cover of episode 454. Fall of the Sioux: Death of Crazy Horse (Part 1)

454. Fall of the Sioux: Death of Crazy Horse (Part 1)

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The Rest Is History

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Tom: 小比格霍恩战役的胜利是拉科塔人最后的辉煌,此后他们分裂,美国政府加紧镇压,最终走向悲剧。诗歌《疯狂马之死》反映了疯狂马作为抵抗象征的形象。 Dominic: 拉科塔人的分裂是他们失败的关键因素,即使团结一致,他们也难以对抗美国政府强大的军事力量。美国政府利用小比格霍恩战役的失败,获得了更多资源和权力,加剧了对印第安人的镇压。 Tom: 美国政府通过罢免红云,扶持斑点尾等手段,瓦解了拉科塔人的团结,并利用不同部落之间的矛盾,将他们联合起来对抗坐牛和疯狂马。 Dominic: 迈尔斯将军的冬季追捕行动,以及钝刀之战等事件,对印第安人造成了巨大的损失,摧毁了他们的文化遗产和生活方式。美国将军们虽然在行动中表现冷酷无情,但在事后也表达了对印第安人遭遇的遗憾。 Tom: 坐牛和疯狂马是最后坚持抵抗的两位重要领导人,他们最终都走向了失败。坐牛前往加拿大,但最终还是返回美国投降。疯狂马在寻求精神指引失败后,也选择了投降,但最终被杀害。 Dominic: 疯狂马的死亡是整个故事中最悲惨的事件,他被自己的同族背叛,死于非命。他的死体现了印第安人与美国政府之间力量悬殊的现实,以及印第安人内部的矛盾与分裂。 Tom: 坐牛在加拿大寻求庇护,但最终因资源匮乏和加拿大原住民的敌视而返回美国投降。他在美国成为传奇人物,但最终在保留地度过了余生。

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Though the Battle of the Little Bighorn seemed for the triumphant Lakota and their allies - the largest gathering of Plains Indians ever assembled - a miraculous victory, it was for them the beginning of the end. A great council was held near the battlefield in which they made the fateful decision to split up. Meanwhile, in Washington, Custer’s death and the military defeat of the army was being politicised, and the public rallied against the Lakota. Red Cloud, their political leader through so many of their struggles, was replaced with a puppet interloper. Then, during the winter of 1877, a contingent of ruthless and fiercely effective U.S. officers, including General Crook and General Miles, chased and harried the retreating Sioux contingents through the snows, leaving them starving, beleaguered and desperate. At last, in March 1877 the once formidable war chiefs Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull found themselves cornered, and their people left with little choice but to admit defeat. What then would be their fate?

Join Dominic and Tom as they discuss the annihilation of the Plains Indians and the dissolution of their extraordinary culture and nomadic way of life, along with the tragic death and downfall of one of the most mesmerising and mysterious characters of the entire story: Crazy Horse. 

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Producer: Theo Young-Smith

Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor

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