I first started cutting hair, people would just be like extremely picky and be like, one guy told, once I cut his hair, once I finished cutting his hair, he told another barber to fix it. He got on my train. He's like, yo, can you fix this? I'm like, bro, seriously? But you know, like, again, don't let that bring you down.

down yeah i did not let that bring me down i just kept i just kept going i was like okay next time i know that's good because a lot of barbers they get very devastated and they just like okay i'm gonna quit yeah yeah let me tell you this part where like when i first started cutting hair i would work from monday to saturday and um after school i'd be there i'd play ball practice and then i'd put in four or five hours but i'd walk out at the end of the week with less than two hundred dollars imagine putting all this time and you're only walking out the end of the week with less than 200 bucks i could have walked the i could have worked the like a

A regular job. A nine to five, man. Yeah, part time. And then make more. Yeah. I just loved it so much. It's just passion. The passion drew me into it. I love being in the barbershop. And then now look at it. 200 bucks a cut. It's different now. Yeah. So it's just through time. This is only in the span of three and a half years. That's crazy, bro. Yeah. That's good shit. Because I think as long as you have a dream and you protect it, that will come to fruition no matter what. 200%, bro. Because as long as you put your head down, work, and know, okay, this is where I want to be at, you'll get there. Right?

All right. We're running out of time, but I want to ask you one last question. So what is Jamil's message to the world? What does he want to tell the youth? What does he want to see a change? What is his message? My message to the people is that as long as you have passion with something, anything is possible. So as long as you put in your heart into it, you can do it. That's my message to the people, bro. Yeah.

That's good shit, bro. Thanks for coming on, bro. I appreciate you, my guy. I wish you the best always. You too, man. I hope to see your success. Again, I want to be here back in like a couple years and I want to celebrate with you, bro. Real shit, real shit. You got to celebrate. We'll do it, fam. We'll do it. All right. Thank you everyone for watching. Thanks for having me. You want to plug anything? Yeah. So you guys can find me cutting hair at Platinum Hair Design on Kipling Lake Shore. And then you can check out my socials at JB Always Fresh, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. So yeah. Thanks everyone for watching. Links in the bio.

check out my vlog channel if you haven't already links always there jumpers jump out