cover of episode 482. The French Revolution: The Royal Family Escapes (Part 8)

482. The French Revolution: The Royal Family Escapes (Part 8)

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The Rest Is History

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Dominic: 本集讲述了法国大革命期间路易十六世和玛丽·安托瓦内特试图逃离巴黎的惊险故事。这次逃亡是欧洲历史上最戏剧性的事件之一,标志着法国从君主制向共和国转变的又一个转折点。逃亡计划由瑞典伯爵阿克塞尔·冯·费尔森制定,但由于计划过于复杂,参与人员众多,且马车过于显眼,增加了被发现的风险。此外,路易十六世和玛丽·安托瓦内特对法国的实际情况缺乏了解,对人民的忠诚度抱有不切实际的幻想,最终导致计划失败。 Tom: 本集详细描述了王室逃亡的经过,以及逃亡计划失败的原因。路易十六世和玛丽·安托瓦内特在逃亡过程中表现出优柔寡断和缺乏决断力的性格特点,这使得他们错失了多次脱身的机会。此外,法国社会已经发生了巨大的变化,即使在偏远地区,民众也更加倾向于支持革命,而不是效忠王室。王室逃亡的失败,也预示着法国君主制的终结,以及共和国时代的到来。

Deep Dive

La Revolución Francesa estaba en marcha y París rebosaba de libertad política. Los periodistas radicales daban el tono con un populismo que contrastaba con la virtud del pueblo y la nación. La Asamblea Nacional trabajaba en una nueva constitución, replanteándose el gobierno, la ley y la democracia, pero muchos nobles y sacerdotes abandonaron la asamblea, preocupados por la dirección que tomaba la revolución.
  • París experimentaba una atmósfera de libertad política sin límites.
  • Periodistas radicales como Desmoulins y Marat daban forma a la opinión pública.
  • La Asamblea Nacional se centraba en la creación de una nueva constitución.
  • Nobleza y clero abandonaban la asamblea, mostrando su descontento con la revolución.

Shownotes Transcript

Twelve months after the dramatic Women’s March on Versailles, the Revolution proper was well into its stride, and while Paris overflowed with a sense of unbridled political freedom, the King and Queen were little more than prisoners in their echoing palace. For the past year Louis XVI had feigned cooperation with the National Assembly, all the while torn by his profound Catholicism and frozen by indecision about how to overcome his predicament. Then at last, following a traumatic experience over the easter of 1791, something changed and the contingency plan formulated several months earlier, was put into action. With the help of a disguised Axen Von Fersen, the royal couple and their children would flee to Belgium in an enormously ostentatious carriage. The date for their escape was set for the 20th of June, but before leaving Louis poured his hatred of the revolution into a letter, which if found would surely spell his political doom…that night the royal family, replete with accomplices, deceptions and disguises, set their audacious plan into action. What ensued was a heart-racing cat-and-mouse thriller of near misses, foolhardy naivety and extraordinary encounters, with appalling consequences…

Join Dominic and Tom for the thrilling conclusion to their astounding series on the early years of the French Revolution. With the King and Queen of France on the run from the nightmare their lives have become, will they make it across the border to freedom? Or, will they get caught and devoured by the ravenous hoards of the Revolution? 

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Tom and Dominic, accompanied by a live orchestra, take a deep dive into the lives and times of two of history’s greatest composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.

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Producer: Theo Young-Smith

Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor

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