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Murder In America

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
由于主持人Colin和Courtney都患上了流感,导致本周无法发布完整的节目内容。为了弥补,他们决定在Instagram上进行一次直播互动,时间为今晚6点(东部标准时间),届时将与听众进行问答,讨论节目内容,并透露一些令人兴奋的未来计划和公告。尽管两人都服用抗生素,但病情好转缓慢,但这并没有影响他们与听众互动的热情。他们期待与听众面对面交流,并解答听众的疑问。 由于身体原因,本周没有发布完整的节目,但为了感谢听众的支持,主持人将在Instagram上进行直播互动,分享一些幕后的故事,并与听众进行交流。直播中将公布一些令人期待的未来计划和公告,并解答听众提出的问题。虽然身体不适,但主持人仍然很高兴能与听众见面,并期待与大家进行一次愉快的互动。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hey everybody, it's Colin here. So if you don't follow us on Instagram, you don't follow us on social media, you might not know, but this week Courtney and I got the flu. It's been really, really rough for both of us. We lost our voices. This is actually the first day that I actually have some form of a voice back, but we're still feeling pretty rough. But to make it up to you guys, since we're not going to be releasing a full episode today, we're going to be releasing a full episode of the

I want you guys to come join us on our Instagram at Murder in America at 6 o'clock p.m. Eastern Standard Time. So that'd be 5 o'clock Central.

You can come ask us questions. We can talk about episodes. We're going to be revealing some exciting new plans for our future and making some announcements. So if you want to come through, that's going to be tonight at 6 o'clock p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Once again, all you have to do is follow us at Murder in America on Instagram to see the live. But yeah,

This week has been really, really rough. We both are on antibiotics, but for some reason they aren't really working. But we're excited to say hi to everybody, to meet y'all kind of face to face and to have this discussion. So come by, stop by. It's tonight. And yeah, we can't wait to see y'all there. And we will talk soon.