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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Carlos Juico
Myles V
Carlos Juico:在疫情初期,超市的卫生纸被抢购一空,这是一种不合理的现象。人们抢购卫生纸的行为很荒谬,因为可以用其他东西代替。对卫生纸限购的行为很荒谬。疫情期间,老年人因为抢购而无法获得足够的卫生纸,这令人感到难过。他喜欢低价购买商品,然后高价转售。他通过转售限量版球鞋赚取了利润。他通过帮助朋友获得食物而被邀请加入一个群聊。他专注于健身,所以很少看手机。他因为深蹲重量过大而损伤了膝盖。他认为一些格斗运动员身材偏瘦但速度很快。拳击比赛中,速度和技巧比体型更重要。体型庞大的拳击手更具威慑力。他认为6ix9ine在未来一两年内可能会遇害。他认为6ix9ine告密的原因。他播放了一个恶作剧视频,导致家人生气。他想在大型演讲厅里播放恶作剧声音。他认为生活不会完全恢复正常。 Myles V:不同文化对个人卫生的习惯不同。人们根据自身条件选择不同的卫生方式。人们对卫生纸的抢购行为是盲目的。他不喜欢排队购买限量商品。他认同Carlos的转售策略。他很少使用手机。他过去身材偏瘦但腹部脂肪较多。他通过运动减肥,但最初方法不当,后来才开始系统的健身计划。他通过科学的饮食和健身计划改善了身材。他不断设定新的健身目标来激励自己。他的理想身材是肌肉发达的体型。他认为服用类固醇需要付出更大的努力。不同的健身者采用不同的训练方法。找到适合自己身体的训练方法很重要。健身需要找到平衡点。健身需要坚持,但也要避免过度训练。健身房人数限制影响了他的训练计划。居家锻炼的效果不如在健身房锻炼。他认为一些格斗运动员身材偏瘦但速度很快。安迪·鲁伊兹的胜利证明了速度在拳击比赛中的重要性。体型庞大的拳击手更具威慑力。泰森·富里的成功并非完全取决于其体型。有人认为泰森·富里在比赛中作弊,用拳套内侧击打对手。泰森·富里可能利用拳套内侧击打对手获得优势。泰森·富里在GQ采访中自曝每天手淫五次。泰森·富里在直播中使用种族歧视性语言。泰森·富里不在乎公众舆论。6ix9ine拥有强大的安保团队。6ix9ine曾被自己的手下绑架。他理解6ix9ine告密的原因。他觉得在家人面前观看色情场景很尴尬。他想学习Gary Vee的激励课程。他认为生活不会完全恢复正常。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the unexpected scarcity of toilet paper at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, attributing it to panic buying and the psychological impact of seeing empty shelves.

Shownotes Transcript


yeah so toilet paper yeah so i'm working in the grocery store obviously so i see like we get tons of toilet paper toilet paper and like when kobe first started that was on the shelf for like seven o'clock in the morning it opened up yeah that was gone bro like i couldn't get toilet paper myself i worked at the store i could literally like for myself when when when the lockdown started or like when like

right when right when lockdown started no right when they mentioned like covid because i don't know why because then we went into lockdown right after right they started shutting oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so like right as soon as that happened stores seven o'clock in the morning toilet paper is gone then they have to put i don't know what like i don't know why toilet paper is a thing like it doesn't make sense right like yeah like toilet paper what the you can wipe your ass with anything you can wash your ass with water the people

do that people do that bro like that's what I'm saying bro my cult like I know certain people like no offense to no white people but I have white friends like they don't have buckets in their house bro they don't they don't have buckets in their house I got buckets bro now you know what I think I think it's an ethnic thing though to have like the water the water bucket right bro yes yes bro I think it's cause in Tagalog we call it a tabo yeah

But we call it like a Like a bidet Or some shit Oh yeah yeah I have a bidet and shit Oh it's like the hose one Yeah we don't I don't have that in my house But if you go to like my uncle's house In like Dubai or something They have that shit hooked up to the wall Oh weird Yeah you sit there Let that shit flow But yo Uh We have like the bucket Like we just have a fucking You know like the fucking Yo I know what you're talking about Like a pail It's like a Yeah you know when you put milk in that Like you get like the milk bags Yeah we do that too Yeah you just don't put the milk bags in bro You just Wait exactly the milk thing? Yeah yeah

Nah, because we use like a pale... You know when you go play with the sand and shit? Yeah, yeah, yeah. In Asian stores, they have them. It's like a little... It's like a pot, but it's plastic. It's like plastic. But that's what we use. We just work with what we got, you know what I mean? We don't have a specific store and we get like ass-washing buckets. Yeah, that's true. That's true stuff. No, but we...

I have it's just like that but yo I remember like every time my white friends would come over yeah to just hide the bucket and be like nah but just put the bucket away my girlfriend comes over put the bucket away but yo I think what it is because toilet paper it comes in such a big package you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah so I think what started the whole like hype of oh the toilet paper is gone is because when you when you take a

a thing of toilet paper, it leaves a big space. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you look at, let's say a shelf full of stock, right? You take a can, one can isn't going to make the whole thing look empty, but one thing of toilet paper, cause you can only put how much toilet paper in like one shelf. Yeah. So like, let's say you have like 10 toilet papers, right? You take two or three of them out. It's going to look emptier, way emptier than like if you took one can out. So I think that's why, bro. I think it's cause like you see such a big space in it.

they're like oh the toilet is gone it's like we got to get totally we got to get totally paper

you know what i mean that's probably why yeah i know well i still find it ridiculous it is it's stupid it's stupid because they have to put a limit on it right they're like two like two toilet paper like two packages per family why do you even need to put a limit saying only two per family i don't even need two big 40 something packs like yeah exactly exactly how much are you shitting in a day bro like you don't i know and i felt so bad because like the the older people that that got there late they couldn't even get like so they had to use like

tissue paper yeah that was the worst too that was the worst people like people who need toilet paper yeah they're just like do you have any more in the back i'm like shit like no like i know i can't i'm my bad that's crazy bro like it's it's the same thing with like people i feel like nowadays people love to like line up and shit you know yeah it's just a fucking fad yeah like like they they want to they want to be a part of like something something special like line up yeah for like whether it be shoes and shit oh yeah you ever line up for shoes or not no

Never You're not about that right I'm not like a major I'm not like I'm not like you I'm not like a huge sneaker head Yo I only lined up ever Like three times In my life For shoes Yeah I only ever lined up Like three times Cause I'm not about that either I don't wanna like I don't have the patience That's the thing I'll wait Like I'll buy If I like shoes I'll buy it off of like Stock accessories

Yeah Cause If you like it that much I'm not gonna wait like that long That's what I mean Cause I'm more of like a But I just sell Like I'll buy it And I'll sell it like later bro Yeah you You do that I sell my shit Because I know I know like people are gonna want it later on

Yeah Bro my red My fucking Toro bra was the fuck The fours The Toro fours yeah Those are fire bro Yeah bro You sold those Yeah I sold those I sold those I bought it for $250 from Hotbox Yeah But you know Hotbox right Yeah I bought only $250 And they're in like decent conditions And they go for like six bills now I sold it for like $560 or $550 Damn

That's good That's good shit That's my mentality bro It's like you buy If I buy that shit cheap And I know I'm keeping it In good condition I just resell it Yeah yeah yeah And then yeah bro Like I'm making That's why I started Making money before Getting a job Cause I couldn't get a job Oh word Yeah bro I hate it I remember that's how Oh in like high school Yeah yeah The whole top 7 bro

bro that's how I was that's how I came because I remember Charin bro this guy needed money he needed money because he wanted he needed to get something to eat and everyone was eating oh yeah I remember that I remember oh yeah that's why we added you in the group chat yeah yeah first week I got my job bro I'm like I know how this shit feels like Charin give me your e-transfer bro like you were hungry bro I know you blessed him bro and you got a whole meal bro and then that's what I was like oh I think you deserve to be in the chat I'm like what the fuck is this and then we added you to the group chat and it was like what is this yeah

Because we had a main group chat. And then we had a separate one that was like the goats. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the closest man. But think, I'm not even in the group chat. I remember I'd be like...

respond i'll respond the group chat like after so we started like 10 days oh shit this guy's still alive like yeah because you're on your grandfam like we don't hear from you a lot though yeah i just i'm barely on my phone bro because like i'm grinding at the fucking gym bear yeah you're grinding at the gym for that that was a huge like before covid hit i was like in there like yo what motivated you to be like oh yeah i want to get these i want

Get these This is a story bro This is a story So my whole life I've been like You know what skinny fat is right What? You've been skinny fat? You can't tell Because I wear my shirt But I have like A huge ass waist Like just midsection Was so What? Yeah I would've never known Fat You can't tell bro Because my arms were like skinny So I just look like skinny

right so i was like looking i'm looking in the mirror one day i'm like bro actually like i hate this shit yeah yeah i hate it so like i woke up and i started doing push-ups started going on like 10k runs 5k oh shit like crazy yeah i lost so much of that like fat i went from like 160 no 170 i was 170 pounds yeah it was all in my midsection pure fat yeah and then i dropped it to 140 so i got my abs and shit and everything but like i still wasn't you went from 140 170 or 140 yeah

Because, you know, but I didn't do it properly because I was I wasn't eating right. Like I just I didn't. Oh, you weren't like watching. Yeah, it was just an unhealthy weight loss. And I just tiny and shit. So then I was like, OK, now I need to like this. You did like research and shit. Yeah. I'm like, I look like I still look like shit. I'm not happy. So that's when I started like fucking I went to the gym, took it to the next level. Yeah. Started eating. This guy came out Johnny Sins. Bro, shake my head. Bro.

And yeah, just fucking now I'm way, now I'm happy still. But like, actually I'm never really happy. I'm always like setting more goals. That's what like motivates me. What's your, what's your ideal, ideal like physique? Like what are you, what are you going for? I'm going to be fucking massive.

Massive. Okay, like, if you're gonna say, like, a celebrity or, like, someone from a movie, because I always do that. I do that. Oh, The Rock? I wouldn't be that big, bro. Yeah? Yeah, I wouldn't be fucking massive. I wouldn't be able to take those 100-pound dumbbells and just fucking warming up for that shit. Damn. I want to be, bro. That's what I want to get. That's hard work. That's, like, Mr. Olympia type shit. Yeah, oh, if I wish I could be on that type of level, bro. Damn. Not even, like, but, like, I'm not even about steroids or nothing like that. Yeah, yeah.

Well, what do you think about that? What do you think about, like, performance enhancing and, like, hormones? I have a lot of friends that do it. It's not easy. People think, oh, yeah, taking steroids is an easy way out. It's not. You got to work 10 times harder, bro. Because that shit, it, like, it speeds up everything, right? But you got to eat. Like, it's hard to eat, bro. You got to eat a lot. Like, good shit, super clean and all that shit. Mm-hmm.

You gotta work out Cause you still have to train right Oh you gotta train like crazy It's not like you just Take stay over And you wake up But I heard I heard you can like Lift light Is that true? You can lift like light weights Yeah you can A lot of like bodybuilders bro They only use light weights They use light weights And they just fucking get a massive pump Mmm

That's the thing But then people train heavy too It's like Your body is different Like Whatever works for your body Yeah yeah That's true that's true For me I train super heavy Super heavy yeah For what my body weight is Yeah Cause that's just what I like doing And I see improvements So you go You go like less volume But more heavy Oh yeah Yeah I

My dad always told me, he was like, don't squat. You know, heavyweights. I'm like, no, I'm squatting heavyweights. What? I love squatting. I busted my knee from, you know how much I'm squatting. I went from 315 squat to I can't even bench. I'm sorry. I can't even squat like two plates. Barely. Word down. And my knee's fucked. It like clicks every time and it hurts like crazy. Yeah, isn't that bad? Like over time, right? I went down on a squat, bro. Yeah. And my knee popped. Oh, man.

And that's why My dad was right still My dad was just Told you so That's what's gonna happen You just gotta like You live and you learn though Yeah you gotta balance it You gotta find out What's best for you and shit Yeah

Because do you believe in like, because a lot of people say the best way to train is so you can train tomorrow. You get what I mean? It's never like, it's never like you bust your ass one day. Do you train like that or do you bust your ass? Well, here's the thing. No one's going to be, you're not going to be fully motivated all the time. Like you're going to have days where like, I've had days where I've just been so like, I'm not, I don't want to go to the gym. I don't want to work out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how you know you're overtraining. Like people say there's no such thing as overtraining. There is, there is for sure, for sure. There's, there's, you can't, you're going to burn yourself out. And you lose motivation. You're like, I don't want to do this shit no more.

That happened to me Right now I'm in that stage bro Cause like I can't go to the gym Like I have a gym membership But it's like 10 people Allowed in the gym Yeah So I can't even It gets filled up Or the site crashes I go in at 12 I'm sitting there at 11.59 Yeah yeah Try to refresh the page Shit crashes It's like a sneaker drop Like a supreme shit Gotta get some bots For that shit to get you Yeah Bots for the joke So

you do like uh home workouts yeah but it's not the same it's not the same right because you have your weights now yeah it's so low i can't sit there do 50 push-ups bro like i oh you can uh like i can do whatever i want to but the motivation just isn't there word because there's a point where i when i was working out i did like i would do like three sets of 100 push-ups like just just so i can try and build because i don't i really have i have small weights here yeah yeah so i don't really like work out like

that i never even went to the gym and like benched a lot i never really did that i just did a lot of like calisthenics and shit and boxing right yeah yeah you're a you're a boxer as well yo you know what i noticed though i don't know i don't know if this is true but the most these people like in fighting they're pretty slow that's the only thing i heard that like in fighting i heard that too like i heard what's that guy's name um who's the guy that beat anthony joshua the fat fat mexican guy oh

andy andy ruiz andy ruiz or something i don't even know his name the mexican guy yeah you know what i'm talking about yeah he's quick yeah he's not carrying like a lot of muscle yeah his arms are just he's quick as shit bro that's that's basically how we beat andy dosha but andy dosha my favorite boxer of all time bro yeah i love that guy he's like superman though he's like oh yeah he's but like that's what i think that's what gave him the edge in there because even though any like any ruiz like yeah his name is he's like um he's

fatter he literally looks like yeah the mexican uncle you know like the tito but he's quick yeah he's quick man like i saw that fight i was actually so pissed but i'm like yo anthony joshua took that shit so like because yo you know what it is because when when people regular people see like a fight they always go after like oh this guy has a nicer physique so he's probably better oh yeah well like it's not it's not necessarily like how you the hell they look it's

always like how they can move, how they can perform. Oh yeah. Cause if you look at even like, look at like Nate Diaz, right? Yeah. Like Nate Diaz isn't the most D's guy. Look at him, Ryan Garcia. Yeah. Right. That kid's insane. Yeah. Ryan Garcia is crazy. And he doesn't, he's not like the most D's. Nah. Like he's lean, but like, he's not like D's. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Right? That's facts That's what I'm saying I feel like the people With less muscle mass Are just quick But the bands With the muscle They look nice though Yeah You're definitely scared If I was to hop into the ring With a man like Deontay Wilder's not even A good fighter But if I stepped in

Yeah. Because he's so big. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Tyson Fury is actually really good. He's good. You don't look... He doesn't look... See, it's the same thing. It's the same thing. He doesn't look the most... You can't even see his abs, fam. Yeah, I know. You know what I mean? He used to be fat. Like, really fat. Have you ever seen a before and after picture? Nah, I haven't. I haven't. Put that on the screen, bro. My man was like... Gut was massive, bro. He lost bigger weight. And I got into boxing, I guess. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yo, you want to hear a crazy theory, though? Okay, so... Tyson Fury, right? You know when Tyson Fury boxes? Yeah. They said...

the theory was that he was cheating because he would punch people with the inside of his glove i've i heard about you heard about that right yeah and i've seen in the fight too you can he they pointed it out yeah like he would go like this and then like his his glove would like go backwards yeah because he would hit him with like this and this is like really hard you know because it's not padded right because because the glove is only padded in the front because that's what you're gonna hit with yeah but this guy was like hitting him with with the inside

Yeah. So what if that's like why he got all those knockdowns? He gave them knockdowns because he was hitting them with like a straight bow and found. I'm going to be honest, bro. Like the referee didn't call him nothing. He didn't call nothing. That's the thing though. That's the thing. He didn't call nothing. Yeah. It's a dub and less contested. Yeah. But imagine though, like that's the reason he won. Yeah. You know what else he said? He said like, I think it was in his DQ interview. He's like,

this is my this is my special you know you know the you know the GQ interview where like it's like my essentials and shit yeah you take out like this there's a little bottle it's like this is my special lubricant and he's like and he deadass said like I jack off like five times a day like deadass he said that on camera he said that on camera on GQ

This guy's weird bro This guy said he jacks off Five times a day I don't think he cares though Because he was on live Do you see that thing Where he was on live And he dropped the n-word Oh what I didn't even know that He dropped the n-word He was singing a song He just dropped the n-word for him

I'm like, damn. And then he was going to hate on it, but you can't get... What are you going to do? Fight him? Yeah, you can't get cancelled, bro. He doesn't care. If you don't care, you're not going to get cancelled. Yeah, that's facts. That's facts. Like, look at 6ix9ine, bro. 6ix9ine's calling out, like... Meek Mill never did a video of Meek Mill, bro. I'm like, what are you doing? Bro, this guy's like... He's like unstoppable, fam. Yeah, did you see what he did to Vaughn? Yeah, he's like, I bet King Vaughn won't join my life. Bro...

I bet $100 or some shit. He does not value his life. He doesn't value his life, bro. Like, these people definitely want to kill him. Yeah, but he's like, he's probably so, like, his security is probably off the fucking line. Oh, yeah. Did you see, if you saw the Nelk video he did with 6ix9ine and Nelk? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This guy had, like, a whole army with him, fam. It's literally like a SWAT team with him. Really?

So no one's running up on 6ix9ine. Yeah, that's true. Because, you know, I don't think he'd be talking that much shit if he did not have protection like that. This guy easily spends six figures, like, on security. Easily. Fuck.

He needs to. He'll die. Bro, he can't be calling out King Vaughn and all the people fucking showing up on... He's on O-Block or something like that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know that shit? He'd just be chilling. I know. He would not be interested in beefing with people like Cheap Keef and shit like that? Nah. Bro. Okay, what do you think the future for 6ix9ine is? For 6ix9ine? Yeah, the future for 6ix9ine. I think he's going to die in the next year or two. You think so? I think so. There's no way. Because people have been saying that since the start. I'm still thinking it's going to happen, bro. He can't be talking that much shit and just... I know.

Or something's gonna happen. He's definitely gonna get, like, hospitalized or some shit. Oh, wait, remember he got kidnapped, though? Yeah, yeah. He got kidnapped and shit. That was fucked. By his own mans. Yeah, that whole thing was... I don't even... Those guys are only with him to, like, use him for, like, publicity. Yeah, that's why. But then he goes and stitches on it. Like, you made it even worse, man. I know. His reason was because, like, his... What, like...

They would like Fuck his girl I know Yo okay If you're in 6ix9ine's position But the thing is The street code means Like you can't I know but But like I see Cause I watch a lot of 6ix9ine's interviews right And I kinda I kinda understood Where he was coming from Like I'm not saying I love 6ix9ine and shit But like Yeah

like he had points you know i mean he had points he was like why be loyal to people that weren't loyal to you yeah you know i mean because that's kind of true that's kind of true it is i can see why he snitched but it's like you tell anyone that in like the street they're not gonna give a shit i know i know because no one on the street they have a different like mindset code yeah like snitch you're stitched like it doesn't matter what like i don't care if i fucked your girl like you can't snitch yeah it doesn't matter but like any i

Put anybody else in that position I feel like they'll snitch Because he's not He's not a gangster bro He's not He's not He's like He's like us You know what I mean So obviously he's gonna snitch Yeah He's just There's like publicity It's not like you should expect him to Either You know what I mean The thing is That's what made his songs go hard Posted with the gang Yeah I know I know Everywhere I know And like The song Like the lyrics made no fucking sense But the shit cause it banged Yeah And the music video banged

A lot? That's why. That's why. Like back in the day, back in, when was this? Like grade 10 in high school, right? Yeah. You play Gomo? Who?

At the parties? Yeah, bro. Bro, that just made me fucking remember something, bro. I don't know if you were in this class. I think you were in this class, bro. Me and Eric, we walked through the halls on lunch. And we'd connect to people's air plays or the Apple plays. And we played Billy one day. What? Everybody was in the class. My phone connected to the screen. No way. And we played Billy. You know, the beginning was like, let your nuts drive. It was playing. Bam.

Hanging in the classroom. And the teacher just turned off the thing real quickly and was yelling at the class. But me and Eric were on the, like, outside the door dying. And, like, I think, I don't know who was in the class, but they all saw us. Like, dude, it was us, bro. That shit was so funny. In those high school days, like, that was us. Oh, so you're out in the hall, like, connecting. That's jokes, bro. That's jokes. I thought you were in that class, but I guess not. Nah, I don't think I was. It was, like, a computer class. Like, not a computer class. Like, an editing class or some shit like that. Oh, wait. It was Mr. Pazani's class? I think so, yeah. To be honest.

Yo, you know what I always wanted to do for a prank? I always wanted to like, you know in lectures? The big ass lecture halls. Like sometimes you have it in like a big ass theater too. I always wanted to, and it's dark. I always wanted to take like a Bluetooth speaker and hide it like in the front, like near the teacher. Go all the way up to the top and then just like play something funny. Yeah, bro. Like the fucking, that moany shit that you get when you open the phone. You open, you're watching a quiet video and you put the volume up. Yeah. And then just that fucking same sound keeps playing. Or play that doop-tsch.

Yeah, I was chilling in my room and Gavin Gavin sound like a video in the group chat Yeah, and it was like of his face. Oh, no, it was me. I said that. Okay. Yeah, I did it with Gavin's face Yeah, and that shit went off or it wasn't in my room. I wasn't like the other everyone My whole family was down there. Yeah, that shit went off. It was loud as shit. And my dad hears it comes running into the office Like what the hell are you doing?

I'm like bro chill to show him Gavin's face and shit like that nah cause backstory I made I made like one of those one of those trap memes like the to trap people yeah so I put like a picture of Gavin it was like a video of Gavin and then in the background the audio was just the moaning like the meme moaning that was the one but you got me in so much shit bro oh my god my parents bro they gave me a talk I'm like bro it's not me you had to show them yeah

Oh my god bro That's so awkward though I hate when that happens Like you gotta Now it happens to my dad a lot Cause he has a group chat With his friends Oh yeah yeah And my uncle My uncle's in there In that group chat And he's just like Oof man Yeah And he'll send that shit And my dad will be in public That shit will go off And he's like What the Like what the

What the fuck? You're tearing this shit off. I'm dying. Like, I don't know how it feels. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I hate too? Like, you know when you're watching a movie with your family and then all of a sudden, like, the scene comes on? Oh, yeah. And you gotta, like... Yeah, it's awkward for me. It's so awkward, bro. My parents still tell me to, like, obviously hide my eyes right now, but it's just weird. It's just weird. I can't, like, watch a sex scene. Both my parents are chilling there. I'm just like, oh, shit. It's just weird. I don't even know what that is. A lie? Yeah, that's, like, so oblivious, bro. Crazy. I think eventually...

I really want like a Gary Vee course on. Oh, you don't know Gary Vee? It's just like a motivational speaker. Yeah, that type of shit. Yo, honestly, do you think I could be a motivational speaker? Yeah, you could, bro. I've always thought of doing that too. Yeah. I lowkey want to try. I feel like people want to hear me talk that shit. Yeah, yeah, bro. Especially with this going on, you know? Maybe one day, one day. You should do it. Like TED Talks and shit. That'd be dope. Did you ever do a TED Talk? Nah, never. I would be too scared to do that. Yeah, I don't know.

Like back in the day, like I would not want to do that shit. But now with all the shit that I know. You grow. Yeah. I feel like, I feel like I have shit to say now. Oh yeah. Cause when we were in high school, like I didn't really have anything to say. Like what am I going to say? Like, Oh, talk about the planets. You know what I mean? Talk about it. But now like I have like real life experience. That's what you need for a good Ted talk to get the people focused. Yeah. Cause I would do the same shit with like gym wise.

Like motivational wise Like that way Yeah yeah yeah I was always thinking Of doing that too I'm actually good to do that now Yeah I did In the past I would be like that I am bro Hit me with a theory right now Alright so There's a You know the pyramids of Egypt right Yeah So people say that They were built by like Aliens

Yeah That's like a common thing Yeah yeah So I was telling you Starting to tell you earlier man So there was a There was a drone That was flown into the pyramids Like there's a video on this There's video proof It's flown into the pyramids Yeah And like the whole time The drone's going into Like one of the holes in the pyramids Just keeps going Keeps going Wait wait how So they flew it Like illegally Or they flew it like I don't think I don't know if it was legally Or not Yeah

So some underground shit. So you go in, they go into the pyramid. It's like some like open hole in the pyramid. So they go to the center of the pyramid. There's someone standing in the pyramid. What? What?

there's like some sort of figure in the pyramid there's a video of on this there's like a person like a person like i don't know it's the video is like blurry but it's a legit video yeah it's like they're full it's some person's just in there or some object or something's floating so people were saying yeah that that was like an entrance into like like another world like an alternate dimension yeah so like the underworld or something oh yo because because there's a lot of stories like that's like a gatekeeper

Yeah yeah yeah Like it would lead you to Or yeah It's like a It's like a bridge From this world To like the afterlife Yeah But like Egyptian The ancient Egyptians Always talked about The afterlife And like you can enter there Like as if Like they went there and back Yeah yeah yeah Cause they have those hieroglyphics right Yeah A lot of that shit's like

It's like a lot of shows Like some weird civilization But it looks like A futuristic type of civilization I know that's a thing But like It doesn't look like It could be It could have even been A thing in the past Yeah It's different That's what I mean When I saw the video Yeah yeah And it looked like It looked like a tall figure And it just looked like It could be like Gateway to like Like a person Like a Underworld or something Could you see like a face or not It wasn't like a clear picture Of a face But you could tell It was a person Yeah

The fuck? There's a video on it. You can just search that shit up. Yeah. Yo, you know what's crazy to think about? You ever watch Futurama? I watched a few times, but no, I'm not listening. You ever watch, like, the first episode of it or not? No. So, in the first episode, the guy, the main character, Fry, he, like, gets locked into, like, a cryogenic chamber, right? And then, like, he sleeps for, like, a million or a thousand years. So, while he's, like, sleeping in the thing, in the window, it shows, like, shit that's going by, time going by. Yeah.

So it shows a futuristic civilization coming up and then being teared down by aliens, brought up back as like medieval times. Really? And then brought back down and then it's a futuristic civilization brought back down and then it's like olden times again. So what if, like, this is kind of crazy to say, but imagine we were already like futuristic back then or like way, way, way, way back. They had futuristic shit that we didn't have. Then all of that shit got destroyed. Yeah.

And then now we reset. And we're just kind of building it up. We're kind of building it up again. We're using like old, like the government's probably like using old stuff and not like revealing it to the public. Yeah. Because there's a common theory with Antarctica. Yeah. Because you remember when the Ice Age happened, right? Yeah.

Antarctica used to used to inhabit like civilizations there's a theory about that and underneath Antarctica what if there's like a lost civilization like Egypt that had secrets like that you know what I mean that had like secrets of crazy shit they built cause look at the fucking pyramids bro like we still how do you make that shit I don't think it was made by like I'm telling you it was not made by like man

- Yeah. - Made by man. There's no way. - You know what they say? They say in hieroglyphics, literally in the hieroglyphics in Egypt, they said they made the pyramids with mind control, with psychic abilities.

Like literally It says in the hieroglyphics Ram Like it says in the hieroglyphics Like they made it with With mind control With psychic ability With telekinesis and shit Well that could Totally be a possibility We wouldn't even know man Yo we wouldn't know We wouldn't know Government hides so much shit Like they could know Or they might not even know But even if they didn't know They wouldn't reveal That type of shit to the public Yo you ever heard of Project Montauk? No I haven't Bro you ever watch Stranger Things? Ugh

Nana. But you know what it's about? I've heard of it. Yeah, I know. So Stranger Things was actually based off of this government conspiracy. It's called Project Montauk. So similar in Stranger Things, there was this military base that was said to kidnap like lost children, runaway kids, even kidnap people that just went close by the area. And they would kidnap them and use them for mind control experiments and experience with psychic abilities. That's...

And that's just like, that's just like Stranger Things, right? Yeah. Because in Stranger Things, like the girl 11 had like psychic abilities and shit, right? Yeah. So fucking, bro, if all of this shit like happened before, let's say in ancient Egypt, they had psychic abilities to make those pyramids. They had it, whatever, right? And it was a normal thing. There's a gap where this shit got lost or like they stopped us from being able to do this shit. You know what I mean? Yeah.

So what if they put something like, let's say, in our water, in our food to stop us from being able to do this and then they're trying to rebuild like how we can access that shit again. Fuck, yeah. That could be a thing, bro. Yeah. We don't know what they do. What do you think, though? What do you think, fam? Bro,

Bro So you know how I brought up that thing about Like that person being in the Like in the pyramid Yeah yeah yeah That person could be someone like Isolated The person that made the pyramids Yeah That figure Could have been someone like Isolated That made the pyramids Like they're the person that made the pyramids

just hidden away. Oh, fuck. Like, fucking... Like a fucking... Like a god? Yeah, one of those people that we were talking about with that psychic abilities that built the... Or telekinesis that built the pyramids. That could be the creator in there, in that video. Just kind of, like, hibernating. Oh, shit. That's a shout, but... Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, like, it's crazy to think. Once you see the video, you'll know what I'm saying. But it's, like, it's a figure, man. It could very well be some creature that we don't even...

yeah we don't even know it's just locked away in there going back to going back to like Project Montauk fam in these experiments they used to literally try and try and use mind control try and like bring out psychic abilities within people and they were successful like there's actual files that said they were successful with it and like this is a real this is not this is not no fake shit this is like real conspiracy

You know what's even crazier, fam? So this base, this military base where they did Project Montauk, it's called Camp Hero or some shit, right? I've heard of that. You've heard of it? Camp Hero? Yeah. So what they did, they actually took Nazi scientists. Yeah. Like at the end of World War II, they actually collaborated with Nazi scientists and brought them to this place. Really? Because you know the Nazis, they were doing like crazy experiments with fucking powers to try and make super soldiers and shit. Yeah.

Even in Captain America, that was literally what they're trying to do. Make super soldiers so you can take over the world. Bro, so imagine all of that shit actually happened and they just hid it from the public. Because there's probably a lot of classified files. Do you think there might be psychics out there right now? Could be. You think so? There could be. The people, not like psychics you go see in a fucking booth or some shit like that, like a carnival. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think there could actually be probably like... No, like telekinesis, my bad. Like telekinesis and shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

There definitely could be. You think so? I remember seeing this, this like crazy Illuminati video. It was about like Chris Brown. Tell me about that. So they said in the Illuminati, they would open their third eye, right? You know the concept of the third eye, right? Yeah. So they say opening your third eye

will unlock like psychic abilities being able to see through other people's eyes shit like that so there's this video trying to break down that chris brown part of the luminati yeah supposedly was able to to see shit outside of his body with his third eye so he would like shoot he would shoot basketballs and like without looking and just go and it would swish every time and then he would like go in another room and then predict shit that was in the room but he wasn't there

And then, bro, so they showed another video of, like, this little girl, right? And she supposedly had her third eye open. She was, like, in India or something. But they showed videos of her, like, doing shit with her mind. Like, she would close her eyes and then see shit behind her. But, like, was the video tampered with? I don't know. That's the thing. That's the thing. I don't know. Some of this shit you can't even believe, you know? I mean, that's what I hate. Yeah. But, like, there's still, like, shit, like, UFO sightings, too, man.

Did you see the UFO? It was posted on CNN. That's why I believed it. What? Which one? The Pentagon released a UFO sighting on CNN posted it. What? You haven't seen that? No, I haven't seen it. It's like a satellite was picking up like... Oh, is it the blue one? No, no, no, no, no. It's like in black and white. Oh, yeah. I saw that. I saw that. Yeah, I saw that. Is that real? That's not recent though. That's not recent. That was a while ago. No, it was a while ago. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

but like on a on a incredible like news yeah bro there's dead ass so much there's so much news coming out now about like aliens and shit because there's so much other news that can yeah it's just clouding it yeah like we're not gonna look at the other shit no one even brought that up bro i'm like yo this is a big like thing yeah it's a big deal but like no one's talking about it because we're all focused on like covid and shit yeah bro and now there's a new strain from brazil or some shit it's like covid covid 21 or something right like

Crazy. I thought it was supposed to be worse. Yeah. I knew about that shit a while ago, though, because I was doing research. It just randomly popped up, like, on COVID. I learned the Brazilian one. Yeah. It was beginning, like, it began in, like, March last year. Fuck. I searched that shit up. I just came up, like, oh, it's not too bad. But, like, I was reading all this shit about it, and it was like, oh, this must be, like, even more deadly. And now it's, like, reaching here. Are you serious? It's reaching here? It might reach here. You never know. Fuck, bro. Then we're just fucked, bro. It doesn't even matter. Fuck.

Apparently, we're supposed to get vaccines in September, though. In September? I don't trust that, though. Bro, I don't know. I don't know.

doesn't it take a very long time to make a vaccine yeah it does you tell me they made a vaccine in in in a year but the thing is like they had they put so much money into it that's why but at the same time it's like if you research like i'm sure you need a lot more than years of research to to stop a global pandemic like um i wonder how long remember the stars i guess we were maybe still young yeah i knew i i wasn't even around yeah yeah

yeah we weren't even around yeah i don't know how long it took to like get a vaccine for that but i'm just thinking like a year to like make a vaccine for his family you don't know if there's side effects and shit like long-term side effects i don't know that's why everyone talking about zombies and shit like that coming oh my god like i am legend oh yeah i don't survive that shit bro because that's how i am legend started because they got a vaccine for um no no they got a cure for cancer

And then it mutated people And turned them into like Monsters Like zombies You never know man Like shit could happen Cause um Do you know Nostradamus Do you know the book Of like Nostradamus Yeah yeah yeah Yeah Somewhere in his book He's famous for like predicting Yeah Prophecies Like he predicted 9-11 Yeah I remember that Yeah yeah I have a story about that too Let's hear it Let's hear it So Nostradamus said that

the end of the world or the coming of the antichrist yeah would be like it was interpreted as um it'd be like some some guy who was whose father's name was muhammad or something so like from the middle east okay from the middle east and that guy would start world war three okay so this is me i'm tripping bro i'm at school one day yeah i'm gonna take you back all the way to grade grade 12 i watched a video you know what apex tv is it's like uh x tv you

Gaming? No no It's on YouTube And it's like They always interview Some like people From like the future Or some shit like that Oh okay okay It's weird It's weird You wouldn't believe it If you see it right? Yeah So one day I just seen that It was like oh Future Or guy from 2021 Interview from guy from 2021 2020 Or some shit like that Oh I think I remember that Yeah yeah I saw that video Yeah And he's talking about

oh the end of the world is going to be in 2020 and it's going to start with world war three yeah so i read this thing about nostradamus like a little bit after i seen that yeah so you imagine everything's everything's coming to play right 2020 talking about world war three beefing with iraq i know i don't know iran iran yeah fucking middle east right that's like look in the middle east right yeah so i'm like oh shit yeah it's lining up so i'm like damn like at first i'm like there's no way you can start a

country as small as like Iran and then the States I don't think that'd be I don't think Iran would like no but they have allies that's why that's then yeah then that set in yeah Middle East got their back to them like everyone from the Middle East Russia has their back Russia has their back to it's a big it could turn into a big war I'm like yeah I start thinking about this

This video. I'm like, this is crazy. So I do some more research. Thank God it didn't happen. Yeah, yeah. I do some more research. What do you say? I'm like, who's the most dangerous man in Iran or in the Middle East? Yeah. The guy's name is Mohammed bin Laden.

The guy's name was Muhammad So I'm like Yo We're about to die bro World War 3 is happening Bruh Muhammad Like bro The guy's name was Muhammad So I was like Okay yo Like this is all adding up now Like he could He can have a son Yeah He doesn't even have a son bro He could still have a son That could be the antichrist

That's what Nasr Nafis was saying It's a shout But yo Everything was just too perfect It just lined up in the place And the thing is There's a lot of Mohammeds In the world you know I mean the thing is I searched up The most dangerous man In the Middle East And it was A guy named Mohammed something Still young though Still have kids

That's crazy. That's crazy. What do you think though? Do you think we're going to see another world war? Hopefully not. But like... I think eventually we will. You think like in our lifetime? There's a lot of problems. I don't know. Maybe when we're older. I don't think like right now. But there's a lot of issues. It's too like unsure right now. There's a lot of...

Well, right now, I think people were just jumping to conclusions saying it was going to be a world war because the whole year last year was so shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the thing. So much shit happened. You got to remember the whole BLM movement. Yeah. Last year. And all those protests. Yeah, George Floyd. Yeah. Then the World War III thing. COVID hit. Yeah, there's so much shit that happened. A lot of shit happened. Even this year started off with the fucking hang with the Capitol getting fucking taken over. Yeah. I don't understand that.

Like I really don't understand that. That's gotta be like the most, one of the most heavily guarded buildings. - I'm surprised that they allowed that. - Bro, there's people sitting in like the hall, like fucking in the chairs and shit like that. - Okay, here's the thing though. Here's the thing. What would have looked better? Like them allowing that or them like murking like the whole, you know what I mean?

That's the thing, right? You gotta have some, some, uh, you have to have some like authority. Yeah. You just let, they look like a playground. Facts. That was actually a stain fam. That's like, that's what, that's what 2021 started. It makes you think, I know 2021 going to go. Yeah. That's how it started. Talking about like some fucking, um, Brazilian COVID new strain coming to like, it sounds like about to be a shit year again. I'm not like knocking wood that it's not,

Knock on wood right now, I found it. But yeah, like, no, I have high hopes that things will turn out well. Yo, I have another theory about like 2020. What if 2020 could have been way worse? Like, you know how you said World War III, right? Yeah. What if World War III did happen in 2020 or started in 2020, but in a different reality? What do you mean by that? Different reality? Like, you know the Mandela effect and shit? Yeah, yeah.

You know how the theory like We jumped on a different dimension Like alternate dimension Oh seriously Okay I see what you're saying So what if What if Nostradamus You said right What if Nostradamus Was from that dimension Where World War 3 did happen And all of that shit did happen But We jumped on to a different dimension So that shit didn't happen So that shit didn't happen Bro that's

That's a show that, that never know. You never know, right? Yeah, no, bro. Cause it's, it's all, it's all crazy when you think about it. It's all crazy when you think about it. Cause, um, yeah, you know what? I actually started opening my mind to the whole other dimension thing when I started watching shows like, um, ever watched The Flash? The Flash? Oh yeah. I watched a bit of it. I didn't want, I finished it though. If you watch that whole thing, they talk about like, like going to other dimensions and shit like that. That could be a possibility. Yeah. That's what we're doing with, uh, with Marvel now. You know that? Yeah. Going to other dimensions. Dude, you watch WandaVision or not? No, no,

Oh, but, um, you know, the new Spider-Man, it's supposed to have like all three, all three, all three Spider-Man, like Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland. I'm hyped for that. I'm so amped, bro. How are they going to do that? They're just going to like, I don't know how they're going to bring it back. Like how are they going to introduce it? Did you watch Into the Spider-Verse, like the animated one or not? Yeah, I did.

Yeah, so it's gonna be like that. Like something happens with like the dimensions and shit and then like they're all gonna be there. That's dope. I feel like they started doing that a lot more in like the Marvel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like ever since I saw it in Rick and Morty, I always talk about Rick and Morty on this podcast. Well, ever since I saw that like type of dimension flipping and shit like in Rick and Morty, like I see that everywhere now. But it's such a fun like concept to play with, you know? Yeah, no, Rick and Morty has like, they've got, they've got some

good you can make some bullshit yeah there's some bullshit it makes you think it does make you think that's like um the simpsons bro yeah they they predict that they predict is freaky like the most freakiest video is that one of like trump going down the escalator yeah yeah that shit side by side how do you get that i don't know man because the the sign fell he's doing the same wave same type of crowd like it was made way before it happened like how do how do you predict that trump

is going to become president. Yeah. Everything's fucked. Do you think, like, for real, they have a profit or, like, some shit? Like, they could predict shit? Yo, the writer could be in this, like, other dimension. You never know, like... Bro! The writer could be in another dimension. That's facts, yeah. You could just... You could already know. There's some weird shit because there's videos of time travel as well. Oh, yeah. I've seen some of that shit. Like, people with cell phones? Yeah, there's, like, a pic... In the 1920s or something, like, some, like...

New ass cell phones Yeah Not the big ones And like You see those videos And it's not I don't think the videos are dark dude No they're not They're not I seen I seen little pictures Of people With like Different type of clothing For their time Yeah And they look like They're out of place Like they're They're in a rush To go somewhere Yeah bro That's And they could be from Not even from here Not from the Time travel

maybe there are some people that have invented time travel we wouldn't know but the time travel could be big in the future and they're just coming back to witness all these historic events yeah and they're there because time i think in our lifetime we'll see time travel you think so i think the thing about time travel is like when once they invent time travel then reality might just get fucked up yeah well that might be why they're keeping a secret too yeah because they have to be smart with it if they just bring it like start saying it's possible everything could get

screwed up damn imagine imagine the world was almost destroyed like hella times but because they already know time travel like they were able to stop that shit yo no that's true that's true because like 2000 2000 yeah that was one year that i was supposed to end right oh yeah that shit didn't happen bro 2012 that was that shit didn't happen either that shit didn't happen that's a show bro whoa

Time travel. These guys that you see in the videos, like on the phone and stuff, they could be the types of people that come and they're like, nah, that's crazy. They just gotta change one thing, bro. Yeah. The whole thing is set. That's facts though. Cause like, let's say, let's say, let's say for example, like a Hitler type of person. If they send someone back in time when Hitler was like a kid and then like pushed them into a different path. Yeah, yeah.

That changes the whole history. Yeah, so maybe they didn't do that. Like, time travel, time travel never did that because they knew it changed too much. Yeah, it changed too much. That could be a thing. Oh, shit. Because imagine a lot of things would change if the Holocaust never happened. Yo, that's so true because, like, we kind of advanced a lot too with, like, whether it be, like, military, whether it be, like, health and shit. Yeah. Because I think they came up with a lot of medicine during that time, right? Like, they advanced it so quickly because they needed it right away. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bro. That's a show. Because, yo, that could definitely be a possibility now that I'm thinking about it. Because there's some things you can't change. Some things that you could change that wouldn't affect anything. The end of the world? The end of the world is one of those things. That's so true, bro. You stop the end of the world. You stop the end of the world. It's not going to really affect anything. You stop something like Hitler.

hitler being alive yeah that yeah yeah everything like even like a meteor or something like you remember armageddon that movie yeah there's a meteor gonna crash into the world but they sent people out there to stop it yeah what if there's something like that like way back and then they send people back in time to do that yeah there's been times where the meters just like me yeah yeah we almost got hit and shit i heard about that too yeah it could be another thing because

Same thing like someone come back in the future change something around that meteor missed by that much because they changed one little thing Yeah, bro Cuz cuz if they had let's see let's say time travel is real and they have the power to change things some things that they didn't change That were terrible were probably meant to happen. Like we said like like Hitler and shit And other shit like we're able to change but some shit we could not play with because it would change fucking for the for the better It's crazy

Okay, bro, bro, bro. Let's say you're at a time machine right now, right in front of you. And they said, all right, you have unlimited time travels. Where do you want to go? Where are you going?

Are you going to the future Or are you going to the past What's the future bro Going to the future Going to the future What do you expect to see Shit I don't know We're like flying cars And shit like that Actually no You know what I'm gonna see I'm gonna see A wasteland bro Yeah nevermind You see fallout Yeah I think I think Have you seen WALL-E Yeah yeah yeah Word I think it'll be like that Like humans are living in space Oh true Humans are living in space And everything's just a wasteland I could see that This earth bro This planet is going to shit

I know It's going to shit It's not gonna be here bro That's why they're looking At going to Mars and shit They're looking at other planets They're actually planet shopping fam There's There's There's planets that are just like Earth Yeah yeah yeah I saw that yeah There's some planet called Kepler Something Kepler A bunch of numbers or whatever

It's just like Earth. It's just super far away. As soon as someone like fucking Elon Musk comes up with something to take you from a gigantic spaceship that everyone can get on. I know. On the way there. Yeah, to take you there, like a giant cruise ship. Imagine, bro. And you just land there. Everything's there. Water. You already have grass and shit there. You just start rebuilding again.

That's a new world. Like, holy, that's a reset. It's like literally a reset. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hopefully, they don't fuck it up again. Yeah. But I don't think it'll be in our life. It won't be in our lifetime. Fuck, probably not. Or what if they create something like we don't age? Yo.

Because there's so many... Like, even right now... Okay, look at Mike Tyson, right? You see how Mike Tyson's fighting? How old is he? Yeah, I know. The fuck? Or how old is he? Like, 60? I don't even know. He's... 69? He's old. He's old. Like, let's just say he's old. But he's fighting like a 20-year-old. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah.

So, and that's right now. That's right now. So imagine, let's say, 20 years from now. What do you think they can do with, like, let's say, stem cell research? Let's say, like, biology. I think they'll start creating superhumans. I think so. And they'll have those people fight in, like, boxing matches. They'll have those people go into wars. Yeah. They won't have humans, like, actual, like, humans going from the womb do that.

They'll create superhumans Or they'll get like Touched like They want whoever's like Willing to do it Yeah yeah They'll inject them with something They turn superhumans That's a new race found That's gonna be a new race And then So many possibilities bro Cause everyone's All these top These like smart Billionaires Are coming up with new ideas Yeah yeah Like Elon Musk Has changed the world I know bro A lot

And there's more people like him. There's more people like him. There's more people like him that we don't even know about. That haven't even been born yet. Some guy will come up. Yeah, yeah. There'll be some guy coming up with the same like superhuman idea. Yeah. And he'll make it happen. Yeah, that's the thing. Because he's just naturally God. Whoever put him on this planet, whatever you believe in. Yeah, he was blessed. He was blessed. He got that idea. And so I believe too is whatever you believe in, God like...

whoever yeah yeah yeah it was set it was set you're put on this planet for a reason like if you want to be on this planet it was for a purpose yeah i believe that too fam because that's because it's like you're born with a certain mindset yeah bro okay let me blow your mind real quick let's say let's say time travel existed right and then let's say we can manipulate our bodies make us like let's say super tall super strong yeah i mean live long super long and time travel happened what if the aliens that came to earth are actually just humans from the future

Bro. Bro, imagine. That's... Yo. What if we're just... The aliens are just humans. We're their aliens, bro. We're just them, but like in the future. Yeah. And they just came back. Yeah, because we don't even know what they look like. We don't know what they look like. We just have ideas that there's some green alien creature. They could be humans. They could just look like us.

Oh, my. Because, yeah, we don't know what they look like. We don't. They could be us traveling some futuristic shit that Elon Musk made in the future. Exactly, bro. Exactly. And come back and they're trying to, like, give us warnings. Like, they're trying to make contact. Yeah, like, if time travel existed, right? Yeah.

If time travel existed, period, if time travel existed, us from the future would want to come back and take a look. Oh, yeah, for sure. And at least help, like, mankind. Yeah, that could be what they're doing, bro. That could be it. That could be what it is. Aliens could have just stopped 2012 from happening, 2000 from happening, you know, the end of the world from happening.

Yeah. And all those theories of like the aliens came to Egypt and taught them how to make this shit. Yeah. What if they weren't even aliens? They were just us from the future. Like the future future. Yeah. And then we like this is when we had all these like injections and shit to make us like the best beings we can. Yeah. Because, yo, the hieroglyphics like going back to the pyramids. Yeah. There's like the people that they have painted on the walls.

the walls they look different right i'm thinking because in the future right we don't know what we're going to look like in the future like what our kids or grandkids are going to look like in the future yeah they might be those ones that are genetically modified or whatever so they might look a little bit different like yeah a little bit yeah like some sort of like type of appearance that's exactly right yeah so when they came back

And the old, like the Mayans or the people, the Egyptian people saw like basically our future of us. Yeah. They thought they were, they look like that. Like they thought they were aliens because they look different. Yeah. Change over time. Think about cavemen. Think about cavemen. Yeah. We do change over time. You change over time. So yeah, what I'm saying? Like the future, you look way different. So they're coming back. You just look, they just look like aliens. They don't look the same.

That's so crazy I think that's a new That's literally a theory We just made up right now Yeah That just right now As we're talking Literally just right now Yeah That's crazy bro Could be Cause yo Cavemen You just look back in the past Cavemen were so different And then We just evolved We evolved from monkeys If you're thinking of Like if you're thinking of In a scientific way If you're thinking about like Like God put you on the earth And just put you looking like that But now there is proof Yeah cause Cause you Like the human race We haven't even been around that long

Like, if you look at, like, other races, like, look at, like, turtles, look at, like, all of these different reptiles. They've been thousands and thousands of years, even before humans. Like, their first, like, let's say, stages. And then they evolved into what we see today, right? It's the same thing as what primates evolved into humans, right? So there's still a huge, like...

of what humans could be. And what if, like, that's what the aliens look like is us just in the future. Yeah. And that's why they're coming back because what if we're seeing all these UFO sightings right now because it's us from the future, like, all right, we have to, like, do some shit so they don't destroy the world because we saw how it played out before. Oh, yeah. That's why that sighting, the sighting that was on CNN, that was during COVID, right? Yeah. Yeah, that could have been just... What if they gave us the cure? Yeah. Government can have the vaccine right now. I mean, the Pentagon's the one that released that...

Yeah Okay They could've just dropped The fucking vaccine off Yeah well what if What if That's how they got That's how we're getting it Already in September fam Yeah Yo Oh yeah yeah Yeah

That's why we're getting it so early. All right, yo, yo. No, no, no, no. What if, what if they made a vaccine, right? They made a vaccine and they were going to let it out to the whole population. And then these aliens came, which is us from the future, came and stopped it because they knew that vaccine would have fucked over the whole population. So they gave us a different vaccine. Mm-hmm.

yo i think it's a i think it's a it's not the same vaccine that was making people's faces lopsided and shit like that yeah i think because they've they've modified it now again so yeah he doesn't have that yeah so we only know or they only um have that new um modification to the vaccine because these aliens came and said yo you guys are fucking up like yeah that's actually it's so crazy bro damn bro

There's some weird stuff There's so much There's so much crazy shit out there It'll come up now Like once COVID Once COVID goes away And there's a vaccine Mmm

we'll start hearing about more stuff. Yeah. When do you think life is going to come back to normal? Or do you think life is never going to come back to normal? It's hard to say. I think it'll come back to normal because we did have the flu before, right? But not like COVID, bro. No, the flu was bad. The flu was bad. Wasn't it really bad? But COVID is literally the biggest pandemic we've seen. Oh, it is? Shit. Yeah, literally the biggest pandemic. So maybe it won't go back to normal. Maybe...

i don't think anyone's gonna be like fully cured at least at least like our generation that remembered that's what sucks but no you gotta think of it like if you're thinking on the bright side yeah you're part of you're part of like history yeah history that's true you gotta look at the bright side never like you could tell your kids that'd be like yeah like this was like global pandemic it was killing people yeah and look at the bright side like this helped me

You know what I mean? It helped me make this podcast. Helped me, like, get a head start on it. No, for sure, bro. Like, there's always a silver lining to, let's say, something bad that happened. You know what I mean? Yeah. Or not even necessarily something bad that happened or, like, something big that changed. There's always a silver lining. Like...

There's always opportunity, right? Yeah, yeah. Just look up. Like, positive. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. It's like when a man gets, like, his heart broke. Yeah. And then he goes, hits the gym, becomes, like, the next guy. You know what? That's right there. Yeah. Yeah, like, he turns into, like, the best version of himself because of that. That's the one thing. That situation. That thing. That is the one thing, like, that can change a man is heartbreak. Yeah. I believe that, bro. Because, yo, imagine you're chasing a girl your whole life. Mm.

And then you get your heart broken. You know what you're chasing next? The fucking bag. Yeah, you're chasing the bag next because you wake up. The bag never switches up on you. You wake up. Exactly. The bag never switches up on you. Never. You grind. You grind. You get the money and that's what you got to do. That's what I've been doing. I feel like a lot of successful people, they've been through moments like that. Mm-hmm.

I think that's why they're so successful because they've experienced something like that. Oh, yeah. You have to fail. And there's going to be so many haters. Elon Musk has so many haters. He's just a good example. And you prove someone wrong,

And then they're just on your team. Exactly. It's all about like, you just get fans after that, man. Like how many people, when you started Carlos Black Market, it was such a small thing at the time. Yeah, it was like 20 people. Yeah, such a small thing. And then it grew, it just blew up. And now you have like your own fucking like- I have my own brand, yeah. You have your own podcast. Yeah.

I know. That's what happened, bro. But those people from the beginning, like you, man, all the boys that were those first 20 people, I keep them close because I remember. Facts, bro. Because that's...

And always When you have loyalty In the beginning Like you You grow with your friends Yeah that's a true sign Like They've been there from then Yeah yeah yeah They're definitely worth Keeping around For sure For sure But all those other All these other people That just like hop on Hop on the way Hop on like The shooting rock I want to call it like A shooting star Shooting rock It's going up It's going up People just want to hop on And come with you Yeah and if you If you start going like Cause there's always gonna be Ups and downs in your career right If you start going down

those those yeah exactly exactly but those day ones that are still with you because they believe they know they know the true destiny like and like if they're real real day ones they're gonna help you like succeed bro exactly yeah move as a team that's the people you need around you that's that's how you help the healthy lifestyle bro exactly bro that's that's all i'm saying i learned so much fam i learned so much from just like just like life now because we're what we're

i'm 21 you're 20 when's your birthday mays yeah so like we're literally reaching 21 like we're adults now we've learned a lot of things for sure there's still so much more there's still so much we're still young too yeah like imagine what our parents know compared to i know and i know like in the moment sometimes like bro you guys don't know anything whatever yeah because it's like they're your parents so you don't want to listen i know but now you're starting to realize oh shit like

There's a lot. There's a lot. They told you a lot of stuff that you never believed when you were a kid, but now you're starting to realize, like... Yeah. I feel like from, let's say... I want to say, like, when you reach, like, 18 to beyond, you start learning a lot so quickly. Would you agree with me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I feel like if you're able to...

You're able to go out and do more things. Yeah, that's true. Because you're allowed to experience the world. Yeah. Did you go to any of the S trips and stuff like that? No, I didn't. Yeah, bro, I didn't either, but do you know how much people, like, you got to experience more shit? Yeah, I know. And you also got to learn more shit because, like, a lot of you see a lot of shit that people were doing. I know, I know. And then, like, it hits you. You didn't go? I thought you went. I didn't go, man.

Because I couldn't justify spending What was it? Three grand I know that was me too That was me too For a three star hotel Yeah But then I saw the videos I was like gosh I know Because now I regret it Yeah yeah for sure I didn't go to Quebec either Shit But you know like

I never look back and be like, oh, if only I could go back. I never think about it like that now. I think about like, what if I was meant to not go? Yeah. Imagine you spent that three grand on something else, fam. Yeah. Because I always thought of like, because what I do with my three grand, I bought all these kicks, fam.

I bought like my gear and they're still with you and they're still here they're still here that's what I mean you can resell those for so much more now too but it would like you can look at it different ways you can look at it like oh it's stupid you're spending on this shit yeah but I look at it like I spent it on this

now i don't have to buy it later when i have more money because i had my fill of it yeah i always preach that like i always preach like if you're young just go spend your money and like buy it buy the shit you want because when you're older all that the money like you have responsibilities you have to pay for it yeah but when you're a kid when you're in high school

shit you don't have to pay for nothing you don't have responsibilities like that just ball out you kind of need like you need that that freedom to like understand like what it is like like being an adult yeah i mean exactly babies your whole life you're not gonna really know you gotta you gotta fail and then you'll succeed there's no way you can succeed without without failing i know yeah because that's because then you don't know your mistakes you can't be perfect the whole time that's impossible that's fact that's impossible bro yo what's what's the greatest like

I want to say battle you've ever went through. I think let's say, let's say you had to go through something and you want to achieve a goal and you went through it and you succeeded. What would you say? That's a good question, bro. Bro. It's always going to relate back to like my, my whole weight loss and weight gain. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I, cause it's mentally, it's hard. It is bro. It is. I used to, I want to hear something crazy. Like I was so like, I'm so, I was so dedicated at this point too. Um,

You know what intermediate fasting is? Yeah, intermittent fasting. So I would intermittent fast from 7 o'clock to 11 o'clock the next day. So I would stop eating all my meals at 7 p.m. And then I'd start eating after 11. After 11, yeah, yeah. But like before that, I'd wake up at like 6, 7 o'clock and I'd go on my 5, 10K run. Damn. And I'd do that every single day. And you didn't pass out, bro? Like, shit. No, I was like, the first couple of weeks, I was like puking.

Cause I was like You were like dedicated I was cause I had a goal I was like I wanna reach this Like I don't wanna be A lazy fat piece of shit So I was like Good shit I was like damn like I wanna reach this So I'm like That's why I'm going Ate like Oats and like Dried to drink My chicken breast Yeah yeah Just like It was like The most disgusting Type of diet ever But eventually I got used to it And every single day When I wake up Look at myself in the mirror Be like Like I'm happy bro Like I'm proud of myself I'm gonna keep going That shit drives you And

and i say you see results in the gym as well yeah because it all leads up you know it all adds up yeah like as long as you take that first step that's a start and then when you keep stepping and stepping and stepping like people say this the journey always starts with a few steps right you you take your first few steps to make your journey and the journey is the whole journey it's not like it's

it's not like a jog it's literally a marathon it's not even a marathon it's longer than that oh yeah like it's gonna take time like you're gonna you're gonna go through a lot of but eventually it adds up for sure like you have to you have to have the you need to be patient yeah it doesn't happen overnight exactly what were you though my biggest yeah my biggest achievement damn

Or like biggest obstacle, right? Biggest obstacle. Yeah. That you like overcome or like even like a goal in life that you said that you're still striving, striving like towards. I'm still, I'm still striving towards just being the best I can be. Like being the most successful I can be. Cause I always said like when I was, when I was in high school, I always wanted like multiple businesses. Like remember when I had Carlos Blackburn, sure it was like something small, but I knew like this is going to be the start of something huge.

Like not even just that business because I'm not using that business anymore. But my growth as like a businessman, my growth as an entrepreneur started from that. I mean, it started from that shit. Like my hustle mentality started from that shit. Now it evolved into WeCo Studios, right? Now it's hustling that shit. Now it evolved into this podcast. Now I'm hustling this shit. Eventually, I'm going to evolve all of it.

Into something even bigger. And that's what I'm always striving for. I'm always thinking like, how can I make something better? How can I make something bigger than what it is? I'm always thinking, I'm never looking at how can I be bigger than that person? I'm always looking, how can I be bigger than myself? How can I beat myself? Yeah, your only competition is yourself. Exactly. You start competing with someone else,

Nah bro It's not You gotta compete with yourself You gotta compete with yourself The only person that can beat you is you Exactly And you know what I call that shit? Billionaire mentality Yeah fam That's literally billionaire mentality That's what it is Every successful person you ever talk to You'll see the difference between them And some regular guy off the street That has no goals Exactly bro You'll notice that Like how do I

i'm so great already how can i beat him you know i mean i'm not so great yet how can i be better than that you know i mean you got to think about like who am i and what what can i be right yeah that's that's that's like good though bro that's good like i rate that not not many people got that bro yeah they give up yeah where the fuck are you it's literally your mindset like you just have to start thinking that way yeah i mean like don't don't just stick to like

Never stick to what you know. Always learn. Always learn. Always try and grow. Speak facts to them like that, bro. Everyone that's watching this. I really want to at least give that information out for everyone. Because some people need to hear that. Yeah, this just motivates you, bro. Yeah, some people need to hear that. And my biggest goal, someone's going to hear something like that, and then it'll change their life, and they'll be able to do great things. This is how the people that inspired me

Like I want to, I want to shout out like, like Gary Vee, like he's one of the business or entrepreneurs that, that made me who I am today. Yeah. Like Joe Rogan, like he made me like who I am today. Like I look up to these people.

And they inspired me to do this And I want to be the same And like help people Be inspired For sure Yeah I know The people I keep around me though Is There's definitely a big Big thing Because if I had people around me That didn't care I'd probably turn out the same too But I You guys hold top seven Top seven for him I got my best friend I've known since time My boy Keenan Yeah Bro We've been grinding in the gym For a time I rate it For every day I go to his He lives in Mississauga Yeah yeah I go to his I go to his crib

we're just working out bro we're just yeah there's no video games anymore bro get downstairs right now we're pumping like we're just going yeah and wait for him go hit the grind because you need yeah you need the people around you to be on that same mindset yeah fam all right we'll end it here but thanks for coming through bro i'm so i'm so happy you came through yo people always say in the comments like how do you how do you have all these friends that are so sick like i'm a

the way yeah all these people you you just look for the best character out of people you meet you meet a lot of people throughout your life and the people you want to keep with you keep around with you that's why i have miles that's why i have all these guests that come in these are my friends they're not even just like random people these are my friends like i keep them close for a reason that's why i want to put them on here thanks for coming through bro we got us we got a dot we don't even got a circle fam we got a dot yeah that's it we keep close and then we're just gonna see together man so thanks for watching jumpers jump out