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How Trump Built His Coalition

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Carlos Odio
Sarah Longwell
Dan Pfeiffer: 本期节目探讨了2024年美国中期选举的结果,以及民主党失利的原因。重点关注了选民的观点,并邀请了Sarah Longwell和Carlos Odio两位专家进行分析。 Sarah Longwell:长期以来,通货膨胀和生活成本高企是选民最关心的问题,这导致了广泛的不满情绪。此外,全球局势动荡、移民问题等因素也对民主党造成了不利影响。民主党未能有效争取白人选民,特别是未受过大学教育的白人女性的支持。许多选民尽管不喜欢特朗普本人,但出于对经济的担忧或对现状的不满,仍然选择投票给他。共和党成功地将不同种族和教育背景的非大学学历选民团结起来,而民主党则更依赖受过大学教育的郊区选民。拜登的竞选策略存在风险,例如他本人以及他选择哈里斯为副总统,这导致选民缺乏选择,影响了竞选结果。民主党在媒体策略上过于保守,应该尝试更多非传统方式,例如在Joe Rogan等非传统媒体平台上与选民沟通。民主党过于关注小众文化问题,导致与普通民众脱节。 Carlos Odio:特朗普在拉丁裔选民中的支持率大幅上升,这可能预示着选民结构的重新调整。虽然拉丁裔选民的支持率变化显著,但这并不是特朗普获胜的主要原因。民主党在移民问题上的立场是一个弱点,他们应该更早地采取行动解决这个问题。选民认为特朗普会优先考虑经济,这影响了他们的投票选择。民主党应该更积极地驳斥特朗普的移民政策,并将其与经济问题联系起来。 Sarah Longwell: 对2024年美国中期选举结果的深入分析,指出通货膨胀、移民问题以及民主党在争取白人选民方面的不足是导致失利的主要原因。同时,她还批评了民主党在媒体策略和信息传递方面的保守和缺乏创新,以及对小众文化议题的过度关注。她认为,拜登不应该再次竞选,并且民主党应该更早地关注经济问题,并采取更有效的媒体策略来争取选民。 Carlos Odio: 对拉丁裔选民投票行为变化的分析,指出虽然拉丁裔选民的投票发生了显著变化,但这并不是导致特朗普获胜的决定性因素。他强调,民主党需要更深入地了解拉丁裔选民的需求和担忧,并针对性地调整策略。他还指出,民主党在移民问题上的沟通存在不足,未能有效回应选民的关切。 Dan Pfeiffer: 对中期选举结果的总结和对未来方向的展望。他强调了民主党需要改进媒体策略,更有效地接触和沟通,特别是那些对政治参与度较低的选民。他还指出,民主党需要重新评估其信息传递方式,并学习如何与那些在非传统媒体平台上获取信息的选民进行沟通。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why were voters particularly frustrated in the recent election cycle?

Voters were primarily frustrated by inflation, which was the number one issue mentioned in focus groups. High costs of living, especially housing, were also significant sources of frustration.

What are the global factors influencing voter sentiment according to the podcast?

The podcast highlights post-COVID inflation and immigration as key global factors affecting voter sentiment. These issues contributed to a general sense of dissatisfaction among voters.

How did the Democrats manage to defeat Bush's attempt to privatize Social Security?

Democrats unified against Bush's move to privatize Social Security, making it a central issue in the media. They effectively communicated that Bush was going against his promises, leading to his defeat.

What advice does the podcast give for dealing with Trump's potential overreach?

The podcast advises to let Trump make mistakes due to his lack of discipline and competence. It emphasizes the importance of being prepared and hopeful for future battles.

What role do focus groups play in understanding voter sentiment?

Focus groups provide direct insights from voters, helping to identify key issues like inflation and housing costs that significantly impact their decisions.

The conversation explores why the Democratic media strategy failed to connect with less engaged voters and the importance of reaching out to non-traditional media platforms.
  • Democrats failed to reach less engaged voters effectively.
  • Non-traditional media platforms like Joe Rogan's podcast are crucial for reaching a broader audience.
  • Democrats need to build their own media ecosystem similar to the right-wing media.

Shownotes Transcript

The best way to understand what happened on Tuesday is to listen to what the actual voters have been saying. Dan checks back in with two strategists who run focus groups with key parts of the electorate: Sarah Longwell of The Bulwark, who's been talking to Trump-curious swing voters for months, and Carlos Odio of Equis Research, an expert on the Latino vote. Sarah and Carlos discuss some of the warning signs that were blinking red long before last week, and how we can recognize them—and act on them—in the future.