What do you think about it then? What do you think about it? Why I think about it? Well, where's, what's your side on it? Cause I really know my side as sad as it is fam. Yeah. Like it's, it's just, it's just was when, when you think you're going to go there to have fun and it becomes something like that, especially of that magnitude. That's fucked. You know what I mean? Yeah.
It's like they didn't care. You know what I mean? They didn't care. They just wanted the money. It's a money grab at the end of the day. But that's what businesses are sometimes. And that's where you see the evil in business. Yeah, I know. And it gets deeper. It's like, you know how they were overpacked, right? Because I think the venue was like,
only meant for 30 to 40k right but then travis i don't know if if it's accurate but did you know if travis i've seen a lot of going around he was telling mans to come like oh no no this will happen this will happen so this is why i think this is exactly why it happened all that shit happened was because i think like
300 something people rushed it rushed it rushed it and snuck into the concert because they ran past security right they broke down the fences yeah so i think that's exactly why all this shit went down because you're letting let's say 300 people they can bring in whatever they want they didn't they didn't get security checked they could be bringing in narcotics or whatever yeah
And on top of that, if it's a sold out show, a sold out venue like that, it's already going to be like this sold out. Yeah. So imagine with three more hundred people. Additional.
Your chest is going to be compressed. Everything, bro. When I was at the Kili concert, even just that concert alone, it's a small venue and there's a lot of people. But everybody's rushing to the front because they want to be at the front, right? The general admission, right? Yeah, just because it's a floor. Any floor type of seating, it's always going to be like that where...
People are rushing in trying to fight their way through. Yeah. I can only imagine how bad it was because there's like 50,000 people there. Yeah. Because when I was at the Kili concert, nowhere near that much. A thousand, right? But mans were already like pushing against each other. Imagine the fights breaking out there, right? Imagine people with asthma and they can't breathe, fam. Yeah, I know.
That's exactly why that happened. And like a small person, like how Sofia went to the TJ concert with you? Yeah. It must be scary. And that was TJ. That was TJ. TJ's a soft singer fam. Yeah. Feel me? And there was mosh pits like that. Imagine, like I went to Kili, they were mosh and now imagine Travis. Yeah. And as big as Travis is right now, how...
how crazy that concert is going to be and travis like you go to travis concerts to get that type of experience right yeah and like he encourages it like he encourages the environment i don't know if you know that he got arrested in like 2011 for um yeah for like inciting a riot inciting a riot like he loves that shit though but that's kind of his image bro yeah because the the quote-unquote the rager that's kind of the culture of it but it's
Because there's a good way to do it and there's a bad way to do it. There's a proper way to do a mosh. Yeah, like if you have... I mean, there's a proper way. If you have Travis Scott money... I've seen videos, fam. There's like two securities holding up the barricades. Where was all the security at? So I'm like... No, this is what happened. I heard some of the security gave up. They cut. They dipped. At that point, did you see at the Playboi Carti concert? Because this is also happening at the Playboi Carti stuff. What happened? There was a...
security guard holding two gates by himself and there's 300 people behind him rushing in at that point you there's no there's no point fam let him in see because okay at some point because i do blame travis a lot for it yeah yeah but it is it is a lot to do with the people that came to yeah what it is though is when there's when there's that much people and it's like a crowd mentality they're not thinking straight they're just doing what they see right and look look at the culture of
of trap music feel me of the rage it's become normalized where oh it's cool to trample over people to go to the front just people talk about getting bloody noses in the mosh as like it's something cool fam it's so normalized now like you go to those concerts to to fight like at playbook cardi ones they they're swinging in the mosh pit i know and like you your parents send you off to these concerts thinking oh they're gonna be safe see i don't know why the
Like kids with it. Yeah. Ten years. What was the, what was the youngest? Like 10 years old. Oh my goodness. I'm pretty sure that's the youngest one. And he was like injured or something. Oh my goodness. Did you see the guy that did like a post reaction in the Uber? Nah. He was like, he was like, it felt like hell. No one could breathe. Like imagine, imagine going through that shit, bro. I can see why that is. Cause yeah.
So imagine how much force it takes to push something, right? You can bend metal with 50,000 bodies. All that force pushing towards you, bro. You can break ribs. You can break bones. That shit's no joke. Yeah. And like the people there were climbing on top of the emergency. Like, come on, bro. Like, people are dying. That's why it's a hard situation. Because look, look. When you're there and you don't realize those things. Yeah. I mean, it's hard to be like, okay, guys, everybody calm down. Mm-hmm.
But when, especially when the music's still rolling, that's why it's a big issue with him. Yeah.
In my opinion, what should have happened was when they broke in, those 300 people, however many people broke in. End it right there. Just cancel the show. Do the next day. Yeah. Get me? Mm-hmm. That should have been it. That's like a safety hazard already. Yeah. And hire more reinforcements. Because that's all you can do. Like, I remember Playboy Cardi, as soon as they saw people break in, they canceled it. Exactly. Look, look. Even think about it like this. Because I'm thinking about it even more. It could have been even worse. Mm-hmm.
Let's say they, those people, however many people ran past security. Yeah. What if they had weapons? Yeah, I know. You got me? What if they had a weapon? What if they had. No one's checking. What if they had intention of harm rather? Yeah. And that's, that's like the rumor. Cause there was people like injecting people with the drugs. I'm pretty sure a security guard, he got like a, he got like an injection in his neck. That was one of the stories. I didn't know that bro. So with an intention of harm, that could have been even worse. So that's why it's such a safety hazard. If,
those people ran in and broke in you gotta stop the show to be honest yeah exactly it instead of eight if someone had an actual like gun exactly it would have been 20k something crazy yeah imagine a bomb something yeah oh my it's messed up right yeah because 50 000 people that's a lot of lives you can't play with a lot of lives when it's like that i know you know me and it doesn't help that a lot of the
the advertisements they're showing like played on to it like it made it worse it made it worse like the what do you call this that's why there's so many conspiracies about it yeah exactly yeah and what look look now now you're let's say you're in travis's position you you uh this is your promoted it that's your image you can't really like you can't double down on it that's that's that's the outcome yeah for me that's the outcome of that movement yeah like i seen the
in portal and it said welcome to the other side or some shit like that see you on the other side that's crazy bro the the messed up one it's showing like the honesty shirt the blue the blue people and then walking through with like horns and yeah going to the red yeah because if you think about in a way when you go to that concert you go in a civilian and then when you're in that that environment you become part of that mosh that that fan base you know i mean become part of that
It's just crazy. You just start moshing and you just don't think straight. So in a sense, you do become that person he's trying to promote. That's why celebrity worshipping, parents got to really look at what their kids are getting pushed out by these rappers because you see it all the time now. In rap, I swear that Satanist thing is everywhere. You know why though? You know why? It's because it sells. Rather than it being...
no, we can't support it, it kind of brings more clout to it. Look at Lil Nas X. That's what I was going to say. Lil Nas with the devil, Montero. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That's another one. Why are they promoting? And who's to blame, to be honest, is more of the people. Get me? If you're fans of somebody that's promoting that, come on. I know. Like, what do you expect? Yeah.
And like the Lil Uzi Hell concerts. It's messed up. It's messed up, bro. And like, yeah, I remember there's a thing that with Uzi, he's like, I don't like singing EXO Tour Life anymore because he doesn't like performing it. So he attached that, oh, you guys are coming to hell with me. So less people listen to it. And he doesn't have to perform it anymore. Oh. Yeah. So at the same time, he's getting more publicity because he's no longer promoting the devil stuff. Yeah. And he's like, he doesn't have to perform a song that he hates no more. Where?
Where? Because he said it himself. It's overplayed. He hates it. That's what we're like. Yeah. And at one of his concerts, the second time he played it, he just let the crowd sing it. He didn't want to perform it.
But bro, why do you think people still become fans of that image? Why do you think that sells? I don't know. I think that celebrity worship thing just goes too far. We're so attached to that. Not even the celebrity worship, just the fact of promoting evil. Promoting evil? Because the devil is evil, no? Yeah. That's evil. Because I'm not saying Travis is necessarily satanic.
But when you leave those subtle hints like that, it's up to the public to determine what it is. Yeah. You get me? Yeah. I just think if you listen to rap, bro, it's just everywhere. At that point, you're brainwashed to thinking that that's the norm now. Because slowly and surely, the more rap songs you listen to,
Satan, Satan, Satan. Uzi saying it. Lil Nas X. And the more it's promoted, the more it's bigged up, the more it sells. We'll see more of that. Exactly. That's just how it works. That's just how it works. That's capitalism. That's finest. But you see that interview with Kanye. He was even talking about the 808s. How
that affects your body chakra. And he was, him being the producer that he is, him being such an influence in music, him saying that, that's a big deal, bro. That means they do take advantage of subconscious and vibrations with music. That's a real thing. He literally said like, oh, you thought I'm not trying to die today or whatever? He's like, you thought I'm not going to try and get killed after this interview? He said that bare times in that interview with...
What's it called? Drink Champs. Yeah, the two of the homies. Shout out that podcast. That's a sick podcast. There's another thing where rappers, they take devil samples from the dark web. What do you mean? I don't advise looking this up, but there's links to albums that are created or supposedly satanic that the rappers, they take that and they sample it and they change it up. But at the same time, you never know what's playing in the song. That's f***ing awesome.
I know. That's messed up. And there's like an Italian group that uses it. I forgot the name, but it's crazy. I don't know if you know this, but did you know Lucifer? Yeah. The devil. He was the angel of music. Yeah. Did you know that? So imagine...
Lucifer, the angel of music, becomes the devil. How do you think the devil is going to take over the world? Through music. Through music. I can't even press that button anymore, bro. We can't use that no more, bro. It's got to be the... Oh, shit. That's the wrong one. The gun one. It's got to be the gun one. There you go.
Yeah, we can't even use the sickle mode sound no more, man. No, we can't. I'm going to change that to pop smoke later. Yeah, we have to. We've been trying to do that, man. Later, later on. Later on. It's okay. Again, like I'm saying, fam, it was crazy because you know Lil Uzi Vert's new song? Yeah. Demon High? Come on, man.
bro i know it's still going on did you see the scene where he tattooed the upside down cross on his on his right here no i haven't seen i didn't watch a video bro it's crazy like it's not even a good song at this point it's just i didn't even like the song it sucks it was so mid and like that's coming from a yeah and i'm like what
Kiss this, bro. Yeah. This is definitely just like, okay, Satan shit's popping off right now. Let's do it. Yo, y'all have to understand, like, I'm a huge Travis fan. Like, this hurts. I know. This hurts, fam. Yeah. It actually hurts to see that. And it feels like he let his fans down, you know? Yeah, I know. Like, you can't do that, bro. Imagine how much money people spent into his merch. Consuming his content. Yeah. Imagine how many hours consuming his content and then you let your fans down like that. Yeah, fam.
Yeah, fam. You just got it at that point where the kids were actually going onto the stage and telling security. Why couldn't the security pass the word on to Travis or pass on to someone else to tell Travis? You know what it is too? I think it's because he's so used to seeing people pass out at his shows. Yeah, definitely.
That's what's messed up. It made it worse, man. Like, the videos that I was seeing, like, someone passed out and then it panned to him doing the robot and shit. Like, it was just all bad for Travis, man. Yeah. It was just all bad. And then, like, I seen it when some guy was on the ground. He was like, don't touch him, don't touch him. And then he was humming something. Oh, yeah. He was humming something. He was singing. No, but he did stop the show for that part. Yeah, yeah. That part, he stopped the show, but... But he continued right after that. He still continued. Yeah. Like, when they're bringing him out, he was humming it. Yeah, yeah.
Bro, it's just messy, fam. It's messy. What else are you going to do now? What's the next steps for Travis? What do you think? He's got to go off the map, to be honest. Just keep it quiet. Yeah, keep it quiet. He's got to pay everything. He's got a bigger apology because that shit wasn't enough. Oh my goodness. Someone said he was squeezing the tears out of his forehead.
Like, I don't even want to laugh, but that shit's, oh my God. He wasn't being, he wasn't being truthful, He wasn't being truthful. Like how, how are you going to, after all that happened and you're going to put, post a screenshots of your notes is crazy. Oh yeah. I know. A notepad apology is crazy. Ah,
Nah, you gotta keep in mind, fam, like, he has a huge, he's huge. Yeah. He's one of the biggest artists out there, man. He's one of the biggest artists ever. Yeah. You can't come with some lackluster shit. Yeah. You know what I mean? You have to actually, like, take shit seriously. But, fam, who knows, like, do you think he really cares? Let's see. I don't know.
It's hard to say. I'm not even the, I'm not Travis. So I, I'm not in the position to say nothing. It's hard to say, man. From what we've seen, that's what it's showing us. And that's what's sad. Cause like the, the, the usual thing is like the rich people don't care about us, bro. Like Kylie, she has a platform. What'd she do first? When all this shit happened, comments turned off. She doesn't want to hear that shit. You know? Yeah.
bro you just want to hear none of that bro none of them want to hear that i think i think if if nike drops travis that's raps it's raps that's it that's it i think this right now is raps for him you think it's raps right now i don't like how can you come back i don't even know that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying how do you really come back from that like now like going to a concert you got to be really yeah yeah no no now it's become like a you don't want to end up like an astral world that's messed up bro like i don't know uh
and they're comparing they're like michael jackson stopped a concert for a bug yeah and travis couldn't what there's an emergency thing over there what the no that was all the mess that's like some fire fest shit bro it was messy that's like some fire fest yeah
Like now everyone's got to check up. Like when you go to a concert, bro, just be careful. Make sure you're hydrated. Just be aware of your surroundings. No, because I went to a rave before, right? Oh, yeah. This was in the States. Someone was telling me that shit doesn't even happen at a rave. That doesn't happen at a rave. It's more organized. You know why? Because they have etiquette, fam. Yeah. They have etiquette and they rage hard. Yeah. They rage hard and a lot of those people are off serious drugs.
they're rolling so fam they have etiquette though like if they see somebody that needs help they know exactly how to deal with it and that's like the culture like everybody's there to have fun together it's not like we're just there to get that instagram post we're not just there to fucking say say it for the story i mean all those people that ran in dog do you think do you think they did it because they're really really true fans no if you're real fans you would have paid for a
Those people probably just wanted to post up. Yeah. Say they were there. Right? We gotta, this new generation gotta tighten up for real, bro. It's getting bad, man. Cause, see, yo, cause I'm so, I was so against like cancel culture, but for something like this, when lives are at, lives are effective. Mm-hmm.
Nah, man. This is the time. This is the time. This is the time y'all should cancel. Yeah, I know. And I'm surprised that they didn't cancel Uzi yet. Because his whole name... You know how he got... Lil Uzi Vert sped up as Lucifer. Yeah, I know. And then Lil Uzi Vert shooting at the sky. So he's shooting at God. That's messed up, bro. Plus... And they know that bullets are not high enough to reach God. That's why he signed with Wiz Khalifa. He's high...
And that's why he's gonna help him shoot at God. Wait, he signed to Wiz Khalifa? Yeah. I didn't even know that. Yeah, that's the theory of Lil Uzi. That's how he got his name. What? I didn't even know that. Because Wiz Khalifa is so high that he's gonna help him thing at God. Which is fucked. What the fuck? Yeah. I'm telling you, fam. This whole thing. Even like the new rapper Yeet. Yeah. Like I told you. The lyrics. Devil on my phone told me how to get rich. How many bands? Six, six. Bro. You see it everywhere. It's...
That's messed up, man. It's crazy, fam. That's messed up, bro. It's crazy. But that's the thing. When you leave those subtle hints, people want to make something of it. And I feel like they do that for a reason. They do it because they want our reaction to it. Yeah. Get me? They want us to break it down and then put more of a controversy so that it builds up, it builds up, and then it's on headlines and shit. Like, oh, this means this. Y'all should...
look into it. And when you look into it, that's free publicity. Yeah. That's free publicity. Literally, because you're going to headline it. Of course, that's what sells, right? And there was another one where Missy Elliott, you know who Missy Elliott is, right? Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah, and there was a stigma around her where she was going around saying that
She threw some type of devil conjuring Oh shit And in the I think in the MVAs Or the Grammys Who did she hang out with mostly? Losey Vert They were both together They were both together For real? And they were all in black All blacked down And it was like weird It was like oh f*** that Okay do you think It's a real agenda then? Do you think Do you think it's a real agenda? The devil shit? Yes I'm pretty sure man Cause if you believe in God You believe in the devil also Yeah You know what I mean? I'm pretty sure it is bro
Because you got to do something out of the ordinary to catch a regular listener's attention. And to do that, that's how you're going to do it, right? Because at the end of the day, it's all a business, right? And people always say money is the root of all evil. To get money, you have to sacrifice certain things and you have to push a certain image that sells. And you...
you kind of leave, that's why people say they sell their soul. I don't think they necessarily sell their soul, their spirit, but they sell their soul as in like, they leave behind their true virtues and their morals to push that agenda. Yeah. I mean, I think that's what, that's what happens. Yeah, I know.
And that's why you see with all those rappers. Every single one, fam. Yeah. And yeah, bro, I got to show you this because there's also conspiracies going around with Sofago and saying how he's... With Fago? Fago, my favorite. Like, this is my dogs, bro. And he signed to who? Travis Scott? Bro. Oh, fuck. I just noticed that. He signed to Cactus Jack, fam. Oh, fuck. I just noticed that. But yeah, there's this thing, right? So a really like...
like big Freemason symbol. Oh yeah. Is the checkered floor. Oh no, I saw that. I saw that. Yeah. And this represents, so it represents the ground floor of like King Solomon's temple. And like whenever they have meetings, there's a big long checkered floor route where they all, they all hold the meeting.
But in Sol Fago's Knock Knock music video, he's wearing a black and white tuxedo and dancing on a checkered floor. Yeah, I saw that. You've seen that? Okay, so I didn't have to play for you. No, that's actually a real Freemason symbolism is that black and white checkered. So take this in. In one of Robert Greene's books, what was it called? The Daily Laws. You know how we talk about the laws of power, 48 laws of power, and all these psychological tactics to take over somebody. You know what I mean? And he dropped the book.
and it was very odd to me on the cover of the book the daily laws had checkered print on both sides and it's such an odd it's such an odd cover for a book i'm like because there's other books aren't like that just randomly just has checkered stripes yeah yeah yeah and then and then that being tied to freemasonry and like satanic symbolism yeah
it's kind of kind of iffy you know because because looking at the 48 laws of power those type of tactics can be used to manipulate people he wrote the laws of seduction um these laws of seduction yeah same thing he wrote he wrote all these books he even wrote war yeah like strategies for war and all these books but that one book the daily laws had the checkered print on like
It doesn't even match the vibe. It doesn't match the vibe of the other books. Why'd they put that checker print on there? Did you read it? I read some of it. I read some of it. So what it is, honestly, it's just a compilation of like all of his books. That's what it is. But it gives you a day. So like, let's say it's October 1st. You open it. October 1st, it tells you what to read today. And it gives you like a... It's kind of...
It's kind of like a Bible. So every day you're reading more of the prophecy of the Freemason? Nah, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill. Wait, hold on, hold on. Because I remember someone told me to talk about this. I don't know if you know about this. Oh, the Bohemian Grove. Oh, yeah. Do you know about that? Yeah, bro. I know all about that, fam. Okay, you got to educate me on that. Because I know...
all the, all I know is that they do crazy rituals in the woods, right? So there's this guy named Alex Jones, right? He's a huge conspiracy theorist. Huge. He's like the main guy. If you want to hear conspiracies. Yeah. He even called shit, even predicted shit. Like Bohemian Grove was one of them. He snuck into Bohemian Grove and he saw all of these elites, all of these rich and powerful people, politicians, celebrities who name it. I think,
I'm pretty sure even presidents were part of Bohemian Grove. That's what he was saying. Part of this lodge. And what they did, bro, they had like a huge owl, like a huge owl kind of monument, like a statue. Yeah. And they had like a, it's like in the shape of a body. And they were burning it in front of the big owl. Oh, like a sacrifice. Like a sacrifice. And then they were all like screaming or whatever, like, yeah.
Like hyping it up. Yeah. So you can imagine all of these rich, powerful people come together and take part in this. What's that really for, bro? What's that really for? Yeah. And go into like, yo, even on the dollar bill, somebody sent me this. Shout out to her. Yeah. She sent me this on the dollar bill in the corner. If you really zoom in,
There is like a little owl. What? There's a little, there's like a super little owl. And there's so many, there's so much symbolism with the owl because it goes back to even ancient Egyptians, right? Yeah, yeah. And a lot of Freemasonry symbols, the eye, the all-seeing eye, Illuminati, it all comes from ancient Egyptian symbols, hieroglyphics or whatever, right? So it's weird that that owl is there. The owl is worshipped where? Bohemian Grove. And what is it the logo of?
I'm not even gonna say the name but what's the logo? Oh my god. It's fucked, man. It's fucked. That's fucked. Like there's also some shit I read about too. It's like, you know about the Illuminati ball? Nah, what's an Illuminati ball? Why'd you knock on wood? I was just thinking of something. That's why I knocked on wood. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, the Illuminati ball fam is like, it's like kind of that. Like they throw rituals except like you get, you only get like invitations for specific... Yo, that's just the Met Gala fam. Yeah, stop. Stop.
That's just a Met Gala. I was thinking it. But no, it's like I've seen pictures of it. And then like everyone in the first meal, right? They're gathered around a table. Everyone is blindfolded in the first meal. And you just eat. And there's waiters with like, the waiters are with the cat mask or whatever you think. Oh, like animal mask. Animal mask. And I was like, yo, Squid Game. That's where they got it from, honestly. That's where they got it from. And like the people in Squid Game were watching two people kill each other. Oh.
Yeah. So is that, is that in any relation to their, they were like the Illuminati and they were just watching the sacrifices? Cause that there's a lot of conspiracy with squid game and people are saying like, it's, it's trying to, it's trying to wake us up to it. Oh yeah. It's trying to show us like maybe this stuff happens and look at all of this symbolism. Right. Cause even just them, like I said it before, the imbalance of rich and poor, the poor doing whatever they can. Um,
to survive get that money and then it's the poor and the rich are making the poor fight each other that's what it is at the end of the day and we have to kind of wake up to that like we shouldn't be fighting each other we should be bonding together to bonding together to overcome it overcome the problem but that's the thing it's not simple it's not it's not it's not like an easy plan like you can just oh this is the solution not like there's obviously so many different things that play into that exactly because like 25 people they don't care they just live their life
then you get the 10% people that are super like woke and like I try to convince the rest of the people that don't care that a thing and they just they just deemed as crazy yeah so so I don't think it'll it'll always be like this I heard though I heard that there's supposed to be like an awakening huh people are saying people are saying we're becoming more woke we're becoming more
That's such a cringe term, feel me? Yeah, I know. But it's like a... It's so true. Like, we're seeing things now. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's in plain sight. And it was in plain sight before, but now we're understanding it. You know what I mean? Now we're understanding it. We're becoming the quote-unquote more woke. So, do you ever wonder why they call us Generation Z? No, why? Because they say we're the last generation. Oh, no. Chill.
Think about it. YZ. The last one was millennials. YZ. Yeah, XYZ. Oh, f***. No, because I thought that... Because you know how with 2012? Yeah. I thought in 2021, we were all going to die because they just mixed up the numbers. It's some shit like that. Yeah, some shit like that. But they're saying Generation Z, it won't... Maybe not necessarily the last generation on earth, but the last generation to live the past life. So...
After us The next generations They're gonna experience A different society A different world So that can It can either turn two ways It can either become A very This is This is tough to talk about But like It can be a very like Tyrannical experience Or it can be a very Freeing experience
depending on how you look at the world and how it might might turn out yeah dystopia utopia type exactly yeah exactly going going to dystopia you know what dystopia means yeah i know after because i remembered uh travis's a main newspaper letter it was like welcome to the new just let's create a new dystopia or some shit like that yeah and i searched up what it meant it was like violence it's it's pretty much the worst world you can imagine yeah a
A dystopian future is pretty much just like Armageddon. It's like Hunger Games is considered dystopian. The book we all read. Maze Runner, dystopian. Oh, 1984. That's a dystopian society. The Giver. The Giver. That's a dystopian society also. So it's so weird. You know what? I feel like he planned that title, Dystopia, Utopia. Yeah.
Yeah. For this time. Which makes sense because it does feel iffy right now. Yeah. It almost feels like, yo, what's next? What's next with the world? Mm-hmm.
You know what I mean? And it could only turn out two ways. Is it going to be a dystopia or a utopia? Yeah. I know. I feel like because that's his main aesthetic, right? Dystopia for the concert. So I thought that he was only going to do that now to create this hell scene, right? But after all that chaos, he was going to drop his album, Utopia. Yeah. And that was going to be like... A different vibe. The good saving God stuff. I don't know. Why was it so satanic? It looks so demonic. I know. I know.
I thought Utopia was going to be good, man. I thought it was going to be like good vibes. If you see at the beginning, there's videos where the music and the countdown was so like, it was like the energy. You can already feel the energy. It was like the dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Yeah, yeah. Like what the fuck?
I don't know, bro. And like the dove, like the dove, like getting burned. No, it was a, it was a Phoenix. It was a Phoenix. Yeah. It was all up. Like the aesthetic was crazy, bro. Did you see like the, oh yeah, we got to react to some of this. Hold on. I saw this video on Tik TOK, bro. Look at this shit. Okay. Well, yeah, they see like figures on top of the stage and shit. Look, look, look. So people are saying like there's shadow figures, right?
You see that? You see that? It's almost like... It looks like a sleep paralysis demon, fam. What the... Were those real people or like... We don't... I don't even know. I don't even know. Is it part of like the screen? The screen, yeah. That's what I'm thinking. Maybe it's part of the screen but that's mad weird. Wow.
So take this in so take this in so people oh, there's another one. Yeah. Oh they deleted it They deleted what happened? Yo, they deleted it. Let me see. They deleted it. There's no there's a there's another tick-tock Yeah of like a shadow figure dropping into the crowd not not on the stage not in the stage for a screen It wasn't even that yeah, it was like you see a shadow drop into the crowd fam. Oh
Like, it looked like a ghost, bro. So take this in. Yeah. Astral world, right? Astral world. The name astral world. People are saying it's very reminiscent to the astral world. Oh. So when you astral project, you go into the world, the astral world, which you can see angelics or demons. And that's what happened. It's nice, bro. Like...
It's so weird that he's playing with that vibe though. That vibe. It may be true or not. I'm not... You know what I mean? Like, who knows? Because what was before this? Did Travis even do this devil shit before? Was it always... No, I don't think he did. I don't think he did. It's just now. It's weird. It's funny that now it's just, yeah, the Demon High shit and then this shit's happening. It's all weird. And... Bro. Okay, look. Let's look at more of this stuff.
Because a lot of people want us to react to these conspiracies. But look, look. For example, the face. Yeah, I've seen this one. The hell mouth. The hell mouth. Yeah. That's mad odd, bro. Yeah. Like, maybe true or not. Just the coincidence alone. See, when he has that type of symbolism. The inverted cross and stuff. Like, the t-shirt. The eyes. That's so weird. Yeah, the eyes. The eyes. And then...
It looks like the demon from what's that movie? Pan's Labyrinth. Yeah. Like a spirit of hell. Wait, to get in the concert, you have to walk through Travis's mouth? In Astroworld, yeah. Holy shit. This was like for 2017, I think. I mean 2018, my bad. I know because I've also seen like demonic pictures of the mouth and the rollercoaster.
And what did Travis do at one of his concerts? He did the roller coaster shit. Like it was the exact same painting. So I'm like, oh my goodness. Like he's been riding this demonic wave. Like it's cool now. But it's so like, I didn't see that before. It's crazy because when a tragedy like that happens, that's when people start looking even deeper into things. And it becomes even more messy, right? So for Travis, like if you are kind of promoting that image, like what do you do now? Like there's no way to come back, fam.
You really have to do something to change our minds about it. Like, obviously, I believe, like, everybody can change for the better. But we got to see, like... This is crazy. This is, like, up there. Yeah, this is pretty up there. I think this is one of the biggest moments in music like that. Because, fam, you... Travis, with the Fortnite, you have kids looking up to you. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You have, like, three-year-old kids listening to your music. Literally, like, seven, eight-year-old, ten-year-old. And you're going to play with this...
you're giving them super early. You see Fortnite, they took out Travis's skin. They did? They took out Travis's skin. Good, fam. Like, bro. You can't use that no more, bros. It's really hashtag cancel Travis, bro. I think he's getting cancelled. Like, for real, for real. You can, bro. I think that's it, bro. Yeah. I repeat the sickle mode sounds, though. I know, yeah. I repeat the sickle mode sounds. It was a good run, man. 50 episodes. We got it. We got it in 50 episodes. Exactly 50. Oh, f***. No, actually 51. 51, 51. 51, 51. All right.
Did he use it in Josh episodes? Yeah, he used it in Josh episodes. So yeah, y'all are wondering. That's because it was filmed before that. And the crazy thing is, is like episode one, I was like, yo, I've always wanted to go to Travis. Yeah. So we commented on that. So we commented on that. Fuck that now. Fuck. Now I'm scared. Like it sucks because now I'm scared to go to like any concert. I'm a rager. I'm a rager in general. At the club.
Let's let's let's like push around. Yeah, but cardi man, like did you see him in the Miley Cyrus one? No, he's like there's there's some people in the Miley Cyrus that that are trying to get out but fucking let's raise cow word and then they were they're trampling the Miley Cyrus people that were trying to rest He has so many moments He's like Chicago, he's like Chicago. I love y'all. You know that not the
Did you see the kid? He was like gonna jump off the ledge or he was on the railing of one of his concerts of which one of which one? Travis's concert. Travis had a concert. And then this kid, he was like on the railing and he was gonna do like a like a dive. Yeah, I mean like a swan dive into the crowd, bro. So he saw him and he was on the mic. He's like, so the real question is, are you gonna do it though? And you know what he said? He's like,
don't worry, they're gonna catch you. Yeah, he's like, they're gonna catch you. They're gonna catch you. Yeah, bro. He was encouraging that shit, man. Nobody caught him. And he injured. He got injured, right? Bro, he got injured and he got paralyzed. Yeah. My goodness. I'm surprised he didn't get like a huge lawsuit for that. No, he got arrested for that. It
That was the one? I think so. No, he got arrested multiple times for doing this shit. Like, he's the riot guy. It's tough because I was a Travis fan. Like, if it's coming from me, like, this is some serious shit. You know what? To get all this truth out, you know Vlad, right? Vlad TV? Vlad TV. There's a theory that Vlad TV is a federal op.
I can see that. You know this? He even talks like a police officer. Yeah, yeah. No, no. Because... And here's the thing. Here's the reason why. Yeah. One of the rappers that went on to his thing knew he was an op because he's not even in the room. What do you mean? He's talking to a computer. The rapper was talking to a computer the whole time. Oh, shit. So, like, the voice of Vlad was just there. Oh, you're a fed. You're a fed. And he's the reason for Casanova's recent case. Oh, really? Like, Vlad was the one that got him...
Talking. Arrested? Yeah, talking and he got him arrested. To snitch on himself. Yes. Bro. So if we want the answers for all this demonic shit, please, Vlad, this is your time, bro. Find out. Find out if this is all like a scheme. Oh, man. Do you think Nardwar is one of those two? Loki Nardwar is a fed, bro. Nardwar might be a fed. Yo, Loki Nardwar might put on this goofy character. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. But he researches like crazy. Yeah.
Yo. And he's been doing it for a long time. Yeah, you're right. A long time. But I love Narwhal, man. I love Narwhal. He's sick. He's sick. He's sick. Probably one of the most interesting interviewers out there. Yeah, but Narwhal Theory, he's low-key a fed. Yeah. That's why he knows all that shit, man. He's part of the FBI. Like, imagine, okay, if he mentions about you, what's like, if he knew my great, my JK teacher, what the?
Yeah, that's weird. Who are you calling? Who are you calling? Yeah. Do you think he calls like friends and friends? Oh, yeah. No, no. Probably, right? Yeah, yeah. He does. I guess if it's like friends, they're going to tell him something like super crazy to blow their mind. Yeah, that's true. Like this one time. I know. But then he would take it a step further by contacting that elementary school teacher and telling him how he acted and shit like that. Oh.
Yo, yeah. Miss, Miss Lancey said you were a bad kid. What? Yeah. Yeah. How'd you get that info from me? That's crazy. That's crazy. Have you ever watched that show? You? You? Shit. No.
No, I haven't. No? So he's like this guy and then he's like a stalker. Yeah. And he dives in. If he gets obsessed with somebody, he gets obsessed with this girl in the show and he wants to date her. But what he does, he like stalks her. He figures out like all her interests are. Yeah. He puts himself in positions to be the hero, kind of find her. And then when that happens, like she has no idea. He put all those puzzle pieces together to be in that place. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, he, she just sees the good side of it. Like the, Oh, this is, he seems like a nice guy. Totally.
So it's crazy, bro. Imagine all the manipulation people could do to be in those positions. When I was small, the thing that really traumatized me was we had a hacker presentation at our elementary school. And there was a kid who, a little girl that was taking selfies, right? Yeah. And still had the location on. And they were showing how the hacker got her location and went to her house and was stalking.
Oh. And that shit, I can never stop thinking about that shit. Yeah, because I think if you take a picture with your camera right now on any iPhone, if you keep the location on, it keeps like a geo signal where you took that picture and it's available for hackers to see if they compromise it. Fam, you know what was crazy? Because one of my friends, I canceled on a plan, right? And I was in downtown Toronto. Yeah. Right? And I said I was at home because I just didn't want to go out, right? So he goes to Snapchat Maps. Oh.
He goes, yo, Gavin. Yo, I thought you were home, fam. I said, I am, bro. He's like, oh, yeah? Well, I'll show you the screenshot. Ah, he caught you. That shit is crazy. Like, you can really pinpoint where everyone is at a certain time through Snapchat. That's why you gotta be, like, you gotta be aware. You got me? You gotta be aware. Like, if you leave these settings on, people can see that shit. But, like, Snapchat, I swear, doesn't, like, tell you about location, like, when you're first. No, it does. It does? It shows you on the map. It shows you on the map. That's fucked up.
That's why if you're going to do like these things behind closed doors, you got to like be smart. You can't just do reckless shit. Yeah, I know. There's a new one going around where they would say your package from blah, blah, blah is in. You tap this link. Oh, and then they would get all your shit. Yeah, I almost got that. Really? I actually have a package coming in and I was like, oh, it's finally in. But then I look at the number.
You gotta check the email address Yeah Anytime you get a You get like a sketchy email Check the email address first It might just be like Some random numbers Some Chinese characters in there Fem Remember when We were gonna get verified For TikTok Oh yeah That was a crazy one We're like let's go right Yeah And then I click the link It's like okay We just need your password I'm like what Your email Your password Your phone number What the fuck
Check the you check the email address and it's all that like sketch shit. It's like joe.com Yeah, so next up. They tried it. Do you ever um, you ever search up killerjoe.com when you're a kid? You know what that is? No, what is that? Killerjoe.com? Is that like a cursed site? No, no, it's not cursed. It used to be like a prank. So you go to killerjoe.com and it's just like a regular site and all of a sudden boom, it's like the screen face. You know the girl from uh, what's that movie called?
Exorcist The girl from Exorcist The crazy zombie girl It just pops up
It pops up and scares you. I used to prank everybody with that shit. I remember I threw this really like crazy prank on Miles when I'm in computer class, like computer class. So there's a website where you can type in a question like, where is Miles's address? Right? And then you have to click a key button and then type in the answer yourself. So when you press enter, it'll give you your answer. Oh yeah, I remember that. I was there. And Miles was like, what the fuck? He was so shook. He was like, what the fuck?
He's like, yo, ask me about my wife. Ask me about my wife. So I was like, yo, what's my next wife going to be? I was like, Helen. He was like, what the fuck? He's like, who's Helen? Right? It's the pranks that you can play with that shit, man. No, that was so funny because I think you saw his notification of a girl and then you typed in her name.
That was a tough show. And it's funny because he never told us about that girl before. I know. It's just the fact you saw it and he's like, yo, this guy was so shook. This guy was so shook. I think I took it a step further and ended it because it was like, Miles wanted to know how he died. Like, would you want to know how you die? I feel like... Hell no. You don't? I don't want to know how.
I don't want to know. Okay. Would you rather know how or when? How or when? If it's how or when? Damn. That's tough. That's a good question. When? Why? When? Because if it's like... Actually, yeah. When? When? When is better than how? Because you can actually maximize your time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because it's like you're going to die from a car. I'm not
i'm not gonna yeah no but i think also both situations both situations is just tough because it's like you you're still gonna be thinking about in your head no matter what and it just changes life for you yeah that sucks bro man it's weird you don't want you don't want any of those options yeah that's why man you just gotta you just gotta live life to the fullest at that point man do what you want because i remember i seen um a nurse like the shout out to the people that actually like are nurses and see like
like people dying every day. Yeah. Because like someone, someone... They get PTSD. Yeah, there was a TikTok where it's like, he's like, I quit my job because I just couldn't handle it. That's mad depressing, bro. Imagine seeing people die like this. Yeah, exactly. So just do what you want in life, man. Because you only have one. Yeah. Do you think a lot of those people in health services, when they see people that die, do you think they see a lot of spirits too? Oh, shit, spirits? Because I think that's a real thing. I don't know if I told this story before, but...
There was a story of when my, one of my Lola's sisters, she was in the hospital. Yeah. There was a story going around how there was a doctor, right? And this doctor would talk to every single one of the patients at some point and be like, don't worry, you're going to be saved. You're going to be saved. Right. And what happened was they would turn out well, but that doctor didn't exist. That doctor. So,
So one of the patients, they were like, can I talk to that doctor again? He comforted me, right? Yeah. And they were like, what doctor? She was describing him. Yeah. He was a tall man, brown hair, whatever. There's no person that works there like that. Yeah. There's no doctor like that. What the fuck? So everybody was tweaking like...
who was that then? Yeah. Yeah. So the, the rumor is that he was an angel. It was actually a spirit there to comfort all of the people that were on the brink of death. What? Oh shit. Now, cause there's, there's a lot of stories of ghosts in the hospital. Like there was the one I think, um, in Virginia where a nurse was on the, uh, the graveyard shift. Right. Yeah. And then she went into the washroom and, and she heard her name. It was like, Hey, or some shit like that. Right. And she goes back. She's like, yo, did one of you guys call me?
No one said nothing, right? What was that? Huh? What was it? It was a ghost. Oh, fuck. It was a ghost in the hospital. Why do you think they call it graveyard shift? Oh, shit. Like, come on. Like, that's where the demons come out to play. 12 o'clock. Like, when I was a kid.
snuggled up in my bed you ever tried that you ever tried that um it's like king's ritual yeah i tried it yesterday no no no something else there's like another one there's another one where you're supposed to put your arms against like the door and then you keep it there and you walk toward you walk like three steps forward yeah and then automatically they're gonna raise higher huh like you you do some shit where you you put your arms out to like uh two walls yeah
Right. And you hold it. I think you hold it low. Actually, you hold it low like this. Yeah. And then you walk away as much as you try not to rise it. It'll rise up on its own. You never seen that before? Is this actually true or like? No, like it actually works. It actually has something to do with our body, not necessarily spirits, but just that play on it to think about spirits is mad weird. Right. Yeah. So I've seen this TikTok actually. Okay. Okay.
Great transition. I know, I'm the goat with it. But listen, listen. I've seen this TikTok, actually. It's in a jail. I'm on jail TikTok, by the way. Okay, okay. So check this out. So they do this thing with their hands. See how they stack their hands like that? They put it over. They're going to try and lift him. I've seen this. Right? And when they lift him, they're able to lift him up all the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? Check this out.
And he's big too. He's big. He's heavy. Okay, so they didn't do it properly the first time. They didn't do it properly the first time. See? They couldn't lift him. So now they put their hands in that position. Yep, they're stacking it. They stack it and then they release their hands in a way. Look, look. One after the other. One after the other. One after the other. Then check this out.
Before they were able to lift him, look at him now. You see that? See how big he is? Bruh, that guy's definitely like, I'm not fashioning, but he's definitely like over 200 pounds. Yeah, for sure.
He's big. And they lift it with at least one hand, right? Yeah. Everybody was lifting him just like that. That's crazy. And see how high it was compared to before they could barely lift him. I know. It's crazy. It's crazy, bro. I remember people did that to me at my school. And then the number one thing to combat it, like this is like,
is to go like this what does that do i don't know to ground your hands on something on a flat surface so you can't go up anymore what yeah so if ever some ever like someone tries to do that if you go like this they can't lift you up no more that might just be something to your mental no no i've tried it before like grounding yeah it's like grounding because grounding is real yeah grounding is real grounding is real and thinking about the vibrations and things yeah maybe that has something to do with it maybe that has something to do or do you think it has something to do with witchcraft
Which one? I think it's grounding, to be honest. Or do you think it's all together? Do you think all that shit works together? I don't think it's witchcraft. This shit shouldn't be witchcraft. No, that shit with the ritual, like the hands. Because hands hold power. Yeah. You know that? You know in Tai Chi, when they do the movements? Yeah. It comes from the hands, bro. Yeah. Speaking of grounding, just because you said that, there was a guy on, I've seen a video of, who he was on a really bad trip. And he was like, the trip hasn't lasted yet. It's been 10 years already. Right.
Oh, it lasted for 10 years? Yeah, yeah. And like, it's still not getting better, right? And I've seen the comments. The number one thing people says, take off your shoes, go walk on grass, go ground yourself. Because this is probably an ego death, right? And then just a lot of meditation, a lot of shit. But there was a song that was playing in the back. It was like the weirdest song ever. It was like,
Once you're on drugs, it never lasts. Some shit like that. Or it never ends. Like, have you heard that song? Nah, I've never heard that song before. It's like a curse song. I don't know. I don't know. It's fucked though. No, the worst one is... Okay, that one... I hate that. Yeah, that one's fucked. I hate that. Whenever I think about that, it's just like...
I remember I watched, I used to watch these like, um, cursed YouTube videos, like a compilation of curse shit, right? Bro, I hate it to this day. And then one of them was like a picture. It was a painting. Okay. And it's a painting of this boy. And supposedly this painting is cursed. So if you stare at it long enough, you either get sick or you feel really, really ill. Okay.
Just looking at it bro I felt like I was gonna fall asleep Word Like I was gonna pass I was wide awake at that time But if I felt like so So heavy Like something was pushing down on me Yeah And I was gonna like close my eyes Fam So what if I did Like I was looking at it What if I did go into like a A state A state And then like Some dream sense Yeah
And I seen something else bro This is all from a picture right That's from a picture It's a famous painting I forgot what it's called exactly It's a picture of a boy Yeah There's another There's another story that I have Of
Of three girls that went to a cottage, right? Yeah. And in front of the fireplace is a big painting of this man, right? And as soon as they came in, they knew there was like some type of spirit in here. And whenever they looked at it, they got an eerie feeling of the painting, right? So the whole night, right? Before they were going up and they were climbing the double bed, the bunk bed, the ladder tipped over. Oh, shit. What do you call this? When they were cooking, flames started out of nowhere. Fuck.
Right? And there was one scene where they went out to the lake. They were all chilling, right? Yeah, yeah. And she looked at the reflection and she got pushed in the lake. Nobody there? Yeah. And she looked behind you. She was like, yo, sister, why did you push me? She was like, I didn't push you. Oh my, oh my. Bro. They left. They left as soon as that happened. What?
Fuck that, bro. I hate looking at those like weird paintings that just look at you, bro. Because I forgot who said it. It was a famous artist and they said a painting can give off energy. Yeah. It can give off like actual spirit. You know what I mean? And what if that painting, those cursed paintings, they held a spirit of its own and rather than giving a positive outcome, it was evil. Right.
Because maybe it had intention behind it. So a lot of people, a lot of artists talk about this when they create something, whether it be a song, whether it be a movie, whether it be a painting, they put their soul and what they're going through at the time into that painting. So let's say, I think Tarantino actually said it. He was working on a movie. If I'm working on a movie and I'm going through a breakup with somebody, that's going to play into the movie somehow, even though the...
the theme of the movie isn't that that's get me like the feel the mood of it is going to play into it somehow because that's how the director's feeling at the time that's fine so imagine like a painter he's going through something very dark at the time and he puts that energy because that feeling is the energy yeah and putting it onto a canvas whether it be a digital canvas or a physical one is putting that energy into it so maybe it can radiate off of it yeah
I know. Because think about just creating spiritual objects, right? At some point, it was ingredients put together with a purpose. You know what I mean? That's why a lot of crystals look at the organ, you know, the organite pyramids? Yeah. Feel me? That was made for a purpose. So when they build it, they have intention as they build it so that it creates that mood, that feeling for that purpose. Yeah.
But when shit like that happens, like Tarantino says, when they're going through some shit and they put it on a canvas, that's when the best art comes out, though. Yeah. Because it just captures the mood. No, because it's genuine. That's why. It's very genuine. And it's very human in a sense. You know what I mean? When something's very human, that's where you really grasp. It's realistic. That's where you grasp onto it. Right? I know. That's why I created my best art when I was going through the most. That's why. You know? Yeah. And when I really try to sit down and think of something, it's not even my best because it's like...
I'm not really putting my pain into it, you know? You know what it is though? When you do go through creative process, how is your creative process right now? My creative process is... Literally just... I have to be in a totally like... Like comfortable state. Not think of anything. And it just has to come to me. That's what it is right now. So for me, it's almost...
I don't even brainstorm like that. Yeah, I don't brainstorm either. I don't sit down and try to think of ideas. But if I do, I'll be able to do it. But I think some of my best stuff comes out very impulsive. Yeah, exactly. Comes out very impulsive to where it's like, damn, you know what? I want to do that. Or something will remind me of a sector in that niche or whatever that I want to take a chance at. And I'm just going to go do it. And I think somebody's commented something about a youth group.
Okay. Right? I'm like, damn, you know what would be sick? What if I had my own like summer camp? Of just like. Of like the jumpers jump. How to come up with ideas at another. No, no, no. What if I just had a summer camp? Just like, just like have fun, bro. With our fans, with our supporters. Oh, that's what you came up with. Yeah. What if I would have had something like that? Like I'm like ideas, you know what I mean? Ideas. Even if it sounds dumb at the time, it sounds crazy. These, these little ideas that they can grow into something even bigger. Yeah.
Just that idea of like, I want to create a community that can be taken as something else. Maybe I take that community aspect of it and I bring it into, okay, maybe I want to make a platform that brings the community together. It doesn't have to necessarily be that one idea. Yeah, that's sick. That's why, but going back to the art thing, like I don't believe there is a certain creative block because there's no... No, there is. I think so. I don't know because to me, there's no timeline of...
Oh, I got to put this design out. So I got to think of something. I got to put this design out. It's literally whatever you think about. That's why you can take the most time you want with a thing. Just let it come to you. I don't know. It depends though. Because a lot of people, they have like a gun to their head. You know what I mean? Like if you're a struggling artist, let's take an artist that has nothing at the time and they need to make it good for an opportunity that arises. Let's say Virgil's coming to town. You have three days to make a design for him. Oh, okay.
What are you going to do? Something like that. You have, you have to have it in you to, to, to come up, push through that. Yeah. It can't just be natural all the time. You still have to grind. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Because right now, yeah, I don't have anything like that. It's just like Lily, whatever comes to my head. I think it's, it's just the practice of being creative in itself. Right. Cause being creative is kind of a skill. Yeah. Right. It, as much as it is natural, it is a skill to be able to do it on a, on a second like that. Yeah. Like those guys who, who, uh, with,
chalk yeah just paint pictures of that's that skill yeah it takes time it takes time to kind of understand your thought your way of thinking and then seeing where it can branch off into things right for example if a if an artist just put like a gun to his head like you have to get it done at this time yeah or you miss the opportunity and it's over for you you got to be able to show up just like in comedy a lot of comedians if they want to make a good impression yeah they they
they gotta pull that shit out. Man, being on a comedy stage is crazy because once you start bombing, it's tough. It's tough, bro. But that's what it takes to bomb those first few times so you're not afraid. I know. And then the next few times, like, you've seen what hell was like. Now, when everyone's cheering you on, you know what heaven is like. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You gotta experience the bad, right? I remember when I first started teaching swimming when I was coaching, I'd fumble my words sometimes. I was like,
Like I'd speak too fast or some shit or wouldn't come out smooth. But the more I did it and then I see like I'm getting comfortable with the idea that, okay, I could fumble words. It's not a big deal. That's when I get better, bro. That's when you get better. And then that's when I started really coming out with my own way of coaching. Yeah.
Exactly. And it just becomes like the Carlos way, like, damn, that's perfect. I love the way it sounds, you know? Yeah, because I'm a Taekwondo teacher too. And then when I first, they threw me into the water as soon, like I didn't know anything, right? And they're like, okay, Gavin, go up and teach Taekwondo.
50 students right i'm like oh man i don't know how to do this and there's added pressure because the parents are watching you and the parents are paying for lessons so that's going through my head the whole time okay i can't waste their time i can't waste their time but as soon as i was like yo let's just let's just do it the more practice i got boom it's easy now yeah because because a lot of people they think about the the parents do parents yeah you kind of do have to keep that in mind but but don't be nervous about it you just gotta have fun with it so it's like
oh yeah they're gonna see this one like all right i know they kick or something like that you know all my life i've just been it's just the pressure of your parents being there and watching you do good like remember i i quit basketball based off like it was too much pressure for me yeah i used to tell my dad and mom i i didn't want you at my games really i played i played better when my dad wasn't at my games because i i developed i developed a bad habit yeah whenever i shot it and
I would look. How do you know that? I just know. I would look and my dad would be like, stop looking at me. Stop looking at me. Right? And just play the game. But it was in my head. It was like too much for me. Yeah. Because that's where it stems from is like the approval. Yeah. You kind of chase that approval. And if you let that affect you, look, look, look. Who was it? I think it was Kanye that said it. He said, if you always try
try and come up with the best answer for everything come up with the best answer for everything or come up with the best way of doing something then it becomes like what that's a test yeah right so if you take that if you take that idea of it your whole life will become a test
And you don't want to be tested your whole life. Yeah. I mean, you just want to, you just want to exist. Well, one of my grade A teachers told me he was the best at taking tests. Like, cause he was so laid back while everyone else was stressed. Right. Yeah. And then the number one thing he told me before you take a test, you sit there, you just calm down, but you go like this. Cause if you clench your teeth, I noticed this before, like exams too, when I'm sleeping, I would clench my teeth. I would be like the whole time. But if you let that stress go, you're more relaxed. Right. In the jaw. In the jaw. It's all from here.
Word. That's why if you see me before a test, if you guys go to university, I go like this. I used to always do the, what? The laid back. Yeah, yeah. Because you, fam, the anxiety of the paper going to, will break 25% of students. Really? Yeah. I think personally, I never had an anxiety where it made me do bad in a test. It was never, I never got that. You got that before? I had it so many times, bro. I think for me, it was more like, okay, let's just do it. You know? It's not even like, it wasn't even like, oh, oh.
Like, there's nothing to be... In my opinion, if you're going to do a big test, especially, there's no stress. Because look, it's either you know it or you don't. That's it. That's it. You just know it or you don't. It's either it comes out that day or you don't. Exactly. So don't let it affect you too much for where it's like, I got to, I got to, I got to. Who cares? If you know it, write down the answer. If you don't, then next one. Oh my God. That's actually fact. Take that in. Write that. But that's what everything, right? That's what everything like...
if you find struggles in your life, challenges, you either take it that way or you take it the other. Like, are you going to stress about it or are you going to find a solution? Yeah, I know. And like people wait around like me, like the usual, yo, get your G, get your G. I procrastinated bare, right? To the final minute. So like this test was like do or die, fam. But then I viewed it as like, okay, fam, I know how to drive. If I don't pass, it is what it is. You got to just move on. Yeah, who cares? And like I've developed that kind of mindset of like it is what it is and I
I kind of have to get out of that because some, some things I gotta be like, okay, I gotta, I have to do good in this, but other things. Yeah. It can't, I can't like a bad test. I don't let that affect me no more. And you know what too? And I think this is kind of bad, but it's kind of good in my sense. It's like, if I mess up on something, I don't really give a big deal about it. Like if I let somebody down as sad as it is, like sometimes like, I'm like, damn, okay, I'm just going to do better next time. Like, but I don't like let it kill me. Right.
I don't let it like destroy me. I don't let it like bother me. Like I'm just gonna improve on it. So there's this... There's this one time, right? We were in a... I was in competitive swimming. Yeah. And we're doing a relay. Yeah, yeah. Okay. We're doing a relay. And I was... I think I was anchor actually. No, no. I was like one of... No, I was like the third. Yeah, okay. Or second. Something like that. Whatever. Yeah. But...
It was a relay. The guy was coming to my end. And then I was going to dive, right? Yeah. So he didn't even touch the wall yet. But I guess I got too excited. Because we're already ahead in the lead. I'm like, yo, I'm bringing a kill this. Gold medals, right? Yeah, yeah. He didn't touch the wall yet. But I jumped in. I guess off instinct. Oh.
And we ran with it. I'm like, fuck disqualified. We got disqualified. Right. And then when I, when it came time to go to the team and to the coach and shit, everyone's like, yo, you disqualified us, blah, blah. Yeah. And you know how I felt? How? You felt no ways. No ways. I'm like, ah, damn. I feel like they were so fast. They were so fast. Cause I didn't care. That's what I,
I wanted to feel bad. It's just I didn't. Yo, that's my toxic trait too because when people are in a stressful situation, when I'm in a stressful situation and I make a mistake, I laugh it off. And it's bad. It's bad because it's like, yo, you should take this serious. I'm like, yeah, I will, bro. I will. I'm so laid back that it pisses people off. But I do want to care. You feel me? But it's just bad. I got to stop that.
But for that, it's kind of a skill in a sense of like, if you want to be very content with yourself or if you want to be very confident in you and very comfortable with who you are, then that's a good trait. That's a good trait. Don't let other people's approval or you messing up on something be too much of a catalyst on whether you're going to be happy. That just came out smooth. Holy fuck.
but i can't fucking you'll see this on your story yeah but you can't fucking uh what do you call this laughing off at some points because like when you're in a business environment you can't do that shit bro because they're just gonna fire you yeah yeah but but at the end of the day it is what it is it is what it is right ryan that's why that's why my biggest thing is like if somebody ever does me dirty then i always see it as like they've
fucked up because now they can't have this. You know what I mean? What do you mean? Like breaking? Let's say, let's say somebody cheats on you or whatever goes against you. Then it's like, I don't, I don't take it personally as of damn that hurts so bad. Like I'm not going to have them no more. I take it as like, damn, they really, they really dropped the ball. Cause let's say I do something even greater or like I'm very, I have an even greater relationship with somebody else. Then they just missed out on it. They just, they just missed out on me rather than me feeling like
damn I let them down exactly bro the main thing did you guys break up no she's broke I'm up come on man that's gonna be on my story that's gonna be on my story
Wait, say it again. Say it again. So like when people say, yo, did you guys break up? Nah, she's broke. I'm up. Oh shit. You feel me? That's the way it goes. Yeah. Just put that pain. But that, cause there's a side, sometimes it's a toxic trait. Sometimes it's, it's good. But look, I feel like it's a balance. I feel like it's a serious balance of like your own self-esteem, your own health versus giving to somebody else. And,
And that's always the juggle, right? It's always the juggle. We're talking about relationships, right? Anything. Okay. Anything. Even if it's like, let's say in a group project, you have to,
you have to put in work for the project but your mental health isn't right you have other shit going on at the time and yeah you're gonna have to let them down yeah but you don't want to let them down whatever it may be but that's the juggle that's the juggle you you you leave some take some yeah you get me yeah that's true in anything in anything whatever you do there's a leave some take some and people hurt themselves too much on the on over on the leave some on the leave some part you get me it's
It's like, I couldn't have that. I couldn't have that. Like, who cares? You're going to have that. You have this now. Yeah. They don't see the benefits that from leaving. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I always go put that shit back to leaving the bad friends and you get the good ones, you know? Yeah. Sooner or later, your circle is five people, but those five people are the most genuine people in the world. Okay. What do you think? What do you think about your circle?
What do you think about making a circle? Because I feel like a lot of people, they're too dependent on their circle. I don't know. That's a good point. But at the same time, it's good to have a support system around you. And I feel like if they're pushing you, you're going to get better too, right? Okay, I'm going to give you the devil's advocate of the other side. It's like, what if that could be the make or break though? Because what if,
your validation of their support or your need for their support is never guaranteed. You know what I mean? So for someone like me, like I was very independent all my life. Like I never let anybody else be the catalyst of whether I'm happy or I never need anybody else's support. Like it all comes down to me. And then I'm, I'm, I'm secure with myself knowing like, okay, I got me. Nobody else got me like me. Your dolo. That's a good mindset too though. But at the same time, is it, is it like a, you ever feel lonely? I don't think I ever feel lonely though.
I don't think I ever feel lonely. Is that fucked up? You don't feel lonely? Nah. Is that messed up? I don't know. But I do want to share experiences. I do want to have memories, but it's never like... A big deal? It's never a big deal. Nah, I'm totally different. Maybe that's weird. It's not. There's definitely people that just ride solo their whole life. But I'm not. Because look at me. I'm not a solo... Would you necessarily say I'm a solo guy? Nah.
kind of yeah nah i don't think so yeah because you do you don't you just do your your own shit man no but i still like have friends you know i mean yeah okay yeah i still have hello friends like i go hang out with them but yeah we're totally different because i want to i'm always like i love company yeah yeah like and people around me and just creating memories and shit like that you know yeah for sure for sure but see i always i always have a feeling like
I feel like if you become, let's say, part of this pack. Let's say you're a pack of wolves, right? Okay. You become part of this pack and before you join the pack, you're alone. Okay. Being alone, you can never let yourself down because it's just you. Yeah. But being a part of a pack, now it's like you can let them down or they can let you down. Oh, okay. Wait. Wait.
I can't even use the other one. You never played team sports, right? Never. No, I did, but I didn't play like rep. I didn't play a lot because I was on the soccer team and I was on like a basketball team. That's it. Okay. Then that's why your mindset is like that then because you never experienced a team thing. Maybe. Maybe that's why. Maybe that's why. Yeah, exactly. And...
I think, you know the anime Haikyuu? Is the volleyball one? Everybody gasses it up. They're like, yo, you don't like Haikyuu? And I watch it. I'm like, I could never get into it. I don't know why. And it clicked in my head. It clicked in my head. Because I never played a team sport. That's why. That's why it never clicked with me. That makes sense. That's why I never liked it. Because my friends, my cousins are always like, yo, it reminds me of competing. I'm like, I don't know.
No, because it's weird because like you did boxing, right? Yeah, and swimming. Yeah, and swimming. So I'm surprised you didn't do any other sports because as a kid, I was in, you know, the parents put you in soccer, basketball. Yeah. Well, I was in a soccer team. Oh, you know what? What? Yo, I just took it. When I was on the soccer team, guess what I was? What? I was a goalkeeper. No way, bro. Did I?
Nah, I just took that in. That's weird, bro. Whoa, that's crazy. We just clicked it right here. So technically, I know, because goalkeeper, you're kind of by yourself. You're on your own, fam.
Unless it's the defense helping you, but you're on your own. No, honestly, that's kind of on your own. Yeah. Oh, my God. I never took that in. In a team sport, you played the most individual role. Yeah. Yeah. And that was by accident. Yeah. And you loved that role. I bet you did. No, I loved that. I loved that. I killed it. I killed it. You was chilling, bro. But, yeah. That's a finding I never found out about before. Yeah. You should try it. It's fun, though, because...
not having that uh dependency on yourself all the time fam it's kind of it's kind of good break because like when i remember when um me and sharon were playing badminton yeah and then i was playing like shit man yeah so like the fact that he cared you would learn to appreciate your partner so much more right i see that and then it's the opposite right yeah when when he's playing like shit i'm like
man i have to carry but it's got he's glad that i'm there with him you know yeah that makes sense too that makes sense too because i never got to experience that as a kid but it i guess it's good and bad but like i it's never too late yeah it's never too late yeah like like there was a point in the podcast too where um i was chilling because you're you're the the theory god you're carrying me
you're hard carrying fam but at the same time it's like no what if carlos has a bad day i should be able to go in that seat and interview someone else yeah and that's how i look at it now yeah yeah it's a team thing it's a team thing right yeah but no matter what i'll make sure it's taken care of it's taken you know what i mean no matter what i wish i got it exactly we're both on our best game yeah it's wraps exactly it's wraps yeah but that's what everything whatever it be any other project whether it be any other uh business venture i make sure like i got it i
I got it. Yeah. If you, if you can't, if you can't keep up, I'm still going to get it. But like, you know, you gotta, right. That's a good way to end it. Yeah. All right. Thank you everyone for watching this episode of jumpers. Jump podcast. Make sure you guys check out the links in the bio. Check out our brand accounts and our Instagrams. I'm dropping the pretty boy hoodies, either November 11th or 15th. It's depending on right now, but make sure you tune into my Instagram. That's Gavin's birthday. So wish him a happy birthday. Yes. Jumpers jump out. Deuces.