Welcome back everybody to another episode of Jumper's Jump. Bro, my anxiety, bro. Why? You can't do that shit, man. Why? It sounds so perfect. I love saying it because it sounds so clean. It sounds so clean. I feel like if I'm on radio, it'll be like, it'll be perfect. Nah, the real ones know the stereo one. What was it? It was like, welcome back to you guys. Stereo. Leave down your questions below. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
I killed that. I killed that shit. I had it down to like a... It was like a script, but it wasn't a script, bro. And then when you finally perfected it, our contract got cut. I know. That sucks. And we were actually having fun with it. Right when we got fun, that was when like... I know. I feel like that's a sign. I feel like it's a sign, bro. A sign for what? I don't know. Like, yo, you better find a way to make shit fun first before it gets boring. You know what I mean? Yeah, true.
Like this? No, anything. Anything in life. Because look, if you start something and it feels like work, eventually it's going to get worse. So it has to be amazing at the jump. Yeah, that's true. You think so? Yeah. Because that's why people follow their passions. Because even though they're not making a lot of money, shit, they're doing what they love, right? And they're happy at the end of the day. Yeah, because shit, this is episode 53? 54? 54. This is episode 54. This is one year, bro. So this is one year anniversary of Jumper's Jump. I know. Bing bong!
So we got new sound effects here. Okay. I got a special one for the end. Okay, okay. Don't press this one till the end. Yo, that's gonna be mine every time I do it. I still have the sickle mode here, but we're not gonna press it. That's season one. That's season one. That's late. I don't know, bro. This is strictly season two. Did I change this one too? Oh no, that's a gunshot. This is...
Yeah, these two are the theory ones. Okay, I'll fuck with that. Well, okay. From looking back on like first episode, first couple episodes, what's some of your favorite memories? My favorite memories was probably the coronavirus one. The coronavirus, yeah? Yeah.
Remember that one? That was probably my most viral one. Oh, no. That's the biggest one. I think that's one of the biggest TikTok clips we had. Oh, word? Either that one or the Drake Sicko Mode one. Oh, yeah. It was those two. But the coronavirus one, it was perfect because I had a haircut that episode. So even though... So people that are coming to the episode saw the nice haircut like...
I didn't look bummy, right? Like all my other theories. So it was perfect. And what was crazy, because the Dr. Creep, like Dr. Creep even noticed under his song, people were going under like, yo, you fucking predicted coronavirus. You're crazy. Oh, from us. Yeah, from us. Also, they went back to his video. And he had to publicly say that he's not like a time traveler. Damn. I did that. Okay. What's your favorite like...
What's your favorite funny moment on the podcast? Favorite funny moment? Oh, we had a lot. I think one of the first ones. The first funny thing, because we clipped it. And we made it... Remember we used to do animations? First episode. Okay, here's the story. So first episode, we did a run. And then I guess the camera cut off because we didn't know that shit cuts off at a certain... Yeah, 20 minutes. No, like 25 minutes. You have to reset it because freaking canon sucks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways...
we we got it cut and we're like fuck we can't we can't reshoot it so i came up with idea okay let's just put an animation so we got an animator and we animated the what was it again it was the clown it was the clown it was the clown that's what it was right yeah shout out the animator because he he probably is like yo i animated the first episode of jumper's jump oh shit that's so true yeah like we weren't big at all yeah and i think he he actually hit me up he he made like a
Like a fan art thing for my main channel. Oh, yeah. That's crazy. But yo, are you still afraid of clowns? Yes, of course. It doesn't... Like, fam, I will... For the rest of my life, I will be probably afraid of clowns. Okay, check this out, bro. No. Oh, fuck. So...
I have a theory why everybody's afraid of clowns. Or I have a theory why a lot of people are afraid of clowns. Okay, let me know. So check this out, fam. Listen, listen. So it's so odd, right? Why would we have like a natural response to clowns? We don't see clowns every day. I mean, we don't see it in natural wilderness, whatever. So there's a theory that a lot of people during psychedelic trips, especially DMT and psilocybin,
They see these things called machine elves. You ever heard about this? Machine elves, no. So on Joe Rogan, he talked about this too. It's described as almost like a jester or a clown that tries to talk to your subconscious. So it will pop up almost in like a fever dream type of vibe, bro. Yeah, yeah. So the theory is the reason you might be afraid of clowns is because we have that natural instinct going back, dating back to our experiences in like the astral world. What? Yeah.
Yo, this sounds sicker than the Sickle Mode. Yeah, it's way better. Because the Sickle Mode one doesn't really relate to anything. Woo!
Wait, so that means that... Because think about it. Sometimes, I had a fever dream, right? Yeah. And I have these dreams sometimes where you get a character talking to you. You get those too? Yeah, I had one. It's almost as if they're trying to communicate with you, right? And when a lot of people are on these DMT experiences...
They have very similar, we talked about this in a different episode. Oh yeah. But they have very similar occasions where they see these clowns, these elves all in the same area. So let's say you tripped in Los Angeles and a certain like, in a certain like part of the city. Yeah. They all seen the same thing. Yeah. And then like in another one, they would see like goblins. Yeah. Okay. But, but these elves, these like clowns, short to say. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's what stems to your fear, bro. Fuck.
Maybe in your past life you experienced that. Experienced a clown? Or like even when you go to sleep. Because when you go to sleep at night, DMT gets released in your REM sleep. You know that? No, I didn't. Yeah, so it actually gets released in your REM sleep. And that's... It goes back to like the pineal gland and shit. What the fuck? Yeah. No, because...
I did have a lot of... As a kid, I had a lot of running from clown dreams. Running from clowns. Yeah, and I'm not even bullshitting. Or just going into a carnival and they would just all be gathered around me. Damn. Okay, what do you think it... Do you think it's from a movie you watched or do you think it's just like... I don't know. I keep saying it was it, but low-key, man, I don't know. It's just...
I remember in the Philippines, I went to Jollibee and Jollibee already looks crazy. Jollibee looks crazy? Yeah, no, like as a kid, no, no, I'll show you pictures because it was like, you know those like bootleg costumes? Yeah. Of like Winnie the Pooh and shit like that? Yeah, yeah. Because I had two experiences. The bootleg Jollibee where I was at the restaurant and I was eating and like it popped out behind me. I was like, yo, what the fuck is that? And I was like, oh, it's just the character. But in one of my... The big ass V?
Yeah, the big-ass pee, but it was like bootleg, so it would kind of look creepy, right? But in another one, one of my second or third birthdays, I had a Winnie the Pooh person come and dress up, but he looked skinny. It didn't look like Winnie the Pooh. Oh, so it's just like the imagination of it? Exactly. Because you have an image of it in your head, and if it's twisted, then it fucks you up? It's supposed to be like a lovable, huggable bear, right? But fam, it was like a Slenderman Pooh bear, literally.
It was yellow and slim Like what? What the fuck And you know it's Companion Pinky The pink one Piglet Piglet It was there too And I swear to god It was taller than Pooh And I was like what the fuck Oh yeah that's chirpy That's chirpy Yeah exactly Yeah you know what Cause even like You ever watch Toopie and Beanu? Yes Honestly It's like a good show It's very kid friendly That's a fever dream too
But yeah, it's like a fever dream. It's like, I don't know. It's the art style. It's the art style. Do you remember TP though? Yeah. It was like the indigenous... Oh no, I don't remember. Sorry, go ahead. It's like that indigenous show. Oh yeah. You remember? And it had like the claymation. Claymation? It had like the claymation. It was only on Treehouse. It came on after...
what's the couch one oh the big comfy couch big comfy couch okay i logged out i like went to bed after that oh you're you went up then no tv what the fuck is but that shit that's just some like real fever dreams and i feel like a lot of our nightmares growing up as a kid yeah come from these tv shows that's why it's so like i don't know it's like it's like a nostalgic sense yeah like whenever you whenever you see those pictures of do you remember this area right or like
It feels like a dream when you look at it. You know what I'm talking about? Those empty spaces. Those pictures they put up. Nah. Let me see. It's like dream core. You ever heard of dream core? Dream core? No. Dream core aesthetic. Let me see. Look at this shit. Like the empty spaces. Oh, this stuff. Okay, okay. Yeah, this? But see how exactly... This looks like tree house to me. Yeah, yeah. Don't you? Look at that shit. That's not tree house? No, it's not tree house. But this type of shit, it reminds me of tree house. And I think...
I think. I don't know why. Because even like the clowns, why would that show up in our minds? It's so like weird. I don't know. I don't know. It has to do with something with a past life. Why? What are you afraid of that you think that came from a past experience? What am I afraid of? You haven't mentioned yet on the podcast, obviously, because I don't think you motherfucker got a tattoo and is not afraid of shit now.
Bing bong. Yeah, I just got tatted though. Yes, sir. No, but honestly, I never had... I always spray the Chucky. We talked about that. Yeah. I spray the Chucky. Did you see the new Chucky Cheese logo? It's his full name now. Oh, yeah. It's like Chucklander-y. No, it's like Charles. Charles. Charles Entertainment. Charles Entertainment Cheese. That's his goby. Yeah.
And I don't know why, but there was an actual backstory. Do you know the backstory of Chuck E. Cheese? Nah, what is it? So there's a theory that Chuck E. Cheese was an orphan. Oh shit, I didn't know this. Yeah, you didn't know that? Nah. So this is all fictional, right? But it was on a business company page, right? So when he was a little mouse, he was in an orphanage, but he didn't remember what his birthday was. Yeah. But he loved singing, he loved doing all of that. And in the orphanage, they had all these types of other birthdays for other kids, but never his. Yeah.
So to fill the void, to fill his own void of like enjoying the birthday party scene. Yeah. He threw, that's why Chuck E. Cheese is mostly for birthday parties. Oh shit. That makes sense then. Yeah. That makes sense. It goes even deeper. So there was like the story where in, he went to New York, right? Yeah. And he lived on top of a pizza place called Squally's. Yeah. You know what this is?
Okay, and Squally, the owner, he was running around trying to chase him and kill him with a rolling pin. Right? But Chuck E. Cheese, because he loves singing, he started singing and then, and Squally didn't want to kill him and that's why he markets his whole pizza place over a singing mouse. Oh!
And now on the Evie delivery app, Chuck E. Cheese is changed to Squally's Pizza. No, is it actually? Yeah. It's not Chuck E. Cheese anymore. It's Squally's Pizzeria. Why though? Because that's where the origin came from. That's weird. So they're calling back to it now then. Yeah, they're calling back. They're calling back to it. Charles E. Chuck E. No, it's like Charles Entertainment. Charles Entertainment. Cheese. Cheese.
Yo, I think one of the funniest fucking... One of the funniest government names I ever heard. What? It's like Akon. Akon's whole name is like a long ass sentence, bro. Yeah. Akon... Let me read it. Yeah, go on. Let me read it. It's long. This was like a joke back then in like grade 11. Yeah. Search up Akon's real name on Wikipedia. You have to pronounce that, right? You try. You try. You try. It's... Ali... Ali... Ali...
Dumb a lot.
badara a khan no i swear this is longer than this though yeah and it's on to the kumpo type b no isn't there another one too there's a famous actor it's like a loo loo loo something what you know what i'm talking about oh i think i've seen a video of that um i think it was just some random guy though it wasn't it wasn't a celebrity i guess what's uzi's name uzi's it's samir wood oh yeah samir woods who has like a special one was it no travis is is jack jack b webster wait his name is jack yeah jack that's why it's cactus jack yo i didn't know that you know his name is
jack yeah that's why it's cactus jack bro no way it's pronounced it's pronounced jock oh it's spelled jock or you can pronounce it jacquez or whatever no but it's it's jack like his mom calls him jack yeah no loki loki wants the government of uh rappers come out their whole image is like different to
me because like you never you were never Lil Uzi to Samir Woods like or or Travis Samir Woods sounds cool though that sounds like a rapper name it sounds like a little boy Samir Woods that sounds like a rapper name to me what's Cardi again Cardi's Jordan Jordan Carter or something yeah I think it's Jordan Carter that's just like a regular name yeah I remember uh was it Lil Pump Lil Pump has a crazy one it's like Kevin Stewart or some shit like let's see Lil Pump if I would have to name uh
uh, Gazi Garcia. That's kind of hard though. That's hard. Gazi Garcia. That sounds like a rapper name. Yeah, exactly. Were you saying my back or you off? No, no. If I would, um, name without looking at knowing his real name, I thought he would like be a Stewart. Stewart Little. I know. You know, the Island Boys. Yeah. The Island Boys have a crazy, like first name too. I don't know. I don't know what it is.
let me say shit island boys why are they popular bro why are they popular I think they're using the 6ix9ine tactic oh just to make it like outlandish and shit yeah they won't tell me their name I don't think they're famous at all really
You know what I noticed too? You're on Famous Birthdays. Oh, yeah, yeah. Somebody put me on there. I know. I was like, what the fuck? Why am I not on there? You'll get on there. You'll get on there. I'll make my way. Yeah, I can't find Island Boys. Maybe they're not famous enough. But you know what they used to do before? Like, they used to go on live and troll people. Oh, like, that was their main thing. Oh, that's a Tekka strategy. Yeah. That's a Tekka strategy. Yeah. What Tekka did, I don't know if a lot of people know this. Yeah, go ahead, X.
When Tekka was coming up, he started beef with LB Spliffy, right? Yeah. LB Spliffy. And they started beefing because LB Spliffy said, oh, Tekka stole my flow. Yeah, it was the exact same flow. Same flow. So he's like, okay, I'm going to start targeting the Toronto culture and make fun of him and beef with the whole city.
Because beefing with Toronto is pretty much beefing with Canada. Yeah, for sure. Because there's no other real big cities besides Vancouver. But Toronto is pretty much the New York. True. So he started beefing with them, going on live stream, whatever. Getting attention on 6Buzz. Shout out 6Buzz. And then...
With that attention, he blew up his music. That's where he got his first kind of... Push. Yeah, that first kind of marketing push. And he did it in the most dangerous way too because you know which road he called out? Like Jane and Finch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And once that got onto the news, Six Buzz, boom, boom, boom, went viral. If this kid comes to Toronto... No, but he came. He came and then like... But it was already after Ransom. It was after Ransom. So it was no point. Yeah, he has high security guards. If he came on like...
2,000 plays only? Yeah, he would get dropped. Yeah, okay. It would be like Killy and what's that guy's name? Lil Xan. Lil Xan, yeah. It would be like that. You know when you ask me questions, I'm usually like, nah, I don't know what that is. Oh, yeah. You know now? I'm like four for four right now. You finally get it. After how many episodes? I'm more relaxed. That's good though. That's good. All right, let me talk about my tattoo story. I have a special tattoo story to tell. Yeah, go ahead. So a lot of people wonder like, why'd you get a dragon on you?
I mean, it's kind of obvious. Why? Well, for the people watching, it's like, oh, you're Asian. You get a tattoo, right? But there's probably a deeper meaning, right? Okay. The deeper meaning isn't that deep. Okay. I just like it. Yeah. Because honestly, if you're getting a tattoo from, everybody gets it because it looks cool. Yeah. That's what I said. You're not going to get something that doesn't look cool. No, that's facts. But yeah, like the cool one, the cooler in a sense have like a deeper meaning. And then I guess my meaning for it was our birth year, actually year 2000. Yes, sir. Is the year of the golden dragon. Mm-hmm.
So it's usually just like the year of the tiger, year of the dog, whatever. Year of the dragon? Yeah. But 2000 is the special like it aligned golden dragon because there's different dragons. There's like wood dragon, water dragon, whatever. But this is golden dragon? This is the golden dragon. So it's like the highest tier. So you gotta put it on you. That's what I wanted. That's what I wanted. I don't know. I just always like dragons too. Mm-hmm.
So when I was getting the tattoo though, shout out Kira. Kira did this for me. I told Kira, okay, you got to tattoo the eyes last. Why? So there's this like Chinese superstition that you're supposed to tattoo the eyes of the dragon last because it will feel pain if you tattoo the eyes. Yo, that's fire. So you have to tattoo everything else and then the eyes last, then it comes to life. It comes to life. Oh, that's so cool.
That's hard. So I made sure to do that. And she agreed with it? She's like, yeah. That's cool. Did it hurt the whole time? No, but this was like six hours. Would you describe that as one of the top three pains you've ever felt in your life? Nah, nah, nah. Okay. It's honestly not that bad. It hurts. It hurts because it's prolonged.
Yeah. Because this took six hours, like breaks in between. I mean, eventually, like you wipe it, it hurts. Yeah. The final. Yeah. Because the needle hurts, right? The needle hurts. But then you got to wipe off the blood, wipe off the ink. Yeah. Eventually the wipe itself hurt, bro. Yeah.
have you ever heard of the black project what's a black project there's a little article on vice yeah about it where there's a guy that comes in and they get three tattoo artists and they just start going covering his um thing in black oh cover his whole body body yeah oh i've seen that no i and there's this guy that has um he wants to make himself look like an alien huh he want he wants to look like a black alien like a literally full black alien word no the one that i'm talking about one is like a project like it's like a
you to the like the tattoo culture what because like you're supposed to get a tattoo that means something yeah but that guy's like okay fuck it just draw a black all over my body oh like scribbles and shit yeah yeah yeah exactly oh what the hell and then like i think he went in and the tattoo session was five hours long and they took breaks on that long but they took breaks for crying and and oh because he got it like oh so he had more than one gun yeah there was one on his head one on his
an arm and one in his leg. What the fuck? Why would he want to do that? Because I guess the ritual is like, it's more about pain. I guess, what do you call this? How far you can take your body with pain. Oh, like a thrill seeker? Yeah, can you really see through the end of this process? Oh, shit. Because the guy I was talking about, he tattooed his eyeballs. He got like facial...
Like implants and stuff. Yeah. He literally looks like, you know, Red Skull? Kind of like that. His face looks like an alien, bro. You know, the big eye alien? Yeah. And he actually got surgery to take off two fingers. Why? So he has a claw hand. What? No, deadass, he got surgery to make his hand look like a claw. So he only has three fingers. Nah, that's crazy. That's how far he went, bro. You know the girl who got really like big titties and a big ass just so she can look like a Barbie doll or some shit? Kim Kardashian? No, no. No, you're...
That's this, but there was some other girl. That's not this? Nah, but she put like...
billions of dollars into her body just to look like a barbie and like the thinnest waist oh like she turned into an actual barbie yeah yeah exactly like imagine like a thin waist this upper is like crazy big and the bottom is crazy but the bunda is crazy too no but girls do that though like yeah i mean that's not to a billion dollar i think billion dollars that there's no way it was like millions of dollars or something in brazil or something like that damn
At that point, just play a video game. Like, make a different character in a different world. That's what I'm saying. Because I think that's what's going to happen if we go into, like, the metaverse and shit. You won't have to worry about how you look. I mean...
Yo, Facebook changed its thing to Meta, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's already under Instagram. Once you open Instagram, run by Meta. Yeah, yeah. Going back to the pain and thrill-seeking, right? Because a lot of people do that, right? They go and try to do crazy feats to their body. They try to just even do crazy things, sword eating, breathing fire, whatever. There's so many. You know that movie, The Addams Family? Addams Family. You watch this, no? Oh, this. Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah. Okay, okay.
So there's a theory that the Addams family all have superhuman abilities. This is way more funny. It is, it is. All right, so listen, listen. So throughout the movie, we see them go through feats of like self-harm. Yeah, yeah. They get electrocuted, almost killing each other, but they all survive. They never die. They never die. They never die. So the theory goes that
The reason they never die is because they have this superhuman healing ability that makes them survive anything like that. So the theory extends to the reason they're so dark and morbid and they love doing that shit to each other is because of their powers. So you can imagine if their family inherited that power, all of them for centuries, right? They would build this kind of culture of...
self-harm or kind of seeking thrill. It would be normalized in the family. Exactly. To get like an emotion out of it. Because imagine you're Superman, right? And nothing hurts you. If nothing hurts you, then you're kind of emotionless, no? Exactly, yeah. Because you don't feel anything. You don't feel anything. So their whole culture of the morbid, like hurting, self-harm is probably because of their powers. And it's been inherited through the family? Yeah. Woo! That was so good. That was so good.
I never looked at it that way, to be honest. Because I thought they were all just numb to pain. Yeah, yeah. But it makes sense. It does. It makes a lot of sense because sometimes you look at it and then you don't think about the after. You think about what's going on in the very moment. But if you dive deeper, maybe there's reasons to their feelings, emotions, blah, blah, blah.
And that's where you get like the deeper meanings in movies. Do you have anything that's cool that you inherited from your parents? Like a super trait? A super trait? Oh, there's this one thing, right? Okay. Damn, this is kind of personal. But anyways, all of us in my dad's side of the family on our pinky toe, we have like this extra little nail. It's like weird. One that grows out. No, no. So it's like imagine I have a nail, right? Okay. And there's just like a little like slit.
No, I swear to God. Like a little slit and it's like mini-ass triangle. The size of a millimeter. No. Yeah, for everybody. Everybody in our family. Only on my dad's side though. My mom's side, they don't have it. So I have it. And also, whenever we have like a newborn in the family, we look at their ears because we have this like...
this fin on her ear oh yeah you have this fin on her ears that all of us have all of them yeah all of us that's the cool thing speaking of like shit that you inherit from your family yeah there's a theory about ratatouille how gaston was never a really good chef gaston and ratatouille oh shit why okay so so we all know linguine right linguine with the orange hair yeah yeah so the garbage boy like he would he was never a good chef even though he's a son of the world famous chef gaston right he was never good at cooking like he never inherited the
Cooking genes from his dad Oh Right? Yeah So there's a theory That Gaston also had A cooking rat in his head Oh Like in his chef's hat Oh Like the actual chef Like the big boss The big boss Oh shit Because if you really look at it You would inherit cooking skills From your dad Who was like the greatest chef ever But he never inherited It was the rat doing all of it Oh shit No but If you think about it Why do chefs wear those Big ass hats anyways? What do they hide in there? For the rats?
What if every single chef has a rat, like a ratatouille rat in their head? They're hiding with that big ass white hat, bro. Oh, I can already see the comments now. These guys are high. No, but fam, it goes even further because I think one of the scenes in Ratatouille, they take DNA from Gusteau's hair and they said it had rat hair in it. What?
so like that wait that's actually in the movie yeah i think so i mean i've seen it from reddit so it's gotta be true yeah it's gotta be true that's crazy yeah but maybe maybe that's all the chefs room maybe gordon ramsay no but gordon ramsay didn't wear a hat often what's funny is uh gordon ramsay whenever he cooks he can never impress his mom really yeah i haven't seen like like you see gordon really oh idiot sandwich idiot sandwich this but his mom when he cooks he's like what the
that's probably why he's like that yeah that's probably why he's because we're all kind of we we're like we're pretty much our parents or whatever was put onto us yeah so we're just reflecting off what we know yeah or whatever we see right yeah you know where i get my panicking stuff from like remember like the signature gavin face is like the yeah yeah you're always worried that's my mom because she's oh yeah always panicking really yeah whenever something bad happens like oh shit
Oh shit. But I've started to like... Do you think that inherits through like thousands of years? Do you think that's true? For sure. My ancestors were probably petty as hell too because I'm petty too. Wow. They're fucking like stealing each other's like... Yeah. Rice and shit. Rice.
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No, but Loki, I haven't asked you, like, what was your favorite episode that you've ever done? And what was your worst? Give me your worst two. My favorite episode? Yeah. I don't know. All the episodes are my favorite. Really? In the moment, they're all my favorite. I don't know. Okay. Honestly, there's no episode I go back and watch. Yeah. Because I don't even watch the final. Word. To be honest, I don't even watch the final unless I have to, because I have to edit the TikToks. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah. Maybe that's why I don't watch the final, because I have to edit the TikToks anyway. Yeah.
Yeah. Whenever I upload, I don't usually watch it back because I don't like hearing myself talk. No? No. Still to this day, you still don't like hearing yourself talk? Kind of. It's all right. Wow. It's all right. I'm getting used to it. Because my cousin told me, my cousin told me, I think you're the only person that likes to hear their own voice. Because I love hearing my own voice for some reason. This guy's a narcissist. No, is that narcissism? Maybe. Kind of. Cardi? Cardi had that.
Maybe. But I don't know. I think it's more of just like... Is it narcissistic? Nah, I don't think so. It's just probably just like... I'm used to it now. I'm used to it now. Yeah, you can say it. But if you were on the... You know how Spill Your Guts? What's Spill Your Guts? On the James Gordon... I think the James Gordon night show? Mm-hmm.
Nah, I don't even know the show. You know the British guy that runs a talk show? Oh, he does a carpool karaoke. Yeah, James Gordon. Gordon, no? Yeah, so on one of them, if you were there, I would ask you, like, yo, who was the worst guest? Or, if you don't answer, you would have to drink something. The worst guest? Nah, don't say that, though. That's f***ed. That's f***ed. Whoa! I can't say that. I can't say that. Whoa!
Oh my god, that is tough drama alert. No, but you got you got to be real Yeah, like yeah, go ahead. Yeah, if it doesn't work then it doesn't work That's it Yeah, like if you didn't like you didn't like it But there's some episodes that that you really had to carry me because I didn't come with anything Because I remember I think that one supreme one when I was wearing the supreme patchwork one I didn't have anything because I was at a cottage for like two days and I had to come Come record and then you were going three after three and I was just there like yeah Yeah
No, but that was kind of like our starting points too. When we first started, we were getting used to it and shit. I know. It would just be me like, boom. Yeah. And then he'd be like, oh, shit. No, but it's genuine. It's genuine, you know? As long as it's genuine, then it's good. Yeah, facts. Because I feel like the moments where you try to script shit up. Yeah, yeah, fake it. Not like our ops, like Just Nobody. If we script it like that. Yeah, that's true.
That shit is so Oh my goodness That shit's so cringe to me Like bro That's so cringe You know about the Starbucks name theory Oh my god I love Starbucks Head ass Head ass bro I never knew that
No, it's funny because they banned or they blocked us. That's how you know we're in their heads though. Rant free. Yeah, they probably still get comments, but the comments don't show up because they banned the name. They banned certain words. They banned the Jumpy Jump name. That's light though. That's light. Our supporters are the realest. Yeah, exactly. We flooded theirs. Oh my goodness. The first episode, blacklisted. Honestly, I think we're one of the first bigger podcasts on the...
On TikTok. At the time. At the time. Yeah, yeah. Because I remember when we first started, you sent me a picture of Tiny Meat Gang. Oh, no. A video of Tiny Meat Gang. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And how they did TikToks. And you're like, Gavin, this is exactly how we're going to do it. Wait, was it Tiny Meat Gang? Yeah, it was Tiny Meat Gang. Oh, shit. I know the exact one, too. It was the Valkyrie Plays Among Us. Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. And then you're like, Gavin, this is how we're going to do it. And when you sent me that, I already had the vision. I was like, this is going crazy. Yeah. Yeah.
Damn. I forgot it was that. And then we tested it with our streetwear one. You were like, yo, let's test it. But she wears so lame. It didn't work. And then the first ever one was the animation. Oh, yeah. No, no. The first TikTok was animation. But the animation didn't go viral. It was my ghost story. Yeah, your ghost story was the first one. It was like my first Lola ghost story. Yeah. And
And we, yeah, shout out your Lola because she carried the first beginning of the podcast. Oh, yeah. It wasn't you. Like, your delivery set it, but like, the stories, oh my God. Thank you, Lola.
And your tita. Oh my goodness. Yeah. No, but those are real stories, bro. Those are real stories. And that's why I want to go to these like haunted places and shit and like vlog it so I can get more stories. Fam, you know, yo, I did some heavy research, right? And I stumbled across some crazy shit, right? Yeah. So there were, remember in the Travis Scott episode when you were talking about those people that were doing the jail ritual? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the hand thing. Yeah. So there's a deeper, there's a deeper scary meaning about that.
What is it? And it's called the paw-bearing ritual. There was this game, right? Yeah. In Vietnam where kids used to play this. Yeah. So this is what, this is the ritual. There's one person that lays down, right? Covers his face or her face with a towel, right? Everybody puts two index fingers on like a part of the limbs, right? While they're laying down. And the guy at the head asks the person to the right, what are you doing? And the guy answers,
I'm paw bearing And every way it goes around I'm paw bearing I'm paw bearing right And once everyone says that They lift it up With their index fingers The whole body Lifts up Oh shit And you know why this happens Why When the person covers the face Yeah It's to trick the ghosts That they're carrying a dead body To the grave Oh
what the fuck so so the the ghosts help which is why the the lift is possible yo that's why that's why it lifts so easy because ghosts are helping them oh because they think it's dead they think it's dead because the the face is covered damn that's dark but have you ever played this game like has it ever been done to you i never i never did it because you're not supposed to play because ghosts will stay with you the person who who covered the face oh shit what the
That's why you're never supposed to play it. So, so, it's, it's like getting cursed. Yeah, yeah, exactly. The person who laid down, cause fam, you're, they think you're dead, so they're gonna stay with you forever. That's f***, that's f***, that's f***. That's crazy. See, I hate when I do research, cause it actually freaks me out. That's, that's weird, that's weird, bro. I, yeah, cause I, I don't wanna do that shit and then like, have something on you. I wanna figure out, like, how you can combat that shit. Combat? You know what I mean? Figure out like, some ways you can, let's say, let's say you go into the Conjuring house. Mm-hmm.
And then you can protect yourself. Like what's the proper way to protect yourself? Leave in the comments if you know. Yeah. Leave a like too. Don't forget that. And subscribe. Notifications on. Remember we went to the tunnel? Yeah, the ghost tunnel. You're the only one that brought a rosary. So do you think that would... Maybe that's why I wasn't scared. Yeah. If anything happened...
I had the bracelet too. Yeah. Like the saint bracelet. Yeah. And I had the rosary. Yo, deadass, like I was so scared. Yeah. Like that was the only time that I was like. Did you get that feeling though? Because I didn't get that. I did. I did. Yeah. I got to drop the video too. I know. That's not coming out for how long? No, I'm going to drop it next year because I'm saving. Oh, next year? Yeah, because I'm saving. I'm stockpiling. Oh, yeah. It's almost next year too. Yeah. It's December, right? Oh, shit. It's November. Yeah, yeah. Are you going to go to a Cardi concert? No.
nah nah nah i don't want to i think i want to go bro you want to pay 200 i'll go with you i don't know i'll think about we'll think about it but speaking of the tunnel remember when there was like candles around yeah did you see like cigarettes and like like a lighter yeah was there like a lighter there nah we used mixed lady oh to try and to try and light it yeah good thing we didn't because there's another vietnamese game
With the candles? Yeah, no. That children used to play with candles, incense, and a cigarette. What the fuck? Yeah, so there would be a can, right? Yeah. It's called like the ghost of the can. So they would light incense, a cigarette, and a candle near it, right? And the cigarette would flame up. No.
No. Like someone would smoke it. Nah, what the, like, you see it float up? Yeah, it would float up and someone would smoke it. And the can starts to move. And chase the people. And that was the whole game. Oh, shit. Yeah. Now, to me, that's kind of funny, bro. You see a can move and then a cigarette move. Well, what's that? That's just not even scary. That shit would make me laugh. Like, that's if we were all in that tunnel. And I just see, like, the cigarette take a big whiff.
And you see the smoke blow out and then the can moving around like yo who's doing that? Bing bong like who's hey, yo, hey, yo Hey, yo, who's doing that?
Yo, pass it right here, bro. Bing bong. I feel like if someone said bing bong at nighttime, I'd be scared. Oh, yeah, for sure. Like, out of nowhere. Because that's weird. That's weird. It's some crazy shit. Yo, you know what? Speaking of fever dreams, dude, they said New York is a fever dream. New York is a fever dream. Because it low-key is. Like, if you see Psy Talk, it's crazy people out there. Oh.
I feel like any big city, when you have a bunch of reckless people, or at least that energy, and it just seems like GTA, like the freaks and weirdos. It's just like that, bro. Any big city is going to have that. I know. No matter where you are in the world. Yeah, you can say Toronto is one too. Yeah, Toronto. Yeah, we have that too. Especially downtown. Certain corners, fam, you'll see that shit. As soon as you exit the Dundas and you're bing, bing.
Started a fever dream Yeah yeah You ever watch Spirited Away Yes We talked about this Oh yeah we did talk about this I still think like Spirited Away Is a real like fever dream Like somebody just Thought of that in a fever dream And just wrote that whole script 100% And you said that before too And what's the crazy thing is I think I told you too Yeah But I was talking to this girl And I've never said a theory to a girl Oh yeah But she's like She's like Yo have you watched Spirited Away I'm like yeah yeah And then I was like There's a theory about that
This guy's using theories for games. I felt so corny, but in my mind, I was just thinking about you, fam. I was like, yo, where's the button at? It's a sickle mode. I was ready. But yeah.
That shit does help. The theories? Yeah. It's just interesting. It works in conversation for any situation. Yeah. As long as they're open to hearing it. Yeah. Right? Because especially if you're on that same wavelength. Because you know how when you have a conversation with somebody and it just doesn't vibe. Yeah. It just doesn't vibe. I think that's because they're not on the same wavelength as you and they're not open to hearing the same things. Yeah. Right? Like, just like if you have different friend groups. Yeah.
You said this before how you would only talk about certain things with other people, right? For me, I just say whatever. And I just, I just, I just see how they react. But there wouldn't be like a stall in the convo? Cause like it doesn't really enter. To me, if there's a stall, who cares? Like, okay. When you, when you have an awkward silence. Yeah. Cause I have awkward silences, but it doesn't feel awkward to me. I never let it feel awkward. I,
I've started to like embrace it, you know, because you told me that. And and I went out one time and then I was there was a point where we were just eating. Yeah. And sometimes I love talking while we're eating. Right. But at that point, I was just like, OK, I'm gonna just eat while she's in front of me. I'm gonna give me some game right now. OK, give me some. So I read this in a book, too. Yeah. One of the most powerful things you can do in seduction is leaving an awkward pause. Not an awkward pause, but a pause.
and getting them kind of feeling scared. When they feel scared or when they feel uncomfortable, not to like a crazy point, like just enough to be like, okay, I got to be like, I mean, I got to be on my game. Because think about it. If you're feeling kind of scared to talk to somebody,
Your initial reaction is going to be... Or your subconscious reaction is going to be... I need to impress this person. Okay. So subconsciously, you're already bringing them into your... Like, I guess, trap. Yeah, yeah. You get me? So they're playing your game now. So if you want to, like, guide it however it may be, you can take out certain feelings, certain emotions if they're playing your game. But then if you're in the opposite seat, then it's a whole different story. And you felt that before. Like, if somebody, like, gives you that awkward silence and you're like, oh, okay.
oh, okay, I got to talk about this. You know what I mean? I know. It's crazy. Do you know the reason why I just laughed? Because while you're telling me all this game, you know Theo Vaughn also had like, because whenever I go out and I'm about to socialize, I always go back to the Theo Vaughn how to talk to girls video. He has a video like that? I haven't seen it. Yeah, and it's literally what you just said. Oh, really? Yeah, it's kind of what you just said. It's like, don't try to impress so much to the fact
that you're trying to talk and trying to start a conversation. Girls just want a person sometimes to listen to them. Yeah, exactly. You just have to sit back and be like, tell me about your day type shit. And I just realized you had the same, that's why I laughed because you have the same cut as Theo Vaughn. Shout out to Theo Vaughn. He fucks with the Filipinos. That was the funniest. So somebody asked him, somebody asked him, he's like, if you could choose one person in the entire world for aliens to meet, who would it be? This guy's like,
I don't have to say Filipinos. Most random thing. Filipinos. Because Filipinos are so outgoing. They're so kind. Hey, Theo Van. If you ever want to come on this podcast. Yo, but it's all the fam jams, honestly. It's all the fam jams.
Okay. But going back to, going back to game. Yeah. One thing I can give for you, cause I noticed in you, all you have to do is, is change it a little bit. It'll work better. Listen, when you try and flirt, slow down your talking. Yeah. Cause you talk fast. I talk mad fast. You talk fast, but you can switch it up though. You can switch it up, right? Like if you want to have like an exciting moment, then you can talk exciting, but then slow it down when it's serious. Yeah. You know, I can't be like, yo, what are you trying to do? Yeah.
You look mad cute. What are you trying to do? Exactly. Exactly. You gotta put in that voice. You know what? It's not even just the voice. I feel if you play, if you pretend to be a character or like that suave type of person, it just works. Yeah, for sure. It just works. That's why people like A$AP Rocky, he has that confidence in himself. And then whenever he moves, he makes the girl feel like she's the main character in the room. But he does it in such a...
weird way. It's applying pressure. He applies it a lot. You know what a really good tactic is? A lot of people in like the psychological dating realm talk about this is the push and pull. That's the most classic. That's a classic. You know what that is, right? Yeah, kind of. So like you say something nice and then you... But you take it back right away in a playful manner. So you can say, looking good today, but...
Yeah, but some people have unspoken riz. What's unspoken riz? So riz is just like game. So you know Duke Dennis? How he had this video where he was just going to the camera and all he had to do was look into the girl and then he would boom. It's unspoken. You didn't have to say anything. Carlos' unspoken riz, that's what he has to do.
Unspoken. Unspoken Riz. You don't have to do nothing. That's what you call unspoken Riz. You have something about you that's so attractive. Oh, so it's like a... That you don't have to say nothing. Interesting. Unspoken Riz. Because I have Riz, but it's game Riz. It's mouthpiece Riz. Yeah. I can't do the eye shit. Carlos? No, but you can't...
Actually, you know, you have a good point, Stella. I'm not even going to combat that. No, but you can find a way. You can find a way. I definitely can, but...
Since a kid, I've always just relied on my talking as a thing. Because I'm a funny guy. And to be honest, a girl is just looking for a funny guy. No, that's true. That's true. If you can't have a conversation with a girl that make her laugh, then what are you doing? Look at Pete Davidson. Oh my. Look at Pete Davidson. Look at Kim Kardashian. And Ariana Grande in the same lifetime. Yeah. Go. That's crazy. That's crazy. Do you think that's all for a promo though? I feel like it might. I feel like it might, to be honest. You're sounding like a hater still. No, no, no. Do you think like... I...
I believe like some relationships, some couples, they're made like behind closed doors. And I mean like they plan that shit. Would you say Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez? Nah. Nah. Really? Because I feel like they were just like a teen. I just want those two to get together because they're the biggest two teens right now. Nah, I wouldn't even say that. Really? I would say something more like, would you say like early Kylie and Travis? Early? Oh, yeah.
Because he was dating Quinsana. But the fact that they... They're side girls. Yeah, I know. But the fact that they got back together and actually started a family, I don't think it would be commercialized then. Or do you think the Illuminati just put them together and then they actually just fell in love? What if? What if? It's like an arranged marriage, but Illuminati. That's got to be real. That's got to be real. Oh, shit. Wrong one. Oh.
No, for sure. Yeah. Illuminati Tinder fam? No, there's got to be. Yeah, for sure. There's got to be like, because if you're that much in power and like the elite, you're moving the chess pieces. Even marriages would be part of that. Yeah, 100%. Because that's a big part. Has Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj never were dating, right? I don't think so. I don't think so. Because that would have been a crazy power couple too, just to get headline. You know what? Drake never had like that. Drake... Drake...
Drake the BBA. Yo, fam, I seen one meme where Drake goes to the bar by himself and pours himself shots. No, he does. He makes his own drinks. Bro, Drake, you're one of the biggest out, fam. You should bag any girl you want. No, I think he does. Yeah. I think he does, but he never makes it public. Yeah. Or he's constantly juggling things, you know? But the craziest one was when he rented out the whole stadium for the shorty. Oh, yeah, for that. Amari Bailey. Yeah, that.
That's crazy. That's crazy. Now, but look, if you were Amari Bailey and Drake was hitting on your mom, would you be amped? You'd be amped? Are you dumb? Or like... Would you not be amped? Yeah, I would definitely be amped. Yeah, what the heck? But that's kind of weird. But your mom? Like, why are you hitting on my mom, bro? No, but if it... Yeah, you know...
Like, what are the other options? You know, what are the other options? You're not going to like the other options, buddy. I know, but then you get the comments under your Instagram post. Drake, about to get with your mom. I mean, that's just going to come no matter what. That's going to come no matter what. Even if you're not even... Even if it's not Drake. Even if it's somebody else. Anything that has attention is going to find, like, a way to, like, you know, make a bothersome out of you. Is that why you f***ed with the...
The private But not secret Yeah yeah Keep it No cause you gotta You gotta keep like Certain things private Yeah So that You never see that You know what I mean It's like protecting That's like a big trend now In dating The private but not secret And taking You know how Girls take those selfies Of like
The guy holding hands but never show the face. Oh, yeah. That's kind of corny to me. Why? I don't know. It's like you're trying to be private to the point where you're forcing it to be private, you know? You understand it? Like, fam, if you really love the person, show the face. Like, what's there to not show...
about okay but are are you putting it in the position of an influencer or just a regular regular person okay that's different yeah because influencer you understand why exactly yeah i understand if you're an influencer and then you have eyes on like when you're dating then people are gonna make fun of that but well whatever yeah and then you can't do nothing about it yeah exactly but i've seen a regular person like a thousand followers and you're still doing that like oh you put he's facing this way but you're taking pictures like that like fam it does you're being extra now
I guess you're just trying to fit the norm. That's what I'm trying to get to. I don't know. Maybe it's just like, yeah, actually, I don't know. But some people, they don't want to show it out. Some people don't even want to tell their parents about relationships. So that's understandable. Maybe that's what it is too. You don't know like the situation they're in. Like they're not allowed to be open about it. Blah, blah, blah. If their family finds out, then it's going to be a problem. My next relationship definitely, I got to show my, like actually have a good relationship with my parents. Because I feel like that just boosts
You know like the Christmas market? How you take her to the Christmas market? Yeah. Like showing her to your parents and actually have a good relationship? That's like plus two years, bro. I ain't gonna lie. Is it though? I heard different. I heard different. Oh.
So you're saying if they meet your parents, you think it's going to add two years? Yeah. And actually, you're allowed to come. She's allowed to come in the house whenever she wants. And they have that good relationship. Tell me. I don't know, bro. Tell me. It depends if it even matches up, right? What do you mean? It depends if it even works out. But what if it's somebody that they don't like? You get me? And then they finally meet. And then now it's like, oh, you got to... Well, okay. How do you deal with your mom saying...
i don't like that girl oh
What are you going to do? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Let's say you love this girl, but your mom's like, nah. To be honest, man. Yeah, just hide her. Exactly. Exactly. Until the time is right. I would have to ease into it. Like, I would be like... No, but even still. So, like, let's say that's the answer. Yeah. How do you react? Because now you know it will never be with them. So, how do you move forward? I don't know. That's what I'm saying. Is it in shambles now? Right? No, it's not. It's like... Like, if my mom really understood that I really like this girl, then she would understand, like, okay...
Boom boom boom I'll try my best to like her And then If it doesn't work out Then f*** man It doesn't work out But at the end of the day Is it her relationship? Is it my mom's relationship? No it's my relationship No that's true That's true So I approach it like a tattoo fam Yeah
So for me, no, listen, this is some real shit. This is some real shit. Y'all listen up. Okay. So did I tell my parents I'm going to get a tattoo? No, no, I did not. Cause why? Cause then I get their opinion and if it doesn't agree with mine, then it's not truly my opinion, right? Then it wasn't my choice at the end of the day. So if you want to choose something, especially something quote unquote permanent or makes a lasting impact on your life,
It's got to be your own choice. No bias and if or buts. That's just my opinion on it. Because a lot of people see it differently. If your values has to appeal to them first, then yeah, that's how it has to go. Then you have to move accordingly. But at the same time, it's like, to your point, I wouldn't want to date a person that my mom didn't like already. Because my mom's intuition about any person that I date should be right. Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. But what if you are in love with...
that's what i'm saying right yeah oh yeah like that that aside that aside like you have these feel like real feelings and then this comes that's like the issue what do you do oh yeah then i would definitely have to just hide it yeah see like there's no i don't think there's any other point so i don't i don't think in introducing to the parents is like the but can we both agree that like if they do have a if they do they do it definitely adds way more in my opinion it adds problems
Listen, no, no, listen. Listen, listen, listen. This is some red pill shit, bro. This is some red pill shit. Yo, this is funny. No, but it does. Look, let's say, let's say you get comfortable. Let's say you have a girl, right? Comfortable with the whole family. She comes to the fam jams, everybody, all the cousins, no one. I think I know where you're going with this. If you break up, then... Yeah, and then when you break up, y'all are so close because knowing Filipino families, they become family already. They become family already.
So if something goes wrong, hopefully it doesn't, whatever, then you got to like, how do you move according? Because they're going to be so close. What if your cousins are real friends with your ex now? Because that's a real thing. That happens a lot, especially in Asian families. The whole thing that just got to me is like, moral of the story, don't date a Filipino. Nah, that's not...
That's not... No, because it's most likely to happen in my scenario. If you date a Filipino girl? If I date a Filipino, then boom, then that happens, obviously. But to be honest, if you guys break up, then it is what it is. The family breaks up...
Nah, I feel like that's, that's their drama though. Okay, you're telling me if you date a Filipino girl, it's not gonna be more drama than you date somebody else from like an outsider race? Yeah, but what would the problems be like if you guys ended on a mutual, let's say a bad term and a good term. A good term, you guys would just separate. There would be no problems. But bad term,
like what the family's gonna fight me like no no but it's gonna be like it's gonna get it's gonna get it's just gonna get mixed it's gonna get mixed because knowing okay for example you have a friend right yeah if your quote-unquote friend becomes like a family friend then they have so many connections like oh let's say they go to the same the same uh auto mechanic or like because the cousins of this they get a job with them blah blah trust me it gets mixed
Depending on how long Yeah Depending on how long Let's say like 7 years bro A lot happens in 7 years Business ideas Oh 7 years is crazy Collaborations You know Collaborations No dead ass You're telling me Filipinos aren't ambitious And don't have collaborations With each other They do
They do. Bing bong. That can't be everyone's case, though. No, it can work. I'm just saying, like, that side. Yeah, you're playing the devil's advocate. I'm saying that side. Yeah, yeah. I get it, though. But let's say you never introduced in the first place. Then shit. Well, everything's good. You're living on your own island, feel me? So why would you want to take something great and then, like, let's see if it works. If it doesn't work, then there might be problems. I don't know, because I feel like just...
If you don't have a house to go to and you're just always bringing her there, it's awkward if you don't show your parents. Like, oh, I'm always bringing her home, but they don't know who she is, right? Isn't it awkward? If you don't have your own place, you shouldn't be dating, right? That's why I said... Okay, in my opinion, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Because if you guys have no place to chill, you have to show her. Nah, that's true, that's true. You feel me? No, but look, let's see the other side of that. Let's see the other side of that. No, f*** that.
No, let's see. Let's see the other side. Let's say you're playing the field rather than actually in a relationship. It would be the same thing. Like, you're bringing girls home and they don't know their girl. Yeah. If you're playing, it's the exact same thing. What's important to you, though? What's important to me? Family? Yeah, what's important? Is their approval of a girl more important or is the girl's vibe more important? Mm-hmm.
in my opinion if it's a vibe it's a vibe like i don't really yeah i'm not gonna let it bother me like obviously and probably in the beginning stages it's definitely the vibe but then if we're talking long term it's got to be that's got to come into play too because i don't want to my family being around a girl that they don't even how old do you think you want to marry i don't think i'm marrying anytime soon bro i don't i don't even know i don't even think about that i'm
lie I'm a mean it's very like Loki we have to be careful what we say because whatever we say on this podcast Loki comes true like we're gonna look back at this episode we're like yo Gavin predicted he's gonna do at like 32 I'm not gonna say no number I'm not saying no number no number early early 30s you just solidified yourself bro no no no I didn't say that
I didn't say that. Whoa. Just a little fight. Hell no. Just a little fight. I kind of manifested it in like that little minute. Stop. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's locked. Yo, okay. Can we switch it? Late 30s. It's locked. No. It's locked. I'm going to smack your tattoo. It's locked. I can't change it. I can't change it. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. It's funny because me and my sister, we have battles because she knows I can manifest stuff and she can manifest stuff too. Yeah. I kind of have battles like, no, I manifested this. I'm like, are you sure? Because I manifested this. I manifested like that instead. You guys are weird, man. And we have battles like that. We have battles like that. Manifestation battles only at the WeCo house. That's so weird. It's dope though. It's kind of like, it's kind of like being a superhero or like,
like have superpowers and then you're playing around with it manifestation is a superpower low-key it is it's a power every single human being has and I said this I said this so many times in other episodes yeah what is one thing humans can do that no other creature on the world can do yeah manifest manifestation yeah like create our internal ideas and manifest them into the physical form yeah
No other creature on the planet Earth can do that. Yeah, real shit. Right? Yo, I saw this like really deep like clip on TikTok. And no, this is this one like deep shit. I want to I'll just play. I just want to play for you here. Listen, listen. Oh, this guy. Ready? Yes, everybody can be rich. And let me give you a thought exercise. OK, imagine if tomorrow we could wave a wand.
And everybody was trained as a scientist or an engineer. Everybody. Even if you weren't very good. You had enough understanding of computers, you could write some code, you could build some hardware. And don't tell me people can't do it. Because they can't. That's just a tyranny of soft expectations. That's just you looking down on somebody else. They can't do it. They just have to be educated. Now, if they're educated all as hardware, software engineers, scientists, biologists, technicians, hard sciences, not the social sciences, then they're not going to be able to do it.
We would all be done within five years. Robots would be doing everything from cleaning toilets to cooking food to flying airplanes to driving Ubers. And what would we be doing? We would... Oh, shit. Creative jobs to entertain each other and researching science and technology. We would have wonderful lives. So we'd be doing creative jobs. This is like R&D, like research development. Yeah, yeah. So it is really just a question of education. Nothing else. Yes, sir.
Yeah. So think about it, right? If we are all that, or like, if we are all trained the same, or had the same amount of education, we'd just be robots. We'd just be on the same level, right? And we make everything so that it's so automated, we don't have to work hard. And if we're not working hard, let's say money wasn't a problem. That's what's
That's kind of like what he's getting at. Let's say money wasn't a problem at all for anybody in the world, right? Our kind of driving force for life is money. So let's say you take that away. What is your purpose in life now? Enjoying life. But how? So you have to find a passion through that. Yeah, true. So let's say our purpose... So going back, our purpose in life is to do A or B, right? Whatever it may be. Damn, that's a bar. Anyways...
But if you don't do that, then what is that telling to your soul, right? What is that telling to your soul? If money didn't matter in this world, that means what? You're just giving it up for what? Yeah, I know.
Right. Because think about like if we were all the same, if we were all the same, money was an issue. We don't have to work hard. We don't have to. Then we would just do what we want. Right. We would do exactly what we want. Yeah. But what is that exactly what you want? Is it consuming content or is it finding a passion out of it? Because I feel like eventually, you know how people get into that rut of let's say the summer. Yeah. And then they're inside all day. They don't know what to do. But all of a sudden they come up with this crazy idea of like, maybe you want to try this. Yeah.
And then they go ahead and it becomes their full-fledged passion. I think every single person in the world has to have that moment of, what can I do now? I'm bored. What can I do? Yeah. To figure out what their passion is and find out their true purpose in life. Like, money bias aside, right? Money bias aside. Because obviously money is going to be a big catalyst whether you want to do certain things. But if you...
If you think about it like that, where none of it matters and you want to do something to make you happy, please your soul, please your spirit. What are you going to do? Yeah, I know. And there was a guy going around a university and like he was like a really, I forgot which university, but this school has like one of the top,
averages in the country right yeah and he was just going around he's like yo if money wasn't a problem if you were in like like hunting for money yeah what would you do and then none of them said like their majors they all said oh i want to like paint where i want to i want to go into an acting job none of them said they're like barely any of them said their majors yeah because it's hard work but you got to work for that that money like for the people that do engineering they're
I salute you, bro. Cause you, you don't have no reading week. You got to do so much. And their social life takes a, takes a hit. And that's where you really got to, but it's hard, bro. Let's say, let's say you have an interest in something. How do you know for sure? It's not your true passion. If it's not your true passion. Yeah. How do you know for sure? What would be your advice to somebody? Let's say like they're in a, they're in a career or they're in a, a program and they're having doubts now. What would be your advice to them? Um,
Try another thing, bro. That's the only advice you would give. This is my advice anytime somebody asks me that question. I tell them straight up, like, you want to be doing something to at the point where you're working so hard, you don't have sleep, you don't have mental capacity for it anymore, but it still feels right. You know what I mean? But it still feels right. You get that? It still feels right? Because if it's something that's like...
so tasking on you so tasking so tasking you want to make it something that feels like okay but eventually i'm gonna get to where i am yeah you know what i mean so like you're forcing the issue kind of yeah to the point where i don't know if i can do this anymore no almost as if like let's put into a job perspective okay let's see your day-to-day job is you gotta let's say you're an engineer and you gotta design shit right if you can go every single week designing shit designing shit designing shit right you
no break and it still feels amazing then you pick the right one that's my opinion yeah but if not if you have doubts about that or if you have doubts about man i feel like i would have these like shit days and won't even be able to come back from it yeah then that's the issue it's time to go but if you can always if you have that that kind of hope of i can pull something out or like it's still it's still fulfilling my passion for it yeah then it's i think that's what's the true puzzle piece yeah that's
That's true. Because at the same time, if we look at it school-wise, for the people that are... Because I've talked to people that are in programs that they don't even like. But one thing that they always told me is like,
My family has sacrificed so much for me just to go to that school that I don't have to pay the bills in the house. I don't have to do nothing. This is the one thing that I can do for them. That's why they continue it. But that's a good, that's kind of like the devil's advocate. And I kind of started looking at it like, too, like, shit, I don't have to pay the bills in the house. Let me just finish this real quick. You feel me? So it's like you're paying your dues. Yeah, I'm paying my dues. But...
Because you can always bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drink, you know? Yeah. Can't make him drink. Yeah. But for me, it's different because even though accounting may not be the route I want to take, I know I'm going to be good. I know I'm going to be good because I have me, I can create whatever I want. Like I've already proved to myself that I can. So for this whole life, I think I'm going to be good. Yeah. I never had doubts, bro. Yeah. I never had doubts either. Yeah. I never had doubts. Like I wasn't scared. You know how some people like, damn, what am I going to do? What am I going to do?
One of the deepest talks I had with someone was like, she asked me, she's like, yo, are you afraid of your future? I'm like, nah, I'm excited. Yeah, honestly. And she's like, what? Honestly, yeah. And she's like, what? Maybe that's the big kicker then. Like if you're scared for your future from what you're in, maybe reevaluate. Because why would you want to be scared? So some people just stress too much, bro. You're too young. But I think stress is good too, though.
Yeah, stress is good too. But like don't stress yourself to the point where like it's killing your inside and you got to live every day to the point where you got to work up to that goal. Yeah. Like there's going to be bumps. Like if you stress so much and there's a road bump, boom. No, but that's kind of like... That's kind of...
I see it as anytime those road bumps come in, yo, I see it so clearly now. Yeah. God will put stuff in my, in my path and then show me, okay, because of that, you have to do this. And then those other ideas I had in the back of my head, they make this like,
the perfect solution to it like i knew that before but now it comes to me so it's like louder you know it's like it's like a whisper before but now it's like a shout in my ear yeah no recent situations with me i've had that i feel like god's put things in my place because before this i was chilling no responsibilities i would go to i would have no bedtime no wake up time but now it's
it's, I have to take on more responsibilities. And I think that's the one thing that God is, is like, yo, you got to do this now. And one of my tito said, like Gavin, it's like, it was going to come, but it came early. So I'm like, okay, I have to tighten up now. Like, it's so crazy. It's going to come, but it came early. Yeah. Damn. But, but my, my opinion on that, like we're still very young. I know. And we're still learning a lot. It's just like, I learned,
this much that's it that's all it is i just learned this much but i feel like you can make hundreds of mistakes in your life and that's good yeah that's good but that's good yeah you know like if you make those mistakes then you learn from the mistakes because that's more that's where the real wisdom comes out if you feel it for yourself and see what's
what makes sense after. There's a guy in my program too. Like he has a plan. Like he's in the big CPA shit. I was like, yo, has all this like led up to where you want to be? He's like, yeah, I've never taken an L in my life. Like, okay. He said that to you? Yeah, he said that to me. Damn. And I was like, what? You don't want to say that. Exactly. I'm like, okay. That's like asking for it. Yeah, exactly. That's like asking for it. Just wait till the...
I got number one manifestor right here. I can manifest. It's like a death note. No, because what it is, bro, I think the most powerful thing is
when you can come back from very very hard times yes that's like the true power that's the real power and god forbid you ever get in those positions but that's where the true like the beast comes out you know real shit that's what that's what makes losers and winners because that's your broken down that's you got broken down but now it's the new and improved it's like you repaired yourself yeah with with a bit more upgrades yeah
Alright well You wanna end it there? The crazy thing is We ended the first episode off With a manifestation talk Oh yeah we did We ended the episode With a manifestation talk too Yeah Alright We'll end it there Final message for the day I love my family I love the Philippines No way You know who that is? Who's that? That's Drake That's Drake? That's Drake Oh I thought that I love my family I love the Philippines Money fuck y'all Remember when Drake Did the The FC Yeah
Thank you everyone for watching this episode of Jumper's Jump. Check out the links in our bio. Follow us on Instagram. Check out my other channel. Jumper's Jump out. Deuces.