I like that idea though. The energy? Yeah, man. Yeah, fam. The whole room is literally, I zenned everything, right? I literally zenned everything so I make sure all the energy moves in one way. I don't know, some like Chinese, uh, like tradition? You know what I mean? Like zenned or feng shui? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard of feng shui. Remember in, um, Suite Life on Deck? Or no, Suite Life with Zach and Cody? Yeah, yeah. London's like, nah, we gotta put everything like this, like this, so it's feng shui. Yeah. And then they got like hella rich. Oh,
I forgot. And then they f***ed up the feng shui and then they had like bad luck after. Oh, it was a bad luck episode. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Was it that? Yeah, I think so. And then the vase broke, I think. Oh, yeah, yeah. Some shit like that. Yo, you know what the scariest thing was?
You know the ghost episode? Oh, um, it was this one room in the hotel that was just haunted, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then, oh, Esteban was at the, Esteban was at the table and doing this shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's like a conjuring and shit. Man, that shit was so scary for its time. Like when you watched it? Yeah. You were scared? It wasn't that scary. Bro, that shit scared me, bro. I just laughed the whole entire time. Were you? Yeah. Nah, that shit was scary because remember they showed the ghost at the end? Nah, who was the ghost? There's like a lady that walked through the fucking door. Oh, through the door. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. This is the OG Suite Life, right? The OG, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I think Suite Life on Deck, they had one episode where Zach was getting like a haunting in his room. Nah, not for calm. I only remember like parts of the episode. I'm watching it in a minute. And then he went to sleep and then he woke up. All of the furniture in his room is like boarded up on his door. I feel like I remember it. That shit scared me, bro.
You ever had like a ghost experience like that? Ghost experience? Nah. Nah? Oh, my sister. No way. Your sister? Nah, nah, nah. Listen. So I'm playing, I'm playing 8-ball or some shit with Brandon on Skype. And it was like two in the morning, two in the morning. And then all I hear through my headphones, like a scream. Of your sister? Of my sister. Shit. And I was like, what? And then I looked, I opened the door.
and i closed it i went back and then i'm playing on my bed right and this is around the time like i'm kind of scared to play games at night yeah because like my parents would come in like if i'm too loud paid me right so i'm playing for another like good 20 30 minutes yeah and then all i hear is my door open and then you know the ones when you close your last time you go yeah fake your sleep yeah i did that but then i looked at the door and it was just my sister and she was just standing there just standing there just standing there what'd she say nothing she just stood there for like a good minute
And then she closed the door and went back. So she screamed and then she like... Yeah. Like 30 minutes later came to my room. Why didn't you be like, what's going on? No, because I thought she was sleepwalking. Oh, she sleepwalks? Yeah. Like not like sleepwalks, sleepwalks, but like she wakes up sometimes and just like starts crying. Nah, that's scary, bro. Not when she was younger, she used to cry all the time. Like in her sleep. Like in her sleep? Yeah. It's like something's like...
Damn. It's crazy. Bro, I used to be so scared. That's why now I have a lock on my room. So what happened like the first time she did that then? That was the first time. That was the first time? That was the first time. Oh shit. That like she came to my room. But like leading up to that, she'd sometimes like cry. And then my mom would have to be like, yo, yo, chill, chill, chill, chill. Word. Yeah. Damn. It was scary, man. You don't have like stories in Sri Lanka found? Nah,
not really have you been to the philippines no i still haven't been bro you plan on going i want to go as soon as i can just so i can enjoy it you know because i feel like when i'm older i can't do the same stuff that i can now yeah like party and shit you know yeah so with your family alive yeah low-key i want to go like right now with friends type thing yeah even with family too because i still haven't been at all where's your family like in the philippines like manila or like
Manila and some in the provinces like Dumaguete and like Negros all of those areas yeah I went to Sri Lanka it's like 2007 that's how I got the scar oh yeah tell that story fam oh my god oh my gosh so you fell right or some shit I fell so basically I got the Harry Potter scar a lot right yeah
I was playing tag with the kids in like the apartment. It's like a big, big apartment. Yeah. So I'm playing tag with them and their little Tamil voices and stuff. Yeah. And then I'm like running on the bottom floor. I tripped over this curb and smashed my head against the cement. Fuck.
smashed my head against the cement and I'm pretty sure I was unconscious for like five minutes damn you got caved yeah I got caved I remember getting caved and then I just I like I remember I woke up like this and then people are just around me shit and then like I think one of the kids went to go call my mom because she was upstairs yeah like three floors up and then my mom came like picked me up and then I just remember sitting down sitting down and then like the doors over there yeah all the kids are like worried and stuff
I was like, that's the first time I felt nice. I felt nice. Oh my God. And then I had to get stitches and everything. There's like pictures. I have pictures of like me with this big ass bandaid. How old were you when this happened? I was like six, seven, six, seven. Yeah. And then I came home and my dad's like, you know, you had one job.
Stay healthy And like You had one job You had one job You came back with a whole ass scar Yo growing up Like down there Must have been nice though Yeah Cause It's like less to worry about Yeah when you're a kid You don't have to worry about If you're getting like Rapists and shit Yeah Or like child molesters You have out here Like
Down there, all the kids are outside playing, right? Yeah, exactly. Like, they were playing cricket and stuff. It was fun, man. It was actually fun while I was there. It's kind of rare to see that here. Nowadays. Because everyone's either just, well, yeah, especially now. Yeah. But kids, even they just play video games, man. They don't really go outside, like, let's go play war or let's play, like, pretend soldiers or shit. When you see, like, all the bikes in front of a man's crib. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my gosh, man.
You don't see that a lot anymore, bro. It's just, man's playing Fortnite now. Yeah, everyone's playing Fortnite. And eventually, it's just going to be on the VR headsets. Everyone's going to be chilling. But like, I guess that's a new experience for them. But like, if I have kids, like, I'd push them to go outside and stuff. I want to put them in sports and stuff. You know what, though? When I was little, my parents didn't let me out that much, though. Really? Surprisingly, yeah. Why? Just because it was always like, oh, there's strangers that might kidnap you and shit.
Yeah, I wasn't allowed to play like games like COD and shit. Wait, what? When I was younger, yeah. Why? Oh, man. No, because like, you know, they're from a war-torn country, right? Oh, true. And they got guns and stuff. So they're trying to give me a new life, right? True, true, true. Yeah, yeah. Now I understand why they didn't. But like then I was like, oh, my God.
Because one time I went to the library and I rented out a BL1. Yeah, yeah. And then I came back with it and I started playing it on the PS3. Black Ops, right? Black Ops? Black Ops. And then my sister came downstairs and looked at the TV and she's like, Mom! Paged me, man. That was cheese. My mom comes downstairs. She snitched, right? Snitched. She's a DW. Yes. Oh, my God. And then I was like, Arthur. Oh, man.
And then my mom comes downstairs, looks at the TV, looks at me. Yeah. Good one. Still, you're returning right now. And she drove me. Cause I had like soccer practice. That's crazy. Yeah, man. I was so mad. Well, then now it's like chill. Cause like I'm older and stuff, but yo, see like, that's crazy. You said that. Cause my parents were so different. Yeah. My, my parents, they didn't give a shit what I, what I played or what, what like I watched. They put on like Kill Bill when I was like only seven. Oh my
We're like six years old. What was Kill Bill again? The Quentin Tarantino movie with the samurai. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And there's like hella blood, hella violence, right? I was even playing fucking like Call of Duty straight out the gate. My first, one of my first games was like Call of Duty 2. Oh,
like the world war two one yeah that's the one i like i went to my cousins and i played that like that's like only time i could play like those games yeah and then uh and cod 4 oh cod 4 i remember cod 4 was crazy because i i'd only watch like walkthroughs and stuff yeah yeah so i had to go on youtube and watch damn bro i feel for you man yeah i missed out on a big part of my like again like i didn't get the experience like me getting roasted no but when you're in sri lanka you can play that shit in real life though carry an ak oh man carry an ak while you're on the
the road because my dad would tell me stories they would have fights with slingshots and shit what yeah they would like it would be like strapped up with slingshots like running around the street bro the game my dad said he played in sri lanka like there's one he said that oh like bands would get on a ladder and go against the wall yeah and just balance off it when they're like up high up high whoa what the fuck to see if you can balance i was like what why yes bro i don't
I was like okay the heck he was saying that story to me when I was helping him with the roof and then I was holding it and he's like yo watch this I was like yo yo chill out if I'm a young kid yo oh my god when I was like 4 years old I remember like 2 minutes my parents would be late I'll be like
Oh, yo, I know those ones, bro. I'd be so worried, bro. Cause like, that's the only people I like really like know like that. Nah, I know those ones. Like when your parents like, okay, wait in the car and then they leave and then you're waiting there for a little bit too long. I'm like, yo, wait a minute.
Did something go wrong? Get out And the car starts honking When you get out Because it's locked Oh yeah I hate That shit's so embarrassing And then your heart starts racing Yeah because you don't know what to do You're like I gotta find them Because they go The loud ass noise Oh my gosh What else is there man Growing up as a kid You ever broke anything in your life?
Nah. Yeah, me either. I never broke anything. Yeah, I never broke anything. And then I remember the one time I did say I never broke anything. The next day, the ankle injury. Oh, the ankle injury. Yeah, that's the only thing that's really staggered me. That's it. Yeah, me too. I think the only injuries I had were from my ankle. Oh no, my wrist. I sprained my wrist so many times from boxing. Boxing? It's literally, I think it's permanently like, it's weak. Yeah, it's like cartilage. It's like some, like,
With my ankle especially It's like cartilage It's like it messes up Your whole thing Like if anything's Gonna get injured It's gonna be this wrist So I wrap it like extra Is that your lead hand? No it's my right hand So I lead like this Oh yeah When did you start fighting? I started fighting 2013 No 20 I think 2012 I started learning 2013 I had my first fight
My first fight and then two months later I did the championship and I won that national championship. So you were undefeated? Nah, I got defeated. I lost my first fight. Oh, you lost your first? Yeah, my first fight. How was that on your heart? Yo, okay. When you go into a fight, you ever been in a street fight? No, I felt that. That's why I want to be in a street fight so I can see how
Where? You've never been to a street fight, huh? No. Damn. I've been in like one scrap in elementary. I consider some elementary... Like, it depends how serious it was. I consider some elementary... It wasn't even serious. It was like, man was beefing about a soccer ball. You throw hands? Yeah. Not like throw hands. It was like more wrestling. That's why I'm sick at wrestling on the ground. Bro, I've been in like...
I want to say at least like five elementary schoolyard fights. What? Like with hands. Like full blown? Yeah, like throw hands. You're cheesed. Bam. So this is what happened. This is what happened. I remember this time we were playing football, right? Yeah. And we were arguing over some bullshit. And he said some shit to me that pissed me off.
And then he pushed me right? Yeah, when you when you push someone. Oh, that's like that's like all right rapsal You don't push any you don't push just anybody like if you push someone you're gonna get a response It's either you're gonna be your bitch or like they're gonna tell you yeah, I'm not being no one's bitch Now we're the same age. Oh, okay. Okay the same age so he pushed me right? Yeah, and he pushed me and then grabbed me like this and
Right? He grabbed my shirt. Yeah, that's... And then I left hook right to his neck. Left hook right to his neck. It's like...
and like he got hurt like just from that yeah like he started crying and right okay this is what happened his boys so two two of his like best friends they came over this was i want to say like grade five something like that maybe maybe a little bit younger probably like grade five but they came over and then they wanted they wanted to scrap me now right because i heard one of his boys both of them too bro this guy came running at me like charging front kick right to his chest like dead ass dead ass like i'm not making this shit up
front kick like straight to his chest. Yeah. Pow! And then this guy starts crying. And then the other guy didn't want no smoke anymore. Oh, he just wanted like... And then you know what happened? Yeah. And then you know what happened after? Yeah. They both went to the teacher like, oh, yo, he like hurt us, blah, blah, this and that. And I got in trouble, bro. Oh my gosh, man. I got in trouble. Sometimes you gotta eat those ones still. And then you went to the principal and your parents came?
I think it was It wasn't that serious I think Oh okay I think it was like A funky 8 that serious to them? Nah nah nah Cause the teacher That was guarding You know when the teacher Like watches the yard She was a really cool teacher Yeah So I think she's like Alright you know what You guys like Just figure it out You know All between yourselves type thing Yeah yeah Like she's like Just talk it out blah blah This and that She didn't want to make a big deal about it Yeah She's one of those cool teachers though Yeah
If you got one of the strict ones, Oh, it's the office. You know what I mean? Oh my gosh, man. Yeah. I hated strict teachers. You ever got in trouble like that? Oh,
Oh, one time, this was like, I was, oh my God, rascal of a kid. Yeah. So grade one, my, my guy, I'm not going to name names, but it's my guy, right? That's my best friend right now in grade one. We're playing mini sticks. Remember mini sticks? You see all the kids play mini sticks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we're playing. And then this guy like kind of pushes him, starts beefing with him. Yeah. And he takes a stick. And I'm like, yo, I'm writing out. Word. I'm writing out. Yeah. And then I took his stick. I took the stick back. Yeah. I started like kind of pushing him, pushing him. And then I bit him. I bit him. Bro. Bro.
Are you biting people, bro?
I was one of those kids. Oh my God, man. I was a little shit, man. I was a little shit. And then, oh my God, I'd go home for lunch. Yeah. And then obviously the principal told like, yeah, I went home for lunch. Right. So when my dad came, basically told him, and then I was like, and then he took me home and then we came back. I came back with my mom and then he's like, go apologize. Yeah. Damn bro. I was trying to write off my friend, bro. You're not going to allow this to happen, but I bit him. So yeah, this guy came out and I apologize. I'm like, sorry, man. I bit you.
Just kind of bit the kid. Oh my God. Oh my gosh, man. See, my parents, when I got in trouble with fighting, they were always cool with it. Oh, they like understood kind of? Like you were standing up for yourself? Because in their perspective, they told me to, they rather have me be the one beating someone else up than me getting beat up. Oh yeah, that's true. And that's kind of, I see where they're coming from too.
Yeah you'd rather have that Presence around the school Yeah right You don't take shit Yeah instead of Instead of you being the one That's picked on Yeah Pick on other kids Even though that's still bad It's still bad Yeah But I didn't like Pick on kids like that Yeah I didn't I didn't pick on kids like that But like if someone tested me Yeah You know Heart's coming out now Yeah Oh man That's how I grew up though You know Cause
Cause like I think it's really my parents They brought me up to be like that Yeah Like putting Like surrounding yourself With that kind of Like the The mindset that If someone tests me Like you know But at the same time They also told me to be smart Yeah Like don't Just fight anyone Yeah Right yeah Just fight for a reason at least Yeah
Like don't go f***ing try and beat up 12 mans by yourself. I mean that's what you did. Two mans. I don't want anyone to cry. Nah cause the other two they weren't there at the time. So it was just me right? They seen it. Yeah. And they just ran over it. That's funny. That's some movie s***. That's a Bruce Lee take. That's 100% true story. Like no exaggeration pal. Like literally no exaggeration. Wait wasn't this here in Pickering? Nah this was in Scarborough. Oh okay. This was in Scarborough. So the origin story. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah.
No, the origin story, the real origin story is Gildan Hoodies. Oh, Gildan Hoodies. It's a WeCo Studios. What was that guy's name that we watched on... Richie Lee? No, no, no, no, no. Oh, the other Asian guy, yeah. From Toronto. I forgot, I forgot. Oh, man. And then he was reviewing the Gildan Hoodies and we were watching it together in class. You know who put that whole wave on though? It was Kanye. Kanye.
Kanye, yeah, yeah, yeah. He has like the, you know, the blank pastel type. I like that earth tone though. Yeah. The earth tones are nice. Kanye started that whole thing, right? Yeah, the whole thing. Yeah. What do you think is the future for Kanye with Gap? With Gap? It's all...
I don't know. I don't think it'll hit different. Is this going to be like another easy line? Yeah. Yeah, it might be still. Because I don't know. Yo, you remember the Kanye Drake beef though? Oh, man. Are they still beefing? They're still beefing, right? I think it's like Drake took a path where he's like, oh, I'm the bigger man type thing. But he's still cheese that Kanye. Yeah. Yo, do you know the sickle mode theory? Nah. Nah, you have to tell me.
Bam. Okay. This one I found online and this one one of the times like my mind was blown. Yeah. Because it blew right over my head. Right? You remember Sickle Mode came out what? 2018. Yeah. So Sickle Mode came out 2018. Drake and Kanye were beefing at the time. Yeah. At the time. Yeah. Right. He was beefing with Pusha T before that. Right? Yeah. All right. So remember the line in Sickle Mode on Drake's verse. Drake goes, crept down the block, made a right.
cut the lights that's pay the price oh checks over stripes yeah that's what i like yeah right so he said that shit bro he said that shit and then people did like a google maps of drake's mansion his neighborhood oh in um calabasas in calabasas connie lives in drake's neighborhood yeah yeah a couple doors down yeah yeah so so they put the lyrics beside the picture crept down the block made a right oh
- And it's Kanye's crib, fam. It's Kanye's crib. So the theory is Drake put that in to say that he Kim at nighttime. So crap down the block.
Cut the lights. Paid the price. Maybe this is where In My Feelings comes into play. Yeah, so, and then remember In My Feelings with Kiki. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's Kim's nickname, no? Yeah, that's Kim's nickname. So Kim and I think Khloe, their nicknames were like Kiki and Coco. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then Kanye, Kanye came out with a whole video. He was like, yo, f***.
Drake, blah, blah. Oh, yeah. The one where he's on like a train station or something. Yeah, he's like, if I was going to make a song like that, I would never use Rihanna. Yeah. Like a name that sounds like RiRi because it could be mixed up with Rihanna. Same thing with like Kiki and his wife. So Kanye's like, you're making people think you f***.
my wife oh yeah remember that shit yeah and then drake posted him in la like he just landed yeah yeah emoji i was like whoa bro so yo so that sickle mode like lyric it blew over my head the first time so in a sense that whole sickle mode track his whole verse could have been a diss track to kanye kanye on travis's song on travis's song bro travis days kylie kylie is kim's sister yeah oh my gosh big brain move crept down the block
Made a right Bro Oh my gosh man Cut the lights I paid the price Paid the price Checks over stripes That's what you like Yo Cause adding that At the end of it Kinda ties it together Yeah The checks over stripes Checks over stripes Cause Kanye's Adidas bro Oh my god
Cause Drake was about to sign with Adidas. Yeah, yeah, he was. It's crazy. And then Pusha T f***ed that up for them. Yeah. He f***ed up the whole shit, man. And then Drake went back with Nike. Yeah. And then Kanye, that's when the Kanye beef like arose. Yeah. Who's winning hit for hit? Hit for hit, Kanye? Oh,
Because I asked this before. That's really, it's really close. It's really close. I'm going to have to say Drake just because I'm more of a Drake fan. Yeah, same. But Kanye, I never discredit Kanye. He's one of the GOATs. Kanye put a lot of people on the game. Not even going to lie. Now he's like, you know, kind of declined. Yeah. Kanye's in one of my favorite songs of all time. What's the song? Erase Me with Kid Cudi and Kanye. That's my favorite song ever. I'll play it for you. Yeah. It's like, keep on running, keep on running.
running I might have heard it I think I might have heard it can't stay away from you yo so my thing is that like if I ever direct a movie if I ever direct a romcom specifically that's the song I'm gonna use that song cause if you listen to that song it's like so perfect where it would work in like a chase scene yeah like a shorty's getting away or like the guy's trying to trying to see somebody oh at the end
the movie yeah exactly like the climax of the scene right like that song would be so perfect and I really want to use that song like if I ever get it I remember Instrumental it's just I haven't heard it in a minute yeah it's an old song it's called Dropout right nah what's it it's Kid Cudi's it's on oh on Cudi's album Man on the Moon 2 oh yeah Man on the Moon 2 yeah
That's like one of my favorite Cudi projects too. - Cudi, I didn't really get into Cudi. - What's the one track? - "Pursuit of Happiness"? - Yeah. - Yeah. - "Day and Night", obviously. - Yeah, "Day and Night". - That's a classic. But yeah, I haven't really gotten into Cudi like that, but his hums. - You're a big Drake fan though. - Drake, Drake, Drake. - You've just been Drake fan from time. - From like 2010. - What's the first Drake song you ever heard? - "Successful". - "Successful"? - Crazy, 'cause that's what I kind of build my life around now. It's like, you know, ♪ I just wanna be, I just wanna be successful ♪
And then, obviously, like, Best I Ever Had, Find Your Love, like, those were the first songs on the radio and stuff I just hear. I remember I went to Blue Jays game. Yeah. I think it was Jose Bautista's walkout song was, like, Find Your Love. Or over. It was over. Oh, over. It was over, yeah. And I was in the stands and my dad just looked at me and he already knew, like, I was about to sing the whole thing. Oh, man. Drake, yeah, man. Too many people here right now that I didn't know last year. Who the f*** are y'all? I swear to God.
Man, I'm telling you, Drake's actually the GOAT, bro. He is. One of the GOATs, though. People discredit him a lot, which is kind of sad, but hey, man. I think they discredit him because it's so much people know about him. Yeah. So in a sense, he is. He's kind of, you could say he's overhyped, but he's meant to be like that. I mean, he is the GOAT. It's like that whole Meek Mill situation, the ghostwriting thing. Yeah, yeah.
But like people have to realize like Kanye has ghostwriters. One of them was Drake. Yeah. Jay-Z has ghostwriters. He's considered one of the goats. Had Kanye write for him. Had Drake write for him even. Like, all right. Those are the ones I was looking at. This is a theory about Drake. So Drake had a song with Michael Jackson, right? Yeah. Don't matter to me. Don't matter to me. Right. On Scorpion. Yeah. When was the last time we ever heard of Michael Jackson before that?
Never. Never. Never. Last time was like on his track. Yeah. His own track, right? Yeah. So my theory is Drake bought all of the unreleased Michael Jackson and he's using the melodies for his own tracks. Oh, wow.
That's your theory? Listen, listen, listen. When was the last time we heard Michael Jackson? On Scorpion. Yeah. With Drake, right? Yeah. Bro, if you think about it, Drake is known taking inspiration from flows, right? What's stopping Drake from buying the unreleased Michael Jackson and using those flows for his own tracks? Nothing. Nothing. Because the man has all the money in the world. He has all the money in the world, right? And for Drake to stay so relevant through all these years with classic tracks that stand the width of time. Yeah. Who makes like classic music like that that stands the width of time? Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson.
You listen to any Michael Jackson song right now, it still hits today. You know what I mean? Yeah. Same with Drake's music, bro. So my theory is Drake bought all the unreleased Michael Jackson. Like everything. Like everything. And he has that in his bank. Like he has that at his disposal. Like with MJ versus? Or like just the melodies? Either just MJ versus or either just unreleased. Just the melodies and stuff. No, unreleased. Like literally his bank of unreleased shit.
Because look, look, look. If someone else had it, we would have heard it by now. You know what I mean? We would have heard it by now. But no one else has it. Nobody else has it. Drake has one of them, which is... If Michael Jackson's family still had it, we would have heard something by now. I swear, I think it was like somewhere related to MJ was Cheezed.
That Drake Yeah yeah yeah Yeah exactly So maybe it goes deeper And then Alright I have extended theory to this Okay A boogie He dropped the track Look back at it Oh yeah He used Michael Jackson's flow Remember Yeah Right What was the song again Um Feel through my life
Yeah. So that flow was Michael Jackson, like literally Michael Jackson flow. He even credited. Yeah. No. So I dug deep, right? I dug deep. I dug deep in the Reddits and subreddits and stuff. I looked at, I looked at the credits, right? Why is OVO sound on the credits of that song? Why? Why? Unlook back at it? Unlook back at it. Why is OVO credited on it? What?
No way. I think it's under Boy Wanda. OVO. Hold on. Song credits. One of the names is Boy Wanda. Michael Jackson. Yeah.
one of it is is boy wonder his his real name yeah his real name yeah yeah i see it bro tell me why why is he credited on that shit atlantic records is part of drake now listen listen listen i have an extended theory to this right yeah we know drake and and weekend beefed sadly yeah yeah but but but before that they were tight i mean they were tight they were tight friends yeah it was ovo xo they're tight now the weekend's music what does it sound like like
Fan, The Weeknd's music sounds like Michael Jackson. He's the next MJ, in my opinion. He's basically MJ. If you take any of The Weeknd's songs and you just use Michael Jackson's voice, it sounds like a Michael Jackson track. Yeah, just replace the instrumental with... With Michael Jackson's voice, it's going to sound the same, fam. Now, bag this, okay? My theory is that the reason The Weeknd and Drake started beefing is because The Weeknd has half of the rights to these unreleased Michael Jackson. Oh!
Yo, it's not because of Bella Hadid. Yeah, it's not. It's because of the music. It's because of the music. Oh, man. Because this started from way back. Way back. OVOXO, remember? Last song was, what, Crew Love, 2012. Yeah. And then after that happened, then we heard Michael Jackson on Scorpion. Yeah. It's around that same time. Oh, man.
Wait, dude. That's what I'm saying, bro. So look, look, look, look, look. And then in my opinion, in my opinion, what's stopping him from... Okay, look, let's say a management team has the rights to f***ing Michael Jackson's music. They gave some of it to The Weeknd, some of it to Drake, right? Yeah. Now what's stopping Drake from just keeping Michael Jackson? What's stopping him from getting The Prince?
What's stopping him from getting the Whitney Houston's? What's stopping him from getting all of these dead artists unreleased music? Oh man. Cause like there's no real like want for it anymore. Exactly. We're not going to hear this shit no more. If he, if he takes it through them, we're going to hear it through them. Oh,
And fam when you have that much money And you're trying to rise to the top To be at the top you have to do these things You know what I mean? Like this is how you stay at the top Damn No what if Cause like it kinda It kinda makes sense Cause in 2016 Weeknd released his album Yeah And then Drake and them were friends Yeah Right? And then what if Drake kinda used the Weeknd To get
like a track like Don't Matter to Me on Scorpion two years later. Or even someone like who knows who knows someone the Drake tracks could be Michael Jackson's like melodies already. Like Time Flies. Yeah. And then he's already just he's just recreating the lyrics. Exactly bro. That's what I'm saying just recreating lyrics using the same melody. Yo.
Because fam, like. That's crazy. Where did all the songs go? Where did it actually go? Where did the music go, fam? Like, what's the point of holding down? Exactly. What's the point of holding it? Like, MJ fans are about to die. Exactly. So. If the family still had it, we would have heard from it. Oh, my God. Oh, also, there's another, like, little thing about it. Remember on War? Yeah. The boy that sang on Thriller. You know that's been mine.
Yeah. Right? Yeah. Bam. What if, because in my opinion, right, this is like from my view, what if that was an inside joke for his boys? Like, oh, yo, I got these Michael Jackson tracks. Oh, my God. The boy that sang on Thriller. You know that's me. Oh, yo. Yo, chill out, chill out, chill out. That's all, man. Holy shit.
holy shit yo you ever heard about uh the mr crab series no i know what's that oh my gosh so basically you know how mr crabs is the only crab in the ocean yeah yeah in spongebob yeah that killed off every crab to make crabby patties wait why how how do you know that because listen bro it kind of makes sense because remember like oh for for the crabby patty formula yeah the crabby patty formula okay okay okay so basically he's a cannibal yeah that's what's going to stop it so basically you know that episode when um
Mr. Krabs and Plankton, they were like best friends. Yeah. I remember that. Yeah. And they worked together and stuff, but then it all led to that one, like them finding out that recipe. Yeah. They were fighting over it. Yeah. And then you know how they, that, that one scene when they're like ripping the formula together. Yeah. Mr. Krabs basically ripped off the part where it says that crab meat is the secret formula. Oh shit. Yeah. And that's why Plankton's business, the chum bucket isn't doing so well because he doesn't have the crab meat. And that's why Mr. Krabs was scared. Yeah. When the, um,
when the food inspector came oh yeah when the food inspector came because think about it that's crazy yeah that's so true he killed his own wife think about it yo yo i'm telling you bro i'm telling you it all makes sense it all makes sense because pearls adopted has to be adopted yo that's crazy yo i'm telling you bro i'm telling you so wait wait wait wait so oh wait remember that episode where mr crabs had like a bunch of crabs that bunch of his like family came or no was it plankton's family no it's mr crab's family
I don't think it was. It was Plankton's family. It had to be Plankton's because I didn't see. Oh yeah, it was Plankton's family. It was Plankton's family. And then he pretended it was made out of Plankton, but it wasn't. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. It was like a joke, like a nudge kind of. Yeah. But he doesn't, Plankton didn't know that, that it was him because he's the only crab left. Yo, you know what though? It's literally called crabby patty. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.
And SpongeBob's a victim to the crime. Damn, bro. He doesn't know he's cooking Mr. Krabs. That's why he's so selfish and greedy. Yeah. And you know the chum bucket? Yeah. You know what chum is? Nah. Chum is pretty much just like fish that they, like the leftover parts of fish. Oh, yeah. They use to fish. Yeah. You know when you go fishing? So pretty much you chum the water to make fish cum. Pause. Pause.
But like, you just take like fish that you don't use. Yeah. You like rip it up. It's leftover fish. So pretty much the chum bucket, it's fish. Oh, so maybe that's his plankton's way of like kind of making up for that crab meat. Yeah. The lack of crab. Yeah, yeah. Oh, ho, ho.
fam i'm telling you bro that makes sense it makes sense and i read on reddit on a subreddit it was like yeah this guy making one of the spongebob games for like the ds or something and he was talking about oh like don't mention any like formulas or anything like that where like oh like it's made out of crab meat like those like kind of slight way yeah and that's why i saw it got upvoted bear so i kind of look damn fam it makes sense it makes sense yo it does make sense though because he's because there's no other crabs exactly he's the only crab
He killed his wife. There's no Mrs. Krabs. Damn. There's no Mrs. Krabs. So it makes sense. It makes sense. Yo, dude, do you know that theory? The skin theory of SpongeBob? Nah. So, okay. This one's crazy. Okay. All right, get ready for this one, man. You know how in SpongeBob, there's always an episode or there's always a moment where someone peels back their skin and there's somebody else? Yeah. So look, look, look. Remember that episode of...
of um was it the chocolate salesman and then he peeled his skin is like oh i'm actually someone is this guy again remember yeah or or uh remember that that one episode where patrick was actually like a gorilla nah so so he's like patrick are isn't that you patrick and then and then i said no i'm in the gorilla costume right and then there's another patrick and he unzips and it's actual gorilla you don't remember that what no no no i forgot about it for you yeah i forgot about it still damn look at this look at this
This one. Oh, yeah. So remember there was two Patrick's? Yeah. This was Patrick actually dressed as a gorilla and this was Patrick but an actual gorilla. So there's an ongoing like theme of unzipping and someone else. The whole episode. No, like throughout the whole show. Throughout the whole show. Damn. Like you see that a lot. Yeah.
Like you even see Yeah I'm sorry Yeah yeah yeah Now I'm starting to remember You even see like sometimes You remember that one scene Where Spongebob like Shows light or some shit And then all of his skin burns Yeah yeah yeah So there's an ongoing Like ongoing theme Like when he dries out right Yeah Like an ongoing theme of like skin Like skin peeling back and shit Yeah
And remember, remember in that same episode with the gorillas, he's like, there was a horse. Remember the horse one? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's like, Franklin, they're onto us or some shit, remember? Franklin, they're onto us. What do you mean they're onto us? Wait, who were those people? Fab. What if? Damn.
Bro, take him like, we just let that episode fly by. We just let that slide by. Because we were kids. We didn't understand that. We just accepted it. So the theory is that this skin theory is kind of, what do you call it? It's like desensitizing us to the fact of skin peeling back and becoming somebody else. Yeah.
No, there was one. It was, like, at the end of Spongebob the movie. Yeah. It was, like, you know how Spongebob and Patrick were, like, dried out? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because they were above water. And then they, like, their tears came together. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they went back. Yeah. And then ever since then, it's, like, Spongebob in general, like, the show, after that, it was, like, different. What do you mean? What do you mean different? They were, like, more childish and stuff. Oh, yeah, that's true. Yeah. So, like, it's, like, it's, like, them saying that the OG, like, the original, like, Spongebob Squarepants. Died. Died. And, like, Patrick...
That whole universe kind of died Well like Kim and Patrick died But then they get recreated Into like another like A part It's like Spongebob So that's why That's kind of sad bro Yeah that's kind of sad That's kind of sad That's why they're more childish and stuff That's true Because it was a different voice actor too Different voice actor Different everything for them Damn that's crazy Fam Oh man It gets sad man I miss shows like Spongebob Yeah there's no more cartoons like that Yeah There's like no shows like that anymore Yeah no more No movies like that too either
Is there even cartoons coming out? Oh, like Rick and Morty, but Rick and Morty's for adults. That's for adults. Like for kids. They have to watch like mediocre ass shows. That's facts. Yeah, there's nothing that hits like that no more. Nothing that hits like that. Cause bro, like SpongeBob, that'd be a family show. Like families would watch it too. Like the parents and stuff. But now there's no more shows like that. It's all like on Netflix and stuff like that. Damn, that's true, bro. Yeah. That's what's kind of sad. Like Netflix kind of taking over. But I think it's, yeah, yeah. That's why I copped like a VHS TV. So I can play all of those old shit, you know? Yeah.
I have Bear too. Like Bear VHS tapes. Yeah. Like Barney and stuff like that. Yeah. There's a lot of shit's not on Netflix. Yeah. And it's a different feeling. Yeah. When you play something on like a LCD screen compared to like an old box TV. Kind of takes you back. Yeah. It takes you back so much, man. Oh man. Like the big box TVs. Yeah.
Oh man I used to have that On the ground And play PS2 Yeah it's a different feeling Bro it's actually A different feeling Oh man Like that I miss that Yeah I miss that That going out Like on the bikes and stuff Facts Yo like
kids these days man like take your time i i think i think every generation though goes through that thing where it's like oh kids these days yeah yeah because look at us yeah we were we were the kids these days you know you know oh man now we're gonna be like our parents yeah because like when we see kids playing vr all day yeah we're gonna be like i like kids these days like bro you didn't take off take off the thing bro there's a whole world out there but not like
but then that's their norm that's gonna be their norm and then that's just gonna reoccur like over and over generations but it's sad man like people need to like what side is that like oh like driving like i want to teach my kid how to drive word i think driving loki might go extinct yeah sadly realistically in in like a completely futuristic world where they're so advanced they have everything to the t everything's automatic yeah like transportation is gonna be so automatic
Like Tesla. That's one example coming up. Remember Elon Musk? He wants to do that thing where every single car is self-driving and every single... So it eliminates traffic. It eliminates like driving times. Yeah, all in like succession. Yeah, so they're all communicating with each other so that they move like this. Unison. They move unison. So there's no traffic.
It's like Bluetooth connection to every car. Yeah. That'd be dope. Cause like they're getting rid of like making gas cars. Yeah. Fuel fired cars by like 2030 or something. Yeah. 2030. Yeah. So that's like about time though. About time still. But like the making of it, they're still going to have them on roads, but like, yeah, it's kind of sad though. I know. It's like that feel going to the gas station, you know, nice. One thing, one thing I, I'm kind of weary about for like the new generation is talking to girls, fam.
Oh that's already died down now That's already died down now Like man's don't even know How to talk to girls no more It's like bro Like back then It'd be like Oh through like They forgot how to communicate Yeah it's communication Like with anyone Not just girls But like Yeah just communication in general It's like
It's like so relied upon on our phones and stuff. Yeah. Cause everyone's like this. Everyone's like this. They're paying attention. Yeah. There's no more face to face interaction. It's kind of sad, man. That's why you got to, you know, talk. Cause it's better. Cause there's so much ways for us to like keep occupied. Right. Yeah. And,
If we weren't occupied, we'd be doing other things to occupy us. So if there were no video games, if there were no TV, if there were no like streaming services and shit, right? Just go out and talk. We would be going out and finding something to occupy us. Exactly. That's where the creativity comes in. Exactly. That's why kids these days, they'll lack the creativity that they need. I think, okay, creativity is different because the kids might have like crazier outlets. Yeah.
Whether it be like a virtual world or whether it be like, because look at us, we could be more creative with Photoshop, video editing, this and that. And then they're more creative with like VR. Yeah, they could be more creative with like 3D imaging, you know, CGI, this and that, right? Yeah. But like communication, man. Communication is a big one. Yeah. I'll start, especially with girls and like guys too. Fat.
You know, our generation, the year 2000, we're literally like... The last. No, we're literally the bridge of the old and new. Oh, that's what you mean. If you take it in, we're literally the bridge of the old and new. Yeah, it's like we're the perfect middle. Yeah. It's like, yeah. Because we appreciate the old a lot. But also...
we integrate the new we take part of the new yeah it's true still man's used to like message on like msn and stuff yeah msn msn that's the only way you could like on the computer that's the only thing because we grew up with the internet yeah we grew up with the internet we grew up with like all of that shit coming out and coming out like at a better pace you know i mean yeah but like damn but then you go to school and it's just like talk face to face you don't have your phone or anything yeah okay what do you think what do you think about the newer generation do you think they're gonna appreciate old shit
I don't know. Do you think there's always a point where you always appreciate old shit? Yeah, there has to be. But I'm only looking at it from my perspective because I love old shit too, you know? Yeah, same. But I can't say that about like, let's say my niece that's like super young. Yeah, like she won't understand. Because like,
My little cousin that's super young. We're going to appreciate this, right? Like in 30 years. Yeah. Right? But then they're going to already have an advanced version of this. So they'd appreciate this more. So the lost art for this is gone, if that makes sense. No, but even in the sense that would they want to take part in old media? Because look, look, look. Remember like super old movies, like the black and white shit? Yeah, yeah. We don't watch that, you know what I mean? Yeah, I don't. I don't watch that shit. I don't mess with that. But I know there's some great ones there.
Yeah. But like just me personally, I won't like take my time out to go watch that. But I'll still, yeah, I'll still watch like a little bit newer genre, like the 80s, like the 90s. Yeah, Scarface. Exactly. I'll watch those movies. Yeah. But I feel like
the black and whites a little bit farther down for me. That's too dated for me. Yeah. Yeah. Like for our parents, they, they appreciate that way more because they grew up on that. Word. So I guess, yeah. No, but you know what? I, I sense like our parents, they don't even appreciate the old like that no more. They, they really love the new. Yeah. I'm,
If you take it in. Starting to think about it like. Bro, that's what I'm saying. Because that's what I'm saying. Because low-key, our generation's changing. No, our generation is the perfect gap. It is. Generation Z. We're generation Z, right? No, we're millennials. No, we're not millennials. We're not millennials.
We're right after millennials. We're Generation Z. Really? Yeah. Oh, yeah. 90s kids are more millennials. Yeah, yeah. So Gen Z is that bridge from the old and new. Yeah, like early Gen Z. And I think the generation after us, I forgot what it's called exactly, but the generation after us, they low-key, they might only love the new too. Yeah, they don't appreciate the old. Because if you even look at it, they don't even appreciate old rappers. Yeah.
Feel me? Yeah. Like they grew up, they grew up on Lil Pump. They grew up on Lil Uzi. Yeah. They grew up on, you know? Like those new SoundCloud rappers. Yes. They're like, nah, I don't want to listen to that Biggie. I don't want to listen to all that. Like Jay-Z, Nas. Yeah, they don't want to listen to that shit, bro. It's because it's the sound for them. That's what they're growing up on, kind of. So that's the only sound that they know. And then they listen to another sound like Jay-Z, Nas and stuff. Yeah. And it's just different. It's like, nah. It's crazy.
Chris. Oh yeah. So what'd you think about like school? Like nowadays, especially COVID and stuff like online school. Cause I said this, I said this a couple of years ago. I was like, I was like, um, I wouldn't be surprised if school went completely online, bro. I've been saying this where school is, is going to end up being on a VR headset. Is that what you think? It's not going to be face-to-face connections. Nah,
Really? I think it's going to be like, they're going to cut down on teachers. Yeah. But the only problem with this is there's going to be a learning curve or there's going to be a lot of kids that can't learn like that. Yeah. And then they fail. But to make them be able to learn like that is with like a virtual world. Oh, and then they VR headset. Yeah. Everything comes in. I don't know. Like, it's kind of sad though. Like school experience is different too. Like that's how we grew up. That's fast. Imagine like 40 years, like our grandkids. Yeah.
I know. And I'm VR school now. Like what? Damn. But what if, what if even, yo, I said this before, but this, this is still crazy to me. Like what if this life is low key, just like a couple minute fricking lesson, but it feels like a whole lifetime.
For us. For us. We're like, we're in a simulation. Oh yeah. We're in a simulation. This feels like a whole lifetime. But when we get out of the simulation, it was like a 10 minute lesson. 10 minute. Oh my gosh. On like this time period. Oh man. Yo. And then COVID was a. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly bro. Like a whole lesson on like this time period with COVID, with like freaking all the shit going on in the States. Yeah. Like all the. Oh man.
And then we die. Nah, but like, we just wake up. We just wake up and it was maybe been like 15 minutes lesson. Like, oh, how was your class? But it felt like a fucking lifetime, bro. Oh my gosh, man. And then we return back. Oh my God. Yo, we return back to base. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yo, chill. Like the Matrix type shit. Yo. Like you wake up in the two...
Oh my gosh. Damn. You watch Rick and Morty? Rick and Morty? Barely. Not really. I feel like you'll love that. You'll love that. I need to get into it still. I watched a couple episodes here and there, but not sat down and watched it. You'll like that. I've seen clips. I've seen clips. It looks funny. What do you watch? I watch it. I stream it. I use a site. I'll give you the site. It's on Amazon Prime or anything, so I was like...
Yeah You gotta shoot nice Yeah Ever heard of The Jordan Theory What's the Jordan Theory Okay so When he retired Yeah 1993 right Oh yeah yeah yeah To go to baseball Right After the 3P and everything You know how his dad died You watched The Last Dance I didn't finish it You didn't finish it Okay so basically They kind of went into like Oh like his retirement And like the baseball Side of things Yeah yeah yeah He played for the Barons right Yeah yeah So basically Um Voice crack Yo Ticket Oh stop Yeah
Basically, when he retired, you know how you had a gambling problem? Yeah. So, basically, he owed this notorious drug dealer in the area. Wait, wait. Jordan? Yeah, Jordan. A lot of money. Word. Like, he owed him a lot of debt. Word. So, he went to court and everything, too. Like, for it. Oh, word? Yeah. Like...
Was this in the last act? No, not like the court part. The court part wasn't in it. Okay, okay. They didn't showcase that part of this, that side of the story. Yeah, yeah. So he went to court and everything. And so he testified. Yeah. And said like, oh, it's just a loan or something. And then basically he didn't pay the drug dealer.
like the money that he owed like it was like a fuck yeah yeah yeah and then that's 1993 happened yeah won the championship right and then his dad got killed that was basically a message from the mob so got two teams oh shit yeah so the mob killed his dad yeah and it
Wait, how did his dad die? It was like he was in a car and these two teens killed him. So basically they paid those teens to like, oh, like, you know, serve that. It was like, it doesn't make sense. Like how he died. Like, oh, he died in a car. But like he was in the middle of nowhere. Like he was at a gas station because he was tired. Oh, that's crazy. And then that's when he was like, oh, I'm retiring. Because like, obviously his dad died. Yeah. Right. But it was also because David Stern, the commissioner at the time. Yeah. Suspended him. But they didn't want that image to like, like him. Whoa.
dealing with like a drug dealer yeah yeah you don't want that image to ruin the nba because it was already ruined before right yeah i think it's only because of magic and larry that it kind of you know got up yeah so yeah that's basically a theory of jordan like he he was actually serving a sentence like his suspension for those like couple years it was like a year and a half yeah because yo it doesn't make sense you would want to retire like exactly like you're in your prime of your career why are you trying to retire you just got off a three-peat no that's crazy like i
understand i understand that your father died but like it has to go deeper than that bro there's no way to be mid at baseball too damn damn it makes sense it makes sense that's crazy that's why lebron's my goal bro i'm telling you that's actually mind-blowing stuff it is because paul there's no way you're in your prime why are you leaving and then i guess he served that sentence yeah he served the sentence and then it was just a whole thing and then he was allowed to yeah i'm back and i'm like damn i never heard that theory before exactly well it makes sense
It makes sense. Because, bro, like, no way your dad's just dying like that in the middle of nowhere. Because, like, it was a story, like, he was driving. Yeah, yeah. Like, to a far-ass town. Yeah. And then he was tired. And then he just pulled up into a gas station or somewhere. Yeah. And just, you know, slept in his car. And then that's how he got killed. Yeah.
how do they know that he's in that car how did they know he was there yeah the mob definitely followed him that's insane bro crazy still wait how'd you hear about this it was like last dance and like it was like obviously some research but like i cut like after watching the last dance and like you know kind of reading about like him going to baseball it's kind of got me thinking like why would you leave in your primary career like that right to hurt your legacy but like didn't really hurt his legacy because his image is still intact but michael jordan stole the goat braun straight up
Fam, Michael Jordan is the GOAT hands down, bro. Okay. If you're using the rings argument, it's invalid to me. How is the rings invalid? He's six for six. Because Bill Russell would be the GOAT. Bill Russell's not the GOAT because he didn't have the impact that Michael Jordan had. LeBron has the same impact. No, he doesn't. Now, listen. All right.
LeBron James. We're only seeing his, the generation that watched him, we're only seeing them now come into the league. Like the Lonzos, the Zions. We're only seeing them come into the league. That's like the LeBron. Yeah, like Luka Doncic especially. So that's like LeBron's thing now. So we're only going to see the impact LeBron had. Fam.
The reason I can't call LeBron the GOAT is because he missed. Feel me? He lost five times in the finals. Okay, people lose though. That's the thing. Mayweather wouldn't be the GOAT if he lost five times. Okay, Mayweather is considered a GOAT. If Mayweather lost five times, would he still be the GOAT? It depends. No, he wouldn't. GSP lost. He's the GOAT of MMA, essentially. That's debatable. That's debatable. That's debatable. Him, Jon Jones, but... It's debatable. I don't know. You can't...
You can't hurt a man for his losses. You can when there's a man that didn't lose. You feel me? You can when there's a man that didn't lose. There's a man that didn't lose six for six in the finals, fam. That amazing career has a crazy fucking... This already is a whole movement in and of itself. Yeah, that's true. He changed culture. Culture was changed, bro. Culture was changed.
No, I should be holding these, actually. Culture was changed, man. Nah, because... I don't know. It's like, LeBron's don't hit like that, like Jordan's, obviously. Yeah. You know why they don't hit like that? Bro, you know why they don't hit it like that? Because Jordan is the OG. That's why Jordan's the GOAT. He's the OG. But he's the GOAT. He's...
People put on these shoes and were like, I'm going to play like Mike. They don't say that with LeBron's fam. That's what I'm saying. People like Luka Doncic, Lonzo Ball, they're just coming up into the league. So we're not going to see that for another 10 years where the
Okay, don't get me wrong. LeBron is a GOAT, but he's not THE GOAT. He's my GOAT. Okay, he's your GOAT. LeBron's my GOAT. But Michael Jordan is THE GOAT. Feel me? I mean... Like, if you're gonna bring up the NBA, you're talking about Michael Jordan first. Yeah. Period. No, but...
Period. You're going to say Michael Jordan first. Period. LeBron's the better player. Like, you talk about basketball. LeBron's a better player. LeBron's a better player. Let's be honest here. LeBron's a better player. Okay. If you're saying athleticism, if you're saying athleticism, then I agree. Then I agree with LeBron athleticism. But if you're talking about mentality, how he played, the finesse, Michael Jordan. There's different sides to the story though. Yeah, exactly. There's different sides to the story. That's why I consider Kobe a GOAT because of his mindset, his play style. R.I.P. Just pass. R.I.P. Kobe. One year.
Where were you when you heard the news? Oh, I talked about this on the live. I was actually at work. I was lifeguarding. Yeah. And then the radio was on and that's when I heard the news. Damn, bro. Cause I remember I woke up and then I went on Instagram, obviously. Yeah. It was a minute. Like I seen TMZ reported. I was like, that, nah, that day hurt still. Yo, where were you when X died? X? Oh, I was at my soccer game. Yeah. And I was like, damn, X died, yo.
and then man's game man's like on the team came and they were like cheese because i wasn't really a big x-man like that yeah like i appreciated his music yeah yeah but like like man's on the team like really like dug into x right yeah for me like x that one hit hard because i literally used to listen during that time period i was in my sad boy thing yeah i mean but i would listen to x like every night type shit yeah so it hit different from yeah yeah hit different bro is that theory that drake killed x yeah
Yeah, that theory. Yeah, it's like what was it? No, I'm always um, triple x only time I ever shoot below the neck Oh my god, dude that made him so sus there and then remember remember x said xxxx literally said if anybody kills me Yeah, if anybody kills me, it was drake. It was drake. Oh my god. Yeah, that's what he said. Oh So what do you think? To kill x what do you think like I don't know yo
Cosmo. Because there's even some bars. Oh, yo. You know in Sicko Mode, the music video? Yeah. Do you know the theory with X? Nah, I haven't heard about the X thing. Okay, okay, okay. So in the Sicko Mode music video, right? Yeah. There was a scene where Drake's falling out of the sky. Oh, yeah. There's a meteor. Yeah. And he's falling out of the sky. And then this meteor crashes down on a person that looks exactly like X. Like dreads. Oh, like the... Jean jacket, everything. What?
Like they made him look like X on purpose. Oh, like the silhouette of X. No, like a person that looked just like X. They show the face? No, not. There's like the back, the back. But look, look, look. It was a, it was a meteor. Drake is crashing. And then the meteor lands on one person. Boom. And then it's the one that looks like X. It's a person that looks like X. Tell me why. Why would they add that in the music video? Yo.
Why would they add that music video? Because if you think about it, X is, X would have been kind of like the next biggest thing. Yeah, he would have been the next biggest thing. Bro, but look, keep in mind, keep in mind. Yeah, this is when X was like blowing up from the second album, right? And then Drake was beefing with X. Yeah, over a thing, the song. Yeah, over the song when he copied his flow off Look At Me.
Yeah. With KMT. So Drake copied his flow and then they were beefing and then X said all this shit about his mom. Oh yeah. Remember? Yeah. And then that's when X is like, if anyone tries to kill me, it was Drake. Oh my God. Now they added this shit in the music video. They definitely filmed it before X's death. You know what I mean? Because it came out like during X's death type of thing. Yeah. Like in June, I think, right? Around that time. Around that time, the summer. Yeah.
But they would have filmed that before he died. So that's why it came through. It was still in the music video. Yeah. But there's literally a clear image of someone that looks like X. Just like X. And then gets crushed by a meteor that was Drake. So it was planned. Everything was planned. It was planned, fam. And then that's how the rollout, the I'm upset thing happened. Yeah, exactly. That's how the rollout came. Yo. And then the push of T-Beef was to hide that.
Yo. Yo. I was waiting for that one. The push of tea. Drake beef was all a hoax. Nah, that's crazy. Yo, what if it was and Kanye was in on it? Nah, that's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. Nah, I think they were definitely beefing in real life though. I don't think like... Bro, but the Drake and X beef, like...
That was... That was like... I saw... Because we forgot all about that. You know what I mean? We forgot all about that shit. Because like... I looked at the ex beef and I was like... Oh, another little rapper. Yeah. Trying to mess with Drake. And yo... When Drake was on sicko mode, he was dissing everybody. He was dissing Kanye. He was going at everyone. He was going at everybody. Everybody. So it would make sense. Might as well throw X in there. He was beefing with him at the time too. I don't care if you're dead. I'll beef with you still. Wasn't it? No, but he would have made it before he died though. Oh yeah. So it would have been valid to beef with him. Mm.
Oh, man. There's no doubt that was a shot at X. No doubt that like the meteor hitting him. Yeah, the message on the music video. Yeah, that was a shot at X. Even like X's team like called it out. That's some... Oh, they called it out? Yeah, they called it out. I didn't see that. I think his boy Tank, he was like, no, that's f***. Like you shouldn't be doing that shit. Because I mean, Drake literally has the power to do that shit. You know what I mean? Yeah, bro. He has all the money in the world. Same GTA life.
Think about getting the new console. The new PS5, Xbox. I don't play games like that no more, bro. Yeah, bro. Games don't hit different. But like, I might get PS5 just to play GTA still. Oh, f***. Low key? I need to play GTA. Like, then you can say it? Yeah, I need to. F***.
i'm gonna have to save money then yeah i was thinking like i have to get a 4k tv or don't you have a pc though nah nah just a laptop still why don't you get a pc i don't know it's just like you're not into pc gaming nah not like that to be honest i feel like suits you though it suits you yeah like i don't know it's like it'll run better with games if that makes sense oh like xy i mean a ps5 yeah then a ps5 like you can customize it and everything
That's why PC is better nowadays. Like for a lot of people. True. Cause like right now, I don't really. Bro, I say get a PC. I say get a PC. Low key. But the thing is like, I don't know. It's just like right now, I just need a laptop. Yeah. There's a couple games that I can run on my laptop. Word, word, word. Couple games. But again, like those heavy, heavy games. Yeah. I need to get a, I need to get a gaming laptop. Yeah. Gaming laptops. For editing and shit. Those are nice. But like,
I don't know maybe a PS5 I don't know it's a different like feeling with the controller yeah yeah it's like 2k and stuff like that yo I talked about this with Gavin but like if you would if you would go into any video game in real life what would you oh what world would you go into what world would I go into
Probably be one of those like Free roam games Like GTA Like GTA? Yeah That's what Gavin said But GTA is so like It's kind of a basic answer It's just It's just It's just real life Yeah real life You know what I mean? It's just real life Once I hit LA I'm going to my crib GTA No not this one This one Yeah This one's San Andreas Yeah Bro like Fam
- What game would I go into? - I said, - What you said? - I said Mortal Kombat. - Mortal Kombat? - Yeah, Mortal Kombat. - You're trying to get . - No, but Mortal Kombat, but I get powers too. - Oh, you have your own thing? - Yeah, I have powers and shit. I can do flames or whatever, or fly.
Who you beefing with in Mortal Kombat? The most. I'll beef with someone like regular. Mad regular. So you look sick? Yeah. I'm not beefing with Scorpion. I'm not beefing with like Sub-Zero. Oh man. I'll beef with the fucking like Liu Kang. Because he can fight. Oh, but he has flames though. What's your special move going to be? I don't know. That's tough. I don't know. That's tough. Maybe like electricity and shit. Like Raiden. Oh yeah. How does it go again? It's like...
he goes oh man what world would i be in though what games are there because you can even do if you're a big star wars fan you can say star wars yeah if you're like a pokemon fan i would say pokemon i would say pokemon yeah probably 2k 2k that's the lamest answer fam imagine 2k no i can't think of anything no what games are there i can't think of any
there's a lot oh uncharted uncharted or even like tomb raider that'd be crazy no uncharted i think yeah yeah for me still because that that's one of the games i loved growing up i was like one of the only games that i was allowed to play yeah so uncharted was like teen rated so i could play uncharted fam i really want to go on an adventure like that bro oh like to like the middle east or something yeah or like um like a mission you know what i mean no just
Find a purpose. Yeah. That'd be sick. But then that's your peak, Loki. What do you mean? That's like reaching your peak. No, but then you can go on other adventures. Oh, like it's like a side mission kind of? Yeah. Loki, I always wanted to go on f***ing like a mystery adventure. A quest. A quest. I know how like nerdy that shit sounds, but imagine like let's say you're a Tomb Raider situation where you have to go and get this special relic or some shit. Yeah. And you got to fight off like freaking...
damn and then the other adventurers trying to find it too you like and then you go like go to like egypt and stuff yeah and you can't you uncover like mysteries and stuff i think there's like there has to be like those type of things in real life in real life like programs damn that'd be insane imagine imagine if some shit like that happened in real life oh like you have to save the world or something damn yo you know what i never thought about that because there should be i never really thought about like
If the world has ever been at the sake of somebody's hands and somebody tried to stop the world, there's probably some heroes we don't know about. Oh, like Captain America? No, not even Captain. I mean like... Like in our world? Let's say there was a terrorist organization that was going to kill everybody. What if they stopped some shit behind the scenes but we never knew about it? Oh, it just kept it quiet. Yeah. Yeah.
And kept the citizens safe. Yeah, like spies and shit? Yeah. Yo. Like, what if the world wars almost happened, like, multiple times, but it's been stopped? Because World War III. Yeah. That was stopped. Yeah. How, though? We didn't hear about it ever since. Bro. Yo.
Because there's 100% some unknown hero, even military, even like, let's say the Navy SEALs. We don't really hear about them. You know what I mean? Yeah, not really. Because they're classified. It's classified. It's just we fund them. That's it. That's all we know. It's classified information. Like we won't know about these details of the operations they've done. But shit, that shit happened. You know what I mean? That's crazy, yo.
You ever really take that in? I never really took that. I just bagged that till now too. Damn, bro. And then what if, what if, what if there's like a freaking, let's say an alien threat that happened and then that shit all got like. That's the biggest thing. Like some shit like that happened and somebody saved the world and stopped that shit from happening. But we didn't know about it. Because it was right before. Like we were oblivious, feel me? Yeah.
damn you think there's life on like other than earth 100 100 100 you think there's like another galaxy yeah bro bro there's literally if you our galaxy is an infinite number of galaxies yeah i don't think people understand like there's infinite situations of this like this could happen on somewhere else yeah like exactly this moment oh like it's just different simulations of different not even simulations but universes bro
because a universe is crazy like it's actually crazy it's actually crazy because a universe is literally oh not it's not just a world it's a collection of worlds yeah hell right yeah because you have a galaxy and then galaxies are part of other galaxies galaxies are part of other bigger galaxies and then bigger galaxies and bigger it's infinite fam it's infinite that's what i've always wondered that like what if there's
like a next galaxy yo like different 100% bro 100% because why would god only make earth yo do you ever hear about that theory where um aliens might just might just be watching us as a experiment oh like like life on earth may have may have just been an experiment and they're just studying us and then they shut it down one day no not shutting it down but they're just studying us like how we live
damn just like how how we put monkeys in a in a zoo and we watch them and study them oh so it's an infinite but aliens are at the top yeah yo yo oh my god like they're watching us what and then the few times where there's been like sightings and shit were those few times they almost got caught oh and they got fired yeah but bro if you really think about it because i i never really said this but
When you watch those National Geographic movies, right? Yeah. With their studying the animals. They never go straight up to the animals. Feel me? They watch it from far behind. So the aliens are doing the same shit too. If they're going to study us, they don't want to be seen. They're not going to let us know we're watching them. Same with the animals, fam. The animals are living their regular life. They're hunting these other animals. They're in the wildlife chilling. They don't know we exist. They just do what they do.
yeah they do their thing we're studying them yeah and then what if it's like that
But aliens are doing that to us. Yo. Where we're just doing our thing, but low-key, they're up there watching us. And they're like, yo, they started a podcast, yo. Yeah. Damn, bro. And then they're looking down like, yo, this kid knows something, stop. Yo, yo, we got one, we got one, we got one. Yeah, agent. Hey, yo, shut it down right now. Oh, man. You think someone from the government's always watching us? I think so. I think so. They're always listening.