cover of episode EP. 94 TEXAS - The University of Texas Tower Shooting (PT 1)

EP. 94 TEXAS - The University of Texas Tower Shooting (PT 1)

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Courtney Brown 和 Colin Brown:本集讲述了1966年发生在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的大学塔枪击案,这是美国历史上最早也是最严重的大规模枪击案之一。事件的发生者是25岁的查尔斯·惠特曼,他因精神疾病和家庭暴力等因素的影响,最终导致了这场悲剧。节目详细回顾了惠特曼的童年、家庭生活、海军陆战队经历以及大学生活,并分析了他精神状态的恶化过程,以及他最终做出极端行为的原因。节目还探讨了枪支暴力和心理健康等社会问题。 Charles Whitman(通过遗书):惠特曼在自杀遗书中描述了他长期遭受的非理性想法和暴力冲动,以及他杀害妻子和母亲的原因。他承认自己无法控制这些想法,并表达了对自身行为的困惑和悔恨。 Courtney Brown 和 Colin Brown:惠特曼的童年经历充满了父亲的严格管教和暴力倾向,以及母亲的顺从。这些经历可能对他的心理健康和后来的行为产生了深远的影响。在海军陆战队服役期间,惠特曼表现出色,尤其是在射击方面。然而,退役后,他面临着学业、婚姻和经济上的压力,这些压力加剧了他的精神疾病,最终导致他做出无法挽回的举动。

Deep Dive

The podcast introduces Charles Whitman, a former Marine and architecture student, and sets the stage for the UT Tower shooting, one of the first mass shootings in American history.

Shownotes Transcript

At approximately 11:35 am on August 1, 1966, Charles Whitman arrived at the University of Texas at Austin campus where he posed as a research assistant and told a security guard he was there to deliver equipment. He climbed twenty-eight floors of the UT tower and emerged on the observation deck where for ninety-six minutes he opened fire on innocent people below. In those ninety-six minutes, Whitman killed sixteen people, and injured thirty-one. The incident, which became known as the "UT Tower Sniper" shooting, was one of the first high-profile mass shootings in American history and sparked a national conversation about gun violence and mental health. The Texas Tower shooting remains one of the most brutal mass shootings in United States history, and was considered the deadliest on a college campus until the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007. This is the story of Charles Whitman and you are listening to Murder in America.

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