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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Carlos Juico
Logan King
Carlos Juico 认为地下说唱音乐风格多样,有的注重歌词,有的注重节奏,其流行程度和持续时间各有不同。他认为如今的音乐,朗朗上口的旋律比歌词更重要,但注重歌词的说唱歌手往往更持久。他还讨论了 Lil Uzi Vert 在额头植入水晶的行为,以及此前 Sauce Walka 的类似行为,引发了人们的关注和讨论。他认为 Lil Uzi Vert 的行为可能与他对27岁死亡的预感,以及对即将到来的外星人入侵的预知有关。他还讨论了麦莉·赛勒斯歌曲《Party in the USA》可能与光明会有关,以及许多热门歌曲的创作并非由演唱者完成,而是由幕后团队创作并分配给合适的歌手演唱。他认为歌曲的创作人员众多,且创作过程不透明,难以了解每个人的具体贡献。他还讨论了金融投资领域存在类似金字塔骗局的现象,例如外汇交易中的拉人头行为,以及赌博的刺激和快感容易让人上瘾,最终导致损失。他还讨论了格斗训练可以帮助人们应对压力,但也会在比赛前引发焦虑,以及长期进行体育运动可以帮助人们适应压力。他还提出了焦虑症可能与祖先的基因有关,祖先在高压环境下生存,导致后代更容易焦虑的理论。他还讨论了政府可能隐瞒了关于COVID-19的信息,以及恐怖分子可能利用COVID-19进行袭击的可能性。他还讨论了氟化物对人体的潜在危害,以及历史上铅制餐具的使用对富人的健康影响。他还讨论了手机辐射对人体的潜在危害,以及加拿大缺乏自卫法的现状。他还讨论了社会上存在的伪装贫困以获取金钱的现象,以及如何帮助真正需要帮助的人。 Logan King 认为无论是否注重歌词,好音乐都能带来能量,但缺乏歌词的音乐可能不会流行很久。他还认为 Lil Uzi Vert 花巨资购买额头水晶的行为,可能与他对未来(例如外星人入侵)的预知有关。他还认为 Lil Uzi Vert 可能参与了某种秘密组织。他还讨论了麦莉·赛勒斯歌曲《Party in the USA》中提到的电台歌曲,可能暗示了光明会成员。他还讨论了歌曲的创作人员众多,且创作过程不透明,难以了解每个人的具体贡献。他还认为任何行业都存在权力金字塔结构,音乐行业也不例外。他还建议朋友们投资股票而不是外汇,因为外汇交易中存在拉人头等风险。他还认为股票投资难以预测,投资者需要谨慎。他还讨论了赌博的刺激和快感容易让人上瘾,最终导致损失。他还讲述了一次高中时期的打架经历,以及格斗训练可以帮助人们在压力下保持冷静。他还认为格斗训练可能反而会加剧焦虑,但长期进行体育运动可以帮助人们适应压力。他还提出了焦虑症可能与祖先的基因有关,祖先在高压环境下生存,导致后代更容易焦虑的理论。他还讨论了政府可能隐瞒了关于COVID-19的信息,以及恐怖分子可能利用COVID-19进行袭击的可能性。他还讨论了二战时期德国军队使用甲基苯丙胺的情况,以及纳粹进行人体实验的暴行。他还讨论了僵尸感染的可能性,以及一些卡通作品可能与毒品有关。他还讨论了加拿大缺乏自卫法的现状,以及如何帮助真正需要帮助的人。他还讲述了自己祖父在圭亚那的政治生涯以及遭遇袭击的经历。

Deep Dive

Discussion on the popularity and longevity of mumble rap in the music industry, comparing it to more lyrical forms of rap and its potential for mainstream success.

Shownotes Transcript


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Yo, you know all like the underground like the soundcloud This guy named sick boy rari like he just mumbles on the track like straight up mumbling. Yo, how does that sell though? That's crazy. Like how does bro this guy it's just it's just the track just the beats underground though You know what i'm saying? He's still like he's not popping. He's not mainstream. Yeah, you know, it's like might come and go, you know Like it might evolve. Yeah, but it might just fall off There's people that like spit something, you know what i'm saying? Like have you heard the uk man?

Yeah, like the UK drill. Yeah, the UK drill. Like, they really, like, feel it and they're, like, spinning something. They're spinning, like, real facts. But, like, when you hear, like, ooh, yeah. I know, I know, like, Young Thug and shit. But the thing is, that shit's still hard. You know what I mean? Because there's a time where you separate, like, let's say, lyrical. Yeah. And then just, like, a hard track. You know what I mean? Like, a catchy track. Yeah. Because most of the time, the music we hear is just catchy tracks. Like, a lot of the time, it's not lyrical anymore.

But there's nothing wrong with that, right? Like, it's still hard either way. It still gets you, like, the energy. But I find that most of the time, those people, like, that aren't lyrical, aren't there for a long time, you know what I'm saying? That's true. Well, actually, actually, nowadays, nowadays. Okay, okay. Nowadays, bro. Nowadays, they might stay around, but, like, it's not, it's not as, like, relevant. Some of them might hit, like, 100 mil at one point. Hold on, hold on, hold on. But then, like, low pump, for example, like, Falling Off,

you know i mean yeah i feel you i

Lil Uzi he's not very lyrical he can be he can be though he can be he has the talent to be but he's not very lyrical like that you can consider that mumble rap you know even let's say look at who's on the billboards right now 6ix9ine you know what I mean yeah but 6ix9ine yo okay 6ix9ine is different because he can fall off any day yeah he's with the clown he's like a troll yeah he's trolling all the time so he's

He's not, like, thinking straight. That's true. Oh, yo, what do you think about Uzi's, like, jewel? Like, the crystal in his forehead? Bro, I hear that thing is infected. Yeah, he said, like, it would start bleeding and shit. Yeah, it was, like, bleeding and whatnot. This is a f***ing rock on your forehead, bro. Yeah, I hear he has to get it removed. Oh, he does? But, yo, do you know who else did it before Lil Uzi? Who? Sauce Walker. He has a small one on the side of his cheek right here, and it's smaller. Where? He got it implanted before Lil Uzi. Where? Where?

But it's not on his forehead though Yeah it's not on his forehead He doesn't look like What's that guy from Avengers Vision Vision Or Tsunade Yeah yeah yeah Tsunade Yo did you hear that theory though Lil Uzi said He might die when he's 27 right He's joining the 27 club I was watching the

You said on this. Yeah, so we talked about the 27 Club before. So pretty much, just a quick summary. The 27 Club was pretty much a group of people that all died at the age of 27. Like Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, a bunch of these artists, they died at the age of 27. Now Lil Uzi, he said in the Nardwuar interview, he said he was looking at a poster and he was like, at the age of 27, I'm going to die for this man right here. He said at the age of 27, he said that. Hold on, so he was 27? Yeah.

No, he said when I'm... When he's gonna turn 27. When he turns 27, he's gonna... And then this year, he's turning 27 and he just got the jewel and they said... Yeah, that's crazy. And he paid how much for it? He paid like 24 mil or some shit? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's a theory that Lil Uzi knows something that we don't. He's like, fuck it. I'm gonna buy that shit because it's kind of cool. No, it's the alien invasion, bro. What? You heard...

they announced aliens are real and they were testing UFO crash. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's been a thing. That's been a thing. Yeah, it's been there. You know what I'm saying? So it's an alien invasion, bro. Oh, you think he knows about that? Yeah, yeah. I think he knows that aliens are coming. Nah, nah. The theory is like he knows like he's gonna die because he's going to age 27. Yeah.

And he said he wants to join the 27 club. So like all that Illuminati shit, like maybe, maybe he is part of something. Yeah. He's part of something higher for sure. Like most artists are like, once you reach that height, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'd say like Jay Z, you always see him with the, with the,

the rock yeah the the luminati shit yo you know um party in the usa yeah you know the theory about party in the usa by by miley cyrus yeah why so there's a theory that she was part of the luminati and then you know when when she's uh she went to la the song is about her going to la and then pretty much joining the la scene yeah a party in the usa so there's a theory the music that she hears on the radio are

are members of Illuminati. She turns on the radio, a Jay-Z song is on. Yeah, what? Jay-Z song is on. And then, what's the next one? A Britney song is on. Yeah, those are all two people that like... Those are two people that were like known... Known for Illuminati song. Known for Illuminati shit. Yeah. Bro, that's crazy.

I heard that song was supposed to go to bare other people. Oh, word. Yeah. Yeah. Like the writer of the song, I saw it on one of these videos. It was like, yeah, I was supposed to give this to da-da-da-da-da. Oh, word. Yeah. Miley Cyrus wasn't the only one that got that song. Damn, that's interesting stuff. Yeah. I didn't know that. They never thought it was going to blow up. You know what I'm saying? Damn.

Yeah. Yeah, because a lot of these songs, like, I know a lot of hit songs for sure. Yeah. They're written by writers, not necessarily the artists. Yeah, yeah. And then they'll give it out to, like, whoever they think is best suited for it. That's how it usually goes down, I'm pretty sure. Are there any other songs like that, you know? That are supposed to give out to other... That were supposed to be someone else but ended up being that person? I can't think of them off my head. Oh, you know, the song with...

Gunna with Don Toliver. Lemonade. You know Lemonade? Yeah. So that Lemonade track, right? It wasn't actually Don Toliver. This whole time, it was actually written and sung by somebody else. It was by another small artist. I forgot the name of it, but hold on. It might be in the credits.

There's so many song credits on here. That's what's crazy. Like, when I look at song credits like this, it says written by and you'll get a whole f***ing paragraph of names. Yeah, like... And it doesn't even really say, like, what they're doing. Like, yeah, it says written by. Yeah, but it just shows all the names, like... Yeah, it just says bare names, like... How are you supposed to know what...

Yeah. How do you know? Yeah. Who did what? Like what line? Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. We want to like look into the guy's soul and be like, yo, I know you, bro. I know you. I'm feeling you. I'm feeling the energy in the air, bro. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.

Yeah, I know. Because like most of the time we don't know who said what. I mean, we just know who performed it. We just know who performed it, but we don't know who said what. Never know. There's always people in the background, bro. Like when you're, let's say when you're drug dealing, there's always someone higher up, bro. Yeah, for sure. Always someone higher and higher. You got the supplier. You got the cartel lord. You know what I mean? You got the boss boss. Yeah. Who knows?

You never know like where you are. It's kind of like a pyramid scheme fam. You know those pyramid schemes? Yeah. Remember when everyone was trying to get on like what's it called? That shit with the loom? Yeah. Remember that? Yeah. There's bare of them. You ever get into one? Nah.

I'm not running that. Then you're telling other people, yo, let's run the pyramid scheme. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. And the other guy's like, yeah, but you're making more money than me. I want to make more money than you. You know what I'm saying? And it just gets greedy, bro. It just gets greedy. Once money's involved in anything. And then someone always loses. Yeah. Yeah. And it gets greedy, bro. Like everyone's just like. Yo, what do you think about like the Forex shit? Because I know a lot of people are doing that with Forex, like pyramid schemes. Forex. My friends want to get into that.

Why though? Why don't they just get into stocks, dog? That's what I was saying. I'm like, yo, let me just get into the stocks. Like, real shit. Because the forex shit is they want to recruit you under them. Yeah, but I don't know, bro. Like, stocks, gambling, all that stuff. Yeah. There's that chance that you lose and usually you lose. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, okay. Usually you lose. Like, the people that are always like stockbrokers, for example. Yeah. How many times have, for my parents' example, Hmm.

They invested into a stockbroker, you know? He's like, yo, this is supposed to go up this, this much. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bro, it flopped. You know what I'm saying? But the thing is, you can never predict it. Yeah, you can never predict it. You can never predict it. You can study it and kind of forecast. Yeah. But it's like the weather, dog. Like, you can't... Like, for real. You can't know exactly how it's going to go. Yeah. And you don't know exactly when to pull out either. Yeah, you never know. Like, okay, honestly, I've been on the... On the stocks? No, no, no, no. On...

On roulette. On roulette. Okay. That's gambling, bro. That's gambling, bro. Trust this. Trust this story. All right. Yeah. Let me hear you. I walk into the casino with my boys, you know? Yeah. I have like 200, you know? Yeah. I'm like, okay, I'll just spend 200 and maybe I make 500. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I'm down like, like 150. I only have $50 left. Word. I go to the high limits table where it's $25 each, you know, for one bet. One bet is $25, you know? I'm like, oh man.

Okay, I'm gonna go in the middle, you know? Yeah. I go in the middle, three times my odds, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. I hit it. Oh, shit, you hit it? I hit it. I'm like, okay, 25 times 3 is 75, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm like, okay, let me go in again. Maybe, so I'm like, it's not gonna hit the same spot again, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So I go, I put it- You gamble it, you gamble it. I put 25 down, you know, I put 25 down again. And I'm like, dang, it hits. Oh, yeah. Oh, dang. Oh, dang.

All my boys are watching. They're like, yo, bro, you have to go in again. So I'm like. But it's not going to hit three times in a row. I'm like, yo, it can't hit three times in a row, but it's hot. Yeah, it's hot. It is hot. It's hot. Yeah. So I go. I hit it again. Boom. I lost it. All of it. I put in like 50 this time, bro. Damn.

See, that's what it is, right? They draw you in, bro. It's the energy. It's like the energy is addicting. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's the same thing with fighting, too. Sometimes when you're in a fight, you get that adrenaline. And those people that thrive off of the adrenaline, that's why they love fighting. The first fight I got into in high school, the adrenaline was pumping throughout all of high school. I swear, bro. Yeah. It was pumping. I don't want to say what I did to the guy, but I messed him up. I messed him up. I know what you did, so...

And the man's like, yo, you never won. Don't talk to my girl, bro.

I'm like, okay, okay, okay, whatever, whatever, you know? So the days go by and I'm like, yo, I'm feeling this like energy, bro. Cause it's like, it's like, it's a primal kind of, kind of feeling, you know? Cause when, when you beat someone in a fight, that's like a true competition. Yeah. That's like true competition. There's no rules that don't make sense. Yeah. There's no, like, yo, you can't do that. Especially, especially if like, he's like, yo, I'm going to bring like a whole gang of people. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, what am I supposed to do if I, if I,

if like a bunch of people are like yo i'm gonna come fight you at lunchtime and mans try to come after you yeah after it yeah and i'm like bro what the hell like and then the retaliation after mans try to pull up to me in in hallways and whatnot damn bro my man booth my man booth yeah he ran out with you he rode out with me still like this one guy posted me up against the the wall you know i was unexpected yeah yeah yeah what

Yeah. And the next thing you know, my man, Boof, Lucas, comes out of nowhere and he's like, yo, what are you doing to my boy, bro? Yeah. And we have him down. Yeah. And then another friend comes out and he's like, yo, don't punch him. Don't hit him. There's cameras. Oh, shit. Yeah. Fuck. Let's cut. And then we cut, you know? And the man cut from my school, went to your school, fam. He went to my school? He went to your school. Who's the... Oh! Oh!

Yo, and then that's when you got into Muay Thai serious because your mom's like, nah, you gotta learn how to fight. Yeah. Good. Yeah. Right? Yeah. I remember that. I remember that because like, I remember your mom talking to me like, Logan has to learn like really good. Yeah, he has to learn really nice. You know what I'm saying?

And then at that time, how long ago from that was that you won your championship? That was probably like, that was probably the next year or two. Yeah, bro. Oh, but backstory, people don't know. We actually met at Muay Thai. Yeah. We met for Muay Thai kickboxing. Yeah.

Yeah, that was a good time. Like, at the old gym, too, not even the new gym. Yeah, the old one. And then the new one, we came on, and, like, bare people started coming, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they, like, slowly drop off. Like, and then you see new faces, you know what I'm saying? And then the new year would come, and you see, like, lots of people coming to the gym and signing up. It's every single new year, fam. Yeah, it's every new year. Every single new year, like, people just show up. Yeah, yeah.

Cause they want to start their new year's resolution and shit. They're like, yo, I'm going to start working out, working out hard. And then two months later, they're gone. They're gone, dog. They're like, where is that guy, bro? Yeah. You never see him again, bro. Yeah. Shout out Rub-a-Dub, bro. No, Rub-a-Dub? I saw him the other day at the vape store. Oh, really? Yeah. What's he saying? I didn't, I didn't talk to him. I was in the car and my friend went in. Yeah. And then, not went in cause it's like curbside pickup area.

He's one of my favorites though. Yeah. But he was always just, you always hear Rub-a-dub, Rub-a-dub, Rub-a-dub. I didn't want, because I forgot his real name. You know what I'm saying? I think his name, I don't want to say it. I forgot his real name. So I didn't want to walk up to him and be like, yo, Rub-a-dub. I know. Yeah. That's the thing. That's the thing. Because it's not even like a nice nickname. Yo, do you know those ones? Like when you know their nickname, but don't know their name, but you don't know them like that. Yeah.

i feel like a lot of people can relate to that yeah that's exactly that situation yeah so like that's happened like lots of times usually i'd hang out with like some like batter kids you know what i'm saying yeah yeah so like they have like some next names that like they're just known by right yeah like the their their nicknames yeah their nicknames like everyone has their little like don't say my govi yeah yeah and i'm like i just said it what do you gotta do no

But they don't They wouldn't say that to me You know what I'm saying Like yeah And I wouldn't say They're gummy all the time You know Especially if I'm like A large crowd You know what I'm saying That's true I guess Like if it's like One on one Like you're in the guy's house Like of course You're gonna come by His actual name

name yeah yeah unless his parents started calling him his that's weird that's weird it's happened to me though what do you mean like i go by bogues or lobes yeah you know and their parents call you that my mom started calling me lobes oh word like first okay but that's like a nickname yeah like you could hear that one my uncle lives with us right and he's just like

Bogues. What do you say? Nah, he said that? Yeah, I was sitting there like it was Super Bowl. Yeah. And I was sitting there taking shots with my friends and I was just like, uncle, come down, take a shot, you know, take a shot. Yeah. Oh, and he probably heard your friend saying it then. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He came down and he's just, bogues, I'm going upstairs now after the shot, you know what I'm saying? Weird. Yeah, I'm going upstairs now, bogues. Like, what? I'm like,

I didn't even realize. That's lit, that's lit. My friends, my friends like BJ and Boof, who I just talked about, were just like, yo, he called you Bogues. I'm like, what? He never calls me Bogues, bro. What are you talking about? You know? It was wild. That nickname's from high school, right? Yeah. Oh, yo, talk about, remember that fucking, the mass stabbing? Oh, I remember.

High school? That shit was crazy. Okay, I'll tell them how it went first and I'll tell them my experience. Okay, okay, okay. Or I'll tell them my experience of the whole thing, you know? Because I don't really know what happened. She just started running around like... Yeah, okay, okay. So here's what I heard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it was like... It was what? Like 10 o'clock? It was early in the morning. Yeah, it was like...

First period. No, it was first bell, like right before college started. Oh yeah, first bell. So first bell, we heard about it at my school, like a little bit later, right? Yeah, but it was just before the first period bell. Damn, so we heard about it and then we're looking at our phones, we're in math class, we're like, yo, your school...

Was on lockdown. Yeah. And then we see the news and shit. Mass stabbing. Yeah. Shorty with two knives, like mass stabbing. I'm like, what? So what happened was this one girl, I forgot what her name was. I'm not going to mention her name, but she was like going through some, some stuff. Like she wasn't like the most popular kid at school. Like she, I don't even think I seen her with, she's like a, like a social outcast. Yeah. Yeah. She was like,

One of those. She would always be wearing like this, like, you know, those like, you know how you get those like Reaper costumes? Oh, yeah. I heard about that. She was wearing like a cape, bro. Yeah, like a cape. She'd always wear like that. And like she'd come to school. She looked like she was from straight out of Star Wars. You know what I'm saying?

Yeah, like a Jedi thing? Like a Sith? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or more like, you know those scenes where they're wearing brown and they're in the jungle kind of? Oh, like the Ewok? Yeah, yeah, yeah. She looked like an Ewok, you know what I'm saying? Like a Little Red Riding Hood type thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She'd be like outcast. And the next thing you know, my friend's locker where I meet up with him every single day was right across from this girl. Yeah. You know? So I went to the washroom right next to the locker where my friend's locker is. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

and i go in you know i come out next thing you know i hear screams and shit i'm like what i'm like everyone's like yo we're going in lockdown either cut or go into a classroom and they teachers never said cut the teachers were like going to a classroom you know yeah yeah all the students like yo just cut just cut just cut leave leave leave yeah you know i'm like what do you mean leave bro they're like yo someone just got stabbed someone's running around with a knife i'm like whoa what

What do you mean? This is fake. What are you talking about? It doesn't sound real, right? It doesn't sound real. Yeah. I'm like, am I getting pranked right now? Is someone going to come on and like prom post me or something? Yeah, yeah.

But no, no, no. That never happened. Luckily, no one got hurt like that, right? I heard one of the gym teachers saw her and tackled the girl with the knives. Yeah. So he was like the hero. Yeah, he was like the hero, bro. So I was just in the washroom. Did he take hits? Like, did she like...

know yeah yeah and not he only got like a little scratches on his on his like on his like i don't know where but like that guy's a hero still you know yeah he's crazy bro but like a bunch of people would be like in that situation and be like yo i'd find the girl and like i'd like hit her before she can hit me or something you know but like i'm like yo you're not you're probably you're saying that now you're saying that now after the fact but in that fact that's not happening

Yeah, because you don't know until you're in that position, right? Like, you're not going to think like that. Yeah, he's crazy for thinking like that, bro. He's like, yo, I'm going to save the whole school, basically, bro. You know? It takes a certain person, right? Like, you have to be that type of person that thinks quick.

Yeah. Or it's calm in, like, very stressful situations. For real, like, most fighters have that, honestly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, most fighters have that, like, they're very calm under, like... Under pressure. Under pressure. Yeah. I think that's what taught me, though, to be calm under pressure. It helps you think, like...

under pressure you know like i'd say like fighting even helps anxiety in some for sure for sure some parts you know yeah because like you feel like like when you're fighting you feel like you're in you're in like an anxious position you know like you're most people wouldn't think straight you know yeah yeah yeah because because you're you're getting hit and then you're still trying to think like how can i hit back how can i defend so it's like happening like this yeah but you're all you're thinking it through yeah yeah so like i think it helps with anxiety helps with depression

Okay, here's the thing though. Here's the thing. I have a love and hate with the anxiety and fighting thing because you say it takes away anxiety, right? In my opinion, it might give anxiety.

Listen, listen, listen. This is why, though. This is why. When I got in the ring, right? When I got in the ring, your anxiety's going crazy, bro. Your anxiety's going crazy. Now, that feeling, I know what that feeling is like now, right? Mm-hmm. And ever since, like, I started fighting, whenever I would go into, let's say, situations that a fight might lead up to... Mm-hmm.

I get that same anxiety now. It's not like I go in blind. I get that anxiety of, I know what it's going to be like. Okay. You agree with me? I don't exactly. Cause like when I got into that, that fight, bro, I was just like in it, you know? Okay. Yeah, that's true. But I'm talking about the lead up. The lead up.

It's never in. It's always the leader. I got a little pyro stuff. I got a little pyro. It's just like for me, I used to play soccer as well. I was Muay Thai and soccer. So I experienced that right before the games all the time. Exactly. So I'm like numbed it a lot.

You know? So like when I When I like got to like A fight or something I was already like Yo I felt this like Millions of times Yeah yeah yeah I'm just gonna go Chill Do what I was doing Do what you learned Do what you done Yeah The Muay Thai really came in handy though You know?

Exactly. Yo, I have a theory about anxiety, right? Okay. Now, my theory about anxiety, this is just all like shower thoughts and shit, right? So, this is my theory. My theory is that people that have anxiety, their genetics were from people in either stressful situations or warriors. Now, take this in. Take this in. Think about it, right? If you were a warrior, let's say, long, long time ago in the Philippines, we would have tribal warriors, right? Mm-hmm.

Now, if you take a warrior that's used to fighting all the time, used to combat, used to like being in stressful situations, fighting, right? And then you put him into a room with emptiness. How would he feel? I feel like he'd feel angered. Like he'd feel anxious. No, I guess so. He'd feel anxious because he's always looking for the action, but there's no action. Yeah. I guess it's like if you were accustomed to like going out with your boys every day. Yeah. COVID hits and then you're in your house all the time. You know, I think those are the people that like end up like feeling the anxiety during school and whatnot. Yeah.

know what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah so think about it like this what if people that have anxiety like inherited that ancestral trait of let's say they used to be warriors or they used to be fighters you know i mean and they inherited that so nowadays when they're just let's say just chilling on the bus by themselves like not moving yeah or like they're just chilling in the room alone they have that anxious feeling because they're supposed to be out there doing something yeah doing something like fighting or

Or like fighting for their country, fighting for whatever. I guess that's just like if a war veteran comes back and they get PTSD. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Kind of like that. Yeah.

Do you think we can inherit something like that? This is all just speculation. I don't know if it's true. They say psychosis, you can inherit it. Word. Yeah. Let's say your dad was an alcoholic and then he got psychosis from drinking. Word. And then you can inherit it like that? You can inherit it from if you activate it through smoking, you know? Yeah. Just like...

Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia. Yeah, yeah. You can like activate it, right? You can like activate it in your brain. Like if you like, let's say smoke too much or like, like smoke too much dope, obviously. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not like smoking cigarettes with like, you know, might activate it, but like not as much as like weed or like.

some like next. Yeah. There's certain things that can trigger it like a lot. That's why people have to be careful with it. Right. Cause you don't know your body chemistry like a doctor would. Yeah. It obviously messes with your head. If you're taking something that's like, if you're in a situation where like, like you said, you're fighting every day for your, for your country and you're like killing up bare people and then you come back and then it's just home sweet home, you know, like you're there, but like you saw the memories of you being back in the field. Exactly. Yeah. Yo, I need to defend my country.

Yeah, you're so conditioned to that feeling. Yeah. Like when it's all calm, it doesn't feel right. Yeah, it's just the conditioning of muscles too. Like I think the body is like just like that, you know? Like you can train it to do something, but like what is coming back down from it? It's like taking an up,

And then what's going to happen at the end of it? You're going to get down at the end. Like if you take too much molly, you're going to be depressed at the end. You know what I'm saying? I feel like if you condition your muscles to run all the time and then stop. Oh, yeah. That's a good way of thinking it. Because like, let's say you have an athlete, right? And you take that athlete that trained every single day of his life. Now look at COVID. That athlete may not have the opportunity to use his endurance and use like everything he's trained for. So he's just sitting around. Yeah, he's just sitting around.

And that definitely gives you depression or like anxiety or something. Yeah. Because think about it like this. It's like having, it's like training all your life and then just like not being able to use it. Or it's like having a machine that you've built and built and built and then just putting it in the corner. Yeah. And then after it's in the corner, what's going to happen to it? It might not even work again, you know?

what i'm saying yeah that's crazy might not even work again because that's what's that's what covid's low-key doing that's what quarantine lockdown is doing right yeah but like at the same time it's necessary it is necessary yeah it is for people to stay inside yeah for sure because like it stops the spread completely you know i'm saying instead of masks and whatnot like

Yeah, it's the best. Even masks don't even help that much too. Once it's cold enough, it rides on that. You know how like... The vapor. Yeah, the vapor, the water vapor. Yeah, water vapor. I think what happens, and you can't see it now, it's warm enough, right? So I think it just spreads more in the cold, you know what I'm saying? Okay, what do you think about COVID? Do you think the government's not telling us something? Bro, it's an alien invasion where aliens brought it down to us. Yo, fam, we're going to have to deal with this now. Ha ha ha!

What if though? Cause there's so much shit that we don't know about, right? Like, yeah, like we don't know most of our seat. Yeah, we don't. We don't. We don't. We talked about that before, but like with COVID, especially with the government, like it could be a whole different thing. And they're only telling us like, let's say the first layer of it.

You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, we know there's a virus. We know this is speculated where it came from. But it doesn't mean, like, why was it made in the first place? It doesn't mean, like, how did it get there to be that great? You know what I mean? Yo, I always think about this. This is kind of crazy talk. But, like, what if there were terrorists that saw COVID as, like, an opportunity? Like, think about it like this. Let's say, I don't know if this is, like, f***ing conspiracy talk. But let's say they knew COVID was coming, right? Mm-hmm.

And they had a thing against the United States. What if these terrorists took advantage of COVID and let's say spread it all over like the lights at traffic. You know what I mean? You know when the crossing walk? They put it on there. Put it in front of like doorways. Like on purpose to spread it more. Bro, do you know something on terrorists though? What? Yo, where's ISIS at? I think they disbanded now. They disbanded? Either that or like the US done something. They did something? Yeah. Okay, I never knew still like...

Like you hear about it in the news and then you never hear about it again, right? Yeah, like I just heard like, yo, they did da-da-da-da. They're taking over banks and then... Oh, what? Yeah, I swear that's one of the things. They robbed a bank or something. Oh, shit. On like ISIS's name or something. When was this?

I think it was like back in like 2012 or something. Oh yeah, yeah. That's a long time ago. On the startup of ISIS, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, but like now, I know, I know, I think Syria is still a, what do you call it, like a failed state. You heard about that? But I don't know like the climate right now. I have no idea.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not a professional on that topic either, you know what I'm saying? But yeah, if you think about it, like, who knows? There could be more terrorists that we just don't know the names of. Yeah, for sure. Like, if you think about it, how, if China can go and say that, how many bodies did they have at COVID? Like, they had

bear like something thousand like yeah something hundred something thousand and they said like it was just like a thousand or something you know if they could hide some of that info then why can't they hide like something big you know yeah they could hide lots of stuff bro like it could be like anywhere because they were 100% suppressing it yeah you know what I mean they were they were not sharing the full details yeah they were not and

And that's what's scary. Cause like, who knows? How do we know Canada's not doing that? How do we know the States isn't doing that? Like all these other countries. Like we, we never know. We can't know the truth. It's like, unless we hire a hacker to hack it for us, you know what I'm saying? Like Snowden, you know, Snowden, bro, you don't know Edward Snowden.

No. Okay, so Edward Snowden, he pretty much worked with the CIA. Okay. And then he found things in their files that said they were watching us through like software, computer software. They were looking at us through like our phones. They're listening into us. Oh.

They're pretty much tapping like all of our shit and collecting data about us. And he went, they put him in jail, bro. Oh no, they didn't put him in jail, but like. Is that that website that, what was the? No, they didn't. Hold on, hold on. There was a website as well that would like release all their backgrounds. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Secret files and whatnot. And they would hack into it and it was like under our anonymous branch. I don't know. I haven't heard about that one. It was like,

something dot com or something like a dark web thing i don't think i think it was on regular internet bro word i don't think it was dark web i don't know or might have been on tour yo you ever heard of random nautica i've heard of nautica rand rando nautica or some shit no so pretty much it's like i was i was talking to this with sofia before like on the podcast but she told me about it and i looked a little bit more into it so random nautica is pretty much this you know what geocaching is like it'll give you coordinates to go and find something

Like for fun, like a scavenger hunt, right? Now this random Nautica shit, it'll give you coordinates to like something to like, okay, I'm going to give you a story now. This person played it, random Nautica. They followed the coordinates and they found a live baby bro by itself. What?

And then... That's spooky. Yeah, and then they found another one. And it's like they found, like, a severed hand. It's like some dark web type of shit, bro. Yeah. But the thing is, like, it's not all that. It's not all that. Like, sometimes you'll find f***ing, like... Let's say someone was giving away an old chair. Mm-hmm.

and then they find a chair or someone's giving away like xbox and like old xbox or some shit but like the filter there's no filter like you can go find like crazy shit yeah what if someone just randomly stumbling upon like 100k and we're told no yeah it's just been doing that for fun all day you know sell the items on kajiji yeah make a couple dollars god but like what's this you you can have those crazy people like those people that like ill intent and then put in like

like body parts and shit yeah that's some serial killer stuff some serial killer shit bro you ever watch um don't fuck with cats on netflix nah i don't even have netflix nah you don't nah i don't have netflix okay so i need netflix though like i need it like i'm just

So this document, it's like a mini series documentary on Netflix. And it's pretty much about like a serial killer that came from Toronto, fam. So, oh, you ever hear about that video, One Man, One Ice Pick? Ah, bro, you need to put me on to some of this stuff. You're looking into some interesting stuff. So this video, it went viral. It was pretty much...

It was like this guy dismembering like a body with an ice pick. And this video went viral, right? That was not on YouTube, bro. That was like on LiveLeak. It was not, yeah. It was on some shit like that, like LiveLeak or some shit. So what happened was people looked into it. These people like on Reddit and then like obviously like the police services and shit were looking into it. And if the documentary pretty much followed the whole story, this guy came from Toronto. He started with putting kittens in like bags. Like, you know, the vacuum bags? Mm-hmm.

And then like vacuum seal. Yeah, vacuum sealing and then suffocating kittens in like vacuum sealing. But how can you even... I guess you could. Like kitten, like small kittens put it in like a vacuum like... You know the thing to really like shrink it? The shrink wrap shit? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This guy put like kittens in it. I know vacuum seals, bro. Like, man.

A kid in bro? Yeah. And then he, and he's so crazy. He like, he did way other shit. And then it got to the point where he took a guy and then fucking murdered him. Man, you have to be messed up, bro. Like, like I went through like some messed up stuff, but like nothing like that, bro. That's messed up. Someone's just sitting there like, yo, I'm going to freeze this guy to death. Nah, he didn't, he had like ice, like a knife shit. And then he's like, yeah, cutting him. Yeah. But like, how did he, the guy died before? No.

He was alive in the ice? No, no. He like anesthetized him or what do you call it? Oh. He put him down. He put him to sleep and then like killed him. Or I think he knocked him out or some shit like that. What? I was thinking like he was already dead. Nah, he's not a dead body fam. He like he brought this guy to his house and then like murdered him.

And he filmed it, bro. There's this one track that my friends showed me. Yeah. And it's about a guy that murdered his wife or something. Oh, shit. Because he's seen the wife sucking the kid off. What? I forgot what the track's called, bro. It's crazy stuff, bro. And he's just rapping about it. Yeah. He just raps about it. And he's just like, yo. One of the verses is like, I eat the bitch like fried chicken or something. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, what the fuck?

He's like showing me this stuff. I'm like, no way this is even real. He's like, yo, bro, true story. He said he ate her? Yeah. Like, what the fuck? Like, to hide it, fam. What the fuck? Real shit. Dog, you know what's crazy though? Like, a lot of these rappers, they lowkey snitch on themselves. Yeah. Bobby Shmurda. Bobby Shmurda. Bobby Shmurda. Bobby Shmurda lowkey snitch on himself. Yeah, he snitch on himself. We could go

But yeah, like Bobby's friend is like, oh, Tay-K. Yeah, Tay-K. But Tay-K knew like he was on the run already. He was already on the run. There's so many artists. There's so many artists that just say like all of this shit. And they're crazy too. Some of the artists like are just crazy. Like that's, I find like the most crazy stuff is what makes people want to watch it. That's true. That's so true. That's what makes them want to watch it. Like if I was going to go like, ooh. You know what I'm saying? Like they'd want to watch it, bro. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I get what you mean, though. Like, out of the ordinary. Yeah, out of the ordinary. Like, if it's just, like... Yeah, like, shit that you wouldn't expect, you know? Yeah, yeah. That's why I think, like, dark humor is so popular. Or, like, even... Not dark humor, necessarily, but, like, dank memes. You know dank memes? I've heard of it, but I've never, like, researched it. It's those memes that are so, like, weird. It's, like, borderline, like, dark web type of memes. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah.

Like kind of half shocking, half like weird. Yeah. There used to be this, this one popping website that you could find like all that stuff on. It's called 4chan. Oh yeah. 4chan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. Is it not on anymore? It's on. It's on. I don't think it's popping. Like I don't hear, hear about,

It's kind of like Reddit, right? Yeah, it's kind of like Reddit. Like, everyone would just end up going to Reddit instead nowadays, I think. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's some kids that, like, will come up to me and be like, yo, you watch 4chan? I'm like, you're a nerdy one. I know you. Yeah, like, if you know about that, then you're, like, you're, like, one of those guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're, like, in a club. You're in, like, a secret club now, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck a cult, bro. I'm in the nerd club, bro.

nah you know what's crazy though is like reddit and let's say 4chan these type of platforms they have so much power to like get information unfiltered I mean because when people go on reddit they don't expect it to be like changed to

to please. No, they say how it is, like whatever information. Like, I hate the friends that like will tell you what you think you want. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Like I want those ones that like are there and they'll be like, yeah, bro, you're doing wrong. You really need to stay in the right direction. And then you fix upon it.

you know what I'm saying? Yeah, exactly. I don't want the one that's like just saying, just preaching that to me. And then, or like I'm preaching that to him. And then he's like, he goes, does the other thing. You know what I'm saying? That's so true. Yeah. Yeah. Like I want the friend that's, that's going to improve with me, not pull me down. You know what I'm

saying yeah that's facts because you need those people around like if you have those people that are that are steering you in the wrong direction then something's wrong you know i mean like you have to reevaluate like you have to you have to understand like what direction am i going and why why am i going in that direction for real because i was talking to my brother's friend that's uh also a rapper yeah his name's most pants yeah and he's been staring me nice bro like he's been he's been like

he's been teaching you the game he's been like yo you should do this you should do that like not like yo do this do that yeah yeah like good advice guides me you know what i'm saying like constructive criticism yeah yeah give me the constructive criticism and give me some nice life advice yeah because that's so valuable right so much better so much better and like he taught me don't do things just for your friends you know what i'm saying like you need to work on yourself more than other people you know what

No, 100%. Yeah. I'm more the kind of guy that's like easygoing and like, I like help out a friend if he's like, yo, you have $100? You look out, you look out. I'll be like, yeah, I got $100 here, fam. You know, I'm expecting the $100 back though. You know what I'm saying? I usually get that back. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. But it's those people that I don't get that kind of like the same energy back. You know what I'm saying?

Those are the people you have to look out for. Yeah, I have to look out for them. You know what I'm saying? Those are like the snakes in the grass. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like you hear artists talk about that all the time. Like I'm cutting my grass low because I need to keep the snakes out. Yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying? It's so true though because like you have to know who's running with you. You have to understand like look at your circle. There's someone that said it but it's so true. If you want to see your future, you look at your future.

friends look at look at who's around you who's around you and then that'll that'll show you your future yeah it's so true yeah like everyone around you reflects you yeah facts they reflect you yeah because like if you're like hanging around the same person every single day you're gonna grow with the person you know or go down with the

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. They're either going to bring you up or bring you down. You want those people that like can help you out too. You know what I'm saying? The one thing that like cheeses me the most about life and like all that kind of stuff is like you'll get...

No recognition for the good but like they'd be like unless you're doing like amazing, you know Unless you like you go 150 percent instead of a hundred. You know, I'm saying yeah, then you'll be like, okay Yeah, you're doing good. Good job. Good job. You know, yeah, yeah like

When you do bad, you're always, like, hearing about it, like, bare, like, preached upon you, like, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. That's the thing. That's what I don't like about, like, just life in general, you know what I'm saying? Like, I used to get bad grades, for example, you know what I'm saying? And, like, it just stuck with me. Like, I always thought that I was going to get bad grades.

Cause you gotta look past it though Yeah And then I just had to look past it I had to be like Yo I'm gonna try and do Do my best Yeah Keep everything going You know Going steady Exactly yeah And it came You know what I'm saying I did decent I did decent I'm not I'm not gonna say I was an A plus student You know what I'm saying But coming from like Like just passing C's Yeah To like maybe A B or something Yeah You know I was like Wow bro Making improvements on myself You know I was feeling nice You know

You know? Yeah. But on the next, on the next. You have a theory for me? Yeah, bro. It's a theory slash fact. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It's like history. Let me hear it. Let me hear it. So back in World War II. Yeah. The Germans used to take this thing called Pervitin. What's that? Bro. It was basically meth fam.

wait so like drugs yeah it was basically methamphetamine so they gave it to the soldiers just tell me the soldiers as as a test at first right yeah and they invaded poland with it so that was like an easy one for them because they could just like go through it you know i'm saying but they went through it they were like wait what does it do to you okay so it makes you like euphoric and like it gives you a lot more energy you know i'm saying so like you could stay up for like if you take it like every single day yeah stay up for like months damn with

Yeah, like, if you had a nice binge and, like, you had, like, a constant supply of it, which they did in the army, you know what I'm saying? Because they eventually got it as rations to them. Damn, that's crazy. Like, rations? Yeah, rations. It'd be, like, in the rations. That's crazy. If you look up, like, German rations kit, you could probably get it, bro. What the fuck? Like, they might have taken it out, but, like, you might have been able... You might be able to get it still. And it's called Pervitin in German rations. So that's why they were so...

That good of soldiers Yeah so like On their Basically Blitzkrieg Is what they used to do Like to invade Poland Yeah like the raids Yeah the raids So they would raid real quick And they'd be able to like Go through like forests For like days on end As long as they could put Fuel into their tank

Is this World War II? World War II. Yeah, yeah. So they just like go for days on end and they keep walking, keep going, you know what I'm saying? But once they hit Russia, it was a whole different story because you can't just walk into Russia, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So they built like, they had a new thing. I forgot what it's called. It's not Blitzkrieg. They basically just set up like basically trenches, you know?

You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Like trench war. Yeah, trench war. But they'd stay up all night. It would be like a double-edged sword. So like they'd stay up all night. Yeah, yeah. But they weren't really active because they were just in the trenches, you know? Yeah, they won't get any rest. Yeah, so they'd have this euphoria and they'd go like crazy sometimes. They're high out of their minds. Yeah, and sometimes they would go and they'd just go...

shoot themselves. You know what I'm saying? Oh shit. Cause they were that high. They were like that tripping out. Damn. That's crazy. So like some of the soldiers died from that. And so this other guy, I forgot what his name was, but he ended up like going against it and like started telling them all the, all the negatives and whatnot to the general public. Yeah. Yeah. But by then everyone was addicted to it. Cause it was like without an addiction. Yeah. Cause it was like as easy to get as like Benadryl.

Word. Yeah. Like, damn. So it's like, it's like nothing. They're like, you can get it without a prescription. It's like, you can get it. And then towards like the middle to end, they started putting as like a prescription. Yeah. But if you still wanted it, you could basically just go to the Nazis, join the Nazis and get it in your rations every single day. Damn.

So they knew what was up. They knew, like, the effects of it. Yeah. Which is why they gave it to them. Yeah. Yo, you know what's crazy? Like, if you look into it, during World War II, Germany, they would do all of these, like, experiments and shit. Bro, they probably have so many experiments on, like, next things, bro. Like,

bro. Yeah, they would experiment with like people with special abilities or even people with like extraordinary like features of their like if they had two different colored eyes like mutant like quote unquote mutants, they would they would like experiment on them to try and like replicate shit. Yeah, I heard one of their scientists were like big into transfusions bro, like blood transfusion. Yeah, so he get it like almost every week bro get like a blood transfusion. He thought it was like super healthy for his body and whatnot.

And then guess how we die? How? Transfusion. That's where Nazi zombies come in. Yeah. That's where the whole plot of zombies came in because of the experiments and shit. Yeah, for real. And COD. They might come back to life, bro. Who knows? Get the ray gun out, fam. Yeah, man. Yo, pack a punch, my guys, bro. Pack a punch, man. Pack a punch, man. Get the red dot and everything, you know. Yeah. Out there just...

Spraying up the crowd of zombies, bro. You ready for that? Like a zombie apocalypse? Yeah, you'd be ready for that? Bro, honestly, zombie apocalypse, I would not be ready for. Nah? I think I'd have a fighting chance, but I don't think anybody would be ready for it. I think the world would be overtaken. It would be over. It would be over. Yeah, it would be over. Especially like World War Z. Remember that? That movie? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

With the zombies. If it's like that, like imagine COVID was a zombie infection. Bro, there are actually funguses that are zombie infections. Yeah, I heard about that with ants, right? Yeah. I was reading that and I was like, whoa, bro. If this mutates in like, let's say like 200 years or like a thousand years from now, bro, that could actually happen, right?

Yeah. Because the fungus would like take over the brain of the ant, right? Yeah. And pretty much control it like a parasite. Yeah. And what would happen at the end of their lifetime is they'd be like stuck to like trees and whatnot. And you can see like some pictures. Yeah. You can see that like a whole tree is covered with ants. Yeah. They're all dead. They're zombies. Damn.

So it's like a hive. They make like a hive. Yeah. That's crazy, bro. Because they all want to go to like, they want to find the perfect condition for it to spread more. You know what I'm saying? So they find moisture. They find all that. And then they end up going to the same place. Damn. Yeah. Because it's pretty much, it's a plant. It's like, it's fungus. It's a living thing. Yeah. Damn.

Imagine, because I always think about this. What if there was, let's say, a zombie infection in World War II with all the experiments and shit? They made it and it's a disinfection, but it's locked away in a safe. But for whatever reason, that shit comes out and infects the whole population. Bro, that would be crazy. But on chemistry and stuff, I think it's real, bro. Like, you could probably do that. Like, you could turn paper into alcohol. You know what I'm saying? What? Yeah. Like, I've seen it on YouTube. This guy legit, like, got, like, cardboard and just, like, started, like, stacking it.

And you made it into alcohol? What? Bro, you can make diamonds into water. Wait, what? It's called diamond water, bro. What you do is like, you get like a tube of like diamonds, right? Yeah, yeah. And then you put in like a nice tube and then you can blow torch small diamonds and they melt away. Damn. And then what happens is it infuses into the water. So like you have diamonds in your water. So it turns into like 100k water.

Okay, like... Water. Like, water. What the fuck? That's, like, something 2 Chainz would drink. Bro, he has a... Oh, he did a video on it? He did a video. Oh, shit. He did a video, bro. Yeah. That's what it's from? Yeah. Like, I didn't know from that, but, like, I did some more research into it after I saw the YouTube video. And then I was like, whoa. Diamond water, bro. Yo, you know what? That's what man's just sipping on out here? Yeah, because there's so many different, like, let's say... You know what alchemy is? It's pretty much the science of, like, potions and, like...

biology right i've seen that in skyrim stuff yeah yeah yeah like that like alchemy and shit bro take in okay do you know what your pineal gland is pineal pineal gland pineal you'll get this bro so in ancient egypt you know remember that eye like the eye of horus okay the like egyptian symbol and i mean with the eye take in that symbol of the pineal gland is actually present in our brain if you if you cut your brain open you can see the same shape of the

eye of Horus and it's your pineal gland in your head. It's present in every single person, every single human. Now take this in. So the pineal gland, right? It's pretty much responsible for your dreams, for feeling serotonin. And guess what? It's responsible for giving you or producing DMT. Oh yeah. That

And they said that like, it was crazy, bro. Like that's the stuff that like, if I'm not wrong, before you die, don't you get like a hit of like a lot more DMT? Yeah, something like that. Like our body produces that chemical. So I was looking into like this alchemy shit and there's this thing called ormus. It's pretty much a concoction of gold and it's like a fluid, right? They make it from gold.

And the ancient Egyptians used to use it to pretty much take out the crust of your pineal gland. Because over time, with us drinking, I think it's fluoride. Fluoride creates a crust in our pineal gland. And what has fluoride, bro? What has fluoride? Toothpaste. Water. Everything we drink, like water and shit, that has fluoride in it. Only natural spring water doesn't have it.

Unless like they put it in to clean it. But there's a crazy conspiracy because there's a scientist, I forgot his name, but he did a study of the relationship of fluoride and does it actually do anything for us? And there's no benefits of it. There's no benefits. Yeah, there's no benefits of fluoride. Yeah, but there's just cons a lot.

Yeah, so common benefit is like it's good for your teeth. He did a study. There's no correlation for it being good for your teeth. For real? Yeah. But it's so like it's been grandfathered down. It's been so accepted that it does that.

We don't take another look at it. We don't pay attention to it. That's just like, you know, lead was actually used by rich. Like, for spoons. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, table utensils. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Made out of lead. Like a poisonous metal. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lead's poisonous. And people used to just, like, eat with lead utensils. And it was actually for the rich. Oh, f***. I didn't even know that. It wasn't even for the poor. Like, the rich were like, yo, this shit's blueberry.

Damn. Damn. So they're slowly like killing themselves. Damn. That's crazy. I didn't even know about that. Yeah. See, because there's so many like different side effects that we don't really pay attention to. Right. Yeah. Like you wouldn't you wouldn't know any of that shit like about your pineal gland unless someone like told you or like if you looked into it, the government's not going to tell you that shit. Yeah, they're not like just like, you know, know your phone and every all these electronics. Yeah. Radiation.

right? Yeah, I know that. Yeah. So I was doing a study for one of my, for my course and it said they're lying about how much radiation is actually coming off of your phone. Damn. For real? Yeah. Yo, you know what? Cause I wouldn't be surprised. It's so, it's such a thing. Like they, they can't, they can't hold it back. Yeah.

You know what I mean? Like, let's say these were actually killing us. Yeah. Like, how would you convince the population that don't use your phone? Yeah, don't use your phone. But, like, think of where we're putting it, bro. Like, we put it on our thighs, and that's close to how we reproduce, right? Oh, that's so true. We put it to our head where we think. Yeah. The two most vulnerable places is where we put it. Yo. Yo.

That's so true. Cause like, let's say, let's say this is like a microwave. Remember your mom's always like, don't stand close to the microwave. Don't stand close to the microwave. This is low key, a mini microwave. And we're bringing it to our brain. We're bringing it to reproductive organs. Yeah. And there's definitely some side effects to that. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Damn bro. That's...

It's crazy, right? Yeah. Bro, I might just have to invest in the lead phone cases, bro. Because lead... Isn't it poisonous? Yeah, if you lick it or like inhale it or something. Okay, yeah. I'm pretty sure it's not poisonous if you touch it. Or not as poisonous. But like lead, I'm pretty sure it gets rid of most... Blocks away the radiation. Blocks most radiation, bro.

way so if you like put like a lining of it in your phone you know i'm saying maybe it'll help a lot better like if you have one of those ones that like hold both ways but the only thing though if you do that it probably cut off connection right right oh yeah right might might have

have to bring see that that's the dilemma bring back the antenna stuff that's the dilemma now right yeah well what's what's that thing um elon musk is making like the new wi-fi he's dropping like a new wi-fi for real yeah he's making his own like satellite connection oh that's crazy it's coming out like next year hold on let me see does it connect to regular wi-fi

No, it's like its own Wi-Fi service. Oh. So it's like Bell or Rogers, but like he has his own like satellite. It's called Starlink. Starlink. Yeah, it's by Elon Musk. So it's just like Bell and whatnot, but he has his own satellite. Yeah, and it's going to be available to like the whole world because it's satellite and it's going to be freaking like super fast. It's going to be like...

It's gonna be like Instant connection Or instant like speed Crazy speed Is that What's the cost of it though Is it gonna be Apparently it's like 100 a month It's not even that bad It's like regular Okay It's like regular wifi Or regular like plans Does it need like It needs like a router And what not right Probably yeah Probably But

But yo, Elon Musk is smart, bro. Bro. But once you get to that status, there's probably things that you can make and you can't make. And he's trying to push the boundaries. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because like there's things that like the government's just like, yo, you can't make that because blah, blah, blah.

Like the Neuralink Like the chips in your brain Yeah They're like yo Because this might malfunction And then we have a bunch of people Going to the hospital To change it That's so true Yeah But like To evolve status quo You have to push the boundaries

Yeah, exactly. You always have to like, you have to do the next thing that pushes the limit. Yeah. I mean, because before, let's say, even before, if you look at fashion, right? Let's look at fashion. Girls weren't allowed to wear like skirts and stuff. They weren't allowed to show their legs. Yeah, they weren't allowed to show their ankles. Yeah, and the ankles. Yeah. But now like,

Things evolved and then people kept pushing boundaries, pushing boundaries, pushing boundaries. And it pretty much, it kind of evolved with us. You know, not only did our fashion evolve, but like we evolved as humans, you know? Yeah, for sure. Every time, like we keep pushing the boundaries, like keep pushing the boundary. But like the places where you don't want to push the boundaries, we're pushing it too. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like in law,

We're pushing the boundaries even more and more. Yeah. But then we need to count. Some people are finding counters to it. Like the government's finding counters to it. You know what I'm saying? Yo, you want to hear something crazy? What? Did you know in Canada, we have no self-defense law? Yeah, I saw that. I knew that. Yeah, like we literally have no right to defend ourselves. Like in the US, you could go shoot someone in your house if they're attacking you. But here you can't do that.

There's no self-defense law. Yeah, there's no self-defense. That's so f***ed up, bro. And taking Canada banned all assault rifles too. Yeah, they're about to ban handguns too. They're trying to ban everything. Yeah, they're trying to ban everything. Yo, taking, we can't even, we're not even allowed to like carry something for self, we can't even carry like pepper spray and shit. Yeah. Like for self-defense purposes. Like if it's for self-defense, you're not allowed to carry it. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? That's crazy.

Like a lot of people, we don't understand. Like sometimes we don't really back like how free we actually are because we don't really read the laws like that. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like we just assume. We just assume. Yeah. We just think what's right and what's wrong. You know what I'm saying? In our brain. But at some points you're like, is this right or wrong? And then you look in the...

And it tells you something else. It tells you something way, way different. You know what I'm saying? Because, yo, in reality, what is the law? The law is just what they agreed upon. Yeah. You know what I mean? It doesn't necessarily mean it's right. Yeah. It doesn't necessarily mean it's morally right. Yeah. But it just, that's just what they agreed upon. Mm-hmm.

Like I'd say Cause like Look at like Let's say there's a guy Stealing diapers for his baby Right It goes to something like that Yeah If there's a guy Stealing diapers for his baby Sure it's illegal But is it morally Acceptable because He needs that That's his necessity And no one's gonna give it to him I know like it's iffy there Cause it's like It's like

But that's a conversation, right? A store owner would look down upon it. A regular person outside would be like, yo, bro, just let him just take it. He's poor, you know what I'm saying? Exactly. Like, yo, you know what's crazy? What? The people that like act poor and they're like begging on the side of the road and they're like... That's a thing? Yo, okay. So they act poor. Yeah. And some people go and like, they have like a car next to them. Like they have a car in the parking lot. Yeah? Yeah. There's a bunch of stories. So they're just pretending and then you're just trying to get free money. Yeah. Yeah.

Damn, bro. That's sad. Why would you do that? Yeah, because like there's some beggars that make bare dollars a day, like bare. Because some people will come up and give them like a hundred, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some of them will give them a five. Yeah. And then maybe you'll get someone that's super rich give you like a thousand dollars. Yeah. Because they want you to be better. Yeah.

That's taking advantage of like good people. Exactly. Well, like that's, that's what's happening sometimes, bro. Like I was talking to a friend today and he was like, yo, I keep seeing this guy downtown, but he comes down to PK. What? And then we're like, okay.

Okay. And he's just like... Yo. He keeps... Like, he keeps... He's odd, though. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. And he's like a druggie. Yeah. So, you see him, like, use it for drugs. You know what I'm saying? Like, is that right to give him the money? Or is it wrong? You know what I'm saying? See, that's the thing. Because, like, we're not obliged to give to them. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're not...

it's not we don't need to it's up to us whether we decide to or not yeah but ultimately it's up to them what they do with the money they get yeah because like if we just keep giving that person money and all they're doing is just bringing them lower or getting them deeper in a hole that they can't get out of then in a sense like we're doing that wrong we're doing wrong yeah so maybe what's worth more instead of us giving to them maybe what's worth more is giving them opportunities

Let's say opportunities to learn, like, how he can get out of his situation or opportunities to, like, see things differently. But what about those ones where, like, they choose to be like that, bro? Because, like, there's this one place that I always go to, and it's, like, right by Lake Ontario, you know? And, like, there's this one little parking lot that you can go into. Yeah. And, bro, this guy's just been there for, like, since the beginning of COVID. Yeah. Yeah.

And like, he's like a little bit bigger, but like we're, we're trying to decide if we should give him money or not because he's just been sitting in the one spot, but he's living in his car. You know what I'm saying? Is he choosing to be live like that? Or is he, or is he like down on his luck? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It's hard to tell sometimes. It's hard to tell sometimes. We sit there sometimes, right? Yeah. We sit there. We're just chilling. We're just, cause there's a nice Pokemon go stop there. I'm playing Pokemon go.

And bro, he's just sitting there and then you see like a car go by and we'll park up right next to him, you know? Yeah. And then you talk to him, talk to him, talk to him. And then you might see him like get something out of it. You know what I'm saying? So like, I'm not sure if he's just sitting there cause he started knowing people would come to him and like give him the money. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So he could just live there. But like, is it his, is, is that his choice to sit there or is he just trying to do it to get, get something out of it, get something out of it?

You know what I'm saying? Because there's a lot of people in the world that try to take advantage of... Yeah. Or even... Sometimes maybe that's all they know. Yeah. Maybe that's all they know. Because they don't know any better, right? Yeah. Which is sad, like... Yeah, there really is, like... I just can't get down to the level that, like, some of these people are at. You know what I'm saying? Like...

Like if I was dead broke, would I actually do, do what they're doing? You know what I'm saying? But it's hard because you don't know their situation. You don't know exactly the situation. Yeah. Like who knows what if it's worse than what you see? It's even worse, right? Like you don't know. What if, what if they're, they're being dogged on by like people that they owe money to you? Right. Right. Right. Like,

Like what if What if they owe money To like a dealer There's so many different Like variables Like we can't really That's why it's so hard to help Right It's so hard to help Yeah it's so hard to help Like Cause they really have to Be able to help themselves too It's always like It always comes down to We can We can help It's like bringing a horse To water right You can bring a horse to water But you can't make the horse drink Yeah

It's kind of the same as like You can help someone be better But it's up to them If they want to be better Yeah Just like addicts Like It's all up to them If they want to Change what they're doing You know Yeah Like

Like, you can show them the brighter future, but it really is up to that person, right? Yeah, yeah. It's really up to that person. Like, there's so many things that, like, can go... Like, it could be, like, his fault. Like, you know, it might be, like, it might be, like, his choice, you know? But, like, his choice might have been to be there. But, like, is it for the long run or is it for, like, the short term, you know?

I know. Yeah. See, there's so many variables. There's so many variables. So many, so many, so many. Like, what if that was his way of coping with a certain situation with his family, a certain situation? Like, he chose that instead of killing himself. You know? There's so many different variables. Yeah. And every single person is different, so it's hard to, like, put them under that same umbrella. For real, for real. Oh, yeah. Let's change the topic. It's getting heated. Yeah, let's change the topic. Yeah, it's getting heated on that one.

On the other note, you have any other like theories and shit you want to talk about? No really theories, but you know what's interesting about me? What? You know, my grandfather was a politician. Oh yeah? Yeah. Where, where in? In Guyana. In Guyana. In Guyana. Yeah. A politician. And like, you know, like back in Guyana, back home.

It was crazy. It's just crazy. Like, I never really got to meet my grandfather too much because he was like... He was busy all the time? I'm not too sure. You know what I'm saying? Because like... It's hard to see him. It's hard to see him. Like, he just... He didn't like Canada. He didn't want to like... It's really iffy, you know? Yeah. There's so much stuff that's happened because he was a politician that like, I don't think it would have happened if like, he wasn't, you know? Yeah. For one, like, it's kind of like a heavy situation, but he actually got shot one time. Oh, shit. And...

And my And my grandma Died from it still Oh shit Yeah It's kind of fucked up Like Back then Wait what happened? There was like A bunch of rebels You know Or not rebels Fucking Bandits Bandits Yeah yeah There was a big There was a big Jailbreak Yeah And a bunch of bandits Got out of jail So A couple of those bandits Went to the politician Cause at that time My uncle switched parties Or my Not my uncle My grandfather switched parties You know Yeah yeah And he

He like He got into like a A beef A beef I think You know And they just came And like My grandma was called in To go to Guyana Yeah And like Next thing you know My mom gets the phone call And like We're all like Whoa What What's next What

So they, they like pulled up on that. Yeah. They just pulled up on like my, my grandfather had like a nice like mansion kind of like, it's like a compound, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And like, he had like guard dogs. He had like a nice wall and like everything, you know? And it was like on the sea on, uh,

Like along the The shoreline The shoreline you know Yeah So they came in On boat I think And they And they started shooting up the place The guard dogs just like Fuck The guard dogs cut you know Yeah And then next thing you know Boom Like they get into the The compound Yeah And they get into the place And they see my My grandma And then They're like Yo give me all the money Blah blah blah And then

I guess my grandma didn't want to give them the money. Yeah. Yeah. So it was like a hundred K in the safe us or some shit, you know? It's like, they like take the money, they shoot my grandfather and then they shoot my, uh, like they shoot my grandfather and like his waist or something, you know, his leg or something. Yeah. Cause he's the politician. So, and then they just went to my grandma and boom,

shot her and then fucking she she like was next to this dog yeah that grew up with her you know like grew up like in her like when she was like 30 you know she bought it and then like the the dog grew attached to her and whatnot and she died right next to the dog and the dog died too you know they shot the dog too like they're so like messed up you know that's messed up like they

When I saw it, when I found out about this. Yeah. Like, my mom would never tell me, like, what was going on, what was going on, you know? Like, that stuff was going down, you know? And then I found it out through a news article, bro.

bro no way yeah so you didn't even hear from me hear it from my mom and whatnot bro it was crazy bro that's crazy i was sitting there yeah i'm like i'm looking in class i'm reading up on on my my mom's side it's the name you know yeah i'm like okay blah blah blah i'm reading to it and next thing you know i'm like that's how my grandma that's where my grandma is bro

You know? Cause I always thought Since a little kid I always thought that Like Till I was like Like six or something You know? Yeah yeah

I found out that not everyone only has, I thought everyone had only one set of grandparents. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, I would only, I only saw my grandparents on my mom's side. You only saw your mom's side. Oh no. I only saw my dad's side. Okay. Yeah. But like on my mom's side, I only saw them like when I was a baby, you know? So like when, when I grew up, I was like, did you grow up in Guyana? No, no, no, no, no. I grew up here. Right. Yeah. But I,

I got taken out to Guyana when I was little. And actually my grandparents wanted me to stay out in Guyana with them. Oh yeah? So like, that would have been crazy. I would have had a Guyanese accent and whatnot. That would have been crazy. But that didn't happen. And uh,

Yeah. So, like, I barely knew that that happened. I was sitting in class and, like, I just seen it. Damn, that's crazy. I always thought that, like, everyone had, like, one set of grandparents, bro. And I was like, whoa. When I found out, you know, that, like, everyone has two, like, I was just like, the world, like...

damn you were young when you heard this dude yeah i was just like whoa this is this is how the world really is you know like everything just hit me you know that's like that's hard to like to hear yeah sometimes life just like hits you you know like yeah it just hits you and like you like you have to get up from it and like move on or like you just end up struggling with it like throughout your whole life you know what i'm saying yeah that's so true bro like i'm i tried to like or right now as i'm trying i'm trying to like go on with it you know what i'm saying because like i didn't really know my grand my

My grandma, right? Yeah. Like, one day, my grandparents and my grandpa that, like, I do know are going to pass away, you know? And it happens. It's the life cycle, you know? Yeah, yeah. And, like, what's going to happen when, like, our parents die, you know what I'm saying? That's going to be crazy, bro. Like, death is fucked.

That's why you have to cherish every single moment you have, you know? You have to really acknowledge, like, the time and take advantage of the time you have with them. Yeah. Because it's not forever. That's why I always want to stay, like, conscious, bro. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I know some people that, like, are...

used to always just want to be like blocked out you know like yeah like some next drug you know yeah yeah i'd be like yo bro how are you living like this bro you know like this is not life yeah you don't even know what you're doing you're living out like a zombie and then you wake up like like a month later and you're like you wasted all that time all that time's gone and then your your brain's even more fucked up too because you just lost all that time

Yeah. And you put yourself into a position where it's like, it's not, that's not what life should be. Yeah. And then your brain's messed up because of all the drugs too, you know? Yeah. And then like, just life is crazy, bro. Life's crazy, fam. Life's crazy. Like, I'm just trying to cherish it, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, for real. Like, so important. You have to, you have to. Yeah.

yeah like it's not about like materialistic stuff i tried to like like yes like that's gonna bring you like happiness for that one start you know yeah i always preach that i always preach you always do like and like it's not gonna like what's what's what's more valuable like materialistic or experience right the experiences you have with your family experiences you have with your friends yeah memories you make memories rather than having like

Fuck PS5 Yeah I'd rather be broke And like Have like My like People around me You know what I'm saying Yeah They can help me out Whenever you know what I'm saying Then me being like rich And like me being all alone You know That's true Yeah If I was like rich and all alone Like What's it for What's it for bro Yeah I wanna do it And then like Be like eating like Shush kebabs With my team and whatnot You know what I'm saying Like just being like happy And whatnot You know Like bam Like urgh Yeah

You know what I'm saying? Like, just being, like, happy, bro. But, like, life's not always happy, you know what I'm saying? There's ups and downs, but you gotta find... You really have to find, like, what's in it for you. You have to find, like, how you can find the best out of life, you know? It's really up to you to find that path, like, how you want to live. It's not gonna be...

It's not going to be easy road. It may be bumpy, but it's up to you whether you're just going to hold it like that or if you're going to choose your own path and make it something else out of it. Right. Yeah, for sure. Like most of the time people are just going with the flow, you know, and I find that's like like that's something that you'd say if like you didn't have anything like plan, you know. Yeah. If you like aren't thinking about you because you have to find you, you have to find your way. Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Cause it may be a go with the flow type of situation. Like if, if you're still not sure, but you always have to be curious. You have to be always be like trying to, trying to be better yourself. Trying to always better yourself. Yeah. It's not like go with the flow and I'm in the same situation where I'm drinking every single day. I'm smoking every single day and I'm not improving at it.

Yeah. You know, it's all about making it like the best each day, you know, doing your best each day, you know? Yeah. That's why I like preaching, you know, like every single day you look at it and you're like, bro, am I improving today? Like I just recently started writing a journal. Yeah. And in it, I'm like, yo, did I, did I improve or did I like go down some, some way, you know? And when you write the journal, you could like self reflect crazy, bro. Like,

Yeah, you learn a lot from yourself. Yeah, it's crazy. If you go back and read some of it. Because you're reading your thoughts. You're reading your mind. Yeah, your mind. You could see where your mind was really at. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. And you could find out where your mind was thinking. You could reflect back at the same time and be like, yo, was this proper? Was this iffy? Was what I was doing beneficial or something that I shouldn't have done at all?

you know? Yeah. That's so true, bro. So true. That's how I think about gambling all the time, bro. Yeah. Especially when I'm down, down. I'm just like, like, it feels nice when you're up, you know? Like, yeah, I've been up like, like Iraq, you know? And then I get greedy fam. And like, I keep on wanting more. And then that's how you lose. That's how you lose it all. You know, that's how I lose. I'm like, bro, I'm, I got to this rack. I think I can make it to a million. You know what I'm saying? Cause you get greedy. You get super greedy, bro. And then you're like, bro,

it's not worth it fam it's not worth it all right we're running a little out of time but um i wanna i wanna hit you with some theories real quick okay okay okay do you know the the door of the explorer theory the order of the explore let me hear it i might know it i might know it all right so there's this theory that the reason dora the explorer is allowed to like adventure off and go on these adventures with like boots is

is because her father is a cartel leader that pretty much owns like the whole area and she's the daughter of this cartel boss so no one except for swiper except for swiper

not because like look if you really beg there's no other adults that bother her it's just like animals and yeah the theory is that dora is this daughter of like this cartel leader that's why like you never see any other people come after her you never see like any other adults in the in the show yeah i guess so i guess so yeah this is a crazy theory that's crazy that's crazy that's crazy that's a crazy one yeah and what if what if the reason like she sees all these crazy magical stuff like we're talking animals what if she took like a little bit of the supply

I'm his last of sons I'm his last of sons I'm not gonna lie

Let me think. I think I have some. I think I have some. You have one? Nah, like I was watching, I was watching like a bunch of videos on theories before I came on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I had to. I had to. I had to. I had to. Dude, you watch a regular show, right? The one with the Blue Jay. Yeah, with the Blue Jay, Mordecai, and Rigby. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's this whole theory that regular show was based off an LSD trick. Like all the magical shit they see, all of the crazy spectacular stuff that happens in the show is because they're tripping balls off.

Okay. All right, listen, listen. So the first ever like tester video, like a test or like a test of the show was pretty much this, this, um, it's like a short film called, no, like not even a short film, like a short clip called, um, 3 a.m. in the p.m. And pretty much what it was or 2 a.m. in the p.m. So pretty much what it was, it was like, uh, the gumball machine Benson. Mm-hmm.

And Mordecai, they were pretty much like humans. And they were just talking in the gas station, talking about whatever. And then Mordecai gives him LSD in like a candy. And he takes LSD in a candy. And then they start tripping balls. And he turns into a blue jay. And he turns into a gumball machine. And then they see like magical shit. Oh, wow.

So maybe the whole show is just like them tripping off balls. That's why they see all that. That makes sense. Like a lot of cartoons these days though, are like basically like, like, like something that you could like watch off of like shrooms or like, yeah. Yeah. I feel like that's what they do on purpose. Yeah. That's what they do on purpose. They make it like, like, cause like when they like look into a child's mind, it's like, it's like more scattered, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, it has to be a lot more dulled down, you know, like, but like,

when they made it. Because they're so creative. Yeah. It's so like out there. Yeah, it's so out there, bro. It's like, it's like, what's that, what's that one, the,

With the cat in the hat, bro. Oh, yeah. The cat in the hat. Yeah. Like Dr. Seuss. Yeah, that's crazy. Dr. Seuss is crazy, bro. I hear he was off of it, bro. Yeah, he definitely like, he was definitely on something. He was on something, bro. Like, I'm pretty sure it was like some hallucinogens and whatnot. Word. Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised. I would not be. I have to look into that still. I'm pretty sure that's why like all the trees are like. Oh. Swirls and whatnot.

Yo, I just took that in. Like all of the trees are like colorful. Yeah. And it's like wavy. Yeah. Yo, I never really bagged that. Yeah, fam. I gotta look more into that one. That's a good theory. All right, we're hitting two hours. Let's cut it. All right, thanks for coming in, bro. No problem, bro. So glad you came through. It's nice to see you again, fam. It's an honor to be here, bro. It's an honor to be here on this. I might have to do some shout outs though. All right, go ahead. Yeah, shout out. Shout out Boof. Shout out BJ. Shout out.

Seamus or Keon Shoutout Nick

I have a whole list. All right, that's good. All right. Everyone out there, if I miss you, my dad. Shout out to your dudes at least. Shout out mom and dad. Shout out my dudes, my mom and dad. Thank you. Thank you for birthing me. You know, you're the ones. All right. Thank you everyone for showing up to episode, I think it's episode 13. But thanks for coming through, fam. If you guys want to follow Logan on Instagram, I'll link it in the bio, whatever you want. But yeah, thanks for watching. You guys are the best. Greatest supporters in the world. Jumpers jump out.
